FREELAND TRIBUNE. VOL. VIII. NO. 101. Mr DONALD'S. The Fruits of Our New York Trip —are presented for inspection this week. The line of Summer Goods we have selected this year surpasses any purchases we have yet made, as it contains many pretty styles which are entirely new. Quality is a feature in all our goods, whilst prices are inva riably lower, seldom as high, never higher, than elsewhere. Ladies' Ready-Made Suits A new line, embracing the most accepted styles, and recommended for quality and make. Ladies' Sweaters The proper thing for the athletic girl and others, too. Many varie ties in color. Ladies' Ties and Belts An unusually pretty line which ) we will distribute through the me dium of extra low figures. Children's Shirt Waists An abundance of Waists of all sizes and colors. We will fit any child in town and charge only a small price for it. Men's Bicycle Hose and Belts We are prepared to cater to the bicyclists of the region in these goods. We have many styles and a large stock to pick from. Baby Caps A profusion of dainty headgear for infants, which we confidently assert cannot be duplicated else where in town. J. P. McDonald. J Coutie and South streets, Freeland. McDOJVALIYS. MIBCEL.LANKOUB AOVEBTISKMKNTS. q/Wt SALE.—Boot, shoe and Kents' l 1 iiifjr store at a bargain; lots done excellent business for eiH'tit years: good locution. Apply to 11 upli Mulloy, Centre and Walnut, Freoland. WILL TAKE IN WASHING or will work out bvtheday. Mrs. Elliott, 117 Walnutwt. / T l)OI> COW for sale. Apply to VX M. Hulpiu, Freeland. POLITICAL PICKUPS. Newspaper men are getting Into polities on their own account, instead of boosting other people to all the good tilings in life. In Carbon one of tho candidates for recorder is O. W. Mor thinier, of tho Lehigh Advocate. The Democrats should recognize tho faterni ty in that county by giving him the nom ination. Of his election there would be little dull lit. The most badly folded man in tho county is Morgan 11. Williams. He thought that by arresting Sam Boyd for libel lie could shut off tho Newedealefie talk about thatsi),ooo affair. Instead of accomplishing the object sought, tho ex senator has given Editor ltoyd an open ing and the latter is pouring hut stuff into him daily. Stanley Davenport, tho present regis ter of wills, is spoken of for ronomina tion. Ho was elected three years ago when the county went heavily Republi can, and witli that record to show for his strength there would be 110 mistake made in placing liini on tho ticket this year. Local Republicans arc taking a lot of Interest in the legislative contest. All the candidates have friends in town, and the primaries promise to bo unusually interesting. Democrats arc beginning to think that it is time dates were set for their district and county conventions. Frcclnnd's only representative at the < Republican convention in St. Louis is a * Democrat, E. V. Hanlon. PERSONALITIES. Commissioner Dullard and .lames Clare, of Wllkosbarro, looked over the political held in this vicinity for a lew hours on Saturday. * Mrs. Isaac Fry, who moved from this town to Freeland more than a year ago. is In town spending a few day.— Tamaqua Recorder. Miss Ida Oswald, of Freeland, Is spending a season quite pleasantly with Miss MinnieKlstler.— LehightonAdvocate. John Turiibach and wife, of Wilkcs barre, were tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Carr over Sunday. Miss Lydia White, of Benton, l'a., is visiting iter sister, Mrs. David Davis. The "Twentieth Century" shoe is tho ladles' favorite. At tho Wear Well only. Additional locals on the fourth page. BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. PARAGRAPHS GATHERED FROM ALL PARTS OF THE REGION. SynopNiH of Local and Misccllannoun Oc currences That Can He Head Quickly. What the Folks of This and Other Towns are Doing. There is not a Pole, Italian or Hun garian residing Inside the borough limits of Ashland. Unless tho State league schedule is changed this week, the Tigers will play Ilazleton club here next Sunday. In Tamaqua a plate of strawberries and a slice of cake is given free with every ten-cent plate of ice cream. A deputy Internal revenue collector will be in town on the 24th inst. to re ceive mercantile and pool table licenses. A. Oswald sells spring and summer dress goods at rod need prices. Tho services of the Holiness Christian Association yesterday at Hazlo Hrook were attended by several of the Freeland members. George Windish, who was sentenced to he hanged for killing his wife, has boon respited from June 30 until Sep tember 1. John Gerlach, of L T pper Lehigh, was seriously hurt about the hip on Friday by a fall of coal in one of tin; collieries at that place. The Wear Weil has just the kind of shoes you need for this weather. Yesterday was observed as Children's Day in several of tho local churches, and tho services attracted large numbers during the day. Many of the bicyclists of town are devoting their spare time in becoming proficient with the wheel, with a view of entering the race here on tho Fourth. A wreck occurred on Thursday on the Jersey Central road between Audonried and New Silver Brook, in which Joslah Warg, one of the oldest engineers on the line, had his leg broken. A pair of Wear Well shoes will outlast anything bought at the same price- No. 11 boiler houso at Audenried took fire on Thursday. It and the engine houso were burned to the ground. By forming a bucket brigade tho sur rounding buildings were saved. At a special meeting of Ilazlo town ship school hoard on Friday evening the secretary's salary was placed at #350 a year and that of the treasurer at 2 per cent on the money paid out by liiin. Clara, the seven-year-old daughter of John Fisher and wife, of Front street, died on Friday evening. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon. Inter ment was made at Freoland cemetery. Jacobs' renowned Ice cream, all flavors, is sold at Geritz's parlors, 15 Front st. St. Ann's parochial school closed a ton months' term on Friday. The average attendance of pupils during tho term lias been over 400. On Saturday even ing the annual closing exercises will be held. Tho special train from Drifton to Munch Chunk yesterday carried fifty of tho 1). S. & S. employes. The Memo rial Day services under the auspices of the various brotherhoods were very well conducted. The small hoys are somewhat im patient this year and cannot restrain their love for fireworks until the Fourth arrives. The streets are filled nightly with lads firing shooting crackers, rockets, etc. Fresh bread and cakes every morning at Geritz's bakery. Confectionery also. Samuel Courtright, of Maucli Chunk, died of typhoid fever on Friday, aged 44 years. Ho was known throughout eastern Pennsylvania as "Happy Sam," and enjoyed an extensive acquaintance with prominent people. Freeland can have a rousing celebra tion on the Fourth of July if tho proper encouragement is given those who have taken up tho matter. There will he no occasion to go elsewhere that day to look for sport or pleasure. The White Haven dam. which burst several weeks ago, is to he rebuilt by the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Com pany. The dam will be 400 feet long and six feet higher than before. About a hundred men are employed in tho work. Ladles, buy the R. & G. summer cor sets —they are so cool. Sold at Oswald's. The Drifton Glee Club will make it pleasant for all who may visit Drifton ball park next Saturday evening, tho date of the picnic to be given by the club. First-class music has been pro vided for tho dancers, and various other attractions will he on hand, Butler valley farmers fear a water famine tills summer. All tho streams hi the valley are low. Last summer and fall many streams and springs went dry, and they have i ever since got back to their normal condition, and are lower now than they were a year ago. Poor Director James McCrcady and wife will leave Summit Hill for Scotland on July 1. Mr. MeCready's health is on the verge of giving out and this trip is the result of an imperative command from this'physician to rest for three or four months or go into a decline. FREELAND, PA., MONDAY", JUNE 15, 1890, ACCUSED OF KIDNAPING. Hall Player Charged With Taking a Girl front a Convent. Detective I*. C. Kavanaugli, of Roches ter, N. V., was In Wilkesbarre on Satur day with a warrant for the arrest of Thomas O'Brien, left fielder in the Toronto Eastern league club, which just concluded a series of three games there. The warrant charges O'Hrien with kid napping a fifteen-year-old girl from a convent in Rochester about a week ago. What he has done with her is not known. It was not until some days after the girl had escaped from the convent that it was found with whom she had gone and then Kavanaugli was engaged to find her and to arrest O'Hrien. Kava naugli asked the aid of the local police when lie arrived at the county seat. Chief Hriggs sent an officer with him to the ball game, and O'Hrien was spotted. After the game Kavanaugli followed the team to Kingston where a train was taken. At Scrant.on a sleeper was to be engaged on the train leaving there at 2 Sunday morning. It was expected that arrest would be made on arrival in New York state. Tho arrest was not made in this state owing to the trouble that would be required in procuring re quisition papers. O'Hrien has made a fair record as a ball player and before the event had borne a fair reputation. 4,500,000 Ton* for July. The latest advices in relation to the anthracite coal trade tend to strengthen the expectation of an advance of 25 cents per ton on all domestic sizes of coal, bnjth at the the East and West, on July 1. and an increase in the output for July of about 1,000,000 tons to 4,500,000 tons. The advance will bring tho circular to #4.15 per ton for stove, grate #3.05, egg and chestnut, #3.00. These are not figures at tidewater. The nominal net prices in July, 1805, were #3.35 for stove and #3.20 for the other sizes, but last year actual sales of anthracite were far Lclow the figures quoted and coal was sold in many instances at an actual loss. Renervoir llu* HITII Cleaned. During the past two weeks the Free land Water Company's reservoir at Hir vanton has been undergoing a thorough cleaning. Tho work was vigorously prosecuted, as the amount of water in the reservoir had to be kept very low while the cleaning was going on. Tho job was completed on Friday. The place is now as bright as a new dollar, and, with tho facilities which tho com pany lias to keep tho reservoir filled at all times, Freeland people can rest con tent with the knowledge that they have a supply of water as large and as jure as any town in tho state. Annual Closing Kxereises. The annual closing exercises of St. Ann's parochial school, which will be held next Saturday evening at the Grand opera house, give promise to eclipse all previous events of this charac ter. For some time past the hundreds of school and music pupils have been diligently rehearsing under the instruc tions of tho Sisters of Mercy, and in ad dition a number of ex-pupils of the school will participate. Several m w and novel drills, movements, etc.. will he introduced. Tickets- have already been placed on salo. Troublesome Trumps .Sentenced. Cornelius Reagan and Peter Lynch, the two tramps who were arrested on April 24 at White Haven, when the des perate conflict ensued between a gang of tramps and the White Haven police, were given their trial at Maucli Chunk last week. Reagan was sentenced to the county jail for fifteen months for re sisting arrest and for earring explosive substances on a railroad train, and Lynch was sentenced to the eastern penitentiary for one year for carrying a concealed weapon. Preparing to Hung HclterL. Abram I. Eckert, tho murderer of Fred Hittenhender, at Nanticoko, is under sentence to on Wednes day, July 1. Sheriff Martin is quietly making arrangements for the execution of Eckert. Tho scaffold was recently taken out, washed and cleaned up, so that It can bo put together in a few hours by means of bolts and pins. Tho sheriff has already received over 4,000 applications for passes to witness the hanging, but only 100 will be issued. Hoyle and Hirkbeck Win. From the llu/.lcton Standard. Tho largest gathering of tho season assembled yesterday at McAdoo to view the alley match between Hoyle and Hirk bcck, of the South Side, against Brcn nan and Gallagher, of Freeland. Hoyle and Hirkbeck outplayed their opponents at every point and won by a score of 41 to 18. They will play the second half at Freeland noxt Sunday. Suicide of a Contrutor. David Rout, a prominent contractor of Wllkosbarro, died Friday morning, of laudanum poisoning, taken with suicidal intent. Financial troubles are thought to be the cause of his act. lie is sur vived by a widow ami seven children, lie was 49 years old and lived there fifteen years. PROMINENT-PEOPLE DEAD. J. J. Power*, of Freelaiul, and Mr*. Cath erine llent/.chell, of Upper Lehigh. At 12 o'clock last night James J. Powers breathed his last at Ills resi dence on South Ccntro street, near Lu zerne. For the past few days he had been hovering between life and death, and the end was not unexpected. He had been a sufferer from several com plicated diseases for some months, but at times he would recover sulliciently to give his attention to the tailoring business in which ho was engaged. The deceased was born in Nonah, County Tippcrary, Ireland, in 1834. He came to the United States from England in 1857. At tin; breaking out of the rebellion In* promptly offered his ser vices to his adopted country, enlisting in Company I). First Regiment, New York Volunteer Cavalry. He served steadily through the war until its close in 1805, and had a military record which few men can excel. After the war lie returned to Brook lyn, where lie married. From there he moved to Erie, and in 1884 came to Freeland. For some time ho was chief cutter in llefowich's tailoring establish ment, hut later went into business for himself. Mr. Powers was a gentleman who en joyed a large circle of acquaintances, and liis courtly and dignified bearing won for him the respect and esteem of all his friends. Ho is survived by his wife, and one step-son. Tho latter resides at Pittsburg. The funeral will take place on Wed nesday morning at 8.30 o'clock, under direction of Undertaker McNulty. Mass will bo read at St. Ann's church at 9 o'clock, after which the remains will be interred in St. Ann's cemetery. Mrs. Catherine Hentzchol died very suddenly at Upper Lehigh on Friday evening, June 12. She was ill only fifteen minutes. Tho deceased was born at Troedylniw, near Merthyr. Wales. October 28, 1834. She lived for a num ber of years at Mountain Ash, in her early life, where she married her first husband, Hugh Jones. In November. 1804, they emigrated to this country, a d j settled for a few years at Audenrhul, lint | for more than thirty years she lived at Upper Lehigh. On December 10, 1877, her first hus band died and was buried at Upper Le high. About fifteen years ago she married August Hentzchnl. She was for years a faithful member of tin? Welsh Baptist church of Upper Lehigh, but during tho last years of her life she connected herself with tho Eng lish Baptist church of Freeland. She was baptised at Upper Lehigh on October 19, 1873. Tho funeral will take place this after noon at 3 o'clock. Funeral services will lie held at the residence. Rev. John T. Griffith will officiate and preach by re quest of the deceased, from the 2nd Corinthians, sth chap. 4th verse; She. leaves a tender, careful husband, live children, one sister, several relatives and a host of friends to mourn her loss. The memory of the just is blessed. J. T. G. The Williumsport Convention. The A. O. 11. convention at Williams port adjourned lato Thursday night after a three days' session. Resolutions scoring the A. P. A. were unanimously adopted. Tho resolutions also urge re newed efforts in tho upbuilding of the A. O. 11., to encourage the organization of ladies' auxiliaries, and suggests the appointment of a committee to take steps for a union of the order in Ameri ca; aid is also recommended for the Catholic Protectory in Philadelphia, also for tho establishment of a homo for the aged and indigent members. Tho officers elected are as follows: State president, Patrick O'Neill, Phila delphia: state vice president, M. S. Mur ray, of Fall Hrook, Tioga county; state secretary, William P. Bradley, of Wil liainsport; state treasurer, John M. Kel ley, of Allegheny. The vote for president was: O'Neill, 3fiß; Flannery, 329. Scran ton was chosen as the next j place of meeting. Not. Obeyed in the Kurd Coal Region. A dispatch from Harrisburg says that the French canned pea business has boon satisfactorily disposed of by the state department, and they will next have a siege with the exporters of olive oil in Nice, Italy. The provisions of tho pure food law are being tolerably well obeyed save in tho hard coal region, whore there have been numerous flagrant transgressions of the law which will bring almost immediate prosecutions. There arc now at tho department ten different samples branded as "olive oil," from Nice, which prove upon analysis to he only cotton seed oil. The matter will be closely followed up. When Baby was sick, wo gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, sho clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria CANDIDATES REGISTER THOSE WHO HAVE COMPLIED WITH THE REPUBLICAN RULES. Nuines of Oflice-SeekerK Wlin Are Listed HK Cundi.hitcH for Nominations on the Republican Ticket in Lu/.erne County. Two Important bcotions. Under the rules of tho Republican party, says the Wiikcsbarro Record, candidates for nomination must register witli the county committee twenty days before the date of the convention. Under this rule the following have registered: Congress—Morgan H. Williams, Wiikcs barro; Charles I). Foster, Wiikcsbarro. Senator —W. .1. Scott, Wapwallopen; J. C. Harvey, Harveyville; Isaac 1\ Hand, Wllkosbarro. Treasurer-Robert P. Robinson,Wllkcs barre; L. C. Darte, Kingston. Registor—Hi rain I\ Kuntz, Lattimer; Fred Routclhuher, Wilkesbarre; Charles E. Keck, Ashley. Commissioner—R. E. Donaughey, Ilaz leton; A. 1). Hay, Lehman; It. Frank DePiorro, Freeland; Francis K. Scho bert, Hollcuback; William Keiner, Beach Haven; M. L. Droisbach. Wilkesbarre; P. 11. Repp. Wilkesbarre; John C. Wil liams, Wilkesbarre; Stephen Charles, Lattimer; P. T. Norton, Miner's Mills: John M. Jones, Pittston; T. R. Peters. Wilkesbarre. Auditor —W. L. Iliggs, Wilkesbarre; Edgar Cooper, West Pittston; E. A. Mor gan, Wilkesbarre; J. R. Westover. Forty Fort. The rules governing this matter are as follows: Section 5. Candidates seeking a nom ination on the Republican county ticket shall register an application with the county committee, containing, over their own signatures, an agreement that they have not offered nor paid and will not offer nor pay any money, position or other tiling of value to any delegate or candidate for delegate, directly or in indjreetly, for securing their nomination, and if nominated they will promptly pay their proportion of the expenses of the campaign as may be allotted to their office by the county committee. Each candidate on registering shall forthwith pay to the treasurer of the county com mittee such registering fee as may have been established by tho county commit tee, not exceeding 1 per cent of one year's salary of the office registered for. Section 0. The committee shall ap pend to the published call for the coun ty convention a list of all candidates for the respective offices who shall have registered and paid their fee twenty days or more before tho day of conven tion. But candidates registering and paying their fee five days or more before tho convention shall be entitled to have their names certified to the convention as eligible fur nomination. Catarrh Cannot ho Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Halt's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts direct ly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the host tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two in gredients is what produces such wonder ful results in curing catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, price 75c. To Crowded HOIIHCH. From the Shainokin Dispatch. Welsh Bros, show began its engage ment in this city yesterday and both afternoon and evening crowded houses greeted it. Welsh Bros, have added several new feature since last year, and their show is as clean and refined as over. It is a very delightful program that is rendered during the two hours under the. canvass, and it is remarkable what high class people are engaged when the small-price admission is con sidered. The show will remain in Shamokin until Saturday night, and it will doubtless do an immense business. At Freeland Juno 22-23. PLEASURE CALENDAR. June 20.—Picnic of the Drifton Glee Club at Drifton park. June 20.—Entertainment and closing exercises of St.. Ann's parochial school at tin l Grand opera house. Tickets, 2.3 and 35 cents. June 22-23.—Welsh Bros, show at Free laud. Juno 20. —Millennium Festival ball, under the auspices of the Hungarian Sick and Benevolent Association, at Yannes" opera house. Admission, 25c. July 4. —Entertainment of St. Patrick's cornet band at Grand opera house. Tickets, 25 cents. July 4. —Parade of fireman and civic societies, and picnic at the Public park under the auspices of the Citl- Hose Company. July 4. —Dinner and supper will bo served by the Wesley League of the P. M. church in Sachs biiiiding. T ck ts, 25 cents. Read - tlic - Tribune. Let the X Rajs Alone! Let the Hot Summer Rays Come! ll r e Are Heady for Them! Our Straw Hats Arc here in abundance. Latest styles in hundreds of shapes and prices to suit everybody—loc to $1.50. American Beauties Our Summer Suits in all the most fetching shades may well be designated thus. A perfect tit, well cut and well made Suits, at prices you will pay for commonplace goods else where. For Little Fellows We have secured a large line of first class Boys' Suits at very low prices, and we'll give our patrons the benefit of it. Miscellaneous Fine Shirtwaists from 25c upwards, well made and fast colors. Our Shirts and Neckwear are unexcelled. New lines of each just arrived. Come, see and admire. Boys' Sweaters, 25c. Leather Bicycle Belts, 25c. OLSHO'S CLOTHING and HAT STORE, 57 Centre street, Frceland. GREAT BARGAINS IN Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions. Notions, Carpet, Boots and Slues, Flour and Feed, Tobacco, Cigars, Tin and Queensware, Wood and WiUowware, Table and Floor Oil Cloth, Etc. A celebrated brand of XX Hour always in stock. Roll Butter and Eggs a Specialty. My inotto is small prollts and quick sales. I always havo fresh goods and am turning my stock every month. Every article is guaranteed. AMANDUS OSWALD, A. IV. Cor. Centre and Front Sis., Freeland. Dr. H. W. Monroe, Dentist. Boca ted permanently in Frceland, in th> Birkbcck brick, second floor, rooms 1,2 d l ll Gas and ether administered for the pain less extraction of teeth. Teeth filled and ar tificial teeth inserted. Heasomihle prices and all work fully guaranteed. Condy 0. Boyle, dealer In Liquor, Wine, Beer, Porter, Etc. The finest brands of Domestic and Imported ! Whiskey oil sale in one of the handsomest sa loons in town. Fresh Rochester and Shenan doah Beer and Youngling's Porter on tap. U8 Centre street. COTTAGE HOTEL Washington and Main Streets. HENRY HAAS, - Proprietor. The best accommodation for permanent and transient guests. Rood table. Fair rates. Hut linely stocked. Stable attached. Dr. N. MALEY, Second Floor, Birkbcck Brick. OVER TURK BECK'S STORE. T. CAMPBELL. dealer in Dry Goods, C 1 roceries, Boots and Slioes. Also PURE WINES AND LIQUORS FOF FAMILY AND MEDICINAL PURPOSES. Centre and Main streets, Frcelaud $1.50 PER YEAR £MIAS. ORION STROH, Attorney and Counselor at Law and Notary Public. >Hlee: Rooms3and 4, Birkbcck Brick, Freeland. JOHN M. CARR, Attorney-at-Law. All legal business promptly attended. Postoffloa Building, S • Freeland. ■jyj lIALPIN, Mannufacturer at Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, Ac. Walnut and Pine-Streets, Freeland. A/JUS. S. K. HAYES, Fire Insurance Agent. Washington Street. None but Reliable Companies Represented. 11. KNEKR, Contractor and Builder. TV limit,-s cheerfully Riven. Brick hwild inks u specialty. Correspondence solicited. i'. (>. ltox 411, Munch Chunk, Pa. yy AS I] IN (.TON COTTAC i E, Atlantic City, N. J. Conducted by Mrs. JANE DoFOY, of Freelund. Located on Missouri avenue, bit ween Atlan tic ami Pacific, near the beading depot. First class accommodations and moderate rates. JAMES QUIGLEY, Confectionery, Fruits, Cigars, and Tobacco. Green truck of all kinds handled in season, lee cream parlor attached. Opposite Birkbcck Brick, Frceland. LIBOR WINTER, Restaurant and Eating Saloon. No. 13 Front Street, Freeland. The finest liuuors and cigars served at the counter. Cool beer and porter on tap. CENTRAL 7 HOTEL LEADING HOTEL IN FREELAND. M. 11. 11UNS1CKER, Prop. Rates, $2 per day. Rar stocKed with fine whiskey, wine, beer and cigars. Sale and ex change stable attached. GEO. SfPPEL, MERCHANT - TAILOR. Centre Street, Freeland. A large variety of cloths always on hand. Perfect Jit guaranteed and style up-to-date. Trices equally as low as any house in town. FRANCIS BRENNAN, RESTAURANT 151 Centre street, FiviTund. FINEST LIQUOR, IJEEU, PORTER, ALE, CIGARS AND TEM PERANCE DRINKS. DeHERRO - BROS. -CAFE.- Corner of Centre ami Front Streets, Freeland, Pa. Finest Whiskies in Slock. Gibson, Dougherty, Knufcr Club, Koseiibluth's Velvet, of which we huvo EXCLUSIVE SALE IN TOWN. Mumm's Extra Dry Champagne, Henuessy Brandy, Blackberry, Gins, Wines, Clarets, Cordials, Etc. Imported and Domestic Cigars. OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE. Ilam and Schweitzer Cheese Sandwiches, Sardines, Etc. MEALS - AT - ALL - HOURS. Ballcntinc and Huzlcton beer on tap. Baths, Hot or Cold, 25 Cents. VIENNA: BAKERY. J. B. LAUBACH, Prop. Centre Btrcet, Frceland. CHOICE DREAD OF ALL KINDS, CAKES, AND PASTRY, DAILY. FANCY AND NOVELTY CAKES IIAKED TO ORDER. Confectionery § Ice Cream supplied to balls, parties or picnics, with all necessary adjuncts, at shortest notice and l'airest prices. Deli eery and supply wagons to all parts oj . town and surroundings etery day.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers