Highest of all in Leavening Strength.—Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE FREELAND TRIBUNE. Es-.atlishod 1833. PUBLISHED EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY IIY THE TRIBUNE PRINTING COMPANY, Limited. OFFICE: MAIN STREET ABOVE CENTRE. Make all money orders, checks, etc., payable tv the Tribune Printlnu Company, Limited. SUBSCIUPTION KATES: One Year $1.50 Six Months 75 Pour Months .60 Two Months 35 The date which the subscription is paid to is on the address label of each paper, the change of which to a subsequent date becomes a receipt for remittance. For instance: Grover Cleveland 28June97 means that Grover is puid up to June 38,1807 Keep the tlgures in advance of the present date. Report promptly to this office whenevei paper is not received. Arrearages must bt paid when subscription is discontinued. FREE LAND, PA., JANUARY 38, 1897. A most unlucky farmer lives, in north ern Wisconsin. A neighbor set a num ber of xvolf traps around his farm, and while tlie farmer in question was hunt ing rabbits, after the first snowfall of the season, he tripped and fell directly on one of the traps. He put out his hand as he fell, and it was caught in the powerful trap. The place was in a val ley, nearly half a mile from any house, and after vain efforts to make himself heard and unsuccessful attempts to raise the spring he fired his shotgun until every loud was exhausted. Tills brought help, but before the neighbors arrived he had fainted from the pain. When released lie declared tliut he v.ould never set a trap for any animal so 1 long as he lived. There is a man living north of Tower, ! Minn., who is said to employ the lu ll ans of that, region to kill partridges. He is known thereabouts as "the Par tridge Ring," .since he takes contracts to supply partridges by the thousand. Two contracts for 10,000 and another for 8,000 birds were made and fulfilled recently, Minnesota has a nonexport law, and how the birds ore disposed of is a question sportsmen have asked the state game protector to look up. It is believed t hat the birds go to Chicago. AMcKinley man in Cleveland wagered with a Bryan man SIOO to a, cent that Now York would give over 150,000 plu rality for the republican candidate. A condition of this apparently great odds was that if the McKinlcy man won he should receive an additional cent for every vote in the plurality above lf>(),- 000. McK in ley's plurality in New York v. as over SCO,OOO. The man who had of fered the odds of SIOO to a cent there fore w ins by the terms of lils wager $l,lOO. A recent decision in Pennsylvania is .quoted on the follow ing circumstances* ,A passenger standing on the platform of a street car was requested by the con ductor to go inside, there being seats vacant at the time, but he refused to do so on the ground that he was not going far enough to make it worth while, and the car was stopped and he was ejected. Held, that the rule was a reasonable one and the ejected passenger had no ground for action. Many Berrien county (Mich.) farmers say they have so much corn they hard ily know what to do with it, their cribs being full to overflowing, and the husk ing still going on. The grain is dry and in admirable condition to crib, and the ears are notably large and perfect. It ps generally conceded to be the largest and most perfect corn crop ever grown in Berrien county since its settlement. Oddities and singularities of behavior jmay attend genius. When they do they are its misfortunes and its blemishes. '1 he man of true genius w ill he ashamed tof them; at least, he will never affect :to distinguish himself by whimsical pe culiarities. A woman at the Brooklyn meet in or of jtliio Brooklyn Health Culture club said: rTliis crusade for short skirts is only a fad. It won't bust, for women haven't jrnougli courage to follow any style but it he prevailing one." She is undoubted jy right. There ia much truth in the assertion that the young man who is anxious "to lay the world at the feet of the girl lie adores, three months after he mar ries her isn't willing even to lay the carpet. J Milk tickets have been denounced as 'carriers of diphtheria by the health of ficer of South Bend, Tnd., where a num ber of cases of the disease were traced ( 1o a patient in the milk peil£Jrr*B fam ily. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. WASHINGTON: LETTER. Washington. January 35, 1897. Senator Morgan has not at any time been over friendly towards the arbitra tion treaty, and since the Nicaragua canal bill, of which he was an ardent supporter, was given its death-blow by the notice from the minister of the Greater Republic of Central America that Nicaragua, which is a part of that republic, would not allow the concession granted to the canal company to be con trolled by the United States, as proposed in the bill, but would be willing to open legotiations on the subject with this government direct, he seems disposed to sven up tilings with England by trying o defeat the arbitration treaty. Sena tor Morgan says that England is merely making a eatspaw out of those little Central American governments, and that one of its reasons for wanting that en forced is to get a hand in the control of he Nicaragua canal. This it would do. if the arbitration treaty were in orco, by getting up a dispute with us vor the canal and then referring it to irbitration, with the certainty that King Oscar, of Sweden, would name an umpire who woi Id decide in England's favor. Senator Morgan is lighting mud about it. and it isn't going to help the arbitration treaty any. Senator Gray, of Delaware, will this week present the credentials of Mr. Kenney, who was last week elected senator by the legislature, and whose credentials are properly certified by the rovernor of that state. A hard light is going to be made by the Republicans to keep Mr. Kenney out of his seat. In asmuch as Mr. Kenney, who is a Silver Democrat, will receive the support of all the Silver senators, it is expected that the Republicans will devote their efforts to trying to stave off a vote until after the fourth of March, when they will be stronger in the senate. It is said that "Little Billco" Chandler's scheme of re opening the Dupont application will be "abandoned because of the refusal of some of the Republican senators to sup port it, and that instead the claim of the gas millionaire, Addicks, which has already been presented to the senate by Chandler, will be urged against that of Senator-elect Kenney. Addicks has got plenty of money and if there are any | votes in the senate that can be bought J he is willing to spend it. Miss Maud Stalnakcr, a young lady of Washington, I). C'., was recently an ftp-j | plicant for a position under the civil ser i vice rules, and passed probably the most difficult examination that has over been prepared by the civil service couitnis- I sion. She was the only one who was J able to pass the examination, but the j war department refuses to appoint her to the vacant clerkship oil the ground j that she is a woman. The examination | required translation into English of technical military works in French, German. Spanish and Italian; typewrit ing in all of these languages, and ability to do proof-reading and prepare lnanu- I script for the press; a knowledge of i modern library methods, cataloguing, 1 indexing and of the English language and literary composition. The salary of the position demanding all these re j quirements is $1,500 a year. Senator Turpie called up the Cameron Cuban resolution and made a spirited 1 speech thereon, in which he made it j plain that while he was just as strongly J in favor of the independence of Cuba as ! over, lie was even more strongly in favor ( of action which would declare the sen i ate to be independent of executive au . j thorlty. Representative Grosvenor, of Ohio, I lias alarmed those who are interested in | his welfare by stating on the floor of the house that he was not McKinlcy's rep j rescntativo and could not speak for him. As modesty has never been a part of ; Grosvcnor's make-up, it is feared that | his mental faculties are getting disor dered. S. STATE OF Onio, CITY OP TOLEDO, ) LUCAS COUNTY, F 88, FRANK J. CIIRNEY makes oath that he is the senior partner of the lirrn of F. J. CHENEY A Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State afore sid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of CATARRH that cannot be cured by the use of HAI.L'S CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in , my presence, this Gth day of December, I A. D. 1880, A. W. GLEASON ( ) -v***. Notary Public. ; j Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and ■ mucons surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. HTBold bjr Druggists, 75c. I Hall's Family Pills are the best. CASTORIA For Infants and Children, Ti (- /> | TATTOOED AND THEN JILTED. | lie Suffered Tori urea in Order to Gain the Object of Hi* Choice. I John Howard, a Nantucket whaler, ' lias been the victim of a love affair as | grotesque as any that could be imag | ined. J Howard was the sou of a Methodist i minister, of Massachusetts. He was a wild boy, and after many scrapes ran off and went to sea. The ship called at the island at Nu knliiva, iu the Marquesas group, to take in fresh water. Howard was sent asliore, and was captured by the natives, who somehow regarded How ard with sacred Interest. The vener able chief of the tribe and his pretty daughter, Taptatliui, made much of the young white man, and lience lie became the most honored man of the tribe, especially chosen to communi cate the will of the tribe's god. 1 Wealth and honors were showered upon him. Taptatliui taught him the native language. By this time Taptatliui had gained possession of his heart. He wanted to marry her. At last she consented, on one condition—that he should be tat- i toocd like nil the men of the tribe. To that Howard readily consented, ] little dreaming of the torture he was to undergo. \ Howard was a far different man in apearance than when he first landed j on the island. Figures and designs in E narrow bauds were tattooed diago nally across his face in different col- , ors. j 1 When it was all done Howard was ready to <*lollll lils bride. With his | decorated body he called at the priest's temple, but the priest waved him aside. "You have deceived us once," he said. "You have cast ridicule on our god, and it would be blasphemy to let you take the fairest of the god's at tendants for your wife." "You, too," added Taptatliui, "have , brought famine to our valley. Your I race has brought pestilence among us. j You white men are deceivers, and be- | sides, any man wlio would become so ; subservient to a woman as to consent i to undergo the tortures you did while | you were being tattooed would not 1 make a lit husband for the daughter I of the ruler of the Typees."—New York Journal. FORT BLUNDER. Kiiilt by Mi si tike on Ciiiiiuliuii Laml and Thus Won itM Name. 1 General Miles has recently recom- 1 mended the fortifying of a number of our seaports and the enlargement of 1 some of the posts along our frontier. 1 One of these is Fort Montgomery, that ] stands at the outlet of Lake Chum- ! plain. The mentioning of this long forgotten old fort recalls a queer fact ; connected with its beginning, and long ! ago forgotten. In 1841 it was decided | to build a large post at the entrance to ] Lake Cliaiuplain, and work was be- ] gun on Fort Montgomery, as It was , called. After a good deal of work had been done it was found that the walls of the fort were over the line dividing the United States from Canada. Work j was stopped and a survey made, and ! part of the work was torn down. Lat- | er on it was ascertained that part of the walls of the post were still over 1 the dividing line. An agreement was j made with the English Government ! which gave to the United States that part built upon, and the outline of the I old fort was completed, but as these mistakes had caused so much trouble I the post was nicknamed "Fort Blun der." Work was stopped on the old post at the breaking out of the late war. and since that time it has been under the charge of an ordnance ser geant.—Cincinnati Enquirer. Some <juibbl?K of Our Luw*. Wliy ten-pins? It was originally j played with nine, and known us nine pins, hut the Legislature prohibited the vicious game of nine-pins, mid the Yankees added u pin. One or two interesting quibbles have come to this eliair through the law journals. One of tliem illustrates the small es timation in which dogs are held. 11l West Virginia, where it is not lar ceny to take a dog, a dogtaker was in dicted for stealing the chain to which the dog was fastened. The defendant , pleaded guilty, aud was sentenced to , 100 seconds in jail. In states where it is not larceny to abstract a promissory note, it may be i : petty larceny to abstract the paper on which it was written. That was a very serious quibble by | which the New Hampshire court, after a defendant had been acquitted on a charge of murder as principal, indict ed, convicted and hanged him on a , charge of being accessory before the i fact.—Green Bag. 44 Poor liicliard'n " Wisdom. 1 Get what you can. and what you get ; hold; J God helps them that help them selves. J 'Tis the stone that will turn all your | lead into gold. Employ thy time well, if thou mean est to gain leisure. If you would be wealthy, think of ■ saving as well as getting. Diligence is Hie mother of good luck, I and God gives all things to industry. I Always taking out of the meal tub, ! and never putting in. soon comes lo ■ the bottom. And. when you have got the philoso pher's stone, sure you will no longer complain of laid times or the difficulty of paying taxes. GttHi runomlc IHntlnctlon. "Gimme a piece of apple-pie, quick!" said n traveller al an American restate ' rant. "Chicago or Boston?" naked the waiter. "What do you moan?" in quired the traveller. "Ivuife or fork?" answered the waiter. Anil They Did. "Those revenue detectives," said the old moonshiner's daughter, As she saw them go toward her para'* still, Where it nestled in the moonlight, by the rippling, rolling water, Just without the somber shadow of thc hill, "Remind me of A1 Raschld, the Caliph old, returning From his travels in disguise, his chiefest fad, Because," her check with shame at such a break outrageous burning, "They certainly are going to Bagdad " —N. O. Times-Democrat. Merely Luesswork. The patient woe very low and seemed oblivious to nil tih-at was going on in the room; but you can't always tell about patients. Sometimes they are very de ceptive. "Doctor," said the trained nurse who was watching by the bedside and was of an inquiring turn of mind, "is medi cine considered one of the exact sciences?" "No," murmured the patient, feebly, before the doctor hail a chance to re ply* "It's guesswork and experiment. I guess I know."—Chicago Post Case Dismissed. "I charge this man with arson," shouted the excited fat man to the sur prised court "That's a very grave charge, sir. What evidence have you?" "Plenty of it, your honor; plenty of it. He fired me bodily down two flights of Stairs and out of the building." "He may have fired you, but you ad mit his putting you out. Next!"— D etroit Dree Press. A Serious Drawback. Hungry Dawson—By gee! I some times think our profession is jit about the meanest bisness goin\ Hobo Ilank—Huh! Wot's wrong wid it? Hungry Dawson—WMljwen other fel lers is abused, they kin strike; but, durn it all, the only way we could strike would be by goin' to workl—N. Y. Truth. No Opinions. Lawyer--Judging from your replies, you do not seem to have any opinions on any subject. Passible Juror—No, sir; I ain't tried to have no opinion of my own for a good many years. "Ilumpli! How many years?" "Oh, I dunno; ever since I married." —N. Y. Weekly. (Jcorge Tumbled. "I don't see any mistletoe hanging in the old-time place," sold George, re proach full}'. "Papa could not afford it tnis j*ear," replied Grace, coyly; "but I've got the ribbon in my hair I used to hang tine mistletoe up with." George feJl over himself.—N. Y. World. Tho Ilorrltl Brother. Clara's little brother had heard the barber say something about her beau's beard being ala mode. Running in to her as she was seated with the family ut the dinner table he exclaimed: "Clare, it won't be fun for you to kiss Mr. Mo user any iniorc, 'cause lie's had his beard all mowed."—Boston Courier. Rlio Suspected It. "Why, Mrs. Parvenu, this is unmis- i takably an old master," said the enthu siastic caller. "That's just what I told John. I'll send it back to have it repainted and a new frame put on."—Detroit Free Press. Surety. "I do not doubt you," she slowly said, "But I think It would bo better, To prove that you're in earnest now To propose to me by letter." —Bay City Chat. WELL PUNISHED. I Minnie —Did you sing for Mr. Good catch last night, dear? j Winnie—Yes, love, for nearly an hour. Minnie—Oh, I'm so glud, darling, I always detested that man.—N. Y. Her ald. Romance. | "Did you read about the man who put a love letter in a bottle and set it afloat?" "No; who got it?" "A milkman's daughter."—Chicago Record. Warning Too Late. She—You looked like a fool when you proposed to me. He. (gloomily)— Well, why didn't you j tell me before it was too late?— D ci troit Tribune. In Uls Head. Flossie —There's Gussie, he tells nie ( lie can carry immense sums in his head. 1 Maggie—Perhaps so, but he never carries them in this pocket.—Larks. Retired. j "He used to be a common thief until he got rich and retired." "What isthenow?" "A kleptomaniac."—N. Y. Truth. The Best They Could Do. She—Do you know, I really wish I had lived in the dark ages. He—l can turn down the gas.—N. Y. Journal. Terse. | lie—Have you ever had your ears j pierced? j She—No; but I have often had them bored.—Sketch. ~~ STRANGELY WARNED. The Supernatural Visitor lliat Saved Her front the Sting of a Cobra. The following remarkable occur rence, au absolute fact, is related by a lady visiting friends in Hartford as it was told her by her cousin in Meerat, Northwestern India. Her cousin, in whoso house the oc currence took place, was seated at a lighted table engaged in reading, when, thinking it about time to retire, and happening to lift her eyes from her book, she was astonished to see ' seated in a chair before her, and be tween herself and the door to the ! bathroom a man, a stranger to her, who calmly regarded her. It gradually dawned upon her that the figure was probably not that of a person of rial flesh and blood, but a vision from the unseen world of life. She remembered having once, as a child, seen a similar figure, under cir cumstances which seemed to preclude the Idea that it was any person still in the body. Concluding that this new visitor was not a person of flesh and blood, she sat silently gazing at the si lent object, while the intruder, who ever or whatever he was, sat also in silence, steadily regarding her. Just how long this state of things lasted the lady did not accurately know, but it was probably not very long when the mysterious stranger began to van ish into a thinner anil thinner personal presence, until in a moment or two he had vanished quite away. It was JJie lady's hour for her even ing bath, but she thought she would first let out her two pet dogs from their confinement in another room. They came barking furiously and run ning directly toward the bathroom. There, through the open door, the lady was horrilied to see on the floor a monstrous cobra—the snake whose bite is certain and speedy death. Spring ing forward to save her dogs, she quickly shut the door, but not so In stantaneously as to prevent her seeing the reptile turning and escaping down through a hole in the floor where the drain pipes of bathtub and washbowl went, a hole which had been careless ly loft larger than was necessary. If she had gone directly to the bath room, as she would have done but for the Intervention of her mysterious vis itant, her life would uiuloubtedy have beeu sacrificed in the act. Fine Cedar for Bent Cigar*. "The spicy odor that you notice in the cigar box," said the tobacconist, "comes from the wood of which it is made. It Is not because it is impreg nated with the tobacco. On the con trary, the tobacco takes the flavor of the wood. That Is the reason that a particular wood Is used for the boxes of all the best cigars. It is Spanish cedar. It is an expensive wood, por ous and spicy, and the only kind which lias been found to improve the flavor of the cigar. Tobacco, as you know, quickly absorbs any odor with which it is brought in contact. Cigars packed lu a cardboard box, or one made of deal, would soon become very unpleasant to the taste." WIT AND HUMOR. Customer —"Are those boots worth soling?" Bootmaker (thoughtfully)—"Well yes— the laces appear to be good." Mildred—"l wouldn't marry the best man in the world!" Mr. Suitor—"There is no clanger, the bride never gets the best man." Sappy—'"l think I shall—aw—uevah have to stwuggle for gweutness. Aw, I was born gweat, (lonelier know?" Crusty—"Great Scot! liow you must have shrunk!" Itoax—"Do you believe that thirteen is a fatal number?" Joax—"Well, all the people who lived in the thirteenth century are dead." "Harry, how is it your teacher tells me you are stupid?" Harry—Well, papa, if little boys were not stupid teachers wouldn't have anything to do." "Been writing?" "Yes." "Who to?" "Oh, dear! Why don't you speak grammatically? The idea—'Who to'! You should say 'To whom to.'" Bling Beggar—"Please give me a dime?" Old Wads—"l think you are a fraud. 1 don't believe you are blind at all." Blind Beggar—"lf I wasn't do you think I'd stop such au old cur mudgeon as you?" I "Did you hear of the snake up at the museum that was trying to get inside of itself?" "Yes. They call him the dude ana conda, because he's such a swallow tail."—Harper's Bazar. j Bertha—"Sometimes you appear really manly, and sometimes you are absolutely effeminate. llow do you account for it?" Harold—"l suppose it is hereditary. ! Half my ancestors were males and the | other half females." Mrs. Creegan—"And how is Tommy , getting along at the school?" Mrs. Shauglinessy—"Splendid. The teacher is that fond of him that she ' kapes him wid her half an hour after the other boys go home nnrely every j day of the wake."—Boston Transcript i "Poor boy! your father disinherited you, I hear?" "Yes. Dour old dad; he always looked after me." "What do you mean?" "Why, the old man died head over heels in debt. All that went to my brothers."—Harper's Bazaar. r~~~r' SEE THAT THE _.. __, __ rf 1 AVege table Preparation for As- SI GN ATU R E similating the food andßegula ling the Stomachs and Dowels of OP Promotes Digestion, Cheerfu- nessandßest.Contains neither asfffi3SisJ!" B,L is oit the Kuwr ofoLiztrSufiELrrrcmM WRAPPER J\urpkw Seed' 4lx.Sc/ina * ] 4/u'st Seed ♦ H OF EVERY J\ppcrmint . > JJi tentorial/Soda, * I 8S&&,. I BOTTLE OP tmuyreen Flaw: I jj NEW "YORK. jjjj Oaatorla is pnt up in one-size bottleß only. It I 1 * 10 " /} ' - EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. ffj glsn "° Sl* . * on ! j,W mrr H. .■•.-•* of ''' wrappor. li(f TA A loOK MOTHERS ARA IE TREAT FOR YOU ALL. ti r ( A ib J.fill s Sampson Suit, with Extra Pair of Pants, for\/ l{\ RiIVitMBER, you l-uy direct from one of the It rgest Wholesale Clothing .''Manufacturers in America. T| A MA||| [ n"d i L 7, i F ) „I''.l.',;'l?J > . , _ U sive ,llr, * e Profits. I" J OUR I Tit? nb->vementioned $2.75 Boys Sampson Suit Z k Ms SAI3PSOM J&vFe&li' \ I per cut n;„. /£■s'}':/&■> \ CVTTVCO I'• ' i with .-ailor r .olbr, braided '' •, '/ ~ " *••• \ ''' ,\^ Uk ford V i Pantß I l atent V. ui t Hands used on all I'ants, also I'istol Gr.y &■ UVJ \ \'v<\. ' . .. '•> I-, voir-. or.nnuil.upM - . E. ROSENBURgER, & CO., 204 uidiTjew York Cit7| Are You a Roman Catholic Then you should enjoy reading the literary ; productions of the best talent in the Catho lic priesthood and laity (and you know what they CAN do), as they appear weekly in The Catholic Standard and Times OF PHILADELPHIA, The ablest and most vigorous defender of Catholicism. All the news strong edito rials—a children's department, which is elo vating and educational. Prizes ofl'erod monthly to the little ones. Only $2.00 per year. The Grandest Premium ever Issuod by any paper given to subscribers for 18i>7. Send for sample copies and premium circular. The Catholic Standard and Times Pab'g Co 503-50S Chestnut St. Plilltt. QUICKLY SECURED. Trade-marks and - registered and patent business of every description ET promptly and skillfully conducted at lowest rates. - < ENTB BOLD ON COMMISSION. 5M years' experience. ► Highest refcronces. Sen<l us model, sketch or Photo. [► M of invontion, with explanation, and we will M whether patentable or not. freo of charge. OUR FEE A PAYABLE WHEN PATENT 18 ALLOWED. When L 4 patent is secured wo will conduct its sale for yon 4 out extra ehnrgo. 32-PAOE HAND-BOOK ami listofC 4 200 inventions wanted mailed to inventors free upon |T request. This is the most completo little patent bonk P published and every inventor should WRITE FOR ONE. P H. B. WILLS ON &. CO , Futont Solicitors, 4 Lo Dn.it B'ld'ft, WASH I NGTON. D. C b <rVWVVVVVVVVVWVVWVVWVU it Cough byrup. Tastes Hood. Use J in time. Sold hv druggists. *■ gBBEEBBOEmgI Patents Granted. Reported by C. A. Snow & Co., Wash ington, ]). C. 11. K. Collins, South Ilethlehem, pneu matic hub. A. Josephs, Scranton, clothes-drying apparatus. A. L. Werner, Delano, telegraph-bat tery jar. Children Cry for Pitcher's 1 Do n°t ho deceived by alluring advertisements and think you ran get the beat made, finest finish and MOST POPULAR BEWINQ MACHINE for a mere nong. Buy from reliable manufacturers that have gained amputation by honest and square dealing. There is none in tho world that can equal iu mechanical construction, durability of working parts, fineness of finish, beauty In appearance, or baa au many improvements as tho NEW HOME. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. The Hew Home Sewing Machine Co. OBANOK,MASB. BOSTON, MASS. 88 UNION SQUARE, N.X CHICAGO, 111. ST, LOUIS, MO. DALLAS. TEXAS. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. ATLANTA, GA. FOR SALE BY D. S. Ewing, agent, 1127 Chestnut street, Phila., Pa. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascortuln, free, whether an Invention la probably patentable. Communications strictly confidential. Oldest agency for securing patents in America. We have a Washington office. Patents taken through Munu & Co. receive special notice in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully illustrated, largest circulation of gov scientific Journal, weekly, termsfß.Ofi a year; fl.'jO six months. Specimen copies and IIAND Look on PATENTS sont free. Address MUNN & CO., 301 Broadway, New York. [ W atcli the date on your paper,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers