FREELAND TRIBUNE. VOL. X. NO. 77. RAILROAD TIMETABLES LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. February 20, 1898. ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. LEAVE FREELAND. 7 40 a in for Sandy Run, White Haven, Wilkes-Ilarre, Pittston and Surantou. 8 45 a ni for Weatlierly, -Munch Chunk. Al lent >wn, llcthlohcm, Euston, Philadel phia and New York. 9 35 u in for Ilu/.leton. Mnhanoy City, Shen andoah, Alt. ('ariuel, Shaiuokin and Potts ville. 1 1 54- ain for Sandy Run, White Haven, Wilkes-Uurre, Soruutou and all points West. 2 30 1> in for Hu/Jeton, Muliunoj- City, Shen andoah, Mt. Carnicl, Sliaiuokiii and Pottsville. 6 34 l> iu for Sandy Run. White Haven, Wilkes-Barre and Scrauton. 7 25 P ni for ilu/.leton, Maiianoy City, Shen andoah, Mt. Cermet, Shamokin and Pottsville. ARRIVE AT FREELAND. 7 40 n ni from Pottsville, Shauiokin, Mt. funnel, Sheuundoali, Maiianoy City and Hazleton. 9 25 u in from New York, Philadelphia, Euston, Bethlehem, Allentown and Munch ('hunk. 9 35 a m from Scrauton, Wilkes-Barre and White Haven. 11 54 a m from Pottsville, Shamokin, Mt. Carmel, Stienaudouh, Maiianoy City and Huzlctou. 2 30 ) ni from Scranton, Wilkes-Barre and White Haven. 6 34 P m from New York, Philadelphia, Euston, Bethlehem, Allentown. Potts ville, Shamokin, Mt. Carmel, Shenan doah. Mahauoy City and Hazleton. 7 25 p m from Scrauton, Wilkes-Barre and White Haven. For further information inquire of Ticket Agents. ItOLLLN 11. WlLßUlt.Gencrul Superintendent. CIiAS. S. LEE, Gcn'l Pass. A Kent, Pbila., Pa. A. W. NUNNEMACHER, Ass'tG. P. A., Philadelphia. Pa. THE DELAWARE, SUSQUEHANNA ANI. SCHUYLKILL RAILROAD. Time tuble in effect April 18, 1897. Train# leave Drifton for Jeddo, Eckley, Hazle Brook, Stockton, Beaver Meadow Road, Roan and Hazleton Junction at SIK), ttoo am, daily except Sunday; and 7 03 a in, 2 518 p in, Sunday. Trains leave Drifton for Harwood,Cranberry. Tomhioken und Deringer at 5 :JO. 6 HO a m, daily except Sunday; and i 03 a m, 238 p m, Sun day. Trains leave Drifton for Oneida Junction, Garwood Road, Humboldt Roud, Oneida and Rheppton at tt 00 a m, daily except Sun day; and 7 08 a m, 2 88 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Harwood, Cranberry, Tomhioken and Deringer at 085 a ni, daily except Sunday; and 8 58 a in, 4 22 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Oneida Junction, Harwood Road, Humboldt Road, Oneidu and Shoppton at tt 82, 11 10 a m, 4 41 p ni, daily except Sunday; and 7 87 a in, 8 11 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Deringer for Tomliicken, Cran berry, Harwood, Hazleton Junction and Roan at 2 25, 5 40 p ui, dally except Sunday; and 0 87 a in, 5 07 p in, Sunday. Trams leave Sheppton for Oneida, Humboldt Iloud, Harwood Road, Oneida Junction, Hazle ton Junction a*id ROHII at 7 11 am, 12 40, 522 p ui, dally except Sunday; and 8 11 a m, 844 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Sheppton for Beaver Meadow Roud, Stockton, llazle Brook, Eckley, Jeddo and Drifton at 5 22 p ni, daily, except Suuday; and 8 11 a in, 8 44 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Beaver Meadow Road, Stockton, Hazle Brook, Eckley, Jeddo and Drifton at 5 45, 6 2tt pin, dully, except Sunday; and 10 10 a m, 5 40 p in, Sunday. All trains connect at llazleton Junction with electric curs for Hazleton, Jeanesvillc, Auden rkd and other points on the Traction Com pany's line. Trains leaving Drifton at 5 80. G 00 a m make (Connection at Deringer with P. R. R. trains for Wilkesbarre, Sunbury, Uarrisburg and points west. For the accommodation of passengers at way stations between Hazleton Junction and Der inger, a train will leave tlie lonner point at ii 50 p ui, daily, except Sunday, arriving at Deringer at 5 00 p in. LUTHER C. SMITH, Superintendent. The Washburn Boycott. From the Wilkesbarre Newsdealer. The Wilkesbarre Record makes much fuss over the boycotting of Juror Wash burn and the fact that ho was discharg ed. We have not been able to learn the names of the men who called on Wash burn's employer. Mr. Hontz will not tell who asked him to discharge Wash burn. We are compelled to place the Wash burn episode in the same class as Judge Woodward's threatening letters, as part .of a plan to influence sentiment. Now we beg to offer a case of boycott whk'h we can prove. JAM es E. Roderick, the superinten dent tor A. S. Van Wlckle & Co. at (Coleralue, contributed SIOO to the fund to aid the widows and orphans at Lat liiner. immediately the operators and su perintendents asked Mr. Van Wicklc to discharge Mr. Roderick. They are ask ing for his discharge now. The Coal Operators 1 Association refused to meet with him. Are they anarchists? ff they don't like Mr. Roderick's ac tUrnk they need not meet him. They can tell him so. There isn't any law to stop that. If the Freeand people don't want to deal with Washburn can Judge Wood ward put them iu jail? Catarrh Cannot be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh •Cure is taken internally, and acts direct ly on the blood and mucous surfaces, ilall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack Medicine. It was prescribed by one of ike best physicians in this country for yean 4 and is a regular prescription. It as composed of the best tonics known, •combijied with the best blood purifiers, Acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two in gredients is what produces such wonder ful results iu curing catarrh. Send for (testimonials. free. 3-\ J. CH ENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, 0. Sold by druggists, price 75c. J fall's Family Pills are the best. Two Million* a Year. Wlicm people buy, try and buy again, it means they're satisfied. The people of the United States are now buying Cascaruts Candy Cathartic at the rate of two million boxes a year ami it will be three million be fore New Year's. It means merit proved, that < iiNoarots uro the most delightful liowol regulator for everybody the year round. All druggists, lOe, 25c, 60c u box, euivguurantctd. BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. PARAGRAPHS GATHERED FROM ALL PARTS OF THE REGION. Synopsis of Local and Miscellaneous Oc currences That Can Be Head Quickly. What the Polks of This and Other Towns are Dolus. St. John's Reformed church. Rev. J. 11. Kerachner, pastor. English services next Sunday morning and evening. All are kindly invited. The liquor license of J. W. Meharguo. YVilkosbarro, lias been transferred to Thos. O. Oberrender, who recently removed to that city. Mountain Grove camp meeting will be hold this rear from August 15 to August ?ff, inclusive. Many improvements are to bo made to the grounds and cottages. Rev. John L. Staples, of Stroudsbui'g. died on Tuesday, aged 84 years. He was the father of the man who served as Abraham Lincoln s substitute during the civil war. The case of Jacob Knecht. of Free land. charged with desertion by his wife. Susie Knecht, for which bail was for feited some time ago, is on the trial list for Saturday next. Milton P. Schautz was on Tuesday appointed postmaster of Allentown by the president. On tin; same day Thos. N. Major was appointed postmaster of Lehman, this county. ,A. Oswald sells three bars of grand ma's butter milk soap fur the small sum of sc. Minersville is having a taste of the "Blue Laws." The burgess has closed up all saloons, cigar and candy stores, drug stores and every other kind of business on Sundays. Sylvester Lavitzky, 58 years of age. of Highland, was taken* to Laurvtown almshouse on Tuesday. He has been a resident of this part for eighteen years. He is nearly blind and has no friends. John R. Leisenring, formerly cashier of the First National bank, Hazleton. lias announced himself as a candidate for state bank examiner. He has also beou mentioned as a postoflicc aspirant. Willie, a young son of Patrick Givens. formerly of Freeland. was badly scalded on Tuesday at his home in McAdoo by coming iu contact with a bucket of boiling water. The little fellow died last night. George W. Korn, the ex-burgess of West Hazleton, who recently disappear ed, lias been heard from. lie is in Pitts burg, but does not know how he got there. His son left yesterday to bring him home. Ladies, don't fail to see those fancy 25c skirts at A. Oswald's. He soils lots of tliuiu and they arc dandies. The will of the late Father Marruu, of Audeuricd, which was under protest in the Carbon court, has been settled by tin; friends of the deceased outside of law, they having reached an agreement among themselves. The right of a borough to levy a tax on telegraph poles, which was question ed by the Western Union Telegraph Company in tlie borough of Taylor, Lackawanna county, has been decided by Judge Archbald in favor of the borough. The following successful applicants for liquor licenses iu Freeland failed to take out tho same: John Dusheck, Peter Barns. Peter Valines. Harry Lazorek, John Rashay. Mary Krause, William Burkhardt, August Keilert, Libor Winter and Daniel Boner. William Cosgrove. of Wilkesbarre. was among those who lost, their lives on the battleship Maine. It was feared he was ou the wrecked ship and relatives for warded his picture to the surviving offi cers. It was returned on Tuesday iden tified as that of tho William Cosgroyo who was killed by tho explosion. Suits made to order for $lO. Strictly ail wool and cannot be beat fur almost double the money. Guarantee Clothing Co., Centre st., Bresliu block. Freeland. John Petkri. a Jeddo Hungarian, while on his way home from Hazleton on Saturday night, was attacked by un known parties and stabbed so severely that it is feared that he may die. He was taken to tho hospital. The wound ed man says he was slightly under the influence of liquor when he was at tacked. Judge Lynch's opinion sustains War den James Bolatid, in his claim for 80 cents a day for each prisoner's food, according to a contract with the prison commissioners. Controller Lloyd wants to pay 7E cents a day for each prisoner, and says he will carry the case to the supreme court before he will allow Poland's claim. The Beaver Meadow correspondent of the Mattch Chunk Gazette says: "Rev. Father Mack, of Freeland. preached in St. Mary's church, Friday evening, on .Death.' It was one of tlie best ser mons ever heard in the above named church and the large congregation that attended listened with great attention from beginning to end." CASTOniA. FREELAND, PA., THURSDAY, MARCH *24, Pi is. "luiogene, or tlie Witch's Secret." The above Is the title of a four-act drama which will bo presented for the iirst time in this vicinity at the Grand opera house on Saturday evening. The company in whose hands the play has been placed is composed of local talent, and they have rehearsed the piece so well that the coming production can be looked upon as a certain success. The story of the play is a very interesting one. and the audience will lind them selves thoroughly engrossed in the witch's secret before the end of the lirst ait. The scenes arc laid in the city of Richmond. Virginia, and the strong Southern flavor which permeates the play gives it an elevating tone. During and between the acts original special ties, songs, etc., will be introduced b\ members of the company and others. Following is the cast of characters: Mrs. Mansllekl. | Imogene. t Mother Mundy Miss Annie Devei Susie Miss Katie Gillespie Snooks Leo McDonald Charles Muuslield Tims. .J. (Juiglei Dr. Harris Michael Doyle Deacon Auston Patrick Dever Attorney James Reed Wm. Quiglcx Dennis O'Brien Frank McKiule) 23£„ f T ""— Wel8 " Tickets of admission are cents each and can be procured from members of St. Patrick's band or at opera house on the evening of the play. Township Treasurer Threatened. The affliction Of Pittston and Pittston township in the matter of contested elec tions lias become a byword in court. On Monday morning the old agitation was renewed when a number of interest oil parties asked for a bill of particulars in contested elections in Pittston town ship. The contests are on school direc tors. supervisors and treasurers. One of the attorneys caused a mild sensation when lie exhibited a letter received by one of his clients- Martin Prumuch. the township treasurer in the ease. The letter contained a printed skull and cross hones, with a note attached that he desist from holding the office to which lie has been elected, and if not his doom is sealed. The court granted tho rule asked for and the hearing will he had in ten days. Charged With Illegal Liquor Selling. From the Huzlctou I'lain Speaker. John Hudoek.a Freeland saloon keep er. was arrested before Alderman Huch enau on the charge of selling liquor on Sunday, John Yausik being the prose cutor. The date when the breach was committed wits December l;i. Jacob Nucklo, employed as bartender for llu dock, was also arrested 011 the charge of assault and battery, lite prosecutor in the lirst case being the prosecutor in this one. In the latter case he alleges that it was given a hearing before a Freeland .justice, who afterwards settled it without his knowledge or consent. Both entered hail before Squire Buckley in the amount of SBOO for their appear aneo at court. Alleged to Have Accepted a llrihe. The lirst prosecution in this region under the Mouahan bill, passed at the last legislature, to prevent the payment of money to foremen, for situations, occurred at, Ilqncy Brook Tuesday even ing. The hearing took place lief ore Squire Benjamin, the defendant being Joseph Wear a Lehigh and Wilkesbarre Company foreman. The prosecutor is Peter Bruno, who charges Mr. Wear with taking a bribe for a job from an Italian. The defendant gave bail in the sum of SI,OOO for court. Damages Against Parsons for s'£,soo. The jury in the case of Dr. A. P. O'Malley. against*" the borough of Par sons. for damages in being thrown from his buggy and breaking one of his legs in an accident caused by an unprotected roadway, has rendered a verdict in favor of the plaintiff in the sum of 500. Mr. Sherwood, counsel for the borough, expects the case to be taken to the su preme court. Judge Lynch told the jury there could lie recovery against the Le high Valley Coal Company, which was one of the defendants. Co imp Commissioner Guilty. A sequel to the conviction of County Commissioners John P. Martin. Frank Rent/, and John Fallon, at the January term of Schuylkill court on nineteen bills of indictment charging misde meanor. was the conviction yesterday id' Commissioner Charles A. Myers, a mem ber of the new hoard, on nine out of twenty-two counts. The case was on trial for the past two weeks and the jury was out eighteen and a half hours. The four convicted men will he sentenced in a few weeks. Tliis In Important, If True. Huzlctou Dispatch to JMiihi. Press. It was given out yesterday that Luther ('. Smith, of Drifton. superintendent of the Delaware, Schuylkill and Susque hanna Railroad, would he appointed the successor of A. P. Blakesloe, who re cently resigned from the superinti n dency of the coal branches of the. Lehigh Valley Railroad. President Walter took Mr. Smith to Drifton when lie lirst assumed charge of affairs at that place some years ago. Another Rockufello w Echo. t Among the eases disposed of this week in the superior court was that relating I the Evans estate, of Parsons. The case | was tried in this county some time ago ! and the decision of the Luzerne court is now affirmed. The case was as follows: John Evans, of Parsons, died some years ago and liis brother, Evan M. Evans, was appointed guardian, his duties be | ing to look after the estate, and as also i guard the interests of the widow and children. There was a lot on which ! there is a valuable hotel property, also | some money was left. Mr. Evans de posited the money in the Kockafcllow ; bunk and the entire sum was lost by the I hank's failure. Suit was brought to ru •over the amount from the guardian. The decision of the courts is that Mr. Evans is held responsible for the'money deposited for the children, but not for that deposited for the widow, on the ground that she was present when the money was placed in the bank. It was shown by the evidence that Evans had refused to loan the money on good se curity and that therefore lie was negli gent. In answer to that Evans said he did not think it safe to loan the money ! on the security offered. Tiiis decision, it is claimed, will have the effect of making guardians more j careful of the disposition of money In- I t rusted to their care. Yorktoivn Minor* on Strike. The .'HIP men employed at the York town colliery of the Lehigh Valley Coal Company failed to report for duty Tues day morning when the colliery whistle called the employes tp work, and a strike is now on. This decision was reached at a meeting of the i 'nited Mine Workers in Yorktown. on Monday night, but it was not thought that the men wore as determined as they have shown them selves to be by absenting themselves en tirely from the Colliery. Every thing is quiet about tiie works and no violence is feared by the officials. The cause of the strike is dissatisfac tion over the treatment of a fireman. John Boyle, who was reprimanded by Foreman Hayes for ncjt keeping up a good lire with the bird-eye coal used at the colliery. The fireman claimed that the coal was of such quality that it could not be used for generating sufficient steam and lie quit work. The matter was brought to the attention of the I'nited Mine Workers, who not!lied I Foreman Hayes that if the iireman was not reinstated they would order a strike. The company threatens to shut down the colliery altogether for an indefinite period. To Build Auotlier Any I u in. The directors of the Central poordis ; trict, of tiiis county, have decided to , build a new insane asylum. The pro posed building will accommodate about patients and will cost SIOO,OOO. The site of the structure will likely be at He treat, where the present poorhouse is located. There is pressing need for a new insane asylum in tiie upper end, in I view of the overcrowded condition of i the Danville and other state institu tions, and of the further fact that the ; VVernersvllle asylum, near Heading, and | the Hillside homo, Scranton. each con , tain twenty-five patients from that dis trict, which pays $1.7.") per week for the ; care of each. ! When the asylum is finished all per sons now in the state institutions will bo removed, and the state will pay to the district the sum of $1.50 per week for each patient. This will help cousidcr | ably toward paving for the building. Cliniitfing the Minister*, j The annual meeting of the Central Pennsylvania Methodist Episcopal con j ferene.o. in session at Danville, made tiie | following appointments before adjourn ; ing on Tuesday: Free la nd William W. Hartuian. i Jeddo -Robert M. Snyder. Audenried—John A. Mattern. Beaver Meadow- Isaac ('adman. C©nynghatn— Elmer IS. Baker. Cordon R. E. Wilson. Ha/Jcton (Diamond) —E. C. Cleaver. Hazleton (St. Paul's) —J. N. Mori-head. Silver Brook W. S. Hamlin. White Haven—Norman Smith. Weathcrly—C. M. Barnit/. A Libel on Freelaml. From tin- Wllkesburre Newsdealer. One peculiar feature of the anthra- I eito mining towns is that it lias two j lives. The old town of Buck Mountain-, j which was at its height in war times, ; but which played out soon after the I war ended, is again reviv ing. All of the | Schuylkill county towns, St. Clair. : Minersville. Ashland, and others, all of I which had their days, are steadily re viving. and towns like Hazleton. Free : land and Shenandoah are rapidly de ! dining. Beauty I* Blood Beep. j Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets Candy Cathar j tie clean your blood and keep it clean, b> ! stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im ; purities from the body. Begin today to ; bullish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, ( and that sickly bilious complexion by taking j "Cuscurets—beauty for 10 cents. All drug j gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 30c. CASTOHIA. The ho- yy _ 3. AFTER SOMETHING ROOD. BOARD OF TRADE LAYING PLANS TO CAPTURE A BIG PLANT. . Committee Appointed to 111 vent igate an Industry Which Would Employ 1100 Skilled Workmen if Brought to l're land Good .Meeting bust Niglit. Last night's meeting of tin? Board of i Trade, in the borough council room. was well attended and the members j entered into tiie work of the organlza j tJon with greater enthusiasm than lias l been noticed for some time past, lufor i niation was given the Board that a largo : manufacturing firm, employing skilled workmen, is Uesirlous of starting a j branch which will employ about JOO j men. and it was suggested that Freo j laud should lose no time in presenting its claims for this industry. The parent 1 plant is located in a nearby city, has ; 1,800 men on its pay-roll, manufactures 'an article of general use and works j steadily. For obvious reasons the name of the linn and its location cannot be made public for the present, i The members generally were of the | opinion that no time ought, to he lost in j looking up this industry, and the follow , ing were appointed as a committee to make an investigation: VV. H. But/. William Williamson, Clias. Orion Stroll. Owen Fowler, B. F. Davis. Hugh Mal- I ioy and M. 11. Hunsicker. They are to , report to the Board next, Wednesday i evening, when it is expected that full particulars in regard to tiie induce ments the linn may require and the sta ; hilitv and condition of the business will ! lie made known. A letter was received from R. H. Wil bur, of the Lehigh Valley Railroad Com | puny, relative to trains and mail service. I The letter stated that mail left town at ..T4 p. m.. giving almost the same ser j vice as the early morning train did with Philadelphia and New York. Post master Davis stated that no mail was sent out of tho office to make connec tions witii that train. Industrial!* Liar* at Work. A. A. Bachmaii, tax collector, author j i/.es the TituiFNK to stamp as false the ! malicious rumor circulated with in the ' past few weeks, to the effect that Mrs. j S. M. Dennenny. one of the borough | school teachers, lias not paid her taxes. ; Mr. Baehman's books show that the lady j paid her taxes within the lirst sixty days ! and there was no basis for the circula ' tinn of the rumor. I Several other taxpayers in town have j been subjected to annoyance from simi i lar rumors, and if these reports con tinue to be spread some one is liable to | find iiis hands full of trouble. Persons | who pay their taxes promptly every year j deserve credit, and should not be I maliciously lied about by parties who are in a position to learn the truth. Brawn as Jurymen. The following citizens of this vicinity have been drawn as jurors on the dates following: April 18.- Thomas Elliott. Freeland: j Alex Allen. John Ellwood, Thomas j Evans, Charles Kennedy. Hazle. April 25.—John (J. Davis. James Lewis, William Morgan, Freeland: Daniel McHeehan. Hazle. | May 2. Nicholas Cabbage.Owen Fritz | inger, FreMand: William Kiuimel, James Reed, Foster: Reuben Benninger. Butler: ; C. W. Hall, W. D. Kline. William (lildea. Michael Dougherty, D. P. Myers. Hazle. Not JII M f n* lit* Mount. "Johnson wants to borrow some I money of me. Do you know anything j about him'."* I "1 know him as well as Ido you. I wouldn't let him have a cent!" —Indian .ipolis Journal. Mot hod In 11 oi* flirt. Mother—What in the world ever pos | sessed you to give Mr. Bingo u razor? j Daughter—lie never seems to realize \ how tender my face is.—Boston Trav j '■ | - ___ I'll i loMoph y. First Boarder—This chicken is not Hie most tender fowl in the world, Seeond Boarder—No; however, t!: quality reconciles one to the quantity j —Puck. Strength in Niiiiilters. j "We are getting up a Klondike club." I "When do you go?" "We're not going*-*nt all: we are or gan iri 117 to keep one another from go nig."—Detroit Free Press. Ser* 111 in lllKlit. Bragg (who has been relating some ol his own adventures) es. indeed, i ruth is stranger than lielion. ! Snagg— It's certainly more of a strnn i ger.— Brooklyn Life. Educate Your Bowie* With Cuscaret*. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c. D'C. ('. C. fail, (Iruwrists refund money. Have you seen our lifte of stylish stiff hats? Sou can save from 50 cents to si j on hat you buy from th Huarantee | Clothing Co.. Centre street, Bresliu i block. Freeland. CASTOIIIA. j MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. OTATEMKNT OF THE A I'D I TORS of Fos O tor township for the year of 1897-98. Special Tax. Win. E. Oborrenber, tax collector. Dr. Amount of duplicate ....$ 5,833 .*>l Supplemental 575 55 i Total $ 0,10 Wi By abatements $ 113 4U Exonerations 472 85 Unseated land returned to eoiumissiouers '<4 58 Filing- bond for special tax.. I .V) Cash paid to Aug. Brehm, treasurer 5,184 10 collector's commission at 5 per cent 272 83 g fi.iuw 08 1 Orders issued by .John Metzger and Frank Durk, supervisors. No. Us, Auditors' expenses.s si 00 •* 110, Room rent 000 13, Auditors' oaths 50 " 121, Stationery, etc 75 132. John Metzger. ser vices of Foster twp.... II oo 123, Owen Fowler, pub lishing statement and notice 32 00 " 124. Aug. Urchin, trip to Wilkcsbarre for license " 125, Freeland Tumi nb. publishing statement nsil notice 82 00 " 120, PITHS Pub. Co., pub lishing statement 30 ini 128. John Metzger. ser vice of Foster twp 21 00 130, Aug. Brehm, trip to WRkesbarre 5 00 131. John Mctzger, wit -7'., Frank Rurk, labor and horse hire 0 00 " 80. Frank Rurk, labor and horse hire 3 00 " 81, Frank Rurk. trip to VVRkesbarre, labor and horse hire 14 dd " 82, Frank Rurk, labor and horse hire 3 00 " 83. Frank Rurk, labor and horse hire 3 00 " 4. Frank Rurk. labor and horse hire 3 oo Resources of Foster township, as per audit of 1807-08. Duo from Thomas Early, ex supervisor ' $ 5(18 00 " from Jos. Surrieks, ex super visor ;sl ii, " from Patk McFadden, ex-supervisor 158 50 from .loliu Solmee, ex supervisor 14075 " froinWiu.Gallagher, ex treasurer 40 " from Put (livens, ex tax collector 33 34 " from JohnW.Davis, ex supervisor 175 08 " from John L). Davis, ex supervisor 152 25 " from James Raskin, ex supervisor 208 37 Assets. Unseated laud. 18111-2, Lewis Reeht loft, collector jiß no . Seated land,lßol 2,Lewis Bechtloft, col" 315 5s Eilgeated land. 1892-8, Pat (livens, eol 405 08 Seated land, 1892 0, Pat Given®, c 01.... 130 <b i Total § 909 :;u I Aug. Ilrehin, treasurer Foster twp. Dr. To special tax received from Win. E. Oberrender, tax collector § 5,184 lo j Paid out on marshalled in debtedness by decree of fl .court . s,isi in lotal amount ol' decree of court 5,317 lo Amount paid out by treas... 5,184 in Balance due on marshal 183 0i Receipts, regular tax, 1897-tis. Aug. 11 renin, treasurer. Dr. Received from county treas urer, license tax.... $ 180 00 Unseated land tux " lo* tl Received l'rom ex-treusurer. 209 04 $ 494 43 | Cr. lly disbursements of John Metzger § 280 25 By disbursements of Frank Durk 32 00 Commission at 3 per cent 13 22 Paid on old orders 108 o 4 Judgment S. S. Went/. 09 '.m Commission on $195.41, special 5 80 „ , $ 459 87 ; Balance due treasurer $ 34 50 We, the undersigned auditors of Foster town- ' ship, being duly sworn according to law, do i certify that the above is a correct statement of the tinanciul conditions of affairs of uid town ship, to the best of our knowledge and belief. T. I. Argust, i P. R. Ferry, Auditors. •los. Gallagher. 1 VTOTICE. A meeting of the stockholders of A , the Citizens' Rank of Freeland will be held at the banking house of said bank on . Wednesday, April tl, 1898, from 10 to 11 o'clock a. 111. to elect directors to serve the ensuing : y<V? l • . ,l - I<- Davis. Cashier. 1" reeland. Pa., Fobruury 23. 1898. PERSONALITIES. Miss Kate Kogan, a teacher in the Daniel ('use school, is still confined to, her home with severe illness. John J. McHHeity is filling her position in the ; school. Mrs. John Erode rick, of Sandy Hun. is visiting her son, Matt, at Villanova 1 college. Mrs. Richard Thompson is attending to business in Philadelphia this week. Miss XcllieO'Dontiell. well-known a- a professional nurse, is very ill. PLEASURE CALENDAR. March 3d. "ItnOgeue." a four-act ; drama, under the auspices of St. | Patrick's cornet band, at the Grand ! opera house. Admission, 35 cents. April 11. Easter Monday hall of St. Patrick's cornet band at Valines' opera house. Tickets. 50 cents. April 35. First annual hall of Local) I nioti No. 314. United Mine Workers, of Upper Lehigh, at Valines' opera house. Admission. 50 cents. Largest, stock of ready-made clothing for men, boys and children. Ail new fresh goods. Prices are much lower ; than you have been used to paying here tofore. Give us a call. Guarantee Clothing Co.. l.reslin block. Freeland. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. "" ,u /■> a 1 i *1.50 PER YEAR. QIIAS. ORION STROH, Attorney and Counselor at Law and Notary Public. Office: Rooms I and 2, Birkbeck Brick, Freeland j JOHN CAKU, Attorney-at-Law. All legal business promptly attended. I'ostollicc liuilding. ... Freeland. FORGE Mcl.A U< ill I.IN, Attorney-at-Law. J.c'jul B"bin<*H of Ann Oeicrijition. Birkbeck Brick, - - - Freelnnd. TAMES E. DWYKK, Attorney-at-Law. Rutim 111. Si'luvurl/.'s Ilullilinir, East Broad stvuet. - Hazlelon. I. jyjUS. S. li. HAYEB, Fire insurance Agent. Washington Street. None but Reliable Companies Represented. £ I). HOUR BACH, General Hardware. Builders' supplies of every kind always in stock. Wall paper, naints and tinware. 'Bicy cles and repairs of ull sorts. South Centre street. O DKPIEKRO Restaurant. Fresh Ale Always 011 Tap. Beer, Porter, and Finest Qualities of Whisky, Wine, Etc. Excellent Cigars. 1 llidifi' street. - - . Freeland. Dr. N. MALEY, iiiiiim . Second Floor, birkbeck Brick. OVER BIBKBECK'S STORE. LIBOR WINTER, Restaurant and Oyster Saloon. No. 13 Front Street, Freeland. The tin est, liquors and cigars served at the ' counter. Families supplied with oysters. GEORGE FISHER, dealer in FRESH BEEF, PORK, VEAL, MUTTON, BOLOGNA, SMOKED MEATS, ETC., ETC. Call at No. fi Walnut street, Freeland, or wait for the delivery wagons. VERY LOWEST PRICES. Condy 0. Boyle, dealer in Liquor, Wine, Beer, Porter, Etc. The finest brands of Domestic and Imported Whiskey on sale in one of the handsomest sa | loons in town. Fresh Rochester and Shenan t doah Boer and Youngling's Porter on tap. 98 Centre street. T. CAMPBELL, ~ dealer in I>l\V (wI'iXMTiCK, Hoots ami S li o us. Also PURE WINES & LIQUORS FOR FAMILY AND MEDICINAL PURPOSES. Centre and Main streets. Freeland. Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions. A S BROTHERHOOD HATS C o ■* A celebrated brand of XX Hour always in stock. Roll Butter and Eggs a Specialty. AMANDUS OSWALD, I N. W. Uor. Centre and Front St*., FnubmU.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers