for Infants and Children. THIRTY years* observation of Castorla with the patronage of millions of persons, permit ns to speak of it without guessing. It is unquestionably the boat remedy for InfantN and Children the world has ever known. It is harmless. Children liho it. It Rives them health. It will save their lives. In it Mothers have something whioh is absolutely safe and practically perfect as a chlld $ M medicine. Castoria destroys Worms. 1 Castoria allays Fevorishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Cnrd. Castoria euros Diarrhcpa and Wind Colio. Castoria relievos Teething Troubles. Castoria cures Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria neutralises the effects of oarbonio aoid gas or poisonous air. Castor!a d acs not contain morphine, opium, or other narcotic property. tho food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is put np in ono-sizo bottles only. It is not sold in bulk. on t allow any one to sell yon anything else on the plea or promise that it is jnst as good " and M will answer every purpose.** Sco that you get OA-S-T-O-R-I-A. The fao-simile y/ $/?' ,-/ is on every signature of wrapper. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. We Impart a thorough knowledge of the COMMERCIAL STUDIES at the cost of lesß time and money than other schools. THOUSANDS owe their success in life (so they say) to the training they received liore. We made DREAD-WINNERS of them. We want you toknowus; write and we will mil you all ahout tills LIVE SCHOOL. N. U. We assist gnul uates to positions. PALMS BUSINESS COLLEGE, 170H-1710 Chestnut St., PIIILA. Wheeler & Wilson l-TEW HIGH ARM No. 9. j ' ' ' I [JPLEXi SEWPTG MACHINE. SEWS EXTIIEE CHAIN OK LOCK STITCH. The lightest running, moat durable and most popula/r machine '•; in the world. Bend for catalogue. Agents wanted. •' " • Befit goods. Best terms. I Address Wheeler & Wilson Mfg. Co., riLil&deJpbla, Pu. TO TKE OPPONENTS OF THI KNIGHTS OF LABOR. Vou Judge our organization without com- j pletc understanding of our principles or I our position on current questions. There is ONLY ONE authorized organ of the General Order of the Knights of Labor and that is the Journal of the Knights of Labor. The best reform weekly paper in America. SUIIBCIUHE FOR IT. READ IT. THEN CRITICISE US. Price, $1 a year. 814 North Broad street, Philadelphia, Pa. 0* f? fift ffJE M*A Js?) jjyNful ivWi ill #Ti tYn m jyfi m usn? a? ICcmEATSJRADE MAKHSSP COPYRIGHTS.^- CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? For a prompt answer and an honest opinion, writo to M l/'NN v CO.. whfi have had nearly fifty years' cxperienco In the patent bUHinesß. Communica tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In formation concerning Pntentn and how to ob tain them sent free. Also u catalogue of mechan ical and sclentlllo hooks sent free. Patents taken through Munn ft Co. rccolvo special notice In the Scientific Americnn. and thus are brought widely before the public with out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper. Issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far the largest circulation of any scientific work in the world. 8:j a year. Sample copies sent free. Building Edition, monthly, flso a year. Hinglo copies, '2.1 cents. Every number contains beau tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of new houses, with plans, ennbling builders to show the latest designs and secure contracts. Address I . MUNN ft CO. NEW YOIITF, 3UI BUOAPWAY. 1 Fortunes Made and Saved by following the advice of the I Wall Street Daily News, (established 187) in speculating oi* investing in Railway Stocks and Bonds. Subscription, $5 per year. Sample copies free. Address E. Martin Black, editor. No. 4'. Exchange Place, N. Y. N'OTICE.— Notice is hereby given that the supervisors of Foster township have applied to the court of quarter sessions, Luz erne county, ut September term, 1814, for a writ of muiiduiuus to direct the proper officer by special taxation to levy and collect a sufficient amount to pay off the present indebtedness of said township. October 8, 1814, at 10 o'clock a. in., has been appointed as the time for hearing. Cluis. Orion Stroh, Attorney for supervisors. WANTED.— To rent a building on Centre street; suitable for business place and residence; must have at least three rooms on llrst floor. Apply at this office. TTTANTED.— A first-class tinsmith and shcct- V V iron worker. M. J. Moran, Freclund. A Strong Emotional Play. In "The Burglar," Thursday night's attraction at the opera house, there will I he seen for the first time a play that ap i peals particularly to mothers and child : ren, as well as the sterner sex. One of the principal scenes of this strong play arises out of the sudden appearance of a little tot before the astonished eyes of the burglar busy gathering his plunder to depart, and his senses almost stagger ed by the little innocent's exclamation, "Don't be afraid Mr. Burglar, I will not harm you," sends Hood of reminiscences coursing through his brain, brings back visions of childhood and happy youth before his first temptation. No play ever written is better calculated to stir up the emotons and moral teachings than Gus Thomas' celebrated play of "The Burglar." Free Organ Recital. Edward E. Ilowe will give his first free organ recital of the season at the I Ilazleton Presbyterian church next j Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The I programme includes preludes from j ltinck; "Else's Dream," by Wagner; ! "Prayer and lemple Dance," by Crieg; "Chan du Voyage," by Paderewski; vo- I cat duett and cello solos; the "La Gazza i Ladra" overture, by Itossinni, and "Car j rilon," by Neustedt. j Rev. J. W. Bischoff, of Upper Lehigh, will kindly assist and also two young i ladies of the church. The public is cor dially invited. Opening a New Store. Daniel Gill, formerly of Girardville, will open with a large stock of dry goods, millinery, notions, fall and winter cloth ing, etc., in the Valley hotel building about the 6th inst. and he promises to give the greatest bargains in his line ever seen in E reeland to those who will ; favor him with a call. All goods will be : new and of the best quality. Blankets, I keep the Muncy 100 per vent wool blankets, finest and best in . the world. J. C. Berner. Did you see Berner's $25 solid oak j bedroom suits, worth S3O? When Baby was sick, wo gavo her Castoria.' When alio was a Child, aho cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, aho clung to Castoria. When ahe had Children, aho gave them Castoria ' Advertise in the TiunuNg, FREELAND TRIBUNE. I'UBLIHIIED KVKKY MONDAY AND THURSDAY. TIIOS. A. BUCKLEY, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. OFFICE: MAIN STKEKT ABOVE CKNTBB. SCUSCRII'TION ItATIIS. One Tear gl 50 Six M0nth5........................... 75 Four M0nth5................. 60 Twu Months... 25 Subscribers are nxiui-ited to observe the date following tho name en tho labels of their papers. By referring to this they can tell at a glance hovr they stand on the boohs In this office. For instance: drover Cleveland SKJuneltS uicons that Graver Is paid up to Juno 28, 1805. Keep the Qgurte ID udvuncc of the present date, ltetxtrt promptly to this office when your paper Is not reoelvuil. AU arrearages must bo paid when paper Is discontinued, or collection wilt be made in the manner provided by law. FREELAND, PA., OCTOBER 1, 1894. Honator Hill, in his speech at the New York state convention, said: "The Democratic party stands as it has ever stood, for that religious liberty which is guaranteed to all by our constitution. Our duty is plain and wo shall perform it, and if, per chance, adheranco to tho right brings disaster, we shall bravely accept our fate and take our placo in private station by the side of our proscribed fellow-citizens until reason, justice nnd true religious freedom shall again resume their sway, as surely they W'M." The Catawissa News claims that every living thing in the Susquehanna river will bo driven from it when the water in the Harleigh, Ehervale and Joddo mines is tapped through the Jeddo tunnel. The News is uphold ing ihoso who are trying to restrain tho company operating the tupnel for that put pose, and says: "Tho time is coming, and is not far distant either, when there will be a battle of the ballots upon this very question; then it will he the coal operators against the people. This wholesale puliation of the f tirest streams of water God ever placed for tnau's benefit must be stopped." Colonel Singerly indignantly denies that ho has given up hopes of being elected governor. He read tho riot act a week or two ago to tho Democrats in the third congressional district, and souio Republicans immediately shouted that ho had thrown up tho sponge. Such a conclusion was made only by those who did not know Singerly. He is not tainted with cowardice. He is a fighter and be longs to the class that don't run away. Tho colonel is in tho fiold until the polls close on election day, and every citizen who wishes to register himself against class legislation ~ud unwhole some laws in Pennsylvania must not forget to give his vote to tho editor of the Philadelphia Record. If the Democrats will have enough left to hold a reputable caucus after the coming election they should get together and adopt some sort of a platform which will let the general public know where they stand. In New York they have denounced the income tax, a Democratic measure, and in Pennsylvania they aro trying to elect men who publicly acknowledge themselves as protectionists. In Ohio they want free silvor, in Massa chusetts they demand a gold standard. On scarcely a question of national im portance are two state conventions .of the same opinion. Tho party is rapidly going to pieces nnd will con tinue BO until it returns to tho Chicago platform pud also rids itself of tho leeches who are on its back. About, a year or so ago Congress men McAleer and Mutchler headed the combine that was going to smash every one of Cleveland's plans unless the president agreed to turn over to them the full control of official patronage in their districts. Both men thought they were so secure of continued power in their own districts that nothing would interrupt their political careers, yet how easily each was disposed of by the Democratic conventions? Pulled up with conceit they considered themselves bigger than the party, but now they realize that they are veiy litlle potatoes in the political world. Home of the small-fry kickors, such as Billy Hines, were so unfortunate as to receive re nominations, but they will be sent to keep company with their anti-adtninis stratiou leaders. Tho Democratic congressional cam paign committee, according to our Wash'lgton correspondent, claims only six Democrats from Pennsylvania, instead of the present ten. Among the four districts which are consider ed lost is the twelfth, a remarkable confession from tho national party managers. The estimates of the chairman. Senator Faulkner, are very conservative, but if the leaders consid ered it even doubtful they would not concede the district so willingly to the Republicans. Coming, as this does, so early in the campaign, goes only to prove tho claims made by the TUIBUNE for more than a year past, that Congressman liiues cannot be re-elected. Every effort of the party workers should now be spent in try ing to save the county ticket f'-orn going down to defeat with bim. WATCH FOR NEXT ISSUE! This Space is Reserved for IIS FtULMI 8186*11 18, 3D. G3TSCSS, Proprietor. CENTRE STREET, - FIVE POINTS. WASHINGTON LETTER. Washington, September 28, 1894. Chairman Faulkner, of the Demo cratic congressional campaign committee, I consented this week for the first time to give out his estimate of the result of the congressional elections, lie figures, after making a most liberal allowance for doubtful districts, too liberal many I Democrats think, that there will bo in the next house 190 Democrats, 150 Re publicans and 10 Populists. As instances of his liberality in making allowance for doubtful districts it may be mentioned that ho only claims the election of 9 | Democratic representatives in Illinois, while the estimate of the Republican campaign committee concedes the elec tion of 11 Democrats in that state; he only claims 5 in Louisiana, while the Republicans concede 0; in South Carolina he claims 4 and the Republicans concede 5. In Pennsylvania each side estimates j on 24 Republicans and 0 Democrats. I The defeat of the Democratic candidate j in your district is conceded hy Senator Faulkner. The present congress has 20 Republicans and 10 Democrats from Pennsylvania. The chairman counts on again electing the candidates in the I third, eighth, ninth,seventeenth,twenty sixth and twenty-eighth districts. This means Republicans as successors of Messrs. Mines, Reilly, Bellzhoover and Sipe. The Republican committee's ! estimate on the country for the next congress is 200 Republicans, 147 Demo- J crats and 9 Populists. Senator Hill is just the sort of a man who makes strong friends and bitter enemies in his own party, hut the bitter- I est of his enemies will concede that he ' has a wonderful hold on the Democratic | voters of New York, which he has demonstrated time and time again. Cir cumstances having made it necessary that the Democratic candidate for gover nor of New York should bo a man who could bring out the full Democratic vote I of the state, which is always a majority, it logically followed that Senator Hill was that man. For that reason Demo- I crats in Washington, whether they be his friends or his enemies, were pleased with Senator Hill's nomination and are confident that he will be elected. A member of the cabinet was asked by a personal friend how he supposed Presi dent Cleveland would regard the nomi nation, and he quickly replied: "Why, just as all other good Democrats do; as the best that could possibly have been made under existing circumstances. The president wishes New York to be j carried by the Democrats, and I know he believes that with Senator Hill at the head of the ticket it will be." "But what about 189(>?" queried this inquisi tive friend. "Let us win the campaign of '94," replied the member of the cabi- ! net; "then we can begin to discuss the probabilities and possibilities of '9G." Public Printer Benedict has made a decided reform in the government print ing office by abolishing piece-work and putting all the printers on time. Noth ing around that establishment has caus ed more bickering and jealousy than the piece-work system, which a portion of the men worked under. It made a man's pay dependent more upon luck in Btriking "phat," or the favor of his fore man than upon his merits or his skill as a printer. By putting them all upon time-work the pay is equalized and it is believed that the work will be better done. The new tariff abrogated all the reciprocity treaties made under the Me- Kinley law, and the formal notice served upon the state department by Brazil of its intention to abrogate the reciprocity treaty between that govern ment and the United States on January 1, 1895, was merely a compliance witli the expressed terms of the treaty, whicli were that either country should give the other three months notice. So far as tliis country was concerned, the treaty was abrogated the day the new tariff became a law. Mr. Mendonca, the Brazilian minister, when asked what effect lie thought it would have upon the trade relations of the two countries, said: "The rates will not be materially raised by Brazi', and I am expecting this country to make Inrge increase in sending manufactured woolens to Brazil as a result of the new woolen manu facturing induced by free raw wool in the new tariff law. Outside of these items few changes will occur by the ter mination of the reciprocity." S. Did you see Berner's $10.75 solid French bevel-glass sideboard? Kasy terms, or spot cash $lO. FREELAND OPERA HOUSE. JOHN J. WELSH, Manager. ONE NIGHT ONLY, Thursday, October 4. Mr. Gus Thomas' Successful Comedy Drama. Tim greatest or American plays, as pro duced at the Madison Square Theatre, New York. • THE BURGLAR. A drama intermingled with laughter and tears. Presented with a great cast of popu uir players. Direction of A. Q. Scammon. Prices: 25. 35 and 50 Cents. Reserved seats three days in advance at Christy's store. I larness! Harness! Light Carriage Harness, $5.50, $7, £0 and $10.50. Heavy Express Harness, $10.50, sl9, S2O and $22. Heavy Team Harness. double, $25, S2B and S3O. GEO. WISE, Jeddo and Freeland, Pa. A new stock of blankets, lap robes, buffalo robes, etc., just arrived, are selling cheap. Single Tax Courier, NATIONAL SINGLE TAX NEWSPAPER. It gives tlie single tax ne-rs of the world weekly, single tax discussions and the very host of propaganda matter. Foreign corres pondents in Japan, Australasia, France, Fng lund, Canada and other countries. The Cmtrier is a lti-page, til-column paper, in very clear print, on line tinted paper. It is a valuable champion of the cause which is at tracting so much attention throughout the world. W. E. DIIOKAW, Editor. Published by THE COURIER PUBLISHING COMPANY, 810 Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo. SI.OO run ANNUM. 111!. N. MAI.EY! I) EwT IM T, Located permanently in Blrkbock's building, rooms 4 and ft, second floor. Special attention paid to all brunches of dentistry. ALL OPERATIONS PERFORMED WITH CARE. All work guaranteed. Office hours: 8 to 12 A. M.; 1 to 5 P. M.; 7 to 0 P. M. GEORGE FISHER, dealer in FRESH BEEF, PORK, VEAL, MUTTON, BOLOGNA, SMOKEI) MEATS, ETC., ETC. Call at No. 0 Walnut street. Freehold, or wait for the delivery wagons. VERY LOWEST PRICES. Home Comfort. Ranges. People using the Home Comfort steel range speak as follows: White Haven, August 19, 1894. To whom it may concern. This is to certify that we have a Home Comfort steel range in our home anil find it in every way, so far, as represented by the salesman, 11. C. Robinson. Our water tank boils quickly, it bakes nicely, takes up a small amount of room in the house, is certainly cleaner nnd neater than cast iron stoves, no ashes Hying, the closets are very nice and handy to warm vic tuals in and for what time I have used it, would not take two others for it. Mrs. Sarah Fairchild. Ziba Fairchild. Bui't by the Wrought Iron Range Company, St. Louis, Mo. Home Comfort Kungeg. People using tin* Home Comfort steel ranges speak as follows: Freeland, September 3, 1894. We have a Home Comfort steel range that we purchased from the company's salesman last month. It has proved itself a comfort. We have had it in use about three weeks nnd tested it quite thoroughly. For roasting, baking and boiling, in fact any kind of cooking, it cannot be excelled. We therefore cheer fully recommend it to anyone wishing a fine range. It takes about half as much fuel as our cast range did to give the same amount of heat. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sheaman. Built hy the Wrought Iron Range Company, St, Louis, Mo. For bargains, buyers don't forgot Ber ner's mammoth store. itiwii WATCH THIS SPACE ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4. Xcs. ISTe-a'b-u.rg'er, of the bargain emporium, is in the city prnr chasing goods for the "big: fall ©parring- for t~wo -weeks. P. 0. S. of A. Building, f FUEELAND, PA. FINEST WATER COLORS, T]) fir It 'j V A 0 17 'A u K o > EVERY CLASS OF PORTRAITS U IV \ ARB MADE AT U PBOYOtinAMI HAIiIiHRT. When in Ilazleton call in to his gallery and see the finest display of portraits in the coal region. The prices are lorn and the work the very best. 11. TREYASKIS, Photographic Artist, j 21 £ West Broad Street, Ilazleton, Pa. Philip Gerilz, Corner Front and Centre Streets. lam the oldest jeweler in town. I have hud the largest practical experience in repairing and will guarantee you thorough work. I have always in stock the largest assortment of Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Platedwure, Kings, Diamonds and Musical Instruments. 1 will do ENGRAVING FREE OF CHARGE on any article purchased from me. HALLS SPECIFIC! REGAINS AND MANTAINS THE V ITAL POWERS. Cured NEItVOUS DEBILITY, LOSS*)!'' VIGOR, INSOMNIA unl GENERAL DEBILITY. Caused by IMPRUDENT HABITS, EXCESSES or OVERWORK. PRICE, ONE DOLLAR PER BOX. Pamphlet and Circular Free. Sold by wholesale and retail druggists in Philadelphia, Pittsburg and Reading, or sent by mail, sealed, on receipt of money. Address HAIL'S SPECIFIC COMPAHY, ICO Lexington Avenue, New York City. CITIZENS' BANK C.~ FREELAND, - CAPITAL, - 650.000. OFFICERS. Joseph Dirkbcck, F resident; H. < . Koons, Vi e President. 11. It. I)asis. Cashier. Charles Dushcck, Secretary. \ > DIRECTORS.-Jos. Dirkbcck. n. C. Koons, Tnos. Ilirkbeck, A. Kudcwiclc, John Wagner, Clius. Dushcck, Jehu Burton, Michael Zcauiuy. XV Threo per cent. Interest paid on saving deposits. Open dally from 0a.m.t03 p. m. Saturdays close nt 12 no. a. Opcu Weduesuay evouings fru.u 0 to 8. FRANCIS BRENNAN'S RESTAURANT 151 Centre street. EXCELLENT LIQUORS, BEER, PORTER, ALE, CIGARS, Etc. All kinds of TEMPERANCE DRINKS. ; Anthracite coal used exclusively, insuring , cleanliness and comfort. ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. MAY 13, 1894. LEAVE FREELAND. 6 05, 8 ?3, 0 33. 10 41 n m, 1 35, 2 27, 0 40, 4 55, 5 50, 6 OH, 7 12, 8 57. 10 40 p m, tor Drifton, i Joddo, Lumber Yard, Stockton and Huzieten. H 05, 826, U 83 a m, 1 35, 3 40. 4 55 p m. tor Mauch Chunk, A Men town, Bethlehem, Bulla., Kastnn and New York. 0 05, 0 33, 10 41 am, 2 27, 4 55, 058 pm, for Mahanoy City, flu nandoah and PottsvlDe. 7 20, 10 50 tun, 11 59, 434 p m, (via Highland Bran oh) for White Ilaven, Gleu Summit, Wilkes Barre, Pittotou and L. und B. Junction. SUNDAY TIL AIRS. 11 40 n m and 3 45 p m for Drifton, Joddo, Lum ber Yard and llazletun. 345 p in for Delano, Mahanov City, Shenan doah, New York und Philadelphia. ARRIVE AT FREELAND. J 5 50, 7 18, 7 20, 0 27, 10 66, 11 50 a ra, 12 58, 2 13. 4 34,0 58, H 47, 10 32 p m, from Ihizletnn, Stock ton. I umber Yard, Jcddo and Drifton. 7 26, 0 iU, 10 50 a m, 2 13, 4 31, 6 58, 10 32 p m, from Delano, Mtlmnoy City und Shouundouh (via New Boston Branch). 12 58, 5 40, 8 47, 10 32 p in, from Now York, Eos ton, Philadelphia, Bethlehem, Allentowu und Maucb Chunk. 9 27, 10 56 a in, 12 58, 5 40, 0 58, 8 47, 10 32 p m, Irora Boston, I'bilu., Bethlehem and Mauch Chunk. H 03, 10 41 nm, 2 27,0 58 p m from White Ilaven, Glon Summit, Wilkes- Bar re. Pi ttaton aud L. und B. Junction (via Highland Brunch). SUNDAY TRAINS. 11 31 am and 331 p m, from llozleton, Lum ber \ urd, Jedoo and Drifton. 11 01 a in from Delano, lluzlcton, Philadelphia and Fusion. 3 31 p ui Irom l)ehoK> and Mahanoy region. For further information inuulro of Ticket Agents. CHAS. 8. LEE, Gcn'l Pass. Aucnfc, I'hila., I'a. KOLLIN 11. WILBMIt, Gen. Supt. East.. Div. A. W. NONNEMACHEK, Ass't G. P. A., South Bethlehem, Pa. - TIIE DELAWARE, SUSQUEHANNA AND SCHUYLKILL RAILROAD. Tiino table In effect Juno 17, 1594. Trains leave Drifton for Joddo, Kokley, Ilnzlo Brook. Stockton, Beaver Meadow ltoad, ltoan und llozlctou Junctlou at 6 UU, 6 10 am, 12 09, •109 p in, dally except Sunday, und 703 am, 238 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Drifton for llarwood, Cranberry, Tomhlcken and Deringer ut 6 00 a m, 12 Oil p iu, daily except Sunday; uud 703 u m, 238 p m, Sunday. Trains loavo Drifton for Oneida Junction, liurwood itoiul, lluinboldt Koad, Oneida and Slieppton tttii 10 a in, 1203, 409 p in, daily except Sunday; and 703a m, 238 pm, Sunday. Trninß leave lluzletou Junction for Garwood, Cranberry, Tomhlcken and Deringor ut 0 37 a in, 1 40 p m, daily except Suiiduy; and 847 u m, 4 18 p in, Sunday. Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Oneida Junction, Harwood Bond. Humboldt Koad, Oneida and Slieppton at C 47,9 38 am, 12 10, 440 p in, daily except Sunday; aud 7 40 a in, 3 08 p in, Sunday. Trains leavo Dorfogur for Tomhlcken, Cran berry, Horwood, fliudeton Junctlou, Kouu, Heaver Mciulow Koad. Stockton, Ilnzlo Brook, Lckley, Joddo and Drifton ut 2 39, 007 p IU, daily except Sunday; aud 9 37 a in, 5 07 p m. Sunday. Trains leave Slieppton for Onekla, ITumboldfc Koad, Hurwood Koad, Oneida Junction, Hazle ton Junction urd ltoan at 8 31, 1016 am, 115. 520 p m, daily except Sunday; and 8 14 a m, 3 45 p in, Sunday. Trains leave Sheppton for Beaver Meadow Koad. Stockton, liozlo Brook, Eckloy, Jeddo and Drifton at 10 10 a iu. 5 25 p m, dully, except } Sunday; IUMI Kl4 am,346 pm, Suuday. Trains leave Huzlctnn Junction for Denver Meadow Koad, Stockton, Ilnzlo Brook. Ecklei-, Jcddo and Driitou ut 10 iiß a in, 3 10, 5 47, 0 lii p in, daily, except Sunday; and 1008 a in, 5 38 p ui, Sunday. All trains connect at riazloton Junction with oleotrlc cars for Hosleton, Jeane.-viile, Aiiden ried mid other points Oil Lehigh Traction (Jo's. It. K. Trains leaving Drifton at 0 10 a ni, and Shej p ton at 831 in, uud I 15 p in, connect ut ( Junction witli L. V. K It tr iins cast und Train leaving Drifton nt 0 00 a m makes con nection at Deringor with 1\ K. K. team lor Wbkoa-Burre, Sun bury, Hurriflhitrg, etc. R B. COXE, DAN ILL COX R, President. bu porlutoi.ticut, - - - 51.50 - - I "X?\7"lll Erizig- "2"o-u. tlie Tri"b-u.n.o T"ox - - a - - -sTear.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers