EVERYTHING A SACRIFICE. M JPMMMfPPi Ml V Owing to reasons best known to the proprietor 1%/T I I I " ■ fl I and manager of the Guarantee Clothing Com- IV 1 1. I*. 1 iTll I pany, this popular firm has decided to discon ■Vß W Nr ■ IN I tinue business in Freeland, and the entire stock, Consisting of Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing, Hats, Caps and Gents' Furnishings, lias been bought by REFOWICH BROS., who will continue the business at the same stand in the Refowich Building. Mr. I. Refowicli who so ably conducted this clothing store here for so many years until a few years ago, will again take charge of the establishment and will once more givo the people of Freeland and surrounding towns as large and fine an assortment of clothing to select from as can be had anywhere, fie will have all goods manufactured at Freeland, and again you will be able to buy Refowich's Home-Made Clothing, .which the public well knows will outwear and outlast any other make of clothing sold in the market In order to make room for the immense stock which will immediately be manufactured on the premises, Refowich Bros have decided to sell out the entire line carried by the Guaranteo Clothing Company at- less than 42 cents on the dollar. The 'Guarantee DeoDle did not wish to remove this tremendous stock to the city and sold it to us at less than the cost of material hence we can offer it to you at prices far below the ordinary rate. Remember this was to be the first fall season of the Guarantee Company in our town, so the stock is strictly new, made up in the latest styles, having been prepared for this season's trade. The cloth is of the finer grades and every garment contains the best workmanship. This purchase also included a large and very well assort ed line of fine piece goods for overcoats, suits and trousers, many of them being imported goods. 1 PI 18 / 8 TW K Pl lA £f C - E OF A LIFETIME! We have been wide awake to your interests—be wide awake also and take advantage of it. During our many years in business we can state positively that never before have we known of such a sacrifice as this. On account of the necessary preparations required for this great sale, the big store has been closed for the past few days, but it will reopen and these goods will be placed on sale on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1898, -A.T 7 O'CLOCK 7 and will continue until the entire lot is sold. At the prices printed below these goods will soon be disposed of, tbereforo it is to your interest to make no delay in coming and availing yourself of the wonderful and unparalleled bargains we offer Just cast your eyes over the following figures and learn what you can save by buying brand new 1898 clothing during this big sale. SUITS = OVERCOATS - "•""$2.68 —•~ 7fi Mnn fulw"orthl''to 810 I '' j " 9t th ° k ' nd " f " 9hl,tl " g " ,lt yo " wa,lt ' O-7 A Me "' a h(!av y beavnr blacl£ . b '" n r brown, single and donbln-brnastml ." _ . Men, Jxwoo./ho & Lu. al, co.ors ,n s.ng.e and double-breasted, fT? M.ZS 4 ' 54 guaranteed strictly all-wool and fast colors, worth (10 4.58 in latest style, extra long, worth SlO to 818 °™rcoats, made stylosf worth ,14™ ln U ' e ,atMt 6.28 V™"*' " lU "° lh ° ' atSS ' eUt 1024 slng,edo " b, °' 7.48 ,one - - >-• ,74 M'tSVtf ""I 8 " 1U ' T ft " d blaCk ' 9InE,C a " d 4 ' 58 B °"double-breasted, worth 8U a corkscrew suits, sacks and cutaways. You can buy an extra line, all-wool, silk mixed casslmere suit, that is nurui cit . . _ O fully worth 812, for ROQ lm Ported I'rench clay diagonal dross suits, well made up, equal ._ „ „ Iloys' overcoats, llrst class, ages 14 to 19 . „ to custom made, boat trimmings; worth 830 10.00 years, worth 84, S, 88 and 811 1.74 2 28 3 28 R 4ft worth 66 fiallty and up to date style. 8 .mi 81.89 81.91) Men's pants, all sixes 802 878 81.48 °B9 83.28 will buy a child's extra fine suit, worth 80 to 87. Children's capo overcoats Children's knee pants, 17c; worth 65c. 150 3-5 ° 3 ' s ° 4 " 50 0 (K) ' U P' 500 Men's single vests, 50c each. AS AN EXTRA INDUCEMENT TO INTRODUCE OUR NEW CUTTER and to show you what we can do in our custom department, wo will include the piece goods secured by us in this lot in this sale. Come and make your selections and have a stylish overcoat, suit or trousers made to order at less than some 'doalers charge for sweat-shop goods. Here are a few of our prices: uoaiors Men's all wool cheviot suits to order, worth S2O - $lO 98 Men's all wool fancy mixed cassimere suits to order, worth S2O - 10 Q8 Men's blue and black all wool worsted suits to order, worth $23 14 48 Men's heavy twilled vicuna cheviot suits to order, worth $25 - 15 48 An extra fine imported clay diagonal suit to order, worth $35 - 22*50 Overcoats to order, worth eighteen, twenty and twenty-seven dollars, for $11.4.8, $13.68, $17.48 Our new cutter came direct from New York City, where he was employed by one of tho largest establishments in the metropolis. His reputation is A No. 1, and we give you our personal guarantee that he will fit you satisfactorily All goods tho bmlding, by our former corps of experienced workers. Tho excellent trimmings used by the Guarantee Com pany will be used by us, and if a garment is not as ordered you are not expected to take it. It Wlll Pay You. "to Wait for this opportunity and then come 50 miles to take advantogo of the sale, gtore open from 7a.m. to 10.30 d m Look well before entering so you do not miss tho right place. If you are a stranger ire Freeland and don't know where the Refowich building is located, ask any little child you meet on the street and he will tell you. By leaving a small sum of money with us we will lay aside any article you wish for a period of thirty days. If you are not able to attend this monster sale on opening day you can call any time during the sale and we are sure you will be pleased with our goods and prices. Men's 4-ply linen collars, all the latest styles, - 8c Men's 4-in-liands, teeks and bows, worth 50c, - 18c Men's heavy gray shirts and drawers, each - - 19c Men's laundered white shirts, worth sl, very fine 49c Raphael 25c reversible paper collars, only 8c a box Men's mining hats, oil-cloth canvass, were 25c, now 8c §1 |H Plfl T1 §M f manship, much more than the prices we are offering them at. We have only ABf VAU \J JUUL R# vl ■ space5 pace enou f? h to montion but a few of the many bargains we secured, and there .... fore we advise you all to call and see us. We will not ask vou to liuv for the goods at these prices will sell themselves. We will pay carfare and incidental expenses to every person living within a radius of 5 miles who does not find everything as advertised. To make a complete bargain sale we have marked down all hats. Men's Derbys, all the Latest Styles, 79c, 97c, $1.24, $1.48, 1.98. These Hats sell regularly at from $2 to $4, and are fully worth the money. Remember this is no bankrupt sale, no sheriff's sale, no fire sale, no railroad wreck safe, no old stock, But a legitimate bargain sale, held by citizens of Freeland, who have been in business here for many years and exnect to rn mam here a great many more. Wo do not hold this sale hack until you have bought your supplies, but have it goin* on when you are most in need of them. CARFAIIE WILL RE PAID TO EVERY OUT-OF-TOWN PURCHASER* Refowich's, the Leading Tailors and Clothiers, NNUV AMI EBFOWICH TBXTILIDXISrGr, I KKM U lUM Two Doors Above the Wear Well Shoe House. ( HfiMliA■ VAll FREELAHD TRIBUNE. EsUbliihel 1888. PUBLISHED EVEItY MONDAY AND THURSDAY BY THE TRIBUNE PRINTING COMPANY, Limited. OFFICK: MAIN STREET ABOVE CENTRE. SUBSCRIPTION KATES: One Year $1.50 Six Months Four Months 50 Two Months Thednte which the subscription is paid to is on the address label of each pupcr, the change of which to a subsequent date becomes a receipt for remittance. Keep the llgurcs in advance of the present date. Report prompt ly to this oflicc whenever paper is not received. Arrearages must bo paid when subscription is discontinued. Make all money orders, checks, etc., payable to the Tribune Printing Company, Limited. FREELAND, PA., OCTOBER 13, 1808. Labor and the Machine. Labor stands pleading at the doors of the legislature, each succeeding session, for relief from its thousand and one ills. It asks that the so-called labor laws heretofore enacted and that have proved to be unconstitutional, impractic able or worse than the laws they super seded, be taken up and so amended as to give them force and effect for good purposes. It pleads that the measures it presents shall not bo handed over to machine mado committees in the senate and house, to be either throttled therein, or to have all the life and spirit taken out of them, so that they aro not, as passed, worth to labor the paper on which they are written. It pleads that committees shall be no longer mado up to suit the monopolies of the state, to recommend bills the monopolies want and negative those to which the monopolies objoct, and generally to exploit the monopolies for money to run the machines cam paigns. It asks no special favors, but wants the right to live and mako a living by honest and fairly paid work, and that the leaders in the lawmaking shall give some heed to the fact that when labor is not prospering, the state can not prosper. The producer is also tho consumer, and when his ability to buy is cut off by selllsh monopolies, created and fostered by machine legislatures and executives, all classos must suffer. It pleads that when departments and buroaus aro created ostensibly for its bonollts they shall be officered by clean and capable men who will do their duty faithfully and fearlessly and not, as too often happen, to the machine heelers who recognizo no allegianco but to the machine. Finally, it pleads, for a governor like Jenks, who has not and never had con nections with monopolies of any kind, who has never, though a great lawyer, served any form of corporation, who is a plain man, in fully sympathy with the plain peoplo, utterly untrammeled and prepared for anything that will uplilt the people and progress the state. With such a man as the chief execi - tive and a legislature against the mr chlne, labor's ploa will be heeded and its causes for complaint will disappear. WHAT ITJDOSTS To Run tlio State Department Under QuaylHin an Compared With the Cost Under Democratic Mnuairemeut. Here are some figures showing the cost of certain branches of the state government under the appropriation acts of 1883 and 1897 respectively, th former having been the nearest ap proach to a Democratic year the state has had since the war: Executive offices $517,006 $1,513,971 Legislative expense .. 541,111 724,82S Judicial expenses 967,000 1,342,682 Printing and binding. 605,863 1,130,984 $2,630,980 $4,722,465 These figures need little explanation. They show that in fourteen years, un der the unbroken direction of Republi can lawmakers, executive departments have been multiplied, salaries increased, new and useless deputies and clerks employed and contingent funds padded, until from a half a million, our execu tive expenses have swelled to a mil lion and a half for each two years. They show that while the number of senators and members and the al lowances for mileage, stationery and postage are the same as in 1883, by in creasing the already large enough force of clerks and other employes, by add ing enormously to contingent expense to fee party favorites, by awarding pay for regular committee services, by creating whitewashing and fraudulent Investigating committees (whose per quisites were not vetoed), by piling up the cost of contested elections, etc., they have swelled the charge upon the people for holding a legislative session about $200,000, or over 35 per cent. They show that the expenditure for printing and binding the often worse than useless state publications has al most doubled since 1883, although the actual cost of doing that kind of work has been very materially reduced in the interval. They show that even the bench has been made to contribute to the imposi tion largely by laws that multiply the number of judges beyond all reason and then making statutes that enable some of them to add almost 50 per cent to their legal salaries by holding court in other districts in years when, in or der to keep up with the trial lists, they must have other judges come and hold cc-urt In their own districts. They show, in brief, that under Re publican rule, the system is rotten from core to rind, and that there is but one chance for real reform, which lies In electing a Democratic executive ad i ministration and a Democratic legisla ture. o ASTOni A . Betr, th. /t Kind You Han Always Bought 7 sn CfISTORIfI nun For Infants and Children. CASIOHIA The Kind You Have IgglSP Always Bought ; slmilatinglheFoodandßegula- _ M ling the Stomachs and Bowels of jj6£irS tllo M * ®B§!®nnHl Signature - Promotes Digestion,Cheeiful- M I lei" ness and Rest Contains neither x / If,IT Opnim.Morphine nor Mineral. UI #ft A l| wjtNahcotic. # U .\A^ Setd' 1 jj aJJuLL- I m/X SsSL. I (\ \Av Thfi ffkmSttd- I II 171 1 llu f Ifj_f| A perfect Remedy for Constipa- I U ftl It 111 U lion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, I ljj' Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- 1 U 11,,,,- nessandLoss OF SLEEP. \J* |U U EISVG Tac Simile Signature of Always Bought. nAOTfIDIA EXACT COPT OF WRAPPER. ||l|Bj IHH I■■ IM—BB> HOHKr TMC CCNTAUW ooMMNV NEW VOHK CITY T. CAMPBELL, dealer in Bry HaeilSf €sY&e©i*i&% Hoots and Sbocsu Also PURE WINES H LIQUORS FOR FAMILY AND MEDICINAL PURPOSES. Contra and Main strcoto, Froolund. DePIERRO - BROS. -CAFE.- Corner or Centre and Front Ktreeta, Freeland, Pa. Finest Whiskies in Stock. Gibson, Dougherty, Kaufor Club, Uosenbluth's Velvet, of which we h ve EXCLUSIVE SALE IN TOWN. Muuun's Extra Dry Champagne, Hcnucssy Ilrnndy, Blackberry, Gins, Wines, Clarets, Cord laid, Etc Imported and Domestic Cigars. OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE. Ham and Schweitzer Cheese Sandwiches, Sardines, Etc. MEALS AT - ALL - HOURS. Ballentine and Hazlcton beer on tap. Baths, Hot or Cold, 25 Cents. P. F. McNULTY, ~ Funeral Director and Embalmer. Prepared to Attend Calls Day or Night. South Centre street, Freeland. Condy 0. Boyle, dealer in Liquor, Wine, Beer, Porter, Etc. The finest brands of Domestic nnd Imported Whiskey on sale In one of the handsomest sa loons in town. Fresh Rochester and Shenan doah lleer and Youngling's Porter on tap. 98 Centre street. - of over}'description executed at short notice by the Tribune Com puny. ■d best Cough Byrup. Tastes Ootid. Uso I*l kU In time. Bold by fir net? lata. HI Tgp' 1 - 1 j VOTE :WOTI FRANK L. SNYDER for REPRES|ENTATI¥E. Fourth Luzerne Legislative District. Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions. 0 , A celebrated brand of XX flour always in stock. Roll Butter and Eggs a Specialty. AMANDUS OSWALD, N. TP. Cor. Centre and Front Sis., Freeland. VIENNA: BAKERY. J. B. LAUBACH, Prop. Centre Stroet, Freeland. CHOICE BREAD OF ALL KINDS, CAKES, AND PASTRY, DAILY. FANCY AND NOVELTY CAKES BAKED TO ORDER. Confectionery 9 Ice Cream supplied to balls, parties or picnics, with all necessary adjuncts, at shortest notice and fairest prices. Delivery and stipply wagons to all parts oj ' town and surroviiditigs every day. Mil ] Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat- 1 < ent business conducted for MODCR ATE Fata. i 1 ! 11 OPPOSITE U.S. PATCNY Orricc <' , and we can secure patent in leas time than those 1 from Washington.\ !' . Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip- (' ( ,tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of! . charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. | J I A PAMPHLET, "How to ObUin Patents,*' with ■' , cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries £ KM free. Address ;! C.A.SNOW&CO. ; P.TINT Ornec. WASHINGTON. D. c. FRANCIS BRENNAN, RESTAURANT 1161 Centre street, Freeland. FINEST LIQUOR, BEER, PORTER CIGARS AND SOFT DRINKS. '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers