FREELAND TRIBUNE. VOL. XII. NO. 40. RAILROAD TIMETABLES LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. February 5, 1899. ARRANGEMENT OK PASSENGER TRAINS. LEAVE PUB ELAND. 6 20 a m for Weathorly, Munch Chunk, Allciiiown. Bethlehem, Euston, Phila delphia and New York. 7 40 a in for Sandy Run, White Haven, Wilkes-liar re, Pittston and Scrauton. 8 20 a m for Weutherly, Munch Chunk. Al lcntown, lietlilchcin, Euston, Philadel phia, New York and Huzleton. 0 33 a in for llu/.lcton, .Muhuiioy City, Shen andoah, vit. funnel, Shiuiiokin and Pottsvillo. 1145a m lor Sandy Hun, White Haven,! Wilkes- Barre, So run toil and all points ; 4 36 |> ni for liu/.leton, Maliunoy City, Shen andoah, Mt. funnel, Shumokiii and Pottsvillo. 6 34 P ni for Sandy Hun, White Haven, Wilkes-llurre and Serantou. 7 27 p ni for Huzleton, Mahanoy City, Shon uiidouti, Mt. Cariuei, Shainokiu. ARRIVE AT FREELAND. 7 20 u in from Ashland, Shenandoah Muhu iioy City and Ha/Jetou. 7 40 a in from Pottsvillo, Ashland, Shenan doah, Maliaue- City and lla/Jcton. 9 17 am from P 1 dolphin, Euston, Itethle hem, Allen. ~ Munch Chunk, Weath orly, llu/.lcton. Mahanoy City, Shenan doah, .ML Carniel and Shamokin. 9 33 a m from Serantou, Wjikes-liarre and White Haven. 1145a in from Potts vi lie, Shamokin, Mt. Carmel, Sbeuandouh, Muhuiioy City . uial Huzleton. 4 3& }> ni from Serantou, Wilkes-Barre and While Haven. 6 34 l> ni l'roin Now York, Philadelphia, Euston, Bethleheiii, A1 lent own, Potts villo, Shumokiii, Mt. Carinel, Shenan doah. Mahanoy City and ila/.leton. 7 27 P ni lrotu Serantou,'Wilkes-Barre and White Haven. For further information inquire of Ticket Agents. LtOLLIN H. WILBUR, General Superintendent. CHAS. S. LEE, Oen'i Pass. Agent. 20 Cortlandt Street, New York City. " I HIE DELAWARE, SUSQUEHANNA ANI> J. SCHUYLKILL RAILROAD. Time table In effect April 18, 1897. Trains leave Drifton tor Jeddo, Eckley, Ilazle Brook, Stockton, Beaver Meadow Road, Roan and Ha/.leton Junction at SHO, 0(X) am, daily except Sunday; and 7 03 a m, 2 08 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Drifton for Hnrwood, Cranhurry, Toinhiekun and Deri 11 gor at 530, 600 a in, daily except Suutlay; and 7 03 a in, 23b p in, Sun day. Trains leave Drifton for Oneida Junction, Garwood Road, Humboldt Road, Oneida and Sheppton at 0 (X) a in, daily except Sun day; and 7 03 a m, 2 38 p in, Sunday. Trains leave Hu/.lcton Junction for Harwood, Cranberry, Tom hie ken and Deringer at 0 85 a m, daily except Sunday; and 8 53 a m, 4 22 p in, Sunday. Trains leave Ha/Jeton Junction for Oneida Junction, Harwood Road, Humboldt Road, Oneida and Sheppton at 0 32,11 10 a in, 411 p in, daily except Sunday; and 7 37 a in, 311 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Deringor for Tomhlck *n, Cran berry, Harwood, Huzleton Junction and Roan at 2 25, 6 40 p m, daily except Suuday; ana :• 37 a in, 5 07 p in, Sunday. Trains leave Sheppton for Oneida, Humboldt Road, Harwood Road, Oneida Junction, Huzle ton Junction and Roan at 7 11 am, 12 40, 622 p ra, daily except Sunday; and 8 11 a in, 3 41 p in, Sunday. Trains leave Sheppton for Beaver Meadow Road, Stockton, llazlo Brook, Eckley, Jeddo and Dril'ton at 5 22 p in, daily, except Sunday; and 8 II a m, 3 44 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Huzleton Junction for Beaver Meadow Road, Stockton, Ilazle Brook, Eckley, Jeddo and Dril'ton at 5 45, 020 p m, daily, except Sunday; and 10 10 a in, 5 40 p in, Sunday. All truins connect at Ilazleton Junction witli electric cars for Huzleton, JeunosviHe, Audcn ried and other points on the Traction Com pany's line. Trains leaving Drifton at 5 30. 0 00 a m make connection at Deringer with P. R. R. trains for Wilkosbarre, Suubury, llurrisburg and points west. For the accommodation of passengers at way stations between Huzleton Junction and Der ingor, a train will leave the former point at 350 p in, daily, except Sunday, urrivlng at Deringcr at 5 (Xi p in. LUTHER C. SMITH, Superintendent. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. PUBLIC SALE OK REAL ESTATE. By virtue of an order of the orphans' court of Luzerne county, made at Wilkosbarre. on tho ninth day of October, 1809, John M. Powell, administrator of the estate of William D. Cowen, deceased, will sell at public sale on Saturday, November 25, at 10 o clock a. m., on the premises on the north side of Walnut street, in tho First ward, Freeland borough, the following real estate: All that certain lot of land situated on the north side of Walnut street, in the borough of Freeland, county ol' Luzerne, state of Pcnnsyl vaniiia, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at n distance of sixty feet from the corner northwest of Walnut and Washing ton streets, in said borough, thence extending westwurdly on and ulong said Walnut street thirty feet, and thence of the same width in depth or length extending northwardly one huudred and Hi'ty feet; being lot numbered 83, in square i), in the plan of the town of Free hold (Freeland) as recorded in the office for the recording of deeds in and for Luzerne county at Wilkesbarre, Pennsylvania, in Deed Book No. 43, puge 47, etc., saving and execut ing six feet on uial along the front of said lot along Walnut street which are hereby reserv ed and dedicated for a public sidewalk and also saving and excepting on und along the rear of said lot six feet which are hereby re served and dedicated for a public alley. Improved with a two-story, frame double dwelling and outbuildings. Terms of sale: SIOO down, balance in full on delivery of deed. John M. Powell, administrator. Chas. Orion Htroli, attorney. Freeland, Pa., November 1, 1899. SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ of 11. fa. issued out ol the court of common pleas of Luzerne county, Pennsylvania, there will he exposed to public sale on Saturday, December 2, 1899, at 10 o'clock a. m., in tlie arbitration room at the courthouse, Wilkes barre, Pennsylvania, all the light, title and interest of the defendants in and to the following described piece, parcel aud tract of land, viz.: All that certain lot of ground, being lot No. 12, of Squure No. 1,194, in the plan of Biuinoud addition to Huzleton, in Hazlo township, Luzerne county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described us follows: Beginning at a point being the southwest corner of Vine and Twentieth streets, thence southward along the west side of Vino street a distance of thirty-two (32) feet to the north ern line of lot No. 13, thence westward along the northern Hue of lot No. 13 a distance of two hundred (200) feet to the cast side of a twenty-feet wide alley, thenoe southward along the east side of suid alley a distance of thirty-two (32) feet to the south side of Twen tieth street, thence eastward along the south side of Twentieth street two hundred (200) feet to the point of beginuing, containing 8,400 square feet of surface. Improved with a small one-story stable, 11 feet oy 10 feet. Late the estate or the defendants named in said writ witii the appurtenauee. Seized and taken into execution at tho suit of Nazarlo Dursso vs. liaffuole Dungelo, Fraugcsco Dungelo. James G. Harvey, sheriff. Joseph 11. Jones, attorney. IFSTATE OF THUS. J. MOORE, late of JL Freeland borough, deceased. Letters of administration upon tho above named estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and tiiose having claims or demands to present tlie same, without delay, to Kate Moore. C'hus. Oriou Stroh, attorney. BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. PARAGRAPHS GATHERED FROM ALL PARTS OF THE REGION. Synopsis of I,■ ••• ;tI and Miscellaneous Oc currence* iiat ( <ai Do Read Quickly. I What the Folks of This and Other Towns Are Doing. A new timet able will go l n to effect on the Lehigh Valley Railroad next Sunday. Mrs. John Hudock, of South Centre street, was taken to Laurytown asylum on Monday. She is insane. Miss Amy Lee will appear in "A Determined Woman" at the Grand opera house next Wednesday evening. John M. Carr, N. 11. Rntter and M. Brewer have been appointed viewers on the opening of a public road in Ilazle township. Milton Rhodes, of South lleberton, was injured in Drifton mines on by a fall of coal, lie was severely cut about the arms and body. A number of tho business windows of town have artistic advertisements paint ed thereon, announcing tho coming of "Kidnapped in New York." MikeCholka. aged 35 years, a promi nent Hungarian of this section, died at his home in Sandy Run Tuesday night. The remains were interred this morning in the Greok Catholic cemetery. Dr. II M. Noalo, of Upper Lehigh, read a paper at the Medical Society meeting at Wilkosbarre last evening. His subject was, "The Dietetics of Acute Diseases of the Respiratory Tract." Morgan SHlitnan, aged 72 years, one of Ila/Jeton's most prominent citizens and for years identified with various mining enterprises in the Lehigh region, died suddenly on Tuesday of heart trouble. Tho Index finger on the right hand of Henry Miller was crushed in an air compressor at Drifton on Monday and it was found necessary to amputate tin; member, which was done by Dr. Noale ant! Dr. Brockett. The employes of G. B. Marklo Si Co., the Upper Lehigh Coal Company, M. S. Kern merer &, Co., I'ond Creek and Wyoming Coal Company and J. 8. Went/. Si Co. will receive their October earnings on Saturday. Michaol Kellog, a resident of MeAdoo. who is 86 years of age, was married at. McAdoo to Barbara Ripbo, aged 05 years. Kellog was a widower and lias been married several times. His bride is a native of Hungary. Confirmation services will be hold at St. James' I'. E. chapel on Sunday evening. Bishop Ethel T. Talbot, of South Bethlehem, will officiate. In the morning a class will be confirmed at St. James' church, Drifton. Diamond Bros.' Minstrels gave a first class show at the opera house Tuesday evening. They carry a corps of up-to date musicians and a number of special ists, and succeeded in giving satisfac tion to a fair-sized audience. Highland Social Club will hold a hop at Yannes' opera bouse Saturday even ing and the members promise a good time to all who attend. Tickets art) selling at 25 cents each. Music will be furnished by St. Ann's band. Nell McCauley and Miss Cassio O'Don noll, of McAdoo, were married yester day at Beaver Brook and spent part of the day here. They were tendered a supper last evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Purceli, North Ridge street. The indications are that the Grand opera house will be well filled this even ing to greet Edwin F. Brightbill, of Carlisle, who will lecture here under the auspices of the M, Si M. Institute. His subject will be, "A World Without a Fence." The Citizens' Hose Company at last evening's meeting decided to conduct a fair in Yannes'opera house from Janu uary 18 to February 1, 1900. Com mittees were appointed to attend to the matters in connection with tho fair. The soliciting committee will begin work in a week or two. At a special mooting the Hazle town ship school board decided to abandon the Cranberry school building and erect a new school house on safer ground. Mine Inspector Davios notified the board that the Cranberry building is liable to sink into tho mines at any moment, hence tho action of the directors. APPLICATION FOR CHARTER.-TH tho Court of Common Pleas for tho County of Luzerne. No. Jl2B, December Term, 1899. Notice is hereby given that an application will He made to the said court on Monday, the twenty-seventh day of November. 1899. at 2 o'elook p. m., under the "act to provide for the incorporation and regulation of certain corporations," approved April 29, 1874, and its supplements, for the charter of an intended corporation to be called, FOUIITII WARI> Ft HE COMPANY of Freeland Borough, Pennsylvania, the character and object, whereof is, the pro tection of property from tiro in the borough of Freeland, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits und privilogcs of said act of assetuHly and its sup plements. The proposed charter is now on ille In the prothonotary's office. Chas. Orion Stroll, solicitor. TTOR BALE.—Three Freeland Silk Mill Com- X 1 pany 5 per cent gold bonds; par value SSO each. For price apply at Tribune office. IYOR SALE.—One 5 per cent bond of Free -F land Overall Mnftg Company; par value SIOO. Apply at this office. FREELAND, PA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1899. Two Killed While Fighting. Despite the warning whistle and changing of the bell on a Philadelphia and Reading Railway express train Mon day night, near Shamokin, Joseph Zunak and Conrad Kondiak continued in a des perate fight on tho railroad tracks. Finally tho pilot of the locomotive, which was running forty miles an hour, tossed the combatants into the air. They landed jn front of the train and wore ground to pieces. The remains of the two men were found strewn along the track for 500 yards. The victims, young unmarried Hungar ians, had attended a christening during the day at Enterprise, and incurred each other's enmity. They walked down the Reading Railway a distance of seventy five yards from the station. Removing hats and coats, they started fighting. When the crew and passengers hur ried from tho cars to see what bad occurred a number of foreign residents from Enterprise assembled and began to make threats at the crew for not stopping in time to prevent the tragedy. The passengers kept the Hungarians back as the crew gathered the remains of tho victims and placed them in the station to wait for the arrival of an undertaker, after which the train pro ceeded to Williamsport. As the train passed through Shamokin a shoo worn by one of the dead men was found on the pilot. Married in Philadulpliia. At 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon John J. Gorman, of Freeland, and Miss Sallie A. McGarvey, of Philadelphia, were united in marriage at St. Patrick's Catholic church, in that city. After the ceremony the wedding party return ed to the home of the bride's mother on South Twenty-fourth street, where the newly-married couple received the con gratulations of their friends. A few hours later Mr. ar.d Mrs. Gorman left for Washington, D. C., where they will spend their honeymoon. The groom is a well-known and respected business man of town, and is engaged as general manager of the store of T. Campbell. The bride is an estimable young lady of the Quaker City, where she has a legion of friends. Roth have tho best wishes of the communities in which they reside. Mr. and Mrs. Gorman will arrive here the early part of next week, and will begin housekeeping immediately In a handsomely furnished home on North Ridge street. Itirtlulay A mil verxiiry. Forty-one young friends of Thalia I Koons, the young daughter of Mr. and | Mrs. H. C. Koons, were entertained ! yesterday afternoon at tho Cottage hotel, the occasion being the eighth annivorsary of tho birth of Thalia. The afternoon was pleasantly spent by tho little ones, and at tin conclusion of j the games and sports the entire group was photographed. Miss Koons receiv ed many pretty presents from her play mat,and friends. Rig ltank Dividends. The First National bank of Scr&nton has long been tho envy of investors. The regular quarterly dividend of 10 per cent has just been declared. The directors have also declared an extra dividend of 10 per cent. This makes, to the shareholders, dividends for the cur rent year amounting to 50 per cent on tho par value of their stock. This record is beaten by only two National banks, tho Chemical and the First, of New York city. Tho strike at Old Forge has been settled on tho miners' terms. They asked that a docking boss of their own number be appointed to act in conjunc tion with the company's docking boss at each of the two mines and that there bo no dockage for anything less than 500 pounds of dirty coal to the car. The miners say their cause was won by the women. James lirennan, of Coxe addition, who has been employed on the Long Island Railroad for two years past, will be married in the near future to Miss Rose McNulty, an estimable young lady who formerly resided hero but who is now living In Philadelphia. On Sunday next, Rev. W. C. Hall will preach at tho Primitivo Methodist church at the usual hours. Morning subject, "A Ileal Comfortor;" evening subject, "A Son That Pleased His Father." Services at 10.36 a. m. and 7 p. m. All are welcome. St. Stanislaus Koskl Society, one of the leading Polish societies of the region, will hold a ball at Yannes' opera house Tuesday evening. DePiorro's orchestra will furnish the music. Tho admission is only 25 cents. James Gallop, aged 57 years, a well known resident of Ilazleton, died this morning. He is survived by a wife and eight children. J. Hennett Smith, of Wilkosbarre, will lecture on "Geological Formation" at the M. Si M. Institute rooms tomorrow I evening. D. S. &S. engine No. 11 broke down ' near Eckley yesterday and had to be j hauled back to Drifton shops for repairs. I Gentlemen, for hats and caps go to A. ' Oswald's. lie has a nice variety. Operators to Aid New Road. The Individual Coal Operators' Asso ciation at Serantou ratified the action of their representative, Edward L. Ful ler, in combining their interests with the now Delaware Valley and Kingston Rail road, which is to bo the continuation of the Erie and Wyoming Valley Railroad from Lackawaxen to tidewater, by the route of the abandoned Delaware and Hudson canal. The projected railway of tho independent operators will there fore be abandoned. Tho Operators' Association will at once transfer to the new company the 9,000 tons of heavy steel rails delivered to them some months ago at last year's low prices, and these will suffice to construct nearly one-half of the new road. The Erie and Wyoming Valley Rail road, which is now placed in the strong est position possible for anthracite ton nage, will at once contract for upward of 1.000 large coal curs and no less than thirty big mogul locomotives, so as to be fully prepared for Its increased traffic when the new road is completed. With the tidewater facilities at Kings ton and Eastern markets at their com mand, Mr. Fuller said, in addressing tho operators, there was sure to be an incroased demand for anthracite. The new road, he further said, would tend to bring about considerable reductions in hard coal freights. Lu/.erne County Vote. The official count of the vote cast in Luzerne county on the 7th inst. has been completed and the results re turned to court. Tho pluralities of the highest candidates are as follows: State treasurer—Creasy, d, over Bar nott, r, 953. Supremo court judge—Brown, r, over Mestrezat, d, 456. Superior court judge—Mitchell, r, over Itielly, d, 487. Common pleas judge—llalsey, r-d, over Grutnbine, p, 25,519. Register—Mainwaring, r, over Lub rocht, d, 041. Treasurer—Kirkendall, d, over Raub, r, 1,512. Commissioners—Finn, d, over Jones, r, 1,190; over Ilay, r, 1,590; over Koons, d, 2,359; Jones over Hay, 400; over Koons, 1,169; Hay over Koons, 769. In the fourth district tbo pluralties were: Creasy, 495; Mestrezat, 282; Rielly, 254; Ilalsey, 4,033; Lubrecht, 1,500; Kirkendall, 635; Finn over Jones, 457; over Hay, 514; over Koons, 30; Koons over Jones, 427; over Hay, 484; Jones over Hay, 57. Wilketiburre Stowaways. A cable dispatch from Paris to tho New York World says: "On our last voyage from New York to Havre the French Liner La Brotagne brought in two girls, stowaways, who aro sisters, from Wilkesbarre, Pa., one of them being 18 and the other 20 years of ago. They couldn't afford to come to tho exposition next year, so they stowed away in the steamship's hold and came over in advance. They are prepossess ing lassies and when discovered and summoned before tho ship's captain they expressed an eagerness to work and wero finally hired to wait upon a group of wealthy feminine tourists, who brought tho girls here and have retained their services." Vlllanova Notes. Villanova, Pa., November 13. John Bonner played a vory good game of foot ball last Saturday at Wilming ton. He made the touchdown that won tho game. lie is one of Villanova's star players. Bernard McFaddon does not play on account of his hip. All tho students miss Barney because he is out of the game for tho season. Mutt Broderick is playing good ball on the second team. Matt is all right, only in height and weight. George Shigo is getting to be a star player as quarter back on the first team. Thomas Campbell has resigned as captain of the second team on account of his health. "Kidnapped In New York." "Kidnapped in New York," which comes to the Grand opera house Mon day evening, is spoken of as being one of the best comedy dramas touring tho road this season. Barney Gilmoro, who plays the part of Mr. Dooley, the Irish detective, obtained distinction the last throe seasons in "Hogan's Alley." aud it is said that his success has been even more pronounced. The part fits him to a nicety and enables him to illustrate bis skill as a character comedian. The play is written around tho recent abduc tion of Baby Marion Clark. While the play is written to lit the times, it is said to be vory carefully constructed, and is free from the hair-raising climaxes seen in later day dramas. The company sup porting Mr. Gilmoro is spoken of as being above the average. Special scen ery is provided for the production. The ladies who desire to enjoy them selves on Thanksgiving Day should by all means dispense with cooking their poultry, and be sure to go to tho Priml tive Methodist church on Fern street. We know everybody likes a good meal on Thanksgiving Day especially, and this can be had for the small sum of 25 cents. William Ilepner, 22 years old, was instantly killed near Mauch Chunk Sunday night. Ilepner was a car in spector and was struck by a train while attending .to his duties. COUNTY SEAT NOTES. UPPER END ITEMS OF INTEREST TO LOWER END PEOPLE. JiulKC HaUey to Remove to WilUeMluirre from White Haven—Death of John XV. Hart- llluck Diamond KxpreNH IVHIH a Woman. Judge Ilalsey, who has been for many years a resident of White Haven, has decided to remove to Wilkesbarro with his family. The inconvenience of two trips daily from the county seat and White Haven has induced him to make the change, especially since he has just been elected to a ten-year term as judge. The question of dividing the diocese of Central Pennsylvania of the Episco pal church came up at Wilkesbarro on Tuesday for a hearing before the com mittee appointed by the last diocesan convention to investigate the matter and report it to the next convention, but no agreement was reached. John W. Hart, a brother of Daniel L., and Joseph and Thomas Hart, druggists, died suddenly of heart trouble Tuesday afternoon at the residence of his father in Wilkesbarro. Deceased was 40 years of age and besides his father and mother ho is survived by fivo brothers and a sister. The trial of Dr. Thome, of Jeddo, who was charged some time ago with practicing without being registered, is set down for next week at Wilkesbarro. A number of witnesses have been sum moned to testify at the trial. The liristol House was purchased at sheriff's sale on Tuesday by James Clair for 84,200, subject to judgments amounting to 85,102.84. Mr. Clair has placed Joseph Dognan in charge of the hotel. Catherine Dcvers, aged 42 years, who made a livelihood by washing and scrub ing, was killed Tuesday evening at Wilkesbarro on the Lehigh Valley tracks by the Black Diamond express. Mario Reitnschissel has been appoint ed administratrix of the estate of her husband, the late Ferdinand Keiuischis sel, of Oneida. The estate is valued at 8150. PERSONALITIES. Mrs. Daniel Daubcrt, of town, was visitod this week by her sister, Mrs. David Kline, of Easton, whom she had not met for over forty years. They were separated in their young days and did not know of each other's where abouts. They were brought together through the efforts of Mrs. Daubort's daughter, Miss Ida. Martin Neuburger caino up from Bloomsburg normal school on Monday to attend the birthday dinner given by his father, Joseph Neuburger, to his family. Miss Annie Ilorron, of Carbondale convent, known as Sister Mary Julia, in company with another Sister, visited her parents here this week. Denis Ferry, of Walnut street, the D. S. & S. brakeman who was injured at his work some weeks ago, is able to bo about again. John E. Mcllugh and Miss Josephine Campbell, of town, attended the Gorman- MeGarvey nuptials in Philadelphia yes torday. Kev. 11. ,T. O'Donnell, of Bryn Mawr, spent a few days of this week with his parents here. Miss Jennie DeFoy has accepted a position in Leichtman's confectionery store. Mrs. J. B. Laubach is lying seriously ill at her home on South Centre street. PLEASURE CALENDAR. November 18.—(Irand hop by the Highland Socfal Club at Valines' opera house. Tickets, 25 cents. November 21. —Hall of St. Stanislaus Koski Society at Yannes' opera house, benefit St. Kaslmer's Polish Catholic congregation. Tickets, 25 cents. November 22.—Masquerade ball of Alvlntown Club at Alvinton hotel. Tick ets. 15 cents. November 29. —Hall of Jeddo Base Ball Club at Yannes' opera house. Ad mission, 50 cents. November 30.—Ninth anniversary ball of Garibaldi Beneficial Society at Maennerchor hall, Ha/.leton. Tickets, 25 cents. I.ow Kato Rxcumiou to riiilHdelpliia. Account National Export Exposition. November 22, 1899, via the Lehigh Valley Railroad. The last opportunity to visit the National Export Exposition at Philadelphia, at a reduced rate of fare, should not bo missed. The Lehigh Valley will sell tickets at one fare for the round trip, plus 50 cents for admis sion coupon to the exposition, November 22. Tickets will be honored on any train, except the Black Diamond ex press. and will be good to return to De cember 1, inclusive. Consult Lehigh Valley ticket agents for further particulars. When Mayor Harding, of Plttston, died In office last spring Councilman M. F. Corcoran was elected as his success or. An injunction was at once asked for to oust Corcoran from office, as it was claimed he could not be elected mayor while filling the office of council man. In a decision just rendered Judge Woodward holds that Corcornu's elcc- I tlob was legal. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Freeland Opera House Co., Lessees. Monday Evening, November 20. Mr. Barney Gilmore, CHARACTER ACTOR AND COMEDIAN, and First-Class Company, iu the great comcdy-draiua, Kidnapped in New York. NEW SONGS, DANCES and SCENERY. SEE THE CUTE LITTLE CHILD. Tins play is based on the abduc tion of Baby Marion Clark, of New York City. Prices: 25c, 35c and 50c. Seats now oil sale at MoMenamin's store. c®; tlUwf What is Celery King? It is an herb drink, and Is a positive cure for const i pat ion, headache, nervous disor ders, rheumatism, kidney discuses, and the vurious troubles arising from a disordered stomach and torpid liver. It is n most agreenble medicine,and is recommended by physicians generally. Remember, it cures constipation. Celery King is sold In 25c. and 50c. pack ages by druggists und deulurs. 1 DePIERRO - BROS. -CAFE.- Corner of Centre and Front Streets, Freeland, Pa. Finest Whiskies in Stock. Gibson, Dougherty, Kaufer Club, Roscnbluth's Velvet, of which we h tve EXCLUSIVE SALE IN TOWN. Mumw's Extra Dry Champagne, Honueßsy Brandy, Bluckberry, Gins, Winos, Clarets, Cordials, Etc. Imported and Domestic Cigars. OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE. Ham and Schweitzer Cheese Sandwiches, Sardines, Etc. MEALS - AT - ALL - HOURS. Ballcntine and Ha/, let on beer on tap. Ruths, Hot or Cold, 25 Cents. P. F. McNULTY, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. Embalming of female corpses performed exclusively by Mrs. P. F. McNulty. Prepared to* Attend Calls Day or Night. South Centre street, Freeland. GEORGE FISHER^" dealer iu Liquors, Wines, Cigars, Etc. FOR A GLASS OF FRESH BEER, PORTER OR ALE cull at NO. ti EAST WALNUT STREET. Condy 0. Boyle, dealer in Liquor, Wine, Beer, Porter, Etc. The U'lest brands of Domestic and Imported \\ hiskey on suit? in one of the handsomest sa loons in town. Fresh Rochester and Shenan doah Beer and Youngling's Porter on tup. 1W Centre street. LIBOR WINTER, ~ Eating House and Oyster Saloon, No. 13 Front Street, Freeland. Temperance drinks, cigars, etc. Fumilcs supplied with oysters direct from the shore. Noted Comedian Coining. Harney Gilmore and a capable com pany will appear In Howard Hall's com edy drama, "Kidnapped in Now York," at the Grand Monday evening. The piece is founded on the Incidental epi sodes concurrent with the kidnapping of "Haby Marion Clark" in Now York city last spring. 81.50 PER YEAR. FALL WINTER SUIT TIME. Nothing to gain by putting off buying Fall and Winter Clothes. You may as well see the stock when full, and have choice of it all. When you see yourself in a Suit that fits you, body and mind and pocketbook, too, you'll be glad that you came in. If we don't fit you all three ways,' don't buy. PHILADELPHIA ONE-PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, S. SENIE, Prop. £MIAS. OIIION STROII, Attorney and Counselor at Law aud Notary Public. Office: Rooms land 2, Birkbeek Brick, Freeland JOHN M. CARR, Attorney-at-Law. All legal business promptly attended. Postoffice Building, ... Freeland. Mclaughlin, Attorney-at-Law. Legal Easiness of Any Description. Brcnnun's Building, So. Centre St. Freeland. J. O'DONNELL, Attorney-at-Law. Legal Business Promptly Attended. Campbell Building, - Freeland, A. BUCKLEY, Justice of the Peace. All business given prompt attention. Tribune Iluilding, - . Main Street. N. MALEY, DENTIST. OVER BIRKBECK'S STORE, Second Floor, - - Birkbeek Brick. jyjRS. S. E. HAYES, Fire Insurance Agent. Washington Street. None hut Reliable Companies Represented. S. S. HESS, DENTIST. 37 South Centre Street. Second Floor Front, - Refowich Building. Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions. 0 0 A celebrated brand of XX flour always in stock. Roll Butter and Eggs a Specialty. AMANDUS OSWALD, N. W. Cor. Centre and Front Sts., Freeland. T. CAMPBELL, dealer iu Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes. Also PURE WINES £ LIQUORS FOR FAMILY AND MEDICINAL PURPOSES. Centre und Muiu street,, Freeland.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers