VOL. V. No. GO. NEWS OF THE SUBURBS. OUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENTS ► SEND IN BRIGHT LETTERS. The News of Upper Lehigh and Drif ton Done up in a Readable Manner for "Tribune" Patrons—An Exciting Runaway—Personals and Other Notes. Special and regular correspondence from the surrounding towns is solicited by the TRIBUNE. All writers will please send their names to this office with com munications intended for publication, in order that the editor may know from whom the correspondence comes. DRIFTON ITEMS. On Thursday Lewis Ottnar, a driver for Hon. E. B. Coxe, drove the latter gentleman to the vicinity of Freeland. from them and came dashing madly down the highway through town anil continued their course in the direction of Jeddo. About this time, John Boyle, a son of P. M. Boyle, a lad of about 14 years of age, was engaged arranging harness on a dog to pull his sled in his! father's yard, when the jingle of sleigh bells attracted his attention, and looking over the brow of the hill saw the team coming. Leaving his own hobby in the yard, in an instant he was on tlie road side and had caught hold of the flying cutter and struggled manfully until he he climed over the back of the sleigh p.nd was in possession of the reins. The mad race of the horses continued until they came in sight of the M. E. church, Jeddo, when the little hero brought them to a stop. Here he was met by one of Dr. Wentz's hands, who assisted fiim in turning and taking them back. Truly this is the kind of a hero that the Godess of Liberty is not ashamed to smile upon. William Hincer a freight conductor on the Jersey Central Railroad, has ac cepted a position as Manager of Loco motives and Traveling Engineer on the I). S. & S. He entered on his duties last week. Mr. has ben employed for many years on the Central's Drifton branch, and of late years has had al most exclusive control of the trains on this section. The shop hands here are.still working nine hours per day. The employes were paid here on Fri day. Some it made smile and others it made sad. Frank Gallagher, a lad about 14 years of age, came home from work one even ing last week and being cold sat beside the stove. His mother attempted to lift a wash boiler of water off the stove when one ol the handles broke and the . scalding water burned one of the boy's feet badly. One of the engines that has been used as a shifter at Milnesville was brought here on Friday and is now doing service gn the D. 8. & S. Several new locomotives, it is said, will be added to the rolling stock of the I). S. & S. in the near future, aR the -■ traffic is entirely too heavy for the loco- j motive power now in use. The calendar fiend resides here with- i out a doubt. One young man is said to have a collection of thirty-two which he takes great pride in showing to his friends. A six-year old daughter of John Bren nan died on Sunday morning. It will be buried tomorrow afternoon. Some of the young people are talking of having a sleighing party. Many of the citizens here are of the opinion that some action should be taken in respect to the old school house. Since it was strained so badly by the cavein ' some time ago it is not in good condition. The delegate election for township I offices will be held next Saturday. Then look out for music. For the past week the residents have been considerably annoyed by frozen hydrants. Elliott Oberrender, of Drifton, dined here with his uncle J. I'. Oberrender, Wednesday lust.— Ashley Bulletin. The I). S. & S. employes will be paid ! today. It pleased the residents of this place very much to see the announcement in the TRIBUNE that we are T< have anelee trie railway. This should have been | years ago. John Edmunds, a miner in No. 2 slope, had a foot seriously injured on Friday by having a pick run through it. j UPPER LEHIGH NOTES. In the lecture room of the Presbyterian church on Wednesday evening an enter tainment will be given by Ralph Bing ham, the noted elocutionist, assisted by his sister Ruth. These two distinguish- artists have a world-wide reputation or giving refined and interesting enter tainments, and they will draw exceed ingly well here. The affair will be held j under the auspices of the Young Peo- 1 pie's Society of Christian Endeavor. A number of the Turners are loudly lamenting their inability to go to St. Louis. One of them read in the papers the other day about the beer war in that city, and when they learned that four Bchooners could be had for a nickel their sorrow knew nc bounds. As they can not go 4o St. Louis, they are praying fervently for a beer war in Freeland. It is safe to predict that Conrad Brebm will be the next tax collector of Foster township and has hosts of friends, espe . cially in this place. A new engine house is nearly com pleted at old No. 3 slope. A number of inside hands are com plaining of things going very slow of late. * John Sweeney was laid up with a sore Ifand last week. % A short talk with the Grand Tarrier last week leads us to believe that the *club will soon be called together for business again. He said the Lyceum which was in existence here several years ago, was only a cloak thrown over j a few political jobbers, so as not to be detected defrauding honest citizens and : that now they were a thing of the past, j D. J. Boyle, Geo. McGeennd Erasmus were delegates to the township conven tion last week. Mrs. Whitney has been visiting friends i in Pottsville last week. S. S. Hoover went on a trip to Shamo kin on Saturday. Daniel J. Malloy, of Sugar Notch, is visiting at the residence of Mr. John Duddy. The residents of this place think it quite a distance to Freeland, but the boys of that place says it's not far. Some of our young ladies are also of that opinion. Mrs. P. W. Amon, of No. 3, has been on the sick list for the past week. Mrs. S. S. Hoover and family are enjoying a visit to friends in Heading. Street Hallway Company\s Application. A special meeting of the borough coun cil was held on Thursday evening, with all the members present. Harry E. Sweeney, of Drifton. representing the Union Passenger Railway Company, presented an application for authority to construct and operate a railway on Cen tre, Chestnut, Walnut, Front, Main and Washington streets. The application was accepted and held for further ad visement. It being understood that the Hazleton and North Side Electric Railway Com pany also intends to present an applica tion, the members instructed the secre tary to notify them to have it ready by this evening, when a meeting will be held to receive it. Mr. Sweeney also stated that the com pany he represents will also operate an electric plant here, and that permission will be asked of council in a short time to allow them to erect poles, wires etc., on the streets. A hill of Street Commissioner Boyle for $27 for labor last month was accept ed and ordered paid, and one from John Cunnius for $30.34 was laid over. Coxe ItroH. & Co. Object. A hill in equity has been filed by Coxe Bros, against Patrick Givens, tax collec tor for Foster township, says the News dealer. The plaintiffs claim that they are the owners of certain lands and prop erty in Foster township. For the year of 1892 the valuation of this property as filed by the assessor amounts to $121,- 905; in addition to the general road tx of 10 mills the supervisors have levied a tax of 3 mills which amounts in the case of Coxe Bros. & Co. to $305.92. This tax was levied to pay a debt said to he due the retiring supervisors. The auditors have not made their report for 1892 and whether the amount is due the retiring supervisors cannot be learned. Until the accounts of the retiring super visors can be Audited it is claimed that the extra tax levy is not warranted by law. The plaintiffs ask for an injunction to re-train the tax collector from collecting : this tax until the accounts are properly 1 audited. The attorney for the plaintus ' is A. 11. McClintock. One of the Neatest. The wonderful popularity attained by Hood's sarßaparilia calendar last year, will he repeated by Hood's household 1 calendar-almanac for 1893, just pub lished. A happier combination of calen dar and almanac, of beauty and utility, of art and advertising, has seldom been produced. The lovely picture of "The Young Discoverers" lithographed in many deli cate colors, will be welcome every where, while the pad is attractively printed in colors hut with sharp, plain figures. Copies may he obtained uf the druggists, or by sending six cents in stamps for one copy, or ten cents for two, to C. I. Hood it Co., Lowell, Mass. Wluit the Pennny May Get. An exchange says the total severance of the Central Railroad from the Read ing combine has led many railroad men to believe the rumor that the Pennsyl vania company will control the Lehigh it Susquehanna road. It is hardly probable, although if true it would make the Pennsylvania a for midable competitor of the Reading, and would give the former what it has long coveted—a direct line through the Le- , high Valley from Phillipsburg to Scran- , ton. A Poor Director Sick. Poor Director Samuel Harleman, who left Weatherlv to spend Christmas with ( hisdau liter, Mrs. Lenhardt, at Nome- , town, is not yet at hotne, according to the Weatherly Herald. While there he was taken sick and has not been a con- i , dition to return since. A gathering in the head, somewhat similar to his sickness last spring, is again the trouble. Last reports say he is in a critical condition. PLEASURE CALENDAR. January 21—Ball of Assembly No. 5, National Slavonian Society, at Freeland opera house. Admission, 25 cents. F January 23—Fourth annual hall of the Tigers Athletic Club, at Freeland opera house. Admission, 50 cents. January 25 and 20—Tea party and oyster j supper, under the auspices of Owena ; Council, No. 47, Degree of Pocohontas, ; at Cottage hotel hall. Tickets, 25 cents. January 27— Eighth annual hall of Free- j land Citizens' Hose Company, at Free- j land opera house. Admissson, 50cents. January 28— Phonographic exhibition, j by Prof. Lyman Howe, at Freeland ! opera house. Admission, 25 and 35 I ! February 3—Third annual hall of the 1 Fearnots Athletic Association, at. Free land opera house. Admission, 50 cents. February 4—"Caught Again," by Free land Juvenile Dramatic Company, at I Freeland opera house. Admission, I 5 and 10 cents. FREELAND, LUZE HAZLETON MEN SCARED. VERY MUCH EXCITED OVER FREE LAND'S ELECTRIC ROAD. The Union Company's Application flan Stirred l*p One of the "Paper" Com ' panics on the Other Side, and They Threatcn to Make a Dig Fight. The announcement of the TRIBUNE that there was some hopes of Freeland i having an electric road built was no sooner made than one of the Hazleton companies, known as the Hazleton ami North Side Company, had its representa tives over here predicting the wonderful things that they intend to do for the town. While there were no prospects of any other capitalists entering the electric railway business here nothing was heard of the Hazleton parties, but the moment some one announced that such a matter was under way in earnest, then our friends from Hazleton were ex ceedingly anxious to do anything and everything for Freeland people. The Hazleton company is one of two or three corporations controlled by sev eral persons interested in the Lehigh Valley Railroad. They have procured enough charters during the past year to cover the lower end of Luzerne county and part of Schuylkill with railroads, but so far all their tracks and work are visible only on paper. Since their organization these com panies have been regarded by not only the people of the North Side, but also by many persons in Hazleton, as creatures of the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, and to be used by the latter company in blockading all movements that might possibly draw any traffic from the rail road. Wheather this conclusion is correct or nut the TRIBUNE cannot say, but it is the opiuion of a great many people. Probably the Hazleton men are just as much in earnest as the Union Passen ger Company, and if they can prove that to the people of this side there is no question but that their propositions for right of way, etc., will receive all the consideration they merit. However, from the tone of the two articles which we produce below, it would seem they intend to claim everything from the start and want a monopoly of all privi leges that may be lying around. This, from the Plain Speaker , may throw some light on their intentions: The FREELAND TRIBUNE, a few days ago, published an article detailing at length the plans and specifications of an electric railway to l>e called the Union Passenger Company of Freeland, the object of which company would be to build un electric road from Freeland hav ing branches in every direction and reaching all the surrounding country. Although the charter has not yet been applied for, t his com pany claims to have secured the right of way from the supervisors of the various townships that the contemplated line will cover. The application for u charter is now being put in shupc for presentation to the state de partment, but it is very likely that it will not accomplish its object for the reason that the law granting street railway rights, as corpora tions, says: "No company shall be granted a charter to construct a street railway, on any street or highway on which any track is laid, or authorized to be laid under any existing charter," and as the Hazleton und North Side Electric Company's charter covers nearly all the points named in the Union Passenger Com pany's application, it is very clear that the stumbling block will be reached when the ap plication for a charter from the new compuny reaches the state department. A reporter of the Plain Speaker called on Mr. A. Markle, president of the Hazleton and North Side Electric Company, yesterday afternoon. Mr. Murkle was found in company with Mr. A. P. Klukcsicc, one of the charter members of the Hazleton and South Side Company. When asked by the reporter whether he had seen the article in the FREELAND TRIBUNE, Mr. Markle said that somebody hud called his attention to the article, und that as far as the Freeland peo ple building a railroad was concerned, ho could see no objection to it, but on the other hand was in favor of all the rapid transit we could get. "Hut us to the route laid out for the Un ion Passenger Company, that is another tiling. A greater part of the proposed route is covered by charters already granted to our compuny and in our possession; so you can readily un derstand that it is not plausible that a second charter will be granted covering the sumo ground." Mr. Markle said farther: "We have all our supplies bought und curs contracted lor, and have already commenced operations on the Hazleton line and expect to have cars running on at least part of it by the llrst of next may. Our company is composed of men from Hazle ton and vicinity, who have the interest of our city at heart, and we do not expect to make a fortune out of the road, and the object of build ing the road was more to benefit the city and enhance the value of property than to make a dividend paying Investment." From the above conversation It will be seen that the likelihood of the Union Passenger Company's charter being granted is not con firmed by the law ou the subject. That the granting of such a charter would be of benefit to Hazleton is a debatable question on which opinion is divided. The last sentence in the above article will furnish food for thought to every one interested in Freeland. That the granting of a charter to the Union Com pany would he of benefit to Hazleton is Lnot a yery debatable question, as that was not organized to advance Ilazleton's interest, as was its opponent. The fact ©f tin- Spt ih r bringing up this j question shows from what stand point the Hazleton company views an electric road on this side. If it can he worked so as to | push Hazleton ahead, then it is all right; i if it is for Freeland's interest, then they | will fight it. j The next is from the Sentinel , Mr. : Markle's paper, and may be regarded as | official. It studiously avoids any refer ence to the Union Company, hut goes on to state how zealously the North Side Company will work for Freeland's in ! terests: The nuuiugcra of the North Side Electric Railway are actively at work. Contracts have been made for all material and the cars wiil bo runniug in Freeland be- I fore the summer is over. I This company, composed as It Is, of local LINE COUNTY, PA., JANUARY 1(5, 1893. 1 capitalists of unquestioned financial standing and character, has determined to build the road with the distinct purpose of making it dc ixmdeut on Freelnnd and surrounding trade for protlt. In other words Freeland will bo the ' central point. The direct benefits to the town j can be plainly seen. The men at the head of this company have a : local reputation which they cannot afford to I imperil by failing to build the road or building ; it with the intention of unloading it. It is not ! a mere speculation and it is not and will not be controlled by outside speculators who have nothing to lose and everything to gain at tlio expense of the public. It is u permanent investment based upon the future of the region and the company can not recede from the contracts it has made. Its managers arc in themselves a guarantee of the purpose of the road which is to bo a tlior ooughly home institution and will be owned and controlled by people of the fourth legisla tive district. Furey's Groat Speech. Professor Furey, the erratic ex-school master of Freeland, pave a unique and diverting entertainment on the Wilkes- Barre square Saturday night to a large and enthusiastic audience. The speech which Furey delivered was noticeable, not so much for its continuity of thought and keen, logical reasoning, as for the extreme length of the words and the copious interlarding of classic quota tions. Raising his arm on high, he would ex claim dramatically: "Fellow citizens! the illimitable confines of this mundane sphere, whirling around through the etheric and circumambient atmosphere, does not contain a more indescribably truculent set of men than those who seek to represent hut misrepresent the great and sovereign people of this un- ; surpassable empire at Washington. "Well might the philosopher of old j exclaim as he sought with a lantern in daylight for an honest man: 'Quare j clausen f regit.' Or in the won Is of that wise and puissant impersonation of Re publican simplicity and honesty, whose! starred vest and stripped pantaloons are I the joy and admiration of the gay car toonist, E Pluribus Unum, et uos vie et ■ Whereat the crowd gaped in wonder, j shook their heads and came to the con clusion that Furey would be a great man • If he let grog alone. And lie would.— Exchange. Death of .Sister Mary Clare. Sister Mary Clare passed peacefully j away at St. Ann's convent at (i o'clock | yesterday morning, after lingering many | months with consumption. Iler secular ; name was Miss Anna Britt, and she was 30 years of age. She entered a Sister of ! Mercy convent at Philadelphia, and from there went to Hazlcton in 18S3. Upon the opening of St. Ann's convent in 1880 she came here with several I others, and has resided here since, ex cepting a short period lust year, when she was at Hazleton. While there the | sisters were compelled to leave their j I residence, owing to the squeeze in the j : mines, and at that time Sister (dare con ! traded a severe cold and has suffered since from nervousn -ss. The remains will be taken to St. ' i | Joseph's convent, Ilazh ton, this after- ' i noon, and at 0 o'clock tomorrow morn-1 | ing a solemn high mass will he read at: St. Gabriel's church. The interment j will be made at Hazleton cemetery. Suit for Duiitutfe.H Compromised. About seven years ago Thomas Den- ■ , nenny, of Eckley, was killed by a gas I explosion in No. 2 slope at that place, i It was apparent to all that the accident, 1 ' resulted from carelessness on the part of I ! the operators, John S. \VentJE& Co., who : were the lessees of Eckley collieries at j that tone. j Mrs. Sarah M. Dennenny, the wife of j I the deceased, entered suit some time afterward for SIO,OOO damages. The ease had been continued and postponed j | several times, anil never came to trial, i | The company undoubtedly knew that ; everything was in the widow's favor, : and last week a compromise was effect-1 J ed by paying her $5,000 to discontinue I j the suit. Mrs. Dennenny is at present | residing on Washington street, Freeland, i and is employed us primary teacher at , : iV oodside school. Her numerous friends I are pleased to learn of the successful ter- . iniiiation of the case. Political News, j The Republicans of the borough will | meet on the second floor of the opera ; house on Monday evening, January 23, to nominate their candidates, j Freeland Democrats meet next Satur-! i day evening at Cottage hall, and Foster I ProhihitionistH at South Heberton school ! house the same evening, i Foster Republicans held their dele : gate elections on Saturday evening, and the nominations will lie made at High-1 land schoolliou.se on Tuesday evening, i JOURNALISTIC. Mauch Chunk Coal Gazette, which is I in its sixty-fourth year, has been enlarg ed to the extent of three columns, and is now one of the largest and newsiest ; paper in this part of the state, j The Lehighton Press, though less than a year old, is forging to the front of Car- I bon county papers. It lias changed to I an eight-page, and lias the appearance I of a youngster that intends to thrive. | The Journal office at White Haven has j been enlarged again, and the proprietor, I I W. E. Feist, has added a twenty-horse | engine to his stock. These two improve- I inents certainly indicate success. Shickshinny's new paper, the Demo- I erat y has been compelled to enlarge, and comes to us in a new and improved form, j It is the only Democratic paper in that part of the county, and receiving good j j support from the unterrified. DEATHS. J BRENNAN.— At Drifton, January 15, Ella | Brennan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Brennan, aged 6years. Fu | nerai tomorrow at 2 o'clock, lnter- I ment at St. Ann's cemetery. Brislin. ! BRIEF ITEMS'OF NEWS. PARAGRAPHS GATHERED FROM ALL PARTS OF THE REGION. Little Ones of lntere*t About People You Know ancl Things You Wish to Hear About— lYliat the Folks of This and Other Town* Are Doing. Sleighing parties to this place have been numerous the past few days. The grand jury last week reported in favor of erecting a new court house. Tomorrow is the last day for filing ap plications for liquor license in this county. Michael J. Boyle, of Dick, Westmore land county, is visiting his parents on Ridge street. . The city of Wilkes-Barre paid out $1,988,95 to her firemen last year for ser vices rendered. Eleven degrees below zero was an nounced by the thermometers of town at 8 a. m. today. The Mahanoy City, Shenandoah, Cir ardville and Ashland Street Railway has been started and will extend six I miles. Larry Tarleton, Weatberly's well known hotel man, will leave that place in a short time to take charge of a Brooklyn hotel. John Resho, a Hungarian at Stockton, was horribly mangled by being caught between a locie and a truck on Saturday. : lie died instantly. The trial of Mike Dudor, who con | feased to the killing of Mike Gallato at Treeskow last summer, is on at Mauch | Chunk, and will be concluded tomorrow. I Members of the Citizens' Hose Com ! pany will call on business men and , others this week with tickets for their eighth annual ball on the 27th inst. All J should give the firemen good support. j "Muggs Landing" appeared before a ; fair-sized audience on Saturday evening. The play was considered not quite so j interesting as on former occasions, but j the specialties were among the finest seen here this season. The next sporting event this month will he the fourth annual ball of the j Tigers Athletic Club, next Monday even , ing. The boys are preparing for their friends another of the many pleasant affairs that this organization is noted for j giving. Dr. Edward O'Reilly, brother of Rev. J. A. O'Reilly, rector of St. Peter's, Seranton, who was recently ordained, i has been appointed by Rt. Rev. Bishop O'Hara, assistant at St. Ann's church, Freeland, to succeed Bev. F. P. McNally, who comes to the cathedral.— Seranton 1 Truth. An extraordinary sentence was passed upon a murderer in Neuruppin, Germany, a couple of weeks ago. The criminal | hail murdered his two children and was ; sentenced to undergo fourteen years' im ! prison ment at hard labor, and at the ex piration of the term to be executed.— i New York Sun. ! The best creamery butter is kept at Campbell's store. 1 B. F. Davis sells the renowned Wash burne brand of flour. It excels every thing in the market. Try it. A. Oswald carries a fine stock of gro- I ceries, provisions and dry goods. Fresh I butter and eggs always in stock. | In case of hard cold nothing will re lievo the breathing so quickly as to rub Arnica & Oil Liniment on the chest. Sold by Dr. Schilcher. Two pairs of handy bob-sleds for sale; ! also two sets of patent sled-runners for under wagons. Apply at A. W. Wash : burn's shops, Freeland. I All those who have used Baxter's Mandrake Bitters speak very strongly ! in their praise. Twenty-five cents per bottle. Sold by Dr. Schilcher. Watches, clocks, etc., in great variety and at low prices. Sulphured jewelry |in pretty designs. Immense assortment of musical instruments. R. E. Meyers. 1 Miss Gerda Olsho, graduate of the Richmond, Va., Musical Conservatory, will give instructions on piano or organ. I Terms, popular. Apply 79 Centre street. "Quick sales and small profits" is Philip Gertiz's business motto. He has always the largest and best assorted : stock of watches, clocks, rings and jewel ry of all kinds. Sulphered jewelry a speciality. j Two furnished rooms for rent, on ] Centre street; suitable for professional man, dressmaker, etc.; has been used as a dentist's office; also dwelling attached, ! with seven rooms. Rent moderate. Apply at this office. The name of N. 11. Downs' still lives, although he has been dead many years. His Elixir for the cure of coughs and i colds has already outlived him a quartet of a century, and is still growing in fa vor with the public. Sold by Dr. Schil cher. To Doom IMettsant 11111. The little town of Pleasant Hill, near . Audenried, is looming up. A committee j is about to be organized to take up sub-! Hcriptions for the purpose of defraying the expenses of advertising the town. An effort will be made to have some industry locate there. Free ground and water has been offered by Supt. Lawali, i of the 1.. & \V. B. Coal Company. lried on Thursday Kvening. llenry Born, an employe of the Free land Beef Company, died at his resi dence on Washington street Thursday evening after a short illness of pneumo nia. lie was aged 33 years and leaves a wife and three children. The remains were taken to Wilkes-Barre, where the ! interment was made yesterday. Great Sals Before Stock Taking! [ We wish to dispose of as ! many goods as possible to facili | tate our taking stock, and will j sacrifice the remaining stock of Overcoats, Men's. Boys' and Children's Fine Clothing. Hats, Caps. Gents' Furnishing Goods, Etc., Etc., rather than carry them over un til next season. Your Gain. Our Loss, Our custom department is complete with a fine line of overcoatings, suitings and trou serings. New York Clothiers, Jacobs & Barasch, 37 Centre Street, Freeland. STAHL & CO., agents for Lebanon Brewing Co. Finest and Best Beer in the Country. Satisfaction GUARANTEED. Parties wishing to try this excellent beer will please call on Stahl & Co., 137 Centre Street. A. W. WASHBURN, Builder of Light and Heavy Wagons. REPAIRING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. PINE AND JOHNSON STS., FREELAND. GUNS AND AMMUNITION at C. D. Rohrbach's, Centre Street, Five Points, Freelaml. Hunters and sportsmen will And an ele- | gant stock of tine Arc-arms here. Get our prices and examine our new breech-load ers. Also ull kinds of Hardwure, l'ainls, Oils, Mine Supplies. DePIEIiRO - BROS. =CAFE. CORNER OF CENTRE AND FRONT STREETS, Freeland, Pa. Finest Whiskies in Stock. Gibson. Dougherty, Hauler Club, Rosen blu til's Velvet, of which we have Fx elusive Sale in Town. Mumm's Extra Dry Champagne, Heunessy Brandy, Blackberry, Gins, Wines, Clarets, Cordials, Etc. Imported and Domestic Cigars. OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE. Families supplied at short notice. Ham and Schweitzer Cheese Sandwiches, Sardines, Etc. MEALS - AT - ALL - HOURS. Ballontinc and H aide ton beer on tap. Baths, Ilot or Cold, 25 Cents. JDS, p. MCDONALD. Centre and South Streets. Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Notions, Furniture, Carpets, Etc. 1 Go to any store in the region, get their prices ! upon she same (inalitu of goods, and then come to us and you will he surprised to see lio\v much money you can save by placing your orders with us. SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO FURNISHING HOUSES. Wo can At out your residence cheaply, neatly and handsomely from kitchen to bedroom, and invite your attention to our great stock of fur niture, which will show you we arc amply pre pared to fulfill this promise. OUR FOOTWEAR DEPARTMENT. Here wc can suit you all. Old and young will surely And what they want in boots, shoes, rubbers, etc., in this store. Good working hoots and shoes at roek-bottom figures. Fine ladies' shoes are reduced in price. Men's and bovs' f shoes are selling cheaper than ever. Don't miss the many bargains wo offer yoi, and wln n 111 need of anything in our line cull or send for prices. Respectfully, yours, J. P. MCDONALD. $1.50 PER YEAR. j JOHN D. HAYES, I Attorney-;,t-I.;t\v anil Notary Public. I Legal business of all kinds promptly attended. Room 3, 2d Floor, Birkbeck Brick. jyj HALPIN, Manufacturer of Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, &c. Cor. Walnut and Pine Streets, Freeland. j £VHAS. ORION STROH, Attorney and Counselor at Law, AND Justice of the Peace. Office Booms No. .11 Centre Street, Freeland. LIBOR WINTER, ISestaviraxxt AND Oyster Salccrr. No. 13 Front Street, Freeland. The finest liquor and cigars on sale. Fresh beer always on tap. COTTAGE HOTEL, Main and Washington Streets. MATT - SIE3EK, PROPRIETOR. Good accommodation and attention given to permanent and transient guests. Well-stocked liar and Ane pool and billiard room. Free bus to and from ull trains. *3- STAPLING ATTACHED. S* G. B. Payson, D. D, S, D INT I s T> FREELAND, PA. Located permanently in Birkbeck's building, room 4, second floor. Special attention paid to all branches of dentistry. Painless Extraction. All work guaranteed. Office hours: 8 to 12 A. M.; 1 to 5 P. M.; 7 to 9 P. M. CGNDY 0. BOYLE, dealer in Liquors, Wine, Beer, Etc. (The finest brands of domestic and imported whiskey on sale at his new and handsome saloon. Fresh Roches- && tor and Ballontinc beer and Yeung- w ling's porter on tap. Centre - Street, - Five - Points. sl. Goepperl, proprietor of the Washington House, 11 Walnut Street, above Centre. The best of whiskies, wines, gin cigars, etc. Call in when in that part of the town. Fresli Beer and Porter on Tap. FRANCIS BRENNAN, 151 South Centre Street, Freeland. (Near the L. V. It. K. Depot.) The bar is stocked with the choicest brands of Liquors, Beer, Porter, Ale, and TEMPERANCE DRINK. The finest kind of CIGARS KEPT IN STOCK. The Delaware, Susquehanna and Schuylkill R. R. Co. PASSENGER TRAIN TIME TABLE. Taking Effect, September lb, 1892. Eastward. STATIONS. Westward, p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. ftoo 1027 50 Shepptoil 7401020 349 I I, 5 Of, lOS7 56 Oneida L(7 ' M ,U 14 ** |/,),121 24 SO5 um Wa A1727 10 01 118 52611 Bis Humboldt Road 710 050 124 529 1408 21 Garwood Koud 707 947 121 5:15 1478 30 Oneida Junction 700 9401 15 -1 < ft 40 ~ L i a 55 IX.K.M oan ft ft* B. Meadow ltoad 628 601 Stockton Jet. 619 6 12 Eckley Junction tt 10 0 22 Driftou 6 00 A FAMILY DOCTOR Pit SO.OO ! Perfect Ilculth within the reach of the poor est 1 Ap original discovery that electricity will cure disease by causing ozone and oxygen to be transferred into the system. Safe! Simple! Absolutely certain! No treatment, no device has ever before been constructed or used tlint, compares with it in usefulness for HOME TREATMENT. • Diseases of horses and other animals are as quickly cured as those of persons. ' Such cures better satisfy the public than yards of testimonials. Good Agents Wanted In every community. Liberal commission to the right, man or woman. For circulars and all information, send stamp D. B. ANDERSON & CO., ! 1341 Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA, Fa,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers