§DR. W. A. RIEGEL, ] THE HTH^VlDinsr Gr | Specialist iin i alli Chronic i Diseases,! WILL BE AT THE CENTBAL HOTEL, j FROM 8 A. M. TO I P. M. AND FROM 8.30 TO 10 < FRFF TO Mil PM. DAILY, AND ALL DAY THURSDAYS, rilEiEi IV " Huh . AND FROM 8A.M.T02 P. M. j f SUNDAYS OF EACH WEEK. ' HEAD. CONSULTATION, EXAMINATION AND FIRST TREATMENT FREE. J i no nirnri >© REFERENCES AND TESTIMONIALS. | r Ulli niLuCL 0 READ THE TESTIMONY OF ONE WHO SUFFERED YEARS ANI) J [. PDCftT TRIED MANY PHYSICIANS BOTH OF PHILADELPHIA UllLnl Urrtn AND NEW YORK WITHOUT GETTING RELIEF, I I AND IS NOW CURED ISY DR. RIEGEL. TO THE , > I have been a sufferer for a number of years with catarrh in its worst d >• TiVnnl Olifl constant headaches, matter dropping in the throat, dizziness, i JTCOpiC Ol JU 1 L/Clcll It I nose stopped up, difßculty in breathing and no doubt would soon liaye been a " V consumiitivc, liad I not met Dr. Riegel. <sj AND VICINITY. Before tliat time I had tried every well-known remedy and doctored J with many physicians, not only of Hazleton hut of New Y'ork and Phila- \1 delphia, hut could get no relief anywhere. As soon as Dr. Riegel began treat- <ii /777 7,.; fimJ,, iii hotonu ing me 1 felt relieved and continued to improve until now I feel like a new ■, e JIU WHO a/J/Jiy in pit now man _ and knowin g that t i icve are many others suffering as much as I did f 'I during the month Of Jill- write this for publication, so that others may avail themselves of Dr. Riegel's .. L J!n <■-/ mill ho o frnn iii oil treatment before it is too late. He can cure you if you take it in time. r -=> ' j „ > lam willing to answer any letters of inquiry from persons wisliing to " <> grCSCVIuCd fOV and trccit- consult him. James McCool, 189 North Wyoming Street, Hazleton, I'a. I ed upon their first visit i TV/7/7 n-P nil oh rivrt/ie This is to certify that I was treated by Dr. Riegel for catarrh and com- 1 >, free Of all Chinges. pletely cured in less than four months' time. For five years I suffered untold misery. My symptoms were dizziness, /. k 111- Hioo-ol nruirainms rais r>f headache, difficulty in breathing, purulent matter, dripping in the throat, and f iviegei announces one ot I felt wea k and tired all the time. The least exertion was fatiguing and pain- " li, tile greatest opportunities ever ful, and I would get so melancholy that I wanted to die and end my misery. >, I offered to tile sick and suffering I consulted dozens of physicians, but none did me any good till I met ( Vw onv ntivaiciin anopialiut Dr. Riegel. After the first three treatments I felt very much better and now " >) . vl' A P (in ] ess than four months' time) lam completely cured and never felt better ' ( in the world. in my U f e . F The offer is that of a free test I W ill he pleased to answer any letters of inquiry from persons wisliing ' 1/ of his method of treatment for to consult Dr. Riegel, if a stamp is enclosed. Respectfully, I the cure of Catarrh, Bronchitis, A ' J ' Corne "' Pußt olllue - Hazlctol1 ' Pa - Ly Miners' Asthma, Hay Fever, ~ , r , „ T •u . ,u , „ << I' -vr . . Q. .TT I, (i T. ~. hditur Sunday Leader.—Dear Sir.— l wish to announce through the " „ IN euraiglil, oICK lieauaciie, Heal- columns of your paper something which may ho of benefit to many of its readers. , t ness, Sore Throat, the beginning About six years ago I was attacked with tiiat dreadful disease, chronic T of Consumption Etc. nasal catarrh, and latter on it ran into bronchitis, and still latter I had slight " >, All ~.i,,' „, 'i v 5 ' . attacks of asthma and suffered untold misery, and had headaches nearly all A ( , . „ . liy , peisoii al the time, constant dropping into my throat of the vilest of matter and had T his office in the Central Hotel also a cough. My hearing was affected. In fact I felt indisposed to do any- ' v during this month will be EX- thing. I tried all means to get rid of this dreadful malady but all to no avail. /; I AMINED PRFSCPIBED FOR and ' 'onseled with Dr. Riegel and lie treated me two months, and today I feel t ~ like an entirely new maD. - •' k GIVEN FIRST TREATMENT FREE I would not, for any consideration, go back to where I was two months ~ ( of charge. ago, and I feel as though I could never repay Dr. Riegel for the good ho has I THIS is a test a patient can onc nn 4T . . i>> nin i_ 11Q „ p rifV ril f i -Dili Please publish this, as I know there are many sulTering 111 the same .< . , use 01 Wlinour IlSKing a an ,j tliiH mav be the means of bringing them where they can be cured. 7 single penny. Yours respectfully, < k J. D. Thomas, Kingston, Luzerne County, Pa. J [ This Offer Good : ; 7 About eight years ago I began to tie troubled with chronic nasal catarrh, and began 4 t /• / j i taking medicine from a well known physician in linllalo, N. V., and eontimnd doing so ) / 10V VlUflUßt (JW/V all tlle thne for six long and weary yours, but all to no avail, for 1 continually grew worse, '{ i j is/ mj . and at the end ol that time i was so run down that I could not do the homework lor my j 7 small family, and my friends thought 1 had consumption. <i I i then began treatment with an eminent physician in New York city, which I con- ) t Wpmpmhpr this tifFer will tinned lor about one year, but still I found no relief, but grew worse all the time, had < I \ t l Uiiei Will headaches all the time, and had a great deal of trouble with my throat, f* afford all skeptical and dis- About the llrat of last June 1 saw an advcitisement (in the J under) of Vr. ltiegel, '< l .. 1 . . ' claiming to be able to cure any ease of catarrh, and thinking I might get some relief I 7 COUraged patients a chance to commenced taking treatment with him, and ulthough J have only been treated by him for < . inrlcrM fnr thomflulvou rf .ill cven weeks, I aui now doing my own work and am apparently as weli as ever; in fact, I V JUtlge 101 lueilioeives, iiee Ol all never lclt better in my lite tnan Ido today, and my husband and myself both suy that wo '< L costs. 1)1', ltiegel offers this un" " icKui I<J l' tUo Kool ' ' iaa <lulK ' " IL '' wo aru tluit every- ; V test as the fairest and surest u ny lady who is sulToring in the same way will cull on or address me by mail, I ) * _ i! • • xm shall be glad to give her further information on the subject. << ay 01 convincing tile puoiic Mrs. Willhun Sickler, Luzerne borough, Luzerne County, Pa. that his method of treating llis Having worked In the mines for the past forty years and contracted miners'asthma 4.1, _ A i . , In such u severe manner as to be scarcely able to leave the house. 1 doctored with many . Specialties IS tile best known to physicians previous to my going to Dr. ltiegul and all fai.ed to give me any relief. 1 bo- \ +|io wrwlrl came so bud that I could not go up stairs without the assistance of my wife. Having seen /. me >\ unu. iiiM advertisement in the papers I made up my mind to visit him and see if he could relieve \ L, He believes that anvtlliner flint mc - going to his omee from my home on the llrat trip 1 had to rest live times. 1 ' T -11 : \ 7 , - ~S llJ *u WLLB IN I|L|S T . 01 ,3 1TL011 „i Juut u wiHik, wlion (ho OHIIIKC c.mio for the bettor, nnd from ' . Will not stand the scrutiny of then on I emv better ettch liny until now I tun as will ua If I novel- worked in the mines 1 ovoi-irr.Tiu tl,„ l,„t , 1..., unci cuiitriieteil iisthma. lam flrinly 1)1 the opinion that I would be iu my grave today hud •• everyone IS not tile that can it not been lor the Skilltul treatment 1 received Irom the doctor. I would rccomnionu any / lip fifFprMfl t(\ it< l lnnb-a person troubled with asthma to call on the doctor at once. Persons desiring cun see me at to mem ana lac KS ei- wy , lume and ! will Klvt . them my experience cheerfully. ' / fectiveness, therefore lie submits Jol,n N - Ferguson, c herry Street, Shenandoah, Pa. Tifnmplf to thp tpat nri\r 1 was " victim of catarrh for years without knowing really what was ailing mc. <J miiiocn LIIC ocvacai icist aiij' Various physicians treated me for one discusc and another, tuking iny money but giving physician can lie subjected to no permanent relief and apparently not even getting a clear knowledge of what troubled ■< c ouwjcvwu w nie 1 grew wofse, for a long time past blowing blood from the nostrils. 1 eouhl eat no : , y and awaits the verdict ot the meat, in fact could not even bear to look at it; llnally i lost all appetite and could not << 1 -nprvtxlp withmit tlwi y. people W lIIIOUL tile least iear OL ltiege', whose advertisements 1 read in the papers, lie told me what the difliculty was and A ! failure took me under change. My improvement was almost instant, and proved steady. ) ►> * 1 regained iuy up|etitc and was soon able to rest naturally. 1 have got so well now that 1 A only visit him, eousiderlng myself almost cured. 1 gladly testily to his ability ►> If any of the following questions apply to uml advise all who are suffering troin catarrh to consult him, for they will tlnd him the A { you, you had better answer them at once. physician they cun go to. 1 cannot say too much for him. ) ►> .John Coughlin, 41tt East Centre Street, Shenandoah, Pa. A ( ]nSn J ml , S ?biPv a wbn a >(.n^u''Jo\'^?t l un,,w wbS; Trnamlo Dcikcv, an East Market Street, Wilkes-llarrc, Pn. Itu.l q.seasc of the )i > lalt mntto'w^h W , "" •' ™><- cureU him in u few weeks. will be able to determine if they have catarrh Mrs. .John Dawson. I.u/.erne. Pa. -Had catarrh of the nose and head for nine years. J. for these be some of the prominent symptoms i neu nearly everything, but could get no relief. She counseled Dr. ltiegul, and in a few ty of thut dread disease, which means, if neglcc- wcxiks was entirely relieved troin ull sympbmis of tho dreadful disease. 1 ( ted, consumption and the grave, lielow are A. H. Sellnow, 51 N. Sherman Street, Wllkes-Bnrre, Pa.—l had catarrh since I was a >y the questions. child, so much so that it. was offensive, llud constant headache und dripping into the throut. 1 Are you nervous? Dr. Itiegol has cured me. 7 Are you dejected? Miss Kute Cawley, Pittston, Pa.—Was nearly deaf for two years, when, after a few 4 \ Have you a cough? weeks' treatment, all the noises in her ear were gone and could hear us well us ever. < la Mrs. Mary NVeiser, W.i ikes-Bur re, Pa.—Was deaf for years, and was greatly benefited \ 7 { V° ur eyesight jHtor? ufter a lew weeks treutment. * / Is your appetite noor? ' Moore, Wilkes-Harre, Pa.—l had a constant headache and gathering of mucous ) 7 Do vou hawk and suit? in t,ie throut and liead; my eara were affected, causing me to be partly deaf, i have been A ■ Is your stomach weak? treated lor a few weeks with Dr. ltiegel, aud all symptoms have left me. ) / Are your eyes watery? <* v Do you have headaches? J V Have you lost ambition? ■ ■ • ■ . . - . . . <<l v Do you take cold easy? ) 7 Do you have heartburn? [ se DR. W. A. RIEGEL, ( Are your bowels costive? j 7 Is your hearing affected? A V Do you have shooting pains? CENTRAL HOTEL, FREELAND, PA. • I Does life seem a big burden? ' 1 I ? Are you cranky and irritable? 1 V OFFICE HOURS: BtolP. M. and 8.30 to 10 < 1' gjSSSSS'S&SWa P DA H I L Y- All pay THURSDAYS, d v Do you have smothering attacks? and r TOIll Bto 2 SUN DAYS of Each Week. J| ( I)o you have unpleasant dreams? \l v Have you ever hud night sweats? Jj [ Do your have ring in your ears? AND I Do you feel sick in your stomach? J1 7 Is you tongue frequently coated? _ ... \l \ MAN'S - BLOCK, - HAZLETON, - PA. { V Have you got that all-gone feeling? ( dS VOU Kr f ™ipSti n on?,V r tho C he,) rt y OFFICE HOURS FOR HAZLETON. 2to 8 ( i: PM - I,ai 'y, Except Thursdays and Sundays. 7 Do you belch up a sour taste in the mouth? \! I I)o you see sooth floating before your eyes? * T ? m i n . _ -- i I Ils^sJSßfMs?N. 8.--I Treat all Patients Personally. ;j FREELAND TRIBUNE. PUBLISHED EVERY MONDAY AND THUUSDAY. TliC >&. A. BUCKLEY, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. OFFICE: MAIN STREET ABOVE CENTRE. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. One Year $1 50 Six Months 75 Four Months 50 Two Months 25 FREELAND, PA., AUGUST 21, 1893. BEADING RAILROAD SYSTEM. LEHIGH VALLEY NSS&V DIVISION. I \fz. Anthracite coal used cxclu- I f sively, insuring cleanliness and 41 comfort. ARRANGEMENT OP PASSENGER TRAINS. MAY 14, 1 SOB. LEAVE FREELAND. 0 05, 8 47, if 40. 10 41 a m, 12 25, 1 32, 2 27. 3 45, 4 55, (i ijM, 7 12, 8 47 p m, for Drifton, Jcddo. Luni i or Yard, Stockton and Ha/.letou. 0 05 a m, 1 32, 3 45, 4 55 p m. for Muuch Chunk, Allontown, Iletlilehcm, l'liihi., Boston and New York. 9 40 a m for Bethlehem, Boston and Pliila. 7 20, 10 50 a ra, 12 10,4:14 p m, (via Highland i ranch) tor White Haven, Glen Summit, Wilkcs l.arre, Pitteton and L. and B. Junction. SUNDAY TRAINS. 11 40 utn and 345 p m for Drifton, Jeddo, Lum cer Yard and Hn/.leton. 3 45 i) in for Delano, Mahanov City, Shcnan ouli, New York and Philadelphia. ARRIVE AT FREELAND. 5 50, 7 09, 7 20, 9 18, 10 56 a in, 12 10, 1 15, 2 13, 434, 0 58 and 8 37 p in, from lla/leton, Stockton, Lumber Yard, Jeddo aud Drifton. 7 20, 0 18. 10 o6 a m, 2 13, 4 IM, 0 58 p in from Delano, Muhanoy City and Shenandoah (via New Boston Branch). 1 15, 0 58 and 8 87 p in from New York, Easton, Philadelphia, Bethlehem, Allcntown and Muuch i Chunk. | 918 and 10 56 am, 1 15,0 58 and 837 p in from I Easton, Phila., Bethlehem and Munch Chunk. | 9 18, 10 41 a in, 2 27,0 58 pra from White Haven, \ Glen Summit, Wilkcs-Barre. Pittston and L. and i B. Junction (via Highland Brunch). SUNDAY TRAINS. I 11 31 ara and 381p m, from Hnzleton, Lum i her Yard, Jcddo and Drifton. 11 31 a m from Delano, Jla/Jcton, Philadelphia ! and Easton. 3 31 p m from Delano and Muhanoy region. For further information inquire of Ticket Agents. j C. G. HANCOCK, Gen. Pass. Agt. Philadelphia, Pa. 1 A. W. NONNEMACHEIt, Ass't G. P. A. South Bethlehem, Pu. j The Delaware, Susquehanna and Schuylkill R, R, Co. PASSEKOEU THAIN TIME TABLE. Taking Effect. May 29, 1893. Eastward. STATIONS. Westward, p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. 5 30 1 02 742 Sheppton 7181011329 A I 0 35 1 08 7 48 £ I 7 12 10 05 El 1227 52 Oneida A ] 055333 545 1 2:1 803 Humboldt Road 701 940 312 547 1 25 805 Harwood ltoad 659 937 310 A(552130 810 Tn t £(0 54 930 El 820 Oneida Jet. A . m 8 203 05 A 550 820 „ £lO 40 £1568 Hoan AlO 32 922 0 02 B. Meadow Road 0 28 ti 11 Stockton Jet. 819 0 21 Eckley Junction 010 0 30 Drifton 0 00 THE WORLD'S FAIR. Oreat Preparations lleing Made for the Observance of Pennsylvania Day. The executive committee of the World's fair of this state is making a special efliort to have Pennsylvania Day, September 7, the rival of any state day at the exposition. Governor Pattison will attend with his entire staff, also the famous City troop, of Philadelphia, and the naval battalion of the same city. A number of excursion trains will be run from all parts of the state, and the com missioners hope to have a big outpouring of former Pennsylvanians from Chicago and the western states. It had been arranged to have the fire works on the evening of September 0, hut that lias been changed, and they will lie let go the night of September 7. There will be four set pieces. The Pennsyl- I vauia coat of arms, the Keystone, tno name of Pennsylvania in letters ten feet in height, and a picture of William Penn. The ceremonies will take place at 11 a. m., September 7, speeches being made by the governor, Col. A. K. McClure, of Philadelphia; Chief Justice Sterrett, of the supreme court; Lieutenant Governor Watres, Attorney General William U. Hensel, possibly James M. Beck, of Philadelphia. The invocation will be by Bishop I. D. Foss of the Methodist Episcopal church of Philadelphia. BUSINESS BRIEFS. Try Fackler's home-made bread and rolls—baked fresh every morning. Picnics supplied with ice cream, cakes, etc., by I.aubach at reasonable rates. To hake good bread only the best flour sliould be used. Washburn brand leads all others. Sold only by B. F. Davis. "Orange Blossom" makes handsome, happy women, because it make healthy women. Sold by Amandus Oswald. The finest opportunity this season for a day's outing is the excursion to Glen Onoko on Thursday. Trains leave Free land at 8; a. m. The cures of the tobacco, opium and drink habit, wrought by Hill's chloride of gold tablets, is one of the marvels of modern therabeutics. All druggists sell them and you need no longer suffer. DEATHS. EVANS.—At South Heberton, August 18, Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Evans, ' aged 39 years, 2 months and 15 days. 1 Interred yesterday at Frceeland cenietery. Bachman. 1 FLETCHER. —At Frceland, August 18, , Mrs. William Fletcher, aged 34 years, 8 months and 5 days. Interred yee- I ti rday at Freeland cemetery. Bach -1 man. | PLEASURE CALENDAR. y August 24.—Excursion of Young Men's •1 T. A. B. .Society to Glen Onoko. Fare: JJ Adults, 80 cents; children, 50 cents, d September I—First annual ball of 4 Robert Era met Social Club, at Freo- J land opera house. Admission, 50 cents. * September 2.—Picnic of L. A. 385, K. of \ L-, of Upper Lehigh, at Freeland Public park. A Advertise iu the TRIBUNE. CITIZENS' SANK OF FREELAND. CAPITAL. - $50,000. OFFICEIIB. Joseph Birkbock, President. H. K ooiis, Vice President. B. It. Davis, Cashier. John Smith, Secretary. Dl ItECTOUS.—Joseph Birkbeck, Thos. Birk beck, John Wagner, A. Itudewiek, H. C. Koons, Chas. Dusheck, John Smith, John M. Powell, 2d, John Burton. IHT' Three per cent, interest paid on saving deposits. Open daily from 9a.m.t04 p. m. Wednesday evenings from 6 to 8. SPECIAL SALE ill straw Hats. All Straw Hats at Half Price. 100 Hats for 50 Cents, Etc. ; Special Drive in Dress Goods. Double Width, One Yard Wide, for G 1-2 Cents a Yard. Thousands of Other Such Bargains. Call and See the Balance. •T. C. BEMER. li | REMEMBER "oMTC SSII X\ "^V -Ifi-Vf S'ITM IM B3 EJ , r*\ T3D R careful love atigatiou is t •- cur rcyyciisibil- 1 Jr fel 13 LS E&SSig&SS \&J? 1 lty r.ndtUomctltaef ourTmilcU. | J? <' : ' K r£ ■ 4 SHI 3ouS?lf3 (Msrlde of*Gsld Tablets / w^AvP o#i Will completely dostroytho dv:v> fr,r TO j-.ACCO in from Stofl days. Perfect! v harm - yfoh%lilSr Km V less; cause no sickness and may boglv-n Inn cup of tenor coffee without tbo k'nowl- jfo ¥i.irO jrTfaP X & LRDSKENNESS and MORPHINE HABIT + E .JQ tho patient, by the 1130 of our SPECIAL FORMULA OOLD CURD TABLETS. v ' jf ■ " During treatment pa tiet9 are allowed tbo free uso of Liquor or Kor- S A FFW fe/3 uv, phi no until such time aj tboy shell voluntarily give them up. M ill If H~ ■,; Wo sond particulars nud pamphlet of testimonials froo, and shall j? 4\>*v Jy jr Clnniimnviinffa IKS ,JA bo mud to pike, suffer..™ trSm n!iy of those hablU iu cmui.ui.lco- / Vv\ S WIIIOM S C &--.S tlon with persona who have been cured by tho uso of our TABLETS. ■* VA ■: '■ < 5J tj Hli.L'fc TABLETS nrc lor sale by all PIRBTCLAB3 S from persons IP dnigglsts at $; .QQ per package. f >sLv tfrA _ . , A 11 your druggist doe* not ko p them, enclose lis ffil.OO Who hav© been B ~ sjLrl and wo will Beuu you, by rctm 11 mall a package or our *'•flfr'jK XrV. ,w-~,: i~,r +u~ . 119 Tubk-.ts. J*' cured by the uso of ■■ ?5n >Vrite your nama and addressplainly.andatato j?VV b 1 dr u uro **- v£% ill! s Tablets E jl no NOT BP DECEIVED into purchasing J? N fV%''i!v y / ■flUlvl3, Efl H| any of tbo various nostrums that aro beta'? Jr V i/I-A THE OHIO CHEMICAL Co.: Hri * i . , a ofTcrotl for sale. Ask fot jP &'&'■&■ ■'■ & <f DKAB SIB:— I bavo boon usinn your ija and tnko no other ~^ fßlk euro for tobacco habit, and found It would BB Manufactured only by a a * 1$ do what you claim for it. I used ten cent* H Mri \ woilh ci tbo strongest chewing tobacco a day, E "a TIIK J' V^ v \ > j, end 110 m cno txjjflvo cigars; or 1 would smoke ■ KH from ten to tobacco. Have chowed a OHIO CHEMICAL CO, /xV-i P E| ' -■, V' , \ r jK;. vt -a E.U. JAYLOED, Leslie,Mich. H ~M El, 53 a55 Opera Block, yr irf'SrV S \ ./ DOBBS FEHBT, N. Y. FB . Egi AUIA jT BS gp %>\ <&\*LS&Scr TnßOninCnEMicAi,Co.:-GLNTLKMEN:-Somottmeaßolßent H 3 LIMA, OHIO, \ ' b_ \ b'4 for fel.(K worth cf your Tablutufcir Tobacco Habit. 1 received Bin _H FAUTICULAES JT ,iV <' ft r'- r Uey CIU the war* In lom than tbrvo dftvn. lam cured. ■■ Btj ' > '• Truly yours, MA'I'UKW JOIINSON, P.0.80x. Om Bm '£\\^. it'' 'in ir"'"";' Tt' * ■I A - iri 1 I i lir J'.ionih ' t'Soro'wiltSS E . V y° u tlio cuio \/ua "koura trniv, BH ■H TNI Onio CnEMTOAI, Co :-GF. TI.IMS:I :— Your Tahlcta have performed a RRFI rnolo'ln 'n?v "Sic. i, Vkji S 1 have used moj .iliiiie, hy|i<leiim.;ully, for seven yonra, cud havo booaoared brthouooof ? gH two Jiaekah-OB of your Tublots, anil without any offort on luy part. W. L. jXITLLAY. |'ir NTS' N THS ©ST© CHEWiIOAL CO., J* #JI/T^ii''i' i 'ai u T'jj m I Jii' r | B u °r irOL REMARKABLE VALUES YOU WILL RECEIVE FOR YOUR MONEY BY ATTENDING JOS. NEUBURGER'S ANNUAL AUGUST REDUCTION SALE. All summer goods must be sold and prices Lave been cut to such an extent that they are bound to go. If you want bar gains now is your time to get them. We must make room for our large incoming fall stock, and in order to do so we must close out as much of our stock as possible. We are now offering the greatest bargains ever heard of. If it is O-oocLs, Clotliing-, Boots, Shoes, ISTctiorrs, BiirriisHirrg - (3-ood.s, Etc., Yon want give us a call and see the advantages afforded you by making your purchases out of our enormous stock, which offers you double the assortment of any of our competitors. Low prices, which has always been our motto, still prevails, but much lower than ever during this closing out sale at ! Jos. Neuburger's Bargain Emporium, |ln the P. O. S. of A. Building, - Freeland, Pa. KELLMER :P:UO : T : O caAPSiK The Finest Specialties in the Photographic Art. For Finish We Can't Be Beat. WT TT T nTTAT> AVT J/ 1 IA BETTER WORK THAN CAN BE HAD ' It lIJL UUilllAitl ILIli ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE, EEI()N. 13 West Broad Street, Hazleton. lORHNBE BLOSSOM! IS AS SAFE AND HARMLESS AS A. Flax SeedL Poultice. It ia applied right to the parts. It cures all diseases of women. Any lady can use it hersolf. Sold by ALL DRUGGISTS. Mailed to any 1 address on roooipt of sl. Dr. J. A. MoGill & Go., 3 and 4 Panorama Place, Chicago, 111. Sold Toy- • Os-wald, Preeland. It will be to" your interest to call and inspect OUR FINE DISPLAY OF NEW NOVELTIES and reliable standard grades in Isued Boys' Cldtli.ua jKfiifgJ aiMi iliip®# Our seasonable stock lacks nothing but buyers. They will come; they will be satisfied; they will buy at the fairest prices ever made for such qualities. JOHN SMITH, BIBKBECK BRICK. OUR SUMMER LINE OF FURNISHING GOODS must be seen to get an idea of its many attractions. Expecting an unusu ally active trade we have prepared generously for it, and show in greatest variety the latest and best in Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Hosiery, Neckwear, Underwear, Hankerchiefs, etc., etc. Come in and you will find styles, quality and price that hit your ideas of a good thing exactly.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers