FREELAND TRIBUNE. VOL. XII. NO. 24. RAILROAD TIMETABLES) LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. February 5, 1899. ARRANGEMENT or PASSENGER TRAINS. LEAVE PUBELAND. 0 20 a m for Weathorly, Muuch Chunk, AUentown, Llethlchem, Easton, Ptiilu delpliiu aud New York. 7 40 a in for Sandy ltun. White Haven, Wilkes-Uarro, Pitts ton and Scranton. 8 20 a in lor Weatherly, Muuch Chunk, Al lentown, Hcthlchein, Easton, Philadel phia, New York and Hazleton. 9 33 a ni for Huzlcton, Mahanoy City, Shen andoah, Mt. Funnel, Slmmokiu and Potts vi lie. 1 1 45 a in for Sandy Run, White Haven, Wilkes-liurre, Scranton and ull points West. 4 30 pin for Hazleton, Muhanoy City, Shen andoah, Mt. Carmol, Shamokin and Pottsvillo. 0 34 P m for Sandy ltun. White Haven, Wilkoa-Barre and Scranton. 7 27 P m for Hazleton, Muhunoy City, Sheu undoah, Mt. Curinel, Shamokin. AItHIVE AT FREELAND. 7 20 a m from Ashland, Shenandoah Muha noy City and Huzletou. 7 40 a m from Pottsvillo, Ashland, Shenan doah, Muhanoy City aud Hazleton. 9 17 urn from Philadelphia, Easton, Bethle hem, AUentown, Muuch Chunk, Weath erly, Hazleton, Mahanoy City, Shcnun doah, Mt. Curmcl and Shumokin. 9 33 a in from Scranton, Wilkes-Barro and White Haven. 11 45 a m from Pottsvillo, Shamokin, Mt. Curinel, Sheuuudouh, Muhunoy City and Hazleton. 4 30 p m from Scrunton, Wilkes-Burre and White Haven. 0 34 1> m from New York, Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem, AUentown, Potts villo, Shamokin, Mt. Curinel, Shenan doah, Mahanoy City uml Hazleton. 7 27 l> ni from Scranton, Wilkes-Barro and White Haven. For further iufurination inquire of Ticket Aponts. HOLLIN 11. WILBUR, General Superintendent. CHAS. S. LEE, Gen'l Pass. Agent. 30 Cortlaudt Street, New York City. THE DELAWARE, SUSQUEHANNA AND SCHUYLKILL RAILROAD. Time table in effect April 18, 1897. Trains loavo Drifton for Jeddo, Eeklcy, Hazle Brook, Stockton, Beaver Meadow ltoad, Hoan aud Hazleton Junction at 5 30, 0 00 a in, daily except Sunday; and 7 03 a in, 3 38 p in, Sunday. Trains leave Drilton for Harwood, Cranberry, Toiuhiukcn and Deringer at 6 30, 6 00 a m, daily except Sunday; and i 03 a in, 338 p m, Sun day. Trains leave Drifton for Oneida Junction, Harwood Road, Humboldt Road, Oneida and Shoppton at 000 a m, daily except Sun day; and 7 03 a m, 3 38 p in, Sunday. Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Harwood, Cranberry, Tomhioken and Deringer at 6 35 a m, daily except Sunday; and 8 53 a m, 4 33 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Oneida Junction, Harwood Road, Humboldt Road, Oneida and Shoppton at 6 32,11 10 am,441 pm, daily except Sunday; und 737a m, 311 pm, Sunday. Trains loavo Deringer for Tomhick m, Cran berry, Harwood/ Hazleton Junction and Roan at 3 35, 5 40 p m, daily except Sunday; and 3 37 a m, 5 07 p in, Sunday. Trains leavo Shoppton for Oneida. Humboldt Road, Harwood Roud, Oneida Junction, Hazle ton Junction and Roan at 7 11 am, 13 40, 533 p m, daily except Sunday; and 8 11 a m, 3 44 p m, Sunday. Trains leavo Shoppton for Beaver Meadow Koiui, Stockton, llazle Brook, Eeklcy, Jeddo and Drifton at 5 33 p in, daily, exoept Sunday; and 811 am,344 pm, Sunday. Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Beaver Meadow Road, Stockton, Hazle Brook, Eckley, Jeddo and Drifton at 5 45, 630 p m, daily, except Sunday; aud 10 10 a m, 5 40 p in, Sunday. All trainsoonuect at Hazleton Junction with electric curs for Hazleton, Jcanesville, Audon riod aud other puints on the Traction Com pany's line. Trains leaving Drifton at 5 30, 6 00 a m make connection at Deringer with P. it. R. trains for Wilkesbarre, Sunbury, Uarrisburg and points west. For the accommodation of passengers at way stations between Hazleton Junction aud Der inger, a train will leave tho former point at 350 p m, daily, except Sunday, arriving at Deringer at 5 00 p m. LUTHER C. SMITH, Superintendent. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF X LUZERNE COUNTY, No. 937, October term, 1899. Notice is hereby givon that an application will be made by the "SOCIKTA POLITICA GAHI BAI.DI DI MUTUO SOCCORSO" to the court of common pleas of the county aforesaid on the thirtieth day of September, 1899, at 10 a. m., under tho provisions of the act of the general assembly of this commonwealth, entitled "an act to provide for the incorporation and regu lation of certain corporations," approved April 39. 1874, ami its supplements, lor the approval and allowance of a CERTAIN AMEND MENT to tho charter of said corporation as set forth in the petition therefor tiled iu said court. Chuß. Orion Stroll, solicitor. T7X)K SALE OR RENT.—Owing to his in- X I ability to give the business his personal attention, the undersigned offers for sale or rent his meat market, consisting of one llrst elass refrigerator, blocks, scales and all other appurtenances necessary in uu up-to-date es tablishment; ulso two good horses, two butcher wagons, one buckboard, one truck wagon, one two-seated carriage and one eight horse-power engine and grinder; good trade has been es tablished; possession given on October 1. Ap ply to George Fisher, 0 East Walnut street. TPOR SALE.— I Three Freeland Silk Mill Com- X* pany 6 per cent gold bonds; par value SSO each. For price apply at Tribune office. GRAND OPERA HODSE. Freeland Opera Houso Co., Lessees. Friday and Saturday, September 22 and 23. Two 2STig:lrts. Fields & Hanson's Minstrels AND THEIR MERRY ASSOCIATES. IA CHAMPION irk IU BUCK AND WING DANCERS 19 m UNSURPASSABLE IA SINGERS AND COMEDIANS 19 Prices: 25c, 35c and 50c. Wednesday, Sept. 27. First Production in Freelaud of Lewi, "pmiCT" Morrison's f ft U U I • Now ou It. Furowull Tour. 16th - YEAR OF SUCCESS - 16th Prices: 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c. Seats on sale throe days before show at McMenumin's store, 80 South Centre street. BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. PARAGRAPHS GATHERED FROM ALL PARTS OF THE REGION. SynnpHlr. of T.'t. al nn<l Miscellaneous Oc,. 'J'liHt Citu Hi- Jtend rjulokly. Whnt tho Fi-llt, of ThU and Other Town. Are DOIDL'. Butler township schools opened 011 Monday. Fields & Hanson's Minstrels will ap pear at tho Grand opera houso on Fri day and Saturday evenings. Representatives of the striking miners at Nanticoke and Glen Lyon are In tho region soliciting financial aid for the families of the men. John Brusak has been found guilty at Wilkesbarre of placing an Iron coupling 011 the D. S. & S. Railroad near Jeddo. 110 will be sentenced on Saturday. Tho annual meeting of tho Citizens' lloso Company will be hold this evening, when the election of officers and otlior Important business will tako place. A number of Freeland and North Side people were at Hazleton yesterday attending tho funeral of the late Mrs. James Gaughan, nee Miss Aggie Riley. On Saturday evening St. Patrick's band will entertain Its friends with a picnic at Drifton ball park. DePlerro's orchestra will furnish the dancing uiuslc. J. D. Myors, of South Washington stroot, has raised a fine crop of beans In his garden. Several of thein measure twenty-six Inches In length and are still growing. A. Oswald sells Arbuckln's, Dills worth's, Lion and Levering's coffee at 10 cents a pound. Dr. Lincoln Cunningham, of Baltimore, has taken charge of Dr. N. Maloy's practice until tho latter returns from his annual visit to Ills parents in Toronto, Canada. Ex-Dlstrlct Attorney John M. Gar man, of Nanticoke, who went to tho Hot Springs for his health some weeks ago, is sorlously 111 and fears are outer tained for his recovery. Samuel Gtindry has been appointed manager of the Lattimor store, vlco A. S. Evert, deceased. Mr. Gundry has acted In the capacity of chief clerk In the store for the past throo years. Frank Newhart, of Edwardsylllo, who Is charged with murdering his wlfo last Juno, was placed on trial at Wilkos barro 011 Tuesday. His counsel made an attempt to havo tho case continued. Tho remains of Daniel Straussor, a Mt. Carinel veteran, who disappeared July 4 last while gathorlng huckle berries, wore discovered 011 tho moun tain sido about a half niilo abovo Locust Dalo. Octobor 10 will bo the last day for taxpayors of Freeland borough to rc celvo the 5 per cent discount allowod by law upon taxes paid within sixty days of the date of the collector's warrant. Aub. Powell, a son of John M. Powell, Walnut street, rocelvod a sevoro Injury while at his work as a machinist In Easton recently. He returned homo and a part of his Index linger was amputated this week. John Logan, an old time resident of Highland, Jeddo and Hazleton, who was strlckon with paralysis recently, Is re ported In a critical condition. Ho Is stopping at the home of John McNolis on Alter street. — Sentinel. A. Oswald sells Delicatosse Baking Powder at 5c per pound can. Every can Is guaranteed as to Its purity. Givo It a trial. A card party was given at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. P. 11. Murphy 011 Tues day evening In honor of thoir guest, Miss Maggie Harklns, Buffalo. The party was largely attonded and was voted a delightful success. Mrs. Matal Vallona, a former resident of town, died at Pittsburg. Tho re mains wore brought hero for burial and wore interred at St. Ann's cemetery on Tuesday. She was a daughter of An thony Capece, Rldgo street. Tho commlttoe of the Cttlznns' Hose Company which has chargo of tho pic nic at tho Public park Saturday ovon- Ing Is putting forth ovory possible effort to make It a success of tho first order. Music will bo supplied by St. Ann's band. The secret service has discovered a counterfeit 83 treasury note of the sories of 1891, check letter D, Bruce register, Roberts treasurer, portrait McPherson. The seal is dark red In stead of pink and the parallol ruling Is poor, as is most of tho lathe work. Tho silk fibre has been closoly Imitated. Two men named \ Joseph Ford and Arthur Thomas, wbllo in tho act of cracking a safe In Campbell's hardware storo at Shlckshlnny before daylight Monday, woro surprised by C. S. Simp son and Ernest Reach. Ford showed fight and was knocked down by an Iron bar and had his jaw broken. Both men woro landed In jail. BIRTHS. Sweeney.—On September 18, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sweeney, a son. FREELAND, PA., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1899. Council Meeting; Cant Evening. An adjourned mooting of council was hold last evening. A communication from Constable Ludwig called attention to an order of court directing street commissioners to post the names of streets on corners and this was ordered complied with. An opinion of the solicitor authorizing election officers to be paid as follows for special election was accepted: Judges, 83. 50 per day and mileage; inspectors, 83.50; clerks, 83. Another opinion from the solicitor advised council to pay the hoto) bill of 848.50 contracted by Sur veyor Rutter. An advertising bill of 8*32.95 from the TIUBUNE was approved. A protest from Street Commissioner Dinn in regard to last month's dockage was received and referred to the street committee. A discussion on fire protection for the. Ilill followed and the matter was again referred to the fire committee. The publishing of an ordinance was tho noxt subject to occupy considerable time. A motion to give tho printing committee authority to publish the ordinance in one paper at not more than 5 cents a iino finally prevailed. Tracts of Anthracite Discovered. The Tidewater Anthracite Coal Com pany, with a capital 'of $3,000,000, has just been organized In Philadelphia. Tho company has largo tracts of land in Wost Virginia, which is said to be un derlaid with a good quality of anthra cite coal. The mining of anthracito coal has been confined to a few counties in this state, though in recent years there havo boon discoveries of that kind of coal on tho Canadian Pacific road, and for many years a small amount of anthracite has boon produced in Wales. Up to this time tho Pennsylvania mines havo had no competition sinco the discovory of anthracito in tho Le high region moro than a century ago. The ownors of tho West Virginia mines say they can supply contiguous cities and territory at $1.50 per ton loss than Pennsylvania anthracite can bo laid down and make money. Grafting Operation Performed. A very interesting oporation was per formed on Miss Kate Foy, at Mercy hospital, Wilkcsbarrc, yesterday. Two weeks ago Miss Foy, who was omployod at a laundry, had one of her arms torn from tho wrist to tho shoulder. The skin was entirely gone. It was decided to resort to tho grafting operation. The fiftocn girls in the laundry volunteered to give part of their skin to bo grafted on the injured arm, and yesterday the first grafting was done. Five of tho girls went to tho hospital and had portions of skin taken from their arms and grafted on Miss Foy's in jurod arm. Two sections wore taken from somo of thorn, and others throo. In a day or two another five will under go tho same oporation, and in a few days later tho romalning five. Found Dend Near Hazle Brook. Oil Monday evening John Roshka, of Hazle lirook, aged about 00 years, was found doad near that villcgo. August liaker and Andrew Enos drove to Free land and notlflod Squire Buckley. Tbo latter noxt morning notified Deputy Coroner Bowman, of Ha/.loton, who viewed tho romalns and decided that death was due to heart dlsoaso and that an inquest was unnecessary. Tho de ceased was seen about flvo hours before the body was found. At his boarding houso tho romalns wore rofused admittance and thoy wore ordered shipped to a Philadelphia medi cal college. Several of his countrymen of town later took charge and gave them a doccnt burial. Junior Mechanic.' Convention. The Junior Order United American Mechanics' state convention openod at Scranton Tuesday morning. Secretary Doomer's roport showod tho total mem bership at prosont to bo 80,847 enrolled in 750 councils. Nino new councils woro chartorcd during tho year and five reinstated. Slxteon were dissolved and twenty-six forfeited thoir charters. Al though there was a falling off In the number of councils, tho membership showod a gain. For benoflts and roliof 81512,305.15 havo been paid out. Treas urer Calver's report shows tho balance In the treasury as 85,082.58. Are Now on the Way Home. County Dotectivo Johnson has suc ceeded in socurlng oxtradltion papers for Mrs. Jones, of Parsons, and the man with whom she eloped, aftor securing money by mortgaging hor husband's property, and has startod for homo with tho couple. Thoy will be hero in the course of a week. They were arrested on landing at Liverpool and have been detained there since, pending the issu ing of extradition papers. Severely Burned by Powder, Daniel Brcslln, aged 14 yoars, a son of 11. M. Brcslln, was seriously burned by an explosion of gunpowder in the rear of his home yestorday aftornoon. The boy was soverely burned about tho head and face, and up to tho present time the physicians are unable to state whether or not his sight will be affected. Ills fuco Is vory much swollen and ho Is suffering Intense pain. PERSONALITIES. Mr. and Mrs. John Herron, Misses Maggie, Mary and Bridgot Herron, Pat rick Burke and daughter, Miss Rose, and Miss Maggie L. Ferry will leave to morrow for Philadelphia to attend tho ordination to the priesthood of Daniel Herron. Mrs. A. B. Welch and daughter, Miss Carrie, accompanied by tho former's brother, I. O. Mandoville, of Wilkes barre, loft on Tuesday to spend a month with friends In Maine. Missos Mary and Rose Welsh, of Wal nut street, left this morning for Phila delphia, whore tho latter will receive treatment at Will's Eye hospital. Miss Clare McDonald, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. McDonald, has entered as a pupil in St. Cecilia's acad oray, Scranton. Miss Jennie Stonner has returned from a visit to hor parents in Scranton. ; She is accompanied by her sister, Miss , Annie. John J. McGarvey returned homo Tuesday evening from Gallltzon, where ho was omployod during tho sumim r. Mrs. and Miss Petrey and Miss Jennie j Munn, of Paterson, N. J., are visiting: the family of Postmaster Davis. Joseph Nouburgor has returned from a month's sojourn at Atlantic City, somewhat iinprovod in health. Miss Sarah Campbell has returned from Philadelphia to hor homo on South Centre street. V. A. Oswald has returned to his studies in Franklin and Marshal college, Lancaster. Simon Nouburgor and sister, Miss Nettie, are visiting friends in New York city. I. Refowich spent the forepart of the week attonding to business in New York city. Mrs. Stephen Rogers, of Forty Fort, formerly of this place, is visiting friends hero. Miss Daisy Birkbock has returned to hor studios in a Now York state college. Misses Ella McGarvey and Mame Gal lagher arc visiting AUentown friends. CHURCH CHIMES. Tho services of Forty Hours Devotion at St. Ann's church closed yesterday morning with a sermon by Rov. Father Rahilly, of Audenried. On Monday evening the sermon was preached by Rov. Father Nugent, of tho Order of Dominicans, and on Tuesday evening by Rov. Father Burke, of Hazleton. Rov. E. A. O'Rlolly, of Wllkosbarre, as sisted the sovcral priests named in Monday's issue. On Sunday and Monday next tho Primitive Methodist church will observe its Harvest Home services. Sermons will bo proachod on Sunday morning by Rev. G. Lees, of Hazleton, and in tho evening by Rev. W. C. Hall, tho pastor. On Monday evening tho social gather ing will take place. Ono of tho professors at Vlllanova collego will deliver tho sermon at St. Ann's church on Sunday aftor tho cele bration of mass by our townsman, Rov. Daniel Ilorron, who will be ordained on Saturday. Rov. J. P. Buxton, Drifton, and Rov. F. Marshal, Freeland, attended tho mooting of tho archdoaconry of the P. E. Church at Lebanon on Tuesday. Tho Lehigh Presbytery, of which Rov. J. W. Bischoff, of Upper Lohigh, is president, is in session this week at Shenandoah. BRIEF ITEMS. The following citizons of tho vicinity will sorvo as jurors next wook: Goorgo Fagan, H. C. Koons, A. Oswald, Froo land; John Gricst, Jeddo; John Gcrlach, R. L. lUnckly, Foster; John Palmer, Patrick Somors, H. E. Swoenoy, Ilazle. Tho Democratic county candidates mot at Wilkesbarre on Monday and elected the following officers: Chair man, C. F. Bohan, Pittston; secretaries, Ambroso O'Noil and George L. Fenner, Wilkesbarre. PLEASURE CALENDAR. Soptembor 23.—Supper In basement of English Baptist church. Tickets, 25c. Soptombor 23. —Picnic of St. Patrick's band at Drifton ball park. September 23.—Picnic of Citizens' Hoso Company at Public park. Octobor 10.—Picnic and ball of Young Men's C. T. A. B. Corps. Octobor 10.—Cosmopolitan Concert Company and Niver's Anlmatoscopo at Grand opera house. Admission, 15c, 25c and 35c. "Mr. Dooley" Creates a Girl. Tho author of tho famous "Mr. Dooley," Finley P. Dunne, has joined tho literary forces of the Ladies' Home Journal , and will create this fall in that magazine a new character, called "Molly Donohue: who lives across tho street from Mr. Dooley." Her creator says that Molly is a bright, pretty girl of nineteen, who has ambitions for tho great world of women's clubs. Browning societies, golf clubs, woman's rights or ganizations, etc. Her mother and brother sympathize with her, but her father is hard to deal with in that he will Insist on sitting at the table in his shirtsleeves and In his stocking-feet. J. E. Toole Company. Tho J. E. Toolo Company closed a three night's engagement at tho opera house last evening. On Monday night "Klllarncy" was presented to an ap preciative audience. Tho singing of Mr. Toole and Miss DeWoolf and the work of the other members was pleasing to all who attended. On Tuesday evening "Tho Bells" was given. In the character of Mathias Mr. Toole displayed unexpected ability. He was ably supported by John Doud. Tho play was interesting from start to finish. It was preceded by a one-act comedy, entitled "Whoso Is It?" Rain interfered considerably with the at tendance. Last night Shakespeare's great play, "Othello," was givon to a fair-sized audience. Tho title role was played by John Doud, and was well played. Messrs. Weaver and Fitzmaurico and Miss DeWoolf also did justice to thoir parts. As lago, Mr. Toolo was rather weak at times, and a few of tho minor roles were not very strong. On tho whole, however, the presentation was equal to that givon by tho average rop ortoiro company, and tho audience showed its appreciation throughout. That Uemarkuble Family Again. Another child has been born to Mr. and Mrs. William Swartwood, of Moun tain Top—the twenty-fifth. Of the twenty-five children, two are dead and tho other twenty-throe reside at home. One of the oldest sons and one of the daughters are married and rcsido, with their children, at the Swartwood home stead. Tho sons are employed as brake men on the Central with the father, who is an engineer, and though all make good wages It takes all their earnings to keep the homestead going. There arc throe pairs of twins born to Mr. and Mrs. Swartwood and ono of thom died in infancy six yoars ago. Another baby diod last year. Mr. Swartwood is about fifty years of ago and weighs about 350 pounds, whilo his wife is about six years his junior and weighs about 175 pounds. Both are healthy and happy. Thirty people gather about tho table at each meal. Tho homo is a decidedly happy ono and there is a family re union evory day in tho year. Sheriff Stops a Fight at Scranton. At tho behest of tho Christian En deavor City Union of Scranton, ShcrifT Ryan stopped tho twonty round bout between "Jimmy" Judge and "Austra lian Daddy" Gorman, which was sched uled to tako place In that city Monday night. There is a special act, passed iu 18G6, prohibiting all manner of public sparring exhibitions In tho hard coal regions. The Endeavorors discovered it and called the sheriff's attention to tho fight and tho act. lie served notice on tho theatre people not to attempt to pull off tho fight and thoy oboyod him. Carbon County Democrats. The Democrats of Carbon county met on Monday in convention and nominat ed this ticket: Associate judge, E. R. Enbody, Mauch Chunk; register and recorder, James J. Sweoney, Summit Hill; county treasurer, Lawrence Tarlo ton, Weatherly; county commissioners, John O'Donnoll, East Mauch Chunk, and Charles llohrig, East Penn town ship; county auditors, Nathan Zlmmor inan, Mahoning, and Emory Gotz, Penn Forest. A Treat for Opera-Goers, Lovers of tho real, tho true and tho intellectual on the stage will have a grand treat in witnessing tho final per formance of Lewis Morrison's "Faust." Its beautiful scenery, wealth of me chanical effects, elaborato electrical and pyrotochnlcal display, as well as tho competent company bid fair to make Its farewoll presentation in tills town 011 Wednesday ovenlng an ovent that will long be remombered as ono of the most Important In the annals of our local stage. Last Grand Kxcurslon to Nluaara Falls. The Lehigh Valloy Railroad an nounces the last grand excursion of the season to Niagara Falls at 85. Tickets will bo sold from Freeland on October 7, good going on all trains on that date except the lllack Diamond express, limited for return to and Including October 9, Consult Lehigh Valloy ticket agonts for further particulars. Low Rate Kxcurslon to New York Via Lehigh Valloy Railroad, Octobor 11, 1899. Fare from Frooland for tho round trip will bo 82.45. Tickets will be sold for all trains, excopt those con necting with Black Diamond express, Octobor 11. Limit for return October 13 Inclusive. Consult Lehigh Valley tickot agents for further particulars. Grand Army Day and Parade. Slatingtou, Octobor 7, 1899. Tho Lehigh Valloy Railroad will sell tlckots on October 7, good for roturn to Octobor 8, at low rato of single faro for tho round trip from Frooland. Consult Lehigh Valloy Railroad ticket agents for further particulars. Carbon County Fair. Special low ratos via Lehigh Valloy Railroad. Tlckots will be sold from Frooland to Lohighton and roturn, Sop tembor 20 to 29 inclusive, limited for roturn to and Including Septembor 30. Consult Lohigh Valloy ticket agents for furthor particulars. WEDDED AT MT. CARMEL. FREELAND YOUNG MAN WAS MAR RIED ON TUESDAY. Uap|y Couple Spending l'art of Their Honeymoon In Town as the Guests of the Groom's Sister—Will Ilegln House keeping at Mt. Carinel. The Centralia correspondent of the Mt. Carmel Item had an interesting wedding notice in yesterday's issue. The groom is a well-known young man who resided here until a fow months ago. The happy couple arrived In Freeland yesterday and will spend a fow days with the groom's sister, Mrs. John McGcady. Tho Item said: A pretty wedding was enacted yester day morning when Miss Bridgot Con nors, one of our popular young ladles, and Mr. John Campbell, of Mt. Carmel, woro made man and wife. Tho cere mony was performed by Rov. J. W. Ilaycs In the parish church at 7 a. in., many friends of tho contracting parties being present. Miss Mary C. Lynch, a prominent young lady of town, acted as bridesmaid, while Christ Connors, the bride's brother, did the honors as best man. The bride was daintily attired In a tailor-made suit of tan broadcloth and wore a hat of tho same hue. Tho bridesmaid wore a gown of blue broad cloth with a hat to match, wlillo tho gentlemen were attired in neat fitting suits of tho conventional black. The wedding group looked very boautlful as they gaily tripped up tho main aisle of the church to tho foot of tho main altar, where the ceremony was performed, while tho organ pcajed forth tho beauti ful strains of Mendolsuhn's wedding march. Tho contracting parties are both well known here and have many friends who join 11s In wishing thom joy and success In their new state of life. Tho bride was the recipient of many boautlful presents, 'ljlie brldo and groom loft on tho 13.37 train for Wilkesbarre, where tho honeymoon will bo spent. When thoy return they will tako up their abodo In Mt. Carmel, where a neatly furnished homo awaits the bride's com ing. How's This I We oiler One Hundred Dollarv Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured bv Hall'B Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, Ohio. We the undersigned have known F.J. Cheney tor the lost fifteen years, and believo him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. WEST A TIIUAX, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, O. WALDINO, RINNAN A MARVIN, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall'B Catarrh Cure IB taken inter nally, acting directly on the blood and mucons surfaces of the system. Prioe, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills are the bost. AUentown Cuir. The Lehigh Valley Railroad will sell tickets from Freeland to the AUentown Fair and return at special low rates, September 19 to 33, good for return to and including Soptmnber 33. Special 0110 day rate of 81.30 will bo inado Thursday, Soptembor 31. Tlckots good going only on train leaving Freeland at (1.20 a. in., 011 that date, returning on special train leaving AUentown 7.20 a. 111. 011 that date, or on any regular train except tho Black Diamond express, tho following day. Consult Lehigh Valley Railroad agents for Information, schodulos, spocial trains, etc. PICNIC! A picnic will be conducted by the St. Patrick's Cornet Band, of Drifton, at Drifton Ball Park, on Saturday Evening, Sept. 23. Dancing Music by DePierro's Orchestra. Refreshments of All Kinds. VIENNA: BAKERY. J. B. LAUBACH, Prop. Centre Street, Freeland. CIIOIGE DREAD OF ALL KINDS, CAKES, AND PASTRY, DAILY. FANCY AND NOVELTY CAKES BAKED TO ORDER. Confectionery $ Ice Cream supplied to balls, partios or picnics, with all necessary aityuncts, at shortest notice and fairest prices. Delivery and supply wagons to all parts oj town and surroundings every day. $1.50 PER YEAR. Merchant Tailoring! Wo have a very hnndsomo and com plete line of Piece Goods, from which we can make you a suit or a pair of trousers at a very low figure. Wo are devoting considerable time and money to this branch of our business and we propose to make it one of our leading departments. All our goods are new uud direct from the manufacturers. We give you a special invitation to cull and examine the lines we carry. Every branch of Merchant Tailor ing is now given prompt attention in our large establishment. Clothing for Everybody. Should you prefer to bo fitted with a suit from our large stock of Fall and Win ter Clothing, we can accomodate you at less cost to you than any other dealer. We have very large assortments in Clothing for Men, Boys and Children, also Gents' Furnishings, Underwear, Hats, Etc. Phila. One-Price Clothing House, S. SENIE, PROP. Birkbeck Brick. Freeland. ORION STROH, Attorney and Counselor at Law and Notary Public. Office: Rooms 1 and 2, Birkbeck Brick, Freeland JOHN M. CARE, Attorney-at-Law. All legal business promptly attended. Postoffico Building, - Freeland. Mclaughlin, Attorney-at-Law. Legal Business of Any Description. Bronnun'a Building. So. Centre St., Freeland. J. O'DONNELL, Attorney-at-Law. Legal Business Promptly Attended. Campbell Building, ... Freeland. A. BUCKLEY, Justice of the Peace. All business given jnrompl attention. Tribune Building. . . Main Street. N. MALEY, DENTIST. OVER BIIIKBECK'S STORE, Second Floor, . . Blrkbock Brick. jyjRS. S. E. IIAYES, Fire Insurance Agent. Washington Street. None but Reliable Companies Represented,. TJR. S. S. HESS, DENTIST. 37 South Centre Street. Second Floor Front. ■ Rcfogich Building. LIBOR WINTER, Eating House and Oyster Saloon. No. 13 Front Street, Freeland. Tomperanco drinks, cignrs, eto. Familea supplied with oysters direct from the shore. Are Your Shoes Run Down? The Black Diamond SHOE REPAIRING HOUSE Will Make Them Good as Hew. The quality of our work cannot bo surpassed, and we make repairs quicker than any other establishment in town. Call hero when you want the Lowest Prices in the Town. H. MOWER. Prop. Hadesty Building, 109 S. Centre Street. Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions. S.,_ c D A celebrated brand of XX flour always in stoek. Roll Butter and Eggs a Specialty. AMANDUS OSWALD, If. Cor. Centre and Front Bte„ Freeland.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers