Koyal makes the food pure, whulesome and delicious. POWDER Absolutely Puro ROYAI DAK:.NO POWDER CO., NEW YORK. FREELAND TRIBUNE. Estatlishei 1838. PUBLISHED EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY BY THE TRIBUNE PRINTING COMPANY, Limited. Ok kick: Main Stkkkt above Centhe. Make nil moncu order*, check*, etc., pai/able to the Tribune l'riiilinu Comjjaiiu, Limited. SUBSCRIPTION KATES: One Year $1.50 ! Six Months 75 Four Months 50 Two Months ~5 The date which the subscription is paid to is on the address label of each paper, the change of which to a subsequent date becomes a receipt for remittance. Keep the figures in advance >!' the present date. Report prompt ly to this ollice whenever paper is not received. Arrearages must be paid when subscription is discontinued. FREELAND. DA.. OCTOBER 21, 1897. The County Contest. From the Wilkesborre Leader. Republican Siat! Chairman Elkln in an interview Monday said he did not expect that more than (10 per cent of last fail's vote, would be polled this year. In all probability his is a liberal esti mate. Last ymir Luzerne county polled 22,- 713 votes for McKinley and 17,305 for Bryan. Assuming that each party polls t() per cent of that vote this year, it would stand Li.i'r.'s Republican to 10,283 Democratic, thus insuring a Republican majority of 3.315. but no one for an In stant, not even the sanguine Republican candidates themselves, expects such a result. It must be remembered that about 1.000 Democrats last year voted for Mc- Kinley straight, while about 300 voted for Palmer. This is a very conservative estimate, fur the returns show McKin ley's majority to have been from 2,000 to 2.500 more than that of the Republican county candidates, and can only be accounted for in this way. These Democrats will vote the Democratic county ticket this year beyond doubt, and this will take 000 votes from the Republicans and add 780 to the Demo crats, leaving the amended results as follows: Republicans 13,028, I)emo erats ll,oi3. or a Republican majority of 1.905 to overcome under normal cir cumstances. Now a change in one direction of only 1,000 votes would elect the ticket this fall, but the personality of the candi dates has its etloet in the home precincts. This year that trend is decidedly towards the Democratic candidates and the alleged popularity of the Republican candidates is not equal to that of their Democratic opponents. This can be proven in the cases of two of the candi dates beyond the shadow of doubt. In 1894, when George Llewellyn was a can didate for prothonotary. he fell behind the ticket 1,379 votes. The same year Dan Fell for district attorney ran behind 1.344 votes. Nothing to show great per sonal popularity in those iigures. On the personal popularity question Fell and Llewellyn will each fall be hind and that part of the problem is eliminated. The question now is, can the Demo crats secure 1,000 Republicans who voted the ticket la>t fall. The Leader thinks the\ can. If fact the Leader knows positively that they can and the Democratic candidates and the county committee know how to do it. They are securing those votes every day; in fact the votes are coming to the Democrats without any solicitation or effort whatever. The candidates and the committee have the battle won to day. but they must 11<*L relax their vigi lance le-t the victory he taken from them. VVatcli and work must he the maxim. There should be no let up, but, oiathc contrary, renewed exertion must be put forth. There is more catarrh in this section of the country than all otl r diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable, for a great many years doctors pro nounced it a local disease, and prescrib ed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with heal treatment, pro nounced it incurable. Science lias proven catarrh to bo a constitutional disease and therefore -.oquires constitu tional treatment. J lull's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the oulv constitutional cure on the market. It is taken in ternally in doses fr .ra ten drops to a toaspoonful. It nets directly on the blood and mucous '.rfacos of the sys tem. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testii-i- , H. /dure.-,*. K. J. CHENEY < D., Toledo, O. C?ASold by di ugt/b-.., 7dc. Hall's Family Pills are the best. K<lu<*iite Your llowel* Witli Cmtcitrftt*. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever, lue. IIC. C'. C. l'uiJ, druggist* refund money. | NEWS OF THE WEEK. Wednesday, Oct. 13. The steamer City of Topeka arrived at Seattle, Wash., bringing miners re urning from the Klondike region and 8300,000 in gold. The miners say the wealth of tlie Klondike has been under estimated, and one of them places the value of the claims thus far opened at *50,000,000 XV. C. Temple of Pittsburg, | giver of the Temple cup. threatens to ask for its return by the National league —Conrad Hazelbetz killed Thomas McSorley after a political argument at Watchogue, N. Y.. and" attempted to commit suicide The arguments were I continued in the Luetgert murder trial in Chicago, and the case will probably go to the jury on Saturday A com mittee of the board of education of Philadelphia decided that Victor Hu go's "Les Miserables" is immoral and prohibited its use in the gills' high school A tornado struck Far Hills and Elizabeth. N. J., wrecking buildings and uprooting trees. John Clark was crushed to death in a building in Eliza beth which collapsed Miss Anita H. Haggerty. the first woman lawyer to take an active part in a jury trial in New York, defended her father in a suit for damages before Judge Qiegerich New York day was celebrated at the Tennessee Centennial exposition. Ad dresses were made by Lieutenant • Gov ernor Woodruff. President Raymond of Union college. William C. De Witt and others Hon. Richard S. Tuthill, the presiding judge in the Luetgert murder trial, came near losing his life whil • on his way to court. He fell from a trolley car and was dragged over the ground half a block, but fortunately escaped serious Injuries Charles Frederic Ad ams has declined the nomination of the United Democracy for chief judge of the court of appeals Three men were killed in a battle between shepherds and settlers in Washington county, Ida. Commodore R. R. Wallace has been ordered to retire on account of age, and several navy promotions will result Heavy floods visited the Schuylkill val ley, Pennsylvania, the water standing eight feet deep in Reading streets. Thursday, Oct. 14. Senorita Evangelina Cossio y Cls- ! neros, who escaped a week ago from a Spanish jail In Havana, arrived safely in New York The president appoint ed William A. Prcseott of New Jersey consul at Rheims, France Ex-Rank er F. V. Rockafellow of Wilkesbarre, Pa., convicted of receiving deposits ; after he knew his bank was insolvent, was sentenced to pay $1,109 and go to prison for a year The injunction against the Pennsylvania state eapitnl building commission was dissolved, and the architect and design may now b* selected Preliminary business meet ings of the first international conven tion of St. Andrew's brotherhood wer • hold at Buffalo Mrs. Lily LangtryV, horse Merman won the Czarowßz stakes at Newmarket at odds of 109 to 7. Keenan and St. Cloud 11. the Amer ican horse in the race, ran unplaced. Mrs. Langtry's winnings amount to $290,000 Cornelius N. Rliss. secretary of the interior, has sent a letter from Washington to Gen ral Tracy indors ing the lattor's candidacy for mayor of New York and declaring his allegiance to the party ticket A freight eleva tor at 32S West Forty-first street. New York, fell and seriously Injured two men The American steamer St. Paul made the run from New York to South ampton In 6 days 12 hours and 10 min utes. better than her best previous run The fifteenth conference of friends of the Indian opened at, Lake Mohonk Two women were drowned In the Neverslnk river, in Sullivan county, N. Y. Reports were received in London that an Abyssinian army of 3.000 men. under Ras Mackonnen, was annihilated by Somalls at the end of June, only GO men escaping to tell the news Brkitseh, the leader of the 200 brigands on trial for political crimes in Servia, testified that Deputy Tajsiteh sounded him about killing King Alexander The Swiss national council, by a vote of 96 to 5, has adopted a bill makir. accident Insurance compulsory In the case of all 'persons not having inde pendent means of existence. Friday, Oct. 15. Associate Justice Stephen J. Fle d announced that he would retire from the United States supreme court on Dec. 1. John A. Kasson of lowa was appointed by President McKinley t > negotiate for reciprocity with foreign , nations Tito Crespo, a son of th ■ president of Venezuela, died In Par: 5 Four m-n were killed in .a collision on the Canadian Pacific railroad Thirty race horses belonging to the Marquis of Zetland were sold for 21 ' 7 guineas It is proposed to carve • • t of Alaska a new territory, to be c il"d Lincoln, with its capital. Weare. < n the Yukon river It is annoum ,-d that Governor Tanner of Illinois will call a special session of the legislature to pass the Republican apportionment l>ill Samuel Knders and Henry Conrad, who were sent to the Kings county peniten tiary from Westchester. N. Y., for lai ceny, made their escape —Frank L -1 rotto, aged 80 years, committed sui< ld • by plunging down an airshnft from b • fifth floor of a tenement at 29 Rooscv. it street, New York The officers of th First National bank of Walllngfe: J. Conn., have decided not to pr. -n • Willis A. Trask, who was arrosb d, at Halifax on the charge of embezz'onu :U from that institution The morchr.ir.s and manufacturers of France enter tained President Faure at a banqe : in Paris. The affair was to comm ic - , rate the executive's recent visit to itus ' sia and the memorable toast pi - nounced by the czar at Cronstadt. T!I. president in his address implored t'v French manufacturers and merchaos to take advantage of the industrial op portunities that had been op-nod o them through the dual league— -At a . cabinet meeting in Madrid it v. a- A'- 1 elded to pa I >lon all Cuban exiles vie. had not yet received their fre I-m General Weyler granted orr.nes'v <• tr more political prisoners - L ndon newspapers urged the British cabinet 1 to "give the coup de grace to all ru ' mors of any intention to tamper with the currency" A Hoi man friction 1 geared locomotive in a trial near Cape May ran a mile in 42 necunds. It was . said that a rate of 104 miles an hour was attained during a spurt. Saturday, Oc*. Ift. The British government intimat I L. Embassador Hay that It would take part in a sealing conference In V. h inglon In which Japan and Russia would no! participate- Lonl London derry publicly pronounced Jieph I Chamberlain's domination or the Con i servatlvo party in England intolerable I Henry (>o2don, a young mechanic ; in New York. 011 account of lack of | work, offers to soli himself as a slave for 8100 anu his board clothes j There are 1,500 prospectors in the new j Ruth or \ k mining district, in Wash- ! 1 ington- A negro woman in Mayfleld, ! Ky„ hold a white woman on a stove until she was fatally burned Social ids in Berlin have declared for the abo ! lition of the l<"/e majesty clause in the penal code- - Professor Darcy Thomp son. the sealing expert, w to leave Eng land for the United States at once Dr. Saranelll, in Montevideo, claims that serum from various animals is a I sure cure for yellow fever Gold has | been found near Janesville, Wis. Six mou won- slashed with razors in .a ne | gro fight at a Chicago dance Ada Kuh. a New Yvrk woman, tried to kill herself by using gas and cwbolic acid, but failed The German government is collecting statistics with a view to en tering into a reciprocity arrang ment with the United States General Az- J earraga, former premier of Spain, re iterates the: the Spanish ministry will receive the support of the Conservative majorities of the chambers The son of the Duke and Duchess of Marl bnrou.c h was christened in the Chapel lb yal in London, the Prince of Wales be lng ne of his sponsors The Mar quis of Water ford and Lady Beatrix Fit/v: ur><- were married in St. George's church, L< 1 ion—-The king ; of Slam and his suit arrived In Madrid The president made a number of important appointments in the consular j service There were fewer new cases i of yellow fever and only one death from it In New Orleans Princeton, ' Yale and Harvard won their football games, and games were played by I many other cullege teams The naval armor board started for the south to inspect sites proposed for a government factory——Missouri day was celebrated at Ihe Tennessee centennial exposition Ex-Mayor Abram S. Hewitt return ed from Europe and expressed the hpe 1 that Seth Low would be elected mayor. Mom'nv, Oct. 18. Charles A. Dana, the veteran editor . •of The :',un. died rt h' home, at Weet I |ls and. >1 •scri:-- near CI on Cove, N. Y., i j of cirrhosis of the liver. ,He was calm I I and conscious to the end and said good- 1 ; by to his wife and children, who were : at his bedside. He was ill five months, ' but it was not until three weeks ago j that his illness was pronounced mortal, ' and he gave up the personal direction i of his newspaper Algernon P. Pad- ' i dock, who represented Nebraska for I two terms In the United States senate, ! died at his home in Beatrice, Neb. Th" city of Windsor, N. S., was almost completely destroyed by fire, rendering j 3,000 people homeless. The loss is esti- I mated at $3.000.000 The coastwise steamer Triton, plying between Havana and other towns 011 the island of Cuba, was wrecked, and fully 150 persons were I drowned, most of whom were Spanish j soldiers The schooner Alfred A. was • wrecked off Marhk head, Mass., and two | • of the crew were drowned Informa- | tion was received in Troy, N. Y., of the death in Alaska of H. B. Tucker, for- j inerly of that place and a son of Henry ; O'R. Tucker, editor of the Troy Press. | Young Tucker died from exhaustion on the trail to Klondike The public pros- | ecu tor of the City of Mexico has de- ! manded that ten men be sentenced to j death for the killing .f Arrovo, the as- ! sailant of President Diaz A bullfight j was arranged in Madrid for the enter tainment of King Chulalongkorn I of [ Siam at the king's special request | Five deaths from yellow fever and 15 ! new casts were reported in New Or- 1 leans The Rev. A. B. Simpson of the ' Christian alliance collected $78,000 for ! foreign missions at thi> ■ meetings in the American theater, in New York. One man contributed his New Jersey j farm, another his private library and several women their jewelry Baron I Kontsky. who recently attempted sui- 1 i clde in New York, has been charged j i with theft by his roommate A color- ' ed boy Is suspected of murdering a | white boy at Williamsport, Pa An- ! thony 11. ;e arrived in Now York and j j will start <>n a lecture tour at once Thomas Taylor of Provincetown, Mass.. j accidentally killed his brother Hersey while out gunning. TuvHtluy, Oct. 19. Admiral John L. Worden. who com- . manded the Monitor in its fight with 1 the Merrlmac, died in Washington President McKinley appointed Frank C. j Partridge • nsul general at Tangier. ! Marocco Surgeon General Newton L. Bates of the 11; vy died in Washington. | ! He was President McKinley's family 1 physician The United States su ! preme court confirmed New York state's title t> many thousand acres of Adiron dack land taken under tax sales Frank M. Haines, 18 years old. has dis appeared from his home in Brooklyn, | and local tradesmen complain that he j passed worthless checks on them. Miss Ethel Cowell, whom Haines knew, is j also missing Secretary of State Palm er of New York state overruled the 1 objections of the Democratic state com- I 111 it tee to the petition of the United Democracy nominating a candidate for | j chief judge of the court of appeals, and the Democrats thereupon appealed from \ his decision to Justice D. Cady Herrick j ! of the supreme court, who reversed It J | ——William A. Collins of the Brooklyn | Bicycle club was arrested at the end of 1 i a century run. char re d with stealing a 1 bicycle Sir Edwin Arnold, most wide- I ly known as the author of "The Light j of Asia," was married in London, the bride being a native of Japan There are further reports from London to the effect that England will not make a fa vorable reply to the American mone tary commissioners Prominent Cu ban merchants and planters are said to be arranging a movement to secure an i nexation to the United States, bellev- ! I lng that no scheme of autonomy will be satisfactory— Colonel Peter C. Halns was appointed engineer commissioner of the Nicaragua canal commission The V< .rallies find.) lynching has been investigated, and it is said 'that the governor will proceed against the lead ers of the mob A San Francisco man swam across the Golden Gate, this be ing the first time the feat was ever ac complished The schooner, Lodowick Bill of Damariscotta, Me., went ashore pear Provincetown. Mas l ., and was a 1 total lows- The United States war j vessel Detroit war. ordeied to the gulf 1 coast of Guatemala to protect Ameri- [ cans from revolutionists —The city of Kuans Yang, In southern China, was sacked by rebels and thousands of in- | habitants muv.acru! John Carroll, a I Connecticut man. picked up his arm. j cut off by a train, carried it to the ala- J tion and calmly asked for u drink. A EatlMfnctioa. ! "So .ye wor foined five dollars fur as- Baultin' Clunty," remarked Mr. fiaf j ferty. I "Oi wor." replied Mr. Dolan; "an' it worn proud moment whin Oi heard the j sintinee." ; "Fur what raysou?" j "It showed beyond a doubt which | men had the best iv the contist." — Washington Star. A Logical ConclUHlon, i Teacher—John, of what ure your ! shoes made? ' Boy—Of leather, sir. Teacher—Where does leather come ' ; from? Boy—From the hide of the ox. : Teachei—What animal, then, sup ! plies you with shoes and gives you ! meat to eat? J Boy—My father.—Tit-Bits. llclliliiV 111111 Oat. "I have no power to tell you of My love," the young man said: "My tongue will not utter. And my speech will not be led." Thpn she who saw him at her feet. The best catch In the town. Remarked, as If to help him out: "You'd better write It down." —Philadelphia Bulletin. 811 C MIGHT HAVE OBJECTED. | "Are yon the head of the house?" "Sh-h-h! Don't speak so loud! I um!"—N. Y. Journal. For Girl*. Pick husbands out like cantaloupes. With care your choice decide; It Is not wise to take the ones Which are too smooth outside. —Chicago Record. A Coustuiit Reminder. "Vv'hen you ore absorbed in your business cares in the city to-day, Her bert, you will forget your little wife entirely." "No, darling, that-steak you cooked i for me with your own sweet hands this | morning for breakfast will keep you j in my memory every minute of the I day."—Tit-Bits. A ucstlonnlle Pedigree. Newrieh—l'm going to plant a lot of ; shade-trees around my house. What j sort is the best, do you think? Buusomr—The shadiest kind of n tree I ever saw was that family tree of yours that you showed me the other da}'. — Up-to-Date. An Appropriate Melody. Little Elsie—Mamma, what tune do the bees limn? , Mamma—What tune do they hum? Little Elsie—Yes, mamma. It ought to be "Jlome, Sweet Home," they have so much honey in their hives.—N. Y. World. GoMKipN W ill Cliatter. Murmaduke—l'd propose to her if I wasn't so rich. Marmalade —And are riches au objec- ! tion? Mnrinaduke—Oh. yes; people would I say I married her for love.—Philadel- ! j pliia North American. The Ilrnult. j "When an irresistible force meets an immovable object—" began the philos ] ojfher. The frivolous one Interrupted. "They nearly always marry," he said.—N. Y. I Truth. '. >t \\ eniher i "Bigamy seems to be a summer dis ease." "Yes; men get out of their heads in hct weather and think tliey can man age two women at once."—Chicago Rec ord. Gastronomic Item. "Did you eat that piece of home made cake 1 sent with your lunch?" asked Mrs. Newly wed. i "No, my dear; it is on my desk. It makes such n splendid paper weight." | —Tammany Times. Might He Worse. Mrs. Cobwigger—Oh, what do you think? A thief got into the refriger ator and stole the leg of lamb. Cobwigger—l'sliaw! From the way you went on I thought lie had stolen the piece of ice! —Judge. A Pertinent Qneatlon. Mrs. Gray—l have implicit faith in my husband. I've never seen him try to flirt with anyone. Mrs. Burbeck—Well, doesn't he ever go anywhere unless you are along?— Cleveland Lender. The True Menure. "The true measure of success," be gan the grocer, oracularly, "is not the plaudits of the vulgar crowd." "What is it, then?" asked the sar castic loafer; "13 ounces to the pound?" lndianapolis Journal. Truth h Mighty. Cholly—What do you suppose I said when she called me a fool? She—Said? What could you say?— Town Topics. The Uucxtlon Annwereil. Pruyn—When is a woman angelic? Miss Waite—Just before she marries j and for uti indeterminate period uftei she's dead.—N. Y. Truth. Rural OfTcrlujj*. I "Papa, what is n lire sale?" | "It's where people burn up their money."—Chicago Journal. LATE NEW INVENTIONS. For church and grave decoration, a hollow sectional cross is used- as a flower holder, the interior being di vidediuto a number of water-tight com partments, with orifices to support the stems of the. flowers in the water, thus keeping them fresh. A new tool ease for cycles consists of a rectangular box to be strapped down on the frame of the bicycle, with both ! sides hinged at the bottom* to drop down and bring the tools in view, each of which slides into a rubber sheath to ! prevent it from rattling. A handy hose holder for sprinkling lawns lias a pointed rod to be pushed • into the ground and support a revolv j ing metal disk which has loops through which the hose nozzle is passed and held by means of thnimb screws which tighten the loops. A Massachusetts mam has invented a tumbler brush and chimney washer, which will fit any size glass, the bristles ; being set in opposite sides of a double pivoted stem, which lias handles to open the brushes outward until they ! strike the gloss. To give an alarm in case of a Are tiwo ! convex corrugated metal plates are set : | in sockets with their edges together j and carrying contact points which are brought together by the expansion of the plates by the heat of a fire to com plete an electric circuit. Fogs on the ocean or navigable j streams may be dispersed for some dis tance ahead of a vessel by means of a new invention, consisting of an* arched j distributing pipe with jet tubes set ! in one side to discharge water or other j liquid in. spray against the fog. THE FUNNY MEN. "My lord," said the foreman of an Irish jury, when giflng in his verdict, "we find the man who stole the mare not guilty."—Tit-Bits. A Natural Question. Sapsmith— "Scientists say that a man's mind is a blank when he is asleep." Grimshaw— "Then how do you know when you are awake, Sappy?"— Judge. Excited \\ ife—"Oh, professor, the cook has fallen and broken her collar bone." Professor—"Discharge her at once. You told her what to expect if she broke anything more."—Tit-Bits. Hicks—"l suppose that it is a bargain between Dick and Miss Parker. They 1 seem made for each other." Wicks— 1 "Y'es; as soon as they met, he made for her and she made for him."—Boston Transcript. The Criterion of Success.—Garrett— "Has New light acquired an assured j | position in literature yet?" Sellers— i ; "You Toet he has. Why, he makes no ! j secret of the names of publishers who I once declined to accept his ma-nu j scripts."—Detroit Free Press. 1 "Gentlemen," wrote the editor of the i Boomville Terror, "the Klondike fever I has hit this community bard. Please I send me at once, by express, four pounds of cap Ks and the same amount of lower-case ks. Can't get this week's paper out till the}' come."—Chicago Tribune. MODES AND MATERIALS. Washing silk for shirt waists is an economical' material, as it can be worn late into the fall. Tea gowns are made of soft, clinging, woolen fabrics, richly trimmed with lace and ribbon. Dark flannel shirts are best for heavy wheeling, and also healthier when one j is heated. ' Scotch plaids are imitated with rib ; bons of different colors and widths | sewed, according to the pattern of the ' plaid, directly on the dTess or jacket. Block and w.h.ite shepherd's plaid, very light and fine, is-a favorite ma terial for bicycle costumes. Another popular stuff is mauve-colored elotli decorated with fancy braids. To those who travel In* September, the dust cloak is a very necesear} article. The newest are made cf fine coating, soft shades of alpaca, or of mixed silk and cotton goods. They should l>e ' lined very lightly, if at all. There is a threatened revival of early Victorian fashions—doubtless a result of the English queen's jubilee but the styles are trying to ail but the very beautiful; and j>oke bonnets, wolf-like coiffures and other monstrosities will scarcely become the rage.— Housewife. POPULAR SCIENCE. A strong microscope shows the single hairs of the head to be like coarse, round rasps. Taut with teeth extremely irregu lar and jagged. The oyster is one of the strongest creatures on earth. The force required to open an oyster is more than 900 times its weight. Experiments have proved that if fish get beyond a certain depth in the sea they die from the pressure of the water, which they are unable to support. The. sole of the English coast when placed over a gravelly bottom, will at once assume that shade to a remark able degree. Placed in a white bowl it becomes almost as white as the dish. Beamur says that each thread of what we call a "spider's web" is composed of about 5,000 separate fibers, and that it would take 127,048 full-grown spiders a year to spin a pound of such silk. The drill of the woodpecker has an other tool inside, a sort of insect catch er. On the end is a bony thorn with sharp teeth like barbs on n fish hook. As he works and finds tin insect he opens the drill and sends out this barbed tongue and draws it into his mouth. HOME HOMELIES. Nearly every woman knows a man who is the slowest mortal on earth. tA man is hopelessly dull when he doesn't know when he is being made fun of. •Most people should rejoice that, they don't get what they deserve instead of complaining. AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD "CASTORTA" AND "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADE' MARK. I, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the same that has borne and docs now , — m e " en J bear the facsimile signature of wrapper. This is the original " PITCHER'S CASTORIA," which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bought —— on the and has the signature of wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name ex cept Th'e Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President. /> . March 8,1897. Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he does not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You, GREAT BARGAINS IN Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions. I Notions, Carpet, Boots and Shoes, Flour and Feed, Tobacco, Cigars, 7Yn and Queensware, Wwrf and W ; tdotewv/r, Table and Floor Oil Cloth, A'te. A celebrated brand of XX Hour always in stock. Roll Butter and Eggs a Specialty. My motto is small profits and quick sales. I always have fresh goods and am turning my stook every mouth. Every article is guaranteed. AMANDUS OSWALD, H. W. Car. Centre ami PWntSle,, Freeland. P. F. McNULTY, Funeral Director and Embahner. Prepared to Attend Calls Day or Night. South Centre street, Freoland. VIENNfITBfIKEBY. J. B. LAUBACH, Prop. Centre Btreet, Frceland. CHOICE It RE AO OF AI.L KINDS CAKES, AND PASTKY, DAILY. FANCY AND NOVELTY CAKEA BAKED TO ORDER. Confectionery 0 Ice Cream supplied to balls, parties or picnics, with all necessary adjuncts, at shortest notice aud fairest prices. I Delivery and supply wagons to all parts o] 1 town and surroundings every day. Are You a Roman Catholic Then you should enjoy reading the literary productions of the best talent In tbo Cat ho lio priesthood and laity (and you know what they CAN do), aa they appear weekly lu The Catholic Standard and Times OF PHILADELPHIA, The ablest and most vigorous defender of Catholicism. All tlie news—strong edito rials—a children's department, which is ele vating and educational. Prizes oll'cred j monthly to the little ones. Only $3.00 per year. The( Grandest Premium ever issued bv any paper given to subscribers for 18117. Send for sample copies and premium circular. The Catholic Standard and Times Pub'g Co 608-SOS Chestnut St. Phlln. FRANCIS BRENNAN, RESTAURANT 151 Centre street, Frceland. FINEST LIQUOR, DEER, PORTER, ALE. CIGARS AND TEM PERANCE DRINKS. Rest Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. UEO P* in time. Sold by druggists. m Wheels, f | Quality JoolJ STYLES: i j | Ladies', Gentlemen's & Tandem. | ; The Lightest Running Wheels on Eartli. r j THE ELDREDGE j I ....AND.... THE BELVIDERE. p i # 1 Woalways Made Good Sowing Machines! R i Why Shouldn't we Make Good Wheels! Li' [ j n £ National Sewing Machine Co., fe y. New York. Belvidere, Ills. W poweß!^: • The Victor Vapor Engine •manufactured by Thus. Kane A* Co., Chicago. I Steady speed, easy to start, always r - 1 liable, absolutely safe, all parts intei i changeable, adapted for any class of : work requiring power. J. D. MYERS, Agt, FREELAND, PA. j Call or send for catalogues and prices. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain, free, whether nn invention is i probably patentable. Communications strictly | confidential. Oldest agency for securing patents in America. We have a Washington office. Patents taken through Munu & Co. receive , special notice iu the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully Illustrated, largest circulation of any scientific Journal, weekly,termss3.oo a year; f 1.50 six months. Specimen copies and 11A.NI> BOOK ON PATENTS scut tree. Address MUNN A CO., 3 tit Broadway, New York. # ent business conducted for MODERATE FEES. i JOUR OFFICE IS OPPOSITE U. S. PATENT OFFICE' 5 and we am secure patent in less time thau those 1 5 remote frcm *> ashington. 5 t Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip- * stion. Wc advise, if patentable or not, free of i 5 charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. $ 5 A PAMPHLET, "How to Obtain Patents,with # J cost of same in the U. S, and foreign countries it free. Address, $ 2.A.SNOW&CO.; Opp. PATENT OTPICE, WASHINGTON, D. C.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers