FREELAND TRIBUNE. VOL. XL NO. 59. RAILROAD TIMETABLES LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. November 13, 1898. ARRANGEMENT or PABSKMGEU TKAINH. LEAVE FREELAND. 0 20 a in for Weatherly, Munch Chunk, Alleiitown, Bethlehem, Fusion, Phila delphia and New York. 7 40 a ui for Sandy Run, White Haven, Wilkes-Bar re, Pittston and Serunton. 8 20 a m for Weatherly, Muuch Chunk. Al leiitown, Bethlehem, Eision, Philadel phia, New York and lla/.leton. 9 33 a in for Ha/.leton, Mahauoy City, Shen andoah, Ml. runnel, Siiaiiiokiu and Pottsvlile. 1 1 55 a in for Sandy Run, White Haven, Wilkes-Rarre, Scrauton and ail points West. 4 30-P m for Hazleton, Mahanoy City, Sheu uiidouh, Mt. Carmel, Shumokiu and Pottsvlile. 0 37 P m for Suiuly Run, White Haven, Wilkes-Rarre and Scrauton. 0 59 pin for ilazletoii, Mahanoy Cit3 f , Shen andoah, Mt. Carmel, Shumokiu. ARRIVE AT FRKKLANI). 7 20 a m from Pottsvlile, Delano and Hazletoii. 7 40 a in from Pottsvlile, Shumokiu, Mt. Carmel, Shenuiidoah, Mahanoy City and Hazlcton. 9 17 a m from New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Bethlehem, Alleiitown, Muuch Chunk and Weatherly. 9 33 a ni from Serunton, Wilkes-Burre and White I Liven. 1 1 55 a in from Pottsville, Shumokiu, Mt. Carmel, Shenaiidouh, Muhunoy City uud Hazlcton. 4 30 P m from Serunton, Wilkes-Rarre and White Haven. 0 37 P m from New York, Philadelphia, Euston, Bethlehem, Alleiitown, Potts ville, Shumokiu, Mt. Carmel, Shenan doah. Muhunoy City and Hazlcton. 0 59 p m from Serunton, Wilkes-Burre uud White Haven. For luriber iniorm.ition inquire of Ticket Agents. ItoLLIN 11. WlLßUß,General Superintendent. CHAS. S. LEE. Ueu'l Pass. Agent. 20 CortluiiUt Street, New York City. THE DELAWARE, SUSQUEHANNA AND SCHUYLKILL RAILROAD. Time table in effect April 18, 1897. Trains leave Driftou for Jeddo, Ok;kley, Huzlc Brook, Stockton, Beuver Meadow Road, Roan and Ha/.leton Junction at 6 30, 000 a ra, daily except Sunday; and 7 0.1 a m, 2 88 p in, Sunday. Trains leave Driftou for Harwood,Cranberry, Tomhlcken and Deringer at 5 80, 0 00 a m, daily except Sunday; uud <OB a m, 238 p m, Sun day. Trains leave Driftou for Oncidu Junction, Ilarwood Road, Humboldt Road, Oncidu and Hhepptoti at 000 a m, daily except Sun day; and 708a m, 2:18 pm, Sunday. Trains leave Ha/.leton Junction for Ilarwood, (.ranberry, Tomhicken aud Deringer uto 35 a ni, daily except Sunday; and 8 58 a in, 4 22 p m, Sunduy. Trains leave Hazlcton Junction for Oneida Junction, Harwood Road, Humboldt Road, Oueidu and Shcppton at 0 82, 11 10 u m, 4 41 p m, daily except Sunday; and 7 87 a in, 3 11 pui, Sunday. Trains loave Deringer for Tonihicken, Cran berry, Harwood, Hazlcton Junction and Ronn nt 2 25, 5 40 p in. daily except Sunday; and 937 *t m, 6 07 p in, Sunday. Trains leave Shcppton for Oneida, Humboldt itoad, Harwood Road, Oneida Junction, llazle ton Junction aid Roan at 7 11 a in, 12 40, 5 22 s p m, daily except Sunday; and 8 11 a m, 3 44 p in. Sunday. Trains leave Shcppton for Reaver Meadow Road, Stockton, Hazle Brook, Eckiey, Jeddo and Driftou at 5 22 p in, daily, except Sunday; and 8 11 a in, 3 44 p m, Sunday. Trains louvc Hazleton Junction for Beavor Meadow Road, Stockton, Hazle Brook, Eckiey, Jeddo and Driftou at 5 45, 020 pin, dully, except Sunday; and 10 10 a in, 5 40 p m, Sunday. All trains connect at Hazlcton Junction with electric ears for Ha/.leton, Jeauesville, Auden ried aud other points on the Traction Com pany's line. Trains leaving Drifton at 5 30, G 00 a ni make connection at Deringer with P. R. R. trains lor Wilkesbarre, Sunbury, llarrisburg and points •rest. For the accommodation of passengers at way stations between Ha/.leton Junction aud Der inger, a tram will leave the former point at 350 p m, daily, except Sunday, arriving at Deringer at 5 00 p in. LUTHER C. SMITH, Superintendent. PRICES OF CANDY REDUCED. The New York Confectionery Manufactory lakes pleasure in announcing to its patrons aud the people of Freeland that the prices of its large and varied assortments of candies and confectionery have been reduced from 20 to 50 per cent. Until further notice we will sell as follows; Good 10c Candy AT 5c A LB. Fine 15c Candy AT 10c A LB. French Mixed Candy Formerly 13c alb. Now Sold at 8c alb. All other candy largely reduced in price. Our assortment is by far the most, complete ever ottered for the inspection of Freeland people, and we guarantee the purity and quality of our goods. As we sell nothing but candy you should come to us when you want value for your money. NEW YORK Confectionery Manufactory. 85 CENTRE STREET. Karkampasies & Karampas, PROPS. State Normal School. The EABT STROUDSIIURO NORMAL offers superior educational advantages. ITS LOCATION is in the Famous Resort region of the state. Irs Urti.IHNOFL are ncio and modern. BLFFSRKI.s CARPETS In all students' rooms. No SCHOOL provides such homo com forts. GOOD HOARDING, a recognized feature. COM,KGB I'HKI'AKATOKY. Mt SIC, 10LO CUTION EH v and SEWING aud DRESS MAKING DEPARTMENTS. WINTER TERM OPENED JAN. 2, ls'.il). Send postal for illustrated catalogue. GEO. P. HIIII.E, A. M„ Principal. Read - the - Tribune. WITH THE LAW-MAKERS. NOTES AND COMMENTS FROM THE PENNSYLVANIA CAPITAL. (lovern.r Stone's Inauguration Wa. One of the MoMt Elaborate Ever Seen In the State— A "Snake" I*lll Introduced for Quay'* Benefit. llarrisburg. Pa.. January 20. The senatorial situation lias not changed materially since last week. Both sides in the Republican ranks claim victory, and the Democrats, hav ing nominated George A. Jenks as their candidate, loaves the contest in the same field of uncertainty. Tuesday was the day for the holding of the first ballot in eacli branch of the legislature, and Wed nesday for joint ballot. The result was that Quay polled 112 votes on the joint ballot; Jenks 82. and the balance were scattered. With several absentees this left Quay short 13 votes to elect. The anti-Quayites had their forces well in hand notwithstanding the hard work done by Quay. Senator Mageo, on Hie floor of the senate, last Friday, made a statement in regard to the attitude of himself and Senator Flinn on the senatorial fight. He declared that ho aud Flinn were close friends, associated together in business aud politics, but in the sena torial contest they hold an honest and sincere difference in which eacli follows the dictates of his own judgment. lie also stated that lie was not a candidate for senatorial honors, nor would he accept tlo place secured by what others charge him with—trying to defeat Quay to be elected himself. Although the inauguration expenses were limited to $7,000, the affair was one of the MOST ELABORATE OF ITS KIND held in this city in many years. Besides the attraction of witnessing the inaug gural parade, the desire to see the new capitol aud witness the first ballot for United States senator brought many strangers to the city. Besides a number of congressmen and other prominent men from Washington, there was pres ent the accredited Chinese representa tive to this country, together with his suite. They took a deep interest in the inaugural events and seetued to be pleased with the way Pennsylvania ( inducts in office its chief magistrate. The full strength of the new National Guard, 8,000 men. were hero, fully armed and equipped. They made a fine appear ance and won frequent applause. There were also present a number of political clubs from Philadelphia and Pittsburg, besides a large number of G. A. K. posts from various parts of tho state. To these was added the local fire depart ment, making one of the largest inaug ural parades ever seeu in this city. In the evening a public reception was held at the executive mansion, which was attended by about 2,500 people. While the reception was going on there was a display of fire works along tho river front, a short distance above lite mansion. One of the bills that passed last ses sion, yet was inoperative owing to the want of an appropriation, was the Hamilton road bill. This bill was sup ported and backed by many rural mem bers, but owing to the low state of finances the pooplu NEVER DERIVED ANY BENEFIT from its passage. This session a vigor ous offort will be made to have an ap propriation of $1,000,000 passed, so that the bill may lie enforced. The country members will renew their light of tho last tertn, fqr a tax on bicycles and vehicles, to lie applied for tho improve ment of roads. Many clerks in the different depart- A POSITIVE CURE for Diphtheria, Cr Quir y, Catarrh and all throat trouble. Perfeotlv Harm less. Prioe, 500. per bottle, for salcly drugg- TBOaPSON DlPamil CURE CO., ' STORY OF THE PHILIPPINES.'' Ily Murat Halstead. "Story of the Philippines" is the title of the beat book published on tlie new Eastern Pos sessions ol' the United States, it. is written in a clear, vigorous style by.-the famous author and editor and noted war correspondent, Murat Ilnlsteud. | John Billy, of Freeland, is agent for Froe l land and vicinity, and will call for your order. Every home should have this standard book. VIENNA: BAKERY. J. B. LAUBACH, Prop. Centre fltrdfct, Frcclunil. CHOICE II HE A D OF ALL KINDS, CAKES, AND PASTRY, DAILY. FANCY AND NOVELTY CAKES BAKED TO ODDER, Confectionery $ Ice Cream supplied to balls, parties or picnics, with all necessary adjuncts; at shortest notice and fairest prices. Delivery and supply wagons to all parts oj to am and Mtrroundings every day. FREELAND, FA., MONDAY, JANUARY 23, 1899. merits on capitol hill, who realize that their reign of office is ended, are pack ing up their belongings, ready to leave when their successors have been ap pointed. There promises to be many changes, as all those who have been in any way antagonistic to Senator Quay must go. Senator McCarrell has introduced a bill limiting and defining the powers of district attorneys in empaneling juries in cases of misdemeanors triable in the court of quarter sessions of the peace. It declares that it shall not be lawful for any district attorney of any county of this commonwealth in empaneling a jury for the trial in any court of quarter sessions of the peace of any indictment charging a misdemeanor to stand aside jurors, but in every such case the dis trict attorney on the selection of a jury shall bo limited to such challenges for causo and such peremptory challenge-; as are now allowed by law to both the commonwealth and the defendant; pro vided, however, that the act shall not. apply to classes of felonies triable in the courts of quarter sessions or in courts of oyer and terminer and general jail delivery. % The fact that this bill was offered on the first bill day of the legislature and that Senator McCarrell drew the line just WIIKRE IT WOULD SERVE QUAY, gives rise to the belief that it is offered simply and solely to aid Senator Quay in his criminal suits. The bill has created great interest in all parts of the state and will he vigor ously contested. The opposition to the measure claim, if It passed, it would for ever thereafter he impossible to convict any man of a crime below the grade of felony, for every man has some in fluence. and it would bo safe to say that there would never be another convic tion for murder in this state. The op position class it as a "snake" of the worst kind, and declare it to be equal to any of the most notorious measures that has ever been prosentod. The nomination of George A. Junks, by the Democratic caucus, for United States senator, seems to havo created some dissatisfaction among the Demo cratic members and senators, especially those from York county, who had ex pected the caucus to nominate Chauncey F. Black. They charge that national committeeman J. M. Guffy forced the nomination of Mr. Jenks, and that this is a step to aid Quay in his re-election. Nissley. Fixing ilie Responsibility. Asa result of the personal and private, not to say secret, investigation conduct ed by Prosecutor Voorhees and County Physician Long into the causes of the fatal railroad wreck on the Lehigh Val ley Railroad, at West Dunellen, N. J., on January 1), whereby seventeen poi sons lost their lives. Prosecutor Voorhees has announced that, while the investi gation Is not yet completed, it has prog ressed sufficiently far to enable him to state that no county inquest will be held, and that the railroad company has been acquitted of criminal responsibility. Mr. Voorhees admits that he had ' made up his mind as to wiio was respon sible, and that lie was one of the em ployes of the company. Who, lie* would not disclose. He intimated that the facts would lie laid before the next grand jury of the county in which the collision occurred. No public report lias yet been made by the Lehigh Valley officials who in vestigated the accident. Special Discount. For a limited timo Dr. W. J. Garrison will mako a cash reduction of 10 per cent on all dental work. This brings a set of temporary teeth to $1.50, while you wait. Warranted set of best gum sections, $7.20. Natural teeth crowns, j $2.70. Teeth without plates of superior class a specialty. During the same time Dr. Garrison will clean, examine, give consultation and extract teeth free of charge. Local amcsthetic, 25c. Vapor vitalized air or nitros oxide gas, 50c Chloroform or ether when desired. The doctor gives his personal atten tion to all callers at his Freeland office, H4 Contra street, Wednesdays, from 10 a. in. to 9p. m. At White ilaveu, Sat urdays, from 10 a. in. to 9 p. in. OA.STOHIA. Bearu the The Kind You Have Always Bought _ Dr. David Kennedys favorite Remedy CURES ALL KIDNEY. STOMACH < 1 "' AND LIVER TROUBLES. MISCKLLANEOI'S ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. —The Democrats of Freeland bor ough will bold primary elections in each election district of the borough on Sat urday, January 28, lfitm, from the hours of 4 to 7 p. ni., to elect delegates to meet in conventions at Cottage hall on Monday, January 80, 1809, at 7.30 p. m., for the purpose of nominating can didates for borough offices, candidates for ward offices and candidates for district offices. Representation in the several conventions shall be as follows: In borough convention, three delegates from each election district, one delegate from each ward and one delegate from the borough at large. In ward conven tions, three delegates from caoh election dis trict in ward and one ward delegate. In dis ! triufc conventions, three delegates of district. I By order of the Democratic committee of Freeland borough. K. F. ILinloti, chairman. John J. McMcnamin, secretary. EV)K RENT.—A large, well located store room; rates very reas -liable; immediate possession given. 11. M. Oreslin, South Centre street, Freolund. TAOK SALE. Building lot, 81x1.% Toot, on P North Ridge street;excellent location for residence. Apply at TKUU,NE office for price. FIREMEN'S FAIR OPENED. First Nlfcht Drew a I,arge Number of People to Yanlien' Opera Horn*. The annual fair of the Citizens' Hose Company opened at Valines' opera house on Saturday evening. There were over 500 admissions at the door, and the fire men are well pleased at the success at tained on the opening night. St. Ann's band was present and rendered a num ber of selections during the evening. The interior of the opera house is tastily decorated and the indications are that the fair will prove an attractive place to spend the evenings of this week. The firemen have arranged a program for each evening to interest those who attend. A beautiful bed-room suit, a hand some lounge, several ornamental lamp* and fancy rockers are among the mor expensive articles which will he disposed of this week. Hundreds of other article.- are on exhibition, all Of which can b had at the very lowest figures. Below Is the vote polled on Saturday ovoning by door check ballots for the most popular young lady of town. Th lady receiving the highest vote during the fair will be pcscnted with a beauti ful gold watch: Miss Maggie MeGroarty 83 Miss Minnie Sippel 70 Miss Hell a Crawford 04 Miss Mary Herron 30 Miss Mary Furey 23 Miss Annie Dover 21 The names of those who received loss than twenty votes aro not published. Another gold watch contest Is In prog ress, Miss Ida Shafer and Miss Annie Dover being the candidates. The program of the special attrac tions at the fair for the next four even ings is as follows: Monday evening, grand cake walk. Tuesday evening, silk umbrella will be awarded to most generous business man. Wednesday evening, waltz contest. Frizes, gold necklace for lady and gold tie-pin for gentleman. Thursday evening, school room con tost. The school room receiving the highest vote will be presented with u handsome portrait of Admiral Dewey. Music will bo rendered this evening by the Citizens' band and on Tuesday evening by St. Ann's band. POLITICAL POINTERS. The Republicans of Hutlcr township mot in caucus on Saturday evening at Drums and nominated the following ticket: School directors—John Howell, James Daubert. Supervisors—l. IJ. Houibauui, Benj Young. Towuship clerk—Charles Hrightot. Constable—Ely Kuntz. Auditor—Edward Jacobs. The Democratic borough committee met at the council room on Thursday evening and instructed Chairman Hanlon to issue a call for the delegate elections and conventions. The former will bo held between 4 and 7 p. m. Saturday evening. The district, ward and bor ough conventions will bo held at Cottage hall next Monday evening at 7.30 o'clock. The Democratic delegates of Foster caucused yesterday, but were unable to arrange a satisfactory ticket. Richards has friends in the piwty who are trying to procure the nomination of weak men for school directors on the Democratic side. They need watching tonight. Tonight's convention of Foster Demo crats at Woodside promises to be quite interesting. There is a fooling abroad that the Democrats of the township can win, and as a result there is no scarcity of candidates for the ofiices. The dissatisfaction existing among the Foster Republicans continues to In crease. There Is some talk of nominat ing an independent ticket if the Demo crats fail to nauin good men tonight. Hazle township Democrats nominate their ticket tomorrow afternoon at Ilar leigh. The struggle among the candi dates for school director Is quite fierco. Thomas Slattery yesterday announced his withdrawal as a candidate for the Democratic nomination of school direc tor in the South ward. The Democrats of the poor district will hold their convention at llazleton this afternoon. PERSONALITIES. Miss Annie Timney, of Dorranceton, and Miss Maggie Timney, of Philadel phia, were called on Saturday to the bedside of their mother, who is danger ously ill at her home, corner of Walnut and Washington streets. J. H. Keenan has accepted a position as outside foreman under the Lehigh Valley Coal Company at Glrardvillo and left for that plaeo today, but will not remove his family until spring. Daniel Feller lias returned to town after a residence of several months in Mauch Chunk. Dr. Geo. S. Wentz, of Drifton, spent a few days with Scranton relatives last week. Mrs. James Hough, of Nuremberg, visited friends here on Friday. UPPER LEHIGH NOTES. The Republicans of Butler township have nominated a strong candidate for school director iu tho person of John Powell, of town. Those of our citizens who vote at the Butler poll pro pose to show their appreciation of his worth by giving him as large a vote as possiblo. E. B. Whitman will in a few days re move his family to Scranton, where he has accepted a lucrative position. Miss Pheobe Ilielly, who was spending a few weeks at her home, returned to Germantown hospital last week. William Herring lias accepted a posi tion in Alden and will remove his family there in a few days. A valuable cow belonging to Hon. 'ohn Leiseuriug died yesterday morn ing. Miss Jeannette Ivoenan is visiting iter slater in Summit Hill. Miss Mertie Bover visited Hazleton friends last week. Mrs. Julius Lester is lying seriously ill with tho grip. I)r. H. M. Neal is visiting at Boston. Death of John K. Wuguar. John It. Wagner, of Drifton, died at his home in that town on Saturday morning from pneumonia, aged 38 years, lie was ill less than a week. Mr. Wag ner is survived by a wife and mother, and on Saturday evening the remains were taken to the home of the latter in Bethlehem, where tlioy will bo buried tomorrow. Mr. Wagner was a native of Bethle hem and graduated at Lehigh university. At the time of his death he was employ ed as superintendent of motive power on the D. S. & S. Railroad and super intendent of the Coxe Iron Manufactur ing Company. He was also principal of the Mining and Mechanical Institute, of Freeland, and was a member of several scientific associations. His death is sincerely ''grottod by his business and social friends and by the employes of the corporations which lie managed. Sudden Death on Saturday. Mrs. Annie Kostermick, aged 78 years, was intantly killed on Saturday after noon by falling from a second-story window at the home of her daughter, Mrs. M. Zauiany. It Is not known posi tively whether the old lady fell or threw herself out of the window, but it is pre sumed the latter was tiie case. For some time past lior uiind had been some what unbalanced. The deceased is sur vived by two daughters, Mrs. M. Zem many and Mrs. M. Wargo, of town. The funeral took place this morning. A requiem mass was read at St. Johu's Slavonian church, after which the re mains were interred in St. Ann's ceme tery. Electric Light iu His stomach. Delno Fritz, of Ashley, who is travel ing with Barnutu & Bailey's show for several seasons as a swallower of divers articles, is astonishing all England with his wonderful feats. He is now doing a new act that calls forth columns upon columns of newspapor notices iu the British press. He lias had a small elec tric lamp so constructed that bo can swallow It without the wire touching his throat and the light may be plainly aeon in his stomach, thus forever silencing all who claim that swallowers of swords and similar articles are frauds. Tigers Elect Officers. Tho following were elected yesterday as officers of the Tigers Athletic Club. Prosident—D. S. Buckley. Vice president—Hugh McMenamin. Recording secretary—Charles Galla gher. Treasure/ —Peter G. Gallagher. Financial socretary —P. B. McTighe. Sergeant-at-arms—Jobu J. Gillespie. Guard—George Doggett. Trustees—Hugh Malloy, Jr., James B. Forry, Bernard Koenan, John Galla gher, John J. Brogan. <'ase Will He Arbitrated. From the Hazlcton Standard. Tho case of Dr. Geo. S. Went/, vs. Mrs. Annie Boyle, which is a claim for medical services rendered, will be arbi trated in the office of Attorney .John R. Sharpless, Hazleton, on Saturday, Janu ary 28, at 10 o'clock. The arbitrators are Attorneys John J. Kelloy. Joseph 11. Jones and George McLaughlin. At torney Sharpless appears for the plain tiff and Attorney Brown for the defend ant. Baud Officers Elected. The members of St. Patrick's cornet band, at a meeting yesterday, elected the following officers to ser\e for the ensuing six months: President—John Campbell. Vice president—William J. Slattery. Secretary—Daniel Biggins. Treasu rer—J oseph M cEI wee. Leader—John Campbell. OASTOHIA. Bears the yf The Kind You Have Always Bought "".r -Dr. David Kennedy's favorite Remedy 1 CURES AU KIDNEY, STOMACH ; r-wAND LIVEIT TROUBLES. BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. PARAGRAPHS GATHERED FROM ALL PARTS OF THE REGION. SynnpHirt of I.oral and .WisceUttneoiiM Oc cur re neon That Can Bo ltcud Ouickly. What the Folks of This and Other Town* Are Doing. The Interior of 11. C. Ivoons' store has been re in ode led and enlarged. Scale Siding school, which was closed two weeks ago on account of the illness of the pupi's, reopened today. About 1,300 liquor license applications have been filed in this county, a falling off of 75 compared with last year. Every citizen and property owner of town should attend the Board of Trade meeting on Wednesday evening. The Miller House, corner of Centre and Carbon streets, will bo run by John C. Boyle, of Wilkesbarro, after April 1. Miss Kate O'Donnell, of McAdoo, who was injured in the Dunelleo wreck, has recovered sufficiently to return to her home. Mrs. John Kehoe, whose deatli in Philadelphia was published in Thurs day's TmitvNK, was buried in that city tliis morning. John Pettit, of Jcddo, was admitted to the miners' hospital on Friday suf fering from a fractured jaw. The injury was received while at work in Jedd'o mine. The office safe of the Atlantic Refin ing Company, Llazleton, was blown open by burglars Sunday morning and #12.38 in casli and a quantity of postage stamps were stolen. Rev. B. J. O'Donnell, of town, who lias been stationed at Viiianova since his ordination last October, has been assigned to Our Mutbor of Good Counsel church at Bryn Mawr. On March 13 the stockholders of the Wyoming and Pond Creek Coal Com pany will vote at White Haven upon the question ef increasing the capital stock of the corporation to #IOO,OOO. Mrs. Catharine DeLacey, mother of Patrick DeLaeov, who was the Demo cratic candidate for secretary of inter nal affairs last November, died at her home in Scran ton last week, aged 93 years. St. James' Reformed church, at Sheppton, now in the course of erection, will soon lie completed. Rev. N. C. Sochler. the pastor, expects to hold the dedication services on Sunday, Feb ruary 5. A. Oswald sells three bars of grand ma s butter milk soap for the small sum of sc. A. 11. McClintock, John T. Lenahan, W. S. McLean, George K. Powell and F. W. Wheaton have been appointed as an advisory committee by the county commissioners to assist in planning the new court house at Wilkesbarre. The Central Pennsylvania Telephone and Supply Company has issued a new general directory corrected to December 15, 1898. It is a book of 150 pages and it contains a list of all the subscribers in the Central Pennsylvania district. A. Oswald, who rendered material assistance to the Citizens' band when It organized, was tendere I a serenade on Friday evening. The band lias paid off all claims against it on account of the instruments and Is now free from debt. The damage suit of Patrick Carey vs. Freeland Beef Company, for #IO,OOO for injuries sustained by the former's son being kicked by the company's horse, ended Thursday morning by the com pany agreeing to pay #I,OOO to Mr. Carey. A lithographing and book-binding es tablishment will soon bo opened in Wilkesbarre. The plant will employ 100 people and #75,000 will be expended in equipping it. J. W. Raeder, Abram Nesbitt and others arc back of the project. Annie, the ten-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Domnlck Gallagher, of Birvanton, died on Friday from diph thoria. Interment was made in St. Ann's cemetery yesterday by Undertaker Breslin. Throe other children of the family are afflicted with the same disease. Charles Weinland, 40 years old, of Lc hlghton, assistant night yardmastcr on the Lehigh Valley Railroad, was run down Friday night by a train and in stantly killed. Every bone in his body was broken. One of his shoes was knocked off and flew through the cab window of a passing engine. Mrs. Mary Russell will, on April 1, re linquish the management of t lie Drifton hotel, and will move to Freeland, where she will open a confectionery and Ice cream establishment. Mrs. Russell's management of the place has been a most successful one and the residents will learn of her intended departure | with regret.— Sentinel. PLEASURE CALENDAR. January 23.—Annual fair of the Citi zens' Hose Company at Valines' opera house, closing January 30 with a ball. i Bears the /j The Kind You Have Always Bought 17 $1.50 PER YEAR. MARKED DOWN CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS and FURNISHINGS' SALE. PRICES CUT 35 TO 50 PER CENT ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK. We desire to close out every garment if possible, making the greatest sale of line Clothing, Shoes, lints and Furnishings ever conducted in Freeland or vicinity. WE KEEP OUR BUSINESS UP BY KEEPING PRICES DOWN, Philadelphia ONE-PRICE Clothing House, BIRKBECK BRICK. FREELAND. Attorney and Counselor at Law and Notary Public. Office: Rooms land 2, llirkbeck Brick, Freeland JOHN M. CARR, Attorney-at-Law. All legal business promptly lUluudid. Postollloe Jtiiildiiip', ... Fris'liuni. QJEOKUE McLAUUHLIN, Attorney-at-Law. Legal Business of Any Description. Illinium's Building, So. Centre St., Freeland. 'TNIOS. A. HECK LEY, Justice of the Peace. AU business given prompt attention. Tribune lluildiny, - . Main Street. jyjU.S. S. E. HAYES, Fire Insurance Agent. Washington Street. None but Reliable Companies liepreHcnted. TJR. N. MALEY, DENTIST. OVER BIRK BECK'S STORE, >econd Floor. - - Birkbock Rriek. D. ROIiRBACH, General Hardware. Builders' supplies of every kind always in stock. Wall paper, paints, and tinware. ic\ - eles and repairs of all sorts. South Centre street. LIBOR WINTER, Eating House and Oyster Saloon. No. 13 Front Strut, Frccluud. 'rmnpminii drinks, clears, rtc. Families supplied with oysters direct froiu the shore. GEORGE FISHER, dealer in FRESH BEEF, PORK, VEAL, MUTTON, BOLOGNA, SMOKED MEATS, ETC., ETC. Call at. No. 0 Walnut street, Freeland, or wait for the delivery wagons. VERY LOWEST PRICES. Condy 0. Boyle, dealer in Liquor, Wine, Beer, Porter, JEtc. '!>; brands of Domestic and Imported N\ hiskcy on sale in one of the handsomest sa loons m town Fresh Rochester and Shenan doah Beer and \ eungling's Porter on tap. Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions. S'ATS ' 0 k) T" A celebrated brand'of XX Hour always'iu'stoek. Roll Butter ancPEggsJa Specialty. AMANDUS OSWALD, IN. H'. Cor. Cenlreand FrontSt., Freeland.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers