EIQTTII I ■L ■ Owing to reasons best known to the proprietor 11/ l I I I ill! and mana g er of the Guarantee Clothing Com- IMI I J AJi ULJ ' pany, this popular firm has decided to discon ■B YfMsl *ws> iPSSSP' 58s sUSSI V&Sp I tinue business in Freeland, and the entire stock, Consisting of Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing, Hats, Caps and Gents' Furnishings, lias been bought by REFOWICII BROS., who will continue the business at the same stand in the Refowich Building. Mr. I. Refowich, who so ably conducted this clothing store hero for so many years until a fow years ago. will again tako charge of the establishment and will onco more give the people of Freeland and surrounding towns as large and fine an assortment of clothing to select from as can be had anywhere. He will have all goods manufactured at Freeland, and again you will be able to buy Rofowich's Home-Made Clothing, which the public well knows will outwear and outlast any other make of clothing sold in tho market. In order to make room for tho immense stock which will immediately be manufactured on tho premises, Refowich Bros, have decided to sell out the entire line carried by the Guarantee Clothing" Company at less than 42 cents on the dollar. The Guarantee people did not wish to remove this tremendous stock to the city and sold it to us at loss than tho cost of material, hence we can offer it to you at prices far below the ordinary rate. Remember this was to be the first fall season of the Guarantee Company in our town, so the stock is strictly new, made up in the latest styles, having been prepared for this season's trade. The cloth is of the finer grades and every garment contains the best workmanship. This purchase also included a large and very well assort ed line of fine piece goods fov overcoats, suits and trousers, many of them being imported goods. /HIS IS THE CIMA CE OF A Lll< ETJ.ME ! We have been wide awake to your interests—be wide awake also, and take advantage of it. During our inauy years in businos.3 we can state positively that never before have we known of such a sacrifice as this. Do not delay in making your purchases, but come at once while the assortment is complete. and will continue until the entire lot is sold. At the prices printed below these goods will soon he disposed of, therefore it is to your interest to make no delay in coining and availing yourself of the wonderful and unparalleled bargains wo offer. Just cast your eyes over the following figures and learn what you can save by buying brand new lstis clothing during this big sale. STTITS = OYEECOATS = Mmi's s Iridic and di.ublo-brcastcd heavy winter suits, that are sold in - - - J„ s t think of buying a man's heavy chinchilla overcoat, black and auy other clothing storo for not less than So or 87, Cfsi.OO blue, worth B'.i, for only $3.76 Men s black cheviot its. just the kind o t a shifting suit you want, *7/1 Moil's heavy beaver black, bluo or brown, singlo and doublo-hroasted .c. A tully worth - to vlO O. I overcoats, good enough for anyone to wear, worth 812 to 81 4 for only 4.54 Men S all-wool cheviot suits, a I colors, in singlo and doublo-breasted, . r- 0 Men's English Melton, blue and black, strictly all-wool overcoats, made guaranteed strictly all-wool and fast colors, worth 810 xOu in latest style, extra long, worth $lB to $lB 8.48 Mens elegant silk mixture cassiuiere suits, well made in tho latest c rtc> Men's oxtra fine Carria melton overcoats, made in tho very latest cut, —— . styles, worth 811 O.xiD and style, fully worth 830 to 823 10.24 Men s oxtia heavy twi.led and Scotch plaid cheviots, single and double- ~7 a Hoys' suits, oxtra heavy and serviceable, long pants, ages 11 to 30 years, , breasted, guaranteed all wool, worth 818 /.TO worth any whero from 86 to 87 ' ' 1.74 Men s magnificent all-wool business suits, blue and black, single and . r- 0 Hoys' extra heavy all-wool cheviot suits, single and doiible-broastod, _, „ _ double-breasted, worth $lO <T.5b blue and black, fast color, well worth 83 to 0 3.68 Men s splendid black and blue corkscrew suits, sacks aud cutaways, r- a o Y< "' >'" *> van extra fine, all-wool, silk mixed cassimore suit, that is worth 814 O.'+O fully worth sl3, for 5.28 Men s Imported trench clay diagonal dress suits, well made up, equal . to custom made, best trimmings; worth 820 lU.UU years, worth $4, $6, $8 and 811 1.74 2.28 3.28 5.48 Children s vestee suits, of good quality aud up to date stylo, 8 -60 $1.30 81.00 Men's panta, all sizes 803 .$ 78 8148 SI 80 c '' 50 $3 *>4 worUl >-50 3 - 50 4.00 worth 1.85 1.50 $3.38 will buy a child's extra line suit, worth 80 to $7. Children's capo overcoats Children's knee pants, 17c; worth 05c. from 71c up. 500 Mon ., Bitlg |„ vve ts, r , oc eac | L AS AN EXTRA INDUCEMENT and to show you what we can do in our custom department, we will include the piece goods secured by us in this lot, in this sale. Come and make your selections and have a stylish overcoat, suit or trousers made to order at less than some dealers charge tor sweat-shop goods. Here are a few of our prioes: Men's all wool cheviot suits to order, worth S2O - $lO 98 all wooi fancy mixed cassimere suits to order, worth S2O - ICX9B Men's blue and black all wool worsted suits to order, worth $23 1448 Men's heavy twilled vicuna cheviot suits to order, worth $25 - ILS 48 An extra fine imported clay diagonal suit to order, worth $35 - 22*50 Overcoats to order, worth eighteen, twenty and twenty-seven dollars, for sll.£B, $13.08, $17.48 < tut now < uttei came direct from New York ( ity, where ho was employed by one of the largest establishments in tho metropolis. His reputation is A No. 1, and we give you our personal guarantee that he will fit you satisfactorily. All goods are made in the building, by our former corps of experienced workers. The excellent trimmings used by the Guarantee Com pany will be used by us, and if a garment is not as ordered you are not expected to take it. It Will Pay You to Wait for this opportunity and then come 50 miles to take advantage of the sale. Store open from 7a.m. to 10.30 p. m. Look well before entering, so you do not miss tho right place. If you are a stranger in Freeland and don't know where the Refowich building is located, ask any little child you meet on the street and he will toll you. 15y leaving a small sum of money with us we will lay aside any article you wish for a period of thirty days. If you were unable to attend this monster sale on our grand opening day you can call any time during the Hale and we are sure you will be pleased with our goods and prices. Men's 4-ply linen collars, all the latest styles, - 8c Men's 4-in-liands, leeks and bows, worth 50c, - 18c Men's heavy gray shirts and drawers, eaeli - - 19c Men's laundered white shirts, worth sl, very fine 49c Raphael 25c reversible paper collars, only 8c a box Men's mining hats, oil-cloth canvass, wore 25c, now 8e Hfi! 1- _ fj THAT the material alone in every article herein mentioned cost, without work- KMgf 3 WWS El f'-® Ir ¥ manship, much more than the prices we are offering them at. We have only / HffiJli sty H 91 space enough to mention hut a few of the many bargains we secured, and there ,, ... ~ - , ~T fore we advise you all to call and see us. We will not ask you to buy, for the goods at these prices will sell themselves. We will pay carfare and incidental expenses to overy person living within a radius ot 5U miles who does not find everything as advertised. To make a complete bargain sale we have marked down all hats. Men's Derbys, ail the Latest Styles, 79c, 97c, $1.24, $1.48, 1.98. These Hats sell regularly at from $2 to $4, and are fully worth the money. Remember this is no bankrupt sale, no sheriff's sale, no fire sale, no railroad wreck sale, no old stock, But a legitimate bargain sale, held by citizens of Freeland, who have been in business here for many years and expect to re mam here a great many more. \\ edo not hold this sale hack until you have bought your supplies, but have it goinsr on when you are most in need of them. CARFARE WILL BE RAID TO EVERY OUT-OF-TOWN PURCHASER. Refowjch's, threading Tailors and Clothiers, HjgSil llli Two Doers Above the Wear Wsii Shoe House. I il&fiHfllllVl FREELAND TRIBUNE. Zstibliahel 1888. PUBLISHED EVEIIY MONDAY AND THURSDAY BY THE TRIBUNE PRINTING COMPANY, Limited. OFFICE: MAIN STREET ABOVE CEKTBS. SUISSCUII'TION IIATKS: On© Year $1.50 Six Months 75 Kour Months 50 Two Months 25 The date which the subscription is puid to is on the address label of each paper, the change of which to a subsequent date becomes a receipt for remittance. Keep the figures in advance of the present date. Keport prompt ly to this otllce whenever paper is not received. Arrearages must be paid when subscription is discontinued. Make all tinmen orders, checks, etc., payable to the Tribune Printing Company, Limited. FREELAND, PA., OCTOBER 17, 1808. THE PADDED FAY ROLL. Mr. Wannmakor, In Reply to Chair ninn Ellcln, bives tho Names mid "Jlecords of Some of the Men Who * Were on tho Roll. In his Media speech Mr. Wanamaker said: "Chairman Elkin, for shame. Dare you stand up and assert that all the politicians who were on the padded pay roll performed any service to the state? Dare you assert that Philip Gorl, of Shechequin, Bradford county, who was appointed to pay a political debt the machine owed to the now discarded Louis Piollet, and who drew from the padded pay roll SI,OBO, ever performed any service to the state? "Dare you assert that James R. Groiner, of Luzerne county, now serv ing sentence in the Eastern penitenti ary for murder, who, as a political re ward from the machine, received nearly SI,OOO from the padded pay roll, and who visited Harrisburg but three days during the session, performed any ser vice to the state? "Dare you assert that Jonathan Jones, of Schuylkill county, who testi fied under oath In a libel case at Potts vllle In November, 1897, that his name was placed on the padded pay roll by Senator Coyle, a Quay senator, who drew for him S9OO, though he, Jones, was not once In Harrlsburg during the session, performed any service to the state? "I have In my possession other names that were on the padded pay roll, and the amounts of salary they received, and stand ready to furnish before a court of record indisputable proof that these men performed no labor for the state, and that the money was paid as political rewards. "I am discussing Mr. Elkin as a public official, and not as a private In dividual, and all interrogatories are ad dressed to him as the official head of an organization. "Chairman Elkin, though you have been declared an unfaithful state offi cial and have been dismissed for cause from public office, and though your at tempted defense Is a complete confes sion of your guilt, and your explana tions, in the light of historical facts, have convicted you of the grossest mis representations, still, under the prin ciple of law that grants Immunity to a coplotter who turns state's evidence, and gives testimony that will result to the good of the public, there may yet be left a chance for you to save yourself, in some degree, if you will give to the people of this state the inside history of that fatal indemnity bond transaction." ••The Real Widow Brown." At tho Grand opera house, liazleton, tomorrow evoniug, will appear tho musical comedy, "Tho Real Widow Brown," which is under the well known management of A. Q. Scammon, who lias under his direction some of the most successful plays on the road. "The Real Widow Brown" created a great sensation when lirst produced abroad and lias mot with unprecedented success in this country, whore it sprang into in stantaneous popularity. Tho real widow is a charming impersonation of her class. The mistakes and complications which arise from another ondeavoring to fill her position are ludicrous in the ex treme. The entire company is compos ed of clever people; the comedy is full of clean, wholosomo fun, nothing sugges tive or vulgar in the whole play; the specialties are neat, and of a high order of merit, everything first-class having been selected regardless of expense to the management. The opportunity of seeing them should not bo neglected. "The Real Widow Brown" will charm all who pass the evening witli her. Performance commences promptly at 8 o'clock. Ample time to take cars for all points on the North Side. The Celebration of the Year At Philadelphia, October 25 to 27. All patriotic citizens should attend this mammoth Peace Jublilco. The Lehigh Valley Railroad will make half rates to Philadelphia for this occasion. Tickets will be sold October 24 to 27; return limit October 31, and will bo honored on any of the numerous trains except the Black Diamond express. An impressive naval review; civil, industrial and military parade; unveiling of the Grant eques trian monument in beautiful Fairmouut park; dedication of the restored Inde pendence Hall; grand juvenile chorus, will ho some of the interesting features of the three days' celebration. Presi dent McKinley anil his cabinet, the governors of tho original thirteen states, Lieutenant Commander Wainwright, the hero Ilobson and many others of dis tinction aro expected to bo In attend ance, Consult Lehigh Valley ticket agents for full particulars. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought r Dr. David Kennedys Favorite Remedy CURES ALL KIDNEY, STOMACH I ' - - AND LIVER TROUBLES. Welcome News Any information that tells how sickness and disease can be overcome is the most welcome news a paper can print. Although this i 9 an 4 advertisement, it contains facts of more vital importance than anything else in this newspaper. It tells of a medicine known for over thirty years as Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. It is a medicine that purifies the Blood, and restores the Kidneys, \ Bladder and Urinary Organs to vigor and strength. Its principal ingredient is not alcohol. It does not ruin men's and "N women's lives by causing intoxication and \M fostering the appetite for strong drink. 11 Favorite Remedy cools and purifies the / blood. It is not like the many "bitters," "com- f \ \\\ pounds" and "tonics," now so widely sold, which F \ \ \ \ heat and inflame the blood, doing more injury \ J 1 \ than good. 1 I 1 \ V Favorite Remedy cures troubles of women I I \ \ \ just as certainly as it cures troubles of men. It I \ 1 v restores the Liver to a healthy condition, and J If .\ 1 V \ cures the worst cases of Constipation. It'cures N 11 V\ Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, "I II I \ all Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases, ✓I I I \ Gravel, Diabetes and Bright's Disease. J /1 I A " My complaint was Stone in the Bladder. J / I \1 Physicians said my case was hopeless, but Dr. / / / fi \\ Kennedy's Favorite Remedy cured me."— / / / I \\ D. H. HOAG, Lebanon Springs, N. Y. d I 1 I \\ Sold in all drug stores for si.oo a bottle. 1m J I \\ One teaspoonful is a dose, and you will experi- 1 111 I \l\j ence relief long before first bottle is taken. / a mJ I f y y , J with any of the ailments mentioned above f / J is offered a chance to try Favorite Remedy Ly without any cost whatever. Send your full post- f office address to the DR. DAVID KENNEDY CORFOR- / ATION, Rondout, N. Y., and a free sample will be sent you. Please say you saw the advertisement in this paper, so we may know your request is genuine. QPAPfi Gflß QAII} 01/lbß i Uu (jaLG. Advertisers in the Tribune get full value for their money. T. CAMPBELL, ' dealer in Bi*y C*ocm!H, iroeOFlefif Bo ot& mill Also PURE WINES J? LIQUORS FOR FAMILY AND MEDIVINAL PUIirOSES. Centre and Main streets, Frccland. DePIERRO - BROS. -CAFE.- Corner of Centre and Front Streets, Freeland, Pa. Finest Whiskies in Stock. Gibson, Dougherty, Kaufor Club, Kosonbluth's Velvet, of which we h ve EXCLUSIVE SALE IN TOWN. Mumin's Extra Dry Champagne, Heuneasy llrandy, Blackberry, Gins, Wines, Clarets, Cordials, Etc Imported and Domestic Cigars. OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE. Nam and Schweitzer Cheese Sandwiches, Sardines, Etc. MEALS - AT - ALL - HOURS. Ballentinc and Hazleton beer on tap. Ruths, Hot or Cold, 25 Cents. _________ Funeral Director Prepared to Attend Calls Day or Night. South Centre street, Freeland. Condy 0. Boyle, dealer in Liquor, Wine, Beer, Porter, Etc. The finest brands of Domestic and Imported Whiskey on sale in one of the handsomest sa loons in town. Fresh Rochester and Shenan doah Beer and Youngling's Porter on tap. 98 Centre street. IE? IRIIST TXIsT G of every description exocuted at short notice by the Tribune Company. ftlj| Peat (-ougli Syrqp. Tumos Good. Use VOTE FOB FRANK^L^NYDER fcr REPRESENTATIVE. Fourth Luzerne Legislative District. Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions. u A oclebratcd brand of XX Hour always in stock. Roll Butter and Eggs a Specialty. AMANDUS OSWALD, N. W. Car. Centre and Front Sts., Freeland. VIENNA : BAKERY. J. B. LAUBACH, Prop. Centre Street, Freeland. CHOICE DREAD OF ALL KINDS, CAKES, AND PASTRY, DAILY. FANCY AND NOVELTY CAKES BAKED TO ORDER. Confectionery $ Ice Cream supplied to balls, parties or picnics, with all necessary adjuncts, at shortest notice and fairest prices. Delivery and supply wagons to all parts oj town and surroundings every day. t, |■ ,i ent business conducted for MODERATE FEES. J, OUR OFFICE is OPPOSITE U.S. PATENT OFFICE £ ; and we can secure patent in less time than those remote from Washington. , J| Send model, drawing or photo,, with descrip- <* Jitlon. ne advise, if patentable or not, free of'! charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. ! J; A PAMPHLET, "How to Obtain Patents," with ' cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries '! sent free. Address, || C.A.SNOW&CO. OFriCC. WASHINGTON. D. C. !' FRANCIS BRENNAN, RESTAURANT 151 Centre street, Freeland. FINEST LIQUOR, PEER, PORTER VICARS AND SOFT DRINKS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers