.ALL ft I Synopaia of Prevloua Chapters. CHAPTERS I and ll—The new tenants of three adjoining villus in the London suburbs are Adtuißul Huy Denver, with a son Ilaroll; I)r. Walker, with two motherless daug-hters, Clara and Ida, and Mrs. Westinaeott and her nephew Charles. Mrs. Westinaeott is one of the muscular, emancipated sisterhood, with radical views and manners. CHAPTER 111-There is a common tennis for the villas, and the neighbors quickly get acquainted. Young Denver is attentive to Ida Walker and Charles Westmacott to Clara. The doctor is fascinated by the brilliant Mrs. Westmacott and lends his name to advance tho cause of woman 1 * rights. CHAPTER IV. A SISTER'S SECRET. "Tell me, Miss Walker. You know how things should be. What would you say was a good profession for a yodng man of 20 who has had no education worth speaking about and who is not very quick by nature?" Tho speaker was Charles Westmacott, and tho time this same summer evening in the tennis ground, though the shadows had fallen now and tho game been abandoned. The girl glanced up at him, amused and surprised. "Do you mean yourself?" "Precisely." "But how could I tell?' "I havo no one to advise me. Ibeliovo that yon could do it better than any one. I feel confidence in your opinion." "It is very flattering." She glanced up again at his earnest, questioning face, with its Saxon eyes and drooping flaxen mustache, in some doubt, as to whether she might be joking. On the contrary, Nil his attention seemed to bo concen trated upon her answer. "It depends so much upon what you can do, you know. I do not know you sufficiently to be able to say what nat ural gifts you have." They wero walk ing slowly across the lawn in the direc tion of the house. "I have none—that is to say, none Worth mentioning. I have no memory, and I am very slow." "But you are very strong?" "Oh, if that goes for anytliing. I can put up a hundred-pound bar till further orders, but what sort of a calling is that?" Some little joke about being called to the bar flickered up in Miss Walker's mind, but her companion was in such obvious earnest that she stifled down her inclination to laugh. V'f can do a mile on the cinder track in and across country in 5:20, but how is that to help me? I might bo a cricket professional, but it is not a very dignified position. Not that I care a straw about dignity, you know, but I should not liko to hurt tho old lady's feelings." "Your aunt's?" "Yes, my aunt's. My parents wero killed in the mutiny, you know, when 1 was a baby, and she has looked after mo ever since. She has been very good to me. I'm sorry to leave her." "But why should you leavo her?" They had reached the garden gate, and tho girl leaned her racket upon tho top of it, looking up with grave interest at her big, white flauneled companion, "It's Browning," said he, "What!" "Don't tell my aunt that I said it"—he sank his voico to a whisper—"l hate Browning." Clara Walkcr rippled off into such a nnygy peal of laughter that he forgot tho evil things which he had suffered from tho poet and burst out laughing too. "I can't make him out," said he. "1 try, but he is one too many. No doubt it is very stupid of me. I don't deny it. But as long as I cannot there is no use pretending that I can. And then pf course she feels hurt, for she is very fond of him and likes to reud him aloud in tho evenings. She is reading a piece now, 'Pippa Passes,' and I assure you, Miss Walker, that I don't even know what the title means. You must think me a dreadful fool." "But surely ho is not so incomprehen sible as nil that?" sho said as an attempt at encouragement. "He is very bad. There are some things you know which are fine. That ride of the threo Dutchmen, and Tlerve Riel' and others, they are all right. But there was a piece we read last week. The first lino stumped my aunt, and it takes a good deal to do that, for she rides very straight. 'Setebos and Setebos and Betebos.' That was the line." "il'sounds liko a charm," "No, it is a gentleman's name. Three gentlemen, I thought at first, but my aunt says one. Then he goes on, 'Think eth he dwelleth in the light of tho moon.' It was a very trying piece." Clara Walker laughed again. "You must not think of leaving your aunt," she said. "Think how lonely she would be without you." " Well, yes , I had thought ofthat. But you must remember that my aunt is to all intents hardly middle aged and u very eligible person. I don't,think that her dislike to mankind extends to indi viduals. She might form new ties, and i then I Bhould be a third wheel in tho coach. It was all very well as long as I was only a boy, when her first husbuud Was alive." "But, good gracious, you don't mean that Mrs. Westmacott is going to marry again?" gasped Clara. T'.'cyoung man glanced down at her with X question in his eyes. "Oh, it is only'd remote possibility, you know," said he. "Still, of course, it might hap pen, and I should like to know what I bUgllt to turn mv hand to." "I wish I could help you," said Clara. "But I really know very littlo about such things. However, I could talk to my father, who knows a very great deal of the world." "I wish you would. I should be so glad if you would." "Then I certainly will. And now I must say good night, Mr. Westinaeott, for papa will be wondering where I am." "Goodnight, Miss Walker." He pulled off his flannel cap and stalked away through the gathering darkness. Clara had imagined that they had been the last on the lawn, but looking back ! from the steps which led up to the French windows she saw two dark iig j ures moving across toward the house. ' As they camo nearer she could distin guish that they wero Harold Denver and her sister Ida. The murmur of their voices rose up to her ears, and then the musical littlo childlike laugh which she knew so well. "I am so delighted," she heard her sister say. "So pleased and proud. I had no idea of it. Your words wero such a surprise and a joy to me. Oh, I am so gladl" "Is that you, Ida?" "Oh, tliero is Clara. I must go in, Mr. Denver. Good night!" There wero a few whispered words, a laugh from Ida ami a "Good night, Miss Walker" out of the darkness. Clara took her sister's hand, and they paßsed together through the long, folding win dow. Tho doctor had gone into his study, and tho dining room was empty. A single small red lamp upon the side board was reflected tenfold by the plate about it and the mahogany beneath it, though its single wick cast but a feeble light into the large, dimly shadowed room. Ida danced off to the big central lamp, but Clara put her hand upon her arm. ''l rather like this quiet light," said she. "Why should we not have achat?" Sho sat in tho doctor's large red plush chair, and her sister cuddled down upon the footstool at her feet, glancing up at her elder with a smilo upon her lips and a mischievous gleam in her eyes. Tliero wns a shade of anxiety in Clara's face, which cleared away as she gazed into her sister's frank blue eyes. "Have you anything to tell me, dear?' sho askcih •:' J "Have you anything to tell mc, dcart" Ida gave a little pout and shrug to her shoulders. "The solicitor general then opened the case for the prosecution," said she. "You are going to cross examine me, Clara, so don't deny it. I do wish you would have that gray satin foulard of yours done up. With a little trim ming and a new white vest it would look as good as new, und it is really very dowdy." "Yon were quite late upon the lawn," said the inexorable Clara. "Yes I was, rather. So wero you. Have you anything to tell me?" She broke away into her merry, musical laugh. "1 was chatting with Mr. Westma cott." "And I was chatting with Mr. Denver. By tho way, Clara, now tell me .truly, what do you think of Mr. Denver? Do you like him? Honestly now I" "I like him very much indeed. I think that he is one of the most gentlemanly, modest, manly young men that I havo ever known. So now, dear, have you nothing to tell me?" Clara smoothed down her sister's golden hair with a motherly gesture and stooped her face to catch tho expected confidence. She could wish nothing better than that Ida should Ite tho wife of Harold Denver, and from the words which she had overheard as they left the lawn that evening she could not doubt that there was some under standing between them. But there camo no confession from Ida, only the same mischievous smile and amused gleam in her deep blue eyes. "That gray foulard dress"—she began. "Oh, you little teasel Come now, I will ask you what you have just asked me. Do you like Harold Denver?" "Oh, he's a darling!" "Ida!" "Well, you asked me. That's what I think of him. And now, you dear old Inquisitive, you will get nothing more out of mo, so you must just wait and not be too curious. I'm going off to see what papa is doing." She sprang to her feet, threw her arms round her sister's neck, gave her a final squeeze and was gone. A chorus from "Olivette," sung in her clear contralto, grew fainter and fainter until it ended in the slam of a distant door. But Clara Walker still sat in the dim lit room with her' chin upon her hands and her dreamy eyes looking out into the gathering gloom. It was the duty FREELAND TRIBUNE, MONDAY, MAY 29, 1893. of her, a maiden, to play tlie part of a mother—to guide another in paths which hor own steps had not yet trodden. Since her mother died not a thought had hcen given to herself; all was for her father and her sister. In her own eyes sho was herself very plain, and sho knew that her manner was often ungracious when she would mojt wish to be gracious. Sho saw her face as the glass reflected it, but she did not see the changing play of expression which gave it its charm—the infinite pity, the sympathy, tho sweet woman liness which drew toward her all who wero in doubt and in trouble, even as poor, slow moving Charles Westmacott had been drawn to her that night. She was herself, sho thought, outside the palo of love. But it was very different with Ida, merry, little, quick witted, bright faced Ida. She was born for love. It was her inheritance. But she was young and innocent. She must not be allowed to venture too fur without help in those dangerous waters. Some understanding there was between her and Harold Denver. In her heart of hearts Clara, like every good woman, was a matchmaker, and already she had chosen Denver of all men as the one to whom she could most safely confide Ida. He had talked to her more than once on the serious topics of life, on his aspira tions, on what a man could do to leave the world better for his presence. She knew that ho was a man of a noble na ture, high minded and earnest. And yet she did not like this secrecy, this disin clination upon the part of one so frank and honest as Ida to tell her what was passing. She would wait, and if she got the opportunity next day she would lead Harold Denver himself on to this topic. It was possible that she might learn from him what her sister had refused to tell her. CHAPTER V. A NAVAL CONQUEST. It was tho habit of the doctor and tho admiral to accompany each other upon a morning ramble between breakfast and lunch. The dwellers in those quiet tree lined roads were accustomed to see the two figures—the long, thin, austere sea man and the short, bustling, tweed clad physician—pass and repass with such regularity that a stopped clock has been react by them. The admiral took two steps to his companion's three, but tho younger man was the quicker, and both were equal to a good 4 J miles an hour. It was a lovely summer day which fol lowed the events which have, been de scribed. The sky was of the deepest blue, with a few white fleecy clouds drifting lazily across it, and tho air was filled with the low drone of insects or with a sudden sharper note as bee or blue fly shot past with its quivering long drawn hum, like an insect tuning fork. As the friends topped each riso which leads up to tho Crystal palaco they could see the dun clouds of London stretching along tho northern sky lino, with spire or dome breaking through tho low lying haze. The admiral was in high spirits, for the morning post had brought good news of his son. "It is wonderful, Walker," ho was say ing, "positively wonderful, the way that boy of mine has gone ahead during tho last three years. Wo heard from Pear son today. Pearson is tho senior part ner, you know, and my boy the junior- Pearson & Denver tho firm. Cunning old dog is Pearson, as cute and as greedy as a Rio shark. Yet ho goes off for a fortnight's leave and puts my boy in full charge, with all that immense business in his hands, and a free hand to do what he likes with it. ll&w's that for confi dence, and he only three years upon 'change?" "Any one would confide in him. His face is a surety," said tho doctor. "Go on, Walker." Tho admiral dug his elbow at him. "You know my weak side. Still it's truth all the same. I'vo been blessed with a good wife and a good son, and maybe I relish thein Uio more for having beon cut off from them so long. I have much to be thankful for." "And so have I. The best two girls that ever stepped. There's Clara, who has learned as much medicine as would give her the L. S. A., simply in order that she may sympathize with me in my work But, hullo, what is this coming along?" "All drawing and the wind astern!" cried the admiral. "Fourteen knots if it's one. Why, by George, it is that woman!" A rolling cloud of yellow dust had streamed round the curve of the road, and from the heart of it had emerged a high tandem tricycle flying along at a breakneck pace. In front sat Mr s. West macott clad in a heather tweed pea jacket, a skirt which just passed her knees and a pair of thick gaiters of tho sumo ma terial. She had a great bundle of red papers under her arm, while Charles, who sat behind her clad in Norfolk jacket and knickerbockers, bore a simi lar role protruding from either pocket- Even as they watched, tho pair eased up, tho lady sprang off, impaled one of her bills upon the garden railing of an empty house, and then jumping on to her seat again was about to hurry onward when her nephew called her attention to the fwo gentlemen upon tho footpath. "Oh, now, really I didn't notice you," said she, taking a few turns of the treadlo and steering the machine across to them. "Is it not a beautiful morning?" "Lovely," answered thq doctor. "You seem to be very busy." "I am very busy." She pointed to the colored paper which still fluttered from | tho railing. "Wehave been pushing our propaganda, you see. Charles and I have been at it since 7 o'clock. It is about our meeting. I wish it to bo a great suc cess." Seel" She smoothed out one of tho bills, and the doctor read his own name in great black letters across the bottom. "We don't forget our chairman, you see. Everybody is coming. Thoso two dear little old maids opposite, tho Wil liamses, held out some time, but 1 have their promise now. Admiral, lam sure that you wish us well." "Hum! I wish you no harm, ma'am." "You will come on tho platform?" "I'll bo —. • No, I don't think 1 can do that." "To our meeting, then?" I "No, ma'am. I dflh't go out after din ner." "Oh, yes, you will come. I will call I in if 1 may and chat it over with you ; when you como homo. We havo not breakfasted yet. Goodbyl" There was a whir of wheels, and the yellow cloud j rolled away down the road again. By | somo legerdemain the admiral found that ho wns clutching in his right hand one of the obnoxious bills. He crumpled it ' up and threw it into the roadway. I "I'll bo hanged if I go, Walker," said j he as he resumed his walk. "I've never been hustled into doing a thing yet, | whether by woman or man." j "I'm not a betting man,"answered tho j doctor, "but I rather think that theodds are in favor of your going." j Tho admiral had hardly got home and had just seated himself in his dining j room when tho attack upon him was re | newed. Ho was slowly and lovingly un folding Tho Times preparatory to tho long read which led up to luncheon, and had even got so far as to fasten his gold | en pince-nez on to hip thin, high bridged nose, when ho heard a scrunching of gravel, and looking over the top of his paper saw Mrs. Westmacott coming up the garden walk. Sho was still dressed in tho singular costume which offended tho sailor's old fashioned notions of pro priety, but he could not deny as ho looked at her thift sho was a very fine woman. In many climes he had looked upon women of all shades and ages, [ but never upon a more clear cut, hand some face, nor a more erect, supple and womanly figure. He ceased to glower as he gazed upon her, and the frown was smoothed away from his rugged brow. "May 1 come in?" said she, framing herself in the open window, with a back ground of greensward and blue sky. "1 feel like an invader deep in an enemy's country." "It is a very welcome invasion, ma'am," said he, clearing his throat and pulling at his collar. "Try this garden chair. What is there that I can do for you? Shall I ring and lot Mrs. Denver know that you are here?" "Pray do nottrouble, admiral. I only looked in with reference to our little chat this morning. I wish that you would give us your powerful support at our coming meeting for the improvement of tho condition of woman." "No, ma'am. I can't do that." Ho pursed up his lips and shook his grizzled head. "And why not?" "Against my principles, ma'am." "But why?" "Because woman has her duties, and man has his. I may bo old fashioned, but that is my view. Why, what is tho world coming to? I was saying to Dr. Walker only last night that we shall have a woman wanting to command the Channel fleet next." "That is one of the few professions which cannot be improved," said Mrs. Westmacott, with her sweetest smilo. "Poor woman must still look to man for protection." "I don't like those new fangled ideas, ma'am. I tell you honestly that I don't. I liko discipline, ami I think every ono is the better for it. Women havo got a great deal which they had not in the days of our fathers. They have univer sities all for themselves, I ani told, and there are women doctors, I hear. Surely they should rest contented. What more can they want?" "You are a sailor, and sailors are al- I ways chivalrous. If you could see how things really, aro you would change your opinion. What are the poor things to do? There are so many of them and so few things to which they can turn their hands. Governesses? But there are hardly any situations. Music and draw ing? There is not one in fifty who has any special talent in that direction. Med icine? It is still surrounded with dilfi culties for women, and it takes many years and a small fortune to qualify. Nursing? It is hard work ill paid, and none but the strongest can stand it. What would yon have them do then, admiral? Bit down and starve?" "Tut, tut! It is not so bad as that." | "The pressure is terrible. Advertise for a lady companion at 10 shillings j week, which is less than a cook's wage, I and seo how many answers you get. There is no hope, no outlook, for these j struggling thousands. Life is a dull, sordid struggle, leading down to a cheor- I less old ago. Yet when wo try to bring some little ray of hope, some chance, I however distant, of something better j we aro told by chivalrous gentlemen that I it is against their principles to help." Tho admiral moved uneasily in Ins chair. "Yours is an exceptional caso," j said he. "But no woman has a voice. Consider that tho women aro a majority in the na tion. Yet if there was a question of leg islation upon which all the women were agreed upon one sido and all tho men j upon tho other, it would appear that tho mutter was settled unanimously when more than half tho population were op posed to it. Is that right?" Again tho admiral wriggled. It was very awkward for tho gallant seaman to have a handsome woman opposite to him bombarding him with questions to none of which ho could find an answer. "Couldn't even get tho tompions out of his guns," as he explained the matter to the doctor that evening. "Now, those aro really the points that wo shall lay stress upon at tho meeting. Tho free and complete opening of the pro fessions, the final abolition of the zenana, I call it, and tho franchise to all women who pay queen's taxes above a certain sum. Snrcly there is nothing unreason able in that—nothing which could offend your principles. We shall havo medi cine, law and tho church, all rallying that night for the protection of woman. Is tho navy to bo tho ono profession ab sent?" Tho admiral jumped out of his chair with an evil word in his throat. "There, there, ma'am," ho cried. "Drop it for a time. I have heard enough. Yon'vo turned me a point or two. I won't deny ft. But let it stand at that. 1 will thinK it over." "But, hullo, what Is this coming alowj?" "Certainly, admiral. We would not hurry you in your decision. But we still hope to see you on our platform." She rose and moved about in her lounging masculine fashion from one picture to j another, for the walls were thickly cov ered with reminiscences of the admiral's voyages. "Hull:)!" said she. "Surely this ship would have furled all her lower canvas and reefed her topsails if she found her self on a lee shore with the wind 011 her quarter." "Of course she would. The artist was never past Gravesend, I swear. It's the Penelope as she was on the 14th of June, 1857, in tho throat of the straits of Ban ca, with the island of Banca 011 tho star board bow and Sumatra on the port. He painted from description, but of course, as you very sensibly say, all was snug below, and sho carried stormsails and double reefed topsails, for it was blow ing a cyclone from the sou'east. I com pliment yon, ma'am, I do indeed!" "Oil, I have done a little sailoring my self—as much as a woman can aspire to, you know. This is tho hay of Funchal. What a lovely frigate!" "Lovely, you say! Ah, she was lovely! That is the Andromeda. I was a mate aboard of her—sublieutenant tlusy call it now, though I like the oldnamts'best." "What a lovely rake her masts have, and what a curve to her bows! She must have been a clipper." The old sailor rubbed his hands, and his eyes glistened. His old ships bor dered close upon his wife and his son in his affection. "I know Funchal," said the lady care lessly. "A couple of years ago I had a. 7-ton cutter rigged yacht, tho Banshee, and we ran over to Madeira from Fal mouth." "You, ma'am, in a 7-tonner?" "With a couple of Cornish lads for a crew. Oh, it was glorious! A fortnight right out in the open, with no worries, no letters, no callers, no petty thoughts, nothing but the grand works of God, the tossing sea and the great silent sky. They talk of riding—indeed I am fond of horses, too —but what is there to com pare with tho swoop of a little craft as rfie pitches down the long, steep side of a wave, and theil the quiver and spring as sho is tossed upward again? Oh, if our souls could transmigrate I'd be a seamew above all birds that fly! But I keep you, admiral. Adieu!" "You may put 1110 down for the plat form," he cried and vanished abashed behind the curtain of his Times, where his wife found him at lunchtime. "I hear that you havo had quite a long chat with Mrs. Westmacott,"said she. "Yes, and I think that Bho is one of the most sensiblo women that I ever knew." "Except on the woman's rights ques tion, of course." * "Oh, I don't know. Sho has a good deal to say for herself on that also. In fact, mother, I have taken a platform ticket for her meeting." CHAPTER VI. AN OLD STORY. But this was not to be the only event ful conversation which Mrs. Westmacott held that day, nor was the admiral the only person in The Wilderness who was destined to find his opinions considerably changed. Two neighboring families, the Winslows from Anerley and the Cum berbatches from Gypsy Hill, had been invited to tennis by Mrs. Westmacott, and the lawn was gay in the evening with the blazers of tho young men and tho bright dresses of the girls. To tho older people sitting round in their wicker work garden chairs tho darting, stoop ing, springing white figures, the sweep I of skirts and twinkle of canvas shoes, the click of the rackets and sharp whiz of the balls, with the continual "fifteen j love, fifteen all!" of the marker, made up a merry and exhilarating scene. To see their sons and daughters so flushed and healthy and happy gavo them also a re flected glow, and it was hard to say who ] had most pleasure from tho game, those who played or those who watched. Mrs. Westmacott had just finished a set when she caught a glimpso of Clara Walker sitting alone at the farther end of the ground. She ran down the court, cleared the net to the amazement of tho visitors and seated herself beside her. Clara's reserved and refined naturo shrank somewhat from tho boisterous frankness and strange manners of tho widow, and. yet her feminine instinct told her that beneath all her peculiari- ' ties there lay much that was good and noble. She smiled up at her, therefore, and nodded a greeting. "Why aren't you playing then? Don't, for goodness' sake, begin to bo languid and young ladyishl When you give up active sports, you give up youth." "1 have played a set, Mrs. Westma cott." "That's right, my dear." Sho tapped her upon tho arm with her tennis racket. "I liko you, my dear, and I am going to call you Clara. You are not as aggres sive as I should wish, Clara, but still 1 like you very much. Self sacrifice is all very well, you know, but we havo had rather too much or it on our Blue and should like to see a little on the other. What do you think of my nephew Charles?" The question was so sudden and unex pected that Clara gave quite a jump in her chair. "I—l—l hardly ever have thought of your nephew Charles." "No? Oh, you must think him well over, for I.want to speak to you about Ijim." "To me? But why?" "It seemed to me most delicate. You see, Clara, tho matter stands in this way. It is quite possible that I may soon find myself in a completely new sphere of life, which will involve fresh duties and make it impossible for me to keeji up a household which Charles can share." Clara stared. Did this mean that she was about to marry again? What else could it point to? "Therefore Charles must havea house hold of his own. That is obvious. Now, I don't approve of bachelor establish ments. Do you?" "Really, Mrs. Westmacott, 1 have nover thought of tho matter." "Oh, you little sly puss! Was there ever a girl who never thought of the matter? 1 think that a young man of six and twenty ought to bo married." Clara felt very uncomfortable. The awful thought had come upon her that this embassadress had coino to her us a proxy with a proposal of marriage. But how could that be? She had not spoken | more than three or four times with her j nephew and knew nothing more of him | than ho had told her on the evening be | fore. It was impossible then. And yet I what could his aunt mean by this dis j cussion of his privato affairs? I "Do you not think yourself," she per j sisted, "that a young man of six and j twenty is better married?" I "1 should think that ho is old enough I to decide for himself." J "Yea, yes. He has done so. But Charles is just a little shy, just a little j slow in expressing himself. I thought ! that I would pave the way for him. Two I women can arrange these things so much better. Men sometimes have a difficulty in making themselves clear." "I really hardly follow you, Mrs. West macott," cried Clara in despair. "He has no profession, but he has nice tastes. He reads Browning every night. And he is most amazingly strong. When he was younger, we used to put on the gloves together, but I cannot persuade him to now, for ho says he cannot play light enough. I should allow him £SOO, which should be enough at first." "My dear Mrs. Westmacott," cried Clara, "I assure you that I have not the least idea what it is that you are talk ing of." "Do you think your sister Ida would have my nephew Charles?" Her sister Ida! Quite a little thrill of relief and of pleasure ran through her at the thought. Ida and Charles Westma cott! She had never thought of it. And , yet they bad been a good deal together. They had played tennis. They had ! shared tho tandem tricycle. Again came I tho thrill of joy, and close at its heels j the cold questionings of conscience. Why this joy? What was tho real source of it? Was it that deep down, some where pushed back in the black recesses of tho soul, there was tho thought lurk ing that if Charles prospered in his woo ing then Harold Denver would still be free? How mean, how unmaidenly, how unsisterly the thought! Sho crushed it down and thrust it aside, but still it would push tip its wicked little head. She crimsoned with shame at her own baseness as she turned once more to her companion. "I really do not know," she said. "She is not engaged?" "Not that I know of." "You speak hesitatingly." "Because lam not sure. But he may ask. Sho cannot but be flattered." "Quite so. I tell him that it is the most practical compliment which a man can pay to a woman. He is a little shy, but when he sets himself to do it he will do it. He is very much in love with her, I assure you. These little lively people always do attract the slow and heavy ones, which is nature's device for the neutralizing of bores. But they are all going I think if you will allow me that I will just take the opportunity to tell him that, as far as you know, there is no positive obstacle in the way." "As far as I know," Clara repeated as the widow moved away to where the players were grouped round tho net or sauntering slowly toward tho house. She rose to follow her, but her head was in a whirl with new thoughts, and she sat down again. Which would bo best for Ida—Harold or Charles? Sho thought it over with as much solicitude as a mother who plans for her only child. Harold had seemed to her to be in many ways the noblest and best young man whom she had known. If over she was to love a man, it would bo such a man as that. But sho must not think of herself. She had reason to believe that both of j these men loved her sister. Which would j be the best for her? But perhaps the j matter was already decided. Sho could not forget the scrap of conversation which sho had heard the night before, j nor the secret which her sister had re fused to confide to her. If Ida would J not tell her, there was but one pespon \ who could. She raised her eyes, and j there was Harold Denver standing be- j fore her. "You were lost in your thoughts," said he, smiling. "I hope that they were pleasant ones." "Oh, I was planning," said she, rising. "It seems rather a waste of time, as a rule, for things have away of working 1 themselves out just as you least expect." "What were you planning, then?" "Tho future." "Whose?" "Oh, my own and Ida's." "And was I included in your joint fu tures?" . "I hope all our friends wero included," "Don't go in," said he as sho began to move slowly toward the house. "1 want to have a word. Let us stroll up and down the lawn. Perhaps you are cold. If you arc, I could bring you out I a shawl." "Oh. no. lam not cold." 11 | "I was speakiiig to your sister Ida last | night." She noticed that there was a slight quiver in his voice, and glancing up at his dark, clear cut face she saw that he was very grave. She felt that it was settled—that he had corno to ask her for her sister's hand. "She is a charming girl," said he after a pause. "Indeed she is," cried Clara warmly. "And no one who has not lived with her and known her intimately can tell how charming anil good she is. She is like a sunbeam in the house." "No one who was not good could be absolutely happy, as she seems to be. Heaven's last gift, I think, is a mind so pure and a spirit so high that it issu able even to see what is impure and evil in the world around us. For as long as we can see it, how can we be truly hap py?" "She has a deeper side also. She does not turn it to the world, and it is not natural that she should, for she is very young. But she thinks and has aspira tions of her own." "You cannot admire her more than I do. Indeed, Miss Walker, I only ask to be brought into near relationship with her and to feel that there is a permanent bond between us." It had come at last. For a moment | her heart was numbed within her, and j then a flood of sisterly love carried all before it. Down with that dark thought which would still try to raise its unhal lowed head! She turned to Harold with sparkling eyes and words of pleasure upon her lips. "I should wish to be near and dear to both of you," said he as he took her hand. "I should wish Ida to be my sis ter and you my wife." She said nothing. She only stood looking at him with parted lips and great, dark, questioning eyes. The lawn had vanished away, the sloping gardens, the brick villas, the darkening sky, with half a pale moon beginning to show over the chimney pots. All was gone, and she was only conscious of a dark earnest pleading face, and of a voice far away, disconnected from herself, the voice of a man telling a woman how he loved her. Ho was unhappy, said the voice, his life was a void; thero was but ono thing that could save him; he had come to the part ing of the ways; liere lay happiness and honor and all that was high and noble; there lay the soul killing round, the lonely life, the base pursuit of money, the sordid, selfish aims. He needed but the hand of the woman that he loved to lead him into the better path. And how he loved her his life would show. Ho loved her for her sweetness, for her womanliness, for her strength. Ho had need of her. Would she not come to him? And then of a sudden as sho listened it came home to her that the man was Harold Denver, and that she was the woman, and that all God's work was very beautiful—the greensward be neath her feet, the rustling leaves, the long orange slashes in the western sky. Sho spoko. Sho scarco knew what the broken words were, but she saw the light of joy shine out on his face, and her hand was still in his as they wan dered amid the twilight. - They said no more now, but only wandered and felt each other's presence. All was fresh around them, familiar and yet new, tinged with the beauty of their own new found happiness. "Did you not know it before?" he asked. "I did not dare to think it." "What a mask of ice I must wearl How could a man feel as I have done without showing it? Your sister at least knew." "Ida!" "It was last night. Sho began to praise you, I said what I felt, and then in an instant it was all out." "But what could you—what could you see in me? Oh, Ido pray that you may not repent it!" The gentle heart was ruffled amid its joy by the thought of its own unworthiness. "Repent it. I feel that lam a saved man. You do not know how degrading this city life is, how debasing, and yet how absorbing. Money forever clinks in your ear. You can think of nothing elso. From the bottom of my heart I hate it, and yet how can I draw back without bringing grief to my dear old father? There was but ono way in which I could defy the taint, and that was by having a home influence so pure and so high that it may brace me up against all that draws mo down. I have felt that influence already. I know that when I am talking to you I am a better man. It is you who must go with me through life, or I must walk forover alone." "Oh, Harold, I am so happy!" Still they wandered amid the darkening shad ows, while one by one the stars peeped out in the blue-black sky above them. At last a chill night wind blew up from the east and brought them back to tho realities of life. "You must go in. l'ou win De coiu. "My father will wonder where I am. Shall I say anything to him?" "If you like, my darling. Or I will in the morning. I must tell my mother to night. I know how delighted she will be." "I do hope so." "Let me take yon up the garden path. It is so dark. Your lamp is not lit yet. There is the window. Till tomorrow, then, dearest." "Till tomorrow, Harold." "My own darling!" Ho stooped, and their lips met for tho first time. Then as sho pushed open the folding windows sho heard his quick firm stop as it passed down tho graveled path. A lamp was lit as she entered tho room, and there was Ida, dancing about like a mischievous little fairy, in front of her. "And have you anything to tell me?" site asked, with a solemn face. Then sud denly throwing her arms round her sis ter's neck: "Oh, you dear, dear old Clara! lam so pleased. lam so pleased." [CONTINUED OK TIII'RSDA Y. ] Charles Wilson took rat poison and killed himself on account of a disappoint ment in love. That was an awfully ratty way of dying, Charles, especially for love.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers