FREELAND TRIBUNE. VOL. XII. NO. 38. RAILROAD TIMETABLES LEHIGH VALLEY KAILROAD. February 5, 1899. ARRANGEMENT OK PASSENGER TRAINS. LEAVE FREELAND. 6 20 a m for Weatherly, Mauch Chunk, Allontown, Bethlehem, Easton, Phila delphia and New York. 7 40 a m for Sandy Hun, White Haven, Wilkes-liar re, l'ittston and Scrantou. 8 20 am for Weatherly, Mauch Chunk. Al lontown, lletlilehem, Easton, Philadel phia, New York and Hazloton. 9 33 am for Hazloton, Mahanoy City, Shen andoah, Alt. Carinel, Shamokin and Pottsvillo. 1 1 45 a m for Sandy Hun, White Haven, Wilkes-Uarre, Soruuton und ull points West. 4 36 1> ni for Hazloton, Mahanoy City, Shen andoah, Mt. Carinel, Shamokin and Pottsvillo. 6 34 P m for Sandy Hun, White Haven, " Wilkes-Uarre and Scrantou. 7 27 1 in for Hazloton, Muhanoy City, Shen andoah, Mt. Carmel, Shamokin. AHHIVB AT FREELAND. 7 20 a m from Ashland, Shenandoah Muha noy City and Hazletoii. 7 40 a m from Pottsvillo, Ashland, Sheuun doah, Mahunoy City and Hazlcton. 9 1 7 a in from Philadelphia, Easton, Bethle hem, AUeiltOwn, Mauch Chunk, Weath erly, Hazloton, Mahanoy City, Shenan doah, Mt. Curmel and Shamokin. 9 33 a in from Scrantou, Wilkes-Uarre and White Haven. 1 1 45 a in from Pottsvillo, Shamokin, Mt* Carmel, Sheiiandouh, Mahanoy City and Hazloton. 4 36 P ni from Scrantou, Wilkes-Uarre and White Haven. 6 34 P ni from New York, Philadelphia, Easton, Hctlilehem, Allontown, Potts villo, Shamokin, Mt. Carmel, Shenan doah, Mahanoy City uiul Hazloton. 7 27 1> ni from Scrantou, Wilkes-Uarre and white Haven, For further information inquire of Ticket Agents. HULL IN 11. WILBUR, General Superintendent. CHAS. S. LEE, Gen'l Pass. A Rent. 20 Cortlandt Street. New York City. THE DELAWARE, SUSQUEHANNA AND SCHUYLKILL RAILROAD. Time table in effect April 18, 1897. Trains leave Urifton for Jeddo, Eekley, Hazle Brook, Stockton, Beaver Meadow Road, itoan and Hazloton Junction at 6 JO, 000a m,dally except Sunday; and 7 03 a in, 2 38 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Drifton for Harwood,Cranberry, Tomhickeu and Deringer at 5 30, 6 00 a m, daily except Sunday; und 7 03 a m, 238 p m, Sun day. Trains leave Drifton for Oneida Junction, Harwood Road, Humboldt Road, Oneida and Sheppton at 000 a in, daily except Sun day; and 7 03 a ra, 2 38 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Harwood, Cranberry, Tomhickeu and Deringer at 035 a m, daily except Sunday; and 8 63 a m, 4 22 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Oneida Junction, Harwood Itoad, Humboldt Road, Oneida and Sheppton at 0 32, 11 10 a m, 4 41 p m, daily except Sunday; and 7 37 a m, 311 pm, Sunday. . Trains leave Deringer for Tomhiok n, Cran berry, Harwood, Hazleton Junction and Roan at 2 25, 5 40 p m, daily except Sunday; ana 3 37 a m, 607 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Sheppton for Oneida, Humboldt ltoad, Harwood Road, Oneida Junction, Hazle ton J unction and Roan at 7 11 am, 12 40, 522 p m, daily except Suuday; and 8 11 a m, 3 44 p m, Suuday. Trains leave Sheppton for Beaver Meadow Road, Stockton, lluzlo Brook, Eekley, Jeddo and Drifton at 5 22 p in, daily, except Suuday; und 8 11 a m, 8 44 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Beaver Meadow Road, Stockton, Hazle Brook, Eekley, Jeddo and Drifton at 5 45, 620 pm, daily, except Sunday; and 10 10 a m, 5 40 p ra, Suuday. All trains connect at Hazleton Junction with electric ears for Huzleton, Jeauesville, Auden ried and other points on the Traction Com pany's line. Trains leaving Drifton at SIX), 600 a m make connection at Deringer with P. 11. R. trains for Wilkeabarre, Sunbury, llarrisburg and points west. For the accommodation of passengers at way stations between Huzlctou Junction and Der inger, a train will leave the former point at 350 p m, daily, except Sunday, arriving at Deringer at 5 00 p m. LUTHER C. SMITH, Superintendent. !*IIBCELLANEOUB ADVERTISEMENTS. PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE. By virtue of un order of the orphans' court of Lifterne county, made at Wllkesburre. on the ninth day of October, 1899, John M. Powell, administrator of the estate of William L>. Cowen, deceased, will sell at public sale on Saturday, November 25, ut 10.0 clock a. m., oil the premises on the north side of Walnut street, in the First ward, Freeland borough, the following real estate: All that certain lot of laud situated on the north side of Walnut street, in the borough of Freeland, county of Luzerne, state of Penusyl viiiiuin, bounded and described as follows: Beginning ul a distance of sixty feet from the corner northwest of Walnut and Washing ton streets, in said borough, thence extending westwardly on and itlong said Walnut street thirty feet, anil thence of the same width In depth or length extending northwardly one hundred and fifty feet; being lot numbered 03, in Mjuare I), in the plan of the town of Free hold (Freeland) as recorded in the office for the recording of deeds in and for Luzerne county at Wilkesbarre, Pennsylvania, in Deed Book No. 43, page 47, etc., saving and execut ing six feet ou and along the front of said lot along Walnut street which are hereby reserv ed and dedicated for a public sidewalk and also saving und excepting on and along the rear of said lot six feet which are hereby re served and dedicated for a public alley. improved with a two-story, frame double dwelling and outbuildings. Terms of sulc: SIOO dowu, balance in full ou delivery of deed. John M. Powell, administrator. Chas. Orion Stroll, attorney. Freeland, Pa., November 1, 1899. OHEKIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ of O lb fa. issued out of the court of common pleas of Luzerne county, Pennsylvania, there will be exposed to public sale ou Saturday, December 2, 1899, at 10 o'clock a. in., in the arbitration room at the courthouse, Wilkes barre, Pennsylvania, all the right, title and interest of the defendants in and to the following described piece, payeel aud tract of land, viz.: All tliut certain lot of ground, being lot No. 12, of Square No. 1,194, in the plan of Diumoud addition to Hazleton, in Hazle township, Luzerne county, Pennsylvauiu, bounded and described us follows: Beginning at a point being the southwest corner of Vine and Twentieth streets, thence southward along the west side of Vine street a distance of thirty-two (512) feet to the north ern line of lot No. 13, thence westward along the northern line of lot No. 13 u distance of two hundred (2U)) feet to the east side of a twenty-feet wide alloy, thence southward along the east side of said alley u distance of thirty-two (32) feet to the south side of Twen tieth street, thence eustward along the south side of Twentieth street two hundred (200) feet to the point of beginning, containing 0.400 square feet of surface. Improved with u small one-story stable, 11 feet by 10 feet. Late the estate of the defendants named in said writ with the uppurtenuucc. Seized und taken into execution at the suit of Nuzarlo Dursso vs. Ualfaele Dtmgelo, Fraugesco Dangelo. James G. Harvey, sheriff. Joseph H. Jones, attorney. IFOR SALE.—Three Freeland Silk Mill Com _P puny 5 per cent gold bonds; par value SSO each. For price apply ut Tribune ollioe. A. Oswald soils Delicatesse Raking Powder at 5c per pound can. Every can is guaranteed as to its purity. Give it a trial. BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. PARAGRAPHS GATHERED FROM ALL PARTS OF THE REGION. Synopsis of Dual and .Miscellaneous Oc currennnH Tliut Can It* Read Quickly. What the Folks of This and Other Towns Are Doing. Miss Annie Haggerfcy, of Scranton, is visiting Mrs. Hugh Malloy. George Fisher attended to business in ! Lehigh county this week. Mrs. Edward Faas, formerly of Free land, Is visiting relatives in the region. Manus Rrennan and family have taken up their residence in Philadel phia. Samuel Raughnor, D. S. & S. car in spector, is spending the week in Phila delphia. Ground under the Jersey Central tracks caved in near Sandy Run yester day, and the road is being relaid at that point. Mr. nnd Mrs. Michael McLaughlin, who wore married on Tuesday in Phila delphia, arrived last evening at Eber valo, where they will reside. Seats for the lecture to bo delivered next Thursday evening by Edwin F. Rrightblll, under the auspices of the M. & M. Institute, were placed on sale at, McMenamin's store this morning. Dr. J. H. Cloud has surprised his many friends by resigning as assistant to Dr. 11. M. Nqple. lie leaves on Monday for Philadelphia, where he will take a post graduate course at Jefferson col lege. Alvin Sotzer went to sleep on the culm bank at a Scranton breaker Tuos day night and breathed the deadly gases ajising from the dump. Next morning he was dead. Sotzer was 39 years of age. Scranton has practically closed its gates against itinerant merchants. Ry an ordinance recently approved tran sient dealers must pay a license tax of S2OO a month, or fractional part thereof, to do business. It has just been discovered, says the Honesdale Independent , that the main cause of tuberculosis in cattle is foul stables and the want of fresh air. The breathing of bad air is the principal cause of consumption in the human family. Thomas Rrennan, convicted at the July torm of Schuylkill court of murder in the lirst degree for killing Harry Elliott at New •Philadelphia on June 2 last, has been denied a new trial by the supreme court, sitting at Pittsburg. Rrenuau's only hope now is the Pardon board. Clergymen may lie interested in knowing that under the new ruling of the General Railroad Passenger Agents' Association a new stylo of certificate is to be prepared for them. It will cost sl, and will entitle them to half-rate fares over fifty-seven railroads of the United States. Michael Morrisy, section foroman on the Upper Lehigh branch of the C. R. R. of N. J., has his force of men engaged in removing the rails and ties from the sidings and turnouts on the Drifton branch. The rails and ties on the main line of tho branch will not bo removed < for the present. Mrs. Denis Ferry, of Ridge street, i while descending the cellar stops at her home Tuesday afternoon, missed her footing and fell headforemost down tho steps and was severely injured. Her! left arm was broken and she was cut on the forehead, besides receiving a severe general shaking. Mrs. Ferry is now resting easily. Diamond Rrothers' Rig Double Min strels, which comes to the Grand Tuos- i day evening, is bigger and better than ever before and now ranks among the leading minstrel troupes of the country. In the cast there are forty-one people, among whom are some of the best com dians in the business. Tho troupe carries two full brass bands and a car load of scenery. Watch for tho noon day street parade. PLEASURE CALENDAR. November 18.—Grand hop by tho Highland Social Club at Yannes' opera house. Tickets, 25 cents. November 21.—Rail of St. Stanislaus Ivoski Society at Yannes' opera house, benefit St. Kasimer's Polish Catholic congregation. Tickets, 25 cents. November 22.—Masquerade ball of Alvlntown Club at Alvinton hotel. Tick ets, 15 cents. November 29. —Rail of Jeddo Rase Rail Club at Yannes' opera house. Ad mission. 50 cents. APPLICATION FOR CHARTER. -in the Court of Common Pleas for tlio County of Luzoruc. No.—, December Term, 1899. Notice is hereby given that un application will be made to the said court on Monday, the twenty-seventh day of November, 1809, ut 2 o'clock p. m., under tho "act to provide for the incorporation and regulation of certain corporations," upproved April 29, 1874, and its supplements, for the charter of an intended corporation to be called, FOURTH WARD FIHB COMPANY of Freeland Borough, Pennsylvania, the character and object whereof is, tho pro tection of property from fire in the borough of Freeland, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy ull the rights, benefits and privileges of suid act of assembly aud its sup plements. The proposed charter is now on tile in the prothouotary's ollioe. Chas. Orion Stroll, solicitor. FREELAND, PA., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1899. VOTE OF BOROUGH AND COUNTY. CANDIDATES. Ist 2d 3d 4th Sth VV'd Dor. Dlu- County Dlu- W'd W'd VV'd VV'd !!d 3d Total ralty Total rallty Supreme Court Judge— Drown, r 63 50 32 73 25 42 285 14,150 330 Mestrezat, d 07 29 34 61 88 103 381 96 13,714 Superior Court Judge— Mitchell, r 63 50 33 75 25 41 280 14,049 490 Rellly, d 66 38 34 60 88 103 379 93 13,559 State Treasurer— Harnett, r 65 46 32 75 24 40 283 i 12,843 Creasy, d 67 32 34 61 88 104 386 104' 14,483 1.639 Judge— Halsey, r-d 129 76 66 136 113 145 665 27,145 Register— Main waring, r 54 50 30 68 25 45 272 14,311 756 Lubrecht, d 77 29 37 69 88 99 399 127 13,555 Treasurer— Raub, r 59 49 32 75 25 43 283 13.376 Klrkendall, d 71 29 34 63 88 101 385 102 14,856 1,480 Commissioners— Jones, r 63 50 33 69 24 45 283 13,529 1,177 Hay, r 61 50 31 65 25 41 273 13,152 800 Koons, d 67 29 33 62 88 92 371 88 12.352 Finn, d 67 37 34 65 811 103 385 102 13.835 1.183 ELECTION RESULTS. Mixed Victory In Luzerne County Thin Year-Light Vote Polled. Notwithstanding that Tuesday was one of the finest election days that has come in years, from the weather point of view, the vote polled was very light. In Freeland this apathy was more pro nounced among the Republicans, and as a result the Democrats swept the bor ough with ease, the majorities ranging from 88 for Ivoons to 127 for Lubrecht. A similar state of affairs existed throughout the Fourth district, conse quently the Republicans lost this end of the county by a largo majority. The voting in this section was fairly straight and but little cutting and scratching were done. In the county at large there was all kinds of voting, and the election of parts of both tickets followed, as is in dicated in the table above. There was practically no opposition to Judge Halsey, and ho won as expect ed. Kirkendall polled a surprisingly large vote everywhere, honce his victory over Raub, the Republican candidate for treasurer. Editor Lubrecht's defeat for register has a suspicion of treachery about it which will likely be investigated by his friends after the smoke clears away. Hay and Jones are returned to the j commissioner s office, and the minority I member of the board will be Finn. The latter's election was no surprise. On the fourth pago will bo found ac counts of the election in this and other states. Sully Warmly Iteceived. Daniel Sully and his company pleased an enthusiastic audience here on Mon day evening in "O'Brien, the Contract or. 1 ' The seating capacity of the opera house was entirely sold, excepting a few of the higher priced seats. The play was rendered in excellent style, and Mr. Sully and othor leading members were heartily applauded during the evening. At the end of the second act the company responded to a curtain call. Mr. Sully then made a few re marks, giving as a reason for the good work of the troupe the hearty applause received from the audience. During the play a largo silver server was presented to Mr. Sully on behalf of the members of the company. The date was the forty-fourth anniversary of his birth, and his company took that method of showing him their esteem. After the play Mr. Sully entertained them at DoPierro's cafe. Death of Hright Young Man. Patrick J. Brcslin died suddenly of heart disease Tuesday morning at the home of his father, Daniel Breslin, in Beaver Meadow. The young man was a well-known newspaper reporter, and at the time of his death was employed on the Mauch Chunk Times. A few years ago he was stationed at Freeland as North Side representative of the Hazloton Sentinel , and during his residence here won the friendship of the entire community. Ho was only 33 years of ago, and his sudden death is regretted by his large number of friends in the region. The funeral took place this morning at Boaver Meadow. "The Prodigal Father.'* "The Prodigal Father" will be seen at the Grand this evening. The company is composed of exceptionally bright and prepossessing people, everyone an artist in his way. The play has just enough of a plot to remind one of what was going on after some interpoltion had been finished. The brightest, cleanest specialties, catchiest music, richest witticisms and most ridiculous eccen tricities go to make up the fun in "The Prodigal Father." With such jolly people In the cast as John F. Clark, J. C. Dixon, Barrow Sisters, Logan Wil liams, Fanny Temple and Lynn Weleh cr it is no wonder at the interest being manifested. ChryHuuthemum Display. Commencing on Saturday next, to continue for ton days only, there will bo displayed at McDonald's store, Centre and South streets, a beautiful assort ment of chrysanthemums from Mont gomery's greenhouses, Hazleton. Pur chases of those beautiful flowers can be made there or orders will be received for future delivery. Call on Saturday or next week and view the display. A. Oswald sells Arbuckle's, Dills worth's, Lion and Levoririg's coffee at 10 cents a pound. ' MILMAY NEWS. Association Huh Succeeded in Securing the Release of IHuny Tracth. Milraay, N. J., November 7. Through the persistent work of the Milinay Protective Association, and the assistance of Rev. .Joseph Taylor, who purchased several thousand acres of land here last year, the South Jersey Laud and Transportation Company lias secured the release of forty-fivo persons who purchased here from the mortgage held hero by the State Mutual Building and Loan Association of New Jersey. This release is recorded in hook 5, page 111, at May's Landing, N. J. About twenty of those are people in the coal regions. Several of these can not bo found, because we do not have the address. Any person owning land here can find whether their land is released by send ing a card to the secretary of the Mil may Protective Association. Wo expect to see about eighty more released soon. We ask that all members of the as sociation will stand by it until all are free. Our colony will then begin to develop. Yours, J. 15. Doty, secretary, Milmay Protective Association. Reduced Rates to Philadelphia. j On account of the National Export Exposition, November 15, 1809, the Lehigh Valley Railroad will sell tickets to Philadelphia and return November 15, atone fare for the round trip, plus 50 cents for admission to exposition. Tickets will be honored on any train except the Black Diamond express, and good for return passage to November 24, inclusive. Consult Lehigh Valley ticket agents for further particulars. A Nu vn I Wedding. Enston. Pa., Nov. B.—The most bril liant wedding witnessed in Enston for a number of years was that of Lieutenant Randolph Ridgley, Jr.. of Augusta, (la., and Miss Emily (trace Scott, daughter of J. Henry Scott of this city, which took place in the First Presbyterian church at 0 o'clock last evening, Rev. F. S. Haines officiating. The bridegroom was on the revenue cutter McCulloch during the bat tle of Manila Bay. Soldiers Sentenced to Die. Washington, Nov. B.—The war depart ment has received reports in the cases of three volunteer soldiers court martialed in the Philippines and sentenced to death for assaults upon natives. It is under stood that General Otis has approved the sentence of the court, as otherwise the papers would not have come to Washing ton. It is possibly the approval may he accompanied with a recommendation for a reduction of sentence. Commercial Treaty Wltli France. Parifc, Nov. B.—The Gaulois asserts that the minister of commerce will sub mit the Franco-American commercial treaty to the chamber of deputies imme diately on its reassembling. Wenther Forecast. Fair; light westerly winds. A Cure for Constipation. ' I have been troubled with constipation for years. It was ruining my health, my com fort and my complexion, and I am glad to say that Celery King has restored all three, and this after trying many other medicines that were supposed to be good, hut which were of no value whatever. I would like to tell overy sutfer 1 ng woman what Celery King has done for me.—Nellie Gould, Modi na,( )hlo Celery King cures Constipation and all dis eases orthe Nerves, Htomach, Liver and K ld neys. Hold by druggists. 25cand50c\. 3 LIBOR WINTER, Eating House and Oyster Saloon. No. 13 Front Strict, Frcolund. Temperance drinks, cigars, etc. Familes supplied with oysters direct from the shore. Heat Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Uso In time. Bold by druggists. |*f TWO COUNCIL MEETINGS. BOROUGH LEGISLATORS MET ON MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY- Two Kates of Wage-i Alleged to lie Paid for the Same Class of Street Work—Sal mon's Plana Must He Revised, as Bor ough's Proposed Building Is Too Large. Councilman Davis, DePierro. Moehan, Mulhearn, Rudewlck, Rute, Schwabo and Smith attended tho regular meeting of council on Monday evening. Mr. DePierro was chosen temporary chair man. Burgess Gallagher's report for October showed tho receipts to be $87.20, of which $59.35 belongs to the borough and $27.95 to the burgess. Petitions for electric light on Fern street were presented from residents of that section and members of St. Mary's Greek Catholic church and St. Paul's P. M. church, which are located on that street. The matter was referred to the light committee, with instruc tions to report at tho next meeting. A communication from 11. W. Fackler, calling attention to the condition of the sidewalks fronting on the Sipple and Salmon properties on East Main street, was referred to the street committee. Freeland Overall Mnftg Company asked to be exonerated from payment of borough taxes, as agreed upon some years ago, and the request was granted. Treasurer DePierro reported a bal ance of $1.77 in the treasury. The following bills were approved and ordered paid: Electric Light Company, October street light, $206.66; .John Shov lin, posting ordinance notices, $4; George Sc.hwabe, $32.67; William Williamson, supplies, $3.34; It. C. Roth, repairs, $7.20; Plain Speaker , advertising, $13.95; Press , printing and advertising, $12.90; Press , printing bonds, $35; Press, print ing, $0.30; Progress , printing and adver tising, $13.00; Tkuiunb, printing and advertising, $18; J. E. GrilTith, repairs, $5.07; Halford S. Moore, $121.73; Dr. J. H. Cloud, services, $10; John W. Davis, $1.75; George Filby, janitor's salary and feeding prisoners, $81.25. Another meeting was held last even ing, and the following additional bills ordered paid: WUkosbarre Record , ad vertising, $15.50; S. 15. Strauss, Esq., $75; J. J. Ward, health oilicer, S3O. Street Commissioner Dinn reported an expenditure of $174.00 on the streets and $239.30 on Birkbeck street sewer. John G. Davis, secretary and an em ploye on the streets, made a vigorous protest against paying some employes only 12 cents an hour, while others receive 15 cents an hour for tho same work. The matter was referred to the street committee. Tho bond committee reported having accepted an offer for $2,000 worth of bonds from the Jr. O. U. A. M., and expected to dispose of SIO,OOO worth moro within the next ten days. Tho building committee reported that all bids so far received were in excess of the appropriation and none were there fore considered. Tho committee will meet with Mr. Salmon at once and endeavor to reduce the dimensions of the building sutlicieutly to bring its cost within tho sum appropriated. Tho bids submitted are said to be several thousand dollars above tho limit of SIO,OOO. Time is now being lost while new plans are being prepared. As the architect chosen is not qualified to estimate on the cost of material and labor, there is no telling how long it will take him to draw plans for a structure which can be erected for SIO,OOO. Enough lias already occurred to show that tho protest made against tho selection of Mr. Salmon was justi fied. November 30 has been officially de signated as Thanksgiving Day by Gov ernor Stone. i! <®_ 8^ D MONEY gad MCI THIS AD. OCT and 'lnohes ground This Circular Plush Cape "5eo f f ni^?b" Bait's Seal riu.h. 80 long, cut full sweep, lined throughout with Slereerlip' Silk In l>l rk, bine or red. Very elaborately embroidered with soutaehe braid and black beading as illustrated. Trimmed all around with extra fine Rlaek Thibet Fur. heavily Interlined with wadding and fiber chamois. Wrlle for free Cloak Catalogue. Address, SEARS, ROEBUCK &. CO., CHICACO (bears, Roebuck AiCo. are thoroughly reliable.—Editor.) Condy 0. Boyle, dealor in Liquor, Wine, Beer, Porter, Etc. The finest brands of Domestic and Imported Whiskey on sale in one of the handsomest sa loons in town. Fresh Koehester and Shenan doah Jleorund Youngling's I'ortoron tap. 98 Centre street. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Freoland Opera Mouse Co., Lessees. (Thursday, NOV. 9* W' A*'' 1 ' > <■ -v FANNY TEMPLE supported by LYNN WELOHEIt and u clever eompuuy iu That Funny Farce-Comedy, "The Prodigal Father." Pleasant Memories arc Priceless. ( Cast GREAT -J Comedy ( Comedians. A fill NEW 1 sl "Silt and Rancinir ALiLi lllJ 11 Refined and Up-to-Dute. L Specialties FUN THAT HAS A LASTING EFFECT. UPON THE MEMORY. Prices: 25c, 35c andsoc. Seats now on salt; at McMeuatniirs store. Coming": DIAMOND BROS.' Big Double Minstrels. ONE NIGHT ONLY. Tuesday Evening, November 14, Prices: 25, 35 and 50c. Seats on sale throe days before show at MeMenamiirs store. 80 South Centre street. Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions. a||||A SBROTHERHOOO HATS C u A celebrated brand of XX Hour always in stock. Roll Butter and Eggs a Specialty. AMANDUS OSWALD, N. W. Cor. Centre and Front Sta., Freeland. P. F. McNULTY, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. Embalming of female corpses performed exclusively by Mrs. P. F. McNulty. Prepared to Attend Calls Day or Night. South Centre street, Freoland. GEORGE FISHER, dealer in Liquors, Wines, Cigars, Etc. FOR A GLASS OF FRESH BEER, PORTER OR ALE cull at NO. 6 EAST WALNUT STREET. $2.75 BOX_BALN COAT fc- / M.W'KINTOKII roil' $2 ! 75 loot Send No Money, and^encu.'"l* l\ Btttte your h.lirlit ami might, hUito // >*i I \ number of inches •mund body at f\ j * ' \ hrp | , i " l < tnKe n nvt r vest under coat V V" • ' Y? " ELI 1/ prow ofl'.oe anil ft fouiul exactly iLJ■ fT W represented and the most Won- R| "M vA dcrtul value yuu ever saw or heard ; f of and equal to any coat you t„ buy [' ' * ,'J\ offr V* THIS MACKINTOSH is latest , , IRW stylo, mndo av,^ aierpnrar, I F'. }'j lonr, double breasted. Hutrvr velvet I / collar, fancy plaid llnlnjr. wtttorpn.of iL eeweii, strapped and ecuicnU'd seuniHj jafir r and Overcoats at from f5.00 to fUMW, write tor I'rae i SEARS*,'"ROEBUCK A CO., CHICAGO, ILL. 1 (Scar., llovliuck * Co. are thoroughly icliable. Editor.) $1.50 PER YEAR Our Ever Untiring Efforts To Do Better. To give our patrons the biggest pos sible values for their money, is the key of our great success. We are not satis lied to stand still, but are forever forg ing ahead, forever trying to make tho values bigger and the prices smaller. We are continually scouring the mar kets for the very best of dependable merchandise, and* buying, as we do, in immense quantities, we are enabled to sell clothing as cheap as the averago merchant can buy. This season we have been more active than ever. Our grand array of Clothing for Men, Boys and Children proves that it is the greatest assortment that has ever been shown to the purchasing pub lic of this town. And wo have been farsighted enough to anticipate the ad vance all the clothing merchants are complaining about and placed our orders much earlier than usual. We can, therefore, sell clothing at the old prices, or make you a suit or ovorcoat cheaper than any other tailor in the region. Phila. One-Price Clothing House, S. SENIE, PROP. Birkbeck Brick, Freeland. £MIAS. ORION STROII, Attorney and Counselor at Law and Notary Public. Olllec: Rooms 1 and 2, Birkbeck Brick, Freeland JOIIN M. CARR, Attorney-at-Law. All legal business promptly attended. Postolflcc Building, - Freeland. MCLAUGHLIN, Attorney-at-Law. Legal Dimness of Any Description. lireunan'a HuihlinK, So. Centre St. Freeland. J. O'DONNEOL, Attorney-at-Law. Legal Business Promptly Attended. Campbell Building, - Freeland. A. BUCKLEY, Justice of the Peace. All business given prompt attention. Tribune Building, - - Muiu Street. N. MALEY, DENTIST. OVER BIItKBECK'S STORE, Second Floor, - - Birkbeck Brick. jyjRS. S. E. HAYES, Fire Insurance Agent. Washington Street. None but Reliable Companies Represented. jyi. S. S. IIESS, DENTIST. 37 South Centre Street. Second Floor Front, - Refowlch Building. T. CAMPBELL, dealer iu Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes. Also PURE WINES LIQUORS FOR FAMILY AND MEDICINAL PURPOSES. Centra and Main streets. Freeland. DePIERRO - BROS. -CAFE.- Corner of Centre and Front Streets, Freeland, Pa. Finest Whiskies in Stock. \ Gibson, Dmißhorty, Kaufer Club, Rosenbluth'a Velvet, of which we hive EXCLUSIVE SALE IN TOWN. Mumm's Extra Dry Champairne Hennessy Brandy, Blackberry, Gins, Wlnoa, Clarets, Cordials, Etc. Imported and Domestic Cigars. OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE. Ilam and Schweitzer Cheese Sandwiches Sardines, Etc. MEALS - AT - ALL - HOURS. Ballentiue and Hazleton beer on tap. I Baths, Hot or Cold, 25 Cents.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers