FREELAND TRIBUNE. VOL. XI. NO. 24 RAILROAD TIMETABLES LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. May 10, 1898. AKKANGKMKNT or PAKHKMGEU THAINS. LEA Vls Fit IS ELAND. 6 20 a m for Weutherly, .Munch Chunk, Allcntown, licthlchcin, iSuston, Phila delphia and New Vork. 7 40 a in for Handy Itun, White Haven, Wilkes-Burre, Pittstoi) ami Hcrauton. 8 32 a m for Woathcrly, Munch Chunk, Al lcntown, Bethlehem, Easton, Philadel- j pbiu and New Vork. 9 30 ft m for Hu/.lcton, Muhunoy City, Shen andoah. Alt. Curiucl, Hiiainokin and Potts villo. 1 1 50 ni for Sandy Hun, White Haven, Wilkeß-Burre, Hcrauton ami ull points West. 4 32 P "i for Huzleton, Muhunoy City, Shen andoah, Mt. Curmel, Shainokin ami Potts villo. 0 39 P m for Sandy Hun, White Haven, Wilkes-Hurro and Hcrauton. 0 57 p m for Ha/Jeton, Muhunoy City, Bhon umlouh, Mt. Curmel and Hliamoktu. AHKIVE AT FB BEL AND. 7 40 ft m from Pottsville, Shamokin, Mt. Curmel, Shcuumlouh, Muhunoy City and Ha/.letou. 9 17t 111 from New York, Philadelphia, Huston, Hethichem, Allcntown, Aluuch Chunk and Weutherly. 9 30 from Hcruuton, Wilkos-Burre tind While Haven. 1 1 50 ft 'ft from Pottsville, Shamokin, Mt. Curmel, Siietiaudoab, Muhunoy City and lla/Jetou. 4 32 P •" from reran ton, Wilkes-Burro and White Haven. 0 39 P lroin New York, Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem, Allcntown, Potts ville, Shamokin, Mt. Curmel, Shenun doaii, Muhunoy City ami Hu/.lcton. 0 57 P ' from Scrunton, Wilkes-Banc and White Haven. 8 32 P I" from New York, Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem, Allcntown, Muuch I Chunk and Weutherly. For lurtucr iiilorinution inquire of Tioket Agents. ItuLLIN 11. WILBUR, General Superintendent. CHAS. S. LEE, Gon'l Pass. Agent. 20 L'nrtlundt Street, New York City. THE DELAWARE, SUSQUEHANNA ANI> SCHUYLKILL RAILROAD. Time table In effect April 18, 1897. Trains leave Drifton for Jeddo, Eokley, Hnzlc Brook. Stockton, Beaver Meadow Road, Roan and Hazleton Junction at 630, 000 a m, daily except Sunday; and 700 a in, 2 pm, Sunday. Trains leave Drifton for Harwood,Cranberry. Tomhickcn and Deringcr at 5 !iO, tt 00 a m, daily except Sunday; aud 7 03 a m, 238 p m, Sun day. Trains leave Drifton for Oneida Junction, Harwood Road, Humboldt Roud, Oneida und Sheppton at 600 a m, daily except Buu day; and 7 03 a ra, 2 >'lß p m, Sunday. Trains leave llazlctou J unction for Harwood, Crauberry, Tomhicken and Deringcr at <5 35 a in, daily except Sunday; and 8 53 a in, 4 22 p in, Huudtiy. Trains leave Hazlcton Junction for Oneida Junction, Harwood Road, Humboldt Road. Oneida and Sheppton at 6 32,1110 a in, 441 p in, dally except Sunday; anl 737 a in, 3 11 pm. Sunday. Trrins leave Deringer for Tomhicken, Cran berry, Harwood, Hazlcton Junction and Roan at 2 25, 6 40 p ni, daily except Sunday; and 9 37 a m, 5 07 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Sheppton for Oneida, Humboldt Road, Harwood Road, Oneida Junction, Hu/.lc ton Junctiou aid Roan at 7 11 a in, 12 40, 622 p in, daily except Sunday; aud 8 11 a in, 344 p in, Sunday. Trains leave Sheppton for Beaver Meadow Uoad, Stockton, Ha/.io Brook, Eokley, Jeddo ami Drifton ut 5 22 p iu, daily, except Sunday; ami H 11 a m, 3 14 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Hazlcton Junction for Beaver Meadow Road, Stockton, Ila/.lc Brook, Eokley, Jeddo and Drifton at 5 45, 020 p m, dully, except Sumluy; ami 10 10 a in, 5 40 p m, Sunday. All trains confioct at Hazlcton Junction with electric cars for Hazleton, J canes villo, Auden ried and other points on the Traction Com pany's line. Trains leaving Drifton at 5 30. 0 00 a m make connection at Deringcr with P. R. It. truing for Wilkosbarre, Sunbury, llarrisburg and points For the accommodation of passengers at way stations between Hazlcton Junction and Der ingcr, a train will leave the former point at 350 p m, daily, except Sunday, arriving at Deriugcr at 5 00 p in. LUTHER C. SMITH, Superintendent. MIBCICL LANEO US A D VKItT I SEN ENTS. QHERIFF SALE.—The following real estate will lc sold at sheriff sale ut the Court house Arbitration Room, Wilkosbarre, l'a., on Saturday, October 8, 1898. at 10 a. m„ at the suit of Joseph Birkbcok, trustee, vs. William piece or parcel of land situate in Krechimi borough bounded ami described as follows, to-wit; Beginning at the south side Walnut s|reel, being loj N... 1, adjoining land.- of William und Daniel Kline, ami extending east, along said street a distance of forty-one feet six Inches (41.0-12) to lands of Louis Kn y uoher, thence southwardly along said lands to u public alley olio hundred ami llfty ami iiih fourth ll 0D feet, thence wcstwnrdly iilong said alley furty-one feet six inches (41.0-12) to ] lands of William and Daniel Kline, ami thence i 1 orthwardly ujong said lunds to the place of tX A 11'" Imf certain piece of land being and ly ing in Freolniid borough, county of Luzerne aud state of Pennsylvania, as follows, to-wit: j Beginning at a point oil the south side oi Walnut street, being the corner of lands ol | Michael Halpin (late the property of Thomas] flroW") and extending castwnrdiy twenty- i three and one-half (SB|) feet to lot marked No. I 4. Thence along the lands of Frederick Kline | southwardly one hundred ami llfty and one fourth Hsof) feet to a nubile alley. Thence westwnrdly along said alley twenty-three ami one-half C&i) feet to lands of Michael llalplu (late those of Thomas Brown). Thence north ivsrdly along said lands one hundred and lifty mid unc-fourth (1601) feet to the place of be ginning. Being part of lot marked No. 3in plot of lots of Margaret. J. Johnson. All thut certain plcoe or parcel of land situ ate in the borough of Freeland, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a stone corner i" road leading from Highland to Upper liChigh and by land of Conrad Lnlir (deceased) north elghty-ftye and three-quar ters degrees east one hundred and forty feet to a post, thence by land of Joseph Bjrkbcck, Sr., north throe do*roes east sixty fept ton post, thonce by lands of Sarah Heukle (wife of Edward llcnkle) south eighty-live und three-quarters degrees west one hundred and sixt v-eiglit feet eight inches to a stone corner jn above-named road, thence by said road ami by land of John and Bridget McMenamin south twenty-three and three-quarters do gres east sixty-three feet live Inches to the place of beginning, containing nine thousand one hundred and ninety square feet. All that certain piece ot land situate in the borough of freeland, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a corner on the weHt side of Hirkbock street in freeland borough and forty feet north of land belong ing to the lute' Justus Trocll, thence north fightj -six degrees twenty-three minutes west one hundred and forty feet to a corner on an alley, thence by line of said alley north three degrees cast forty foot to a corner, thenec by line of other lamls belonging to Joseph Hirk bock estate south eighty-six degrees twenty three minutes east one hundred and forty feet to a corner on line of Hirkbock stroet uforesaid, thenoe by line of said street south three degrees west forty feet to place of be ginning, containing titty-six hundred square feet of land, more or less. All that certain piece of land situate in the borough of Freeland, bounded ami described as follows, to-wit: Beginning ut a corner on the easterly side of Hirkbock street and south east corner of a public road leading from Ilirkbeck street to a public road leading from Upper Lehigh to the village of Highland, thence on Birkbeck street south three degrees forty-nine minutes west eighty feet to a cor ner, thence by land of Joseph Birkbeck south eighty-six degrees tweiity-three minutes oust one hundred and twenty-nine feet more or less MI ft corner on line of laml belonging to the Highland Coal Company, thence by line of same north three degrees thirty-seven min utes east eighty feet to a corner on publ c road aforesaid, thence by line of same north three degrees thirty-seven minutes west one hundred uud twenty-uiue und oue-balf feet mora or lows to the place of beginning, con taining ton tIioUHHIHI three hundred and forty square feet of land more or less. Improved with a three-story frame feed mill, lime house, liriek boiler-house and railroad aiding. All that certain piece of land in tlio borough of Freeland, bounded ami described as fol lows, to-wit: Beginning at a corner on the easterly side of Hirkbock street and eighty feet soutn of a public road leading from liirkbcok street to a public road leading from Upper Lehigh to Highland, thence on Hirkbock street south three degrees forty-nine minutes west forty feet to a corner, thence by land of Joseph Birkbeck south eighty-six degrees twenty-three minutes cast, one hundred and twenty nine feet more or less to a corner on line of laud belonging to the Highland Coal Company, thence by line of same north three degrees thirty-seven minutes east forty feet to a corner, thence by land of Daniel Kline north eighty-six degrees twenty-three min utes west one hundred and twenty-nine feet more or less to the place of beginning. Con taining five thousand one hundred and sixty square feet of land more or less. All that certain lot or piece of land situate in Freeland borough, bounded and dcscritied us follows, to-wit: Beginning at a corner on line of Highland Coal Company's land, snid corner being the northeast corner of land be longing to John Ksnor and one hundred and eighty-live and one-half feet north of the centre of public road leading from llutlcr to White Haven, thence by line of Highland Coal Company's land north three degrees east one hundred and sixty-tlve feet to u corner on an alley, thence by line of same south eighty live and three-quarters degrees west five hun dred and thirty feet to a corner in centre of public road lending front Upper Lehigh to Eokley, thence by centre of said road south twenty-three and three-quarters degrees cast Itftv-two and one-half feet to a corn, r, thence by land of Frederick Kline north eighty-five and three-quarters degrees east one hundred and ninety-four and one-half feet to a corner, thence by land of snid Kline and Patrick Mc- Olytin south three degrees west one hundred and fifteen feet to a corner in line of land be longing to the late Conrad Lnhr, thence by same and land belonging to Joseph Birkbeck estate and John Rsnor south eighty-five and three-quarters degrees east three hundred and twelve and one-half feet to the place of beginning, containing sixty-one thousand seven hundred and seventy-nine square feet of land, be the same more or less. All that certain piece or parcel of land situ ate in Freeland borough., bounded and des cribed as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point north eighty-seven degrees west thirty feet from a poet corner of land of Mary A. Ludwig, thence by land of Mary A. Ludwig north three degrees east two hundred and eight and seventy-two-hundredtha feet, to a corner, thence north eighty-seven degrees wont thirty-two feet more or less to the line of the centre of an alley half upon land of Isa bella Crawford, thence soutn three degrees west along line of property of Mrs. Isabella Crawford two hundred and eight and seventy two-hundredths feet to corner now or late in the middle of a public roud, thenoe south eighty-seven degrees east thirty-two feet more or less to place of beginning; containing six thousand six hundred and seventy-nine and four-hundredtlis feet, excepting twelve and one-half feet reserved off westwardly end of lot for a public highway or road. Improve ments are a double two und a half story frame dwelling and outhouses. All that certain piece of land situate in tho borough of Freeland, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a stake In the road leading from Highland to Upper Lehigh, thenoe by lauds of John Daniels north eighty-live and three-quarters degrees east one hundred aud sixty-eight and eight tenths feet to a post, thence by land of Joseph Hirkbock, Sr., north three degrees oast flfty -11 vo feet to u post, thence by lands of Joseph Birkbeck, Sr., south eighty-five aud three fourths degrees west one hundred and ninety four and live-tenths feet to a post in the before-mentioned road, thenoe along said roHd and lauds of Joseph Birkbeck, Sr., south twenty-three nml three-fourths degrees east fifty-eight feet to the place of beginning; con taining nine thousand eight hundred and ninety-two square feet. Improved with a two and 11 half story frame dwelling house and burn. McLean & Carr, James Martin, Attorneys. .Sheriff. ( CHARTER NOTICE.—In the Court of Com vy moil Pleas in the County of Luzerne. No. 1066, October Term, 1898. Notice is hereby given that an application will be made to the said court on Monday, October Ift, 1898, at 10 a. m., under the not of assembly of the commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, entitled "an act to provide for tho in corporation and regulation of certain corpora tions," approvod April 29, 1874, and the supple ments thereto, for the charter of un intended enrporutiou to be called "Tho Associated Wheelmen of Freeland, Pa.," the character and objects whereof are to protect the rights of wheelmen, the furtherance of good roads, and the const ruction und maintenance of bi cycle pat lis for the use of the public, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of the said uct of assembly and its supplements. The proposod charter is now 011 flic In the protlionotary's office. John M. Carr, solicitor. /COMMISSIONERS' NOTICE. Notice is V.y hereby given that at a court of quarter sessions in aud for the county of Luzerne held 011 the twelfth day of September, 1898, an order was directed to John J. Kelley, John 11. Bigeiow and Frank Need ham to view and divide the South ward of tho borough of Freeland, Luzerne county, Pennsylvania; that the said commissioners will meet for tfip purpose of inquiring Into the propriety of granting said division ut the law office of John M. Carr, Esq., iu said borough of Free land, 011 Wednesday, the nineteenth day of October. 1898, at 2 o'clock p. m., when and where all persona interested may attend. John J. Kelley, John H.Jfigclow, Frank Neednmil, Commissioners. Tj l ST 11 AY.—There eamo to the premises of Jjj the undersigned, September 14, u red cow, with white spot on head; had a rope around its horns. Owner can have the same by proving property and paying expenses. Joseph Waolit, Woodslde, near Fraelund. fVHI SALE.—Good buggy, set of single har ness, blankets, robes, etc.; a bargain for cash. Apply at this office. 11 Ice's "1402.' At tho Grand opera house, Hazlcton, tomorrow evening, "1492," the musical extravaganza, which ran for two years in Now York to enormous receipts, is to be presented. Tho place is a satire on tho Columbus episouo of 149)1, present ing a lavish stage embellishment, which has been taken advantage of, it is said, for the management promises some of the most beautiful and striking stago pictures and tableaux ever shown on tlio stage. No one over claimed much* of a plot for "1492." Plots are not needed in this class of productions. The songs, specialties, marches, novel scenic features, ail combine to make the "tout en soluble" highly picturesque. Tho story deals with the financial troubles of tlio king and queen of Spain in 1492, and the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus. "1492" is one of those crea tions of music and mirth, in which tho play itself is not an important as tho caste which produces it. Jtls a combin ation of comic opera, farce, vaudeville and spoctacle, a glittering and glowing display of elaborate and costly scenery, handsome costumes and young and pretty women. Seats are now 011 sale and can be ordered by Anthracite telephone. The curtain will be raised on this and all other attractions hereafter at 8 o'clock sharp, so as 10 enable the people from out of town to ride home after the per formance. ' Old newspapers for sale. FREELAND, PA., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1898. AN ADJOURNED MEETING COUNCILMEN MEET AND RECEIVE REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. An Bflort Will He Made to Settle the Street Troubles on the If 111-Coinplalnt Made of l'oor Light—Wheelmen llullt Their rath on Wrong Side of Street. The borough council held an adjourn ed meeting on Monday oveulng. The members of the Are committee reported that the new hose cart and hose had arrived and is in the hose house. The pollco and lockup committee recom mended that the sewer be extended into the lockup and council room. Action upon It was laid over until aome future meeting. A communication was read from Josoph Neuburger, relative to an nuisance existing on the alley near his property which was referred to the sanitary committee for Investigation. The street coinmiuoe reported that they had held soveral conferences with property owners on West Walnut stroet, and requested council to allow them more time to complete their report, which will bo ready by the next regular mooting. The time was granted them. The secretary was authorised to notify ail property owners along the north side of West Walnut street, as far west as John W. Davis 1 alloy, to meet with the committee at the oifice of Solic itor Stroh between 7 and 8 p. m. next Monday evening and those on the south side of the same street to meet on Tues day evening to discuss the matter of sidewalks, otc., on that street. The park committer reported having •old the dancing platform, stands and seats that were in the Public park, as the property of the Citizen Hose Com pany, to 11. M. Bros lln for $5. Mr. Kline turned over the money to Treas urer Powell, of tlio hose company, and boforo doing so stated that Mr. Breaiin took away more seats than belongod to the firemen. The park committee was instructed to investigate tlio matter. Mr. Kline also reported that the As sociated Wheelmen had constructed tho cycle path along the south sido of Main street through the park, Instead of the north lido, as they asked and obtained permission for. The park committee was instructed to investigate the matter, and if good and sufficient reasons aro shown why it was done, and no Injury rosulting therefrom to the trees or road, to allow it to remain on the south side, otherwise to have it removed. William E. Oburronder asked permis sion to lay a three-foot concrete side walk along the oast side of Kldge street, alongside of his property, there being 110 reservation for sidewalk on that sido of tho street. It was referred to the street committee. Councilman Davis spoke about the two lights on tho lilll being very defec tive in candlo power, and asked that steps bo taken to remedy the matter. The secretary was authorized to notify the Electric Light Company to have these lights attended to. The street commissioner was authoriz ed to attend to the crossing on tho alley between Centre and Hidgo streets, near J. P. McDonald's property. PERSONALITIES. William Boyle, a bright young Irish lad, arrived on Tuesday at tho homo of Condy O. Boyle, lie made tlio trip across the Atlantic alone and will make America his permanent homo, Miss Nellie McGil), of Miners Mills, is visiting Mr. aud Mrs. Edward O Donnell, South Washington stroet. Richard Cunningham and Joseph Wagner, of Drifton, ontored Lehigh university this week. John J. McMenamin left this morning lo attend & meeting of the Democratic county commltteo. W. J. Tlmony and family removed to their now residonce on North Centre street on Tuesday. James Lindsay and Samuel Jeffrey went to New York city on Tuesday to accept situations, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Frigerio and daughter spent a few days in New York city last woek. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Stroh have return ed from a two months 1 visit to New York relatives. P. J. Breslin leaves today for Wllkes barre, where he becomes bartender at Hotel Ilart. H. L. McMenamin left yesterday for Baltimore to resume his studies for the priesthood. Victor Oswald has resumed his studios at Franklin and Marshall college, Lan caster. W. L, Butterwick attended to busi ness aud pleasure in Allentown this week, PLEASURE CALENDAR. October I.—Picnic of Shamrock Drum Corps at Cycle Path grove, Eckley. October 10. —Ball of Young Men's C. T. A. B. Corps at Yannes' opera house. Admission, 50 cents. October 21.—Benefit ball at Cross Creek hall, Drifton. Admission. 25c. October 28. —Ball of Hood Wills Athlet ic Association at Yannes 1 opera house. Admission, 50 cents. Illg Welcome for the Ninth. The Ninth Penn'a Volunteers reached home at 10 o'clock Monday night after five months 1 campaigning and were wel comed in Wilkes bar re by 30,000 people from all over the county. The night was lit with the glare of red lire, and loud with the boom of cannon, the shriek of whistles, the blare of firegongs and the ringing of bells, and this con tinned froin the time the train entered the city limits until the regiment reach ed the armory. The streets through which the regi ment marched were brilliant with light and gay with the color of bunting and colored lanterns. The parade was headed by Alexander's band, the police and the firemen of the city in dress uniform: then came the regiment and behind them the members of the reception committee; the city officials and the members of the city council In carriages. The inarch was a short one, the men going almost directly to the armony. There long tallies were spread, and were well-laden with substantial eatables. The soldiers were waited upon by a committee of one hundred ladies. The regiment looked in fairly good shape, although of its 1,320 men loss than 000 wore in lino. Twenty-four gave up their lives, twenty-five are sick In the hospital at Lexington, Ky., a dozen at Harrisburg. half a dozen at Philadelphia, and the remainder are home on sick leave, several being in tho Wllkeabarre hospitals. Those who aro strong enough to walk marched with their companies and dined at the armory. The twelve companies of the rcgimont went direct to Wilkesbarre, and after tho big reception tho soldiers were given a month's furlough, at the expiration of which they will be mustered out, unless the peace negotiations fail. Next day the companies from other towns left for their homos, and every place repeated the big reception of Mon day night. When Company K, of lloth lehom, reached Its home the crowd at tho station was so great that Mrs. Michael Talbot, who was waiting to wel come her soldier son, was pushed in front of the train and killed. Carver W. Jackson, of Company 11, diod at his home at Harvey s Lake on Saturday. lie was aged 20 years and was homo on a furlough owing to his attack of typhoid. He is the twenty fourth member of the Ninth to die. Charles L. Stotllett, of Company L, is the twenty-fifth member of the regi ment to die of typhoid. lie was 23 years old and lived at Ashley. Arrente<l for Making Threats. From the Hazletoii Standard. Roman Koteskf, of Jcddo, was tho de fendant in a case of threats, preferred by E. A. Oberrender, of the Cross Creek Coal Company. Mr. Oberrender testi fied, as did also two of the employes of the company, that on Friday afternoon, September 9, between 4 and 5 o'clock, Kotcski appeared at Drlfton and inquir ed for tho mine boss. When told he was still in tho mines ho wended his way to the office. He inquired whethor the collieries would work on Saturday, and when informed in the affirmative, he at once began to threaten the officers. The accused denied the chargo, and claimed that he worked in No. 4 Jeddo on the day in question, and could provo an alibi. Ho is a Pole and seems about half-witted. Alderman Laubauch held him in the sum of 81,000 bail, in default of which ho was committed. Dcafiieos Cannot be Cured by local applications, HA they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. I>enfneß Is caused by an inflamed con dition of the muentis lining of the eustachian tube. When this tube gets inflamed vou have a tumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and w hen it is entire ly closed deafness is the result, and un less the intlamation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal con dition, hearing will be chstroyed for ever; nine enses out of ten are caused by catnrrnh, which is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, 0. fafr~Sold by arogrgifsts, 750. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Not a Trunt Product. Bartcl's boor should commend itself to every worklngman who Is opposed to monopoly. The brewery at which this beer is inadc is not afliliated with any trust or combination, Its employes are well paid and accorded every privilege worklnginon could ask for. Hosldos, !iartel's beer is not surpassed by any thing In the market In purity. Ask for It. All up-to-dato dealers sell It. Clias. Hoczkowski, agent. On to Ktikley. At Cycle Bath grove, Ecklny, on Sat urday evening of next week, will be held the greatest picnic of tbo season. The Shamrock drum corps will conduct It, and the members intend to make the affair as enjoyable as possible. All kinds of sport and amusements will be on band to give pleasure to those who attend. OASTOniA. Bears the /t Tin Kind You Have Always Bought Big r^o^7 Airing a School llonrd'B Doing*. M. J. Mulvcy, James McCabe, Thomas O. Price and William Tasker, the school directors of Miners Mills borough, and Thomas M. Moylcs, a book agent of Wilkesbarre, were placed on trial before Judge Lynch on Tuesday on tho charge of conspiracy, the Citizens' Protective Association being tho prosecutor. The school directors purchased a library from Moylcs, for which they paid him $1,151.50. The citizens of the borough, after examining tho library, concluded that there was such a difference between what appeared to them as tho real value of the library and the amount paid for the books that they determined to inves tigate. Accordingly they formed them selves Into a Taxpayers' Protective As sociation and commenced suit. Tho case Is still on trial, and some in criminating testimony is promised by the prosocution before the end is reach ed. Two Very Old Itefddentn Head. Mrs. Nancy O'Donnell died on Mon day at tho residence of her daughter, Mrs. Hugh Dover, Cose addition, at tho age of 87 years. The deceased Is surviv- | ed by two daughters, Mrs. Dover and Mrs. Morris Campbell, and one son, Dominic O'Donnell. Tho funeral took placo this morning. A requiem mass was read over the corpse at St. Ann's church, after which tho remains were taken to Heaver Meadow, where the in terment was made. On the same day Mrs. Susan McHugh died at the ripe, old age of 98 years at the residenco of her grand nephew, Michael Murrin, South Ileberton. The deceased was probably tho oldest resi dent in this part of Luzerne county. She was buried yesterday afternoon at St. Ann's comotery. Doorteoder Hurt Yesterday. John Toomey, employed as a door tender in No. 5 mine, Joddo. was severe ly hurt yesterday. Ho was riding on a trip of cars and caino to a placo In the gangway whero tho roof is low. For getting to lower hitnsolf, the roof caught him and squeezed and bruised him, in flicting a scalp wound and cuts about the face. The boy had a narrow escape from a horrible death. Ho was brought to his home on South Centre street and is resting easily today. •Jurymen Drawn. The following from this vicinity have been drawn to serve as jurymen: November 14 (quarter sessions). — Harry S. Ilauso, John J. McGill, Foster. November 21 (quarter sessions). — James Hronnan, Freeland; N. S. Dunn ing, Uutier; Elias Schlosser, Hlack Creek; W. F. Tressler, A. Fredrick, Sugarloaf; James Helferty, Thomas Watson, Thomas Kcnshaw, Isaac Wil liams, llazle. Accident at Jeddo Today. The rope on the main slope at No. fi Jeddo broke about 9 o'clock this morn ing and the detached car rushed back to tho bottom witli terrific speed. In tho wreck and crash which followed John Polka, of Ridge street, Freeland; Driver Sharkey, of Eckioy, and a man from Oakdale were injured. It is not known at this time how badly tno men are hurt, but all are expected to recover. On Trial for Frutriclde. Patrick Houston, of Pittston, was placed on trial in criminal court on Monday afternoon charged with the murder of his brother John. It is alleg ed that tho two men were out hunting in the woods when they quarreled, and Patrick shot his brother. Jaincs Shcaron, of Eckley, was one of the jury men. Tho trial is still on. Admiral Monlojo Madrid, September 22.—The Supreme council of War has suspended Admiral Montojo, whose souadron was dls troyed by Admiral Dewey in Manila Bay. The Council has summoned him to come to Madrid as soon as possible. Buying Klondike .Mine. Tacoina, Sept. '22—-The Alaska Cold Fields Company, Limited, of Tendon, has purchased for $1,000,000, twenty three claims on Eldorado, Bonanza. Dominion, Sulphur and Moose Hide Creeks, Klondike, from Isaac Rosen thal and other claim owners. Winnie Diivls I* Dead. Narrngnnsett Pier, Sept. 22.—Miss Winnie Davis, daughter of the late Jefferson Davis, late President of the Confederate State of America, died on Saturday at the Hotel Rockingham rfom sub-acute gastritis after an Ill ness of nearly two months. To Take Trunin to Culm. Chicago, 111., Sept- 22.—Ted Sullivan is planning to make up two baseball teams of National League players to play a series of games In Cuba this winter. He thinks with ">O,OOO Amert troops at Havana there will be plenty of patrons for the game. CABTOniA. Bears the the Kind You Haw Always Bought EST GRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS.j PARAGRAPHS GATHERED FROM ALL [ PARTS OF THE REGION. B.vnopM. of I.ocul nml Mtfteellancoui* Of j current'.. Tluit Can lie Kent! Ouickly. What the Folk, of Thi. and Other I Town. Are Doing. A number of Fruuland people left here this morning to attend Allentown fair. J. 11. ltowman, of Hazleton, has been ! granted a patent on a bicycle air-brake, i Mrs. Paul Oerros, of Highland, was ] taken to Laurytown almshouse on Mon- [ day by Coal and Iron Policeman Filler, of Jeddo. A. Oswald sells three bars of grand ma's butter milk soap for the small sum of sc. Arrangements are being made by St. Patrick's cornet to purchase a set of new instruments from the Dittson Com pany, Wllliaaisport. The meeting of the commissioners ap pointed to decide upon the dividing of tlio South ward has been postponed from October 13 to October 19. An entertaining lecture on bible wines was delivered at the Park M. E. church on Tuesday evening by Rev. William Van Kirk, of Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Ladies, don't fail to see those fancy 25c skirts at A. Oswald's. He sells lots of them and they aro dandies. An epidemic of diphtheria lias broken out at Silver Hrook. There are twenty two cases and the disease is spreading. The schools have been closed for an in definite period. Josoph Ilirkbeck, John Moser and Harry Vanllorn were placed under #30(1 I bail yesterday by Sipiire Hockley to answer the charge or stealing a dog ' belonging to William Ilirkbeck. The funeral of the late Thomas Ivoeney, of Wllkcsbarre, arrived here on Monday morning, accompanied by a 1 number of the young man's friends from 1 that city. The remains were followed to St. Ann's cemetery by several of his acquaintances here. Dancing school at Yannes'opera house on Saturday evening at St. Patrick's band. Admission, gents 25 cents. Contractor Freas is making good head way with the cycle path between Free- , land and Sandy Run. It has been plow ed and harrowed and nearly the entire length has been rolled. A representa tive of the Tmnuxu rodo over the course yesterday and found the work to be well done so far. William Crawford, of Newport News, Va., and Miss Annie Jenkins, of Jeddo, were married by Rev. J. W. HiscliolT on Tuesday at the residence of the bride's 1 sister, Mrs. Joseph Smith, Upper Le high. The newly married couple have gone to Newport News, where they will make their home. An oyster supper will be given by the Ladies' Aid Society in the basement of tho English liaptist church on Saturday evening tho proceeds go towards the 1 reducing the debt on tho church lot. 1 Ily an explosion of gas in the Ilutton wood shaft at Wilkesbarro Tuesday morning, three men were badly burned about the face and hands. They were John T. Williams and Edward Jones, Plymouth, and John ltogden, Nanticoke. Williams aud Hogdon wore taken to Wilkosbarre hospital and Jones to his homo. Hlcycliata Hew aro. Bicyclists are positively forbidden to rido" their wheels over tho sidewalks in tho village of Drifton. Any person found so doing will bo prosecuted. Tho Cross Crook Coal Company. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought SiguaTJeof Dr. N. MALEY, DENTIST. Second Floor, Birkbeck Brick. OVER HIBK BUCK'S STORE. GEORGE FISHER, dealer in FRESH BEEF, PORK, VEAL, MUTTON, BOLOGNA, SMOKED MEATS, ETC., ETC. Call at No. fi Walnut street, Freeland, or wait for tho delivery wagons. VERY LOWEST PRICES. FREELAND Offers an advantage to those I BUSINESS who attend it, in that the same I CLASS studies are taught, and htj the f same teachers who teach in Hazleton Business | College. Call or write for rates and particulars. | $1.50 PER YEAR £MIAS. Oil [ON STROM. Attorney and Counselor at Law and Notary Public. oilioo: Itoomsl and:;, Birklicck Brick, Frcclund JOIIN M. CAKR, Attorney-at-Law. All legal business promptly uttcudecl. i Postodiuc Building, -- - Frcclund. I QEORUE McLAUUIILIN, Attorney-at-Law. Legal Business of Any Description. Hudusty's Building, So. Centre St., Frcclund. "JTHOS. A. BUCKLEY, Justice of the Peace. All business given prompt attention. I Tribune Building', - - Main Street. jy/TKS. S. E. MAYES, Fire Insurance Agent. Washington Street. None but Reliable Com panic* Rcjyresentcd. £ I). ROHKBACH, General Hardware. Builders' supplies of every kind always in stock. Wall paper, paints, and tinware. Bicy cles and repairs of all sorts. I South Centre street* TjMIANK YOUMAN, SHOEMAKER. Boots and shoes repaired with best white oak leather, t lies post and most reliable place in town. AH work l'uily guaranteed. End ol' Trolley, Centre .St., Next to N. Capeoe. LIBOR WINTER, Eating House and Oyster Saloon. No. 13 Front Street, Freelund. Temperance drinks, cigars, etc. Families supplied with oysters direct from the shore. FRANCIS BRENNAN, RESTAURANT 151 Centre street, Freehold. FINEST I.ltj FOII, 11EEll, I'ORTER, ViaARS AND SOFT BRINES. Condy 0. Boyle, dealer in Liquor, Wine, Beer, Porter, Etc. The finest brands of Domestic and Imported Whiskey on sale in one of tlit* handsomest sa loons in town. Fresh Rochester and Shenan doah Beer and Youngling's Porter on tap. ys Centre street. T. CAMPBELL, dealer in Dry 4*ools', 44 r o © or! Os, Boots unci. Shoos* Also PURE WINES |j LIQUORS FOR FAMILY AND MEDICINAL PURPOSES. Centre and Main streets, Freelund. Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions. !A! J T V BROTHERHOOD HATS O 0 o A celebrated brand of XX tlour always in stock. Roll Butler and Eggs a Specialty. AMANDUS OSWALD, | N. IK. Cor. Centre and Front Sts., Freehand.
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