POWDER Absolutely Puce Celebrated for its vrreat Iriiyeniiig strength and heulthfiihu s.-. \•:im - tin food against alum and all l'unusof adul teration common to the cheap brands. ROYAL lIAKINQ POWDKII to., M.W YoltK. FREELAND TRIBUNE. Established 13=:. PUBLISHED EYEHV MONDAY AND THURSDAY BY THE TRIBUNE PRINTING COMPANY, Limited. OFFICE: MAIN STREET ABOVE CENTRE. Make all money orders, checks, etc., payable to the Tribune Printing Company, Limited. Sl T BSC KIPTI ON i: AT ES: One Year $1.50 Six Months 75 Four Months .. .51' Two Months 36 j The date which the subscription is paid to is ! on the address label of each paper, the change of which to a subsequent date becomes a receipt for remittance. For instance: Grover Cleveland 38Jun097 means that Groverispaid up to June .38,181)7* Keep the figures in advance of the present date. Report promptly to thisollice whenever paper is not received. Arrearages must be paid when subscription is discontinued. FREELAND, FEBRUARY J5. 1807. Tomorrow's Hat tic. Eimtou Trihi/nk. Taxpayers have given the subject of tomorrow's election no little thought. Tomorrow they will give their decision. Despite party pa pers' dwiddle-dwaddlo. which with the honest voter counts for nought, despite the extra gush and extra copies of the Press sent out and distributed by loaders of "the ring." whose doom is sealed, they cannot change results materially. It looks as though Republicans will sup port the following candidates: For bur gess. James Lewis, who should re ceive their whole support. For town council, Thus. E. Davis and W. J. Eek ert are favorably mentioned. For jus tice of the peace, citizens feel that Thomas A. Buckley should bo re-elected, being the fittest candidate. For tax collector. A. A. Bachman. whom the "Citizens" should have endorsed, will be strongly supported by the Republicans. For school directors, Republicans believe that William Johnson, Benjamin Ruto and James Crawford are by far their choice. William E. Martin, for auditor, will receive tlieir support, being a cap able and proper man in every respect for the position. This is a conservative view and one shared by a large portion of the better class of Republicans, and with no ill-will toward any other candidates, tin- needs of our borough only being kept in view. The result will show how the "voters look to their best in ton A Life-Long but Progressive I 'publican. A. Oswald has just returned from Philadelphia with a full new !inefdi'\ goods and notions. You will do well b\ giving him a call DRIFTON ITEMS. The politicians of Mazle haw paid great attention to the voter-, here in this campaign. There is a lot of talk about complimentary voting and cutting, but all that one hoars is not ahvavs true. The employe*, of the Cross Creek Coal ; Company received their pay on Satur day and the employ o* of the 1). S. A S. will receive their pay tomorrow. J.. C. Smith, who had the iul> fortune, to get injured some time ago l>v being struck with an ice long, is getting along nicely The collieries are idie today. The balance of the week will be worked steadily. Mrs. Feldtnan. of Wilkcsbarrc. spent a few days here with friends last week. The Wear W T.celebrated One-Piece Shoe is a great Nothing is sold | in this town like it for -v. For railroad work and shop,wear ii is unequalled. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Soinc Comical Balls. A very ult < nt-minded Lormnn pro fessor named Johannes Anier. lately died at Vienna, mul the following are n few of his re marl able bulls: "Julius Cae.sur, disguised as a slave, Swam naked across 11. • Tiber." "Covered with innumerable vonnds. Caesar fell d< ;id near PompcyV statue; with one hand he c 'cred his face with his toga, with the other he called for help." Woe on the Wheel. .There was a " ror< hb"- r ' ;:!H, who eame down an nxvful purl, And scarified her no: < , and scarred her forehead. She thought, when first she rode, biking very, very pood, But now she const b-rs It horrid ' ; —Punch. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. SPECIMEN BALLOT! { A STRAIGHT DEMOCRATIC First District, Freeland Borough. ) TICKET. For a Straight Ticket For a Straight Ticket For a Straight Ticket THE VOTER MAY INSERT IN TIIK OJf f COLUMN BELOW, THE NAME OF I X I I 1 AN V PERSON WHOSE NAM KIS NOT | J PRINTED ON IHE BAI.LOT FOB Mark Within the Circle. Mark Within the Circle. Mark Within the Circle. WHOM IIE DESIRES TO VOTE. Republican. Democratic. Citizens' Party. I inu to vote for candidates other tluin those J whose names appeur printed on this ballet. Poor Director. Poor Director. Poor Director " ,U i BISTUUT COi 'iS:r DISTRICT. MI DPI.K COAT. FlKI.n POOR DISTRICT. j James McC'ictuiv. | Edward J. O'Donnell. Poor Auditor. Poor Auditor. Poor Auditor* UIDDI.I. ft. AI. I'IKI.O Pool! DISTRICT. MIDDI.I: COAL FIKI.D I'OOB DISTRICT. , WI nUU,WI * [Murk One] [Mark One} MIDDLB. [1 uscrt Orl 'h Chief Burgess. Chief Burgess. Chief Burgess. Chief Bureess - "■•] IMark 0,,,-r |ln°t",!,.p Stephen Drasher. ' James >l. (iallagher. | James Lewis. Town Council. Town Council. Town Council. Town Council j.Mnrk <>m-| I————[Murk One] [lnsertOne] | | I'. 11. Ilanlon. Thomas E. Davis. Justice of the Peace. Justice of the Peace. Justice of the Peace. Justice of the Peace. IMark __ [Murk One] [lnsert One] ! Thomas Elliott. j Thomas A. Buckley. G. N. Vauaukor. i Judge of Election. Judge of Election. Judge of Election. Judge of Election. i-Mark One: [Mark One] [Mark One] |lnsert One] i John M. l'owell. | Solomon Kresge. John M. Powell. Inspector of Election. Inspector of Election. Inspector of Election, inspector of Election. I [M'irk tin • i j I Mark Duo] [Murk One] [lnsert Our] Charles Knlp. j James Ilerrou. j Oscar Mcslmer. Tax Collector. Tax Collector. Tax Collector. Tax Collector. 1 1 "'"'l ] [Murk One] [Murk One] [lnsert One] Thomas J. Lewis. | |A. A. llaehnian. J. c. Ucrner. Assistant Assessor. Assistant Assessor. Assistant Assessor. Assistant Assessor. [.Mark QneJ I [Mark One] I [Mark One] [lnsert One] \\ ili ßam Moses. j I 11. (i. Deppu. | J August Kellar. j School Directors. j School Directors. j School Directors. School Directors. ["'irk TV.,] I __ 1 [Mark Two] I Insert. Two] William Fletcher. William Johnson. | j William Johnson. Ih I' Itllte. J " on j' Bute. Auditor. Auditor. Auditor. Auditor. j [Murk One] j I [Mark One] [lnsert One] William E. .Martin. j j ' Comly Fiirev. jj j James llohlln. ' 11 MINISTER'S PROTEST! Editor Tribune.—To the good law-abiding citi zens of Freeland. Hearing of the nomination of Stephen Drasher for burgess on the Republican ticket, as a law-abiding citizen I hereby most re spectfully urge and request my friends and the good people of Freeland at large to defeat Mr. Drasher, the man who has been openly violating the laws of this commonwealth, and elect a law abiding citizen, irrespective of party. Rev. C. A. Spalding. Hazleton, Pa., February 13, 1897. . brmrrrff tt imiiiiii iirniinii iiiiin HI I WW . 1 SEE I f| that THE A\'Cgclablcl'reparationforAs- $j SIGNATURE slmilatinglhcroodandßeguta- Ef ting the Stomachs and Dowels of E OF PromotesDigestion,Chcciful- fflCi ness and Rest.Contains neither ly Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. 1$ to o"NT fTTV Mot Nahcotic. Kj i " n '- Ci ItovKofOIdErS.WUn.PITCEKa 8 WRAPPER I\unpJcui SrtJ," dlx.Scfina * ] H ±tfsVh"r ( ] or EVERY Jirpprrrmnt . > Jh Cu/fiariaA Soda, * I flg J 1 BOTTLE OF 1 hfavyrccs: Flamr. J lac Simile Signature of 8 P ——— MEW YORK. MB Oaetoria is put up la one-slzo bottles only. It fl Diotao- - EXACT copy OF WRAPPER. 9j tiails /W to ° RAILROAD TIMETABLES " I 'HE DEIJAWA UK, SUSQUEHANNA ANL JL SCHJJYLKILL RAILROAD. 'J'imo table in effect December 15, Trains leave Drifton for Jeddo, Eckley, Huzle i Brook. Stockton, Beaver Meadow Road, Roan and Hazleton .1 unction at 5 30, 6OUa m, 4 15 p m, daily except .Sunday; and 7U3u m, 33b pm, Sunday. Trains leave Drifton for liar wood. Cranberry, Tomliiokeu and Dcringcr at 5 :J0 a m, p ni, daily except Sunday; and . 03 a in, 238 p m, Sun day. Trains leave Drifton for Oneida Junction, liarwood Hoad, Humboldt Hoad, Oneida and Sheppton attt 00 u in, 1 15 p m, duilj'except Sun day; and ; 00 a in, 2 38 p in, Sunday. Trains leave lla/.leton Junction for liarwood, ranberry, Tomhieken and Doringer at 635 a ; m, duily except Sunday; and b 55 u m, 4 22 p m, ] Sunduy. Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Oneida ! Junction, Hurwood ltoad, linmboldt Hoad, j Oneida mid Sheppton at i 29, 11 10 a m, 4 40 p in, 1 daily except Sunday; and 7 07 a m, 30b p m, Sunday. Tr: ins leave Derlnger for Tomhieken, Cran berry, liarwood, Ha/.leton Junction, Uoun, Denver Meadow Koad. Stockton, Huzle Hrook,. Kckloy, Jciido and Drilton at 2 25, 540 p in, 1 daily except Sunday; and 9 07 a m, 5 07 p m. ! Sunday. Trams leave Sheppton for Oneida, Humboldt Hoad, llm-wood Hoad, Oneida Junction, Jiazle- i to.i Junction aid Kohii at 7 11 am, 12 40, 5 25 p m, daily except Sunday; and buu a in, 0 44 p in, Sunday. Trains leave Sheppton for Hearer Meadow i Koud, Stockton, Huzle Hrook, Eckley, Jeddo ! utid Di ilton at 5 25 p m, dully, except Sunday; and b 09 a in, 041 p in, Sunday. Trains leuve Hazleton Junction for Beaver Meadow lb Mid, Stockton, Huzle Brook, Eckley, Jeddo und Drifton at 009, 547, 026 p iu, duity, except Sunday; and iOOs a in. 50b p in. Sunday. All trains connect ut Ilazletou Junction with electric cars for Hazleton, Jcunesvillo, Auden- I ricd and otlier points on the Traction Com- j pauy'n line. Trains leaving Drll'ton ut 600 a m, Hazleton : Junction at 0 29 u in, and Sheppton at 7 11 a in, 1 connect ut Oneida Junction with Lehigh Valley truiiit- east and west. Train leaving Drilton at 530 a m makes con nection at Deriugcr with I*. H. It. train lor | Wilkesbarre, Sunbury, liurrisburg and point.- , west. Fr I lie accommodation of passengers at way stations bet ween lluzleton Junction and Der iugcr, an extra train will leave the former point at 3 50 p m, daily, except Sunday, urriv lug at Deringer at 5 00 p in. LUTIIEH C. SMITH, Superintendent. I LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. November lb, 1890. ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. LEAVE PUEKLAND. 6 05, 8 45. 930 a rn, i U, 325, 4 30 p in, for Miiueh Chunk. Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton. Phila delphia and New Vork. 6 05. b 45. 9; 0 a in, 1 40, 2 31, 3 25, 4 30, 6 15, 057 p tn, lor Drifton, Jeddo, Foundry, llazle Hrook ! and Lumber Yard. 'ls pui for Huzle (.'reek Junction, 6 57 p ni for Munch Chunk, Allentown, Beth lehem and Easton. 936 a in, 2 31, 416, 657 p m, for Delano, Ma hunoy City, Shenandoah, Ashland, Mt. carmel, Shainokin ami, Pottsville. 936 a m, 2 34, 4 36, 657 p m, for Stockton and Hazleton. 7 2b, 10 51, 11 5i a in, 520 p in, for Sandy Hun, While Haven, Wilkes banc, Pittston, Scranton and the west. SUNDAY TRAINS. 1050 ntn and 13b pm for Jeddo, Foundry, ■ Huzle Hrook and Lumber Yard. 8 3b, 10 50 a m for Sandy Hun, White Haven ! and Wilkcshurru. 1 3b p m for Hazleton, Mauch Chunk. Allen- ! town, Bethlehem, Easton, 1 hiiudelphia and • New York. 10 50 u in for Hazleton, Delano, Mahanoy City, Shenandoah, Mt. Carmel, Shuuiokiu and Pottsville. ARRIVE AT FREELAND. 5 50. 7 2b, 9 20, 10 51, 11 54 a in, 13 58, 2 20, 5 20, 6 06. 708 p ni. from Lumber Yard, Foundry, Jeddo and Drifton. 7 2b, 9 20, 10 51, 11 54 a in, 12 58, 2 20, 520 p in, from Stockton and Hazleton. 7 2b, 9 30, 10 51 a in, 2 20. 5 20 p in, from Delano, Mahuuoy City, Shenandoah, Ashland, Mt. Cur- 1 mcl, Hhumokin and Pottsville. 9 20, 10 51 U m, 12 58, 6 06, p m , from Phlla- ! dolphin. New York, Bethlehem, Allentown, 1 and Mauch Chunk. 7 05 p m from Weatherly only. 936 uin, 2 34, 328 657 pm, lrom Scranton, Wilkosbarre und White Huven. SUNDAY TRAINS. 8 3b, 10 50 am and 12 55 pm, from Hazleton. Stockton. Lumber Yard, Huzle Brook, I tin dry, Jeddo and Dtlfton. 10 50am, 12 55 pm, from Philadelphia, New York. Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, and Weatherly. 10 50 a m. from Pottsville, Shainokin, Mt. < armel Ashland, Shenandoah, Mahanoy City und Delano. 1050 a in, from Wllkesburre, White Haven j and Sandy Hun. For further information inquire of Ticket Agents. CIIAS. S. LEE, Gen'l Pass. Agent, * Phiia., Pa. > ROLLIN 11. WILBUK, Gen. Supt. East. Div. < A. W. NONNFMACHEH, ASS'tG. P. A., South Detblclicm. Pa. U6o* Do not he deceived by nltnring advertisement!" nnd think you can get tho best mode, finest finish aud MOST POPULAR SEWING MACHINE for a mere song. Buy from reliable manufacturers that have pained ft reputation bv honest and square dealing. There is none in the world thnt can equal In mechanical construction, durability of working parte,fineness of finish, beauty In appearance, or ban us many improvements as tbo NEW HOME. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. The New Homo Sewing Machine Co. OBAKOK, MASS. BOSTON, MASH. 28UNIONSQUANE.N.Y: CIUCAOO, lix. ST, LOWS, MO. D AIXAS. T EXAJ. SAN FBANCISCO, CAI.. ATLANTA,GA. FOR SALE BY D. S. Ewing, gemtral agent, 1127 Chestnut street, Phila., Pa. State Koiial Sell East Slroudsburg, Pa. A Famous School IN a Famous Location. Among the mountains of the noted resort, Ihe Delaware Water Cap. A school of three or four hundred pupils, with no over-crowded classes, Inn where teachers can become ac quainted with their pupils and help thcui indi vidually in their work. Modern improvement. A line new gymna sium, in charge of expert trainers. We teach Hewing, Dressmaking, Clay Model ing, Freehand ami Mechanical Drawing with out extra charge. Write to us ut once for our catalogue and other information. on gain more in u small school than in the overcrowded scluuAs. Address GEO. P. BIBLE, Principal. | Caveats, and Trade-M ark§ obtained, and all Pat-1 Sent business conducted for MODERATE FEES. # I Oun OFFICE IS OPPOSITE U.S. PATENT orricc # i and we can secure puteat in less lime than those 5 £ remote from Washington. + f Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip- # stion. Wo advise, if patentable or not, free of£ t charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. £ I A PAMPHLET, ''How to Obtain Patents,'' with# sco3t of same in the U. S. and loreigu countries £ #aent free. Address, $ A.SNOW&COJ OPP. PATENT OFFICE. WASHINGTON, D. BICYCLES! BUGGIES^ High-Grade, sold direct, to oners at wholesale. Wo will nave you from $lO to SSO. Everything in Rieyctotuid Vehicle line. (Jatlog free, Beauti ful eubetanoial Hicycloa at hulf price, guaranteed 1 your. No advance money required. We send by express and allow u full examination, if not, right return at our expense. Now isn't that fair? Write us. Brewster Vehicle Co., Holly, Mich. B I CYCLISTS I Encyclopedia, how to care for und repair Tires, ( hams, Hearings, etc. 150 valuable pointers for riders, Price 25c; sainplo by mail 10c. It Delhi on eight. Agt. wanted. J. A. Slocum, Holly, Mich a 'lav* Agta. wanted. 10 fnsteellef* Big money for Agts. Catalog FREE E. E. Brewster, Holly, Mich. WANTED-AN thing to patent? Protect your ideas ; they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDER BUHN & CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington. D. C.. for thoir SI,BOO prize offer.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers