More Medicinal value, more skill,care, expense, more wonderful cures and more curative power in Hood's Sarsapariila Than in any other. Bo sure to j*'t only Hood's. Hood's Pills cure biliousness, indigestion. The Brooklyn directory has this year 243,- 691 names. Buy |!.oo worth DohWns floattafr-Boras Soap cf four grocer, send wrappers to Dobbins Boap Mf'g Co., Philadelphia, Pa. They will send you tret of charge, postage paid, a Worcester Pocket Dic tionary, 298 pages, bound in cloth, profusely il lustrated. Offer good until August Ist only. Dried locusts are eaten with bread in Africa. FITS stopped free ny Pit. K LINK'S CHEAT NERVK RESTORER. NO fits after first day's use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and £2.00 trial bottle free. Dr. Kline, 931 Arch St., Phila., Pa. W. IT. Oriffln, Jackson, Michigan, writes: "Suffered with Catarrh for fifteen years. Hall's Catarrh Cure cured me." Sold by Drug gists, Toe, Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for Children Icethlng, softens the gums,reduces iuihini mo tion, allays pain; cures wind colic. 26c a bottle. We think Piso'Cure for Consumption is the only medicine for Coughs. JKNME I'JNC KAHD, Springfield, 111., (lei. I, IMM. Two of a Kind. A literary anecdote Is told In the Bookman of a .voting lady in Provi dence, It. 1., who was asked ilic other day by her uncle to make sonic pur chases for him, of which ho gave her a written list. The first item was ' Scott's Emulsion," and, after glancing at ft, the Intelligent young woman made straight for a certain large book-shop, where she was received by an equally Intelligent salesman. "1 want a copy of Scott's 'Emulsion,' " said she. casual ly. "Scott's what?" said the clerk. "Scott's 'Emulsion,' " replied the maid en. "Oh, yes," was the answer; "well, you see, we don't sell Scott's works ex cept In complete sefg." The bicycle thief hasn't far to look for a wheel, and when he selects on© he Is immediately equipped for flight. This ease in getting hold of somebody else's property makes the theft of a wheel a crime that should be severely punished. WOMEN DISCOURAGED. COOD AND SUFFICIENT REASONS FOR THE BLUES. Doctorn Fail to Understand Symptoms That Are Danger Signals. A marked trait in woman's character is to place implicit confidence in her physician. A man must work entirely from tho or wa nt t-1t-alone do not at first realize that these are the infallible symptoms of womb trouble and the forerunners of great suffering. Soon they grow to feel that the doctor does not understand t heir case. Then they remember that "a woman best understands a woman's ills," and turn to Mrs. Pink ham. The following letter is but one posi tive illustration of this fact: — "Four years ago I began to suffer with great weak- jJLS ness of the genera tive organs. My 7* oY_ womb was pro- f lapsed; I suffered J with continual If backache and all the other pains that accompany Va \ that weakness. I ' r tried doctor after \ ~s. if operations. The I final operation / / / [ after which I ' j JL- I became a total wreck, was § scraping of the womb. A friend, one day, recom mended to my husband your Com pound. He bought mo a bottle. The relief I experienced after taking it, was wonderful. I continued its use, and I am glad to say my recovery is a perfect surprise to everybody that knows me."—-MRS. B. UM IIM, 4940 San Francisco Ave., St. Louis, Mo. CTC AflW P 2Jnf n n!'n V r #k!:r O I CABJV tlffißlf WW Ulfli H ' , U,K HKOTIIUKM; ■■ lulunii, Mo., Itocliuort, 111. PENSIONS, PATENTS, CLAIMS. JOHNW MORRIS, WASHINGTON,D.C. Lat Principal Examiner U. B. Feuiion liureau. Sj ro. iu last war, 16 aujudicatius claims, ntty. biuco. P N U ;u 90 I A SONG OF LOVE. Tho earth below, and tho heaven abovo: Let us live, my dear; let us live and love; Wo know not all that tho bluo skies moan, But tho beautiful lilies 101 l and loan; And hero Is the sunshine, and meadows of greon, Ana rivers wilh silvery ripples betwoou:— Tho earth below, and tho hoavon abovo: Let us live, my dear; let us live and lovel The earth below, and the linavon abovo: Lot us live, my dear, for a breath of lovo; We know not tho moaning of stars and skies— Wo only see heaven in Lovo's glad eyes: Wo givo him our sorrow—our songs and our sighs, Aud a rod rose is born for oneli red roso that dies! Oh, tho earth below, and tho heaven above! Let us live, my dear; let us live and love! Let us live, my dear, in the lonely lands, For a kiss, a tear and a clasp of hands; For whatever blessings n SJUI may miss, Tlioro is nothing in hoavon as sweet as this Lovo's kiss. Love's lingjritig, first sweet I:is3 With ihc earth below and tho heavon abovo! &ud a life, my dear, that is lived for love! —F. L. S.nnton. THE TRAMP. T. WLI j health, C3EI - binod with fated •vfeV lis oiroumst anc os, f§§ planed Will ia m Mili, jfU 111 1111,1 Alary Cliai-l --i ig .' tou ll P un 4110 |ss3s, hnudsof charity. Now charity iu ■ somo places is not mf** '' ,Y 0 gool ' tlenl 'vlbo i- So William, who had eo c n W "better days," wl, o had culti vatcd n'manly dc r' diafyjv F rcn of indepen "ffl ' denen, for tho N® love of it, would '■ hnvo died—a u d ho did sco his lovely Alary din, nud ho fol lowed her tho snrao day—rathor thau petition his proud and wcultliy neighbors, when ho knew that tlioy were aware cf his helplessness, yet kept back their alms, waiting, not an opportunity, hut r. solicitation, to do good. Henry, Iheir only son, aged twelve, brought up as ho had boon, neons tomod to litllo and expectant of less, how did ho know "pap" and "inum" were dyiug? Ho hail always been accustomed to that pinched, cadaverous look ; ho had often held his mother's thin hand be tween his eyes nud tho lire, and seen hor thiu, bony fingers turned to threads of jelly, and hor hands wcro always cold. Hut ho had never cccu such wild ex pressions upon his parents' faces as that cvoniug when he cnmoliome from fishing, with his bars "for mam," whioh his mother would never need. One was beforo the fireplace on tho Poor, tho other on what passed for p. bod ; their eyes wero staring blankly, cold and clammy; their lips were apart, and when Henry spoko they did not answer. Ho knew nothing ot death, save that ho had seen poor Leo, the dog, hanged to save even what tho poor dog ate ; and now they locked liko Leo did. Poor boy! his heart knew no grief; ho knew nothing but poverty, misery, hunger aud toil, flora to his con dition, irresponsible for his existoaco, never yet awakened to tho responsi bilities of entity—oh, what experi ences, bitter to tho dregs of bitter ness, awaited this child of misfortune! 'Twas better that ho did not realize it all. "I'll toil Squire Johnson ; I b'lievo llroy aro 'swung' liko Loo was," ho said to himself, as ho started toward their two-milesolf, though nearest neighbor. Ho, as children ofttimes do, had substituted tho causa for the effect. Knowing that poor Loo had been hanged, and now seeing them stiff, cold aud silent, ho reasoned as he did. "Squire, they nro swung—pap is, and—" "Now, fcov, none of your simpering impudence I If you want anything, tell that; if not, go on home 1" "I say, squire, they are 'swung,' like Loo was, and I can't make 'em talk, or wnko 'em up ; they are cold, and their eyes arc open, and—" ""'hey aro dead, thou," said little Thomas Johnson. Squire Johnson, moved moro by curiosity than by pity, mounted his liorsc and rude down to William Charl ton's, finding the lad's story only too true. This, thcD, was tho mute nppoal of tho dead to charity. Those people must be buried. Tho squiro notified soaio of his poor neighbors to attend to tho affair, nud he'd foot the bill, mid said : "This boy, Henry, may ctay with my gardener for a few days, and then ho must hunt work." And this is the cry of the tramp, "I inn liiiutiug work," and proud, rich Squire Johuson put this cry into tho mouth of Henry Charlton '.mi (parted hiin out a tramp. It was autumn, and tho approach cf wiuter had already been heralded by his white errand boys—thoUoar-lrosts of tho middle latitudes. Night had passed; another clear, crisp, frosty morning had da-.vuod up on tho sons of men, ushering in an other glorious day, fraught to oomo wilh dazzling delight aud unfeigned happiness; to others, with only blank despair, disappointment and death. From bosido n hay stack, whoso friendly shelter he had sought tho evening before, to break tho chilly air aad to prevent the frost frcin gather ing upon his Wuly, crept the wusted form of a young man just in tho firßi blush of blooming manhood, so far as ago wa3 conoerned; but tho wan cheek, pallid brow and cadaverous look, be spoke that all. the elements of man hood were wanting in that hollow frame. Had his past life, from early boy hood, been such as to have given na ture but half a chance, the vigor of both body and mind would have chal lenged the admiration and won the re spect of his fellow-'oeings. Hut Henry Charlton had enjoyed none of these favorable circumstances conducive to a vigorous growth either of body or mind. He had "hunted work," and faith fully, too, ever siuco Squire Johnson had started him out a tramp. After his few days' stay at the gar dener's, that worthy informed him that he must "hunt some employ ment." Whither was he to go? His weak looks and attenuated form were a bar rier to his being employed. "You can't stand it to work, " they said. So it was, day after day, tho poor boy had trudged along, traveling miles and miles, kicked and cuffed, receiv ing harsh words and soornful looks everywhere. He stopped out from tho haystack, looked toward the town in an unde cided way, for he had bogged at every houso on tho previous evening, re ceiving only a few cold buckwhoat cakes, from an old colored woman. As if involuutarirly, ho started toward tho houso of tho farmer, by whoee stack ho had passed the night. "I can ohop wood, or husk enough corn," ho thought, "to pay for break fast." "What is it?" said Farmer Mild man. "Want to chop wood, eh? Well, yes, some of your stripe asked to do that eamo thing, one morning last week, and when I went into my breakfast, ho ran off with my axe." "Oj, let a starving man do some thing for his food!" said Henry. Farmer Milduiuu was moved by the sad, pathetic pleading, and being thus moved, turned tho stronrn of Henry's life into smoother channels forever. "John, briug this man a basin of wator, soap and towel. Oomo into the porch, I will try you. I will givo you something to eat, and plenty to do." Thero was a vein of kindness in tho farmer's tono, which almost made Henry think ho was dreaming one of those haunting dreams whioh only thoso subjected to groat hunger dream. "When did you havo as much as yon could cat, young man? You must bo careful for a lew days." Tho smoking "futty pones" and seething sar.ges, with other substan tial, so bountiful on tho farmer's board, did scorn, indeed, to justify his caution to tho half famished wretch. Henry soon increased in hoalth nnd spirits, as much from tho farmer's kindness as from being bountifully fed. His father had successfully im planted in his youthful mind tho prin ciple of doing thoroughly whatsoever he undertook. So Henry pleased the farmer by bis willingness and thor oughness in his work. It iB needless to trace his progress in the farmer's favor ; suflico it to say that ho was EOCU the trusted foreman on the large stock and grain farm of Jacob Mildman. "Sue is vory seriously hurt, sir— indeed you may proparo for tho worst." These were tho words of tho doctor, pronounced over tho still, deathlike body ot Bello Mildman, who had been galloping over tho fields, when her red nubia, flopping in tho breeze, had altraetod tho attention of ono of her father's fine Hurhanis, which pitched suddenly at her horse from out a dense thicket. Tho horse, coming to such n sudden halt, threw Miss Belle over his head into tho very hcins of tho enraged Lull. This served as a taunt to the enraged boast, which now rushed madly upon her, pawing and stamping her lithe form into tlio yielding soil. Young Charlton, who was passing nour 1 y, flew to Belle's rescue, when tho animal pitched at him so unex pectedly that he was terribly gorod bolero his trusty revolver had done its work. Foor Charlton was now unable to walk, much less tako care of uncon scious Bello; but the field hands in an adjoining iaclosuro, being attracted by the firing, came and boro tho in jure! persons to the house. Miss Bcllo was so horribly tramped Hint r.lio died, and Henry eamo near following her; but nature, aided by the best nursing, combined with the best medical skill intboStato (for Mr. Mildman spared no expense for him who had risked his lifo for that of Belle), triumphed, and after six weary weeks thev announcod that ho would LLVO. But Jacob Mildman did not long survive his daughter--tho shock was too much for his naturally weak con stitution— aud ho, tho last of tho name, soon wont to meet his daughter and her angel mother. Bat before ho died he did not forget Horry. In his will, after a few minor bequests to servants, Henry was made tho principal heir. When fully convalescent, nfter spending a fow years in Europe, Henry came back to Mildman homestead; and thinking how best to invest his nccuinulativo surplus, ho resolved to found an asylum for those who were truly "hunting work." This 110 did, and ono day, while rid ing iu his carriage, just approaohing the asylum grounds, he met a poor, blind basket-maker, led by a niece, a lass small, though about ninotoen years of age. Something in tho girl's faco seemed familiar,and sho looked so prottyjwith al, lhat lie instantly warmed toward them, resolving not to take thom to the asylum, but to his own house —at least for a time. "Do you wish to sell your baskets?" ho 6aid, byway of opening the con versation. "Oh, sir, if we only could sell one! Poor Uncle Jonas has had nothing to eat since yesterday evoning, and 1 am so tired of being ordered away from people's doors!" "Uncle Jonas!" thought Henry. "It must bo Delia." Fellow experiences, as well a3 fellow feelings, make 113 wondrous kind, though Henry was kind by nature. "I'll buy all of your willow," ho said. "Come, got in here, you and your uncle, I'll feed you, and you need nevor wander any more." Half dizzy with joy, the dull, heavy eyes of tho maiden sparkled with de light as she whispered a few hasty words to tho old mnu, who nodded assent. Two years lator, Honry Charlton made bis way, one bright, frosty morning, down to tho milkyard, when Delia Lester, now a symmetrical beauty, was superintending the milk ing. "Delia, I am the little Honry who used to play with you and your brother Tom in Squiro Johnson's hill orchard, away down in Virginia. You hnva never suspected that I was that Henry, but Uncle Jonas nnd I have talked the matter over. I oven knew you were my own Delia two years Qgo, when I brought you here." She blushed when ho said "my Delia," but was too ooiilused to speak. He went on: "You know Tom usod to play preacher, nnd marry us beggar ohii- I dren. Delia, will you act your part 1 over again in real earnest?" That was t year ago. Now littlo \ Jacob Mildmnn Charltou sits in a uioo basket crib, and is watched nnd rocked ! by good old Unole Jcnas, and nover is ; a tramp tuinea away from that houso united. Mrs. Delia Charlton pays frequont visits to the Mildmnn Asylum, nnd all tho inmates seem to know her cheerful step, nhilo they arc always better for her coming.—Saturday Night, "Barisal duns," Travelers in parsing through tho j delta of tho Ganges, India, havo occa sionally heard dull, subdued sounds, not unliko tho roverberation of dis tant artillery. As those souuds havo been heard whon it was positively known that no artillery practice was | being carried out, this mysterious phenomenon, which is known as tho "Barisal guns," has given riso to much curiosity and speculation. A similar phenomenon ocours in two differont countries in Europe, regarding which, in a letter upon tho subject to Profos sor G. H. Darwin, M. Van derßroeck, conservator of tho Museum of Natural History, of Belgium, writes: "I havo constantly noticed tbeso sounds in tho plain of Limburg since 1880, and my colleaguo of tho geologi cal survey, M. llutot, has heard them very frequently along the Belgiau coast, whero our sailors call them 'mist pouft'ers,' or fog dissipators. "The keeper of the lighthouse at Ostend has heard these noises for sev eral years past; thoy are known near Boulogne, and the late M. Houzeau speke of them to my friend M. Lan caster. More than ten of my personal acquaintances havo observed tho fact. "Tho detonations are dull and dis tant, aud nro repeated a dozen times or raoro at irregular intervals. They are usually hoard in tho daytime whou the sky is clear, and especially toward evening after a very hot day. Tin uoiso does not at ail resemblo artillery, blasting in mines, or the growling of distant thunder." M, Vau dor Broeck attributes theso noises to "some peculiar discharge of ntmosphem electricity." M. llutot thinks they nro "internal to the earth," aud might bo caused by "tho shock which tho internal fluid mass might givo to tho earth's crust." Similar unexplained nc*so3 havo been heard among theDnrtmoif ilills, England, and in Scotland, A Dog I'lg'ds 0. Bee. A swarm cf l-cco caused eousidoraldo oxcitemeut among pedestrians over in Jamaoia last Friday, It was a big swarm and alighted ia a big troo near the Long Island KrilroaJ depot. After buzzing nbcufc for awhile tbey settled, but n big bulldog, owned by one cf tho residents in tho neighborhood, happened along, and ere of tho inno cent hoaeymakors, who was evidently in a bad temper, (lew into tho canine's direction and alighted on the brnto's back. A lively but short scono then followed. Tho wry that dog jumped aud tumbled about tho ground as tho beo continued to sting :nado por.plc suppose that ho had gono toad. Tho dog finally rueooeded in locating tho troublesome insect, but the tassel bad made tho latter so furious that bo con tinued to bite long after there wan net enough loft for ovon a ccrccor to rec ognize.—Now Ycrk r.ecordcr. Credit to the VTrcr.g Shooter. Ex-Governor Flov-cr went down to Creedmoor one day to seo tho boys shoot. Ho was persuaded to try his own Hkill ns a marksman, and aimed at tho distant target. There was a commotion in tho gravel fifty yards away, but "hull's-eye !" was called. The Governor tried again, aud again the flying gravel in tho foreground and tho cry of "bull's-eye" in tho dis tance. After a few such successes the Governor handed the rifle to a young lady and she fired, with tho same re sult, whereupon some ono was heard calling to thn man who examines the targets: "What's tho matter with you? Tho Governor ain't firing now I"—Judge, I | SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL. According to Dr. G. Schatt, who has been making a speoial study of ocean waves, their speed in a moderato breeze is 10.8 miles per hour, j Bussian scientists report that the white poplar tree aots as a natural lightning conductor, as the discharge seeks it in preference to other trees, i The tooth of a mastodon in an al most complete state of preservation has been recently found. It weighed over fourteen pounds, and is puro ivory. A meteor weighing nine pounds fell the other day on the grounds of a citi zen of Alliance, Ohio. Local scien tists say that it is composed of meteor ic ircn. A new cure for insomnia has been discovered by a French physician. It is simply to raise your feet higher than yonr head—to have the pillows, not under your head, but under your feet. John M. Miller, a Chicago engineer, has a scheme for providing a perpetual spring and summer for Montana, North Dakota and Minnesota, by building a wall from the Koekics to the head of Lake Superior. At the industrial exhibition in Zurich is shown an air-testing machine which automatically registers the fact, if tho air in the room iu which it stands has become foul and unlit lor breathing. In an interview with a representa tive of tho Paris Gil Bias, Dr. Proust has confirmed tho report that a great advance had been made by science iu the search for a means of inoculation against cholera. Ho declared that conclusive experiments bad been made. The discoverer of tho now treatment was, he said, a Frenchman, but he de clined to divulge his name. Mr. E. D. Fridlander, 8.80., re cently gave an account of some ob servations of tho amount of dust in the atmosphere made at vari JUS places during a voyage round the world iu 1894-95. Tho experiments, which wero mado with n form of Aitkin's pocket dust counter, showed that tliorc are often considerable vu.nations in tho number of dust particles iu a very short space of time. Dust was found up to an altitude of 0000 feet or 7000 feet among tho Alps, aud also iu the open ocean so far uw y from any land as to precliulo tho 1 ossibility of artificial pollution. Prompt People, Don't livo a single hour of your lifo without doing exactly what is to bo dono iu it, aud goiug straight through it from beginning to end. Work, play, study—whatever it is, take hold at once, and finish it up squarely; then to the nuxt thing, without let ting any moments drop between. It is wonderful to sou how many hours theso prompt people contrive to make of a day; it iH as if thoy picked up tho moments which the dawdlers lost. Aud if ever you find yourself whero you have so many things pressing upon you that you hardly know how to begin, let me tell you a sacret: Tako hold of tho very first one that comes to hand, aud you will find tho rest all fall into file, aud follow after, like a company of welt-drilled soldiers, and though work may be hard to meet when it charges in a squad, it is easily vanquished if you can bring it into line. You may have often seen the anecdote of the man who was a deed how he had accomplished so much iu his life. "My father taught me," was the reply, "when I had anything to do, go and do it." There is the secret —the magio word now! Make sure, however, that what is to be done ought to be done. "Never put off till to-morrow what you eau do to day" is a good proverb, but don't do what you may regret. -Merchant Seutiuei. A t'eiv First Tilings. Thn first American railroad was laid in 1826. it was three miles long, from the granite quarries of Quinoy, Mass., to Naponset River. The Erie Canal iu New York was tho first artificial waterway begun in this country. Ground was broken lor this enterprise July 4, 1817. Tho first American collego was Har vard, which was opened to receive ttudouts in 1638, at Newton, Mass., now oallod Cambridge. The first newspaper is said to havo been the Boston News Letter, first issued iu 1704. It was a half-sheet, 12 by 18 inches. Gns was first used as a street ilium inant iu Baltimore, gas lamps being introduced in that city iu tho year 1816. The first glass made in this country was manufactured at Jamestown, Vu,, by tho English colonists in 1009. Tho first telephone wire was stretched between Boston and Sonn r ville, a distanco of three miles, in 1877. The first stage line was between New York and Philadelphia, and bi monthly trips wore first made iu 1730. Tho first postoftlce in this country wns that of Now York, established by aot of Parliament in 1710. Tho first iron nails made iu this country were hammered into shape at Cumberland, 11. 1., in 1777. 'The Human Voice. The range of tho human voico ia quite astounding--there being about nine perfect tones, but 17,592,186,011,- 515 different souuds; thus fourteeu direct muscles alone or together, pro dueo 16,383; thirty indirect muscles ditto, 178,741,823, and all in on opera tion produco tho number we havo named ; and these independent of dif ferent degrees of intensity. It is not allowable for a man or wo man to marry in Russia after they have passed their eightieth year, and 110 person is permitted to marry mora than five timer. Any onr _Trh® ha" teen benefited by the flse of Dr. \Y ill'tuns' Pink Pillp. will receive Information of much value nnd interest by writing to l'mk Pill*. P. u. Bo* 1&02, Phila., Pa. Comes With a better understanding of tho transient nature of the many phys ical ills which vanish before proper'ef forts—gentle efforts —pleasant efforts— rightly directed. Thcro is comfort in the knowledge that so many forms of sickness arc not duo to any actual dis ease, but simply to a constipated condi tion of tlic system, which the pleasant family laxative, Syrupof Figs, prompt ly removes. That is why it is the only remedy with millions of families, and is everywhere esteemed so highly by all who value good health. Its beneficial effects arc due to the fact, that it is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness, without debilitating tho organs on which it acts. Itis therefore all important, in order to get its bene ficial effects, to note wlion you pur chase, thatyou have the genuine article, which is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and sold by all rep* Utable druggists. If in the enjoyment of good health, and tba system is regular, then laxa tives or other remedies are not needed. If aftli .'ted with any actual disease, one may b& commended to the most skillful physicians, but if in need of a laxative, then ( no should have the best, and with the wjll-in formed everywhere, Syrupof Figs stands highest and is most largely u f ed md gives most general satisfaction. ¥¥¥¥li¥¥¥¥l¥S*l¥¥l l There is no dividing line. " % DON'T FORGET for 5 cents you get almost 5 k as much " Battle Ax" as you do of other % brands for 10 cents. J f> DON'T FORGET that "Battle Ax" is made of ® the best leaf grown, and the quality cannot be % £ improved. & DON'T FORGET, no matter how much you \ )l are charged for a small piece of other brands, £ the chew is no better than " Battle Ax." 9 d DON' 1 FORGET, " Economy is wealth," and % you want all you can get for your money. 5 Why pay 10 cents for otner brands when you \ can get " Battle Ax" for 5 cents ? £ **• 9 iHcccciiiclcciscccc Myj Follow the directions, \T*X and you'll get the best work from Pearline. Not that there's any harm to be feared from it, no / 1 w l\| matter how you use it or how much you use. j>| /I But to make your washing and / rubbing, the most wear and tear, i/ijl V) S!w\ the most time and money—keep to y./y \ <q t' lc directions given on every pack l]jl j I age of Pearline. -*~- Ijll l \ f/ {\ you'll do that with your flannels, j*v', 17 V\ for instance (it's perfectly simple and \ *2tl~-\ cas >',) they'll keep beautifully soft and without shrinking. Millions Kit Pearline [VERY FARMER IN THE NORTH | CAN MAKE MORE MONEY IN THE MIDDLE SOUTH. Sm IT® ran make twice as ranch. Ho ran sn ni* Northern farm and got twiro as many acres for his ■aSH money clown hero. We soil improved fiirin for *S i< S2<> tin nrrr. Plenty of railroad* foul ol tliom No drought*. Neither too ho. n • r.dd -olimnto just right. Northern fanners are < oiuinjf every week If \ i are ntewto I write for FitKK pamphlet nnd ask all the quostiona you want to. O la a pleasure to ns o answer t hem. SOUTHERN lIO.VIUSEEKEiIS> LAND CO.TIP ANY, Sowervllle, Tenu. SAPOLIO Is Like a Good lemfier, "II Sluds a Brightness Everywhere." Waterproof : your skirt edges with Duxbak . V VELVETEEN BINDINO j It keeps them dry and whole and it 1 never fades. If your dealer will not i supply you we will. I Samples showing labels and materials mailed free. I " Home Dressmaking Made Easy." a new 72 page ' book by Miss Emma M. Hooper, of the Ladies' Home Journal, giving valuable points, mailed for 25c. 5. M. & M. Co., P. O. Box 699. N. Y. City. HORSE OWNER B I ought to think enough ol McssaM— h |" ftn ' mal lo wi " h t" be I In In nlth and tffo' P n ® Hundred Page Ik i/rMß&m \iwSi t ?n r,e h I \\t/w9& N/fiw&JH K l " irf| fraud; de / y fX \ v\ ,ec * disease end effect ■ hje • H, e age the W ' uable information can be V y ( obtained reading oar mamp*. Aeanredly the Horse in tco good'a'friend to man to be neglected for want of knowledge which can b procured tor only twenty-five cents. Boo* I'ußLiaruwM ilni -K. ii' 4 Leonard St.. PNC 31 opium vzrwvr&rw. isag FKAN KI.IN COLI.KU K, N K\V AT 11 ENS, <). I Total ami \ 110 yr. Thorough. Cheap. Catalog freo.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers