OCCASIONALLY you meet a mother who looks sorry she isn't an old maid. Dr. Kilmer's SWAMP-ROOT cures all Kidney and Bladder troubles. Pamphlet and Consultation free. Lubratory Binghampton,N.Y. A Sacramento gurdenor irrigates his gar den by dog power. To Clonttse the Sy*?cin Effectually yet gently, when costive or bilious, or when tho blood IS impure or sluggish, to per manently cure habitual constipation, to awak en the kidneys and liver to a healthy activity, without irritating or weakening them, to dis pel headaches, colds or fevers, use Syrup of r Jgs. Tlioro am 10.302 periodicals published in the United Stales. Indisputable. Why spend SI for a bottle of medicine for a complaint when ono box of Beecham's Pills, costing only AFT cts., will cure nearly nil known disease*? ih.nls liecauso constipation is the CAUSE of nearly all ailments, an I Beeoham's Fills euro constipation. A valuable book of knowledge mailed free, on request, by B. F Allen Co.. 305 Canal Street. NEW York. Haß'a Catarrh Cure JG a Hquld and is taken Internally, and nets directly on the blood and mucous surluces nf tho system. Write for tes timonials, free. Manufactured by F. J. CHENEY Ac Co., Toledo, O. Hlilloh'n Care LA raid on ft guarantee. It cures Incipient Con. ■umption; it is tho Best Cough Cure; 50c., $1 If afflicted with sore eyes use Dr. Kmc Thnmp sou shyc-watcr. Druggists sell at SH- per hot tie. Chronic Indigestion Kept mo in very poor health for Ave years I began to take Ilood'A Karsnparillu and my •Ideation was helped by the first threodose*. MOOCI'S SARSA -1 parilla t hnvo now taken over four bottles nn.l I ilrui- i 11 FPg ly believe it has euro,l J * inn, aad also saved my liio. MRS. it. E. I'ii INCE, Bushvlilo, N. Y. Hood's Pills arc purely vegetable. Tricky Elons. Some of the most tr'cks of animals are those simulating kind ness. Charles Montague, in ' Talcs of a Nomad," savs that hyenas often follow lions, and finish a car, as the moment lions have left it. Some times, however, the hyenas are too eager, and steal bits of meat while the lions are still at their meal. I have been told that tlie lion rids himself of the nu sance in the follow ing way: lie throws a piece of meat aside. When the lion is looking the other way the hyena dodges in and rushes oil with the meat. the lion throws another piece of meat, this tiaie a little nearer. The hyena takes that also. At last the lion throws a piece very near indeed. The hyena, having become reckless, makes a dash at this also, hut tho lion wheels round and lays him low with a pat of his paw aud a growl of annoyance. I remember at tho T'sutu on ono occasion hearing at night the cries of a hyena in pain, mingled with an oc casional short growl from a lion. This went on for about twenty minutes. The next morning we found tho ca.- cass of a hyena bitten across the neck, and marked by tho claws of lions. They had evidently caught it and played with it some time boforo killing it. 1 suppose this was done in rovcniro for tlie annoyance they bad sustained from the hyenas. THROW ST AWAY. _ There's no long'- KA er any neeii of / wearing clumsy, AR#*? dialing Trusses. which give only relief inflict great injury, inducing Inflammation, strangulation JF HI "'HERNIA Rupture,' no mntter o£ how long standing, or of what fiizc, is promptly end permanently cured without tho knife mid without pain. Another Trlumpli in Conservative Surgery is the euro, of ffTTMfiRQ Ovarian, Fibroid and other 1 UJuUllDf varieties, without tho perils of cuttiug operations. PILE TUMORS, Kind's diseases of tho lower bowel, promptly cured without pain or resort to tho knife. QTOiN"!? In tho Bladder, no matter how O 1 vJli Hi lurgo, is crushed, pulverised, and washed out, thus avoiding cutting. QTTJ TPTTTDI? urinary passage Is D I lilt' 1 UIU2J also removed without cutting. Abundant. References, and Pamph lets, on abovo discuses, sent sealed, in plnin en velo|x\ 10 cts. (stumps). WORLD'S DISPEN SARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Buffalo, N. Y. P N U 24 'O4 BOOK BOOK I 320 PAGB&—ILLU6TRATED. RAJ I Ooeof tho Larguat nud UEM OOK (FL| A?, I HOOKS published. Mailed in cuclmngo u{j for 20 Larjo Lloa head nut from Lion n **££! Coffee wrappers, and a 2-ient stump. [] Write t"r Im of our other flno Pro mlUtli*. WOOISONSPICt Co , <3O lluren St., TOLEDO, OlJlO llrlnrbcml Cottage, Mt, Luke Dark, Mil., (near Deer Park.) Tonic atmosphere, no tiialarla.no miiHqultocH,Mountain Chautauqua,g: and up per w'k. 1> A Til 1 V TC TRADE MARKS. Exumltiatl >n I :\ 1 l 1 ji> I O, ami ad vice ut patentability nf In volition. Send for Inventors Guide,or howt<M.6 a patent. PATIUOK O'FAKKELL WASUWOTOS. D.O. jjjPj Coninmptlvea and people jjj ■ Consumption. It has cured IS! H f houaand*. It has not Injur- H E&j It 1 9 the besi cough syrup. Sold everywhere. 95c. 9B SILVER AND GOLD. Farewell, my littlo sweetheart, Now fare you woll and froe j I claim from you no promise, You claim no vows from mo. Tlio reason why?—tho roason Rigid woll wo can uphold— I have too much of silver, And you've too muok of gold, A puzzle this, to worldlings, Whoso love to lucre flies, Who think that gold to silver Should count as mutual prlzo. Rut I'm not avaricious, And you're not sordtd-soulod I have too much of silver, And you've too much of gold. Upon our heads tho reason Too plainly can bo soon ; I am tho Winter's bond slave, You uro tho Summer's quocn Too few tlie years you number. Too many I havo told ; I liavo too much of sliver, And you've too much of gold. You havo tho rose for token, I havo dry leaf and rlmo ; I havo tho sobbing vosper, You, morning bolls at chime. I would that I woro youngor, (Yet you grow novor old) Would I ha l less of silver, Rut you no less of gold. —Edith M. Thomas. BACK FROAPTHE TOMB EY GUY 1)E MAUPASSANT. t""T~ kl E quests filed M 1 slowly into the - - f -^A 'A r hotel's great dining places, tho waiters > v began to serve them leisurely, to give r-J fcb' \ *ko tardy ones time to arrive and to save themselves the w bother of bringing back tho courses; and tho old bathers, tho yearly habitues, with whom the season was far advanced, kept a close watch on the door each time it opened, hoping for tho coming of now facos. New faces! tho single distraction of all pleasure resorts. Wo go to dinner chiefly to canvass tho daily arrivals, to wonder who they are, what they do and what they think. A restless de sire seems to have taken possession of us, a longing for pleasant adventures, for friendly acquaintances, perhaps for possible lovers. In this clbow-to elbow life our unknown neighbors bo come of paramount importance. Curi osity is piqued, sympathy on tho alert, and the social instinct doubly active. That evening, then, as on every evening, wo waitod tho appearance of unfamiliar faces. There came only two, but very peculiar ones, those of man and wo man—father aud daughter. They seemed to have stepped from tho pages of somo weird legend; and yet there was an attraction about them, albeit an unpleasant one, that made mo set them down at once as tho victims of some fatality. Tho father was tall, spare, a littlo bent, wiih hair blanched white, too white for his still young countenance, and in his manner aud about his per son tho sodato austerity of carriage that bespeaks the puritan. The daugli ter was, possibly, somo twenty-four or twenty-five years of age. Sho was very slight, emaciated, her exceedingly pale couutcnauco bearing a languid, spiritless expression; one of those peo ple whom wo sometimes encounter, ap parently too weak for tho cares and tasks of life, too l'ceblo to move or do things that wo must do every day. Nevertheless the girl was pretty, with the ethereal beauty of an apparition. It was she, undoubtedly, who came for tho benefit of the waters. They chanced to be placed at table immediately opposite to mc; and 3 was not long in noticing that the father, too, had a strange affection— something wrong about tho nerves, i* seemed. Whenever ho was going to reach for anything his hand, with a jerky twitch, described a sort of zig zag before it was able to grasp what he wus after. Soon the motion disturbed rae so much I kept my head turned in order not to see it. Hut not boforo 3 had also observed that the young girl kept her glove on her left hand while she ate. Dinner ended, I went out as for a turn in the grounds belonging to the establishment. A sort of park, 3 might say, stretching clear to tho lit tlo station of Auvergno, Cliatel- Guyou, nestling in a gorgo at tho fool of tho high mountain, from which flowed the sparkling, bubbling springs, hot from tho furnace of nu aucienl volcano. Beyond us there, tho domes, small extinct craters—of which Chatol- Guyon is tho starting point—raised their serrated heads above tho long chain ; whi'o beyond the domes came two distinct regions, one of them nee dle-like peaks, tho other of bold, pre cipitous mountains. It was very warm' that evening and I contented myself with pacing to and fro uuder tho rustling trees, gazing at the mountains and listening to the strains of tho baud, pouring from the Casino, situated on a knoll that over looked the grounds. Presentf\', I perceived the father and daughter coming toward mo with slow steps. I bowed to them in that pleasant continental fashion with which one always salutes his hotel companions. The gentleman halted at once. "Pardon, me, sir," said he, "bu. may I a&k if you can direct us to r short walk, easy and pretty if possi ble !" "Certainly," I answered, and offered to lead them myself to tho val ley through whicli the swift rivei flows—a deep, narrow cleft betweei two great declivities, rocky ani wooded. They accepted, ami as wo walked f wo naturally discussed tho virtue of £ tko mineral waters. They had, as I 1 surmised, came tlicro on his daugh- c tor's account. "She has a strange malady," said 1 be, "tho seat of which bar physicians 3unnot determine. She suffers from £ tho most inexplicable nervous symp- c, toms. Sometimes they declare her ill 1 af a heart disease, sometimes ] af a liver complaint, again of a i spinal trouble. At present they at tribute it to the stomach—that great motor and regulator of the body—this protean disease of a tkousnud forms, a thousand modes of attack. It is why we are here. I, myself, think it ber nerves. In any case, it is very snd." This reminded me of his own jerk- 1 iug head. "It maybe hereditary," says I; < "your own nerves are a little disturbed, i are they not?" "Mine?" he answered, tranquilly. < "Not at all; I have ulways possessed , the calmest nerves." Then, suddenly, as if bethink iug himself: "For this," touching his hand, "is not nerves, but the result of a shock, a terrible shock that I suffered once. Fancy it, sir; this child of mine has ' been buried nlive!" I could find nothing to say ; I was dumb with surprise. "Yes," ho continued, "buried alive ; but hear tho story; it is not long. For somo time past Juliette had seemed effected with a disordered action of the • heart. We were finally certain that the trouble was organic, and feared : the worst. One day it came ; sho was brought in lifeless —dead. Sho had , fallen dead while walking in the gar den. Physicians camo in haste, but , nothing could lie done. She was gone. For two days and two nights I watched beside her mysalf, and with my own hands placed her in her cofiiu, which I followed to the cemetery and saw placed in the family vault. This was in the country, in the province of Lorraine. "It had been my wish, too, that she ; should be buried in her jewels, brace lets, necklace and rings, all presents 1 that I had given her, and in her first ' ball dress. You can imagine, sir, tho date of my heart in returning home. 3he was all that I had loft; my wife ■ aad been dead for many years. I re lumed, in truth, half mad, shut my self alone in my room and fell into my ihftir dazed, unablo to move, merely i miserable, breathing wreck. "Soon my old valet, Prosjicr, who , aad helped me place Juliette in her ;oSiu and lay her away for her last . deep, came in noiselessly to see if he . jould not induce mo to eat. I shook \ ny head, answered nothing. He per- 1 listed. 1 ' 'Monsieur is wrong; this will mako aim ill. Will monsieur allow mo, ; ;heu, to put him to bed?" "'No, no,' I auswered. 'Let mc ilone.' "Ho yielded and withdrew. "How many hours passed I do not know. What a night! What a night! It was very cold; my fire of logs hud . '.ong since burned out in tho great llreplftco; und tho wind, a wintry j blast, charged witli an icy frost, | howled and screamed about the house J and strained at my windows with a juriously sinister sound. "Long hours, I say, rolled by. I ;at still where I had fallen, prostrated, 1 overwhelmed; my eyes wide open, out my body strengthless, dead; ray IOUI drowned in despair. Suddenly I cho great bell give a loud peal. 1 "I gave such a leap that my chair i 3racked under me. The slow, solomu i sound rang through the empty house. i I looked at tho clock. I "It was two in tho morning. Who *ould be coining at such an hour? "Twico again tho boll pulled sharp- i iy. The servants would never answer, i perhaps never hear it. I took up a : candle and mado my way to the door. C was about to demand: "'Who is tlicro!'but, ashamed of sho weakness, nerved myself and drew oack tho bolts. My heart throbbed, ■ my pulse boa*, I throw back tho panel orusquely, und there, in the darkness, law a shape like a phuntom, dressed In white. "I recoiled, speechless with anguish, stammering: " 'Who—who are vou?* "A voice answered: " 'lt is I, father.' "It was my child, Juliette. "Truly, I thought myself mad. I shuddered, shrinking backward before ;he spectre as it advanced, gesticulat ing with my baud to ward off the ap parition. It is that gesture which ; aas never loft mc. "Again tho phantom spoke : "'Father, father! See, I am not load. Somo ono came to rob me of ny jewels—they cut off my finger— -he—tho flowing blood revived me.' "And I saw then that she was cov irod with blood. I fell to my knees 1 panting, sobbing, laughing, all in ono. ' Is soon as I regained my senses, but itill so bewildered I scarcely comprc- ' lended the happiness that had como ;o mc, I took her in my arms, carried ' icr to f my room und rang frantically lor Prosper to rekindle the fire, bring i warm drink for her and go lor tho loctor. 1 "He camo running, entered, gazed i i moment at my daughter in tho jhair, gave a gasp of fright and lior :or and foil buck —dead. "It was ho who had opened tlie | /ault, who hul wounded and robbed ■ny child and thou abandoned her; j < 'or ho could not effuco all traco of his ! leed; and ho had not even tuken the : rouble to return the cofiiu to its | uiche; sure, besides, of not beinn-' i suspected by mc, who trusted him so | fully. Wo are truly very unfortunate ! ' oeople, monsieur." ! He was silent. Meanwhile tho night I < aacl como on, envelpping in tho glooin j '.he still and solitary little valley ; ' . jort of mysterious dread seemed to '; fall upon mo in tho presence of those strange boiugs—this corpse came to life anil this father with his painful gestures. 'Let us return," said I; "tho night has grown chill." And, still in silence, wo traced our steps back to the hotel, and I shortly afterwards returned to tho city. I lost all further knowledgo of tho two peculiar visitors to my favorite sum mer resort. SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL. Artificial oar drums are n success. Tnsect eggs have tho greatest vi tality. The sour gourd trees of Africa aro the oldest living vegetation. Tho apple contains a larger amount of phosphorous, or brain food, than any other fruit. Tho United States has a lower per centage of blind people than any oth er country in the world. Microscopists say that tho strongest microscopes do not, probably, reveal the lowest stage of animal life. There are 100 students taking the course of electrical engineering at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. It was twenty-nine days from the casting of tho Lick objective glass be fore it had cooled sufficiently" for sat'e removal. Tho Electrical Review says the elec trical purification of sewage "isacom pieto success, chemically and bactcr iologically." Tho South Sea Islands is tho homo of n worm which omergos from its hiding place only one day of a certain change of tho moon in October. Tho East Indian ship worm will in a few months destroy any vessel by eat ing out tho interior of the beams and planks. They will be left a mere shell that can bo shattored by tho fist. Tho onion has virtues to which thousands of peoplo will swear. This is its ability to v.-ar l oft'attacks of ma laria in any form, and to cure cases as rapidly as tho strongest doses ol quinine. A New York lady has so contrived matters that sho can, before getting out of bod, start a fire in the kitchen by turning on the current, and when she comes down stairs finds tho kettle boiling and tho place comfortably warmed. J. .1. Hogau, a mechanical student of Yale College, has invented a ro markable instrument, eallod tho Kino* simeter, which is used to measure tho slightest motion perceptible to the test of touch. Tho measure is one millimeter per second. The important discovery has beon made by Doctor Backolaud that tho addition of a minuto amount of a solu ble fluorid to yeast will preserve it for more than six mouths. Doubtless other important applications will be made of this remarkablo property of tho solu ble llnorids. Mr. Graham, tho groat British oloc trician, lias invented a "loud-spcak ing telephone," an apparatus which gathers and materializes tho wave sounds to such a wonderful degree that they can bo hoard any plaoj iu a large room, even after traveling over tho wires hundreds of miles. Haw Hard Times Make Soldiers. It is an interesting fact that hard times usually bring plenty of recruits to the United States Army. A recruit ing sergeant told mo that it is easier now to reernit a good class of young ruon and plonty of them than it has boon for years. "Yon see," he said, "tharoaro hun dreds of young fellows who usually earn good enough wagas in tho mills and factories of Now York, Nowark and other cities in this viciuity, who liavo boon out of work during the past winter. When ovory other resource scorns to be exhaustod many of thoso young follows turn to Uuclo 3am and enlist in his service. "It isn't patriotism nor lovo of ad venture that impols them to put on tho bluo. It is storu necessity. The pay is poor and tho task is hard, lmt they enlist, many of thom, rather than turn to beggary or thott.Now York Herald. Slrango History oi a (Jiiorry Tree. Iu tho management of a cherry tree tho late Ahueron Higby, of Watson, Lewis County, may bo regardoil by some peoplo as wiser iu his day end generation than tho youthful Ueorgo Washington. When liiuo yours old ho plants 1 a cherry stone, front which grow a troo that was known by his parent >as "the boy's troe." When it began to hoar cherries h 0 picked the fruit, sold it, and saved tho lnouey. This ho continued to do during his entira life. Last summer, at tho agu of fifty-nine, ltis health declined, and tho tree also began to decay, Ho he cut it down, had the trunk sawed into boards, and with his own hands made a pretty oil rry coffin for himself. A fow days ago ho died, an 1 all of his funeral expanses were paid from tho money that ho had saved as tho pro ceeds of the sale of tho cherries,— Mil waukee Wiseonsiu. Oil ol Eggs, Extraordinary stories aro told of tho healing properties of a now oil which is easily made from tho yolks of hens' eggs. Tho eggs aro first boiled hard, and tho yolks aro thon re moved, crushod and plnood over a lire, whero thoy aro carofully r.tirrod until the snbstaueo is on tho point ot eatoh iug fire, when tho oil aopnvatos aud the oil may bo poured oft'. One yolk will yield nearly two touspoonfuls of oil. It is in general use.among tho 1 colonists of South Russia as a means J of curing cats, bruises, ttc.—jto, Louis Star-Sayings. GOLDEN HOURS, GOLDEN DAYS. .Everything hns benuty in it In the world that 'round us lies. Lifting up each waking minute, Giving joy to longing eyes, That shall fill the hours with praise- Golden hours make golden days. By us joys are ever flying. Let us make our hearts their snarf Let us share the sweetness lying All about us everywhere! Let us walk in happy ways- Golden hours mako golden days. Troubles come but they arc fleeting | Soon their shadows will go by, As tho clouds tho sunlight meeting, Pass and show tho azure sky. Life is full of sunny rays- Golden hours mako golden days. —George Blrdseye, in Detroit Free PreM. IIUMOII OF THE DAY. A trying situation—Tho cloak mod el's. It is seldom difficult to appear nat ural when you have no desiro to please.—Puck. It frequently happens that the fire of genius has difficulty iu making the pot boil.—Puck. My neighbor calls bis cat "There by"—because from it hangs a tail.— Arkansaw Traveler. Strange as it may seem, it some times happens that au old salt gets into trouble by being too fresh. Almost every woman we know would like to know what soino other woman Ims got to be so proud of. —Atchison Globo. Paddy's latest feat was to pawn his gun, preparatory to a day's shooting, in order to buy cartridges.—Loudon Truth. There is plenty of room at tho top; but there isn't enough for one-tenth of tho peoplo who think thoy ought to be there.—Puck. The peace maker is a commendable character, but ho is not esteemed by the fellow who is getting tho best of the fight.—Puck. The part of a man's salary that ho usually doesn't spend is tho part ho would receive if he were getting what ho is worth.—Puck. "Galton had his lawn mower stolen last niglit." "Great Caesar ! What a lucky fellow lie has always been."— Chicago Inter-Ooean. Speaking of bereavement, Jones af firms that no death ever affected bin so sadly as that of liis wife's first hus band.—Salem Gazette. Two words sometimes mako a long sentence. For instance, when the judge remarks to tho prisoner: "Twenty years."—Truth. You may speak as you will of pedi gree generally, but iu a sleepiug car t is a man's berth which raises him above his fellow passengers. An exchange tells "how to make a fountain pen work satisfactorily." Another way is to give it to oue of your enemies.—Texas Sittings. Tboro is that in a woman's disposi tion that induces her to give anything she has to the poor, providing thav will use it her way.—Atchison Globe. I kissed bar a doz ill times last night, Au 1 now it makes me sore To thluk that It I'd only stayo 1, I might have had one more. —Life. A woman's idea of loyalty is to loan her best silverware to a neighbor who is giving a party, aud say nothing when she hoars it praised. Atchison Globe. Jack—"What sort of a girl is sho?" Jim—"Oh, she is a miss with a mis sion." "All!" "And her mission is seeking a man with a mansion. Sparo Moments. The lightning flashed, the llghtningcrasUod, Tuo sklos were rent asunder. With shriek nnd wall loud blow the gale, And then it rained like thuuler! —Puck. Willy Wilt—"Do you know, I fancy I havo quite a literary bent." Van Demmitt—"All right, my boy ; keep ou aud you'll bo worse than bent— you'll be broke."—Puok. Mudgo—"Er—Miss Laura, I hope 1 am not talking too much . about my self." Miss Lnura—"Oh, no. You have to be talked about by somebody, of course."—lndianapolis Journal. No wonder the modest violet Drops shyly out ot sight It It hears all the poems People about it write. —Chicago Inter-Oeonn. TTonsokeeper—"Aro you suro that this tea isn't half copperas?" Dealer (convincingly) "We couldn't afford to sell copperas at tho oxtreinelv low price wo charge for this tea, ma'am." —New York Weekly. L'Enfant Terrible —"Have you got another face?" Mrs. Ilomeleigh— "No, doar ; why do you ask?" L'En fant Torrible—"Mamma said you are two-faood; but I thought if you had another oue, you wouldn't wear that oue." —London Tid-Bits. In the gloaming, 0 my darling. Whero the nights are six months long, If 1 stayed till midnight, darling. Would you think that it was wrong? Would you work the old gags oil mo? Would yon murmur, soft aud low. That I might bo late for breakfast. Or tho dock was six weeks slow? —Detroit Free Press. Teaoher —"Now, Johnnie, you may tell us this: Suppose your mother had told you to come home at five o'clock, and you did uot go ) what would you bo doing?" Johnnie—"l don't know whether it would be swiminiu' or play in' baseball." Chicago Inter- Ocean. "What have you named your new boy?" "William. I wanted to get a name that would be sure to tit." "I don't quite catch." "Why, don't you see, if he grows up to be a real nice, ;ood kind of young man he will lie called Willie, and if ho should happen -o turn out pretty tough he can be called Bill." —Indianapolis Journal. Betrayed by a Bird. A trifle sometimes leads to the de. tection ota taultorerime. A theatri cal musician owned an ebony lluto with silver keys; he valued it highly, but as one of the upper notes was de fective, he seldom uses it. A young j man lodged with the musician, and ; between the two a close friendship J existed. One night the ebony flute j disappeared, having no doubt been stolen; Suspicion fell on several persons, but nothing could be proved against any of them. Not long afterward the lodger went to live in a town a few miles off, but as the friendship between the men still ex isted thev occasionally visited each other. Nearly a year afterwa d the musician paid his friend a visit, and was pleased to find him in pos- j session of a beautiful bullfinch, which could distinctly whistle three I tunes. The performance was per fect with this exception, that when- I over he came to a certain high noto | he invariably skipped it and went on ' to the next A little reflection con vinced the musician that the note in which the bullfinch was impcrfoct was the deficient one on his lost flute So convinced was he. that he at once sharply questioned his cx-iodger on the subject, he at once tremblingly Do You Wish the Finest Bread and Cake? It is conceded that the Royal Baking Powder is the purest and strongest of all the baking powders. The purest baking powder makes the finest, sweet est, most delicious food. The strongest baking pow der makes the lightest food. That baking powder which is both purest and strongest makes the most digestible and wholesome food. Why should not every housekeeper avail herself of the baking powder which will give her the best food with the least trouble ? Avoid all baking powders sold with a gift or prize, or at a lower price than the Royal, as they invariably contain alum, lime or sul phuric acid, and render the food unwholesome. Certain protection front alum baking powders can be had by declining to accept any substitute for the Royal, which is absolutely pure BEECHAM'S PILLS (Vegetable) What They Are For Biliousness indigestion sallow skin dyspepsia bad taste in the mouth pimples sick headache foul breath torpid liver bilious headache loss of appetite depression of spirits when these conditions are caused by constipation ; and con stipation is the most frequent cause of all of them. One of the most important things for everybody to learn is that constipation causes more than half the sick ness in the world; and it can all be prevented. Go by the book. Write to B. F. Allen Company, 365 -Canal street, New York, for the little book on CONSTIPATION (its causes con sequences and correction); sent free. If you are not within reach of a druggist, the pills will be sent by mail, 25 cents. * § nun 1 diamond Cycles \ * I SlEflPfl I ARE THE BEST MADE. 4 t "JS wj 0 j| H Alii, THE IiATE!*T DIPUOVKMENTB. A w Kaw fcl KSGM KffiH UUlll (jt(AI)E IN EVEItV UESI'ECT, 9 r THE TOURIST'S FAVORITE. f } WHAT A \ WIIT! t < IS 9 THE WONDER J ' n-f \ * 4 * (CAR AFF€J J 9 >.r H f nrt tor nr Hprrlnl lituuniu I Ist o! mcohil-IIUIMI unci nlkip.wnrn Wheel-. A \ Wo liuvo uhi jiiMt whaf you w m. f A C.Vi AMMiI'KS HtftKTO A1.1,. AGENTS WANTED, A 4 HIGH GRADE BICYCLE FOR $43.75 \ r areolOiiiutoutat thonlnve low |rbv. A raro cuunc •r 1* • iilr.-elaM durable win'h a . i.u. 9 A K a,IK Tl,ov nr o full -Izc (fetus* wheels. bull hmirhw and fltt 'i w ltli pneumatic tires, send *5 m A T or^rmjt^ wltll P r ' v Uvtfo of examination, f 9 9 OUR HI'OItTING GOODS I.INE IS UNKXCEI.I.EI). A Send ton rents (the actual cost of mailing) In famps or money for large Illustrated four hun- A V dreil page catalogue, containing all Itiuus ot .sporting Uuntl* Htid hundred., of other article*. V t JOHN P. LOVELL ARMS CO., * 0 ITf 1 ISronri St. uml 11? Wunliiugton St., IIOSTON. A "Don't Put Off Til! To-morrow the Du ties of To-day. Buy a Cake of SAPOLIO sonfessed his guilt, and that all the bird knew had been taught him ou ine stolen instrument Who Was the Pool? A young man returned home a few days ago from a trip to South Africa for his health, and in narrating hit adventures to his father he told him ho bad bought a silver mine lor 1S5,001). "I knew they'd swindle you," ex claimed the old man. "So you were tool enough to buy a humbug mine?" "Yes; but I didn't lose anything, I formed a company and sold half the stock to a Londoner for $7,500. '•Yes—you did?" gasped the old man, turning white. "I'll bet I'm the one who bought it." "I know you are," coolly observed the young man. as he crossed his legs and tried to appear very much at home. THE small boy wltb the seat of hii trousers torn is not a landlord, buf he frequently raises the rent by standing on his head. DanvllU Breeze. A NEW ronK paper advertises a great reduction in burial lots. Now is the time to die!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers