for Infants and Children. Mothe a '-J 5 Do You Know that Paregoric, Bateman's Drojw. Godfrey's Cordial; many so-called Soothing Syrups, and most remedies for children are composed of opium or morphine f Do Yon Know that opium and morphine are stupefying narcotic ]M>isons ? Do Yon Know t hat in most countries druggists are not permitted to sell narcotics without labeling them poisons ? D° Yon Know that you should not jermit any medicine to In; given your child unless you or your physician know of what it is composed ? Do You Know that Castoria is u purely vegetable preparation, and that a list of its ingredients Is published with every l>ottle 1" Do You Know i hat Castoria is the prescription of the famous Dr. Samuel Pitcher. That it has been in use for nearly thirty years, and that more Castoria is now sold than of all other remedies for children combined t Do You Know that the Patent Ofllco Department of the United States, and of other countries, have issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to use the word " Castoria " and its formula, and that to imitate them is a state prison otTense t Do Yon Know that one of the reasons for granting this government protection was because Castoria had been proven to be absolutely harmless? Do You Know that 3ft average doses of Castoria are furnished for 35 cents, or one cent a dose ? Do You Know that when possessed of this perfect preparation, your children may lie kept well, and that you may have unbroken rest Y *Well> these things are worth knowing. They are facts. The fac-wimilo * / rr .. is on every xignatnro of C-fuzX?/<£&&{/&< wrapper. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. We impart a thorou h knowledge of the COM MKKCIAL STI'IHF..-* at the cost of less time uii't in liiai, II I' H ' v\ M •- ou c I hei 1 . I in •• -:n > I to the trainin" thev ; • We nnulr l;iiI ! \I• W I NN ! .I.ii t it>m. Wo want you to know !o write and u. v,u:,llni.out thi> UVF s'ID nil . N.I;. We as-mt rail- I, . I. ifions. I*Al.'ils lil'Sl.lhiSs < ULI.KId:, i:oh>lDO ( hrMtnut St.,l'lilLA. Wheeler & Wilson NEW IIIGII ARM No. 9. C': ■ ' v &• |r v t 4 ' i iie'A'* (i ffl fill l--4rf '-j jl J v JJ> 31 SEWPTG MACHINE. HEWS EITHER CHAIN OK LOOK STITCIT. The lijhiml runninff , rm>#/ durable and most popular machine iu the world. Send for catalogue. Agent* wanted. IkiHt govda. Kcst terms. Address Wheeler &. Wilson Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, P*. TO THE OPPONENTS OF THE KNiGHTS OF LABOR, Yon Judge our organization without eom liict- uodorijtundiiig < '■ our principles or our position on current <|iiCfdion.s. There is (IN I.Y (IN I) until.i/.-.l ..rg.ui of the (ieneral order of the Knights ot Labor ami that is the Journal of the Kniyhts of Labor. The best reform weekly paper si nscm P. i i nit i:. HI. \t> IT. TII S:.N < lime IM: C M. Price, SI a year. 814 North Hroitd street, Philadelphia, !'.• COPYRIGW i'o. CA\ I CI IST \I N A I'ATT,NT ? For A INI'V INI'V • r aii-L an NON rite to cxporienei' ill I l.e 1 it ••!., t•'l ' .."111(1 ' ,i --tions st rift I y ouiiliii'llT i I:. A II it IHIIMMIU of IN formation ootl'. rnili.: I'ntrtit* ANA how to ob tain THEM pciit free. AL-o . • iloguc OF MC llUU tcal and S< I * I .♦ 11IC : .• O Patents INI.CN tl ; Munn !I Co. RECEIVE Special I ' lie "*•' iei.mic MIIEIIN N. mil thus an: II• • • I.R I I A -AMI - out cost to the I men: or L I•1 nl paper, issued weekly. • .••• hi .v i-a n. ( , LARGEST eirc : .' U : • M tiiU Building ! ' my. .r. r-'.nglo copies, Vls i • at-. ) ' <■! • ai .-r coni una t>•;• o tiful plates, in colors, .. .<1 pi., o /mpiis of new houses, with plans, enabii. builo.-ra to .w tho latest dcsitriia and secure contracts. Address AILLNN .v <(>., NI.W YOI k. .'ft* 1 iti.oaDWAT. I'ObITICA I. ANNOI'NCK.>I TNT. SI/PEHVISOH JOBKPH MYERS, of Fust Foster. Subject to the decision of the ltepul'tlieun convention of Foster township. Fortunes Made and Saved liy following the advice of the Hi/// Street Daily . \' (established IMP) in speculating n.- investing in Railway Stocks and Bonds. Subscription. s."> per yenr. Sample copies tree. Address E. Martin I duck, editor. Mo. 4'.' Exchange I'he N. Y'. J < avcats. and Trade-M arks obtained, and all Pat- J rent, business conducted f..r MODERATE FEES. e J OUR OFFICE IS OPPOSITE U S. PATENT OFFICE' Janii we can set tire patent in less time than those J * remote from Washington. # ' >cnd model, drawing or photo., with descrip-# J' 11. We ad vie, II |).i teiitable or not, tree of? $ charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. # * A PAMPHLET, "How to Obtain Patents," with# Jcost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries J , *sent free. Address, # :C. A.SNOW&COJ OPP. PATENT OFFICE, WASHINGTON. O. C. 0 Oompiexinn PressrvsS DB. HEBFiA'S fc "* • VIOLA CIS® T * iteinovcs Freckles kimplee, Livflr • Moles, blachlieads, T Sunburn and Tun, and r> \ blores the skin to its origi- v, rial fr hne-s, producing a v, . clear and healthy eon;-1 iJCr* \• plexion. Superior to all f :eo ' preparations p.rvl ] • :*•"• •' hnrmlrs--- Vt n' druggists, or mall d for Sd w. Send for ('!••: ulat j i VIOLA ' ' •' _ ; ■ j SSV AVun'.V ' {■■ eilfcSnfa! G. C. BITTNF 4C0.,T0U:1.A,0. Awn lC 17,3 1 X j \ ABSOLUTELY The Best' p fr i SEWING MONEY ,i; \ ~n AI TE ■. i- ■ MADE WE OR ourx*DEALERS onn ell you inu IIIIIOM cheaper than you can got oNe iv lie re. The NEW IIOHE IN ourbeNt, hut we make cheaper Itiiidt, such an tho OIaIJUAXj IDEM, and other High Arm Full Nickel IHatcd Sewing ?lachincs for $15,00 and up. Call 011 our agent or writo IIM, WO want your trade, and If price*, term* and nquarc dealing will w in, wo wiii have It. Wo challenge tho world to produce Jt BETTER $50.00 Sowing .llaehtne for $50.00, or a better S2O. Mewing machine for $20.00 than you can buy from nn, or our AK'(M, THE HEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO. . MOTS, bo ON t ' I I >N S ' 1:k,21.Y ! LIUCA'iO, lI.U t(r. 1.0 l IH.Mo. JiAI.TaAH, '1 1.-LAJh bAJt i'IUItCIHC'O, ('AL. ATLANTA, OA. FOR SALE BY I l>. s Kwing, general agent, 1127 CiieHliiut hireet, I'hiU., Pa. I Anthracite coal used exclusively. insuring i cleanliness and comfort. Alt ItAMiF.MKNT OF PAjJSFNI i I'll TWAINS. NOV. IK, 1H94. I.KAVK FIiKKLAND. tus, s il lu 41 a in. 1 A, 2 27, :i 40. I Si, • ; 1-, ij As. S (I- v. jiiii, lor I nil ton, Jodtio. Luui lu r Vard, stoc\toii and lla/.leton. tUf, ha:*; ... l :i:, hi. 425p m, for Maueh (.'hunk, Aiientown, Hethlchcm, i'hila.. Fa-ton and New Vork. li •>. m 11 aui, 2 27, 4 ti "s pm, for i Ma!iain>v ( iiy. sin uandoali and I'ottsvilie. | 7 •.', in >• a in, 11 i. I ill p in, (via Highland Ihanclo I or White Haven, < i len Summit, Wilkes- 1 Harre, I'iltston and L. and B Junction. SUNDAY Tit A INK. 11 40 ii m and ; tap iii for Drifton, Jeddo, hum- : her Vard and lla/ieton. :14"> nin tor Delano. Mahanoy City, Shcnan- ' douli. New Vork and Philadelphia. ARRIVE AT FREELAND. T :M, U27, 10 AG, 11 r4 a 111, 12 88, hi, 4 :14, 5 ICt, | ■ . i. pin, from I la/let on, Stockton, l.uin- , I ei Jeddo and Drill.>n. 7 '.':.'7, 10 fit! a in, 2 13, t 34, 05S p in. from | Delano. Mahanoy City and Shenandoah uia New Boston Branch). ; . s 17 p in. from New Vork, Kaston, Philadelphia, Betliiclicin, Allen town and Maueh I Chunk. • ... jii.'.t; a in, ].•:.vs, fiJUi, oak, s(7 pm, from I Fa-ton, I'hila., I'etliHhciii and Maucli chunk. ; '• • I" II a 111, •• • pin I n .in \\ uite Haven, | (Hen Summit, \\ .Ike.-Hiiitc, Pittstun and 1.. and j It. Junction viu Highland Brunch). SUNDAY Tit A INK. j 1! Ia in and 331 pm, from lla/.lcton, Lum licr I ard, Jeddo and l'riftoii. il -d ;i in from Delano, lla/.leton, Philadelphia and l .aston. •>1 pin from Delano and Mahanoy region. | For Inn Iter information inquire ol' Ticket i Agents. ( H AS. s. LFK, Gen'l Pass. Agent, I'hila.. Pa. It< HJLIX 11. WIMH'II. (Jen. s U pt. Fast. Div. A. \\ . NONNFMAi HHK. Ass't .. P. A . South Bethlehem, l'a. I'M IK DELAWARE, SUSQUEHANNA AND SCHUYLKILL RAILROAD. Time table in etleut June 17, 18P4. Trains leave Drifton for Jeddo, Kckley, Ha/.le llrook, Stockton. Heaver .Meadow Hotel, lloan am! Ha/leion J unci ion at 0Wl, 111 a in, 12U!i, I on p in, ilaily eveept Sunday, and 7 U3 a in, ~ :) P in,iinda.\. Trains leave Drifton for liar wood. Cranberry, Toniliickeu ami 1 leringer at no am, I;.' Oil p in, daily except Sunday; and 7 UJ a in, 2:W p ui. Trains leave Drifton for Oneida Junction, Harwood Houd. Humboldt Houd, Oneida and shvppion Jit n in ;i in, I nn p m, daily except Sunday; ami 7u! a in,3s p in, Sunday. 'l'rains it a\ < 11. t ton Junction for Harwood, cranbeivy. Itunhicken and Deringer ato37 a in, i |. ui, duii> <• \eept Sunday; and 547 a in, 4 18 i> in, Sunday. Tiaius leave II a/Jet on JiitictioQ for Oneida Juneiion, Harwood lload, Humhoidt Houd. Oneida ami Sheppton at ii 47, H JS a in, l;* 40, 4 4ti pin, dailv except Sunday; ttiid 7 in a in, ,'IOB p in, Sunday. Tr ins leave Deringer for Touiliieken, Cnin berrv, Harwood, lla/.leton Juneiion, Houn, Beaver Meadow Ltoad. Stockton, lla/.le llrook, ; Kekley, Jeddo and Drifton at ~ da, ij()7 p in, i lullv except Sunday; and a d7 a in, ."07 p ui, i r:till- leave sheppton lor Oneida, Humboldt Hoad, Harwood ltoad, Om ida Junction, llu/.le i,.ii Junetion a d Hoan tit >dl, 10 10 am, I l.'i, • p in, daily except Sunday; and 814 am, :i 45 p in. Sunday. Trains leave heppton for Beavor Meadow ltoad, Stockton, lla/.le liro ik, Fckley, Jeddo and I nil ion at 10 10 ii 111, p in. dailv, except >•'!., a > .ioi ; < iin. sunday. i i .iins io.,\e Ha/ at on .luiietion for Beaver Ah adow ltoad, Stockton, lla/.le llrook, Heklev, Jedd.i ami IM il ion ; i In :{s m, |u, h its p ni, dally, exci pt Sunduj;und 1008 am, •";! pm. All trains connect at lla/.leton Junction with electric ears lor iin/.letoii, .leain sv ille, Auden ried ami oilier points oil l.ehigli Traction Co's It. It. Train- leaving Drifton at '10 am, and Sliepp ton at •• .1 a in, and I I V | in, connect at < ineidu .1 itii,-iion with I . \ . H. It. trains east and west. 'I ram leav mg Drifton at • >ki a in makes con nection at Deringer witii P. It. It. train for \\ i Ikes-Harre, sun bury, llurrlsburg, etc. A 1.1 It l.i WALT Kit, DANIKLCOXE, President. Superintendent. Du. N. AIALEY, D B W T 1 & T# Located permanently in Birkhcek's huildlng, i nis laml ■"), second lloor. SjH'eial attention paid to all brunches of dentistry. M l, OI'KKATJUXS , i*t:itFui:Mt:n with i auk. All work guaranteed. Otllce hours: 8 to 12 A. M.; Ito P. M. ; to ;i p. M. FEAITCIS BEENUAN'S 151 Centre street. EXCELLENT LIQUORS, BEER, I'ORTER, ALE, CIGARS, Etc. Ail kinds of TEMPERANCE DRINKS. 11 an less! I Harness! Liglit C?triage Harness. sr.. no, S7, SO and $10.50. Heavy Express Harness. $10.50, sl9, S2O and $22. Heavy Team Harness, double, $25, S2B and S3O. GEO. WISE, Jeddo and Preeland, Pa. A new stock of blankets, hip robes, buffalo robes, etc., just arrived, are selling <• le-ii p. BePIERRO - BUGS. =CAFE.= Corner of ( . ntre and I rout Streets, Fr eland, Pa. j I ! 'h isk /'c.v in Slock. (iilHiui, Dougherty, Km iter Club, UoreiililutlTs Velvet, ol which we have rXC'.USIVe GALE \A row*. : MunuiTs P.xtra Dry * hanipagne. Hemic -v Hr.i- dy. I'd ekberrv, Gin-. Wines. ( Uirem. < V.rdials. Etc. linn ifal and Dome.xtic ('if/ant, nYSTTPi \ IN EVFRY STYLE. 11,1,„ unit SO' .. it-, r n.,;M s„ndviche, MEALS VT - ALL HOURS. and Ha/Jetou beer on tap. B.itl.s, dot or ( old, •_>.") (,'ents. Atlvt rise in the Thiiii nk. Hang On to Your Dollars Until you have seen our money-saving and satisfaction-giving holiday stock. Keep Your Casli in Your Pocket until we show you our elegant goods for holiday presents. LADIES' GOLD FILLED WATCHES, WITH ELGIN OR WALTIIAM MOVEMENT, FROM si 2 TO *22. VVE HAVE A FINE LINE OF LADIES' GOLD WATCHES, FROM *2O TO *4O. i VVE HAVE ADDED A LINE OF IMPORTED JAPANESE GOODS AND IMPORTED CUPS AND SAUCERS; THEY ARE WORTH FROM s()c TO *1.50. FIVE O'CLOCK AFTER-DINNER CUPS AND SAUCERS WITH STERLING SILVER SPOON, FROM *1.50 TO PEARL, SILVER AND MOROCCO OPERA GLASSES. 110 West Broad Street, ITAZLETON, PA. FREELAND TRIBUNE. PUBLISH HD RVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY. TITOS. A. BUCKLEY, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. OFFICE: MAIN STREET ABOVE CENTRE. SUBSCRIPTION RATES, One Year **•••••• $1 50 Six Months 75 Four Months..... 50 j Two Months 25 ( Subscribers are requested to observe the date i following the name on the labels of their papers. Ry referring to this they can tell at a glance how they stand on the books in this office. For instance: Grover Cleveland 2SJuncU5 ; means that Grover is paid up to June 28. 1895. , Keep the llgures in advance of the present date. I lteport promptly to this office when your paper is not received. All arrearages must l>o paid when paper Is discontinued, or collection will be made in the manner provided by law. EREEI.AND, DECEMBER 20, 1894.! r rime Cannod by Love. There certainly must be something J in tlie peculiar sensation that we call love that is specially demoralizing to ' some dispositions and temperaments, i For surely the vagaries committed in the name, of love are legion. Member i of the human family violate all of the commandments of the decalogue under the strange and indefinable influence of this most wonderful and unaeeount able passion. Suicide, murder and theft seem to be the leading crimes when once the mind gives way to this overmastering and all-dominant senti ment. There is, in the opinion of the New York Ledger, a wide Held for in vestigation and study into the laws an<l 1 causes of the unset tledness of lovers. It is often said, and with excellent show >f truth, that when love comes in at the door reason and common sense : fly out at the windows. Hut when everything is summed up, when all the evidence is in, ami one pauses to 1 consider calmly the situation in all its bearings, it is a conclusion past question that this sentiment offers gre.t! cr delights than any other known to humanity. There are no pleasures like the pleasures of love, no hopes, ainhitionsor anticipations like those that are ul? e-ed l>v a pure and unselfish alTcctii.-i That ill-balanced brains are somcti turned by it is no more argument against it than that wo should keep away fr >n the seashore because some one has been drowned in the surf. Shakespeare says that men have died, and worm? have eaten them, , but not for love. There are many per sons in this world who respect fully de cline to accept thi assertion of the im mortal bar I of Avon, for history and current events are full of a-counts of instances of the sacrifice <>f life for love. It may be that, the imagination and the thoughts become diseased or morbid before this state of affairs comes about, hut the result is unqoes tionab! ■. The giving way of tlie men tal balance under such circumstances may indicate cither an extremely sus ceptible temper.:icnt, a weak head, or morbid scm ibili. :cs. Whatever the cause m y be, the end i?t deplorable enough, a:id cannot fail to impress us with i'n idea that unguarded and . heat : <ng alfecti< nis a very uncom fortable t!.ii:.". and may turn out. to be i ara t f rtile can eof unhappiness and even serious trouble. SIOO Howard, SIOO. The readers of this paper will be :-ed to learn that there is at least one ded disease that science has been to cure in all its stages and that is nh. Hall's catarrh cure is the * ve cure now !:n nvn to the medical ■•diy. Catarrh being a constiiu ii disease requires a constitutional in* ut. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken nmlly, acting directly upon the I - •I mucous surfaces of the k>.-. ■. . •y destroying the foundation > i d.-.-ease, and giving the pa .h bv building up the constim i •• t assisting nature in doing its wo: ■ proprietors have so much faith i ■ curative powe-.--, that they offer < . .red dollars for any c e that it I • • :re. Send fur list ol Übtimon; . .ess, 1 F. J. CHENEY & CO., T.dcdo, 0. Ir, old by druggists, 7oe. FROM SI HLIIHAN POINTS. IIKiHLANI). I Mine Foreman Thomas Brown, of No. j I 1 slope, at this place, lias tendered his I [ resignation to take effect January 1. [Mr. Brown has occupied this position J about 12 years and is one of the most j able and efficient mine foremen in the [ region. What his plans are for the j future is not known, hut should lie de- i | termine to reside elsewhere the town j I will lose one of its most esteemed resi- | dents. A gentleman of llazleton, who has ; been in search of a dog, which he says is hidden in town, and was stolen from ■ him several months ago, was here 011 .Monday. This is several times he has been looking for the animal, but failed jto find it. lie says he will be revenge 1 I upon the suspected parties if the dog is J not given up by January 1. The benefit for Bernard Morris, which was to be held at Freeland on Saturday I evening, lias been postponed until Sat- ! I urday evening, December 29. The for- j j nier date comes on pay day, and it | j would be inconvenient tor many who j wished t, attend. ! The collieries here will suspend opera tions tomorrow and will not resume again until January 2. There is no rea . son given for the idleness, but it is thought most of the collieries in the re gion will experience a like stoppage. John Wackiey, assistant fireman at No. slope, had liis face severely burned by coming in contact with a feed pipe in the boiler room. Miss Grace McNelis, of New York city, is in town spending a few days with her brother Patrick and family. Mrs. Patrick Ferry left on Tuesday for Mt. C irmel, where she intends to make her future home. Patrick Sharpe, of town, had the mis fortune to lose slfi one evening 1-jst week between this place and Freeland. The township road is caving in the vicinity of the Sandy Run crossing on account of work which is being done at the stripping. I hieves, who have been making their rounds in search of plunder lately, re lieved one of our residents of a fine tur key which was being fattened for the Christmas dinner. The bird was to be victim for Thanksgiving Day, but its lease of life was extended to Christmas on account of its weight and beauty. Hut it disappeared in the night. V PPER LEHIGH. Frank \ erblbky, a laborer in No. 4 slope, met with u horrible death on Monday while at work. He was caught iby a tal) ol rock ami was instantly crushed to death. He was 28 years of age and leaves a wife and two children. Ii is said he was u member of the In dependent Polish church, of South Hub ert.n, and he was buried iii the ceme tery of that denomination at Birvanton. On Monday evening some unknown person threw a stone through a wihdow of the passenger car while it was en route for White Haven and shattered the glass into fragments. Ii occi rred when the train was passing the I r -aker and one of the trainmen had a narrow e.rape from being struck by the missile. T iere is no clew to the person who done it. John Donohue, who has been coach man for Hon. J jhn Leisenring for some time, resigned his pj on this w ek and returned to bis home at Phih del phia. The collieries suspended work at noon yesterday owing to a lack of cars. On Saturday the majority of our peo ple will wear smiles. It will be pay day. Several of our young men who pur chased skates to have a good time on the Honeyhole dam are now wondering ! what they done it for. So far the skat ' ers look u| on this winter as a failure. Don't Spare a Minute! First Come, First Served! A great reduction in prices, t rail and be covinced. Bargains in all departments. The largest and most complete stock in lower Luzerne. 3Dry G-ocds Department: The very latest styles and shades in covert, broad and ladies' cloth A complete line of trimmings, very low in juices. Seven cent unbleached muslin, reduced to 4c j>er yard. Eight-cent bleached muslin, reduced to 5c jier yard. Best gray flannels, re duced to ISo from 25c. The same in red mixed dress ginghams, very best quality, 5c per yard. A neat line of children's coats. fOlotlxizig- IDepa.Tt2nn.erLt: MEN'S, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S SUITS. We carry a complete line /fp of the celebrated "Star" \' clothing; boys' knee-pants# f\mM , \ suits, with two pairs of| | }' J pants and a cap included Beets, Slices amd. BnToToer Groccls: These lines are complete and as usual the best goods for the least money. JOS, NEUBIiRGER, P. O. S. of A. Building, - Preeland. NEW HTO.RE! NEW GOODB! GILL S CENTRE AND SOUTH STREETS. FREELAND. BEFORE BUYING YOUR WINTER GOODS CALL AND EXAMINE MY STOCK, ALSO THE PRICES. YOU WILL BE CONVINCED THAT MY STOCK CONSISTS OF THE NEWEST STYLES IN DRESS GOODS, NOTIONS, MILLI NERY, WOOLENS. Etc. RESPECTFULLY YOI'RS, : DANTEL : GTLE, ■FORTH AITS! Christinas will soot; be here and you will need to make a , jiresent to your friend or relative. What can you give better than a nice portrait of yourself; TREVASKIS, the photograjiher, is making the best class of work that is being sent out from any jilace. It is all high class and artistic. , WHEN IN IIAZLETON call at his studio and see the fine display of portrait work. 11. TIIEVASIiI'S, 211 West Broad Street, - Hazleton, Pa. OKPOKTOFTHKtONDITION of the Citi j -i V /amis' Hank <>i Fret-land, Lir/crnccounty, i Pa., al theclosetl business, November:*!, IS'.U. J RESOURCES. i Cash on hand § 30,54(1 mi (-'lacks and other cash items im; Due trom hunks and hunkers 34..5s ;s Loans und discounts >f\3tio s, I Invfstnient securities owned, viz: j Stocks, llonds, etc §JI3,:tKO ."1 Mortgages 1; 1,035 rni 135,431 51 Heal estate, furniture and fixtures.. 1,055 s." Overdrafts I Miscellaneous assets 11 UU LI AMI I.l'i'l KS. 54 I j Capital stock paid in 50,0 mi mi Surplus fund ti,sot) UU L'uuivided profits, less e\. penses and taxes paid.... 572 40 I Deposits sohjeet to check.. 170, i;. 13 Cusluer s cheeks outstnud . 1,355 50 Due to hunks und bankers. 7,aid 47 1 Dividends unpaid la no Miscellaneous liabilities... HOT '. Report in detail of uhovc securities has been nuide to C. 11. kruiuhhaar, superintendent 01 bunking, as called lor. State of Pennsylvuniu, County ot 1.11/.erne, ss: I, 11. It. Duvis, cashier of the above name hank, do solemnly swear that tin- above state ment is true to the best ot my knowledge and 1 belief. It.. It. Davis, cashier. t Subscribed and sworn to la-fore me this tenth day of December, JBK4. Chits. Orion Stroll, notary public. ' Correct attest: Charles Dtisheck, I Michael Zcmany, Thus, llirkbcek, directors. < JOHN PECORAT~" MERCHANT TAILOR, 81 WASHINGTON STKEET. Fine line of samples for fall and winter suits, , overcoats, etc. Excellent lits and Rood work- 1 manship. A trial order requested. COTTAGE HOTEL Washington and Main Streets. FRED. IIA AS, Prop. , First-class accomodation for permanent and transient guests. Good table, l-'air rutus. liar I finely stocked. Stable attuc-hed. w r Philip Geritz, Corner Front and Centre Street*. I tun the oldest Jeweler in town. I have had the largest practical experience in repairing and will guarantee you thorough work. 1 have always in stock the largest assortment of Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Platedware, Kings, Diamonds and Musical Instruments. 1 will do ENGRAVING FREE OF CHARGE on any article purchased from 1110. Single Tax Courier, NA TIONAL SINGLE TAX NEWSPAPER. It gives the single tax news of the world weekly, single tax discussions and the very best of propaganda matter. Foreign corres pondents in -Inpan, Australasia, France, Eng land. Canada and other countries. , The Coiirii r is a 10-page, 04-column paper, in vt rv clear print, on fine tinted paper. It is a valuable champion of the cause which is at tracting so much attention throughout the 1 world. W. E. BROKA IF, Editor. Published by THE COURIER PUBLISHING COMPANY, 810 Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo. SI.OO PER ANNUM,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers