RAILROAD TIMETABLES '"FMIK DELAWARE, SUSQUEHANNA AM JL SCHUYLKILL KAII.KOAIJ. Time table in effect December 15, 1895. Trains leave Drifton for Jeddo, Fciilcy, Hazlt 15 rook, Slock tun. Heaver Meadow 1 loud, Kuan and iliulcton Junction at 5 :•>, 6UU a 111, 415 p 111, daily except Sunday; and 7 03 a m, 2 38 p in. Buiiduy. Trains leave Drifton for I larwood, Cranberry, TomiiicLeii and Dei inper at 5 >0 a in, p 111, dull} except buud.iy; and 703 a in, 238 p m, Sun day. Trains leave Drifton for Oneida Junction, llarwood Koad, Humboldt Road, Uneida aud Shepplon at 0 ou a 111, 4 15 |> tu, daily except Sun day; and 7 03 a m, 2 38 p in, Sunday. Trains leave lla/.leton Junction for llarwood, Cranberry, Tomliickcii and Pi nmrer ati3s a in, daily except Sunday; and 8 53 a m, i 22 p 111, Sunday. Trains leave lla/.leton Junction lor Oneida Junction, llarwood Koad, Humboldt Koad, Oneida and SliepptoiLat 0 29, 11 10 a 111,4 10 p 111, daily except Sunday; and 7 37 a 111, 309 pin, Sunday. Trains leave Derirmer for Touihiekeii, Cran berry, llarwood, Ha/lelou Junction, Konii, ileaver Meadow Koad. Stockton, lla/.le Urook, Eckiey, Jeddo and Drifton at 2 25, 5 10 p in. daily except Sunday; und 9 37 u iu, 5 07 p in, Sunday. Trains leave Sliepptoii for Oneida, Humboldt Koad, llarwood Ko.ul, Oneida Junction, lla/.le ton J unction and Koan ai I il a in, 12 40, 525 p in, daily except Sunday; and 8 09 u in, 3 44 P 111, Sunday. Train.- leave Sheppton l"i Heaver Meadow Koad. Stockton, llu/ie Krook, Kckley, Jeddo and Drifton at 5 25 p 111, daily, except Sunday; und s 09 a m. 3 44 p in, Sunday. Trains leave Mti/.letoii Junction for Denver Meadow Koad, Stockton, ilu/Jc brook, EckU-y, Jeddo und Drifton at 309, 547, 626 p in, daily, except Sunday; and lUU- a in, 5 38 p in, Sunday. All trainseoiim ct at llu/ieton Junction witfi eleetriocars lor ila/Jetou, Jeancsvllle, Audeu ried and other points 011 the Traction Com pany's line. Trains leaving Drifton at 601) a m, lla/.leton Junction at 629 a in, and Sheiadoii at 711 a in, eoiineet at One idu .1 unction Willi Lehigh Valley trams east and west. Train leaving Drilton at 5 30 a tri makes con nection at Dcringer witli I', tt. K. train for Wilkesburre, Sunuury, liarrisburg and point.- xv est. For the accommodation id' pa-congers ut way stations betxvecn ila/Jetou Junetiou and De-r --inger, an extra traiu will leave the former point ut.3 50 p 111, daily, except Sunday, arriv ing at Dei inner at > 00 p m. LLTULK C. SMITH, Superintendent. T EIIIGII VALLEY RAILROAD. JL/ May 17, IS'JG, Anthracite coal used exclusively, Insuring cleanliness and comfort. ARRANGEMENT OF PASSCNGEU THAINS. LEAVE FKEELAND. 6 05, 8 45, 9 36. 10 tl n 111, 1 40, 2:3, 3 25, 4 34. n 12, . 10,7 i 5, sls p iu, for Dril toil, Jeddo, Lum ber Yard, Stockton and iluzleton. 6 05, 6 45, 936 a m, I 10, 3 25, 4 34 p m, for Mauch tiiiink, Air ntown, Hetlilchcm, l'hila., Enston and New York. 0 05, 9 36, lull am, 2 33, 4 34,7 10 pin, for Mahauoy Lily, Shenandoah and Pottaville. 7 26, 7 3% 10 .*} a in, 11 51, 5 15 p m, lor Sandy Run, White Haven, t Hen Summit, \S i Ikes bur re, Pittston and L. and 15. Junction. 8.45 p in lor lla/.leton aud Audcnricd, SUNDAY TRAINS. 1056 a tu lor Sandy linn. White Haven, Glen Summit and Wiik. narre. 11 40 a in und 3 24 pm lor Drifton, Jeddo, Lum ber Yard and liu/Jcton. 324 pin for Delano. Mahanoy City, Shenan doah, New York aiul Philudelpliia. ARRIVE AT FRF EL AND. 720, 7 5-. 9 20, 10 56, 11 54 a m, 12 58, 2 20, 5 15, 6 07, (j 58, 8;55 p m, from llu/ieton, Stockton, JLumber Yurd, Jeddo and Drilton. 7 26, 0 36. 10 41 a in, 2 33, 710 •> in. from Delano, Mahauoy City mid Shenandoah (via New Rest on branch). 1258, 5 15. 835 pin, from Now York, Euston, Philadelphia, lielldeucui, Alletitowu and Mu&uii Chunk. •J 10 56 a m, 12 5-. 5 15, 7 10, * 35 n m, from Euston, Pliiiu., H< llikluia and Muueii chunk. 9 ;J6,10 41 a ni, 2 553, ,10p in from Sandy Run, Whiteiiuven. Glen Summit, \N ilkesbarre, i'itts ton and L. und 15. Junction. SUNDAY TIIAINS. 10 V,, 11 31 ini and 310 p in, from lla/Jcton, Luuilicr Yard, Jeddo aud Dril ton. 11 31 a in from Delano, Huzlclon, Philadelphia und Enston. 3 10 p tu from Delano and Muhuuoy region. For further information inquire of Ticket Agents. CM AS. v. LEE, CeiiT Pass. Agent, Pliila., l'a. ItOLLIN 11. WILDER. Hen. Mipt. East. Div. A. W. NO N NEMAC H EK, A.-.-'t G. P. A., South Hethluhein, I'u. POLITICAL ANNOUNC'KM If NTS. C(> ITNTV COMMISSIONI7 K THOS. M. DULLARD, | of Wilkesburre. Subject to the decision of the Demoeratie county convention. HENRY MARTIN, of Il.i/.leton. Puliject to the decision of the Deinocrutle j TpOU SENATOU- I DANIEL J. MC CARTHY, ol Hruuluuil. to thu douiatou of tlic Dumoonitlc | LiBOR WINTER, Restaurant and Eating Saloon. No. 13 Front Street, Freel and. The finest liquors and eigars served at the counter. Cool beer and porter on tap. G. HORACK, Baker & Confectioner. Wholesale and Retail, CENTKE S'J'EEET. I'KEELAND. . "Co-operation a Factor in Social Reform," by John Samuel. Thursday, - - - juiy 30. Harness! I lariiess! Light Carriage Harness. $5.50, $7, $0 and $lO 50. Heavy Express Harness, $16.50, $lO, S2O and $22. j Heavy Team Harness, double, $25, S2B and S3O. I GEO. WISE, Jeddo and Freelaud, Pa. FREELAND TRIBUNE. Zstatliehod 1888. PU HLISIIED EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY BY THE TRIBUNE PRINTING COMPANY, Limited. Office: Main Sthbet above Ckntiik. Make, till numcy orders, check*, etc., hk to the Tribune Printing Cum pan u, Limited. 81' INSCRIPTION KATES: < hie Year $1.50 Six Months 75 Four Mouths .. .50 Two Months 25 The date which the subscription is paid to is ■il the address label of each paper, the change of which to a subsequent date becomes a receipt for remittance. For instance: Grover Cleveland 28Juuc97 means that Grover is paid up to June 28, 1897. Keep the figures in advance of the present date. Report promptly to this olliee whenever paper is not received. Arrearages must be paiil when subscription is discontinued. FRI£ 12LAND, PA., JULY 27, 1800. View of the question. It is encouraging to note that the lla/.leton Sentinel, the lirst advocate of free silver in this part of the state, has not forgotten the principles which it es poused for two years past. The Sentinel -till maintains that the only remedy for the settlement of the money question is the establishment of bimetallism, which the Democrats are working for heart and soul, and it is a pity that the Senti nel feels compelled to support its party rather than its principles. Meloxv wo republish an editorial which appeared iu our contemporary on Thursday evening. It contains no small amount of sound logic, and in pointing ut the danger to the country of trying to maintain credit upon a gold standard basis the Sentinel is more honest than some other newspapers which want McKinley elected: "The probabilities of another and early bond issue may be considered in the light of tlic facts respecting the condition of the gold reserve in the treasury, it now stands in round numbers at ninety-eight million dollars. The last bond sale produced in gold one hundred and eleven million dollars. The treasury at that time held sixty-one millions. '•There has, therefore, been a loss since January of seventy-three millions, -o that, of the gold bought so dearly by imposing new debt upon the nation, all but thirty-eight millions have disap peared. "If sovent v-three millions have vanish ed in six months, how many months will • lapse before the treasury will lose the remaining thirty-eight millions? "It is, of course, useless to expect that any gold will come to the treasury except by the process of borrowing. Nobody looks for such a tiling. The ordinary movement is usually outward, rarely inward, and it is therefore almost certain that the government will again buy gold with bonds within a few months. "No matter what are the differences of opinion as to the safe method of pre venting tlic drainage of gold from the treasury, everybody, we imagine, is i agreed that a system which produces i these results is thoroughly vicious and I not unlikely to bring the nation into contempt. "That it is exasperating the people, I and strengthening the hands of the men who propose violent remedies, is plain j ly manifest. That it is avoidable by j tlie employment of easy and lawful j means is probable. "lint the linal remedy is thoestablish ment of bimetallism with the con ; -equence that the strain of tho demand ! will be taken from scarce gold, and j placed upon the two precious metals." It Is doubtful if there was over a political campaign in which misrep resentation, lying and deceitful argu ments were used so early as in the present one. Writers and other men who have stood high in the estimation of the common people have allowed their passions and personal interests to carry them so far away from all that : is good and noble that the ordinary citizen who is really seeking informa tion knows not who to trust. There are statements made without apology in j the daily papers of today in which the , average school hoy can detect and point I out as wilful prevarications, and un worthy of notice if it were not for the fact that they lead honest inquirers astray. Tin power of money lias al ways been acknowledged great, but | never before was It known to silence I i hi! consciences of so large a body of | men and compel them to do and say tilings which they will regret while a -park of life remains within them. Tli'-re has been a sudden change in j the tone of the gold men's paper lately. ■ Tin- word "anarchists," as applied to the I ranters of tho Democratic platform, does not appear quite so often since that notorious anarchist, Ilerr Most, i has declared himself in favor of McKin • ley. Most and his associates could not consistently he anything else hut follow ers of a party which is pledged to con tinue a policy that lias almost bank ; rupted the country. Anarchists want to ; destroy all forms of government, and common sense teaches them that to ac complish their aims peacefully they 1 should vote with the party whose policy will bankrupt the nation. Anarchy J would certainly follow. The resolution adopted by the Demo eratie county committee on Friday have the proper ring. There is no room on the state or county ticket for men who will not stand upon the Chicago platform. DUELS AND DUELISTS. Fighting" Fitzgerald vas wuccessful in 18 duels before it was discovered that lie uhvays wore a coat of mail. For years his fame in society had rested on his invariable success as a duelist, and this discovery wus his undoing-. The most tragic duel in Knglnnd was between Lord Myron, grand-uncle of the poet, unci a kinsman. It was fought in, u tavern room by the light of one tallow candle. Lord Myron was tried for murder, but got oiY 011 man slaughter, from the penalties of which he escajied because he was a peer of the realm. No duelist could ever l>c made smile over the famous story of the Knglish mo.ii and Frenchman who were to light a duel in a pitch-dark room. Not wish ing to kill his man, the Englishman fired up the chimney when the word was given, and, to his surprises brought down the Frenchman, who had hidden there. story is told in Franco it is always the Ehglishnion who is up the chimney. Duriug tlic occupation of Furls by the ullles there were duels every day, the Frenchmen usually being the chal lengers and the victors, as they were very skillful with the small sword. Sometimes, however, they mad© a mis take, as when they Jeered at an Eng lish officer over losing his leg at Water loo. The jecrer discovered t hut the loss of his leg did not interfere in the least with the Englashman's aim. TITLED WOMEN OF EUROPE. The princess of Wales lius lately haA her picture painted. It is remarkable in that it is the first time she has con sented to be represented wearing the largo sleeves of fashion. The portruit is said to be wonderfully pretty. The queen's daily drives while slio is staying at Clmlez aro taken in an open victoria preceded by an outrider cn a gruy horse and followed at a dis tance by a member of tlve French de tective force, also on horseback. It is probable that the widowed Em press Frederick of (Jermauy muy Rjx'nd the next two yeurs in England near her mother, the queen. If so she will live at 1)11ton Park, the beautiful place near Windsor of the lhte duke of Muccleuch. Lady Sophie Cudogan, the daughter of the Irish viceroy, is the constant companion of her brilliant mother, who dispenses the hospitality of the Dublin castle so well. Lady Sophie Is not u blond like her mother. ll>r type of beauty combines an exquisitely fair complexion and clear-cut features with dark hulr and eyes. She is noted for her gracefulness. Trouble With a Crazy Cow. From the Wilkeslmrre Newsdealer. A valuable cow owned by Mr. Judge, near Parsons, was found 011 Thursday sll (Taring in the worst stages of hydro phobia. The animal became so lierco and savage that it rushed about the enclosure where it. was confined and made desperate attempts to kill any per son who approached it. In her blind rage she broke through fences and several who were attracted to the enclosure by her strange actions nar rowly escaped being gored. Mr. Judge, who did not understand the nature of the cow's malady, sent for a veterinarian, who at once said the animal was sulTcring from acute hydro phobia and ordered her to he. shot, which was immediately done. It is not known how the animal contracted the disease, ! as there were no mad dogs discovered in the borough this season. Peter lteininlller Hurled. Peter Rrinmillur, who was shot hen* early Monday morning and died Wednes day night at lla/Jcton hospital, was buried yesterday afternoon at Weather ly, from the, residence of his father. A special train was run over the Valley road to accommodate his Drifton friends who wished to attend. No trace of the murderer has yet been found, and the case has received no at tention yet from the county authorities. Deputy Coroner McCoouibs will begin Ids investigation at Ilaxleton this even ing- The Pre*ideutial Contest, The Populists, in convention at St. Louis last woek, nominated W. J. Mryan, of Nebraska, the Democratic candidate, as their candidate for presi dent. The vote was: Mryan, 1,042; S. F. Norton, Illinois, 321; Ignatius Don nelly, Minnesota, 1. Thomas Watson, of Georgia, was nominated for vice president. In the same city last week the Silver party unanimously endorsed the Demo cratic nominees, W. J. Mryan, of Nebraska, and Arthur Sewall of Maine. Not lluihlliiK New Houses. The report that a largo number of new houses will be built on the old Muck Mountain is without founda tion. All the old houses which cannot bo repaired will he torn down and the lumber which is of any uso will be taken in the mines for cribbing and bratticing. The worthless lumber will he burned. No new houses will he built. Several of the old ones need repairing and that is what is going 011 now. The old store building will he divided up into dwellings. New Officers Klecteil. The. Tigers Athletic Club elected the following officers for the ensuing six months on Thursday evening: President—James M. Ferry. Vice president—James Reed. Recording secretary —John MrennaiC Financial secretary—James Welsh. Treasurer—C. J. Moylo. Sergeant-at-arms—John McGroarty. Guard—Patrick Devcr. Trustees—J. J. McMonamin, Daniel J. McTighe, M. J. McGUI, 1). S. Muckley. There is nothing cheap about the Wear Well footwear except the price. It can't be lower. Try their shoes. PURELY PERSONAL. The royal family will put off their mourning for Prince Henry of Hut--ten berg- on the day of Princess Maud's wed ding. John A. Parshall, of Delhi, N. Y., lias worked continuously at the case as a compositor on the Delaware Gazette for over 45 years. Col. Lake, of Canada, will visit Eng land in May to supervise the gathering supplies of arms and batteries recently voted by the dominion parliament. The late Prof. Bensley's rare and splendid collection of oriental manu scripts has been presented by his widow lo the university library ut Cambridge, England. Judge Albion W. Tourgee, author of "A Pool's Errand," which created such a sensation a score of years ago, has just argued his first cose before the United States supreme court. Vice President Adlai E. Stevenson an nounces that there is no truth in the statement that lias been published to the effect that lie und Mrs. Stevenson will visit Europe the coming summer. Russell Sage is very fond of driving and has scarcely missed a daily ride in Central park in 30 years, except when he is absent from the city. He generally drives two horses, but is trying a team of four which will trot evenly together. Hubert Vos, the Washington painter, has just finished a partroitof Secretary Olney which will be hung in the office of the attorney-general, and is now painting Senator Bruce. The portrait of Mr. Olney is considered a master piece. Dr. Talfourd, a younger brother of the author of "Ion," lias given $250 to the London Temperance hospital, "as, a thank offering for having completed f>o years of abstinence from intoxicat ing liquors." Dr. Talfourd is in his 80th year. Sir Francis Evans, who has been elected a member of parliament for Southampton, was once before elected while absent in America. His success was then duo to his American wife. Lady Evans is a daughter of Samuel Stevens, once attorney-general of tin state of New York. MUCH IN LITTLE. Honest men ure the gentlemen of na ture.—Buhver. The present moment is a powerful deity.—Goethe. No peace was ever won from fate by subterfuge.—Buskin. There is no malice like the malice of the renegade.—Mucauluy. To be proud and inaccessible is to be timid and weak.—Massillon. Youth fades; love droops; the leaves of friendship fall; a mother's secret hope outlives them ull.—llolmes. Never think that God's delays arc God's denials. Hold ou; hold fast; bold out. Patience is genius.—Button. Do what good thou canst unknown; und be not vain of what ought rather to be felt than seen.—William Pcnn. We want fewer things t-o live in pov erty with satisfaction than to live mag nificently with riches.—St. Evremond. Not because I raise myself above some thing, but because I raise myself to something, do I approve myself.—Ja cob!. Great memories, which retain ull in differently, arc the mistresses of an inn, and not the mistresses of a house.— Mine. Necker. Ask the heart to give a reason for any of its beautiful and divine motions, and it can only look upwards and be dumb.—Lowell. FACTS FOR FARMERS. A strict account kept by adairymni who grew upon his farm all the food consumed by cows showed that a pound of butter costs 13 cents. This isvuned, however, according to the breed used. Farmers cannot afford to experi ment, except incidentally, on a small scale. The experiment stutions were instituted lo make a business of experi menting, and they are doing a good work. The Ohio station has mude several attempts to get a setting of crimson clover, hut nil have failed. Itsccms not able to germinate in the hot, dry Au gust of Ohio, nor to stand the severe winters there. Manure lasts longer than fertilizers, but it is because the plants derive the use of but u portion of the manure an nually, as it dissolves slowly and only as it decomposes. For immediate re sults fertilizers are much better than manure. Some dairymen declare that "sun shine has u great deal to do with the fullest flow of milk; also, with its quality." One man gives each cow of his herd an extra quart of meal night and morning in cloudy weather in order to satisfy his customers. This experi ence is a significant one, and ought to be effective against dark stable's. LITTLE ODDS AND ENDS. Under the new constitution of the state of New York the limit of $5,000 re coverable by heirs for loss of life is re moved, and in a recent case where u woman sued for damages at her hus band's death u jury awarded licr $21,000. The champion football game between England and Scotland was played a short time ago at Glasgow, Scotland. Sixty thousand persons attended and paid an admission fee of a shilling each. The previous largest attendance was 45,000. A grewsomc tale is told of two small children drifting around in the open Atlantic in n squill boat. Their father had set out with them in the boat from Newfoundland for Lisbon, but ho had died eight days after setting sail. The boat was brought to Cadiz. Ju 1801 this country imported 84,000 gallons of vermouth, and it is est) mated this year the amount will he 225.000 gallons. As vermouth is used in the manufacture of a certain kind of cock tail it would seem that the cocktail habit is growing. IN THE REALM OF NATURE. The joints endure much use because they arc constantly lubricated by an oil secreted by glands especially ftdupted to that purpose. In tropical forests so large a propor tion of the plants ore of the sensitive variety that sometimes the path of o traveler may bo traced by the wilted foliage. There is no doubt that the hair of tin scalp protects the head against ex ternal cold, and also prevents the loss of heat through the very low t hernia! conductivity of the hair cylinders am! of the cushion of air mingled wltl t lie m. Some of the medical journals reporl n new affection of the eyes, caused, il is said, by the prevuiling method of seat ing in street ears. The effort to iix tin gaze upon passing objects causes ax annoying strain and twitching in tin external muscles of the globes. A cure for rinderpest is said to havt been discovered at Salisbury, in Rho deslu. It consists in keeping the ani nulls from drinking water and dosing thein with linseed oil. Cattle in th< first, stages cun be cured by purging theni, washing t-lic mouth with paraffin and salt, and applying Stockholm tai to the nostrils. Prof. King asserts that insects freeze solid during the winter and thaw oul when warm weather comos. Others claim this has never been demonstrated If once the power of evolving heat is lost, life goes with it. At least this h a great principle in biology. There are liquids which do not freeze under a low temperature, and these may possibly enter into the insect organism. ODD AND INTERESTING. Each salmon produces about 20,000.- 000 eggs. It is said that tlio Greenland wlialo sometimes attains the ugc of 400 years. A frlgutc bird can remain un entire week on the w ing, without stopping to rest. The czar of Russia has two hobbies— the collection of postuge stamps unc" birds' eggs. In France, When a railroad train is J more than ten minutes late, the com pany is lined. In Wyoming the women have the right to vote for ull offices, even for presi dential electors. The most effective Krupp gun has a range of 17 miles, und cun lire two shots a minute. One hundred persons have been fatal ly shot during the past 12 years on the main street of Jackson, Ky. An ordinary tortoise lives from 100 lo 150 years. Instances ure on record of some of them attuining the age of 250 years. In its course of 120 miles the Jordan plunges over 27 rapids, and from it source to its mouth lius a descent of 3,000 feet. Peruvian cotton is in 12 different hues, from white to a deep red. The seed from eucli shade produces cotton of the same color. A strange coincidence is noted in the statistics of Steuben, Me. In the past year there were 10 deaths, 10 births und 10 marriuges. SENTIMENT OF WORDS. Alisolution—Theological benzine for taking out moral spots und stains. Amiability—The powdered sugar of politeness, very apt to be adulterated. Ancestors—The only luxury denied to the nouveaux riches und the one most desired by them. Abridgment—-A collection of the bad points of a good book und the foolish points of u poor book . Aristocrat—One who washes his hands oftener than others. Hence the others are the great unwashed. Austerity—Tlio gold foil and iron wire of the champagne of life. Be ware of the cork when the seal brcuks. Age—We have three uges. The real bona tide one; that which others think we have and that which we say we have. Abstention —The sour-grape virtue of the fox w ho couldn't get what he want ed und didn't want what lie couldn't get. Ballroom—A place where society goes to be in the swim, especially the sum mer bathing contingency. Look out that you don't get beyond your depth and beware of sharks.—Good House keeping. BITS OF MERRIMENT. Bloozin.-—"I see that the election did not result us you predicted." Ju/rig— "Yes, it did. You're not the only one 1 predicted to." —Roxbury Gazetle. A Difference in Terms.—"She plays the piano a great deal, doesn't she?" "It may be play for her, but for us it is far more serious."—Detroit Free Press. A Bad Time of Year.—"Hasn't Mi*. Simpkins projioscd yet, daughter?" "No, mamma; I can't get liim to mile about anything but baseball."—Chi cago Record. That Dreadful Boy.—llcr Admirer— "Well, Reggie! llow's your sister's cold, eh?" Her Little Brother—"Oh, that's all right. But she's got a jolly big corn." —Moonshine. Impatient Traveler—"Kr—how long will the next truin be, porta.li?" Por ter—"Heaw long? Weel, sir, ah dunno heuw ah con soay to liauf an inch. Happen there'll be fower or iivecoacnea un' u engine or sou." —Punch. THE MINING WORLD. More than 4,000 stamps are at present in operution in California. The aggregate capital of the 52T7 Aus tralian mining companies floated in Loudon in ISOS was £53,700,304. A shipment of J 50 tons of copper from i the Ducktown (Tenn.) mines has been ! made to Swansea, Wales. An American exploring syndicate is developing some newly-acquired min ing properties in Ecuador, South Amer ica. CASTOR! Al for infants and Children. MOTHERS, DO YOU KNOW that Paregoric, Bateman's Drops, Godfrey's Cordial, many so-called Soothing Syrups, uiid most remedies for children are composed of opium or morphine ? * P° X2S Know that opium and morphine are stupefying narcotic {KJISOUS ? Yon Know that in most countries druggists are not permitted to sell narcotics without, labeling them poisons t Yon Know that you should not i>ermit any mcdiciuo to bo given your child unless you or your physician know of what it is composed ? ou Know that Castorlu Is a purely vegetable preparation, and that a list of its ingredients is published with every bottle 1 ou Know that Cactoria is the prescription of the fumous Dr. Samuel Pitcher. That it has been in use for nearly thirty years, and that more Custoriu is now sold than of all othor remedies for children combined 1 *^ on Know that tho Patent Ofllce Department of the United States, and of other countries, have issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to use tho word Castoria" and its formula, and that to imitate them is a state prison offense ? Do Yon Know that one of the reasons for grunting this government protection was because Castoria hod been proven to IXJ absolutely harmless? Do You Know that 35 averago doses of Castoria are furnished for 3.5 cents, or one cent a dose 1 Y° u Know that when possessed of this perfect preparation, your children may bo kept well, and that you may have unbroken rest f Well, these things are worth knowing. They are facts. The fftc-HlmUe ~ - Uon every nittiiatnre of wrapper. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria 32d Year. j A representative ADierican Business School for both sezos. RECORD 3UILDING, 917-919 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. THOMAS MAY PEJ.RCE, A.M., Ph.D., Founder unu IVlncipaU 13G5-100Q. A Systematic Eccir.css Training Coupled v. illi n practical, found and useful English education. Tlirca full course*: A D TYPEWRITING, Tho v.'holo un Id-.al Combination. ' Graiiuale.; Ciiccrfully Assisltd (o Positions. YM'.or • v fie -ric, ovjKfi.-illy during school hour-', day or evening sessions. Cull or writ j f >r r-el.ool Literature. East Stroudsburg, Pa. A Famous School lu a Famous Foliation. Anion# the mountains of tho noted resort, | the Delswart; Water (lap. A school of three ! or four hundj'cd pupils, willi no over-crowih <l classes, but where teachers can become ao- ; (juaiiitcd wilh t heir pupils ami help them iiuli- i vidually in their work. Modern improvement. A line new gyuinu sium, in charge of expert trainers. We teach Sewing, Dressmaking, ('lay Model- ; in#. Freehand ami Mechanical Drawing with out extra charge. Write to us at once for our catalogue and other information. You gain more in a small school than in the overcrowded schools. Address GEO. P. BIBLE, Principal. 4 Scientific American 1 RADE C M ARKS, DESICN PATENTS, c 33 COP YRICHTS, etc. For Information and free llnudbuok wrlto to MUNN tt CO., 861 BROADWAY, Niw YORK. Oldest bureau for securing patents In America* i Every patent taken out by us Is brought beforo the public by u notice giveu free of charge lu tho ®>'tutiftc Jhuetifjm Largest circulat ion of any scientific paper In tho 1 world. Splendidly Illustrated. No Intelligent i mail should bo without It. Weekly. tt.'l.OOu i our; Si..six months. Address, MUNN CO,, 'uuusuiius, a til Broadway, New York City, yourself if you \ package ( *° " 1 B®* rcn^ c it . good coffee to IWl™ Seellg s. § rlllk ordinary . (A little of this coffee is made de- j \admi xture to licious by adding /cheap coffee SEELIG'£. ti-.}ikg f makes a delicious*——■"•—■■J \drink and saves expense. 1 GEORGE FISHER, dealer in FRESH BEEF, FORK, VEAL, MUTTON, BOLOGNA, SMOKED MEATS, ETC., ETC. Call at No. 0 Walnut street, Frcoland, or wait lor the delivery wagons. VERY LOWEST PRICES. GET THE BEST | When you arc about to buy a Sewing Machine ! do not be deceived by alluring advertisements j and be led to think you can get tho best made, finest finished and Most Popular for mere song. it that t Facturcrs that have gained a reputation by honest and square i 'iKOTfTjSra dealing, you will then get a Sewing Machine that is noted the world over for its dura bility. You want the one that is easiest to manage and is # Light Running There is none in the world that can equal in inechunical con struction, durability of working parts, fineness of finish, beauty in appearance, xTr has uu inuuy improvements as t<ko NEW HOME It has Automatic Tension, Double Feed, alike on both sides of needle ( patented), no other has it; New Stand ( patented ), driving wheel hinged on adjustable centers, thus reducing friction to the minimum. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. THE HEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO. OEANOB. MASS. BOSTON, MASS. 2H UNIONSQUARK, N. Y CUICAOO, 111. FT. LOUIS, MO. DALLAS. TEXAS. BAN FEANCISCO, < :AL. ATLANTA, UA. FOR 3ALE BY D. S. E.ving, general agent, | 1127 (Ihußtnut Rtreet, Phil., Pa. jlsSiswSu alls you? niu I; i i i Have you a feel- n m / n 1 iug of weight in C |rjj~ Lj*i the Stomach —i ll IM7W\VJ Belch-( :i /Jhi I ;>VK i"K "f Wind—/ ! Vomiiin K ofK ? f|i —Waterhrash- / y Heartburn—Had Taste in the Mouth) /in the Morning Palpitation of the/ /Heart, due to Distension of Stomachc N —Cankered Mouth (las in the Bowels / • —Loss of Flesh fickle Appetite—\ j Depressed, Irritable Condition of the ( S Mind Dizziness Headache—Con- > / stipation or Diarrhoea? Then you have k I DYSPEPSIA \ C IN one of UH many forms. The one positive/ P cure for this distressing complaint is V I JlcKcr's Byc-ptpsia Cablets/ C by mall, prepaid, on receipt of 35 cents, v C <"n VK1.1:.: ILIMSKV. Ib.l. l 1 in|>*-ri:il. Now J r Y..rk.N..\s: " I Mil!, i.-.l !i iiH.lv lean .Ivs C V i.in Acki i > rai.i. id, tak<n afui ) \ Acker Medicine Co., Clinmhers St., N. Y. ) | I Caveats, and Trade-Murks obtained, and all I'at-# /cnt business conducted lur MODERATE FEES, / JOUN OFFICE IS OPPOSITE U. S. PATENT OFFICE* 5 and wc can secure patent in less time than those J /remotefrom Washington. / | J Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip-/ I stion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of I i /charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. / J A PAMPHLET, "How to Obtain Patents," with# | J cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries J /sent free. Address, S ijC.A.SNQW&COJ / OPP. PATENT OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. i BiCVOLES! OIiGGIESi Kllgli-€irn<lL Hold diroct to usors at wholosalo. Wn will BUVO you front ?tu to SSO. Everything in Bicyelo and Vehicle lino. Outlog free. Ih auti ful Hnbatanoinl Bicycles at half prico. guaranlocd 1 your. No advance money required. Wo send byexprosH and allow u full examination, if not : Wrlteiu. IBrowiter BICYCLiSTS ! I Encyclonedin, how toc.'iro for nod ropiiir Tiros, 1 ( haiUH, BoaringH, etc. 150 vuluiiblo pointers for rjdors. l'rico 25c; wunple by ruuil 10c. It sells on sight. Agt. wanted. J. A. Blocum, Holly, Mich " <lny. Agts. wanted. 10 fust pollen , BUr money for Agts. (latalog FULtL ih. E. Urewßter, Holly, Mich. WANTED-AN IDEA^'- n ? & thing to patent? Protect your idouß ; they may bring you wealth. Write .JOHN WKDDEK BHHN & CO., l'atout Attorneys, Wusliington, I I>. C.. for their ftl,suu prize oiler,
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