F REE I jAN 1) T RIB UN E. I VOL. VII. NO. 49. Holiday Goods at J. C. Berner s Cheaper Than Ever. Selling dress gingham at 5c per yard. Plaid dress goods, 5c per yard. Sterling calicoes, 4!c per yard. Remnant calicoes, 4c per yard. Remnant outing flannels, 41c per yard. Remnant linings, 4c per yard. White cambric, He per yard. Homespun blankets, 70c per pair. Gray blankets, UOc per pair. All-wool blankets, £2.1)0 per pair. Horse blankets, £1.25 per pair. Sheeting, two and one-half yards wide, 17c per yard. Good muslin, 5c per yard; twenty-one yards, SI.OO. Good quilts, for children's beds, 45c each. Roys' suits, SI.OO. 4 Boys'overcoats, $1.15, "O" nderwsar "Verjr Olaeap. Men's fine calf shoes, £1.75; worth £51.00. Ladies' shoes, from £I.OO up. Hoys' overcoats, five to thirteen years, $1.25. The best bargain of ail! Selling fifty-cent dress goods for 25c for the balance of this month. Good double shawls, $2.50. Reaver shawls, $3.25. Lace curtains, 40c; worth 75c. Children's grain shoes, numbers ten to two, ' SI.OO. Wall paper very cheap—sc double roll. All colors of window slmdcs, 25c. Curtain poles, 25c each. Furniture and carpets. Look at this! A good couch, $4.00; better, $4.50 up to £15.00. A large oak bedroom suit, eight pieces, $25.00. ! Large center tables, solid oak, £1.25 to £51.50. j Wo carry complete lines * of all kinds of furniture, and will give ten per cent off to cash buyers. Did you see our £10.15 oak side boards? Carpets, from 25c a yard up. G-rceeries and Provisions. Six bars Lenox soap, 25c. Six pounds oat meul, 25c. Five pounds ginger cakes, 25c. Two cans salmon, 25c. Five cans corned beef, £I.OO. Good oolong tea, 25c; five pounds, SI.OO. Four pounds good raisins, 25c. Three pounds mixed cakes, 25c. Four pounds oyster biscuits, 25c. Soda biscuits, by the barrel, 41c. Bisseil carpet sweepers reduced to $2.25. Yours truly, :i. Gocpperi, proprietor of the Washing ton House, The best of whiskies, wines, gin cigars, etc. ' Call in wlieti in that part of the town. Presli Beer and Porter on Tap. CHEAP WATCHES. A Chance to Get a Good Watch. Wehrman, the reliable watchmaker, is sel-, liny watches at the lowest prices. (■locks, A jewelry, etc.. arc all away down. This is yoar opportunity to purchase first-class good* at extraordinary low figures. Call now. HEPATHINO OF ALL KINDS. IPR1W! ' 1 pi "We -will pay ycur ELEC- p| P TEIC C-A-E E-A-IRE HOME P pi on every p-u.rclxa.se amount- pj P ing to $2.50. p sj~" T —"1 We sell the best Indies' fill- si fei IMPORTANT! i ed Elgin watch ever of- IS p H : — 1 | fered for $12.00. p f P r 'P JWe sell the best gents'solid jfjj p To -J gold watch, Rockford rail p p pity 4 I'oad movement, $32.50. p sj Free of Cost. j We sell the best tea set ever si |1„ offered for sl^.oo. P WE DISPLAY 300 GOLD WATCHES. P § WE DISPLAY 40 COMPLETE TEA SETS. gl p We Engrave Everything We Sell Without Charge, [fj 1 Win. Glover, Jr., I I '"1 L on easy payments— |ml 'p Loading Jeweler, Hazleton, Pa. j SI.OO PER WEEK. P . |: i F[p^iri [^r^.hlfpif?riplfiPfll^JlT^M|pfliplT^l¥ip.^ GREAT BARGAINS IN Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions. Notions, Carpet, Boots and Shoes, Flour and Feed, Tobacco, Cigars, Tin and Queeimcare, Wood and Willowware, Table and Floor Oil Cloth, Etc. A celebrated brand of XX flour always in stock. Roll Butter and Eggs a Specialty. My motto is small profits and quick sales. I always have fresh goods and am turning ray stock every month. Every article is guaranteed. AMANDUS OSWALD, N. W. Cor. Centre and Front Sts., Freeland. OmZENS' BANK OF FREELAND, CAPITAL, - $50,000. OFFICERS. Joseph Birktiock, President, if. C. Koons, Vice President. B. R. lMvis, Cashier. Charles Du.shock, Secretary. \ DIRECTORS.-Jos. Dirk heck, H. C. Koons, Thus. iticKbcck, A. Rudewick, John Wagner, ( Las. DusheclO .John burton, Michael Zemuny. CT/~ Three per cent, interest paid on saving deposits. I upend lly Irom 9a.m.t03 p. m. Saturdays ! eloMi at !noon. U|<cu Wednesday eveuinga | ireai a to 8. Or. H. W. MONROE, Dentist. j Located permanently in Birkbeck brick, \ second floor, rooms 1, 2 and 3, over Smith's shoe store, Freeland, Pa. I Gas and ether administered for the pain i toss extraction of teeth. Teeth filled and ar j tificial teeth inserted. Reasonable prices and ALL WORK GUARANTEED. CONDY 0. BOYLE, dealer in Liquors, Wine, . eer Etc. The finest brands of domestic and imported whiskey on sale at his new :ra and handsome saloon. Fresh Roches tor and Rallentine beer und Young ling's porter on tup. I Centre - Street, - Five - Points. GEORGE FISHER, dealer in j FRESH BEEF, PORK, VEAL, ! MUTTON, BOLOGNA, SMOKEI) MEATS, ETC., ETC. Call at No. (J Walnut street, Freeland, or wait for the delivery wagons. VERY LOWEST PRICES. LIBOR WINTER, EESTATJBA.ITT OYSTER SALOON. No. 13 Front Street, Freelund. ' The finest, lienors and cigars served at the . counter. Cool beer und porter on tap. TjN)R SALE.—A bay horse, strong and healthy, I' suitable for singh' or double driving, can be bought cheaply. Apply to John Shigo, Freeland. TXT ANTED. A girl to work in store, from VV 1 .do a. in. i. 5.;;n p. m. Apply to John Darak, Centre street, Freeland. \\TANTED. A boy to learn the watchmak- VV ing and jewelry trade. Apply to Wil liam Wehrmau, Freeland. • FREELAND, PA , DECEMBER 20, 189 L BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. Parts of the new engine for the electric light plant have arrived. The jewelers of town are making some pret ty displays in the show windows. St. Ann's parochial schools closed yesterday and will not reopen until after the holidays. Republican candidates in Foster township will be numerous at the coming convention. Explorers have discovered coal at Rossland, Monroe county, and a company lias been form ed to work the vein. A serious cavein occurred early yesterday morning at Sandy Run. Two dwelling blocks had to be vacated by the residents. Council No. 300, Legion of Honor, held an anniversary banquet at the Cottage hotel on Monday evening. The guest enjoyed a very pleasant night. Work upon the new opera house to be built by St. Ann's T. A. R. Pioneer Corps, at ltidge and Luzerne streets, will commence as soon us the weather permits. A meeting of Division in, A. o. H„ will be held at 7.510 o'clock this evening at Valines' hall. All members are requested to attend. Hy order of the president, Jas. I*. McNeils. G. L. Halsey, Esq., who was appointed to marslial the indebtedness of Foster township, began the work here on Tuesday. Another session will be held at Wilkos-Harre next Tuesday. The Oriental Court, No. 140, Jr. (). U. A. M., will hold a special meeting in the P. 0.8. of A. hall on New Vear's Day. All members are requested to be present, as business of great importance will be transacted. Hy order of the secretary. The commissioners appointed by the court to divide the borough into wards met on Tuesday, and after listening to tlieufguments presented by several citizens, they decided to recommend two wards, With Main street as the dividing line. Raphael DcFlurri, of llazlcton, was arrested yesterday for extortion. He is charged with taking £8 from the father of a boy whom he gave a position on the Cranberry breaker. DcFlurri is assistant foreman, and the alder man placed him under bail to appear at court. Nicholas Cola, an Italian, was shot and mor tally wounded by Anthony Tuella. The men became involved in a quarrel while drinking at Luttimer on Sunday night. Tuella set ties 1 it by drawing a revolver and shooting Cola in the back. He is now at Hazlcton hospital, but the doctors say he cannot recover. PATENTS GRANTED. J. T. Jones, Scranton, ale or beer condenser and cooler. H. I. Koiner, Wilkes-Ilarre, automatic fun nel. R. T. Heilly, Wilkes-llarre, cylinder relief valve. JOURNALISTIC. The Ha/.leton Sentinel last week issued a line holiduy number, consisting of sixteen pages. Wilkes-Barre has another newspaper, the Saturday Reporter. It is published by A. W. Betterly, and its column show careful editing. A weekly paper like the Reporter should suc ceed at the county seat. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS FAIR. The Knights of Pythias fair in the Cottage hall is drawing large crowds nightly. On Tuesday evening the Muyberry band was present and rendered several selections, and last evening the St. Patrick's band attended. The fair will last until Saturday evening. The hall is fitted up handsomely and many pretty articles are on exhibition. Music every even ing. GEN ERAL SHUT IX)WN. In the hope that the stock of anthracite coal above ground will be materially reduced, and a brisk demand and better prices ensue in consequence, all the mines now in operation in the Wyoming und Lackawanna regions will close down on next Saturday, and no work will be done in them during the remainder of the year. The Lehigh and Schuylkill collieries are expected to do likewise. SMOTHERED AT JEDDO. Steve Hudak, a Hungarian of Jeddo, em ployed on No. 5 breaker of that place, was caught in a buckwheat pocket while the load ers wore drawing coal from it on Tuesday. He was smothered to death. When it was discovered that the unfortunate man was un derneath the? coal every effort was made to rescue him, but nearly a half hour had elapsed before the body was reach, then lie was dead. LEBLIE ASSAULTEI). From the Wilkes-Barre Newsdealer. William Leslie, of the Elinira Telegram, was assaulted on Monday morning in front of the People's bank, on the Square, Wilkes- Rarre, by P. J. Clark, of Rlaekman street. Clark took offense at something Leslie said about him in the Telegram and when they met Clark commenced the attack. Friends separated them after a few blows had been struck. Neither was hurt much. CHURCH CHIMES. At the English Baptist church baptism will be administered on Sunday evening, and on Monday evening, Christina* eve, the Sunday school children will have an entertainment, consisting of singing, reciting, etc., followed by their annual Christmas tree. The young people of the English Baptist church will hold an entertainment in the church basement on New Year's Eve, after Which a watch ting will be held. The ad mission to the entertainment, including re freshments, is 15 cents. PERSONALTIES. Griffith G. Pritehurd, of Pine street, has ac cepted a position as conductor for the Lehigh Traction Company. Miss Maggie L. Ferry and brother Patrick visited their sister, Mrs. P. F. Harvey, at Mt. Curmel this week. Stanley Oberrender left on Monday to accept a position us stenographer with a Philadelphia firm. Miss Lizzie Jairies, of Kutztown normal school, is home on a vacation. w. A. Fetterman, operator at the Lehigh Valley station here, bus resigned to accept a position on the D. S. & 8. Rand entertainment tomorrow night. THE EC KLEY FAIR. Eckley, December 17, 1894. j Editor Tribune.—The opening of our fair on ' Saturday evening was a brilliant success, j The hull was filled by a delighted throng of j young and old. The door prize, one of which goes off every evening, is quite u taking , feature. I enclose a list of the names of gen erous donors to our fair, to all of whom I re- I turn mv most sincere thanks. I must thank in an especial manner the members of Division 19, A. O. 11., of Freeland, for the beautiful sideboard of quartered oak presented by thorn. [ They deserve the greater thanks, not being i members of this parish, but their previous charity and good will is well-known to be wider and broader than any parish or even any diocese. Yet I must not forget that our own Division, 20, of Eckley, though small in num bers, is large in heart, in presenting a splendid bed-room suit of antique oak. To all who have and shall have helped us in the slightest degree I and ray congregation return our best and most sincere thanks. T. Brehony, pastor. P. S.- The fair will be open every evening until Christinas uvo. Red-room suit, Division 2fi, A. O. If., Eckley. Sideboard, Division 19, A. O. 11., Freeland. i Easy eluiir, Mrs. Harvey, Eckley. Silver set. Father Brehony, Eckley. Parlor lamp, Mrs. James Campbell, Eckley. Set of vases, Mrs. Hugh McGill, Eckley. Glass set, Miss Bridget Campbell, Eckley. j Tablecloth, Andrew J. llaire, Hazlcton. Umbrella, Gough Bros., Hazlcton. Tea kettle, MissSallie Campbell, Freeland. Catholic bible, Father Brehony, Eckley. Cushion, Miss Maria Campbell, Eckley. Parlor lamp, a friend. Napkin holder, 11. E. Sutherland, Hazlcton. Statue, Father Breliony, Eckley. MORE CHARGES MADE. The leading sensation in Schuylkill county, that of the alleged charges preferred against the officials of the Schuylkill almshouse, was given another airing at a public meeting held in Pottsville on Monday. There were about 1,500 people present, representing various parts of the county. General J. K. Sigfried, chair man of the special investigating committee, presided at the meeting and Rev. W. 11. Reh mcy acted as secretary. Rev. J. W. Firey, D. I)., of Pottsville, was the principal speaker, and he made a number of new allegations in addition to those made by ltev. George Gaul hist week. He charged the almshouse officials with the undue expenditure of the public money. He said £2,900 was expended during the year 1893 for liquor and cigars. Of this amount, he said, £OO2 went for cigars, few of which, If any, were used outside of the insti tution, having been given chiefly to visitors; £1,300 was expended for liquors, £SOO of which went for the use of the hospital and the bal ance, he alleged, was used in the office, in addition to these large bills there were other large bills for drugs. While an Investigation was being made last year, the speaker said, scenes were witnessed in the office in the daytime which were highly improper. Doctor Firey said that £510,980.42 had been expended during the year 1893 for indoor expenses, more than £32,000 for outdoor relief, making a total expenditure of more than $02,000. "Notwithstanding this expense," continued the doctor, "it was only a few weeks ago that an additional appropriation of $515,000 had to be made, a proportional part of which went to pay expenses of the years of 1892 and 18951." Resolutions were adopted which call upon the district attorney and county officials to ( make a complete investigation of the charges, j MATRIMONIAL NOTES. This afternoon at 2 o'clock, Frank O'Don- ! ncll und Miss Mary Dever, both of town, will be married at St. Ann's church by Rev. M. J. Falllhee. The bridesmaid is Miss Mary Me- Nells, and the groomsman George McLaugh lin. After the ceremony the party will drive to Hazlcton and surrounding towns and re- j turn in the evening to the residence of the ! bride's parents in the f'oxe addition, where a j reception will bo held. The young couple are very popular und have the good wish of all who know them for future happiness. John McHugh and Miss Tessie Mulligan, j two of Jeddo's popular young people, were married on Tuesday afternoon by Rev. M. J. Fallihee at St. Ann's church. Michael Boyle, of Ridge street, and Miss Sdphia Boyle, of Centre street, assisted at the ceremony. A re ception was hold at the home of the bride, after which they left on a wedding tourto New York. Upon their return they will reside here. Jacob Shelhamer and Miss Eliza Page, both of town, will be married this afternoon at the Heavenly Recruit church by Row Haas. They will begin housekeeping immediately at Ilir vanton. Cards are out announcing the wedding of Myron Zimmerman, of Freelund, and Miss Maggie Falrehild, of Pond Creek. A shooting match will take place on Christ mas l)a> at. John Schnee's hotel, in the lower part of Soul h Hebertoq, for turkevs, thickens, 'geese, etc. Every shooter is invited to take part in the sport. £§| .Jlsl .£m, Clienj BiiUui v^liijili 1 * BuwcHmil C. he Jfrnff""* f Christmas Trees. Bissell's Carpet Sweepers In made of thogo 12 rich wooda apeclalljr for Chrlsfinas CftD KCt flrSt cUo,co of tbo wood But 'j^ ~Vv all iut CalifoMiaßodwoMl ft-faxe' J. C. BERNER, SOUTH AND WASHINGTON STS BAND ENTERTAINMENT. The entertainment of the St. Patrick's cornet bund, for which preparations have been under way the past two months by the in embers, will take pluce at the opera house tomorrow evening. The following progruinme has been arranged: Overture St. Patrick's Band Piano solo Mtaster M. Cabbage Vocal solo Prof. John Morris Recitation Miss Johanna Duffy Clarionette solo V. Petrilla Dumb bell drill. ...Class of Convent Scholars Quartette Misses K. McLaughlin and A. Quigley, and Messrs. J. MeDormott and S. Slattory. Clog dance —Con McElhenny Quartette By Rand Piano sob Miss Colin Brennan Recitation Prof. P. J. Furoy Vocal solo James McGill Cornet duet Prof. A. P. May berry und Master Morgan DeFoy Vocal solo Miss E. McLaughlin Piano trio Masters M. Cabbage F. O'Donnoll and F. Rrobst Song and dance Rob Peters Piano solo Prof. J. F. Theis iteeitatiou J. J. Gallagher Trombone solo W.J. Timncy Concluding with the laughable farce, "The Grcutest Show on Earth," by the members of the the band. This undoubtedly one of the funniest pieces over written and the members who will take part in it have rehearsed it until they have it perfect. A few more reserved seats yet remain un sold at Christy's store, and the committee de sires all who wish these seats to call and pur chase. The admission will be the same for all parts of the first floor, and the reserved seat tickets have been put on sale to accommodate those who wish such seats. The admission to the gallery will be 15 cents. EXPRESS TRAIN WRECKD. The express on the Lehigh Valley road which left Wilkes-Barre at 3 o'clock on Tues day morning, was wrecked at Plains, three miles above. The engine, four passenger ears and ten gondolas were badly damaged. The wreck was the work of some person who threw a switch and sent the express crashing into a train of coal ears. The men injured are George R. Riucrmun, of Munch Chunk, ex press messenger, scalp torn from one side of head; G. R. Mack, of Phillipsburg, baggage man, right arm crushed; William Stevens, of West Pittston, fireman, left leg wrenched and crushed; Henry Warren, Wilkes-Barro, en gineer, face cut and severely bruised. The train was drawn by engine fil l, recently built at a cost of £11,0(10 and one of the finest on the road. There were but few passengers on board. The train was running about forty miles an hour, on the seven-miles staiglit track from Port. Bowklcy to Pittston. It had just passed Plains when the engine ran off the main track and into t lie coal train. The pas sengers were thrown about violently, but though some of them were bruised, none were seriously injured. The loss to the coin j pany will exceed $25,000. BADLY FRIGHTENED. Miss Katie 11 eery, aged 19, a well-known | young lady of Wilkes-Barre, is lying at the point of death from hysteria caused by fright. I Last Thursday night, us she was going home, it is alleged, she was attueked by a young man named William Gallagher. Katie escaped and after reaching her home was taken with hystcriu. Since then she has been delirious eontinually. She is so weak that the doctors fear she cannot recover. Gallagher was ar rested and sent to jail to await the results of the girls injuries. PLEASURE CALENDAR. December 20 to 22. Fair of Silver Wave Lodge, No. 242, Knights of Pythias, at Cot tage hall. Admission, 5 cents. December 21. Entertainment of St. Patrick's cornet band, at Freeland opera house. Ad mission. 15 and 25 cents. December 31. Fourteenth annual ball of St. Ann's T. A. R. Pioneer Corps, at Freeland opera house. Admission, 50 cents. January I. Opera by Tyroh-se Society. Ad misssion, adults, 25 cents; children, 15 cents. January 21. sixth annual bull of Tigers Atli letie Club, at Freeland opera home. Admis sion, 50 cents. A shooting match for a horse will take plaeo at Campbell's Imtel, South llehcrton, on Christmas day. There will also be shooting for turkeys, geese, chickens, etc. Sportsmen are invited. Hunters can find a complete stock of goods in their line at A. A. Racliiuam's. There are some great bargains. If you want to get a nobby suit or overcoat to order call on Refowieh. Laubach's for fresh bread', etc. When Baby was sick, wo gave her Castoria.' When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When sho became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Cliildren, she gave them Castoria EVEEYTKCIITG OlilON STUOn, GEEOsrcjTisnE . _ . . , _ i A k _rjp Attorney and Counselor at Law and liars urn in ut smi. wto^toP " Office Rooms, No. 31 Centre Street, Frceland. 57 Centre Street, Kreelund. I J OUN M ' CAER ' Mfl 1^1 1 Attorney-at-Law. 11 U UUDU i 1 1 U I Liu . All lcgftl business promptly attended. 11V arc lure our net re,f. Poptolloe Building, • Freeland. NO SHAMS! Everything ax represented. We Buy and Sell for Attorney-at-Law. Cash Only. 100 Tublic Square, - - Wilke^-Barra That in the reason we are able to sell at cost. The discount will keep IV T HALPIN, as. We work ourselves and our ex- \ pemes arc small. A call at our Mannufacturer of store \cill convince you that xre hare . n . Y # Carnages. Buggies, Vagons, &c. The Nobbiest Overcoats. , . _ Wulnut and Pine Streets, Freelaud. The Finest and Best Black Dress Salts. ALEX. SIIOLLACE, The Most Substantial Busi- _ j lek. ™ Boer, dorter. Wine, neSS bUIIS. a,n.d. I-.ic3.-u.crs. CAMEL'S HAIR or RED UNDER- Cor. Waahiogtoa and Walnut streets, Frocland. WE l R, just oat of the maker's hands, null OWN HATS, that arc un- , WASHBU3N & TURMBACH, sarpassed in price and quality. | linUdera of We might mention low prices | Light and Heavy Wagons. but yon do not want that alone. r . .. ... , fit?/,.:. ,Ij Lf lAiriY CtSSRIPTIO*. }. ou want the wear and the qua- , KT .., NKAII PIN! ,, vkeeuand. lity lor your money s worth, and you will always get that at ]\/J_ 1:S * LS * lIA YES, OLSIIO'S Fire Insurance Agent. CLOTHING and HAT STORE, Washington Street. 57 Centre Street, Frceland. None but Reliable Companies Represented. THE BEST PLACE TO PIJBCITA.SB Fine Bric-a-Brae, Cut Glass, Pictures, Picture Frames, Books and Stationery, and Typewriting Supplies, ortci i & 'iiixxAiEirs, 13 West Broad Street, Hazleton, Pa. We Have Had a Hard Time To convince the people that we an the best, rluapest and mod reliable clothiers and tailors to deal with in the coal regions. We hare time and time again explained why ice thought so. Some pro pie could not be convinced, but daring the past ten or fifteen dans they hare had ample proof to see for themselves; and seeing is belie ring, hirer si nee the supposed great railroad wreck sale en me to town other merchants hare marked down their prices and adrertise to sell ot cost; anil none ceen at below cost. Through alt their slauoler ing and marking down of prices we hare stork to our prices—the 'pries we ailrertised three or four weeks ago to sell our goods at, and cren now we are at bod FI FTP ]■' V -re t TWENTY I'KU CENT. (JIIEAI'ER THAN THE OTHER MK IK IIA NTS JUST THINK OF BUYING: Heavy men's chinchilla overcoats, guaranteed to wear, $3.98; extra heavy men's suits, single or doable breasted, $2.75; extra heavy good serviceable boys' suits, long pants, $1.98; children's suits, 71c; fully worth $1 50; children's knee pants, 19c; children's knee pants, lined all through, 2tc; all-wool cheviot suits made to order, $lO up; overcoats, made to order, $12,511 up; wool pants made to n/ der, $2.90 up. Full line ot gents' furnishings, trunks, valises, etc. Custom Clothes at Reudy-Made Prices. In onr custom department yon will find one of th -largest and mod fashionable stock of goods to select from. Hundreds of patterns. A perfct fit and good workmanship guaranteed. 1 o any person getting a sail in our custom deportment we will gire o written gnaaantee to keep llicir clothes in repair free of charge for one year. He member we are no strangers, as we hare been in basin, ** h, ri for over fifteen years, and ore known and noted for our honesty and business ability. It. hare no rent to pay. We ban all oar goods direct from the mills for spot cash. If,in alt our goods made on the prcmist s—made by your brothers, sisters, relatires or friends, thereby soring the, middleman's profit We em ploy guile a number of hands, it will pay you to call and sic for yourselr, * the large and assorted stock that in being sold tit REFOWICHS Nevj Clothing Store, I All new goods. No shelf-worn stock. 37 CliN IRE STREET, FREELAND. im;kt;S ~ sTi ,\si iTXc DO YOU KNOW IT? WE HAVE CUT OUR FIGURES RIGHT IN HALF, and we still lead the race. Read the tew iollowing specimens of our great stock of jewelry ; Iliaix, r.it/iii. ii iiitham or any moccnit:lL yon fm #I.OO. Irish, fur $ I 0.00. . .. . (tent*; Hue „01.1,mie,l watch, of the. same mm!ItII uiiil iinti murrmnit you (lisire. for in , vluiliiiy a Unr chain irtirnnitol for Jirr //< ors. 'lff l.iuli's' *olidßiln r initcli,*tcm-iriii,lcr tni'l slum. r, tal l. i,' ,7# ' cninufrU at* Oik scttir, warranted to I; ,r t , yoo dtlmr, fur *l.:H>. cry hot ~,-in ,u ' ABOVE PRICES HOOD UNTIL JANUARY ONLY, Wo also have big bargains In Gents' Furnishing Goods, Notions and Novelties, Neckv/ear, Dry Goods. COLUMBIA BARGAIN STORE, M. Mt inhrrtl, Proprietor. 21 Corvtre Street, erreelarLd.. I Advertisements in tlie Ih'ihime Are Read. 81.50 PER YEAR
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers