FREELAND TRIBUNE. VOL. V. No. 63. HIGHLAND TERRORIZED. ANOTHER ROBBERY AND ATTEMPTED • MURDER REPORTED. Two Peaceable Hungarians Attacked by a Gang: of Six Men—One Escapes, but the Other Is Kohbed, Slashed With a Knife and Shot. Robbery by an unknown gang of I thugs has occurred so often during the past month on the road leading from Freeland to Highland that no surprise is occasioned when a new victim reports his case, but the latest assault brings with it a deliberate attempt to murder and has aroused excitement in Highland to a great extent. The highwaymen on Sunday evening gave special attention to their costumes before coming in contact with their victims, as they were disguised in such a manner that their most intimate friends , would fail to recognize them. It was thus they waylaid Mike Selensky, who, with Joe Maydoz, his boarding boss, was re turning from Freeland, where they had been atceiulmga mi etingof St. Michael's Greek Society in the afternoon. It was ab >ut 7.30 o'clock when the two men started home, and after passing the small creek that crosses the road they met six men coming toward Freeland. One of the party said, "Hello, Yonko, gives us a chew." When they stopped two of the men seized Maydoz by the arms and after shaking him some, one struck him a blow on the neck, knocking him down. Realizing his danger he was on his feet in an instant and ran to Highland with all possible speed. The gang then turned its attention to Selynsky, who bad failed to get away, and a desperate struggle ensued. One of the party used a knife on the poor Hungarian, and slushed him terribly about the head and wrist. The first linger of the right hand was nearly sev ered, but still he fought them off suc cessfully. As a last resort another of the thugs drew a revolver ami shot at hitn. The bullet entered the jaw about a half inch from, and opposite the centre of the right ear. lie fell to the ground but did become unconscious, as lie re members distinctly how they went through every pocket. He had a little over S2O with him, and this was given to one of the gang, who seemed to be the leader. After making sure he had no other valuables they gave a whistle, and two more men came from the brush near the railroad nestling. One of these gave Selensky a few kicks in the ribs and all disappeared. Upon reaching Highland Maydoz sum moned four of his countrymen and they returned to the scene of the robbery, half an hou later. Finding Selensky stili there and in averv precarious con dition they came to Freeland and pro cured a sleigh at O'Dunnell's livery and took him to his boarding house. On Tuesday Selensky was taken to Jedilo, where the bullet was probed for by Dr. Ivolb. It could not be found, but another attempt to locate it will be made tomorrow. If the doctor fails again the probabilities are that it will be left undisturbed. Selensky has been a resident of High land for four years. He is intelligent, speaks good English and is known as a peace • hie Hungarian who minds his own business. His injuries are not re garded as serious at present, and there is no danger unless the bullet may cause trouble at some future time. Neither lie nor Maydoz have any idea who their assailants are, but it is a certain fact that the next gang who attacks any of the Highland Hungarians will meet with a reception of cold lead. In conversation with a Tin iti'"nk reporter on Tuesday they stated they will protect themselves in that manner, since the authorities have failed to do do their duty in tlifc matter. 1 HIGHLAND DOTS. A sleighing party of twentw-five couples will leave here on Friday night for Ed. Henry's In Conyngham valley. They will have an orchestra and every thing necessary along to make it enjoy able. John McMenainin was in Wilkes- Barre on business last week. The literary society which was estab lished here some tiuie ago is not a thing of the past as many suppose. It is said that some of our Republican neighbors are not at all pleased with the political aspect. A Hungarian wedding took place here on Saturday. As usual, they had a splendid time. J. J. Gillespie, of Freeland, was here doing business the fore part of the week. Willianfr Sehultz, of Sandy Run, was here among friends on Monday. It is reported thai No. 3 slope will be abandoned shortly and the men will be I transferred to No. 2 slope. Miss Mary Paul returned to her home ! in Hazleton on Sunday. Mrs. Mary Zeisloft spent Sunday here j * among friends. v\ illiain Kellar was on the sick list last week. John Murrin received, a severe at tack of cramps while at work here on Friday, and is now lying at the residence of his brother Michael. For a few days his life was despaired of, but at last ac count 1 e was slowly improving. Several of our citizens have been in terviewed by highwaymen recently. The residents of this place are thinking of hiring a few detectives to see if they can locate th whereabouts of the coal and iron police. As groundhog day is close at hand it is expected they will come out to see their shadow, and if they do they will surely be caught. SANDY RUN HAPPENINGS. Miss Mary Shovlin, who until recently re.-ided here, and James Garlin, opera tor at Silver Brook Junction, were mar ried on I net-day at Mt. Carmel. During their honeymoon they will visit Niagra -A Falls, Chicago and other points of inter est in the West. The Heavenly Recruits held a meet ing at Sandy Valley Tuesday night and at Sandy Run last night. A great many of the people here are afraid to travel to and from Freeland af ter night, on account of so many being attacked on Highland road. John Hill is able to be around again, after being laid up nine weeks with a broken arm. Walter Koons, of Sandy Valley, had his hands frozen so badly that it is be lieved he will lose some of his fingers. The fair at Eckley receives good sup port from our townspeople. It will be open again on Saturday evening. Hugh Conaghan attended a birthday party at Upper Lehigh on Saturday evening and reports having a very good time. The funeral of John Dragnovsky, who was caught between cars and killed on Monday, took place yesterday. Inter ment was made at the Greek Catholic cemetery of Freeland. A sleighing party of about twenty young men will leave here on Saturday evening to attend the phonograph con cert at Freeland. A sleighing party is the whole topic of conversation among the young men here. Michael Keating, of Weatherly, spent Sunday with friends in town. | Stephen Lindsay had two of his toes mashed while trimming timber in No. 5 slope. C. L. Hoover, of Midvalley, has ac cepted a position as mine foreman here. The teachers of the public schools here, Geo. T. Brown and Miss E. P. Stewart,will give their pupils a sleigh ride to the Mt. Scenery hotel on Satur day. RAMBLER. Kidnapped 11 is Little Son. Great excitement was caused at Wilkes-Barre by the bold kidnapping of 11-year-old Wille Heyer, son of Mrs. Oscar Heyer, by the boy's father, who has been living in New York. Mr. and Mrs. Heyer for several years conducted a large jewelry establishment in that city, and moved in good society. About six months ago Mr. Ileyer startled the community by eloping with a young servant girl employed by the family. Mrs. Heyer retained the busi ness and lias since been conducting it. The boy, who is an unusually bright little fellow, left his home Tuesday morning to go to school, but he never reached there. Not returning home at noon his mother went to the school anil found the child had not been there. *die at once concluded that her husband had done as he often threatened. A friend of the family had seen Heyer and the boy going up the street about 9 o'clock. The little fellow was crying bitterly. The detectives so far have been unable to find any other trace of the father and the child, but are con vinced they have not left the city. Liquor License Applications. Fifty-one saloon keepers in this county have come to the conclusion that they will go out of the liquor business or try their hand at selling without a license. This is all that can be inferred from the number of applications filed this year, which is 991; 894 for retailers, 50 wholesalers, 41 bottlers and 6 brewers. The total number of applications last year was 1042. Iu Foster township Peter Timony, of the Points, is the only applicant for a bottler's license. In Freeland there are six applicants for bottler's license: John Dusheck, 28 Main street; Patrick Dough erty, 27 Walunt street; Fred Horlacher, Ridge street; Michael Kleitz; East Main street, and Czarro Lucca, Washington street. The applicants for wholesale license in Foster are Chas. Moerschbacher, 57 Washington street, Freeland, and A. Rudewick, South Heberton. In Free land borough there are also twoappli cants, Patrick Burke, 49 Walnut street, and C'has. Dusheck, 32 Washington street. The Tigers Hull. The Tigers ball on Monday evening was just as expected—one of the best held here this season. Nearly a dozen large sleighing parties were present from the South Side, and Hazleton fur nished over thirty couples more. The opera house was decorated very prettily, and all who attended seemed to enjoy themselves very much. The grand march was led by Master of Cermonies James Ilerron and Miss Maggie Timney. The committee in charge of the ball extends thanks to the St. Patrick's cor net band for its attendance, to the young ladies who assisted at the stands, to the public for its generous patronage and the business men for the flags, bunting, I etc., loaned the club. PLEASURE CALENDAR. January 2G—Tea party and oyster sup per, under the auspices of Owena Council, No. 47, Degree of Pocohontas, at Cottage hotel hall. Tickets, 25 cents, j January 27—Eighth annual ball of Free land Citizens' Hose Company, at Free- I land opera house. Admissson, 50cents. January 28—Phonographic exhibition, by Prof. Lyman Howe, at Freeland opera house. Admission, 25 and 35 | cents. ! January 31 —Entertainment by Ella June Meade, vocaliHt, and Lu 15. Cake, humorist, of New York city, at Free: land opera house. Admission, 15, 25 and 35 cents. February 3—Third annual ball of the Fearnots Athletic Association, at Free land opera house. Ad mission, 50 cents. , February 4—"Cauglit Again," by Free land Juvenile Dramatic Company, at •Freeland opera house. Admission, 5 and 10 cents.. February 11—Ball for the benefit of St. Kasimer's congregation, at Freeland opera house. Admission, 50 cents. February 14—Variety entertainment un der the auspices of St. Patrick's cornet hand, at Freeland opera house. Ad- I mission, 25 cents. FREELAND, LUZERNE COUNTY, PA., JANUARY 26, 1893. REPUBLICAN TICKET. , The Convention Held at. the Opera House Last Evening. I The borough Republicans held their I convention in the opera house last night, I and with the exception of two vacancies nominated a full ticket. The conven tion was called to order by John M. Powell, who was elected permanent chairman, and Jos. Neuburger was elected secretary. George Shick, Frank DePierroand Adam Sachs were chosen tellers. John M. Powell had no opposition for burgess and was chosen unanimously. Jos. Neuburper and Thomas Moore were nominated for councilmen by acclamation. There were four candidates for school director, Robert Bell, A. B. Welch, Harry Jones and Stephen Page. The vote was: Welch * 23 Bell 7 17 Jones 15 Page 7 Welch and Bell were declared the nominees. Frank Fairchilds was nominated for tax collector without opposition. The office of constable was left vacant. There were four aspirants for auditor, George Shick, Samuel Van horn, Harry Jones and Philip Geritz. The vote was: Geritz 17 Jones 13 Van horn 10 Shick 7 Geritz and Jones received the nomina tion. For judge of election Samuel Vanhorn was unanimously chosen. Salvatore DePierro was nominated for inspector of election. The office of high constable was left vacant. The following is the ticket: Burgess—John M. Powell. Councilmen—Jos. Neuburger, Thomas Moore. School directors—A. B. Welch, Robert Bell. Tax collector—Frank Fairchilds. Constable—Vacant. Auditors—Philip Geritz, Harry Jones. Judge of election—Samuel Vanhorn. Inspector of election—Salvatore De- Pierro. High constable—Vacant. The convention indorsed the nominees for poor director and auditor, after which it adjourned. A Cruel Mother. One of the most heartless cases of cruelty to children came to us from West Hazleton yesterday, says the Stan dard. It is that of a widow who has two children, one of whom is 8 years, und the other 6 years of age. The oldest of these children is a boy, and is suffer ing from a running sore, the result of a break last summer. During the cold spell of last week, this heartless mother went out, locking the children in the house with nothing to eat, and no fire. .Several of the neighbors becoming alarmed entered the house and found the little ones huddled in a corner, al most frozen. They picked them up and removed them to their homes where they were made comfortable and given something to eat. The next morning when the mother made her appearance, she was at once arrested, charged with cruelty to chil dren. She was given a hearing before Squire Jones. The prosecutors desired to have the chidren removed to the Laurytown almshouse and the mother prosecuted to the full extent of the law, but the squire claimed he had no juris diction in the matter and the case was settled by the woman paying the costs, and guaranteeing to take better care of her offspring in the future. Nflw Systems Needed, "The movement on the jiart of the house of representatives looking to the investigation of the business methods of the exocutivo departments," said a gov ernment official the other evening, "i 9 a move in the right direction. If the com mission proposed were wholly outside of the house of representatives it would be better, for two years is entirely too short a time, when the necessary legitimate duties of a member of congress are con sidered, to look into this matter thor oughly and in which to formulate a remedy. The business of the United States is perhaps the most clumsily and expensively managed of any other busi ness in the world. This is mainly be cause it is a growth and because it is be ing shifted to new and irresponsible shoulders every now and then. Obso lete and complicated systems of book keeping that were perhaps all right fifty years ago are retained, though the coun try has doubled and the country's busi ness tripled. It has invariably been the policy of government bureaus to mag nify their own business and of every petty chief to increase his own duties. This tendency runs all through the de partmental service and the result has been to make a Chinese puzzle of the en tire service. "The whole thing should be looked into in a thorough manner and a new system devised. It should be simplified, and the rules of modern business life applied to governmental affairs. Why, don't you know nobody knows how the treas ury department stands? No two financial experts can understand the treasury sys tem of bookkeeping. The monthly debt statement defies even the professional statisticians, and as for the method of transacting any kind of government j business, it is so ridiculously complicated I that the only thing that can be said for it is that it furnishes proportionately to deßired results more places for salaried officials than any other system ever de vised. The whole thing needs revision, but is this to be accomplished in two years?"— New York Herald. Subscribe for the TRIBUNE. Trouble Over an Oyster Stew. Fred Dougherty, who gave Wilkes i Barre as his residence, came to town i yesterday, and during the afternoon | called at DePierro Bros, cafe for an oys ter stew. After his order was served j the proprietors of the cafe state that ho I picked out and ate the oysters, then | gathered all the vinegar, catchup, salt, j pepper, etc., that lie c<uld find around I the tables. He mixed up the whole | business in his bowl, but as it was not a : very palatial dish he demanded another ! stew. He was intoxicated at the time, and not wishing to have anything further to do with him Frank DePierro offered to return him the price of the stew. This would not satisfy him; he wanted satis faction or a stew, lie was then ejected from the cafe. Upon reaching the street Dougherty began raising a disturbance in his efforts to gain admittance to the restaurant, and Burgess Gallagher and Officer McLaugh lin found it necessary to take him to the j cooler, where he remained until 9 o'clock, j when he was given a hearing. As the man was intoxicated when the trouble began DePierro Bros, did not wish to make any charges against him for the threats, so he was fined only $4.50 for violating the borough ordin ances. Dougherty was formerly a resi dent of this place, but he says it is six years since he was here, during which time he has traveled considerable tlirough the West. lie stated that he would give Freeland a wide berth for 1 the future. The Electric Road. The appearance of the Union Passen ger Railway Company in the field has stirred up the officials of the Hazleton and North Side Company, and the latter began on Tuesday to deliver material for the construction of the road on this side. Two carloads of rails are at the Free land station, and a number of sills for the roadbed have arrived. A represen tative of the company states it is their intention to begin work immediately over the portions where they have se cured the right of way. This would bring the road to the borough limits. A special meeting of council will be held tomorrow evening, when it is ex pected that the North Side and Uuion Companies will be represented again to ask for the right of way in the borough. Constable Gallagher Arrested. Constable Dennis J. Gallagher, of \\ ilkes-Barre, was arrested on Tuesday on a warrant sworn out by a Polish edi tor whom Gallagher some time ago cap tured in Pittsburg and brought here for trial. The editor, it appears, had writ ten a libelous article against Rev. J. I. Jaskowitz, of Hazleton, who swore out a warrant for his arrest. The editor claims that Gallagher rail roaded him out of Pittsburg without the formality of a hearing and a detective from that town arrived in Wilkes-Barre with a warrant for the constable's arrest. Gallagher gave bail for a hearing next morning, wnen the validity of the war rant was passed upon by Judge Rice, who decided that he must go to Al legheny county, where the arrest was made, und give bail there. Preparing for an Eisteddfod. Delegates of all the Welsh churches of the Wyoming valley met in Wilkes- Barre on Tuesday and made the final arrangements for a musical festival, which is to be held the latter part of April. A programme of music will be selected from the latest composers and a choir of 000 or 700 will take part under the lead ership of 8. M. Williams, of Wilkes- Barre. The object is to improve congre gational singing. Firemen's Hall. Tomorrow evening the Citizens' Hose Company will holds its eighth annual ball at the opera house, and all who have at- I tended any of the previous balls given by Freeland's firemen know that an other pleasant evening is coming. The organization is worthy of the pat tronage of every resident of the town, and even those who cannot attend should not fail to purchase at least one ticket. DePierro's orchestra will be present to entertain those who dance. A Change in Express Com panic*. A special car containing officials of the Adams and United States Express Com panies aJrived here yesterday, and after settling up their accounts the former company discontinued its branch here, j The United States officials then step-1 ped in and opened its office. Station Agent James McHugh, who was agent! for the Adams, was appointed to the j same position by the United States Com- | pany. Shot at Ebervale. Thomas Brown and Rufus Robinson, two employes of the Je ldo Tunnel Com pany, doing work at Ebervale, began quarreling on Monday while shooting erap. After many words they came to blows when Brown pulled a revolver and shot Robinson in the abdomen. He is in the Hazleton hospital and Brown escaped. Will Attend the Concert. The Freeland Glee Club and the P. 0. S. of A. cornet hand will take part in the concert on Saturday evening at the opera house. The phonograph will re produce exactly the same music made by the Glee Club and hand. Come and hear it, as this is the last appearance in Freeland of this most wonderful invention. When Baby was sick, wo gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. PARAGRAPHS GATHERED FROM ALL PARTS OF THE REGION. Little Ones of Interest About People You Know and Things You Wish to Hear About—What the Folks of This and Other Towns Are Doing. Firemen's ball at the opera house to morrow evening. The bonds for a county loan of $75,000 will he sold on February 1. The wonderful phonograph will be at the opera house on Saturday evening. % The pension of Soloman Bachert, of Chestnut eUeet, has been increased from $8 to sl2 per month. George Fisher will open a meat market in Joseph Neuburger'u buiding on Wal nut street on April 1. Tickets for the phonographic concert are selling rapidly. Secure yours in time. For sale at Faas' store. 35 cents. Since the first of this month more sleighing parties have came to Freeland than duriug any previous winter. A marriage license has been granted at Wilkes-Barre to James Moore and Miss Ann Gallagher, both of Freeland. The Democratic nominees for poor di rector and poor auditor were endorsed by the borough Democrats on Saturday eyening. Eugene L. Manashewitz, a Wilkes- Barre photographer, lias appealed to the court for permission to legally shorten his name to Eugene L. Man. Rev. X. J. McManus, of Green Ridge, Pa., has resigned the office of spiritual j director in the Catholic Total Abstinence ( Union in the diocese of Scranton. B. Burgunder and T. M. Conniff were j appointed prison commissioners yester day. It is thought that Warden Haines will now he succeeded by a Democrat. Michael J. Brislin, of West Hazleton, has been appointed teacher at Woodside school, vice Frank Dever, resigned. Mr. Brislin will take charge on February 1. Ilazle township Democratic delegate elections will be held on Saturday even ing, and the convention will he at Ilazle Mines schoolhouse on Tuesday after noon. Jos. P. McDonald, Democratic candi date for pour director, has visited a num ber of towns in the district, and has re- I ceived much encouragement in his canvass. New cylinders will be need at the phonographic entertainmentatthe opera j house on Saturday evening. It is aome [ thing no one should miss. Reserved : seat tickets on s lie at Faas' store. The tea party and oyster supper given at the Cottage hall last evening by Owena Council, Degree of Pocohontas, was well attended. It will be open again this evening. The ticketß are 25 cents each. A new set of Columbian stamps costs 516.2 G. They comprise a 1 cent, 2 cent, 3 cent, 4 cent, 5 cent, G cent, 10, cent, 15 cent, 30 cent, 50 cent, sl, $2, $3, $4 and $5 stamps. They are in demand by stamp collectors. Representative Jeffrey on Monday in troduced a bill in the house to provide for the creation of new counties. If passed it would pave the way for the formation of the new county that some Hazleton politicians want. The funeral of Frank Brennan, the young man who died at the Points on Sunday, was largely attended yesterday. Rev. M. J. Fallihee preached a very impressive sermon over the remains during the requiem mass. While crossing a railroad track on his way to work yesterday, Patrick Fitz gerald, of Jeanesville, was struck by a coal car, and died from his injuries last night. Two other men were also hurt at the same time by the car. The fair at St. Ann's church will he open on Saturday evening, when a num ber of articles will he chanced off. St. Gabriel's band of Hazleton will he present to enliven the occasson, and on Wednesday evening of next week the P. O. S. of A. band will attend. F esh butter and eggs at Oswald's every day. You are invited to call at his new store. Horse blnnkets and buffalo robes sold at cost at Wiße's harness stores, Free land and Jeddo. B. F. Davis sells the renowned Wash burne brand of flour. It excels every thing in the market. Try it. Two pairs of handy hob-sleds for sale; also two sets of patent sted-runners for under wagons. Apply at A. W. Wash burn's shops, Freeland. Watches, clocks, etc., in great variety and at low prices. Sulphured jewelry in pretty designs. Immense assortment of musical instruments. R. E. Meyers. Miss Gerda Olsho, graduate of the Richmond, Va., Musical Conservatory, will give instructions on piano or organ. Terms, popular. Apply 79 Centre street. "Quick sales and small profits" is Philip Gertiz's business motto. He has always the largest and best nssorted stock of watches, clocks, rings and jewel ry of all kinds. Sulphered jewelry a speciality. Two furnished rooms for rent, on Centre street; suitable for professional man, dressmaker, etc.; has been used as a dentist's office; also dwelling attached, witli seven rooms. Rent moderate. Apply at this office. The name of N. H. Downs' still lives, although lie has been dead many years. His Elixir for the cure of coughs and colds has already outlived him a qutrter of a century, and is still growing in fa vor with the public. Sold by Dr. Sc'iil cher. Great Closing- Out Sale of Winter G-oocis. Overcoats at Half Price. Men'B Chinchilla Ulsters, $3.90: former price, SB.OO. Men's good strong pantaloons, 79 cts; former price, $1.50. A few men's suits left at 3.90; former price, $6.00. Good heavy merino shirts and drawers, 31 cents each; lormer price, 50 cents. Red flannel shirts and drawers, 79 cents each; former price, SI.OO. Fine camel hair shirts, 69 cents; former price, SI.OO. All-wool oversliirts, 4!) cts; for mer price, 75 cents. Canton flannel shirts and draw ers, 24 cents; former price, 50 cents. Boys' woolen mits, 21 cents per jiair; former price 35 cents. Same ISed. Taction, on all T7x7"inter Grood.s. P'ine Tailoring Our Specialty. i Suits to order, $13.00 up. j Pants to order, $4.00 up. Jacobs & Barasch, 37 Centre Street, Freeland. STAHL & CO., agents for Lebanon Brewing Co. I Finest and Best Beer in the Country. Satisfaction GUARANTEED. Parties wishing to try this excellent beer will please call on Stahl & Co., 137 Centre Street. A. W. WASHBURN, Builder of Light and Heavy Wagons. REPAIRING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. PINK AND JOHNSON STS.. FHEKLAND. GUNS AND AMMUNITION at C. D. Rohrbach's, Centre Street, Five Points, Freeland. Hunters and sportsmen will find an ele gant stock of fine tire-arms here. Get our prices and examine our new breech-load ers. Also all kinds of Hardware, Paints, tills, Mine Supplies. DePIERRO - BROS. = CAFE.= CORNER OF CENTRE AND FRONT STREETS, Freeland, Pa. Finest Whiskies in Stock. Gibson, Dougherty, Kaufer Club, Kosenbluth's Velvet, of which we have Exclusive Sale In Town. Mumm's Extra Dry Champagne, Heunessy Brandy, Blackberry, Gins, Wines, Clarets, Cordials, Etc. Imported and Domestic Cigars. OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE. Families supplied ut short notice. Ham and Schweitzer Cheese Sandwiches, Sardines, Etc. MEALS - AT - ALL - HOURS. Ballentine and Hazleton beer on tap. Baths, Hot or Cold, 25 Cents. Miasm: Centre and South Streets. Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Notions, Furniture, Carpets, Etc. Go to any store in the region, got their prices upon she same uuaWy of goods, and t hen come to us and you will be surprised to see how much money you can save by placing your orders with us. SPECIAL ATTEN HON PAID TO FURNISHING HOUSES. We can fit out your residence cheaply, neatly and handsomely from kitchen to bedroom, and invite your attention to our great stock of fur niture, which will show you we are amply pre pared to fulfill this promise. OUR FOOTWEAR DEPARTMENT. Here we can suit you all. Old and young | will surely find what they want in boots, shoes, rubbers* etc., in this store. Good working boots and shoes at rock-bottom figures Fine ladies' i shoes are reduced in price. Men's and bovs' ! shoes are selling cheaper than ever. Don't miss the many bargains we offer you, and when in uecd of anything in our line call or send for prices. Respectfully, yours, J. P. MCDONALD. $1.50 PER YEAR. JOHN 1). HAYES, | Attorney-iit-Li'iw and Notary Public. ; Legal business of all kinds promptly attended. Room 3, 3d Floor, Ilirkbeck Itrick. ' HALPIN, Manufacturer cf Carriages. Buggies. V.'agcns, &c. Cor. Walnut ami Pino Streets, Freeland. QHAS. ORION STROH, Attorney and Counselor at Law, AND Justice of the Peace. Office Rooms No. 31 Centre Street, Freeland. LIBOR WINTER, IKests.'U.ra.n.t ANI) Oyster Salccrr. No. 13 Front Street, Freeland. The finest liquor and cigars on sale. Fresh beer always on tap. COTTAGE HOTEL, Main and Washington Streets. MATT - SIBGEB, PROPRIETOR. Good accommodation and attention given to permanent ami transient guests. Well-stocked bar aud tine pool and billiard room. Free bus to and from all trains. *r STABLING ATTACHED. G. B. Payson, D. D, S, I) m x T i s T. FREELAND, PA. Located permanently In Birkbeck's building, room 4, second floor, Spcciul attention paid to all branches of dentistry. Painless Extraction. All work guaranteed. Office hours: 8 to 12 A. M.; 1 too P. M.; 7 to 0 P. M. CONDY 0. BOYLE, dealer in Liquors, Wine, Beer, Etc. The finest brands of domestic and imported whiskey on sale at his new ifc and handsome saloon. Fresh Roches- dft ter and Rallentine beer and Yeung ling's porter on tap. Centre - Street, - Five - Points. d. Gocppert, proprietor of the Washington House, 11 Walnut Street, above Centre. The best of whiskies, wines, gin cigars, etc. Call in when in that purt of the town. Fresh Beer and Porter on Tap. FRANCIS BRENNAN, 151 South Centre Street, Freeland. (Near the L. V. R. R. Depot.) The bar is stocked with the choicest brands of Liquors, Beer, Porter, Ale, aud TEMPERANCE DRINK. The finest kind of CIGARS KEPT IN SOCK. The Delaware, Susquehanna and Schuylkill R. R. Co. PABBKNQEK Til,IN TIME TABLE. Taking KiTect, September 15, 18112. c . Eastward. STATIONS. Westward, p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. ii i it; r r>o Sheppton 7t01020 ato --wJS? If? Oneida L 173410 14 343 I, , a 12 1 34 S 05 A I 7 27 10 03 8 88 .:.t> 1.1. sis Humboldt Road 7 10 050 324 5 21) 1408 21 Hunvood Rnud 707 0473 21 5.1.) 147 sou Oneida Junction 700 040 3 15 .1 i 5 40 is ( 0 55 1.) 550 "'> Alllffi fd 11. Meadow Road 0 28 jjtfj Stockton Jet. 010 •'h- Eckley Junction 0 10 Driftou 000 A FAMILY DOCTOR lETcr $9.00 ! Perfect llonith within the reach of the poor est ! Av original discovery that electricity will cure disease by cunning ozone and oxygen to be transferred into the system. Safe! Simple! A I s.iliitHy fi l lai„! N. 11 .• a!in. in. n.. !• \ iff husever before been constructed or used that compares with it in usefulness for HOME TREATMENT. Diseases of horses and other animals are us quickly cured as those of persons. Such curtw better satisfy the public than yarth of tetimonial*. Good Agents Wanted In every community. Liberal commission to the right man or woman. D. B. ANDERSON & CO., 1341 Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA, Pa.
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