F REEL AND TRIBUNE. VOI,. X. NO. 00. RAILROAD TIMETABLES LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. February 20, 1808. ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. LEAVE FKRKLAND. 7 40 ft m for Sandy Hun, White Haven, Wilkes-Ilarrc, Plttston and Soranton. 8 45 a in for Woathorly, Mauch ('hunk. Al lentown, Bethlehem, Easton, Philadel phia uud Now York. 9 35 am for Hazleton, Mahanoy City, Shen andoah, .Mt. Cur me I, Sbainokin and Pottsville. 1 1 54 ain for Sandy Hun, White Haven, Wilkes-Harre, Seruntou and all points West. 2 30 P ni for Huzloton, Mahanoy City, Shen andoah, Mt. Canned, Shainokin and Pottsville. 0 34 p m for Sandy Hun, White Haven, Wilkes-liarre and Seranton. 7 25 pin for Hazleton, Mahanoy City, Shen andoah, Mt. Curinol, Shamokiu and Pottsville. AH HIVE AT FREELAND. 7 40 a m from Pottsville, Shainokin, Mt. Carincl, Shenandoah, Mubanoy City and Hu/.leton. 9 25 a in from New York, Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem, Allentown and Muueh Chunk. 9 35 a in from Seranton, Wilkes-Burrc and White llaven. 1154a m from Pottsville, Shumokin, Mt. Carmel, Shenandoah, Muhanoy City and Ha/.leton. 2 30 p m from Seranton, Wilkes-Barre and White Haven. , 6 34 p m from New York, Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem, Allentown, Potts ville, Shainokin, Mt. Carinel, Shenan doah, Mahanoy City and Ha/.leton. 7 25 P m from Seranton, Wilkes-Barre and white Haven. For further information inquire of Ticket Agent*. KuLLIN 11. WILBUH, General Superintendent. CHAS. 8. LEE. Uen'l Pass. Agent, Philu., Pa. A. W. NONNEMACHEH, Ass't G. P. A., Philadelphia, Pa. THE DELAWARE, SUSQUEHANNA ANL SCHUYLKILL RAILROAD. Time Bible in effect April 18,1897. Trains leave Drlfton for Jeddo, Eekley, Hazle Brook, Stockton, Beaver Meadow Hoad, Hoan and liazieton Junction at 630, 800 a in, daily except Sunday; and 700 a in, 238 pm, Sunday. Trains leave Drifton for Harwood. CranOerrv. Tomhioken and Deringer at 6110, 6UO a in, daily except Sunday; and 03 a in, 23b p in. Sun brains leave Drifton for Oneida Junction, llarwood Hoad, Humboldt Hoad, Oneida and sheppton at 000 a m, daily except Sun day; and 7 03 a in, 2 38 p in, Sunday. Trains leave Ila/.ieton Junction for Harwood, Cranberry, Tomhickcn and Deringer at 635 a ra, daily except Sunday; and 8 53 a m, 4 22 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Ha/.leton Junction for Oneida Junction, Harwood Hoad, Humboldt Hoad, Oneida and Sheppton ut 0 ;*2,1110 a in, 4 41 p in, dally except Sunday; and 737 a in, 311 p in, Sunday. _ Trains leave Deringer for Tomhioken, Cran berry, Harwood, Hazleton Junction aud Hoan at 2 25, 6 40 p ni, dally except Sunday; aud 37 a m, 5 07 P m, Sunday. Trains leave Sheppton for Oneida, Humboldt Hoad, Harwood Hoad, Oneida Junction, Hazlc ton Junction and Hoan at 7 11 am, 12 40, 522 p m, daily except Sunday; and 8 11 a m, 344 p m,Sunday. Trains leave Sheppton for Beaver Meadow Hoad, Stockton, llazle Brook, Eekley, Joddo aud Drifton at 5 22 p m, daily, except Sunday; and 8 11 a ui, 3 44 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Beaver Meadow Hood, Stockton, Hazle Brook, Eekley, Jeddo and Drifton at 5 45, 620 p ra, daily, except Sunday; and 10 10 a in, 5 40 p m. Sunday. All trains connect at Hazleton Junction with electric cars for Hazleton, Jeanesville, Auden ried and other points on the Traction Com pany's lino. Trains leaving Drifton at 5 30, 6 00 a in make connection at Deringor with I*. H. H. trains tor Wilkesbarre, Sunbury, llarrisburg and points west. For the accommodation of passengers at way stations between Hazleton Junction and Der inger, a train will leave the former point at 350 p m, daily, except Sunday, arriving at Doringcr at 5 00 p in. LUTHER C. SMITH, Superintendent. MISCKLLANKOUB AI>VKKTISEMENTS. TpOK RENT.- Large store room in McMena- JD mill building; possession given June 1. Apply on the premises or to J. J. McMenamin. REKMBER THE "MAINE." GRAND OPERA HOUSE I). J. Boyle, Manager. One Night Only, MONDAY, MAY 9. Tart. Edlann & I.ubln'a Clneoirraph and Sterooptiean Company. Exhibiting a series of vivid and realistic Moving Pictures of tho Cuban-Spanish War. Two hours and a half continuous performance. PRICES: 15,25 and 35 CENTS. Soutson Sale at Woodring's. r#-Seats can be Secured by Telephone. ' BostoTSHOE REPAIRING CO. Johnson's Building, 108 Centre Street, Shoes Fixed While You Wait. Best White Oak Leather Used. t Men's Half Soles, - - 35c. Men's Heels, ... 15c Ladies' and Boys' Soles, 30c Ladies' and Boys' Heels, 10c Men's Hand-Sewed Soles and Heels, - - <■ 75c WE GUARANTEE YOU SATISFACTION. 75th Anniversary. State Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows. The Loliigh Vallnv Railroad will soil special tickets to Wilkesbarre and re turn on May 16 and 17 at rate of one fare for round trip. All tickets will be good for return on May 18 Consult Lehigh Valley ticket agents for further particulars. _Dr. David Kennedys favorite Remedy CURES AIL KIDNEY. STOMACH , .I . AND LIVER TROUBLES. BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. PARAGRAPHS GATHERED FROM ALL PARTS OF THE REGION. Synnpnln of Local and MiHcellaneou* Oc currences That Can lie Head Quickly. What the Folks of This and Other TownH are Doing. The United Minn Workers will hold a public meeting at Eekley tomorrow evening. Patrick Frlel, who was a resident of Ebervale for several years, died in Chi cago on Friday. Fire is raging in the Iloyt mine shaft, at Pittston, having spread from gas ignited by a laborer. Daniel Snyder, who has been working at Silver Brook for some time, removed Ids family to that place on Friday. The annual commencement exercises of the Mining and Mechanical Institute will be held at tiie Grand opera house on June 3. Thomas Dunn, Jr., has been appoint ed postmaster at Weatherly. The con test for the office was bitterly waged by the applicants. Stephen Page will represent Garfield Commandery, No. 6, at tho annual state i convention of tho Knigius of Malta at York this week. H. G. Deppo left this morning for Mid valley, whore lie has secured employ ment under Contrator Daniel Levan. who is erecting a large breaker at that place. Arrangements are being perfected by tho committee for tho seventh annual picnic of the Luzerne county grangers to be hold at Harvey's Lake on Satur day, June 18. Tho Wilkesbarre and Northern Hail road, between Wilkesbarre and Harvey's Lake, will be hereafter operated by electricity. It is claimed that electricity is chcapor than steam. The Lehigh Valley train due hero at 7.25 p. m. collided with an empty engine at Newport, near Wilkesbarre, Saturday evening. Two engines were wrecked and tho passengers were severely shaken up. The latest in the hot judicial tight now on in the Montour-Columbia district is that James Scarlott, the well-known criminal attorney, of Danville, has an nounced ids namo as a candidate for the judgeship. Patrick O'Donnell and James Quinn. or Highland, and Chief of Police William Doggett, of town, have completed ar rangements to go to Anaconda, Mon tana, where they expect to secure work. They leave today. Maj. C. B. Coxo Post, G. A. It., is pushing ahead its arrangements for a monster ceiobration of Memorial Day. The old veterans should have the sup port of every society and citizen in making tho day a memorabio one. Ladies, don't fail to see those fancy 25c skirts at A. Oswald's. He sells lots of them and they are dandies. If tho cineograph exhibition to bo given tonight at the opera house is all that is claimed for it and the moving pictures have their war paint on, Free land patriots who attend tho show will give the scenes a rousing reception. Warden Poland, of the county jail, at Wilkesbarre, with tho aid of City Super intendent of SchoolsCoughlin, lias open ed a school within the prison walls for the inmates. They are being taught reading, writing and spelling. The edu cated prisoners act as teachers. Schuylkill county grand jury lias ig nored tho charge against Joseph Weir, of Audcnricd, who was arrested by Peter Bruno, who accused hi in of receiving money for jobs from Italians. Weir is one of tho foremen in tiie employ of tiie Lehigh and Wilkesbarre Company. The case of F. B. Fogle, a salesman for J. K. Heimelrolch Sc Co., of Allen town, against Daniel Kline, of Freelaud. charging the latter with embezzlement, was tried in court on Thursday and a verdict of not guilty was rendered. The case grew out of the sale of a carload of hay. Tiie second production of "The Noble Outcast" was greeted by another large audience at the Grand opera house on Friday evening. The company repeat ed its success of April 10. The only change in the cast was tho substitution of John Smith for J. J. Johnson, who has left town. The specialties were again very good. Tho public meeting held at Yannes' opera house on Friday evening under the auspices of the United Mine Workers was not attended as well as it might have been if no other attractions were in town that night. Messrs. Evans and Duffy delivered ringing addresses, how ever, and wore well received by tho workers who attended the meeting. PLEASURE CALENDAR. May 23.—Masquerade ball at Lamb's hotel, South Heberton. Tickets, 25c. May 30—Ninth annual picnic of Tigers Athletic Club at Public park. OASTOHIA. Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought FREELAND, PA., MONDAY, MAY 9, 1898. Flat; liaising at .fmlilo. On Saturday evening tiie old town of .Jeddo was the scene of a patriotic gath ering, and nowhere were the stars and stripes ever given a more enthusiastic greeting than when a handsome Ameri can flag was thrown to the breeze from tho top of the fifty-foot polo which had been erected for the purpose. Tho flag raising exercises were conducted under tho auspices of Jeddo Progressive Club, and right well did the young men in charge carry out the work of elevating old glory paying homage to the national colors. Over a thousand people had assembled when the St. Patrick's band and large delegations from Freelaud and Drifton arrived at Jeddo. Afterseyeral patriotic selections by the band, Frank McHugh, representing tho Progressive Club, open ed the exercises with an appropriate ad dress, at tho conclusion of which he in troduced Rov. T. A. Snyder, pastor of Jeddo M. E. church. The address of the divine was one of the host heard on the North Side in many a day, and the audience responded to tho sentiments which he voiced with repeated cheers and applause. The news of Commodore Dewey's great victory in the Philippines made the occasion still more joyful, and en thusiasm reigned supreme when the big starry banner was gracefully unfurled above tho heads of the assemblage. Every heart beat in unison with the stirring strains of the national airs play ed by tho band, and after cheers for the colors, for tho (Wo of Manilla and for the Progressive Club the audience dis persed. well satisfied that Jeddo's pat riotism is of the genuine kind. .School Hoard Meeting;. The May meeting of the borough school board was held Saturday evening with Messrs. McCarthy, Sweeney, Ferry and Timony present. Hills as follows were ordered paid: A. 11. Frease, coal hauling, $('; Cross Creek Coul Company, coal, $25.50; J. F. Sweeney, salary and postage, $100.22. The proper ollicers were instructed to fill out Mr. Schmidt's blank form for a ! permanent state certificate, lie having taught the required three terms. A resolution of condolence on the deatli of Morris Ferry, father of Director J. R. Ferry, was passed and ordered placed on the minutes. Tax Collector Bachman was present and the board went over his accounts. Mr. Bachman was requested to meet, the board again on Saturday evening, when the final clearing of accounts will take place. In order that the board can obtain a fair idea of the work accomplished by the teachers, it was decided that Prof. Mcßrierty, in conjunction with the teacher of each room, start this morn ing to examine tho pupils of the several schools. The board decided to invito County Superintendent Harrison and tho mem bers-elect of tho school hoard to be pres ent at the graduation exercises of the high school on Saturday next. It is likely that before the present board dissolves that tho members will arrange to have their photographs taken, with the Daniel Coxe Memorial school in the background. Three Men Killed at, Dm.yea. The Ilalstead mine of tiie Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Company, at Duryea, was tiie scene of another acci dent Thursday evening by which three men lost their lives. Last week the surface over the mine caved frn and two men were entombed. Their bodies are still in the mine. The cave-in affected the main shaft of the mine, and last week men were put to work to repair it. Tho vvorkinginen wore engaged in relln ing tho shaft when the accident occurred. Sbuio heavy timbers were being lowered into the shaft, when the chain holding them broke. The timbers struck the temporay platform upon which the men were standing, demolishing it. All three men were precipatated to tho bottom of tho shaft, a distance of 300 feet. It was some time before tiieir bodies could bo taken out. The names of the victims are John Titus, Stephen Jenkins and John Monahan. All are married and leave families. Fire Sweeps a Little Town. The little town of Nureuiburg, below Deringer, was visited by fire at an early hour yesterday morning, and several of the principal buildings of tho village wore in ashes before tho flames were subdued. It was shortly after midnight when a kerosene lamp exploded in Doner's hotel, and the fire spread so rapidly that the three-story structure was doomed in a short whilo. Having no protection against firo. the town was at tho mercy of the flames. Yannes' bottling house soon caught and was con sumed. Dwellings owned by Sylvester Kline and Mrs. John Nicholas were the next victims, followed by the warehouse of Joseph Marchetti and the store of Breisch Bros. Hazleton and Mahanoy City were asked for assistance, but none was given tho little town. The damage amounts to about $15,000, partially cov ered by insurance. Dr. David Kennedy's favorite Remedy CURES ALL KIDNEY. STOMACH ** -——AND LIVER TROUBLES. NO BRET HARTE HEROES. The Gold Region* Are Comparatively Free from Lawlext e**. There is little disorder in the Alaska and the Klondike regions. The wild life pictured in Bret Harte's books is not in evidence, and that author would vote the place dead slow were he to visit it. Especially in Canada, where the mounted police, the best organiz ed force of its kind in the world, pa trols the mining regions at regular in tervals, there is little disturbance. Rossland, just over the border north of Spokane, is a good illustration of this. Last year there were 7,000 min ers in Rossland and only one police man. Yet the town had no serious trouble. The worst fuss that occurred was when a drunken negro got into a fight with a colored woman and struck her several times with his fist. On this side of the line he might have received two months. The Canadian court promptly sent him up for six years. , Pulls do not go with the Canadian police nor with any of the depart ments of justice. The miners under stand this thoroughly and have a wholesome respect for law and order. There are no barrooms pure and sim ple. Drinks cannot be served except in a bona fide hotel where guests lodge for the night and there is a res taurant serving regular meals. In dians are not allowed to have liquor under any circumstances. Few of fences will get a man into the peni tentiary quicker than selling spirits to the aborigines. There is no mercy shown whatever. A Woman IIM Saw 7111 1 Hand. "A brawny woman clad in blue cot tonade waist and skirt, who is able to run a saw mill engine as well as any man in the business, is rather an un usual sight," said Walter Wade, of Louisville, Ky., "but that is just what I saw in a Tennesse woods a few weeks ago. The female engineer's name is Annie Fables, and she told me she had been doing a 'full hand's' work at the mill for six years. Five years ago she decided she could run the engine, and the mill boss told me she had been one of the most careful, as well as one of the most competent he had ever seen. "Mrs. Fables lo3t her husband six years and a half ago, and a few months afterward she asked for a place in the mill where hor liege lord had been employed. She began working as an off-bearer, and in a year and a half I was put in charge of the monster j piece of machinery which furnished motive power for the large circular and straight saws. She has all along ' earned a man's wages and has been i able to support and give her seven fatherless little ones a good common school education. She is fond of the hard labor, and has lost but five days during her connection with the mill, and then she was ipinistering to a sick child." ]>ra\vu on the Jury. Tho following citizens of this vicinity havo boon drawn to serve as jurymen on the dates.prccoding their names: June 0. —Bernard J. Carr, Condy Boyle, Foster; Archie Nesbitt, Jeddo; John McClollan, Freelaud; Peter Mc- Moniglo, Hazle. June 13. —John Slirack, William Meik rantz, Hazle. Hall' Kate* to Seranton. On May 9 and in the Lehigh Valley Railroad will soil tickets to Seranton and return at one fare for the round trip, on account of Parade Day of Knights of the Golden Eagle. For tiie meeting K. G. E., May 10 to 12, rate of two cents per mile on curd orders will be made. Tickets sold May 7 to 12, good to return to and including May 14. See ticket agents for full particulars. A Sure Thing; Tor You. A transaction in which you cannot lose is a sure tiling. Biliousness, sick headache, fur red tongue, fever, piles and a thousand other ills are caused by constipation and sluggish liver. Cascurets Candj' Cathartic, the won derful new liver stimulant and intestinal tonic, are by all druggists guaranteed to cure "i- refunded. C. C. are a sure tiling. Try a box today; 10c, 25c, 50c. Sample and booklet free. All druggists. Decoration Day Excursion. To Niagara Falls. The Lehigh Vnllev Railroad will sell on May 28 ticket's from Freelaud to Niagara Falls and return at the rate of one fare for the round trip. Tickets good to return to and including May 31. Consult Lehigh Valley ticket agents for particulars. Reduced Rates To Lancaster. On account of the meeting of the Medical State Society May 17 to 19. tin; Lehigh Valley Railroad announces spe cial rates to Lancaster and return. See I ticket agents for further particulars. Baptist. A mil versarie* - Rochester. The Lehigh Valley Railroad will sell tickets at rate of one and one-third fare on certificate plan May 13 to 24. See ticket agents for particulars. A. Oswald sells throe bars of grand ma's butter milk soap for the small sum of sc. OA.STOHIA. Bears the yf The Kind You Have Always Bought O ASTOriXA. Bears the yj The Kind You Have Always Bought A I.alee of Wine. | It recently took two powerful steam pumps a week to fill the largest wine j reservoir in the world. Properly ! speaking, it is a lake —a lake of red wine 104 feet long, 34 feet wide and 24 feet deep. j Of course it is in California, that I State of big things, that this wonder is to be seen—down at Asti by the i Russian River valley, and the lake it self is the blending of the juices of grapes from a thousand vines. As a system of blending wine it is in this respect as much a wonder as in point of quantity and place of keeping. It another proof also that neces sity is the mother of invention, for if it had not been that the colonists could find no way to dispose of their wine in a profitable manner, owing to its abundance, it is probable the lake would never have been created and another wonder thus lost to the world. The tun of Heidelberg, which the last generation, and even some of the present, learned to think of with won der, is but a child beside a full grown LARGEST WINE RESERVOIR IN THE WORLD. man when compared with this Cali fornia creation. One could go boating on this lake very comfortably, al though it would be but a short ride. A steam launch would find room enough to steam back and forth and possibly turn around. This is how the tank was really built. First an excavation was made in the rocky hillside. Next a wall of concrete two feet in thickness was put in the floor and sides. Then came the laying and glazing of the cement. This was not all. Had the lake been left open at the top impurities must have found their way into it, not to mention the deluge that comes in what California knows as the rainy season. All around the sides big steel gir ders were put in place, and on these rests the sectional cover of the lake. This is so constructed that not a ray of light can penetrate into this vast quantity of wine, and it mellows and ripens just as if it were in the most deep down vault that can be found anywhere. (103 ltcward, SIOO. The readers of this paper will he pleased to learn that there is at least one lireaded disease that science has been aide to cure in all ils stages and that is catarrh. Hall's catarrh cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu tional disease requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous Bnrfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation ot the disease, and giving tho palient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much laith in its curative powers, that they oiler one hundred dollars for any case tlmt it fails lo cure. Bend for list of testimonials Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. - 77' .Sold by druggists, 7£>c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. White Haven Summer School. The Summer School of Whito Haven will open on Juno 15, 1 808, to continue for a term of eight weeks. The object of tho normal department is to prepare young men and women for teaching. Thorough drill and Instructions will he given. The object of the academic de partment will be to prepare vonng men and women for college. Special classes will be organized in languages, mathe matics, sciences, etc. The teachers have a thorough experience in this line of work and we kindly refer you to the following gentlemen who know of our ability: Attorney G. 1,. Halsey, presi dent, and Frank'Schatzlo. secretary, of the board of education. White Haven, and Prof. A. S. Ilelsel, superintendent of Carbon county. Loblghton. Tuition for term: sl'.'. For further information address the teachers, J. Donald (iiest, A. It., and E. N. Lee, M. E.. White Haven, l'a. "Remember the Maine." Tuft, Edison & Lubiti will give their first exhibition in this place witli the Lubin cineograph this evening at the Grand opera house, it Is probable that they have the finest collection of pic tores that lias been gathered for an en tainment or this character. It Includes a panoramic view of the wreck of tiie Maine, funeral of victims of the Maine disaster, entrance to Havana harbor and Morro Castle, the Journal yacht Buc caneer, Captain Sigsbee. .Secretary Long, Consul General Lee and Ills reception in Washington and a host of others. The machinery is the latest obtainable, and besides being aide to show the moving pictures, they also use one or the best stereopticons found in the market. T> Cure Constipation Forever. Take CiiHcaivts Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c. II C. C. C. fail to euro, druggists refund money. _Dr. David Kennedy's favorite Remedy CURES ALL KIDNEY. STOMACH ** ' ' • AND LIVER TROUBLES. COLUMN OF CULLINGS SOME STRAY SKETCHES FOUND IN TRIBUNE EXCHANGES. Sarcastic Shots at the High-Named Fops of Wllkesharre Who Refused to Knlist. Coal Company Kxtendinc Its Relief IMan— Dewey's Relatives, Klc. From the WUkcsburro Leader. The following which iias been wafted from Mount Gretna proves that there is nothing in a name: "Attention! As I call the names each man will answer loudly ploase. Yes, if he wants toenlistand 110, if he does not." "Patrick Burke?" "Yes." "George Washington Smith?" "No." "Jacob Guckenhclmor?" "Yos." "Winfieid Scott Summers?" "No." "Isaac Finklesteln?" "Yos." "U. S. Grant Blaylock?" "No." "Dennis Fogerty?" "Yos." "Abraham Uncoil) Folsom?" "No." "Peter Headacholvitch?" "Yos." "George B. McClollan Fotco?" "No." "Harney O'Brien?" "Yes." "Andrew Jackson Tyler?" "No." "Ferdinand Schmidt?" "Yes." "William Sherman Paytou?" "No." Etc., etc.. etc., etc. Coal Company's Phllantlirophy. From the Hu/.lcton Plain Speaker. Tho Lehigh Valley Coal Company has posted notices telling their employes that if the latter were favorable to the organization of a relief fund the same would -be organized in tho towns in which tlicy havo collieries. The organ ization of the same is left to the men and there is nothing compulsory about the matter. Tho object is to relieve the families of men who may meet with fatal accidents In tho mines and also those who may be Injured while at work. All who sign to join will contribute one day s wages which will go into the treas ury. In case of an accident another assessment will be made of a day's wages and the company contributing as much as the total contribution for thoir share. In tliis manner the company will give as much as all the members. In case of the death of a mail SSO will be contri buted to pay burial expenses. The widow will recclvo $3 per week for one year after death, provided she dons not marry and eacli child under twelve years of age is to receive 551 per week. In case a man is injured he will also receive a benefit. Publish the Exoneration Lists. From the Weatherly Herald. Borough councils and school boards should combine and publish tho list of exonerations. Those taxpayers who pay their tax regularly would like to know who aro not paying their just duos and the reasons. Tho exoneration list, would not bo so big if the names of thoso exonerated were to appear in pub lic print. In some cases whore exonera tions allowed by tho borough and school for the reason of poverty, the borough could find employment for those persons on the streets. A great number of names appear 011 tho assessor's lists and copied to the tax duplicate, of peoplo that have been dead a long time, others that have moved awuy years ago and still others that cannot bo found and never lived here. Many duplications are also made; the same, person in the lists twice. These people have all have to be exonerated and the list is swelled to enormous pro portions. Seine More Wires Need Cutting. From the Wilkesbarre Itcporter. Naval officers say that it is a great piece of good luck for Commodore Dewey that the cabin Is cut. While they go no further they probably think that if the wires to the Whito House were also severed tho war would probably last a fraction as long. It was 110 wisli of the president to light a battle in Manilla waters. 111 fact he had made up his mind to call the Asiatic squadron back home when an unexpected turn of affairs caused the governor of Hong Kong to order tho American vessels out the har bor. They had no place to go and wore consequently sont to Manilla. Thus England may bo said to ho indirectly responsible for tho good luck of Com modoro Dewey in having a chance to face the Spaniards. Dewey's Relatives Robbing Up. From the Hazlutoo Sentinel. Many of our older citizens will remem ber Lore 11 Dewey, who died a few years ago In I'ittston. He was a step brother of Commodore Dewey, they having had the same mother. Loron Dewey was the grandfather of George E. Dewey, stenographer of tho orphans' court of Luzerne county. $1.50 a year is all tho TBIBLNE costs. 81.50 PER YEAR £MIAS. ORION STROII, Attorney and Counselor at Law and Notary Public. Office: Rooms 1 and 2, Birkhcck Brick, Freeland JOIIN M. CARR, Attorney-at-Law. All legal business promptly attended. Postoflicc Building, ... Freeland. MCLAUGHLIN, Attorney-at-Law. Legal Business of Any Description. Iladesty's Building, So. Centre St., 1-reelnnd. jyjRS. S. E. HAYES, Fire Insurance Agent. Washington Street. None but IlelUible Companies Represented. Q I>. roiirbacii, General Hardware. Builders' supplies of every kind alwavs in stock. \V all paper, paints and tinware. llicy cles uud repairs of i.ll sorts. South Centre street. Dr. N. MALEyT^ BUM WIS®. Second Floor, Birkbeck Brick. OVEH BIRKBECK'S STORE. LIBOR WINTER, Eating House and Oyster Saloon. No. 13 Front Street, Freeland. Temperance drinks, cigars, etc. Families supplied with oysters direct from the shore. G. HORACK, Baker & Confectioner. Wholesale and Retail. CENTRE STEEET, FREELAND. FRANCIS BRENNAN, RESTAURANT 151 Centre street, Freeland. FINEST LIQUOR, BEER, PORTER, CIGARS AND SOFT DRINKS. GEORGE FISHER, dealer in FRESH BEEF, PORK, VEAL, MUTTON, BOLOGNA, SMOKED MEATS, ETC., ETC. at No. fl Walnut street, Freeland, or wait tor the delivery wagons. VERY LOWEST PRICES. Condy 0. Boyle, dealer in Liquor, Wine, Beer, Porter, Etc. The finest brands of Domostie and Imported >N hiskcy on sale in one of the handsomest sa loons in town. Fresh Rochester and Shenan doah Beer and Veungling's Porter on tap. 98 Centre street. T. CAMPBELL, dealer in IH\v (iiNf Maries, Rooti and Also PURE WINES & LIQUORS FOR FAMILY AND MEDICINAL PURPOSES. • Centre and Main streets, Freeland. Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions. A A S BROTHERHOOD HATS 0 U A celebrated brand of XX Hour always in stock. Roll Butter and Eggs a Specialty. AMANDUS OSWALD, N. IT. Cor. Centre and Front Sis., Freeland,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers