FREELAND TRIBUNE. ! PUBLISHED EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY. TIIOS. A. BUCKLEY, j EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. OFFICE: MAIN STREET ABOVE CENTRE. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. One Year $1 50 Six Months 75 Four Months 50 Two Mouths 25 j Subscribers are requested to watch the date following the name on the labels of their papers. By referring to this they can tell at a glance how they stand on the books in this office. For instance: G rover Cleveland 28June03 means that Grover is paid up to June 28,1803. By keeping the figures in advance of the pres ent date subscribers will save both themselves and the publisher much trouble and annoy ance. Subscribers who allow themselves to full in arrears will be called upon or notified twice, and, if payment does not follow within one month thereafter, collection will be made in the manner provided by luw. FREELAND, PA., MAY 15, 1893. Eagles' Work Ended. The grand castle of the Knights of the Golden Eagle have held the concluding session of the annual meeting at Lan caster. The committee on hall appoint- i ed to consider a proposition for provid- J ing a permanent home for the grand castle recommended the erection of a suitable hall in a centrally located place, the cost to be provided for by stock sub scription. The committee was instruct ed to rent a suitable building in Phila- j delphia with view to buying the same. F.aston was selected as the next placo of meeting. The grand castle decided that subordinate castles need not hold a ses sion on a church or legal holiday. The following grand officers were in- 1 stalled: Grand chief, F. A. Harris, j Tyrone; grand vice-chief, C. B. Wood, Philadelphia; grand high priest, J. C. McKinney, Philadelphia; grand master of records, J. D. Barnes, Philadelphia; grand keeper of exchequer, A. R. Tom linson, Philadelphia; grand sir herald, Jenkin Hill, Reading; grand trustee, James X. Ruch, Philadelphia; represen tative to supreme castle, D. D. Blaucli, Johnstown. The following candidates were named to be voted for by subordinates (jastles next December: Grand chief, C. B. Wood, Philadelphia; vice grand chief, Jenkin Hill, Reading; grand high priest, John McKinney, E. Y. Funk, J. P. Rhinehart, Charles R. Ellis, all of Phila delphia; grand master of records, J. D. Barnes, Philadelphia; grand keeper of exechequer, A. R. Tomlinson, Philadel phia; grand Bir herald, L. H. Tobin, H. E. Steinback, Williapi O'Connell, 11. C. Gerhart, John 11. Nugent, Philadelphia; C. F. Keeper, Hummelstown; F. P. Hunsecker, Allentown; F. P. Baird, Uniontown; J. Sander, Plymouth; 11, D. Mortimer, Lehighton; W. J. Angstadt, Lewisburg; John Youthin, East Bangor; grand trustees, J. S. Sanders, Heber McDowell, J. M. Blair, Pittsburg; R. W. ' Cornelius, Ogontz; Sydney Marium, Philadelphia; C. E. Jones, Nanticoke; representatives to supreme castle, PI. P. Reincke. The Hibernian Convention. The forty-fourth annual convention of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, Board of Erin, adjourned at New York on Fri day after electing the following officers for the coming year: National delegate, John J. Patton, Boston; national secre tary, Richard McJlullen, Jersey City; national treasurer, Thomas R. Callary, Nanticoke. A long debate took place upon the question of consolidating with the American Board of the A. 0. 11. Secretary McMullen, in his report, said that there had been a very large in crease in membership throughout the United States and Great Britain., The exact increase in Great Britain was not known and will not be until the report of the secretary of that organization is received. There has been an increase of 30,000 members in this country during the past year. There was a large addition to the order in Pennsylvania, where thirty new divisions have been installed within the past twelve months. The largest increase in any Btate or locality was shown to be in the coal regions of this i state. The report of National Treasurer Thomas 11. Callary showed that, after paying all the current expenses and out- j standing debts, the order had a balance ! on hand of $20,000. An Item for Housekeeping. Housekeepers should clip this item and preserve it for the coming campaign. When the (lies become troublesome in a house or room, they can always be ex pelled by a very simple mixture. A half teaspoonful of black pepper, finely ground, should be mixed with double the quantity of brown sugar, and the compound be moistened with cream. The flies will generally eat greedily of this mixture, if placed where they can easily reach it, but it will be their last meal, far the least taste of it is to a fly rank poison. If watched, they will of- 1 ten be seen to drop dead within a few foot of the plate which they have just left, and some of the healthiest eaters do not live to leave the plate. Lane's Medicine Moves the Ilowels Each Hay. Iu order to be healthy this is ncccssury. j FROM SUBURBAN POINTS. (Continued From Page 1) j enjoyment, and picnics will he numer ous, the base ball boys are determined to make this the swell affair of the Beason. There was a game of ball here yester day between Jeddo and the Smiths of Freeland. The score was 13 to 10 in ! favor of Jeddo. j Miss Bridget Gaffney and Mrs. James Tully, of Freeland, visited Drifton yes terday. The following sensational and untruth ful dispatch appeared in the Philadel phia Record on Saturday: TIIE WOMEN PUMMELED HIM. ' A MALE OFFENDER DRIVEN OUT OF TOWN WITH FENCE RAILS. Drifton, Pa., May 12.—Sixteen indignant women fell upon Simon liuckutt to-day for abusing his wife, as they thought, and fear fully belabored him. They used fcnco rails J and stickß of wood and drove Hackett out of ( town. JEDDO NEWS. I On Saturday afternoon and night : Swamptown was fairly humming with • music and mirth made by a large num ber of persons from tiiis and other tow ns, who were here attending a Hungarian wedding. Among the number was a Hun from Drifton, who had become tired and left for his home about mid night, Nothing more was seen of him until yesterday. On Sunday morning a cavein was discovered on the road lead- j ing out of Swamptown, which was about ten feet in diameter and nearly sixty feet deep. About 11 o'clock several ! small boys were passing by, and began j I throwing Btones in it, when a voice came from below begging piteously for them | to stop. j The boys gave the alarm and several j Huns came and spoke to him down the fallin, then went down another old cavein, over clay, rocks, debris of I every description, and through a head ing into the next breast, where they found the Hun who had left the wed- i ding twelve hours before. He bad re ceived but a few Blight bruises, though he was badly frightened. He was taken to the Ilazleton hospital during the af- I 1 ternoon. i Miss Annie Tlmony, who lias been on an extended visit toPbiladelpbia friends, returned home last week. Samuel Cumfer has secured the posi tion of chief engineer of the Ilazleton Electric Railway Company. Missos Kate Mcllugh and Maggie ' Harkins are on a yisit to Lansford friends. l'atrick Cunningham is the happiest ' man in town. A boy of course. The residence which was formerly oc cupied by Dr. John Wentz lias been re ! moved to the hotel yard. The site where it stood upon will be the place where Mr. Markle will erect his man- I .! sion. What's the matter with the fishermen? We haven't had the pleasure to chroni- j cle a single "whopper" from them this !season. j David Renshaw, who had been a resi dent of this place for a number of years, moved his family to Midvalley last week. Charles Petitt, of Oakdale, celebrated his twenty-third birthday on Thursday. A large number of his friends who wore present report having a good time. : At Wilkes-Barre on Friday a marriage license was granted to David Harris and Miss Laura Tyson, both of this place. The base ball club of town is making big to have a successful ball on Friday evening. It will be held in the , Odd Fellows' hall, Drifton, and De- Pierro's full orchestra will be there. The admission is only 25 cents. UPPER LEHIGH NOTES. Over seventy reserved seats were sold at Faas' store last Saturday for the en tertainment to be given for the benefit of the Mining and Mechanical School on J Saturday night. j Mrs. William Challenger, of Upper Lehigh, spent Sunday in Lansford with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John T. I Evans.— Record. j Paul Dash will represent Mt. Iloreb Lodge, No. 257, of Freeland, in the Odd Fellows' state convention to bo held at Reading this week. W. R. Solt, of Freeland, lias been ap- ' j pointed yardmaster of the Central Rail { road at this place. Supt. S. S. Hoover made a business trip to Philadelphia last week. A Splendcd Cube of Anthracite. A large lump of anthracite coal taken from the St. Nicholas r colliery at St. Nicholas, Schuylkill county, was shipped on Saturday to the World's fair. The piece of coal was fashioned into a perfect cube, each side of which measured three feet. The lump weigh ed 4,420 pounds, and is the finest piece of coal ever mined in the anthracite region. When Baby was sick, wo gave her Castoria.' When she was & Child, sho cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she bod Children, she gave them Castoria. I I TiX)lt SALE.—A house unci lot on Centre I 1 street, Freelancl; house, 32x23; Jot 123x25. For further particulars apply at this office. IT'OK SALE.—A well-built dwelling, with JA stable and lot, on Washington street, between South and Luzerne. Apply to John Yaunes, opera house building:, Freeland. WANTED.— Agrents everywhere are making: $2 to 95 per day selling certificates of stock of the Montana Mining-, Loun and Investment Co. For terras add iess, Andrew Zemany, agent, Freeland, Pa. TCOK SALE. A l"t of good young horses— L 1 two greys, one roan, one bay, one black and one black roadster. Horsemen are invited to inspect this stock, and if not suited can book their orders. Central hotel stable. M. H. Hun sicker, proprietor. "VTOTK'E is hereby given that the Keystone JJN Company, Limited, having its principal office at Ebervale, in the county of Luzerne and state of Pennsylvania, has been dissolved by a vote of a majority in number and value of interest. E. A. Clark, George Scott and ('has. F. King have been elected as liquidating trus tees, to whom all bills payable to said company are to be paid, and final settlement and adjust ment. Address all communications intended for the liquidating trustees to Ebervale, Lu zerne county, Pa. Charles F. King, Chairman. Attest—George Scott, Secretary. Keiper's Steam Marble Works. COII. LAUUEL and MINE STKEETS. Monuments, Heads tones* selling at cost for next thirty days. Iron and Galvanized Fences, Sawed Huilding Stones, Window Caps, Door Sills, Mantels, Grates, Coping, Cemetery Supplies. PUT LIP KEI PEli, PROP., Ilazleton. Alex. Shollack, Bottler "t BEER, - PORTER, - WINE, and all kinds of Liq uo RS. Cor. Washington and Walnut streets, Freeland. A. W. WASHBURN, Builder of Light and Heavy Wagons. REPAIRING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. PINE AND JOHNSON STB., FIiEELAND. Hardware, Paints, Oils, Miners' Supplies. Miners will do well to try our oil and get prices. We have also a complete stock of SPORTING GOODS, including guns, am munition, fishing tucklc, etc. C. D. ROHRBACH, CtDtre Kt,„, WEIDER & ZANG, Talloi'iu We are located above Meyer's jewelry store and have on hand a line line of goods, which will be done up in the latest styles at a very moderate price. Our aim is to satisfy and WE ASK FOB A TRIAL. Repairing Promptly Executed. CITIZENS' BANK OF FREELAND. CAPITAL, - $50,000. OFFICERS. Joseph Rirkbeck, President. H. C. Koons, Vice President. JT. It. Davis, Cashier. John Smith, Secretary. DIRECTORB.—Joseph Birkbeek, Titos. Ilirk beck, John Wagner, A. ltudewick, H.C. Koons, ('has. Dusheck, Win. Kemp. Matliias Schwabe, John Smith, Joint M. Powell, 2d, Joint burton. fAff" Three per cent, interest paid on saving ; deposits. Open daily from 9 a. m. to 4p. m. Saturday evenings from 6 to 8. Subscribe for the TRIBUNE. - - - $1.50 - - - Bring "BTcu. tlxe Tribune - - a - - Tear. "PEOTECTIO2ST or FEEE TZEa-A-IDZE." By Henry George. The leading statesmen of the world pronounce it the greatest work over written upon the taritT question. No statistics, no figures, no evasions. It will interest and instruct you. Read it. Copies Free at the Tribune Office. A POINTER A to A D BUSINESS D V MEN. V E E R R T T I I SS E IUST THE TRIBUNE. KELLMER PHOT OiIUXVHKII will make for the next 30 clays ONE DOZEN CABINETS of our "French Finish" (regular price, $4.00) for $3.00. Make, two negatives and show proofs to select from. WIT T PTT AT? A VTUTJ 1 HETTKR WORK THAN CAN HE HAD ' ' AAjXj VI U AiiAl\ X nrj ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE REGION. 13 West Broad Street, Hazleton. Etill MUM SYSTEM. F LEHIGH VALLEY DIVISION. Anthracite coal used exclu sively, insuring cleanliness and comfort. ARRANGEMENT OF FASSENGER TRAINS. DEC. 4, 1802. LEAVE FREELAND. 6 10, 8 :w, 9 40. 10 41 .a in, 12 25, 1 50, 2 43, 3 50, 4 55, 0 41, 7 12, 8 47 p ra, for Drifton, Jeddo. Lum ber Yard, .Stockton and Hazleton. 0 10, 0 40 a in, I 50 3 50 i> in. l'or Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Fhila., Easton and New York. 8 35 a m for Bethlehem, Easton and Philadel phia. 7 20, 10 50 a m, 1210,4 30 p m, (via Highland Branch)for White Haven, Glen Summit, Wilkes- Barre, Pittston and L. and B. Junction. SUNDAY TRAINS. 11 40 a m and 8 45 p m for Drifton, Jeddo, Lum ber Yard and Hazleton. 345 p m for Delano. Mahanoy City, Shenan doah, New York and Philadelphia. ARRIVE AT FREELAND. 5 50, 7 00, 7 20, 0 18, 10 50 a m, 12 10, 1 15, 2 33, 4 50, 7 03 and 8 37 p m, from Hazleton, Stockton, Lumber Yard, Jeddo and Drifton. . M 0 18, 10 50 a 111, 12 10, 2 33, 4 50, 703 p m from Delano, Mahanoy City and .Shenandoah (via New Boston Branch). 115 and 837 p m from New York, Easton, Philadelphia, Bethlehem, Allentown ami Mauch Chunk. 9 18 and 10 50 am from Easton, Philadelphia, Bethlehem and Mauch Chunk. 9 18, 10 41 a in, 2 43,0 41 pin from White Haven, Glen Summit, Wilkcs-Burre, I'ittston and L. and B. Junction (via Highland Branch). SUNDAY TRAINS. 1131 a m and 331 p in, from Hazleton, Lum ber Yard, Jeddo and Dril'ton. 11 31 a in from Delano, Hazleton, Philadelphia and Easton. 3 31 p m from Pottsvilie and Delano. For tuther information inquire of Ticket Agents. I C. G. HANCOCK, Gen. Pass. Agt. I'hiludclphia, Pa. A. W. NONN EM ACHEIt, Ass't G. P. A. South Bethlehem, Pa. GEORGE FISHERT dealer in FRESH BEEF, PORK, VEAL, MUTTON, BOLOGNA, SMOKED MEATS, ETC., ETC. Call at No. 6 Walnut street, Freeland, or wait for the delivery wagons. VERY LOWEST PRICES. HARNESS and HORSE GOODS of every description. We can furnish you with goods that will please the eye, and be of such quality that they cannot be surpassed, at THE LOWEST PRICES OBTAINABLE. WISE No. 35 Centre Street, Freeland. Also Jeddo, Pa. THREE COTTAGES THREE FAMILIES AND ONE TENNIS COURT —IN COMMON.— That is the material out of which the popular author ®©NAN BO'YlilS constructs a delightful story of English suburban life, replete with strong human interest, that we have se cured. BEYOND the CITY will be issued in serial form and will be found IN THE TRIBUNE ONLY. THE FIRST INSTALLMENT will appear Thursday, May 18. See that the paper comes to you regularly. An annual subscrip tion would insure that. FREELAND READY PAY J. G. BERNER. Spring lias come and we are ready with spring goods as fol lows: Ladies' Capes and Coats. Baby Carriages and Rugs. Spring Styles of Carpet. 25 cents a yard up to 65 cents, wool fillings. Furniture. No end to styles and varie ties. Full Line of Wall Paper and Window Shades. Cheaper than ever. Largest Line of Shoes In Freeland. Ladies' kid shoes, SI.OO. Men's dress shoes, $1.25. Dry Goods and Notions.' Can't be excelled in style, quality and price. GROCERIES and PROVISIONS. 10 cans tomatoes $1 00 10 cans corn I 00 33 bars Tom, Dick & Harry soap. 1 0(1 4 lbs. good raisins, blue 25 0 lbs. barley 25 5 lbs. currants 25 3 lbs. dried apples 25 24 lbs. prunes 25 0 lbs. oat nieai 25 0 lbs. oat flake 25 10 gold com meal 25 2 cans salmon 25 5 boxes sardines 25 3 quarts beans. 25 5 lbs. Lima beans 25 5 quarts peas 25 Soda biscuits, by barrel 4f Soda biscuits, 20-pound box 0(1 3 lbs. mixed cakes 25 3 lbs. coffee cakes 25 3 ibS. ginger snaps 25 3 lbs. oyster biscuits 25 4 lbs. starch 25 Mixed candy 10 Mint loaengers 10 English walnuts 121 1 quart bottle ketchup 15 5 His. oolong tea 1 00 5 11)8. English breakfast tea 1 00 THE BEST FAMILY FLOUR. $2.10 PER BAG. Miners' Department. 1 gallon oil - - 21 1 bar soap - 04 1 quire paper - - 25 1 lb. cotton - - 25 2 boxes squibs - - - 25 Total - - - • $1 00 Given away, with each 4 pound bak ing powder, 1 cup and saucer or cream pitcher, moss rose, and other articles for i 5 cents. Flense compare above prices with what you are paying, and if you need any thing that is not mentioned here, come and you will And it 25 per cent, lower than elsewhere. J. C. BERNER, South and Washington Streets. J if I®! %k ; ..: < i{ £t [iIpEMBER nirera ss | sCI ix J %# I "y'Hiii n";;roVTt"o?ou r Taw\ r ,r i '"' ial ' jl '' I \ fj J Double Chloride of' Cold Tablets / ■ in from 3405 Perfectly harm■ / / ■ " ■ DRUNKENNESS ai'OIfIRPHIME MBIT SStX c eff^ B lS o t™o-?^^ th >i Y/ g the patient, by tho uso of our SPECIAI, 1 ORMULA GOLD CURB TABLETS Blhi l !!!!^f.H'l 1, " l ?!r u ''' l, ; i,r ' 1,,1nw, ' (l t!,n fr ™ l,so ' or Mor X A PPW I pnine until such ti mo ns they shall voluntarily give thorn up. ** flill >„ i** 8 ,? 11 u pjirticulara nnd pamphlet of tostimouiuls free, and shall (nnnlimnmnln I ■ tl o .i4?th°n^,l^T r9fI ? m " y of" 108 ? haMtotacommunlcu S TfiSlllDOlllSlS non T) lth IHTHOUM who have booncurod by tbo uoof OUTTAHLKTS. S B HILL'B TAB'-ETS nre for anlo by oil FIRST-CLASS from persons ■ druitgßtaat sl,oo.l.orimckngo. J S ... | !■ If yourilriiKfi-t .loco not keep them, enclose oa # 1 .00 /. Vk. W_ T&k S Who hava been miri send you, by return mail u package of our / A . . A . „ ■ Tablets. / cured by tho use of .. \\ rlt ®yaur namo and address plainly, nnd state Wk S ._ . _ . uquOTHnLit, Ur " l,,rTo — M -" hi " u Yy Hills TnhlpfQ I 1)0 NOT BE DECEIVED Into purrhoalnß Smm 11111 J lUUIVUi Og oßJrort for* Vo 0 . nn u< ' Ht J u ,, , " a "!i'i S®i"K S / THE Onto CHEMICAL Co.: Kg itia ut YHk S DEAR Sih:— l have been using your lA.BLETB and tako no olbci. at euro for tobacco habit, and found it would Manufactured only by do what you claim for it. I used ten cants ■■ jr vijv w. S worth of the strongest chewing tobacco a day, THE jr i nnd te r °t n ?ortypipeß 0f ,? to" ; ° r 1 J oul(1 B,noke ■■ nmn PUFMTPAT Pn and smoked for twenty-liveyears, and two packages Ktf UniU uilriJuiUilL liljij >/ of your Tubletscured *no j aYLOKD* LMI m*' b |m i ima amia iftkV TnF Onio CHEMICAL Ca:—GENTLEMEN sent pB LliriA, UniU. jr fmk S f°r SI.OO worth of your Tablets for Tobacco Habit. I received „ a v4a a!q S them nil right and, although I was both a heavy smokerand chewcr. |L PAHTICULAItS YBh, u v-fit. they did tho work in less than three days. lam cured. * jr Truly yours, MATIIEW JOHNSON, P. O. Box 45. IL -1 Jk s THE Onio CHEMICAL CO. :— :—lt gives mo nUiamire^to o sjleak' aKm . *'■ a~ \*fo. word of praise for your Tablets. My son was strongly addicted to the use of r.-i •!?♦. Ar.4ofc*>< >3tik r liquor, and through a friend, I was led to try your Tablets. He was a heavy and GUy jj jr Jr constant drinker, out after using your Tablets but three days ho quit drinking, ES J " v t,'■}.;. nnd will not touch liquor of any kind. I have waited four mouth beforo writing EL-.' 1 WA wv / you, in order to know tho euro was permanent. Tours truly, Hq Mils'. HELEN MORRISON. C J THE OHIO CHEMICAL Co:—Gewtlemin :—Tour Tablets have performed a miracle in my cask. E. m S" 1 have used morphine, hypodermically, for seven years, and have been eured by the use df ire <<3 -r two of your Tablets, and without any effort on my part. W. L. LOTEGAy. K_ _9 a- 1 Address all Orders to M A PctO the OHIO chemical CO., h X 0., S3 and OS Opera Block. LIMA, OHIO. y- J> rrv ikiaißßßMßm fvi WHY NOT PREPARE YOURSELF FOR THE WARM WEATHER by paying our Clothing Department a visit, and inspect the many New ami Handsome Novelties it contains for this season of the year, and surprise yourself by seeing what a NOBBY SUIT you can buy from us for a SMALL AMOUNT OK MONEY. It iB useless for you to tor ture yourself by wearing your heavy suit, when you can buy from us A Good Light Suit for $3.00, which we guarantee cannot be bought elsewhere for double. , You also should not fail to see the Fine Black Cheviot Suits, in Round or Straight Cut, and Double Breasted Coats, which we are selling at $7.50 a Suit. Our line of All-wool Scotch Homespun $12.00 Custom-made Suits we are now selling at $8.50 a suit. Our line of SIO.OO, $ll.OO, and $12.00 Suits will surprise you when you see the handsome assortment, as they by far excel anything ever displayed in this vicinitv in quality, elegance and workmanship, and the low prices they are going at. Our immense stock of Trousers you should not fail to see, as we have the most complete line ever shown in this region. If you want any CLOTHING for Boys and Children we have a tremen dous stock, and our prices are making them sell. • So if you want any thing in the Clothing line don't fail to take a look through our im mense stock. By doing so you will save money, as on the prices we sell Clothing at we defy competition. V AT JOS. NEUBUEGrER'S, BARGAIN EMPORIUM, In the P. O. S. of A. Building, Freeland. IS AS SAP".! AND harmless; as A Flax Seed Foultlce. y It is applied right to the parts. It cures all diseases of women. Any lady can use it hersolf. Sold by AT.T. DRUGGISTS. Mailed to any address on receipt of sl. Dr. J. A. McGill & Co., 3 and 4 Panorama Place, Chicago, 111. Sold, "toy "W. "W. CGP3OVEE, Preeland. Clothing for Spring! Clothing for Summer! Clothing for all Seasons! and also • Boots, Shoos, GLOVES, TIES, COLLAES CI7PPS, HATS, JDEZRB-STS, and in fact till kinds of gents' furnishing goods of the latest designs and best quality material can be purchased FOR THE LEAST MONEY from £8(111? ' ln tlie BirW)eck Brick, --ssjiA 4 W'Xri i A -■ro.rift Centre Street, Freeland. ;^^ C .P.GERITZ" STAHL & CO., agents for Lebanon Brewing Co. Finest and Best Beer in tlie Country. Satisfaction GUARANTESft). Parties wishing to try this excolloot beer will please call on Stalil & Co., 137 Centre Street.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers