FREELAND TRIE CN E . VOL. V. No. 88. BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. PARAGRAPHS GATHERED FROM ALL PARTS OF THE REGION. Little OneH of InteroHt About People You Know and Tilings You Wish to Hear About— What the Folks of This and Other Towns Are Doing. The borongli lockup had six guests on Saturday night. penis McGinley, of Say re, called upon relatives here last week. A. Oswald made a trip to Philadelphia on I-riday to replenish his stock. r I he fire in the Crystal Ridge colliery at lln/.leton has been extinguished. Peter McGettrick is now stationed nt Scranton, where be secured employ ment last week. * If you want fresh candies go to Faek ler's confectione'ry for them. "We make our own." \\ in. Werhman, of Centre street, was presented last week with a fine baby girl by his better half. The flour that will make the finest bread is the Washburn brand. It is sold only by B. F. Davis. "Orange Blossom" makes handsome, happy women, because it make healthy women. Sold by W, W. (trover. Wilkes-Barre and Scranton clubs played hall during the snow storm on Saturday. The former won, 4to 1. The tobacco habit is not the finest thing in the world. Get a box of Hill's tablets and stop it. They never fail. Patrick O'Donuell has resigned his position as bartender at the Harleigh hotel and returned to his home here. < At Wilkes-Barre last week a marriage license was granted to John Bell and Miss Martha Barton, both of Freeland. Mt. Iloreb Lodge, of this place, and Drifton Lodge will be represented in the Odd Fellows' parade at Mauch Chunk on Wednesday. No more insane persons from this eounty will be accepted nt the Danville asylum, owing to the crowded condition of that institution. Congressman Hiiies is positive that the man lie has endorsed, I'. M.ConnilT, will be the next internal revenue col lector of this'district. One of the Huns engaged in there cent riot at Harleigh died at the hospi tal on Friday, and the deputy coroner will investigate this evening. A large portion of the base ball park fence went clown with the wind on eft Thursday evening. Signs and awnings through town also fared badly. Patrick Moore, a former resident of town, and Miss Annie McQunid, an ac complished young lady of Philadelphia, will he married at the latter place today. John Burton and wife left this morn ing for a month's pleasure trip to New York city and New Jersey, and intend to witness the naval parade at the for mer plaeo. Amos (deist, a Ifazic-ton boy, ran away from home on Tuesday, and a telegram was received yesterday by his parents stating he was killed near Pittsburg on Saturday while jumping on a train. New shovs for gents made from $3.50 up. Repairing neatly clone. Gents' soling and heeling as low as 75 cents. Good workmanship and satisfaction as sured. S. Slieporwich, 57 Centre street. James Levan, of Kckley, was here on Saturday evening and says the man who j;ave his name as being James "barged with house-breaking at South lleberton, is named James Geiger, not Levan A case of scarlet fever has been report ed to the local board of health at Wal nut and Washington streets. The neces sary precautions were immediately taken to prevent the spread of the disease. Patrick Kennedy, a young lad residing at Oneida, fell down the slope at that place on the 15th inst. and died from the effects of his injuries at Hazleton hospital on Friday. The interment was made at St. Ann's cemetery on Saturday. Wm. Kiel, proprietor of a sawmill in Butler, lost nearly a SI,OOO worth of lum ber by the destruction of a large barn during the high wind last week. The building was completed, except the roof, and was lifted oft the foundation and Splintered. Jeffrey, of "Hazle," who wants the people to pay the expense of a legislative junketing trip to Chicago, lias been sat .down on pretty generally by the preßS. It is pretty t-afe to hazard the assertion that liis presence will not lie missed at the next session of the house.—Neies i^rnter. The officials of the Union Passenger Railway Company are greatly incon vienced by the delay of the state supreme court in giving a decision on the Foster right of way. It, is hoped that the matter will sooii be settled, so that the road can be put in operation this summer. A fair-sized audience witnessed W. C. Miller's "Under a Ban" on Saturday evening. The play has been greatly improved and was presented far better than before. The acting of the company, as well as the specialty features, includ ing the dancing of Daniel Bonner and William Boyle, of the Points, washiglily appreciated. Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather on Friday evening the hall of Division 20, of Ecfcl.y, was well attend ed, and the number present enjoyed themselves very much. Master of Ceremonies Edward C. Gallagher, of Sandy Valley, and Miss Bridget G'Donnell, of Eckley, led the march. The members of the division are thank ful to the public for its aid and patronage. PRESBYTERIANS MEET. They Decide to Sell the Eckley Church and Itnild at Freeland. Lehigh presbytery finished its work on Friday at Fasten and adjourned to meet June 13 at White Hayen. Aid was voted to several feeble churches. In a report on aiding disabled ministers, Rev. J. F. Pollock, of Allentown, con demned those churches that are liberal in recommending payments by other churches but are slow in contributing themselves. Rev. H. N. Voorhees, of Delaware Water Gap, read a carefully-prepared paper on the state of religion in all the churches, and spoke of progressive euchre as a prominent manifestation of the activity of the evil one. After a prolonged debate his report was received and adopted with that part relating to euchre expugned. The presbytery appropriated S4OO to huihl a church for Italians at Bangor. A lengthy report on the progress of the theological students under care of presbytery was presented by Dr. Karle. It was followed by the adoption of a r ssolution providing that hereafter, when candidates who had received aid from the presbytery withdraw from their studies or from the care of presby tery, they must pay back the money they had received. The presbytery voted to abandon the church at Eckley, to sell the property and to build one at Freeland. It was stated that at Lehighton there is a prop erty worth SI,OOO belonging to presby tery, and one man conslitutes the con gregation. Rev. Mr. Buchanan, of East Mauch Chunk, was appointed moder ator of that charge. List of Patent*. Patents granted to Pennsylvania in ventors last week. Reported bv C. A. Snow & Co., Washington, D. C. J II Baker, Allegheny, platform gear for wagons; .1 Barrett, Allegheny, oil well drilling apparatus; W Duncan, Alle gheny, electric railway trolley; ,! E Em erson, Beaver Falls, insertible-tootlied saw; .1 Green, Kenovo, coffee pot; It C Greer, Lebanon, ore roasting and calcin ing furnace; C B Grim, Pottsville, sys tem'of distributing steam for heating railway cars; L O Ilarmon and W E Rhodes, Erie, injector; A W Houser, Edwardsdale, elate picker; L J Mc- Gregor and C M Carpenter, Hyndman paint brush; J T Richardson, Harris burg, dumping-wagon; H ltighy, Pitts burg, rolling mill appliance; M M Shel laherger, Beaver Falls, elevator or con veyor; 11. Solt, Kingston, carpet fasten er; W W Speer, Pittsburg, plow attach ment; T A Strohm, Industry, ladder- It J Thayer, Pittsburg, oil well drilling apparatus. iteucttng's I.cascs. Application has been made by the re ceivers of the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad Company to the United States circut court to grant authority for the re lease from the Reading's control of the Easton ct Amboy Railroad and the Le high Yulley Terminal Railway Compan ies, and for the carrying out,'instead, of a trackage agreement which has been prepared between the Reading and thoso companies. I Judge Dallas made an order referring , the matter to (4eorge L. Crawford, the special master, to hear testimony upon the proposed surrender and beginning j of the trackage agreement, and report to the court the advisability of granting the requests. Will He ill the Field. 1 he Tigers Athletic Club lias decided to he in the field this year with the well known base ball club that bears its name, and in a few weeks the team will be in condition to open the season. They are somewhat handicapped by having no grounds to play on, but this drawback will lie overcome in a short while. Tile boys that are back of this club will spare neither time or expense to keep it up to the standard maintained for the past five years. Ail matters relating to games and dates will be answered by the manager, James M. Gallagher, Freeland. G OH pel Meetings. Rev. H. A. I. Benner, of St. John's Reformed church, will hold gospel meet ings or a week of services at the Reform ed church, Kckley, commencing this evening and continuing until April 2!). Hie subjects for the week areas follows: This evening, theme, "The Christian Lile;" Tuesday evening, sermon to young men; Wednesday evening, (Ger manjtheine, "Die Guadenzeit;" Thurs day evening, sermon to young men and women; Friday evening, sermon to Sun day school; Saturday evening, theme. The One Church." Old Nick Couldn't Scare Old Soak. An exchange tells of a lady who de cided to scare a husband who was quite a hard drinker so that he would reform. l°do tins she procured a costume of a devil that had been worn at a masque radp. Hie next time her erring spouse came home feeling happy she quickly donned the costume and as he opened the door she stepped out and said in sepulchral tones: "Come with me —1 am the devil." The result rather startling her was: "Hat so? Shake ot' hoy, I'm your brother-in-law; I mar ried your sister." Recognized an a Normal Solioot. The superintendent of public instruc tion has given notice that the normal school, located at East Stroudsburg, hav ing been duly inspected by a committee is officially recognized as a state normal school for the fourtii district, composed of the counties of Northampton, Car bon, Monroe, Pike, Luzerne, Lackawan na and Wayne. PLEASURE CALENDAR. May B—Fair and festival of Welsh Bap tist church, at church building, Fern street, until May 29. Tickets, 25cents. May 23—-First annual hall of Division 6, A. 0. 11., B. of E., at Freeland opera house. Admission, 50 cents. FREELAND, PA., MONDAY, APRIL 24, 1893. DISTRICT MEETING. Convention of the Teliipcrniicq Societies of the Region Held Yesterday. About sixty delegates, representing the Catholic temperance societies of this region, met at Odd Fellows' Hall, Beaver Meadow, yesterday. John J. Brogan and Patrick J. Kelly were elected presi dent and secretary. White Haven, Free land, Hazleton, Drifton, Eckley, liar leigh, Audenried, Jeanosville and Beaver Meadow societies sent delegates. Prohibition and license were discussed at length by Messrs. Judge, of Scranton, McCarthy, of Freeland, and others. The law that prevails in many societies relat ing to a fine upon members for violating the pledge, was also discussed, and a motion carried that the fine system was considered the best. The holding of district parades on Oc tober 10 was the next question, and the feeling of the delegates was to abolish them and hold a general parade of the union on that date. At 5 o'clock the delejfates were escort ed to the lower part of the hall, where a fine banquet was prepared for them by the St. Aloysius Society of Beaver Meadow. About twenty-five persons from Free land and vicinity attended the conven tion. After supper the delegates assembled again and it was decided to meet on the fourth Sunday in July at Audenried or Jeanesviile, the president and secretary to make the selection and ali arrange ments. The convention was followed by nil entertainment and addresses by several of the members. Ten Pence For a Sent In Parliament. Candidates for parliamentary honors who have groaned under the heavy bur den of election expenses will regard with envy the cheap means by which Mr. Dav itt secured his seat for Cork. All the money that Mr. Davitt expended was 10 pence, the cost of a telegram acknowledg ing tho official intimation of his return. Of course it must bo remembered that Mr. Davitt's election was unopposed, but not every member who enjoys a walkover can boast that his seat cost him less than a shilling. Ten pence is believed to be tho lowest sum recorded, and it might have been reduced to a penny if Mr. Davitt had been content to use the post instead of the telegraph wire.—London Tit-Bits. Scheme of a Clever Yankee. The customary large supply of punched and mutilated coin in the national hunks of this city, accumulated on Mondays from the treasurers of the different churches, has run very low of late. A shrewd young man went around a few weeks ago and bought it up at about SO cents 011 a dollar, and then went and reveled in the luxuries of Cuba, whore punched coin of the United States brings a premium of about 10 cents on a dollar on account of tho difficulty of keeping perfect coin on tho island.—Springfield [Mass.) Homestead. Bill SizciH Up Mean Men. Bill Nye says that a man may use a wart on his neck for a collar button, ride in the back coach to have the interest of Ins money until the conductor gets around, stop his watch at night to save wear and tear, leave his "i" and "t" without a dot and a cross to save ink, pasture his mother's grave to save corn' but a man of this sort is a gontieman and a scholar compared with the fellow that takes a newspaper two or three years and when he is asked to pay for it puts on airs as though lie was insulted, and intimates that the publisher ought to feel it a privilege to be allowed to send His Royal Nibs the news twice a week. For School Teachers. The permanent certificate committee of Luzerne county will hold an examina tion in t he High School building, Wilkes liarre, on Saturday, May 0. J. F. Santee, examiner in arithmetic reading and civil government. B. F. Myers, examiner in history, geography and geometry. I). M. Uobhes, examiner in theory of teaching and physics. N. 11. Gillespie, examiner in gram mar, penmanship and rhetoric. T. M. Conniif, examiner in spelling, physiology and algebra. EDITORS AND NEWSPAPERS. Lehighton's bright weekly, the Press, began its second year on Thursday, hut its appearance is more of a veteran than a youngster. Editor Watson has suc ceeded in establishing an excellent paper in the face of many difficulties, and his success is due totlie energy which he in fused into his work the past year. The Hazleton Sentinel shows no signs of letting tip in its crusade against the Reading combine. More power to you Mae. One of Luzerne's best, local papers the Plymouth Star, is published by a young lady, Miss Katie Bnrtlie, daughter of the late E. Bartlie, founder of the paper. That she understands the business thor oughly and is not a figure-head in the office is evident from tlieclassof reading metier the Star publishes. The Sliicksliinny Helm commenced its twenty-first year on Friday. With the exception of the first few months of its existence it lias been since its birth under the able management of R. M. Tuhbs, who lias succeed in making it one of the best equipped weeklies in this part of the state. An exchange calls attention to a pecu liar fatality that hovers over the Plain hpeaker. Seven of the attaches of that paper have died of consumption during the past ten years. Speaking of this matter causes us to remark that it would be advisable for the editor to drop from the top of its column the name of the late secretary and treasurer of the com pany Dom F. Sweeney. It is certainly out of place there now. FROM SUBURBAN POINTS. LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE OF NEIGHBORING TOWNS. Three Towns Send u Column of News fur Our Headers—l)rifto 11 and Upper Lehigh to lie Represented at the World's Fair. Jeddo's News and Personals. Special and regular correspondence from the surrounding towns is solicited by the TRIBUNE. All writers will please send their names to this office with com munications intended for publication, in order that the editor may know from whom the correspondence comes. DRIFTON ITEMS. The miniature locomotives wore put in readi ness for the Chicago fair last week. Jeff Bcltz, David Phillips and Eddie Allen are said to be the persons selected to go with them. They will run on an overhead track in machinery hall. Mrs. Edward Sweeney, of Allentown, is spend ing a few days in town with her son, E. J. The new system of railroad signaling adopted on the D. 8. & 8. some time ago was put k' oper ation 011 Thursday. D. J. Williams, a former employe of tho office here, has been transferred to Roan Junction. Dominic C.ulingher, a patcbor in the mines here, hud a finger severely injured last week. Mr. Hoffman, of Ebcrvule, moved his family here last week. The story which has been going the rounds that a portion of the L. V. R. R. would bo leased by the D. S. & S., seems to be without foundation. Samuel Zeisloft went 011 a fishing tour on Saturday. John Davis and Stewart McFarland spent a few hours in Ifazleton 011 Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Coxe, who wore spending the winter pi Florida, returned home on Satur day. Neal Bonner had his hand cut in the mines last week. Some of the gardens in No. 2 are being planted. Geo. Birkbcck had his head injured on Fri- 1 by a piece of rock falling on it. Miss Hannah Boyle is on a visit to friends in | Philadelphia. j John J. McCarthy is all smiles since Saturday. It's a girl. The death of Miss Sullie McGee, of East Mauch Chunk, who has many relatives and friends here, occurred yesterday, Mrs. Patrick O'Donnell with several other relatives, left here on Thursday to attend the funeral of her brother, John Med ill, of Miners' Mills. Miss Katie McTaguo, 0110 of our accomplish ed young ladies, entered tho convent of the Sisters of Mercy at Hazleton 011 Saturday. UPPER LEHIGH NOTES. Michael Mulligan, Jr., one of our most popu lar young men, left here for Chicago last week, lie was appointed one of the Columbian Guards at tho World's fair, and there is 110 doubt but that he will prove a model officer in every re spect. In physical development, height and appearance Mike will compare favorably with any person who will wear a uniform at the fair, and his genial disposition will win him many friends. A large number of young people attended "Superbu" at the iia/.leton opera house last week. Dr. 11. M. Neal attended the Clover Club (fathering in New York city on Thursday even ing. Pay day came on Saturday. W© thought it was lost. Patrick McGuire, of Silver Brook, visited his parents yesterday. Thos. Weightman, a former resident of this place, was here among friends on Saturday. An unusual large number of our residents attended "Under a Ban" at Freelnnd opera house on Saturday evening. The fishermen and the weather are running foul of one another at present. One man was seen at the Oloy on Saturday with u white straw hat 011 in the midst of a snowstorm angl ing as faithfully as if it was midsummer. The services in the Welsh Baptist church yes terday were in charge of Rev. W. F. Duvius, of Scranton. Patrick O'Brien received a small cut on the hand sometime ago and is now suffering from blood poisoning, caused by the alum water get ting into it. John Boyle, brother of D. J., of this place, re turned to his home in Pittston 011 Saturday, after spending a few days here. JEDDO NEWS. F. W. Kennedy, formerly of this place, is the happiest man in Philadelphia and is busy receiving congratulations on behalf of u per manant lady guest who arrived at his residence last, week. Geo. Wise. Jr., who is studying for tho medical profession, is at home on a visit. Patrick Boyle, of Garwood, was among tho many visitors hero last week. James Heenahnn and James Dwyer, of Lut tlmer, spent a few hours in town on Friday evening. The rain and wind storm of Thursday played havoc in this vicinity. Trees, fences and every thing that was not firmly anchored to the ground, were blown down. No loss of life is reported at this time. James Ferry, of Silver Brook, spent a few pleasant hours here last week. The employes of this place wore paid on Sat urday. A. A. MoOitl and Peter McUwifh attendee] the social at 1 trills' hull, lluzleton, 011 Wednes day evening. The peaceful slumbers wli'cli the ancient town of Black Jeddo lias been enjoying for several months was disturbed last week by a grand social which was held there. It was an invitation affair, but the boys went anyhow becauso they were not told to stay away. Coxe Bros. Eckley ambulance passed through town on its way to the minors' hospital yester day. It contained a Tyrolean stone mason who had a dislocated hip. BUMS BLILEOIL SYSTEM. LEHIGH VALLEY fete/ 'HI VISION. I —■—"" " Anthracite coal used exclu- I I slvely, insuring' cleanliness and || com tort. ARRANGEMENT OF PASBENOER TRAINS. DEC. 4, 1893. LEAVE FHEELAND. 4 S. 1 ?? ,?¥*. P" 10, 1041 u 111 • 150, 2 4:;, 3 50, 4 .*>,♦, 41 4 12, K47 p ill , lor Dril ton, JcdUo. Lum ber \ ard, Stockton and Uazleton. iilo, 040am,150 350 p in. l'or Mnucli Chunk, York ueni ' Bhila., Euston and New pliiif 11 U1 f(>l Ik;th,eheai ' Euston and Pliiludel •!"•'.'T. 1 ' 1, 4 m •' "'.(via Highland It A ... iiiV , Haven, Glen Summit, Wilkes- Dane, Pittston and L. and It. Junction. SUNDAY TRAINS. , v!,', l ,i n ," n ,'\ : ; 1 ' 11 "• JU ilton, Jcddo, uei \ lire! :iml lfar.loton. :i IS II in tor Helium. Miiliunoy City, Shenan doah, Now York and Phlladelpliin. ARRIVE AT FREELAND. 5 50. T 00, 7 SO. (I in, 10 SO II 111, 12 10 115 •> ■CI i so, 7i mid o :i7,, iii.iii n'izi .;, ' -i; .V 7,;:' Lumber Yard, Jcddo and Diilton ' .-II 0 lb, 1050 a in, 1318, 2SI 4507 00 n (v^; , kow'ZV™Ur"n i y i,) C,,i U,UI S1 ' 10n "'i'". I 15 and 837 p ni from New York w., a tn Cliunk ol,>^'ai J,et,llel,em ' Allentown and wiiucl! W u'nd 10 6011 m from K , ton, Pliiladoliililn, Bethlehem and Mauch Chunk. 0 18, 10 41 a in, ti 43, li 41 jfui from White Haven Glen Summit, \Vi Ikes-Burro, Pittston and L. ami It. Junction (via Highland Branch). SUNDAY TRAINS. II 31 a in and 331 p m. from Hazleton, Lum ber \ urd, Jeddo and Drilfou. and Eastom*' 0 " 1 " uzleto "' P"aolphia am p 111 from Pottsvillo and Dolano. Agents! lnforumtlon Inquire of Ticket C. 0. HANCOCK, Gen. Pass. Agt. I'hiladelphia, Pa. A. W. NONNEMACHEH, Ass't (J. P. A. South Bethlehem, Pa. A. W, WA^HBUHN, Builder of Light and Heavy Wagons. REPAIRING DF EVERY DESCRIPTION PINE AND JOHNSON STS., FItEKLAND. Hardware, Paints, Oils, Miners' Supplies. mSfV"! d " wo l' to u '>' ,ji| o"' 1 got pi ices. \\ e have also a complete stock of SI'OHTINQ GOODS, including guns, am munition, fishing tackle, etc. C, D. P.OH REACH, - - - SX.SO - - L Ering "Ycci tlie :F - r ~ - a, - - Tear. WEIOER & 2~ANG~ TN S I O vm* will In* dime tip in tlie latest styles at a very moderate price. < )uraim Is to satisfy and WE ASK FOlt A THIAL. Repairing Promptly Executed. STAHL & CO., agents for Lebanon Brewing Co. Finest and Best lleer in the Country. Satisfaction GU Alt A NTEED. Parties wishing to try this excellent beer will please cull on Stalil & Co., 137 Centre Street. J. P. MCDONALD, Corner of Smith and Centre Streets, lias tlie most complete stock of FURNITURE, ('AIIPETS, LADIES' and GENTS' DltY GOODS, FINE FOOTWEAR, Etc. In Freclnnd. PRICES ARE BOUND TO PLEASE. IkTBIS One of the best located properties on Centre street, Five Points, is offered at a sacrifice. Any person de siring to make a paying in vestment should investigate this. .... L"?'"' "••"-'""lit two-story liulldlng, 33x44 feet, containing a dwelling and back kltelien, aI no a storeroom, 33x18 feet. A good Htublc, 14x18 feet, is on rear of lot. The owner has good rea sons for wishing to dispose of the property, and the purchaser will he given easy terms For further infer mation 1 APPLY AT THE TRIBUNE OFFICE. MYV YORK CLOTHIERS' SI'RIKG OREJNIJNG. SV7 ana most complete line cf SPRING AND MVI/.'l™/ D 3 fo " u - :rici tlxis region, consisting- cf FIND in I AXC I- CHFA 'I°TS> NEW ■ SPRING CHECKS, FANCY STRIPE, in claclc ana msimm colors. SUITS TO ORDER from - - - $12.00 UP. PANTALOONS from 3.50 LTp. IXTE-W -5T01532r CXJOTJEIIEISS, u ACOBS & IBAA3AAASCTT, 37 OZaTTTJRTJ ST. GREAT BARGAINS IN Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions, Notions, Ray Carpet, Hoots and Shoes, Flour and Feed, 1 Vood and Tin and Qucenswave, Willowware, Tobacco ' Table and Floor Cigars, Oil Cloth, Etc., Etc. A celebrated brand of XX Hour always in stock. Fresh Roll Butter and Fresh Fggs a Specialty. My motto Is small protlts and quick sales. 1 always have fresh goods and am turning my stock every month. Therefore every article is guaranteed. AMANDUS OSWALD, N "' ?'muil\ln.l''£ront Streets, lA'eeLmd. DePIERRO - EROS. = CAFE.= CORNER OF CENTRE AND FRONT STREETS, Freeland, Pa. Fin'est Whiskies in Stock. Gibson. Dougherty, Kmifor Cluli, Ilosonblutli's Velvet, of wliich we have Exclusive Sale In Town. Mumm's 1-lxtra Dry Clmmpairnc, Hcnnessy Brandy, lllaokberry, tllns. Wines, Clarets, Cordials, Etc. Imported mid Domestic Ciyurs OYSTERS !N EVERY STYLE. Families supplied at short notice. Ham and Schweitzer Cheese Sandwiches, Sardines, Etc. MEALS - AT - ALL - HOURS. Ballontiao and Iluzletou beer on tap. Baths, Hot or Cold, 25 Cents. HARNESS &ND HORSE GOODS of every description. We can furnish you with goods that will please the eye, and he of such quality that lliey cannot be surpassed, at THE LOWEST PRICES OBTAINABLE. " I wish I had one." GEO. WISE, No. 35 Centre Street, Freeland. Also Jeddo, Pa. -$1.50 PER YEAR. JOHN D. IIAYES, Attorney-at-Law and Notary Public. Legal business of all kinds promptly attended lioom 3, 2d Floor, Birkbcck Brick. M. HALPIN, Manufacturer of Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, &c. Cor. Walnut and Pino Streets, Freeland. £HIAS. OEION STROH, Attorney and Counselor at Law, AND Justice of the Peace. Office Knoms No. 31 Centre Street, Freeland. LIBOR WINTER, IBlipi & DYSTEH SAUDI. No. 13 Front Street, Freeland. t3?/~Tho finest liquor and cigars on sale, h resh beer always on tap. COTTAGE HOTEL, Main and Washington Streets. OWEKT MOTEE, PROPRIETOR. flood accommodation and attention given to permanent and transient guests. Well-stocked Mar and flue pool and billiard room. Free bus to and from all trains. 5>- STABLING ATTACHED. G. B. Payson, D. D, S., I> iif FREELAND, IA. Located permanently in Birkbcck's building, allTmiSof donUstrF 0 '" 1 attC " Uun " uld to Painless Extraction. All work (ruarantecd. Office hours: 8 to 12 A. M.j Itos P. M.s r !l P. M. CONDY 0. BOYLE, dealer in Liquors, Wine, Beer, Etc. The llnest brands of domestic and imported whiskey on sale at his new Cv and handsome saloon. Fresh Koches- iSi tor and Uallentino beer and Veuzur ling's porter on tap. Centre - Street, - Five - Points. rl. Goepperl, proprietor of the Washington House, 11 Walnut Street, above Ctentre. f~,best of whiskies, wines, gin cigars, etc. Cull in when in that part of the town. Fresli Beer and Porter on Tap. FRANCIS BRENNAN, Restaurant. 151 South Centre Street, Freeland. (Near the L. V. It. It. depot.) I CHOICEST— LIQUOR, BEER, ALE, PORTER BEST GIGARS AND -ON TAP. TEMPERANCE DRINK. WM. WEIIRMANN, German - Watchmaker. Centre Street, Five Points, Freeland. WATCHES AND CLOCKS FOR SALE. ltcpniring of every description promptly at tended to and guaranteed. Gold and silver plating. The Delaware, Susquehanna and Schuylkill R. R, Co. PASSENGER TRAIN TIME TABLE. Taking Effect, September 15,1892. Eastward. STATIONS. Westward. p.m. p.m. a.m. a . m , a-m p m 4 isniinavni Sheppton 740 1020 349 L) 5121 24 805 Oneida J.jl j" Jjj 5 43 nail Sam , i uml)ol<l . t Road 7To 950 824 ?!?- !19 liT.', H'UWtaid ltoad 707 947 321 i , 141 B,lu Onekla Junetlon 700 940 3 16 itim Roan j?j& B. Meadow ltoad 0 28 9 Y** Stockton .let. 019 .M Eckley .1 unction 0 10 Drifton 0 00 GEO. CHESTNUTT The SIK >emaker, SELLS BOOTS -A-asrx) SHOES —at— VERY LOW PRICES.' and whatever goods he guarantee" can be S lied noon. Repairing and eostom work a ape. hlu ilo'.i-e 'v 1 ? V.I TLLU ,T°otwcar line is In his stoic. Also novelties of every doscrlptlou. 93 Centre street, Freeland.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers