FREELAND TRIBUNE. VOL. XII. NO. 17. RAILROAD TIMETABLES LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. February 6, 1899. ARRANGEMENT OF I'AHBENGKR TRAINS. LEAVE FREELAND. 0 20 a m for Wcathorly, Munch Chunk, AUoiitown, Bethlehem, Euston, Phila delphia ami New York. 7 40 a in for Handy Run, White Haven, Wilkes-Burro, Pittstou and Hcrantou. 8 20 a m for Weatherly, Mauch Chunk, Al lentowii, Bethlehem, Euston, Pliiladel phia, New York and Huzleton. 9 33 am for Huzleton, Mahanoy City, Shen andoah, Alt. tunnel, Shamokin and Pottsville. 1 1 45 a m for Sandy ltun, White Haven, Wilkes-Barre, Scranton and ull points West. 4 36 P m for llnzlcton, Mahanoy City, Shen andoah, Mt. Carinel, Sliainokin and Pottsville. 0 34 }> in for Sandy Run, White Haven, Wilkes-Barre and Scranton. 7 27 P m for Huzleton, Muhunoy City, Shen andoah, Mt. Carmel, Sliainokin. ARRIVE AT FREELAND. 7 20 a m from Ashland, Shenandoah Muhu noy City and Huzleton. 7 40 a in from Pottsville, Ashland, Shenun doah. Mahanoy City and Hazieton. 0 17 a in from Philadelphia, Euston, Bethle hem, Allontowu, Munch Chunk, Weath erly, Huzleton, Muhunoy City, Sheuun deah, Mt. Carmel and Shamokin. 9 33 am from Scranton, Wilkes-Barre and White Haven. 11 45 a m l'roin Pottsville, Shamokin, Mt. Carmel, Shenandoah, Mahanoy City and Huzleton. 4 36 p in from Scranton, Wilkes-Barre and White Haven. 0 34 P in from New York, Philadelphia, Euston, Bethlehem, Allcntown, Potts ville, Shamokin, Mt. Carmel, Shcnuu doali, Mahanoy City and Hazieton. 7 27 P in from Serunton, Wilkes-Barre and White Haven. For further information inquire of Ticket Agents. ROLLIN 11. WILBUR, General Superintendent. CHAS. S. LEE, Gon'l Pass. Agent. 28 Cortlundt Street, New York City. THE DELAWARE, SUSQUEHANNA AND SCHUYLKILL RAILROAD. Time table in effect April 18, 1897. Trains leave Drifton for Jeddo, Eekley, Hazle Brook, Stockton, Beaver Meadow ltoad, Roan ami Hazieton Junction ut 5 UU, 000 a in, daily except Sunday; and 7 00 a in, 2 38 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Drifton for Harwood, Cranberry, Tomhickcn and Dcriugcr at G IK), 6 00 a in, daily except Sunday; and 7 03 u m, 2 38 p in, Suu duy. Trains leave Drifton for Oneida Junction, llarwood Road, Humboldt Road, Oncidu and Shoppton at 000 am, daily except Sun day; and 7 03 a in, 2 38 p in, Sunday. Trains leave Hazieton Junction for Harwood, Cranberry, Tomhicken and* Deringer at 035 a m, daily except Sunday; and 8 53 a in, 4 22 p in, Sunday. Trains leave Hazieton Junction for Oneida Junction, Harwood Road, Humboldt Road, Oncidu and Sheppton at 0 32,1110 a in, 4 41 p m, daily except Sunday; and 7 37 a in, 311 pin, Sunday. Trains leave Deringer for Tomhick n, Cran berry, Harwood, Hazieton Junction and Roan at 2 25, 6 40 p m, daily except Sunday; and 9 37 a in, 5 07 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Sheppton for Oneida, Humboldt ltoad, Harwood Road, Oneida Junction, Hazie ton Junction and Roan ut 7 11 am, 12 40, 522 p m, daily except Sunday; and 8 11 a m, 3 44 p in, Sunday. Trains leave Sheppton for Beaver Meadow Kcad, Stockton, lluzlc Brook, Eckley, Jeddo and Drifton at 5 22 p m, daily, except Sunday; ami 8 li a m, 3 44 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Hazieton Junction for Beaver Meadow ltoud, Stockton, Hazle Brook, Eekley, Jeddo and Drifton at 5 45, 020 pin, daily, except Sunday; and 10 10 u m, 5 40 p m, Sunday. All trains connect at Hazieton Junction with electric cars lor Hazieton, Jeanosvllle, Audcn ried and other points on tho Traction Com pany's lino. Trains leaving Drifton at 5 80. 0 00 a m make connection at Deringer witli P. It. R. trains for Wilkeubarre, Suubury, Uarrisburg and points west. For the accommodation of passengers ut way stations between Hazieton Junction and Der inger, a train will leave the former point at 350 p in, daily, except Sunday, arriving ut Doriugcr at 5 00 p m. LUTHER O. SMITH, Superintendent. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. CJHERIFF SALE. By virtue of a writ of O fieri facias issued out of the court of com mon pleas of Luzerne county, now assessed to John Arnold, George Arnold and H. W. Jacobs JLS j,he firm of John Arnold vs. John Slasko, will bo exposed to public sale on Saturday, September 9. 1899, at 10 o'clock a. in., in the courthouse, Wilkosbarro, Pa. All that lot of land situate on the west side of Arthur street, between Third and Fourth streets in the Diamond addition to the city of llazletou iu llazlo township, being lot marked number seven (7), square number one hun dred and thirty-five (135), in plan of said Diamond addition, described as follows: Beginning nt a point thirty-two (32) feet south from the southwest corner of Fourth uml Arthur streets, tlienee south along west side of Arthur street thirty-two (32) feet to corner of lot number eight (8), thence west along northern line of lot eight (8) two hun dred (200) feet to an alley, thence north along said alley thirty-two (32) feCt to corner of lot number six (0), thence east along southern line of lot number six (0) two hundred (200) feet to plaee of beginning. improved with a large two-story double frame dwelling house, a small stable, neces sary outhouses, fences and fruit trees thereon. James G. Harvey, sheriff. Frank Ncedham, attorney. NOTICE.— Notice is hereby given that the partnership between August ltcstciibcr gcr and William Jones, under the firm name of the Freeland Steam Laundry, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, William Jones retiring. All debts due to the said partner ship ure to be paid and those due from the same to be discharged at the laundry, on South Centre street, Freeland, when the busi ness will be carried on by the said August liostonbcrgcr, under the firm of the Freeland tftuain Laundry. William Jones. Augustus Restcnberger. Freeland, Pa„ August 20, 1899. PROPOSALS.— Sealed proposals will be re ceived until September 1, 1899, for the clearing of fif teen or twenty acres of Slovak orphan home farm land, Butler township. Ground must lie cleared and plowed and all stones removed. For further particulars ap ply to Michael Zeraany, Butler township, or Rev. Carl Ho user, Freeland. Send proposals to P. O. box 441, Freeland, Pa. WANTED.— A girl or woman for general housework; fair wages, good place; no washing. Apply to S. Seme, Birkbeck Brick. BY) It SALE.—Three couches, two buggies and other vehicles; will soli very reason able. For prices apply at Campbell's store. Excursion to Toronto Industrial Fair. The Lehigh Valley Railroad announces a Labor Day excursion to Niagara Falls and return at the low faro of $8.12 from Freeland for tho round trip. Tickets will bo issued for train No. 3 and for immediate connecting train from branch lino points, September 1, and all trains (except the Black Diamond express) on on September 2 and 3, limit for return passage to September 0, 1891), inclusive. Tickets for Toronto and return will be sold to holders of Niagara Falls excur sion tickets, at Niagara Falls. Fare, $1 by steamer, or $1.50 by rail, thus afford ing these desiring to visit the great Toronto Industrial Fair an opportunity to do so. Consult Lehigh Valley ticket agonts for further particulars. An adjourned meeting of tho borough council will be hold this evening. BOND ISSUE CARRIES. EVERY WARD IN THE BOROUGH FAVORS IMPROVEMENTS. Speclnl Klection Itenulteri in a Sweeping Victory for the Expenditure of $15,000 for a Town Iluildlng, Fire Alurm Sys tem, More Sewer., Ktc. Tho voters of Krooland borough havo spokon In no uncortain tono In favor of progress. ]iy a vote of 515 to 133 they gave their assent on .Saturday to issuo 815,000 worth of 4 por cent bonds for the following purposes: Ten thousand dollars for oroctlng, furnishing and completing a town hall, including in the one structure, council rooms, lire department, municipal of fices, a largo hall, a public library and a lockup. Fifteen hundred dollars for establish ing an electric pumping station on tho 11111 In tho Fourth ward. Flfteon hundred dollars to establish an olectric fire alarm system through out tho borough. Two thousand dollars to oxtend and build the public sowers on Washington, Front, llirkbock, Carbon and Ridge streets. Every ward gavo a majority in favor of tho increase of indebtedness, as is shown by the following voto: Ist 2d 3d 4th So W'd Total W'd W'd W'd W'd 2d 3d Voto. For 107 08 58 141 04 47 515 Against... 8 7 0 3 00 43 133 Majority forOß 91 52 138 2 382 A total of 048 votes wore polled, or about 0(1 per cent of tho voting popula tion of tho borough. The election pass ed off vory quietly, and the result was accepted In the proper spirit by all. The voto of tho Fourth ward was be yond tho expectations of tho most ar dent advocates of the bond issuo. The majority given there, 138, was sufficient to ovorcome all the opposition in tho ontiro borough. Every election district but one, tho Bocond of the South ward, registered a majority for tho increase, and tho opponents carriod that one by tho narrow margin of 2 votes. Tills result was overbalanced by tlio Third district of the same ward, which gavo 4 In favor of tho Increase, thereby giving a ma jority of 2 in the whole ward. After the result was made known tho Citizens' hand celebrated by rondoring selections on tho streets, and an address congratulating the people on tho result was made by Hugh Malloy on the K. or L. lots, whore tho town building will bo located. As the erection of a town building was ono of the principal features of the election, a brief review of the more im portant conditions upon which the K. of L. land was offered to tho borough on October 17, 1898, ought to interest the citizens. Tho conditions provide that tho bor ough shall pay SIOO cash and tho costs of transfer; that the borough shall erect a building on tho land to cost not loss than $0,000; said building shall contain a public library and free reading room, equipped and open to all people as soon as tho building Is completed; work upon the building must commence within six months uuftl must bo finished within one year from date of transfer of land. Is is also provided that the building shall contain one large room suitable for town meetings, and that on tho corner stone of tho building thero shall be placed a tablet bearing an inscription in reference to the transfer of tho land. Tho proposition was mado by tho land trustees, under instructions from tho local assembly of tho K. of L., and was accepted by council. It is under stood that the formal transfer of the lots to tlio borough will tako place at as early a date as possible. PERSONALITIES. Mrs. Hugh O'Donnoll and family and Patrick Boyle, of Bayonno N. J., aro visiting Mrs. O'Donnell's mother on Main street. Paul Dunleavy, of Jeddo, has secured employment in Philadelphia and will remove his family to that city in tho near future. Mrs. David James, of Eckley, is spending a few weeks for tho benefit of her health at Ocean Grove, N. J. Miss Alberta O'Ncil, a well known young lady from tho county seat, is visiting relatives here. Miss Katie Winter has returnod homo from a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Helm, Lohlghton. William Maco will remove his family from South Hoborton to Hazle Brook this week. Miss Anna Sensonbach is ylsiting Mt. Carmel friends. John James, of Eckley, is Batoning to the songs of the sea at Atlantic City. Thomas Quigloy, of Elizabeth, N. J., spent yesterday with his parents. Miss Bessie Price, of West Chester, is visiting Miss Laura Koons. FREELAND, PA., MONDAY, AUGUST 28, 1899. Mine Workers Convention. About 200 delegates representing local unions of tho United Mine Workers in tlio Luzorno, Lackawanna, Schuylkill and Shamokin districts, met at Wilkes barre on Friday in convention, tho first gathering of tho kind in that city since tho old days of tho Knights of Labor. Among tho prominent labor leaders proscnt woro National President John Mitchell, of Indianapolis; National Sec retary W. C. Poarce, of Indianapolis; M. McKay, of Buena Vista, Pa., a mombcr of tho National Executive Board, and District Organizer James, of Jeanosvllle. National President Mitchell, in opening tho convention, mado a lengthy speech. Ho said ho was opposed to strikes, but they had to be, then ho favorod re maining on srike till tho last man drop ped. Ho said he was vigorously opposed to any politics creeping into the union. A sccrot session was held and nothing was given out beyond tho statement that only the routine business was transacted. It is impossible to learn just what action was taken on any of tho import ant subjects under discussion. It was ! admitted that tho organization of miners j throughout Luzerne and tho adjoining ! counties will bo hurried, and the ofiicers say that within a fortnight 00 por cent of tho miners In tho anthracite region will bo members of tho union. Foster School llourd. Foster township school board met Friday evening with all members pres ent. Tho oath of office of John Rumsey was read and ho was duly seated. Mr. Rumsey was unanimously elected secre tary. The president appointed Directors Ruinsoy, Lessor and Ziostloft as a com mittee to procure supplies. Tho old school building at Eckley, together with outhouses, will bo sold to tho highest bidder. Tho socretary was instructed to order twelve dozen of Hull's mental series of arithmetic. Tho contract as prepared for the board to bo signed by tho teachers was accepted and tho teachers are to be prosent at tho next regular mooting to sign tho same. Dlncliurgeri and Ue-Arrotded. George Saunders, or Stevenson, and Alico M. Jones, of Wilkesbarro, who were arrested on board tho Cunard line steamer Campania, on her arrival at Liverpool Saturday a week ago, charged with forgery in tho United States, woro discharged from custody when arraign ed in a Liverpool police court Friday morning. No evidence was produced as to the guilt of the prisoners, and no instructions were received from Wash ington as to tho disposal of tho case. After their discharge In the police court tho prisoners wore rearrested and taken to London to await the action of the Bow street police court on the arrival of extradition papers from tho United States. Former IteHidoutH Demented. From Huzleton Plain Speaker. named Eldloman, residing on Hayes street, and his wife, aro in a de mented condition and neighbors have become somowhat alarmed. The man is tho more violent of tho two. Ho has tho house barricaded and is in constant dread of being attacked by imaginary enemies. Eidloman bollevos that burg lars aro always attempting to get into the place at night and one day this weok a man passing by was suspected and almost assaulted by him. Tho peo ple in tho neighborhood will demand that Eidleman and his wife bo removed to some asylum for treatment. Tho many frionds of Bernard C. Gal lagher, whose homo is on Walnut street but who is at present in the West, will rogret to hear that ho was one of the hundreds who lost all they possessed in the fire which dostroyed Victor, Colo rado, last weok. Mr. Gallagher was at work that day and the flames burned everything ho owned except tho clothes ho woro. Delegates will bo elected on Saturday to represent the several polling places of tho county in the Republican con vention at Wilkosbarro on September r>. Tho convention will namo candidates for judge, treasurer, register of wills and two commissioners and vote on the adoption of the Crawford county system of nominating candidates. Tho Lackawanna Railroad engineers are far from being satisfied with the results of their conference with the company. A dispatch from Cincinnati states that Grand Chief Arthur is on his way to Scranton. Whon he arrives the conference will bo resumed, and it Is ex pocted tho difference will bo adjusted. William J. Henry, formerly of ITazlo ton, who shot and killod Georgo Rut lodge at Sayre in January, was sentenced on Thursday by Judge Dunham, of Towanda, to ton years' imprisonment In the Eastern penitentiary. Henry at tempted suicido on two occasions but was unsuccessful. Subscribers to the Mining and Me chanical Institute building fund who have not yet paid will be visited by the collectors in the near future. Work upon the building will soon begin. Anthracite Coal Trade. From tho Philadelphia North American. "Prices on anthracite coal are much demoralized," said General Manager Henderson, of the Reading Coal and Iron Company, "and some of tho big dealers have been cutting prices. When a company handles an inferior grade, cutting is tho only way for it to do business. That is one way I have of explaining the trouble. Some time ago the leading companies agreed that prices should bo advanced 25 conts a ton. This agreement lias not been lived up to, and I cannot tell how soon it will lie carried out." Regarding tho prices this fall and winter, Manager Henderson is hopeful. He thinks that the companies will havo adjusted their differences before snow flies, and consumers will pay tho cus tomary rates. Early in the summer several of the big coal concerns were overstocked and tho market was dull. Unsalable coal, and a lack of shed room for it led several companies to reduce prices, among them the New Jersey Central, tho New York Central and the Ontario and Western. Somo of tlio dealers fear that the bottom in rati*- I cutting has not yet been reached. They j point out that tills woek the anthracite trade is more demoralized than it was when tho trouble began in May. Wants Heavy Damages. A suit in trespass for SIO,OOO damages has been entered in court against the I Florence Coal Company, Limited, by Carmen and Angola Schtlin. A son of tho plaintiffs, Anieldo Schtlin, aged 15, was killed at tho breaker of tho defend ant at Dupont on October 10, 1898, and it is alleged that the accident which resulted in his death was duo to the negligence of tho company in not pro viding proper safe-guards. Tho boy was attending the conveyors in the breaker and it was his duty to turn on and off the water to and from tho conveyors. In order to reach the water-cock tho boy was obliged to walk along a plank a foot and a half wide. The passageway, it is alleged, was un protected by any railing between the plank and the machinery, and while walking along the plank on the day above mentioned young Schtlin slipped, fell into tho conveyors and was killed. Seeking Shorter Line to New York. During the past year there havo boon many rumors concerning tho Lehigh Valley Railroad Company establishing a shorter "cut off" route to New York. It is now stated that an entirely new plan is now under consideration, by which IMainfiold will bo left out entirely. The new routo will leave the main line at Bound Brook and cross the first range at Watchung mountains by either the Chimney Rock Notch or Springdale, where tho mountains are the lowest. Then the lines would follow tlio valley through Warrenvillo and Washington Villa, two miles from Philadoiphia, and then on through Glcnside Park, to the; end of tlio rango near Springfield. The j course would bo directed through the Oranges and North Newark, finally con necting with the main line of the road into Jersey City. Wliut Jealousy lias Done to a Party. From tho Nunticoko News. The Republican party of Luzerne county havo got tho Democrats just whore they want them. That is why thero are so many Republican candi dates for the various ofiices to bo filled this fall. They believe, as they have good reason to believo, that a nomina tion is equivalent to an election. It is a sad spectacle for tho men of a once powerful party in Luzorno county to gazo on. Jealousy, combined with a desire to ruin or rule, has loft tho Democratic misinanagors today fighting over tho nomination of commissioners, bocauso they can elect one of tho throe to be chosen. Tho Democratic organs are vainly trying to drag out candidates for tho other offices. Thus far they havo not been vory successful. Parade Prizes Awarded. Tho sessions of tho P. O. S. of A. state camp came to a close on Thursday. Tho parado was tho feature of the day. In connection with tho parado three prizes were given, a prize of SSO for the best drilled commandery, a prize of SSO for tho camp having the largest number of men in lino and a prize of SSO for the best P. O. S. of A. band in line. Tlio prizo for having tho largest num ber of men in line was awarded to Camp 105, Berwick. Tho prize for tho best P. O. S. of A. band was awarded to tho band of Camp 20, Shlckshinny. Tho prizo for tho best drilled P. O. S. of A. drum corps was awarded to the South Sido drum corps, Scranton. Schuylkill Trolleys Combined. The soveral companies operating tho eloctrlc roads through and centering In Pottsville havo all boon consolidated Into ono company, known as the Potts vlllo Union Traction Company. Tho lines now operated by tho Schuylkill Eloctrlc Railway, the Pottsvillo and St. Clair, tho Pottsvillo and Tamaqua, tho Mt. Laffoo, tho Pottsvillo and Read ing, and Schuylkill Haven and Orwls bnrg companies aro all embraced In tho new deal. BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. PARAGRAPHS GATHERED FROM ALL PARTS OF THE REGION. Synopsis of Local and Miscellaneous Oc currences That Can He Head Ouickly. What the Folks of This and Other Towns Are Doing. Rov. J. W. Bischoff, of Upper Lehigh, hold sorvices in Hazieton Presbyterian church yesterday. Tho school board of Donison town ship is deadlocked over tho selection of a teacher at Middloburg. High School examinations will be con ducted by Prof. W. L. Ilouck at the Daniel Coxo school Thursday at 9 a. m. Tho judges of election who served on Saturday aro at Wilkesbarro today making their returns of the vote polled. An excursion will bo run over tho Lehigh Valley Railroad to Bear Creek by tho Presbyterian church on Satur day. John Wagner, of Drifton, and Miss j Maria Timony, of Walnut stroot, will bo married at St. Ann's church on Wednesday. The case of ex-Postmaster Bogert, of Wilkosbarro, is to be tried on Septem ber 5 at Willlamsport in the United States court. C. L. Hoover, until recently foreman at the Pond Crook colliery, began work this morning as a foreman in No. 51 mine, Jeddo. Tho annual parade, and convention of the Grand Army Association of the Lehigh Valley will bo held at Slatington on September 9. Mauch Chunk and the strong Crcsson club, of Philadelphia, will cross bats at the Tigers park on Sunday afternoon next at 3 o'clock. The annual excursion to Mountain park from Upper Lehigh and Sandy Run on Saturday was attended by St. Ann's band and several hundred peoplo. On account of inclement weather on Saturday ovening, tho picnic of De- Pierro's orchestra at the Public park was postponed until next Saturday ovening. County Commissioners Hay and Jones havo been appointed by Governor Stone as delegates to tho National Prison Con gress to be held on September 23 at Hartford, Conn. A. Oswald sells Delicatesso Baking Powder at 5c per pound can. Every can-is guaranteed as to its purity. Give it a trial. Editor Owen Fowler is having plans prepared for the erection of a building for the Progress. It will bo located on tho plot adjoining ids residence on North Centre street. M. Loichtman will occupy tho store room in the Lentz building after Octo ber 1, succeeding George Shambora, as his present quarters are too small for j his increasing business. The horse which was Injured on South Centre stroot a week ago last evening, after becoming frightened at a trolley car, died on Wednesday. It was owned by I. A. Drlggs, of White Haven. The alloy ball gamo which was to havo boon played at Harwood yesterday between Gatskio and O'Rourke and the Uallaghor brothers was postponed until next Sunday owing to the inclement weather. Special services havo been ordered to be held in the Catholic churches of town after mass on Friday, Saturday and Sunday motnlngs next. They will con sist of tho Adoration of tho Blessed Sacrement. By tho will of Robert Lockhart, of Easton, who died last weok, $15,000 has been bequeathed to George Lockhart Darte, of Kingston, who at present is serving the government as consul at Martinique. A largo room on the second floor of the Lontz building, over Gross' store, lias boon leased by tho Hebrews of town and religious services will bo he,id there hereafter. The new congregation starts out witli a largo membership. The alterations that are being made on tho third floor of tho Daniel Coxe school, to accomodate the high school pupils, are nearly finished by Contractor L. 11. Lentz. Tho schools of town will open on Tuesday of noxt week, Tho eighth annual tomperanco re union of Luzorno, Lackawanna and other counties of this part of the state will take place at Mountain park on Friday. Hon. C. N. Howard, of Ro chester, will bo the chief speaker. On Thursday Samuel Deebles 1 powder mill, located two miles southwest of Sheppton, blew up, killing William Betzenborger and burning Harvey Jones badly. The force of tho explosion tore Betzenbergor's body into shreds. Jones died the next day. Highland Coal. Best coal for domestic purposes in the region is tho famous Highland coal. Only $3.50 for a double load (about 2.800 pounds). Orders received at the oilico of T. A. Buckley, TRIBUNE building. PLEASURE CALENDAR. September 2.—Concert and picnic at Public park by DoPierro's orchestra. liisTlfii"! Bring Your Boys for School Outfits! • ( We have not forgotten about him and his School Suits. One j ! > week more and school will commence, and he will need a New ] p Suit. He must have a good strong Suit for school, or a neat Sun- 4 k day Suit, perhaps. A large new lot of 4 1 Boys' Suite, i Boys' SHoes, 4 L Boys' Sliirts, i Boys' I3:a/ts and. j Boys' Underwear ) just received. Our Boys' Department is full of interest to parents. | !■> Bring in your boys and we will treat you right. The goods are 41 L stylish and neat, made of dependable cloth. You will acknowledge JJ f the prices are lower here than at any other store; 3 There never was a time when you could dress a boy 1 !so stylish for so little money. <jj r As for the bigger lads or the young men, who want long pants )j v Suits, we have a big showing of Suits, which have been greatly \<| <> reduced in price to clean them up. Also special line of Girls' <<l Jk School Shoes, very low. Jj S. SE2STIE, I Philadelphia : One-Price : Clothier, $ Birkbeck Brick, Freeland. DePIERRO - BROS. -CAFE.- Corner of Centre and Front Streets, Freeland, Pa. Finest Whiskies in Stock. Gibson, Dougherty, Kaufer Club, Kosenbluth's Velvet, of which we h.ivo EXCLUSIVE SALE IN TOWN. Mumm's Extra Dry Champagne, Heunessy Brandy, Blackberry, Gins, Wines, Clarets, Cordials, Etc. Imported and Domestic Cigars. OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE, Uam and Schweitzer Cheese Sandwiches, Sardines, Etc. MEALS - AT - ALL - HOURS. Bulleutiue and Huzleton beer on tap. Baths, Hot or Cold, 25 Cents. p. fTmcnulty, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. Embalming of female corpses performed exclusively by Mrs. I'. F. MoNulty. Prepared to Attend Calls Day or Night. South Centre street, Freeland. VIENNA TBAKERY. J. B. LAUBACH, Prop. Centre Street, Freeland. CHOICE BIIEAD OE ALL KINDS, CAKES, AND PASTRY, DAILY. FANCY AND NOVELTY CAKES BAKED TO ORDER, Confectionery 0 Ice Cream supplied to balls, parties or picnics, with all necessary adjuncts, at shortest notice and fairest prices. Delivery and supply wagons to all parts oj town and surroundings every day. LIBOR WINTER, Eating House and Oyster Saloon, No. 13 Front Street, Freeland. Temperance drinks, cigars, etc. Famllos supplied with oysters direct from ttie shore. An Advertisement In this position is not very con spicuous, still it attracts the read er's attontlon and proves that ads \ The Cure that Cures I f Coughs, 61 \ Colds, J S Grippe, § W Whooping Cough. Asthma. ) Bronchitis and Incipient A Consumption, Is P mm f h "Wve GERMAN REMEDY' £ AvsraSM. J I j\E>t>\4 $1.50 PER YEAR. r~UIAS. OIUON STROn, Attorney and Counselor at Law and Notary Public. Oflicc: Rooms land 2, Birkbeck Brick, Freeland JOHN M. CARR, Attorney-at-Law. All legal business promptly uttended. Postollice Building, - Freeland. Attorney-at-Law. Legal Business of Any Description. BrenmuFs Building, So. Centre St., Freeland. R. J. O'UONNELL, Attorney-at-Law. Legal Business Promptly Attended. llirklieek Brick, ■ - ■ Freeland. A. BUCKLEY, Justice of the Peace. All business given prompt attention. Tribune Building, ■ . Main Street. Qll N. MALEY, DENTIST. OVEK BIItKBECK'S STOltlt, Second Flour, ■ ■ Blrkbeek Brick. jyjus. S. E. HAYES, Fire Insurance Agent. Washington Street. None but Reliable Companies Represented. J) n s. S. II ESS, DENTIST. 37 Sjuth Centre Street. >ocond Floor Front, - Refowich Building. Are Your Shoes Run Down ? The Black Diamond SHOE REPAIRING HOUSE Will Make Them Good as New. rhe quality of our work cannot ho surpassed quicker than nuy othei establishment in town. Cull hero when you want the Lowest Prices in the Town. H. MOWER. Prop. Hadesty Building, 109 s. Centre Street, Dry Goods, Groceries I and Provisions. S BROTHERHOOD HATS 0 0 A celebrated brand of XX flour always in stock. Roll Butter and Eggs a Specialty. j AMANDUS OSWALD, N. IK, Cor. Centre and Front Sls„ Freeland.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers