NEWS OF THE WEEK. Thursday, May 18. Immense damage was done in the states of Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York by rainstorms. On Lake Erie a number of lives were lost The board of foreign mis- | sions of the Presbyterian church cabled their missionaries in China to use prudence, | and to remain within e*sy roach of com munication in case of retaliatory measures , by the Chinese A California senator says | that the president has assured him that the i exclusion act will bo enforced Six lives were lost by the explosion of a generator in a glucose factory at Geneva, Ills. The national commission voted that Director General Davis be instructed to call for the resignation of Theodore Thomas as musical director of the World's fair Two more Mississippi crevasses were re poi*ted Presbyterian commissioners l>e gan to gather in large numbers in Wash- j ington to attend the general assembly of that church Colonel William P. Carlin j of the Fourth infantry was appointed brigadier general. Captain William H. Hammer was made paymaster Com mencement exercises of the Yale Divinity school were held at New Haven Premier Gladstone while the guest of the Prince of Wales at the Imperial institute was hissed and hooted by the crowd The house of commons voted closure and adopted the amended second clause of the home rule bill by 287 to 225 Sir Charles Russell proceeded with his argument for the British case before the Behring sea court. Tho tribunal adjourned to May 23 There was a fight between Czechs and Germans in the Bohemian diet Henry j Villard likely to retire from Northern Pa cific The senate investigating commit tee inspected the method of receiving and handling immigrants at Ellis island Colonel David C. Houston, an officer of the United States army, was sent to St. Vincent's hospital The failure of the Itoyal bank of Queensland was announced. There was gloomy feeling on the London Stock Exchange A battle, with con siderable loss of life, is reported to have taken place between the French and the Siamese. Friday, May 19. It is said that Secretary Hoke Smith and President Cleveland are at odds over the appointment of a Georgia postmaster Reina Maria Cristinn, with Infanta Eulalie aboard, arrived off Sandy Hook, and the infanta's reception by Commander Davis and the Spanish officials on the Dolphin occurred, after which she went to Wash ington Director General Davis request ed the resignation of Theodore Thomas as musical director of tho World's fair. ' The Illinois state building was dedicated The cruiser New York reached Bos ton. . Her official trip, off Cape Ann, will be run on Monday Governor Flower disposed of the last of the bills left in his hands by the legislature. He vetoed I items in the supply bill amounting to $530,- 000 The general assembly of the Presby- I terian church began its session in Wash ington. Professor Willis G. Craig of Mc- 1 Cormick seminary, Chicago, was elected moderator Emperor William unveiled a monument to his grandfather. At a din ner subsequently he reaffirmed the neces sity for passing the army bill. His speech has been enthusiastically received A i treaty of commerce has been concluded be tween Spain und Germany The Russian 1 cruiser Vitiask has )>een wrecked off the coast of Corea. All on board were saved The boy king of Servia is to have his like ness in a general's uniform on Servia's new postage stamps Tempestous weather is believed to have driven the Viking ship back in the direction of Norway M. De velle, minister of foreign affairs, gave a banquet in Paris to the arbitrators and counsel of the Behring sea tribunal Mrs. Laura Caddes died at Chicago of fright, caused by two women who at tacked her husband with a hatchet Isaac Rosen wig and Harris Blank, Bus- ! sians, were hanged in Tunkhnnnock, Pa., for murdering Jacob Marks, a peddler. Saturday, May 20. The Princess Eulalie and suite, having arrived in Washington, visited President Cleveland at the White House A scarlet j fever patient in New York escaped from a hospital and is at large, being in a stage of the disease when most likely to spread contagion C. S. Rogers, a lead ing business man of St. Paul, committed suicide by leaping from a bridge into the Mississippi The local directory of the j World's fair decided not to open the gates ' next Sunday in order to give the national commission more time to consider the ques tion Rumors of a receivership for the Whisky trust were afloat in Chicago A heavy missile was thrown at the com partment of a railway train in which Mr. Gladstone was traveling. It struck the next compartment, nearly hitting the dean of Chester Tho strike of the dock labor ers at Hull has been settled Brazilian government troops were drawn into an ambuscade in Rio Grunde do Sul and then routed by the insurgent force The Italian cabinet has resigned A new ukuse has been issued expelling the Hebrews from the Asiatic provinces of Russia President Calloway of tho Toledo, St. Louis and Kansas City railroad was appointed receiv er for the road by Judge Ricks in Cleve land The president and Mrs. Cleveland gave a reception at the White House to tho members of the Presbyterian general as sembly A coroner's jury in Brooklyn brought in a verdict that an old woman 1 died from injuries received in the Flatbush insane asylum Bennington's battle monument was damaged considerably by last winter's storms The will of Gen eral S. C. Armstrong was filed in the pro hate court at Pittsfield, Mass. Herman Wel>er & Co., printers, of Boston have failed John L. Sullivan, ex-pugilist, has brought suit against his publisher, James H. Henra, for an accounting Rev. Mr. Ware, Baptist minister of Lindsay, Ont., was drowned at Sturgeon point, where he was spending a vacation. Monday, May 22. Jose Santos Mamani, a Peruvian Indian \ giant, died at Bcllevuo hospital, as is claimed, of a broken heart because his friends were not allowed to visit him ' Rev. Dr. Sunderland, the president's min ister, publicly blamed Dr. Briggs for the dissensions in the Presbyterian church The newspaper men's congress begun at the World's fair Principal Chief Harris and other representative men of the Cherokee Nation are in New York city to borrow SO,- WO,OOO on the government's guarantee to pay for tho Cherokee "outlet" Fire burned in the hold of the Old Dominion line steamer Roanoke on her voyage to New York, but she was brought to her dock and her passengers safely landed. Her cargo had much highly inflammable material More than a dozen lives have l>een lost in forest fires in Michigan The loss by fire in Saginaw will reach *1,500,000, with an insurance of $700,000 The Infanta Eu lalie passed a quiet Sunday, attending church in the morning and driving with Secretary Gresham in tho afternoon The pulpits of the Presbyterian churches in Washington were filled yesterday by commissioners to the general assembly It was reported in Albany that Mayor Manning purchased the Weed-Parsons printing plant for the purpose of starting ; an administration daily in oppo -itiou ! to the Albany Argus Premier Du puy made a speech at Toulouse on the government programme and the ! political situation in France —The gov ernment of Nicaragua has forbidden the ! Pacific Mail steamers to call at Ban Juan ! while the port is in the hands of the rev | olutionists The Campania was delayed at Queenstown by the derangement of a steam pipe Emperor William has issued a statement that he is in supreme com mand of the army only in time of wit, im plying that he will not coerce the soidtet vote The Houvod monument was un veiled at Biula-Pesth New York minis ters denounced the Chinese exclusion act Southern and Canadian Pacific rail roads are engaged in a war of rates to see which can carry freight more cheaply from New York to San Francisco. The Cana dian road will make a big reduction Naval Cadet Rusee 11 A. Deaue of New York, fourth class, was placed on the San tec for hazing Assistant Secretar}* of the Navy McAdoo will inspect the war college and torpedo station at Newport Stephen W. Dorsey and others have organized the National Gas company of Denver, with $1,000,000 eupitnl stock Mr. Cleveland has acknowledged the receipt of a picture of Frederick Koehlerand his eight sons, all Democrats of Upper Sandusky, O. The Chicago Single Tax club will give a recep tion next Friday to Mrs. Mary Frost Orms by of New York, president of the National Democratic Influence clubs. Tuesday, May 23. Dispatches were received announcing the defeat of the governmeut troops by the rev olutionists in Nicaragua Tn her trial for speed the new cruiser New York exceeded 21 knots, making her the fastest armored cruiser in the world It was reported that Carlyle Harris almost succeeded in killing himself with poison the day before his exe cution The Swiss exhibit at the World's fair was closed by the Swiss commissioner because of the arrest of one of the exhibit ors by United States customs officers j State Commander Cleary of the Grand Army of the Republic ordered that Noah IJ. Farnham post of New York should be disbanded Secretary Herbert as signed Commodore Oscar F. Stanton as commander of the south Atlantic sta tion The Infanta Eulalie spent the day sightseeing, visiting the treasury depart ment and other public buildings in Wash ington, and dined with Dr. and Mrs. J. L. M. Curry The National Bank of Deposit, New York, will close its doors this morn- I ing. The state of the money market led to its suspension Attachments were issued against the property of tho Domestic Sew ing Machine company at the instance, of the Astor Place bank, New York, and a deputy sheriff was placed in charge I of the company's office at Broadway and Fourteenth street The interna | tional congress of miners opened in Brussels—Premier Giolitti has agreed to 1 reconstruct the Italian cabinet About 250,000 persons attended in Hyde park, Lon don, on Sunday, the demonstration of the Irish National league of Great Britain Friction has arisen between Surveyor of the I Port Lyon and Lieutenants Shoemaker of the revenue cutter Washington and Her ring of the Chandler as to who has author ' ity to control the movements of those ves sels in New York waters Speciul com mittees of the committee of one hundred met and completed the programme foi the infanta's entertainment during hei stay in New York, and the Saragossa band serenaded Mayor Gilroy Sail ors from the Russian warship Dimitri Donskoi buried one of their comrades in New York, using the picturesque funeral service of the Greek church A suit brought by Huyler Westervelt to recover $5,000 damages from Arthur J. Moore for assault was on trial before Judge Giegerich in the court of common pleas, New York Major Lloyd Aspinwall said under ! oath in relation to his financial condition ! t hat he might have 50 or 75 cents in bank At least 8,000 persons are expected at the Baptist gathering at Denver The : steamer Ohio is quarantined at the Dela ware breakwater because of measles and varioloid George McCarthy and Ras Lewis, the alleged Roslyn robbers, whe escaped from Ellensburg (Wash.) jail, have j been recaptured. Wednosday, May 24. 1 The World's fair national commission 1 voted to adopt the judiciary committee's minority report in favor of Sunday open ing Tornadoes did great damage to 1 property in Ohio, Michigan and Indiana : and at Louisville. Three men were killed and several injured at Cleveland The Presbyterian general assembly at Wash ington began the consideration of tho ap peal in the Briggs case. The report of board of home missions was received President and Mrs. Cleveland entertained the Infanta Eulalie at a state dinner A. A. McLeod resigned the presidency of th* Boston and Maine railroad The Na tionaf bank of Elmira, N. Y., failed The Chicago art critics made a blundering and false charge against the students ol the New York Art league Drexel, Mor gan & Co.'s plan of reorganization for Rich mond Termiuul was announced The temporary programme for the entertain ment in New York of the infanta was adopt ed Benj. F. Carver, a wealthy retired stock operator, killed himself by climbing out of the window orhis room at the Hotel Bristol, New York Epidemic of small pox is increasing in Gothenburg The sultan has dooided to allow Hebrews to serve in the Turkish army Prince | Bismarck is going to Kissingen for the summer to drink the waters The Beliring sea court resumed proceed ings. Mr. Carter accused Sir Charles Rus sell of misrepresenting his arguments | The Niearaguan revolutionists defeated the government troops with great loss on Saturday Two of the French delegates i to the miners' conference in Brussels were expelled from Belgium by order of the ! government Lord Salisbury spoke against home rule in Larne and Belfast The union dock laborers at Hull returned to work More than 100 people are thought to have been killed by a landslip in Norway Farnham post, which hah been expelled from the Grand Army of the Republic, will pursue its intention to have pension abuses remedied The National Bank of Deposit, New York, is suid to bo able to pay depositors. An effort Is to made to avoid a receivership Do mestic dewing Machine company may bring suit against the Astor Place bank for injury to its credit, caused by attaching its property It is reported that Cardinal Hohenloho is about to resign Kmilio I Castelar announces that he has definitely retired from public life Hull strikers re turned to work. The secretary of the Dockers' union cut his throat The Par cifio Mail steamer City of Now York was boarded by officers of the Nlcaragua gov ernment and searched for revolutionists | A 1 7-yuar-old schoolboy at Atlanta com- I in it ted suicide because his 15-year-old sweet -1 heart quarreled with him. ANOTHER SLOPE FLOODED. A Colliery at Denver Drook Drowned Out by a Small Creek of Water. No. 11 slope at Beaver Brook, which is known as the wet slope since its in fancy, was the scene of a mighty torrent of water a few nights ago, and but for the fact that it was the time when all workmen were at home, a sorrowful tale of woe would be left to be divulged. For some time past different parts of the mine gave threatenings of a fall, but by the good support and careful manage ment of the officials in charge it was thought that it would'be avoided. Near morning on Saturday, after two miners named Clemens and Boyle had just passed through the gangway and up the traveling way to the surface when the heavy cave occurred in one of the worked out breasts, taking down with it a large body of water from an over running sulphur creek, and which pour ed down continually until both pumps were covered. Pumpman John McFadden had a nar row escipe, his light being extinguished by the heavy gust of air that passed through the gai gway after the cave. The only remedy left was to make for the slope, which was no easy task in that gloomy location, and besides the water was rising minutely at a terrible rate. He, however, succeded in making his way up the slope, and had it not been for close acquaintance with the sur roundings, he would have been left to suffer the horrors of the rapidly gaining waters. New pumps were fitted up and the water is now fast receding. Work will be resumed in the course of a week.— Speaker. Another Authentic Portrait of Columbus. An alleged discovery at Naples of "a beautiful authentic portrait by Titian of Christopher Columbus has caused a great sensation there. Our correspond ent writes: The full length life size por trait was shown to mo by Signor Canna vina, tho antiquarian, who purchased it ! from Count Aldobrandi at Bologna. Tho whole, with tho exception of the faco and hands, had been coarsely painted over. This extraneous coat being re moved, the figure in tho uniform of a Spanish admiral was rovealed. Tho poso and coloring are very quiet; the face is that of a man with hair just turning gray; tho eyesare blue, thoughtful and even sad; the mouth is firmly cut, I and ho wears a pointed, short blond beard * and mustache. On tho tapering fingers ' ;ire three massive rings. The canvas is I of a peculiar twilled kind. Signor Can- | navina possesses documents which vouch for the authenticity of the picture. It is to bo sent for exhibition to Chicago.— London News. Surprised While Stealing a lllde. A man named Edward Fuller of Phila delphia triod to steal a rido on a Penn sylvania railroad passenger train from the Broad street station, intending to get off at a suburban station. Instead of getting on a local train ho boarded the Cincinnati and St. Louis express, j getting between the tender and baggage car., He could not jump off and was J sitting on the platform when the loco- j motive scooped up water from tho tank between tho rails. As the tank in tho j tender filled up it overflowed and almost! drowned Fuller, who to escape opened the baggage car door and entered the car. The liugo volume of water poured in after him and deluged the car, de- j stroying the contents of a number of trunks. Fuller was arrested when the train reached Harrisburg and is now in ! jail for malicious mischief.—Cor. Phila delphia Telegraph. Kfleet of a Populur Song. A shining light of the variety stage has really come to play a prominent part in the social life of New York city. Some time since a vaudeville songstress named Lottie Gilson caught the fancy of the metropolis with a song entitled "Daddy Won't Buy Me a Bowwow." The tune ful ditty is now heard in every drawing room and at every musicale in New York. The refrain has become a sort of catchword and points half the bits of repartee exchanged in the resorts and rendezvous of fashionablo folk. A I gloomy look or a somber air invariably brings forth the explanation that its cuuse is duo to tho circumstance that "daddy won't buy me a bowwow."— Exchange. Heady For tho Eclipse. J The total eclipse of the sun, to occur ; in April, will, it is generally supposed, •be on# of the longest in duration of the present /wdury. Extensive preparations are being made all over the world for its | observation. One English party goes to Bathurst, Africa, and one to Pernam i buco, Brazil; the Bureau des Longitudes, Paris, sends an expedition to Africa; Harvard college observatory will be rep resented at Arequipa, Peru, and the Lick observatory at a station in Chili. A number of other Americans will prob j ably follow. Farmers in Marin county, Cal., are complaining of a weed which the cows eat and which gives a peculiar taste to the milk, so much so that in some dis tricts tho milk is unpalatable. TjlOR SALE. \ house and lot on Centre j.P street, Freelund; house, 32x23; lot 125x126. For further particulars apply at this oniee. I LpOll SALE.—A well-built dwelling, with P stable and lot, on Washington , between South and Luzerne. Apply to John j Valines, opera house building, Freelund. T OST.—On Sunday evening, May 22, between 1 J Upper Lehigh and Nt Ann's church, a I silver breast-pin with half-dime attached. Finder will please return It to Miss Kate Duffy, | Upper Lehigh. ! LpOK SALFi.—A lot of good young horses— I P two greys, one roan, one bay, one Mack j and one black roadster. Horsemen are Invited to inspect this stock, and if not suited can book their orders. Central hotel stable. M. H. Hun ' sicker, proprietor. KELLMER I* HOT O iBIPIII will make for the next 30 days ONE DOZEN CABINETS of our "French Finish" (regular price, $4.00) for $3.00. Make two negatives and show proofs to select from. WTLTi fJTTATMISTTFF, HKTTKK WOBK TA > can he had * ' AXJXJ V* U I jlllXli ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE li^JJION. 13 West Broad Street, Hazleton. f IHARTEH NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby uivon that an application will be made to the governor of the state of Pennsylvania on Mon day, the nineteenth day ol June, A. I). 1803, by Eeklcy li. Coxe, Alexander 11. G'oxe. Kckley B. Coxe, Jr., Henry B. Coxe and E. B. Ely, under the act of assembly of the eomuion wealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "an aet to provide for the ineorporation and regulation of certain corporations," approved April o>, 1874, and the supplements thereto, for the charter of an in tended corporation to be called "Coxe Brothers and Company, Incorporated." ' The charter and object whereof is the mining, preparing, shipping and selling of coal, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of the suid aet of assembly and its supplements. S. P. Wolverton, Solicitor. /CHARTER NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given I V_y that un application will be made to tiie j governor of the state of Pennsylvania 011 Mon day, the nineteenth day ol' June, A. I). 18H3, by ! Kckley B. Coxe, Alexander 11. Coxe, Eekley lb C'oxe, Jr., Henry lb Coxe and E. 11. Ely, under 1 the act of assembly of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "an act to provide for the incorporation ami regulation of certain corporations," approved April :.1, 1874, and the supplements thereto, for the charter of an in- : tended corporation to be called "The Coxe Iron j Manufacturing Company." The character and object whereof is the manufacture of iron or steel, or both, or of any other metal, or of any article of commerce from fnetal or wood or both, and for these pur- i noses to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, ! benetlts and privileges of the said act of assem- ; bly and its supplements. 8. P. Wolverton, Solicitor. ( CHARTER NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given ' V_y that an application will be made to the ; governor of the state of Pennsylvania on MOll- 1 day, the nineteenth day of June, A I). UOl, by I Kckley 11. Coxe, Alexander lb Coxe, Kckley lb ; Coxe, Jr., Henry lb Coxe and E. Ib Eiy, under j the uct of assembly of the commonwealth of 1 Pennsylvania, entitled "an act to provide for ! the incorporation and regulation of certain corporations," approved April ail, 1874, and the supplements thereto, for the charter of an in tended corporation to be called "The Drifton' Water Company." ' The character and object whereof is the supply of water to the public at the townships of Hu/.le and Foster, in the county of Luzerne, and to such persons, partnerships and corpora- 1 tions residing therein and adjacent thereto as may desire the same, and tor these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benclits and privileges of the said act of assembly and its supplements. S. 1\ Wolverton, Solicitor. QUARTER NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given that an application will bo made to the governor of the state of Pennsylvania on Mon day. the nineteenth day of June, A. 1). 18U3, by 1 Kckley lb Coxe, Alexander 11. Coxe, Kckley lb Coxe, Jr., Henry lb Coxe and E. lb Ely, under I the act of assembly of the commonwealth of Pennnsylvania, entitled "an act to provide ba the incorporation and regulation of certain corporations," approved April a), 1874, and the supplements thereto, for the charter of an in tended corporation to be called "The Toin hickeu Water Company." The character and object whereof is the supply of water to the public at the township of Illackcreek, in the county of Luzerye, and to such net-sons, partnerships and corporations residing therein and adjacent thereto as may desire the same, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of the said act of assembly ami its supplements. 8. P. Wolverton, Solicitor. I / HI AKTKH NOTICE.—Notiw is huruliy Kiveli I\y that an application will be made to the i governor of the state of Pennsylvania on Mon day, the nineteenth day of June, A. 1). 18JK1, by Kckley H. Coxe, Alexander ib Coxe, Kckley lb j Coxe, Jr., Henry lb Coxe and E. Ib Eiy, under the act of assembly of the commonwealth of 1 Pennsylvania, entitled "an act to provide for the incorporation and regulation of certain I corporations," approved April LD, 1874, and the ; supplements thereto, for the charter of an in tended corporation to be culled "The Beaver Meadow Water Company." The character and object whereof is tho supply of water to the public at the township of Banks, in the county of Carbon, and to such persons, partnerships and corporations residing therein and adjacent thereto as may desire the same, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy ull the rights, benefits and privileges of the said uct of assembly and its supplements. 8. P. Wolverton, Solicitor. f HI ARTEII NC>TI < K.-Notice is hereby given V-V that an application will be made to the governor of the state or Pennsylvania 011 Mon day, the nineteenth day of June, A. I). 181K1, by Kckley B. Coxe, Alexander B. Coxe, Kckley lb Coxe, Jr., Henry B. Coxe and E. Ib Ely, under tho act of assembly of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "an act to provide for the incorporation and regulation of certain j corporations," approved April 2H, 1874, and the I supplements thereto, for the charter of an in- ; i tended corporation to be called "The Oneida j Water Company." The churacter ami object whereof is tho ! supply of water to the public at the townships I , of North Union and East Union, in the county | of Schuylkill, and to such persons, partner ships and corporations residing therein and | adjacent thereto as may desire the same, and j for these pur poses to have, possess and enjoy j , all the rights, benefits and privileges of the I said act of ussembly and its supplements. 8. P. Wolverton, Solicitor. Keiper's Steam Marble Works. COR. LAUREL and MINE STREETS. | Monuments, Headstones, selling at cost for next thirty days. Iron and (lalvanizcd Fences, Sawed Building Stones, \\ imlow Caps, Door Sills, Mantels, Grates, Coping, Cemetery Supplies. PHILIP KLIP Kit, Pit OP., Uazleton. WEIDER & ZANG, Tailors. Wc arc located above Meyer's Jewelry storo 1 and have 011 hand a line line of goods, which I will be done up in the latest styles at a very modcrute price. Our aim is to satisfy and WE ASK FOR A TRIAL. Repairing Promptly Executed. GEORGE FISHER, deuler in FRESH BEEF, PORK, VEAL, MUTTON, BOLOGNA, SMOKED MEATS, ETC., ETC. Call at No. 0 Walnut street, Freeland, or wait for the delivery wagons. VERY LOWEST PRICES. - - - $1.50 - - - "NX7"ill Bring tine Tribune Fcr - - a - - "X"ear. FREELAND READY PAY J. C. BERBER, Spring lias come and we are ready with spring goods as fol lows: Ladies' Capes and Coats. Baby Carriages and Rugs. Spring Styles of Carpet. 25 cents a yard up to 05 cents, wool fillings. Furniture. No end to styles and varie ties. Full Line of Wall Paper and Window Shades. Cheaper than ever. Largest Line of Shoes In Freeland. Ladies' kid shoes, SI.OO. Men's dress shoes, $1.25. Dry Goods and Notions. Can't be excelled in style, quality and price. GROCERIES and PROVISIONS. 10 cans tomatoes $1 00 10 cans corn 1 00 33 bars Tom, Dick & llarry soap. 1 00 4 lbs. good raisins, blue 25 Gibs, barley 25 5 lbs. currants 25 3 lbs. dried apples 25 24 lbs. prunes 25 0 lbs. oat meal 25 0 lbs. oat Hake 25 10 gold corn meal 25 2 cans salmon 25 5 boxes sardines 25 3 quarts beans 25 5 lbs. Lima beans 25 5 quarts peas 25 Soda biscuits, by barrel 44 Soda biscuits, 20-pound box 00 3 lbs. mixed cakes 25 3 lbs. coffee'cakes 25 3 lbs. ginger snaps 25 3 lbs. oyster biscuits 25 4 lbs. starch 25 Mixed candy 10 Mint lozengers 10 English walnuts 124 1 quart bottle ketchup 15 5 lbs. oolong tea 1 00 5 lbs. English breakfast tea 1 00 THE BEST FAMILY FLOUR, $2.10 PER BAG. Miners' Department. 1 gallon oil - - 21 1 bar soap 04 1 quire paper - - 25 1 lb. cotton - - 25 2 boxes squibs - - - 25 Total - - - - $l 00 Given away, with each 4 pound bak ing powder, 1 cup and saucer or cream pitcher, moss rose, and other articles for 15 cents. 1 lease compare above prices with what you are paying, and if you need any thing that is not mentioned here, come and you will lind it 25 per cent, lower than elsewhere. J. C. BERNER, South and Washington Streets. fcT Hiii • i REMEMBER"JHRB'Si3I ga R3 e3 pi I ' i fTV ra § c ß reful investigation us to our responsible I ■ ay BH m Km g lty ana the merits of our Tablets. I IPP Me Chloride of-Gold Tablets ' dral V" f ", rT ''Aoo° in from 3 t5 d„y B . Perfectly harm■ / A\// ■ B eUKO of the .Zkl^rXwTng^rflw'Sa^ o "'' Sft/x ■ ■I DRUNKENNESS aM MORPHINE HABIT SSX c e^ B oS^I , SSr a t^f h V . VTV + i tho patient, by tho uso of our SPECIAL FORMULA GOLD CURB TABLETS ■" ®i\ r 1 in^1i ;^ tmo , h trc t to I ou t sn r onl lo MPd tho free uso of Liquor or Mo r - ' A FEW ' phino until such tfcio as they ahull voluntarily givo thorn up. m S H 111 If h n rt..rt £?2iKlH c 5 ars Rl l rt pamphlo °* testimonials free, and shall S TpctiniHTllQlc ® P Sl, lf cr ra from any of these habits in commnnieu- S 1 uSllHlOllldlS ■* tlon with persons who have been cured by tho use of our TABLETS. | ■ HILL'S TABLETS nro for snlo by all FIRST-CLASS from persons druggists at* S 1.00 per package. / S *_ . . I ■ If your druggist does not keep them, enclose us 2 | ,0O W WnO ha.VO Doon J Kwetl wlu 8l: " d yuu ' by rctur " "" ok^u ° ? " ur // cured by the use of I ■ -t V 4 rit o your nnmo and nddrcss plainly, and state _. . . A K rKr-f.s. ,ota aro iur Touicco ' mu, ' a "" u /4 / Hill TalilptQ I a DO NOT BE DECEIVED into purchasing X 18111 V ofTored I for' l^uVo US "® s \J u . ,nß l|lSlJi r £ $Si ng mjk THE Onio CHEMICAL CO.: ' g rScs i H J EIXIjXj'S \Ejw®lWk W S DEAR SIR:— I have been using your m £2 * ABLETS ttnd take no otber. m cure for tobacco habit, and found it would M I Manufactured only by at uo what you claim for it. I used ten cents m jr S worth of the strongest chewing tobacco a day, TIIK mSk. and from one to five cigars; or I would smoke B f jrJGfrtok Naßk Mk V X from ten to forty pipes of tobucco. Have chewed . niTTD PTJFMTPAT PH S and smoked for twenty-five years, and two packages V ■ UillU ull.ululuAil ullii jf 18. wB of your Tablets cured mo so I have no desire for it. S B. M. JAYJLOKD, Leslie, Mich. g 61,53 &65 Opora Block, A DOBBS FERRY, N. Y. *" ■ IRA A AIIIA TIIE Onio CHEMICAL CO. : —Gentlemen : —Some time ago I sent I L'iriA, UIIIO. wB S for 11.00 worth of your Tablets for Tobacco Habit. I receivod * B jr Jtgks la them all right and, although I was both a heavy smoker and chower, ■ PARTICULARS jT wL J? they did tli© work in less tliun days. lam cured. • JT Truly yours, MATIIEW JOHNSON, P. O. Box 45. . TnE OHIO CnEMiCAL Co.:—GENTLEMEN:—It gives me pleasure to speak a ■ rr -:J S K •VL'"3) word of praise for your Tablets. My son was strongly addicted to tho uso of ■ •--aJ'-v Ai * liquor, and through a friend, I was led to try your Tablets. He was n heavy and ■ * J* •" \?r W S constant drinker, but after using your Tablets but three days ho quit drinking, m ■3 vwK v 4 -: and will not touch liquor of any kind. 1 liavo waited four mouth before writing ■\ 7% r\ V/ you, in order to know the euro was permanent. Yours truly, _ ■ ' v Sp x : S MRS. HELEN MORRISON. CINCINNATI, Onio. 1 1 ' v>\ V"*k * TIIE Onio CnEMiCAL Co:—GENTLF.MEN:—Your Tablets have performed a miracle in my case. X>-:\ \a - yy I have used morphine, hypodermically, for seven years, aud havo been cured by the uso of B two packages of your Tablets, and without any effort on my part. W. L. LOTEOAY. _ "*.'S A.ddreus fill Orders to ™ oi=o THE OHIO CHEMICAL CO., > / u..„ 81, 63 and 66 Opera Block. LIMA, OHIO. - iiinullumiiflm Clll 111- Sli 111 BARGAINS * which are awaiting you AT JOS. NEUBURGER'S BARGAIN EMPORIUM JDTTJEiXISTGr THIS "WTEIHITcT Call and see them for yourself. In all departments we have many bargains awaiting your inspection. Call and see what ire cwn do for you in DRY GOODS. If you want COTHING ire can make it a "paying event for you shoula you avail yourself of this opportunity, which lasts for this week only. In our SHOE DEPARTMENT you can find the largest assortment in town, and prices far loiccr than elsewhere. Come and see our line of LACE CURTAINS. We will sell during this week a double thread scallop edge 3 -yard long Nottinham lace curtain at 90 cents a pair; which is a reduction from $1.25. Our line of curtains, aU through, goes this week at big reduc tions. We are also offering during this sale BRASS FIXTURES cherry and walnut CUR TAIN POLES at 20 cents each. In UNDERWEAR for the summer we have the largest and most complete line ever shown in town. Ladies' ribbed vests, 4 for 25 cents. For this week only we have a large lot of nen's Balbriggan underwear, which we will sell at 25 cents each; cannot be dupli cated elsewhere under double our price. You also should not fail to sec the handsome assortment of LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS, which we are exhibiting now, from 25 cents up. Don't fail to come and secure some of the greatest bargains you ever carried home, which you have the chance of doing by attending JOS. NEUBURGER'S BARGAIN SALE* THIS WEEK In the P. O. S. of A. Building, Freeland. IS AS SAFE AND HARMLESS AS A Flax Seed Poultice. It is applied right to the parts. It cures all diseases of women. Any lady can use it herself. Sold by AT.Ti DRUGGISTS. Mailed to any address on receipt of sl. Dr. J. A. McGill <fe Co., 3 and 4 Panorama Place, Chicago, DL Sold, "by "W. W, GBOVEB, Freeland. Clothing for Spring! Clothing for Summer! Clothing for ail Seasons! and also Boots, Shoes, 1 O-LOVES, TIES, COLLARS, CXJPFS, IIA.TS, DEEBTS, and in fact all kinds of gents' furnishing goods of the latest designs and best quality material can be - purchased FOR THE LEAST MONEY from JIMFW In the Birkbeck Brick Centre Street, Freeland. — I^CITOITZ STAHL & CO., agents for Lebanon Brewing Co. Ftnent and Best Beer in the Country. Satisfaction GUARANTEED. Parties wishing to try thi% excellent beer will please call on Stalil & Co., 137 Centre Street.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers