FREELAND TRIBUNE. VOL. XI. NO 26. RAILROAD TIMETABLES LEIIIUH VALLEY RAILROAD. May to, 1898. ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. LEAVE FREELAND. 6 20 a m for Woatherly, Muuch Chunk, Allentowu, Bethlehem, Kustoii, Phila delphia and New York. 7 40 a ni for Sandy Run, White Haven, Wilkes-Bar re, l'ittstou and Seranton. 8 32 a in for Weathorly, Mauch Chunk, Al lentowu, Bethlehem, E is ton, Philadel phia and New York. 9 30 am for Hazleton, Mahunoy City, Shen andoah. 'dt. C'annel, Shamokiu and Pottsville. 1 1 56 a m for Sandy Run, White Haven, Wilkes-Barre, Scranton ami all points West. 4 32 pm for Hazleton, Mahunoy City, Shen andoah, Mt. funnel, Shamokiu and Pottsville. 6 39 p m for Sandy Run, White Haven, Wilkes-liurre and Seraiiton. 0 57 p m for Hazleton, Muhanoy City, Shen andoah, Mt. Cai'tnel and Shamokiu. ARRIVE AT FREELAND. 7 40 u m from Pottsville, Shamokiu, Mt. Curinel, Shenandoah, Mahunoy City UMI Hazleton. 9 17 u in from New York, Philadelphia, Huston, Bethlehem, Allentowu, Muueh Chunk and Weathorly. 9 30 ii ni from Scrautou, Wilkes-Barre and Wiiite Haven. 1 1 56 a m from Pottsville, Shumokin, Mt. Curmel, Shenundouh, Mahunoy City and Hazleton. 4 32 p in from seranton, Wllkes-Barre and White Haven. 6 39 p in from New York, Philadelphia, Huston, Bethlehem, Allentowu, Potts ville, Mhamokiii, Mt. Curmel, Shenan doah, Mahunoy City and Hazleton. 0 57 ]> m from Seranton, Wilkes-Barre and White Haven. 8 32 p m from New York, Philadelphia, Huston, Bethlehem, Allentowu, Muuch Chunk and Weathorly. For turiher iulormaiiou inquire of Ticket Atronts. 1(o L LIN 11. WIL B U It, General 8u peri ntendent. Cil A3. S. LEE. Gon'l Pass. Agent. 28 Cortlandt Street. New York City. 'TMIE DELAWARE, SUSQUEHANNA AND J. SCHUYLKILL RAILROAD. Time table in effect April 18, 1897. Trains leave Driftou for Jcddo, Eekley, Hazle Brook, Stockton, Beaver Meadow Road, Roan tind Hazleton Junction at b III), 900 a in, dudy except Sunday; and 7 03 a IU, 2 38 p in, Sunday. Trains leave Drifton for Jlurwood.Crunhcrry, Toiuhieken and Deriugor at 5 30, 0 U) a in, daily except Sunday; and 703 u m, 238 p in, Sun day. Trains leave Drifton for Oneida Junction, Harwood Road, Humboldt Road, Oneida and K heppton at 000 a m, daily except Sun day; and 7 03 a in, 2 38 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Harwood, Craiiierry, Toiuhieken and Deriugor at 8 35 a in, daily except Sunday; and 8 53 a m, 4 22 p in, Sunday. Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Oneida Junction, Harwood Road, Humboldt Road, /nurhiu and Shcppton at 0 52, 11 10 a m, 4 41 p m, daily except Sunday; and <37 a m, 3 11 p m, Sunday, Trains leave Derinper for Tomhickcn, Cran berry, Harwood, Hazleton Junction and Roan at 2 25, 5 10 p in, daily except Sunday; and U 37 a in, 5 07 p in, Sunday. Trains leave Shcppton for Oneida, Humboldt Uoud, Harwood Road, Oneida J uncLion, Hazle ton J unction aid Roan at 7 11 a in, 12 40, 522 l in, daily except Sunday; and 8 11 a m, 3 14 l> in, Sunday. Trains leave Shcppton for lioaver Meadow Road, Stockton, liazle Brook, Eekley, Jcddo ami Drifton at 5 22 p in, daily, except Sunday; und 8 11a in, 3 44 p in, Sunday. Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Beaver Meadow Road, Stockton, Huzlc Brook, Eekley, Jcddo and Drifton ut 5 45, G2O pm, dully, except Sunday; and 10 10 a in, 5 40 p m, Sunday. AH trains connect at Hazleton Junction with electric ears for Hazleton, J canesvilie, Audon ried and other points on tho Traction Com pany's line. Trains leaving Drifton at 5 30.0 00 ain make connection at Dcringcr with I*. R. R. trains for Wilkesbarre, Sunbury, llarrisburg and points west. F'or the accommodation of passengers at way stations between Hazleton Junction and Dor ituoir, a train will leave tho former point at 350 p ui. daily, except Sunday, arriving at Durtnger at 5 00 p in. LUTIIKR C. SMITH, Superintendent. IBCKLLAN KOUB A DVKKTISEMKNTS. 4JJIEHI FF SALE.—The following real estate pi will be sold at sheriff sale at the Court house Arbitration Room, Wilkesbarre, Pa., on Saturday, October 8, lsns, at 10 a. m., at the suit of Joseph Birkbeck, trustee, vs. William 1). Kline. All that piece or parcel of land situate in Freeland borough bounded and described as follows, to-wii: Beginning at the south side Walnut street, being lot No. 4, adjoining lands William and Daniel Kline, ami extending oust along said street a distance of forty-one feet six inches (41.G-12) to lands of Louis Kr y seher, thenno southwardly along said lands to n public uiioy one hundred and fifty and one fourth (1 Ui) l'eet, thence westwardly along said alley forty-one feet six inches (41.0-12) to lauds of William and Daniel Kline, and thence iiorihwurdly along said lands to the place ot thai;'certain piece of land being and ly ing in Freehold borough, county oi Luzerne and state of Pennsylvania, as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the south side of Walnut street, being the corner of lands of Michael Hal pin Hate tho property of Thomas Brown) and extending eastwardly twenty three and one-half (23|) feet to lot marked No. 4. Thonee along the lands of Frederick Kline southwardly ono hundred and fifty and one fourth (1501) feet to a public alley. Thence vcst wurdly along said alley twenty-three and jmc-huif (231) feet to lands of Michael Hal pin Hate those of Thomas Brown). Thence north wardly along said lauds one hundred and fifty undone-fourth (1601) feet to the place ot be ginning. Being part of lot marked No. 3in plot of lots of Margaret J. Johnson. All that certain piece or parcel of land situ ate in the borough of Freeland, bounded ami described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a stone corner iu road leading from Highland to Upper Lehigh and by land of Conrad Lahr (deceased) north eighty-five and thrcc-quur lers degrees east one hundred and forty feet 10 a post, thence by land of Joseph Birkbeck, north three decrees east sixty feet to a post, thence by lands of Sarah lleiikle (wife itf Edward Henkle) south eighty-live ami three-quarters degrees west one hundred and Sixty-eight feet eight inches to a stone corner in anove-nanu'd road, thence by said road and by land of Joint and Bridget McMenuinin gouth twenty-throe and three-quarters de grees east sixty-three feet live inches to the plaice of beginning, containing nine thousand one liundred ami ninety square feet. All that certain piece of land situate in tho borough of Freehold. bounded und described n follows, to wit: Beginning at a corner on the west side of Birkbeck street in Freeland borough and forty feet north of land belong ing U> the late Justus Troell, thence north eighty-six degrees twenty-three minutes west one hundred ami forty feet to a corner on an alley, thence by line of said alley north three degrees east fort) foot to a corner, thence by Hue of other lands belonging to Joseph Birk beck estate south eighty-six degrees twenty three minutes east one liundred and forty feet to a corner on line of Birkbeck street aforesaid, thence by line of said street south three degrees west forty feet to place of be ginning, containing titty-six hundred squurc feet of laud, more or less. All that certain piece of land situate in the borough of Freehold, hounded ami described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a corner on the easterly side of llirkbeek street.ami south east corner of a public road leading from Birkbeck street to a nubile road leading from Upper Lehigh to the village of Highland, thence on Birkbeck street south three degrees forty-nine minutes west eighty feet to a cor ner, thence by land of Joseph BirkLeek south eighty-six degrees twenty-three minutes east one hundred and twenty-nine feet more or less *o a corner on line of land belonging to the Highland Coal Company, thence by Hue of same north three degrees thirty-seven min utes east eighty feet to a corner on puhl e road aforesaid, thence by line ot same north three degrees thirty-seven minutes west one huudred und tweuty-uiue uud ouc-half l'ect more or less to the place of beginning, con taining ton thoiiHaml three hundred ami forty square feet of laud more or less. Improver! with a three-story frame feed mill, lime house, brick boiler-house and railroad siding. All that certain piece of laud in the borough of Freeland, bounded and described as fol lows, to-wit: Beginning at u corner on the easterly side of Birkbeck street and eighty foot south of a public road leading from Birkbeck street to a public road leading from Upper Lehigh to lligliland, thence on Birkbeck street south three degrees forty-nine minutes west forty feet to a corner, thence by land of Joseph Birkbeck south eighty-six degrees twenty-three minutes east, one hundred and twenty nine feet more or less to a corner on line of laud belonging to the Highland Foal Company, thence by line of same north three degrees thirty-seven minutes east forty feet to a corner, thence by laud of Daniel Kline north eighty-six degrees twenty-three min utes west one hundred and twenty-nino feet more or less to the place of beginning. Con taining five thousand one hundred and sixty square feet of land more or less. All that certain lot or piece of land situate in Freeland i.orough, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a corner on line of Highland Coal Company's land, said corner being the northeast corner of land be longing to John Ksnorand one hundred and eiguty-flve and one-half feet north of the centre of public road loading from Butler to White Haven, thence by line of Highland Coal Company's land north three degrees east one hundied and sixty-live feet to a corner on an alley, thence by lino of same south eighty live HIHI three-quarters degrees west live hun dred and thirty feet to a corner in centre of public road leading from Upper ladiigh to Eekley, thence by centre of said road south twenty-three and three-quarters degrees east tilty-two and one-half feet to a corn- r, thence by land of Frederick Kline north eighty-live and three-quarters degrees east one liundred and ninety-four and one-half feet to a corner, thence by land of said Kline and Patrick Me- Glynn south three degrees west, one hundred and llfteen feet to a corner in line of land be longing to the late Conrad Lahr, thence by same and land belonging to Joseph Birkbeck estate and John Ksnor south eighty-live and three-quarters degrees east three hundred and twelve and one-half feet to the place of beginning, containing sixty-one thousand seven hundred and seventy-nine square feet of land, be the same more or leas. All that certain piece or parcel of land situ ate in Freeland borough, bounded and des cribed as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point north i ighty-seven degrees west thirty feet from a post corner of laud of Mary A. liiidwig, thence by laud of Mary A. Ludwig north three degrees east two hundred and eight and seventy-two-hiindredths feet to a corner, thence north eighty-seven degrees west thirty-two feet more or less to the line of the centre of an alley half upon land of Isa bella Crawford, thence south three degrees west along line of property of Mrs. Isabella Crawford two hundred and eight and seventy two-liundredths feet to corner now or late In the middle of a public road, titmice south eighty-seven degrees east thirty-two feet more or less to place of beginning; containing six thousand six hundred and seventy-nine and foiir-hundredths feet, excepting twelve and one-half feet reserved off westwardly end of lot for a public highway or road. Improve ments are a double two and a half story frame dwelling and outhouses. All that certain piece of land situate in the borough of Freeland, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a stake in the road leading from Highland to Upper Lehigh, thence by lands of John Daniels north eighty-live and three-quarters degrees east one hundred and sixty-eight and eight tcnths feet to a post, thence by land of Joseph Birkbeck, Sr., north three degrees east llfty tive feet ton post, thence by lauds of Joseph Birkbeck, Sr.. south eighty-live and tlireo fourths degrees west one hundred and nliictv four and live-tenths feet to a post in the before-mentioned road, thence along said road and lands of Joseph Birkbeck, Sr., south twenty-three and three-fourths degrees east llfty-eight feet to the place of beginning; con taining nine thousand eight hundred and ninety-two square feet. Improved with a a a half story frame dwelling house McLcuu & Carr, James Martin, Attorneys. Sheriff. /YIIAKTKIt NOTICE.—In the Court of Coin \J moil Pleas in the County of Luzerne. No. 1055, October Term, 1808. Notice is hereby given that an application will be made to the said court on Monday, October 10,18U8, at 10 a. m., under the act of assembly of the commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, entitled "an act to provide for the In corporation and regulation of certain corpora tions," approved April 29, 1874, and the supple ments thereto, for the charter of an intended corporation to be called "The Associated Wheelmen of Freeland, PH.," the character and objects whereof are to protect the rights of wheelmen, the furtherance of good roads, and the construction and maintenance of bi cycle paths for the use of the public, and for these purposes t< have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of the said act of assembly and its supplements. The proposed charter is now on llle in the prothonotary's office. John M. Carr, solicitor. /COMMISSIONERS' NOTICE. Notice is V7 hereby given that at a court of quarter sessions in and for the c unity of Luzerne held on the twelfth day of September, 1898, an order was directed to John J. Kelley, John 11. Bigelow and Frank Needham to view and divide the South ward of the borough of Freeland, Luzerne county, Pennsylvania; that the said commissioners will meet for the purpose of inquiring into the propriety of granting said division ut the law office of John M. Carr, Esq., in said borough of Free land, on Wednesday, the nineteenth day of October, IHWH, at 2 o'clock p. m., when and where ull persons interested may attend. John J. Kelley, John H. Bigelow, Frank Needham, Commissioners. TBOli SALE.—Good buggy, set of single har- J" ness, blankets, robes, etc.; a bargain for cash. Apply at this office. COTTAGE HOTEL. 8. KREBKY, PROP. Main and Washington Streets. First-class tablo, excellent wines, whiskies, etc. Rates, $1.60 per day. FRANCIS BRENNAN, RESTAURANT 151 Centre street, Freeland. FINEST LIQUOR, HE Ell PORTER, CIGARS ANI) SOFT DRINKS. GRAND OPERA HOUSE Geo. McLaughlin, Manager. FRIDAY, SEPT. 30. Bros, ltoyer and their big company of Comedians, Acrobats, Pantomiinists and Pretty Girls, in the Acrobatic Farce "NEXT DOOR." PKTCES—2Sc, Slftc and 50c. Seats on sale at Woodriug's three days before dutc of show. FREELAND, PA., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, IS9S. WANT THEM TO REMAIN. COAL COMPANIES FEAR THE EXO DUS OF YOUNG MEN. Counteracting the Desire of the Rising Generation to Go Klsewhere by Hutld ing Club-Houses and Aiding Them to Advance Themselves. The young men of this part of the coal field have flowed outward in a steady stream for livo years or more past. This depletion in the homes of the mining villages has of late caused more or less concern to the managers of mining corporations of the vicinity. The young man is still a necessary part of the equipment of any properly con ducted colliery. Machinery and foreign labor have displaced them in many vocations about the mines, but there Is yet abundant use for the activity, energy and brightness of tho American boy, and, try as they will, the lime has not yet arrived when coal companies can run their huge plants without him. Hence the departure and continued absenco of Iho boys, unnotieod at first by the coal officials, has lately assumed a position among their troublesome questions, and efforts are now being made to induce the young men to remain here, instead of going off to seek that higher and more ideal life craved by youthful nature, which in the past was not to bo found in the monotonous existence which was a boy's lot in the coal region. With this object in view, to make their evenings and leisure hours more pleasant than heretofore, club-houses and rooms arc being built in the mining towns, wherein the younger employes can meet and derive, to a limited extent at least, the advantages to bo gained by associating with ono another, eacli giv ing to his fellows tho benefit of his knowledge in some particular branch of education or sport, all reaping some thing from the whole, and the result tending to bring thorn nearer to those attributes which go to make man better and nobler. A room of tills description has for some years boon maintained at Jcddn by the Progressive Club. Jcddo today has triple tho number of young men of any town in tho coal fields, in propor tion to population. The desiro to wander off lias boon reduced to a mini mum, and tliis fact lias not escaped the attention of John Marklo, the head of tho firm at that place. To assist the boys in their clnvating work he has offered to build the organization a club house which will meet their demands more fully than thoir present quarters. Work upon the structure will soon begin. It will bo a two-story building, with basement,. A steam-heating plant will he installed, and the club will add largely to its present library and furnish the house th roughout. Previously a ball has been held in Freeland annually on Thanksgiving Eve by the club, to procure tho necessary revenue to maintain its room. Under an agreement made with Superinten dent Smith, of the Markle firm, who is also interested in tho club's work, this form of raising money will hereafter he dispensed with, and a donation of SSO will be made to tho Progressive Club by Mr. Smith every Thanksgiving. Tho company will also erect a club houso at Oakd&le for tho young residents of that town. A year ago the Cross Creek Coal Com pany presented the young men of Drif ton with a building for purposes similar to those outlined above, and a few weeks ago completed another building at tho hall park in that town, designed and adapted for the use of tho Fearnots Athletic Association. This intorest which the coal com panies of our vicinity are taking in on couraging tho young to stay hero is truly commendable, and with a little more humanity shown all their employes during working hours, will go farther to establish friendly feelings and harmoni ous relations between capital and labor in our midst than any person can predict. Every such movement of the corporations, having the advancement of man as one of its objects, even though tho main incentive in inaugurating it may he a personal ono, will redound to their credit and will be appreciated by the beneficiaries. A Great Attraction. The Red Cross nurse, in her desire to ease the pain and quell the agony of the wounded sufferers, did no small dam age to faithful hearts, during the late war. In "A Daughter of Cuba," which comes to the Grand opera house, Hazle ton, tomorrow evening, Miss Joan Mawson, in her petite, graceful way portrays the loving, gentle, sympathetic nurse. Tho play deals with the love of two people who havo mot on tho field of battle, wherein a tent has hastily been erected. Tho nurse tremblingly prepares for tho treatment of tho first of tho wounded. She has followed her lover to a fever-ridden country after tho usual lover's quarrel and with hopes of a reconciliation adopts tho custom of the Red Cross. Among the first, who in that awful battle of Sibony, were wounded nigh unto death, is Jack Price, her lover, who had joined tho New j York Seventy-first. Tho performance will begin promptly at 8 o'clock, so as to anabio the people attending to ride to tlieir homes. Injured on the Railroad. Andrew McNeils, of Reaver Meadow, had his left foot crushed on Tuesday evening; by tho D. S. fc S. passenger train duo at Drifton shortly after 7 p. in. Tho accident occurred on the curve near Drifton roundhouse. Mr. McNeils, with his brother-in-law, Mr. Costello, of Jeddo, were walking on tho track on their way to Freeland when tho train hove in sight. Thinking it was his brother. Engineer William McNeils, who aiso runs a passenger train, tho Reaver Meadow man attempted to board the engine and missed his footing. The wheels crushed tho instep and all toes except the great one. The injured man was brought to his mother's home on Adams street, where physicians examined the foot. Reliev ing amputation necessary, they recom mended his removal to tho Miners' hospital, and he was taken thorn at. 11 p. in., the D. S. &S. furnishing a special train to Reaver Meadow road, where the hospital ambulance was met. At the hospital the foro part of the foot was taken off last night. A tele phone message to tho TRIBUNE today states that lie is doing well. Mr. McNeils is a married man and has four children. Up to Monday lie was employed as engineer at tho D. S. A S. storage yard at Roan Junction. Ho was coming here to see his relatives before leaving next day for Rrooklyn, N. Y., whero a situation as stationary engineer awaits him. She Remembered Waterloo. Mrs. Rridget Reidy, the oldest woman in Luzerne county and possibly in the state, died on Sunday afternoon at the home of her son, Thomas Reidy, in Wy oming. She was 10S years old. Mrs. Roidy was born in Ireland in 1790, and lived there until about forty years ago, when sho came to this country and went to Grand Rapids, Mich. She moved to Wyoming three years ago, her son Thos. being the only survivor of ten children. Ho was tho youngest and is now over 50. Mrs. Reidy retained her faculties to the end. Sho nevor wore spectacles, could thread a noodle, read rapidly and her hair never turned gray. She had an excolient memory, and would talk freely of many incidents of her long.lifo. Mrs. Roidy was born under tho reign of Georgo 111, and lived through tho reign of George IV, William IV and through most of Queen Victoria's reign and could easily recall incidents in con nection with tho battlo of Waterloo. She was nine years old when Washing ton died. Jury IliNHgrecd on School Can*. As was generally oxepected tho jury iu tho Miners Mills school heard con spiracy case havo failed to agree and were discharged from further service. The jury wont out on Friday afternoon and when they came into court Monday morning Foreman Reap handed out a sealed communication addressed to the court, asking that the points of the judge's charge bo re-read to tho jury. This was done and tho jury again retir ed, returning about ten minutes later, saying that they could not agree and were discharged. The jury stood nine for acquittal to three for conviction. There will he another trial. Forty Hour* Services Cloned. The services of the Forty Hours Devo tion at St. Ann's Catholic church closed yesterday morning. On Monday even ing Rev. Hurko, of Hazleton, delivered the sermon, and on Tuesday cvonlng Rev. Dover, of Reaver Meadow, ad dressed the congregation. During the services the following priests wero pres ent: Revs. Fallihoe, Mack and Stas, Freeland; Revs. Phillips, Leonard, Rurke and Rcrzinui, Hazleton; Rev. Rorgrath, White Haven; Rev. Rahilly, Auden ried; Rev. Dover, Reaver Meadow; Rcy. O'Rielly, Wilkesbarre, and Rev. Ward, of Allegheny. A Hearty Laugli Will l>o You Good. If you want a good hearty laugh go see the famous Bros. Royer in their roaring, roiicking spectacular produc tion "Next Door." There is very littlo plot in the piece, it is simply a conglom eration of farce comedy, singing, acro batic feats, chases through trick houses and walls, and ovorytning else in the theatrical lino. It is excellently put on and played with great vim and realism. Tho Bros. Royer are without a doubt the funniost performers in their line and the audience is kept in a roar of laugh ter from start to finish. AtGrandopera house, Freeland, tomorrow evening. Eckley's Great Niglit. All Eckloy is preparing to welcome the throngs which will be in that town next Saturday evening to attend the picnic of the Shamrock drum corps. I The event will be greater then any like affair for many years past, and those who enjoy an evening of continuous pleasure will make a mistake if they tail to attend. One Mure Chunce To visit New York at low rate. Le high Valley, September 30, October 2. Three days' limit. Rate from Freeland, $2.45. See L. V. ticket agents. The Froeland agency of tho W. L. Douglas shoe has been placed with tho Wear Well Shoo House, where a com plete line will be found at all times. OASTOniA. Boars the Tha Kind You Have Always Bought Wedding Hells Hingiuie. William McNelis, ono of the most popular D. S. & S. enginoers, will be united in marriage today at Audenricd to Miss Mnggiu Ferry, o[ that place, bv Father Dever. Charles Sweeney, of Birvantnn, will bo married in the very near future to Miss Fanny A. Boyle, of Bethlehem. The ceremony will tako place in the latter town. Alderman Laiibauch has issued a marriage license to William 11. Dunkor ly, of Jeddo, and Miss Elizabeth Rob ertson, of Froeland.— Phin Speaker. John Cartwright, of town, will be married at Shenandoah next Tuesday to Miss Jennie D. Powell, of that place. Ooorge Palzo, of Froeland, and Miss Annie Tokocs. of Ilazleton, were married in the latter city on Tuesday. Democrats Name Two Candidates. The Eighth congressional district Democrats have now two candidates for congress beforo them. The confer ence composed of live conferees from Northampton county and the three Barber conferees from Carbon nominat ed Laird 11. Barber, of Maucb Chunk, at an adjourned meeting on Tuesday. Monroe and Pike were not represented. Those counties stand by Laucr, whom thoy nominated at Lansford last week. The Dauphin county court will have to decide which Is the rogular candidate. In the event of Barber winning in the court, It Is probable that Pike and Monroe counties will name Lauer on nomination papers. Mary Changed Her Mind. A weolt ago Mary Buskairtch arrived at Edwardsvillo, to marry Anthony Rotsky, who had sent for her. They wore talking on Tuesday about the ar rangements for the wedding, when a quarrel ensued. It is said that she re fused to marry him and ho bocamo on raged, and stabbed her with a butcher knife. She has several deep gashos in her head. Rotisky was arrested and was held under #7OO ball to appear at. court but being unable to furnish ball, was taken to jail. The woman's condi tion is not serious, but she will bo dis figured for life. Attending tile Ordioutlon. Tho ordination of Bernard J. O'Don nell, of town, to the priesthood at Villa nova takes place today. Tho Froeland people attending the ceremonies are: Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O'Donnell, his parents; Roger J. and Peter O'Donnell, liis brothers; Miss Katie O'Donnell and Mrs. William Purcoll, his sisters, and William Purcoll, his brother-in-law, and James P. McNeils, Ills cousin. Rev. O'Donuoll's first mass will be read at St. Ann's church at 10..'!0 a. in. on Sunday. Killed nt Jeanesville. While at work yesterday morning at No. 4 Jeanesville, Patrick Mahan was struck by a fall of coal and fatally in jured. Tho ambulance was sent for and the bruised and mangled body was conveyed to Ills home, where life soon became extinct. Mr. Malian was but thirty years of age and one of tho best known residents of Jeanesville. lie has a number of friends who will be shocked to learn of his torrible death. A young wife survives him. Accident May Kncl Fatally. A fatal shooting accldont occurred at West Ilazleton on Monday morning. Fred Pfanstil was shooting chickens with a small rille. He lired ono shot which missed tho fowl and hitting the iron hoop of a barrel glanced oil and struck his brother, John Pfanstil, aged 21 years, directly over tho eye. Tho bullet penetrated the young man's brain and paralysis ensued. lie was taken to the Minors' hospital. Suit for Damaged. John and Annie Rcpyof, of South Centre stroot, tho parents of eight-yoar old Johnny llopyof, who mot a horrible death by touching a livo electric light wiro on the Lent/, building awning on the evening of July 2b last, have brought suit against tho Froeland Electric Light, Heat and Power Company to recover $f>,()0() damages they sustained by the death of the boy. Notico. The special cars that wore run from Froeland and Macadoo to Ha/lu park, at reduced ratos, on Saturday oven ings, will be discontinued. Lehigh Traction Company. Ilulf Rated to I'ittdhuri?. October 8 to 13, via Lehigh Valley. Return limit October 17. Knights Tem plar triennial conclave. See L. V. ticket agent. Dancing school at Yannes' opera house Saturday evening by St Patrick's band. Admission, gents 25 cents. A. Oswald sells three bars of grand ma's butter milk soap for tho small sum of sc. PLEASURE CALENDAR. October I.—Picnic of Shamrock Drum Corps at Cycle Path grove, Eckley. October 10. —Rail of Young Men's C. T. A. 11. Corps at Yannes' opera house. Admission. 50 cents. .October 21. —Ilenefit hall at Cross Crook hall, Drifton. Admission, 25c. October 28.—liall of Loud Wills Athlet ic Association at Yannes' opera house. Admission, 00 ceuts. BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. PARAGRAPHS GATHERED PROM ALL PARTS OF THE REGION. Synopnla of I.ocul and Miacellltneoiia Oc currences That Can lto Head Quickly. What the Folks of This auil Other Towns Are IlulDg. Mrs. R. Thompson and son William are in Philadelphia on business. W. H. Rood, of .Toanosvllle, lias been granted a patent on an adjustable cut off for steam pumps. By a fall from a chostnut tree on Mon day, lirnco Ilartman, aged 15 years, was hilled, at Shickshinny. Ilarvey Hoffman, of Drifton, has been elected president of District No. 4, of the Luzerne P. O. S. of A. •lames McMonigal, of Jeddo, had four fingers smashed on Tuesday while coup ling cars in No. 5 colliery. John James, an ex-jury commissioner of Luzerno county, died on Monday in the county almshouse at Retreat. A number of North Side people at tended the funeral of Mrs. Edward McGill, of Buck Mountain, yesterday. John Dnsbeck, of town, has filed an application for a patent on a new beer fountain. It is pronounced a valuable invention hy those who understand its use. P. J. Puroy has been committed to Carbon county jail for making a nuisance of himself in Lansford. Ho is duo here as soon as his thirty days' sentence expires. The case of John Zona, of Preeland, vs. Francis Toth, of Ifazloton, was not tried in court this woek. The matter has boon amicably settled by the inter ested parties. Ladies, don't fail to see those fancv 25c skirts at A. Oswald's. Ho sells lot's of them and they are dandies. Draper T. Ferry, of Company M, Ninth Penn'a. died In llarrisburg hospi tal on Monday, lie lived at Now Al bany, Bradford county, and contracted typhoid at Chickainauga. William R. Stroll, of Mauch Chunk, has been nominated by the Republicans for state senator in the Monroe-Carbon- Plko district. D. S. Leo, of Strouds burg, Is the Democratic nominee. Tho number of athletes at Vlllanova college was Increased this week by the entrance of John Boner, of Drifton. Ho will be a valuable addition to tho college and will rank high in education as well as in sportss. John Klnimel, of Trescow, will be given a hearing today at Mauch Chunk on tlie charge of sidling oleo and butter liio for butter. The prosecutor is De tective Summer, who is employed by the stato to enforce the pure food laws. Michael Trainer, the twenty-sixth member of tho Ninth Penn'a tosuccuinb to typhoid fever, died on Tuesday at tho Mercy hospital, Wilkesbarro, after being 111 soven weeks. Ho was taken sick at Chlckamauga. lie was a private in Company F. The mammoth new Sugurloaf breaker of tho Lehigh Valley Coal Company commenced operations on Monday. Nearly 2,000 men and boys will be given work at the new colliery within tho next few weeks. Tho breaker Is said to he the largest and best equipped in the world. UPPER LEHIGH NOTES. Arthur T. Crocker, one of the most popular and promising young men of town, died at (i o'clock yesterday uiorn ing. Death was caused by blood poison ing, which was contracted In a very simple manner. While at work a short time ago developing photographs, in which art he took much interest when at lelsuro, his lingers were saturated with the developing solution. Unthink ingly, he touched his lips with one of Ills lingers, and the poison of tho solu tion Immediately entered tho young mail's systom. Two wueks ago he took to his bed, and dospito medical caro succumbed to tho inevitable. Ho was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Crocker, of town, and was aged 19 years and 8 months. Ho was employed in tho ofiiee Of the Upper Lehigh Coal Company and had a bright future before him. The funeral will take place on Saturday. Rev. J. W. Blschoff will hold services at 11.30 a. m. at tho rosfdcnce, after which the funeral cortege will proceed to Rock port in chargoof Undertaker Warner, of Weathcrly, where servicos will bo held in the Reformed church at 3.15 p. in. Interment will bo made in Rockport cemetery. Howard Douglas, tlio fourtocn-months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Lesser, died on Tuesday morning from cholera Infantum and will bo buried this aftur nooii at Freeland cemetery. Cormac Brogan, a son of Patrick liro gan, fell thirty foot from a chestnut trim oil Saturday and received serious Injuries about the right shoulder and body. Mrs. 11. M. Neale and Miss Gertrude Keinmerer are visiting in Now York city. OJLSTOHI A. Boars the Tho Kind You Have Always Bouoht $1.50 PER YEAR OIUON STROII, Attorney and Counselor at Law and Notary Public. Ottico: Rooms 1 and 2, Illrkbeek Brick, Freeland JOIIN M. CARB, Attorney-at-Law. All legal business promptly attended. Postoflleo Building, ... Freeland. MCLAUGHLIN, Attorncy-at-Law. Legal Business of Any Description. Ilailesty's Building, So. Centre St., Kroelaud. "JMIOS. A. BUCKLEY, Justice of the Peace. All business given prompt attention, 'i'rlbuuo Building, - - Main Street. jyiltS. S. E. IIAYES, Fire Insurance Ager.t. Washington Street. None but Reliable Companies Represented. N. MALEY, DENTIST. OVEII BIRKBECK'S STORE, Second Floor. Blrkboclt Brick. D. ROHRBACU, General Hardware. Builders' supplies of every kind always in stoek. \Y all paper, paints, and tinware. JJiey eles and repairs of nil sorts. South Centre street. YOU MAN, SHOEMAKER. Bo -ts and slices repaired with boat white oak leather, cheapest and most reliable place in town. All work fully guaranteed. Eml ol' Trolley, Centre St., Next to N. Capeco. LiBOR WINTER, Eating House and Oyster Saloon. No. 13 Front Street, Frceluud. Temperance drinks, cigars, etc. Families supplied with oysters direct from the shore. Condy 0. Boyle, dealer in Liquor, Wine, Beer, Porter, Etc. The finest brands of Domestic and Imported Y\ hiskcy on sale in one ol' the handsomest sa loons in town. Fresh Rochester and Shenan douh Boor and Youngling's Porter on tap. t8 Centre street. GEORGE FISHER, dealer in FRESII BEEF, PORK, VEAL, MUTTON, BOLOGNA, SMOKED MEATS, ETC., ETC. Call at No. G Walnut street, Freeland, or wait for the delivery wagons. VERY LOWEST PRICES. T. CAMPBELL, dealer in Dry (fii'GP © r i t\s,; IBoois audi Nli.och* Also PURE WI2TES M LIQUORS FOR FAMILY AND MEDICINAL PURPOSES. Centre and Main streets, Freeland. Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions. H H T T V BROTHERHOOD HATS D D 0 A celebrated brand of XX tlour always in stock. Roll Butter and Eggs a Specialty. AMANDUS OSWALD, N. W. Cor. Centre and Front Sis., Freeland.
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