1011 NEU Burger'S 1 flflfl In I I TWENTY-EIGHTH IfiMM If II GRAND - FALL - OPENING IVvW WE SPECIALLY REQUEST A VISIT OF INSPECTION. Each Department Is a Store in Itself. With the great replenishing of Brand JVew Fall and Winter Goods, coming direct from maker to JVeu- Burger's, each department in the big store now contains stocks which have never before been equalled in lower Luzerne. We bought before the heavy advances went into effect, thereby giving you money-saving chances of a lifetime and enabling us to maintain the Neußurger Policy of Giving You The Same Goods for Less Money or* Better Goods for the Same Money T]aan -52"c"u. Can. Cbtain Else-wHere in Tills rßeg-icn. Never Before Have. Such Large and Complete Stocks of Clothing, Overcoats. Shoes, Dry Goods, Ladies', Misses' and Children's Coats, Capes, Skirts, Wrappers, Shirt Waists, Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Blankets, Com fortables, Notions, etc., been shown here. Tlxis o\Tci3.;p of XTxixxia/toli3/tol© "\7~ilUL©s 33ro"u.g\£i.t fox OB Opii Day's Sals, litl fill Mine for Ten Days Oily. Boys' Heavy All-Wool Never-Rip Knee Pants, igc a Pair. Boys' HeaAy All-Wool Vestee Suits, trimmed with four rows im ported braid, 75c each. Children's Absolutely All-Wool Vestee and Double-Breasted Suits, in Checks and Plaids, made to sell at $3, opening day's price, Si.9B. Vestee Suits, made with silk facings and veller collars, very low. Our lines of Children's Suits range from 75c to $4.50. Boys' Absolutely All-Wool Long Pants, three-pieced suits, $2.98. Special attention has been given to our Youths' Department and the lines of suits we show from $2.50 to sio are matchless. Men's All-Wool Tricot Suits, good, serviceable and heavy, $2.98. Men's Absolutely All-Wool Fancy Plaid or Plain Black and Blue Dolan Cheviot Suits, the equal of any $8 suit elsewhere, $4.98. BLUE SERGE in heavy weight, pure worsted, both in the finish ed and unfinished effects, strictly custom-made and fast color, the equal of any $lO suit in the country; our opening day's price, $7.98. $lO is the Popular-Priced Dress Suit with us. The values we offer in Black, Blue, Fancy Stripes and Checks, in Worsted and Cassimere, are not to be found elsewhere. The assortment we show PJIOAK DFPARTMFNT Under the skillf ul management of our Misses Nettie and Minnie nf| VIIJV/mv l/lil nnxiuuil I Neußurger you can depend on finding an array of fashionable gar. ments of higli grade, not to be excelled anywhere while prices will be found far below elsewhere mmMKk Braid s!'^ 11 ' 8 HeaVy Jackots > with the new Star Sailor Collar, edged with three rows Soutache q /l J ) Ladies' and Misses' All-Wool Kersey and Covert Jackets, $5. jj SPECIAL ONES - HUNDBID - JACKETS (AFT J in absolutely All-Wool Kersey, in Tans, Blue and Black, Made Like Cut, REGULAR $lO VALUES AT $7.98 FL MI Our Stock of CAPES, Ji " FROM $1 TO sls, jtiPk IS POSITIVELY THE GREATEST IN THE REGION KERSEYS, GOLFS, ASTRAKAMS AND PLUSHES. \ Ladies' Heavy Plaid Waists, 50c. Ladies Black Mercerised Petticoats, SOc. Blankets, Heavy, Gray and White, full 10x4 size 75c Blankets, 48c. DRY GOODS.—The Most Complete Dry Goods Stock we have every shown now awaits your in spection. All the new Covert Cloths, Crepons, Rrilliantines and Sicilians—the very latest dress fabrics are here in übundanco at way-down prices. Note this group of money-savers: Lancaster and Amoskeag Apron Ginghams, Dc a yard. Very Rest Calicoes, all colors, 5c a yard. Good Heavy Canton Flannel and Shaker Flan nel, 5c a yard. Rest Shifting Cheviot, 7c a yard. Ten Styles Fancy Plaid Heavy (double-fold) Dress (ioods, 10c a yard. Potter's Rest (40-inch wide) Table Oilcloth, 12% c a yard. 40c Fine Rleached Table Linen, 25c a yard. Heavy 40-inch all-wool Cloth (all colors) Suit- JOS. NEUBURGER 3?- o. S. OF -A.. BXrXI.X3Iiq-(3-, FEEELAHD, A J J " is the greatest in lower Luzerne county. They possess all the good ness a weaver can put into the cloth and the acme of the tailor's art is used in their make-up. Special Values in Men's and Boys' Trousers, which lack of space prevents .mentioning. OVERCOATS—A long cold winter is predicred, but in a Neu- Lurger Overcoat you can face any kind of weather. We have taken time by the forelock and have here now a Stock of Overcoats Five Times Larger than any other store in Freeland at Prices Far Below the Lowest. Men's Absolutely Fast Color Kersey Beaver, Blue and Black Overcoats made with fancy plaid lining, $3.98. Men's All-Wool, Fancy Back, Satin-Piped Overcoots, $7.48. Men's Absolutely All-Wool Heavy-Weight, Fine, All-Wash (tan color) Covert Cloth Overcoats, regular $9 value, 55.98. Men's All-Wool Trivoli Kersey Overcoats in Black and Blue, $6.48. Our lines of Herring-bone, English Whipcord, Irish Frieze and Kersey Overcoats in Fancy Back and all Satin Linings are world-beat ers at $lO. ings, 29c a yard. The Regular 51.25 Covert Suitings, 54 inches wide, go during this sale at 89c a yard. MEN'S SHIRT RARGAINS, —Extra Heavy Rlack and White Striped Cheviot Shirts, full 30 inches long, felled and gussoted seams, 38c. UNDERWEAR.—Children's Heavy Fleece-lined Jersey Ribbed Underwear, from 9c up. Roys' Extra Heavy Fleece-lined Jersey Knit Underwear (all sizes,*24 to 34), 25c. Ladies' Heavy Fleece-lined Jersey Ribbed Un derwear, 19c each. Men's Heavy Natural Wool Regular 50c Under wear (warranted 50 per cent wool), 33c. SPECIAL.—We are offering during this sale Five Rales of the Very Rest Fine White Quilting Cotton at 5c a roll. Men's I!rown and Tan Corduroy Iloavy Shirts, the new goods made to do away with the continu ous shrinking of llannels, while they are just as warm and wear better, 03c. SHOES! SHOES! —While there are lots of Shoos as good as ours, there is no store today sell ,n K K 0() d solid footwear as cheaply as wo do, and we show the most complete stock in town. Hoys (iood Tap Sole Lace Shoes, 75c a pair. Misses 1 Fine Kangaroo Shoes, strictly solid and serviceable, 90c a pair. Ladies 1 Fine Patent Tip Dongola Shoes, 09c. The Vernon Men's Shoes have a world-wide reputation for good service. Regular $1.75 value for $1.25. Ask to see the TRIONFA Ladies' Shoes—the best shoes made. We are sole agents. Only $2.50. FREELAND TRIBUNE. ElUbliihol 1888. PUBLISHED EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY BY THE TRIBUNE PRINTING COMPANY, Limited. OFFICE: MAIN STREET ABOVE CENTRE. LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year $1.50 Six Months Four Months 50 Two Months 25 The date which the subscription is paid to is on the address label of each paper, the change of which to a subsequent date becomes a receipt for remittance. Keep the figures in advance of the present date. Report prompt ly to this oflice whenever paper is not received. Arrearages must be paid when subscription is discontinued. Make all money ordera, checks, etc., payable to the Tribune Printing Company, Limited. FREELAND, PA., OCTOBER 12, 1899. WASHINGTON LETTER. Washington, October 10, 1899. That imperialism is costly will be shown by the estimates which will bo submitted to congress for appropriations necessary for the army and navy for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1900. Although all the estimates of the war department are not complete, enough is known to make it certain that the aggregate amount that will be asked for the support of the army and navy for the coming season of congress will reach, and probably exceed $200,000,000, which will be about $2.65 or $2.70 per capita. War department officials say the total amount will be considerably reduced, if the war in the Philippines is brought to a close, before the appro priations are made, but that is very doubtful, in a double sense. It is doubtful whether the war over there will be ended by that time, and doubt ful, even if it should be, whether the American army on the islands can be materially reduced for a long time afterwards, if our present policy is to be continued. Every government which has tried to govern alien people by force has found it expensive, and there are no good reasons for believing that the experience of this country will differ in that respoct from that of others. t t t Ex-Secretary John Sherman has given out a vigorous Interview against the suggestion that tho United States should attempt to mediato between England and the Transvaal ropubllc to prevent the war which now seoras almost certain to como, which shows that his intellect Is still in good working order. Tho Transvaal authorities thought they made a shrewd move when they select ed Colonel J. R O'Uelrnc, a prominent Republican politician of Now York, to be thoir diplomatic representative in Washington, but it hasn't accomplished anything, because of a rule of the state department, forbidding the recognition of an American citizen as tho diplomatic representative of a forolgn government. O'Relrne is in Washington, but ho has received no official recognition. He ox presses the belief that Mr. McKinley will overrule tho state department and recognize him in his diplomatic capa city. If he does, look out for squalls. t t t There is a possibility that Admiral Dewey will bo the Republican candi date for president, next year, Instead of President McKinley. A movement lias been started by prominent Republicans which has that object in view. Ad miral Dewey has not beon consultod and has nothing whatever to do with it. The men In this movement are not after honoring Admiral Dewey or turn ing Mr. McKinley down. They are after keeping the Republican party in power for another presidential term. They are afraid that llannalsm and Algorism will handicap Mr. McKinley to such an extent that it will bo impos sible to re-oloct him. The success of this movement will depend largely upon the outcome of the next campaign against the Filipinos; if the war over there Isn't ended soon, Mr. McKinley will be still further handicapped. t t t Although ho has more than once declared that he would not accept the nomination for vice president, it has all along beon believed in Washington, that Governor Teddy was after that very nomination, and that Ross Piatt, who is anxious to got him out of Now York politics was actively assisting him. Tho announcement that Roosevelt was to make a Hying trip through Nebraska, speaking almost continually from the rear platform of his train, has added strength to that belief. Republicans who know the situation in Nebraska are proparing a soft spot to fall on by saying that state pride in Colonel Uryan may cause the state to go anti-Republi can. In view of Colonol ltryan's en thusiastic reception tn the stato, the use of "may" Is really consldorate on tho part of those who know that tho Republicans are practically certain of defeat in that state. Dedication of Soldiers' Monument. The Lehigh Valley Railroad will sell tickets at the low rate of one fare for the round trip to Allentown and return, on October 18 and 11); good returning until October 30. The Soldiers' Monu ment will bo unveiled at Allentown on October 11), and there will bo a grand parade commencing at 1 p. m. on that day. Consult Lehigh Valley ticket agents for further particulars. A. Oswald sells Arbucklo's, Dills worth's, Lion and Levering's coffee at 10 cents a pound. lipli ei pi a ea pflTiPPj] i Fall and Hr Goods J 1 Ban Jut Armed. 1 M |& g xWe invite you to call and g p examine our new and complete p m lines of M 1 Men's and Boys' Heavy Underwear. 1 p All sizes and all qualities. p Hjl [®l p Our Fleece-Lined Non- p p| Shrinkable Drawers and Under- [s| p shirts are the best in town at the p pi price. M I All We Ask Is 50 Cents a Pair. 1 [|n Our stock of Men's and p p Boys' winter hose is very large p p| and will be sold reasonable. p [e A fine assortment of heavy P gloves will be found here. All El NH. styles and prices. [e p Latest styles in fall hats and p pi caps, neckwear, furnishings, etc. m H Our stock of shoes was P E never more complete. Come and § Hi let us equip you for the winter. [e McMENAMIN'S 1 I Gents' Furnishing, Hat and Shoe Store, g II 86 CENTRE STREET. S B.nE,orOorn Kirhuin; Nt. HanVl Kndunw Hank, Kr Yorki or any railroad or.xnre* company in Chiaavo. We hate arapltul of otrr $700,000.00, occupy entire one or ttielarmnkthiiHlni>RH 1.1....W<7 Chicago, and employ nearly 2,000 people In our own building WK SKI.L OKUAKH AT •31.00udJSPUN8?m.M and up: ahto everything In musical instruments at lowest wholesale prices. Write for Irce special orJair i iano oS r'i"' en 'IT"' H ~ b " k • SEARS, ROEBUCK A CO. (Inc.). Fulton, Desplaines and Wayman Sts., CHICAGO, ILL. SEND NO GRADE DROP CARINET BURDICK SEWING MACHINE ' irrl.'l.il"'o. fMSiiAja W I nation. \ou can examine .it at your nearest freight depot and if t| KUr I found perfectly xatur.irtory, exactly as represented, ItPC&'ml • f MKE\ I 1. M equal to machine, other, aell a, high an SCO. OO, and - „ Tiff ■ tilth 41 KM It A lit, AIN vol KVI K IIKtltl) OK. p n , v"?- - i"'rvrs,ssw.Sßs p . rice sis.so 120 pounds andl the• frelgliit will average 75 cents for each 600 miles. i§jKoj LitolTTOUlVL*ll_l P I we will rt^unt T >'° ur own home, and r "if frrent make, and grade, of Sewing Machine, at SM.SO,'" Slo'.Oo! <> S 1V no SlS.Wtand up, ail ruily de,erlhed In Our Free Sewing Machine Catalogue! T I F.°'Ji s Ki??t.kt r ;al , ui , e R ,?r P a^r E oS^ y^y B h^ T BURDICK v{> I BEWARE OF IMITATIONS b.v unknown concerns JyLl I J RRLIAHLK'AK'WIIO AltK" OT. *° m * fri "" l ,n ChlC,f ° * nd l, '" rn nho arP IV o I THE l ns ev * r y MODRRM IMPROYKMENT, 3® I ** Om*iilvA KV Kit V UIIOI) POINT OK KVKKY HlUli "--'-I * DlltKl'TH OK vow ~%• ~. , „y. HAl>l{ ®ACIIISR MAI>K, MITII TMK Y'* 1 * * j* 3 1 35- DKFKtTS Oh MAIM. BY TUE BEST M AKEIt IN AM Kit If A. AUn a ' ' S2 f-ffW" ' THE BEST M ATE It IA L - * SOLID QUARTER SAWED OAK goPDKBK I HEg p|!!g 0 from!l"ht) tobi'uSdTs Hlnatil " ne^"^.(ht-nddrop. • n| "' n vvi,h ,u " len K th tab!e arid head in' p|are"f or^je vvUifaneC - 25S5£EBSSHE.rjd lairat 1 Slt skeleton f r e, carved .nil neled. em bo WMMI an'l tWP ' e*, ■ I ljgl decorated cabinet flnlsh. finest nickel drawer pulls, rests on 4 cos \ I Bo am ll- s P I 111 W SdISiCSJ L'ritthll "wipKEli 11 TBIMmS" 0111 ' 1 ' deciir.Uid f 4a IV' ® ®rai GUARANTEED JhellghteMt running, m*t .lurnhle nndneareSt nol,ele„ warhlns 2 J n inr 4 , made. Kerry knnwn allarhment I,furnUhed and our Free Instruction Rook tells HSt - M /* I S/4 lf 4rT?A'o. e p. n . n ., r , u . 'j'?either plain <>r any kind of fancy work. Mrjm A SO-YEARS BINDING GUARANTEE Is sent with everv macliine —| IT COSTS YOU NOTHING t< see and examine this machine, comparelt -wm • a - p . . cr- —m 7r — w, th those your storekeeper sells at $40.00 yo.r frt'gkt gent the $15.50. \"oKR ili.fiO If 'o™'° wl"hl„" monlhl 4 '!- 04 '' ~* J , not •atliQed. OBDKKTO PAY. PtiXJT JJKJ'Tr* ltoebuck <t Co. are thoroUßhly rellable.-Kditor.) * 3 J ° U "* Address, SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. <Bnc.) Chicago, 111. TRUSSES, 65c, <1.25 ANn IIP at FACTORY I I ~ the prlco charged lyr other*, and WE I / *0 lUVfL'mWL. SLV £ Tori K,.,r.1b1, Blaslle Tru.., ilh.Htnited nbnve nitthi. ad. nut and Bend to U a with OI K HI'KtTAL I'ltllKnamrd state your Helot,., W c i,m. Am, how long yon hove been ruptured, whether rupture in larpre or nninll nlsn state number tnohoa around the body on a line with the rupture, nay whether rupture 1h on rlprht or left Hide and wo will send either trues to you with the under standing. If It la not a perfect flt and equal In truaaea that retail at three times our prlcc.youcan return It and we will return your money. WRITE FOR FREE TRUSS CATALOGUE Addrr.. SEARS, 1 ROEBUCK & Co" CHICAGO SSnsl.9B BUYS A $3.50 SUIT (jf •.IMMM-KLKHIIATKD NKVP.KWF AKOI T'• IMM III.K JVtfV SkAT AMI Fk.MCF, RMiI'LAK #S. 50 HOYS* TW O. k.VKK PANTS HUTS AT SI.OB. /) V* N HEW SUIT FREE FOR ANY OF THESE SUITS (drti° 4 i££ l £ H r.SSS> T a,°A y iw s i T,SFAI!TIIT *"■ [ iTa# • |lB END NO MONEY, eat thla ad. out ami I Jl send to us, state age of boy and Kay whether Jul* • Qllance °r email forage and we will send you i L I jf the HU,t . l, y *J? re s L\ O. D. subject to ex i I I Waininutlon. nu enn examine It nt your I I tv express office and If found perfectly satls- I 1 / Factory and equal to aulta Bold la jour town for I l\ I ?*- 80 'PV y°" r , e *proe ajfent our HpcelaL WW "muttfeVa?ttfia'.WßSEWS D 15 years of age and are retailed everywhere at W Made with IIOI'HLK SKAT and KNKKB, ■WA latel lUIIO alyle aa illnstrulrd, made from a /JW aperlal heaty weight, wear reflating, all-wool Hlanton laaalmere, neat, handsome pattern, fine Italian lining, genuine drat dun Interlining, pudding, staying ami relnfnrrluy, tllk aud linen sewing, tine tailor made throughout,u suit any boy or parent would be proud ol'. POK PKKK I'LOTII BAMPLKS or Hoys't lathing for bay. ito 1 YKAKH, write for Sample 1t,.0k So. U&K, eontuius fuahlon plates, taue measure und full instruetions how to order. Men's Suits mode to order from *r.oo up. Sam ples sent free on application. Address SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.), Chicago, 111. _ (Man, Uvtbuck k to. ore th,roughly nU>Uc.-tdlh>r.j
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