AFLOAT. Ere the race of tbe nprintir wan ran, Or violets begun to die, Neath the kirn* of the golden sun And the smile of the azure sky. There was nevt.* the sound of a sigh At our boat pushed off the sand, In the heart of the day, When we sailed away— Away to a fair, fa?: land. We sailed through the mid day heat And the long, still afternoon; Strange voices, siren sweet, Crooned over a low, weird tune, the rise of the crescent moon. By the breezes our bark was funned; Aad the starlight's gleam •Sjned a fitful dream As we sailed to that fair, far land. And still we are sailing on, Though the skies are no longer fair, Though summer is past and gone, And chill is the autumn air,— We are sailing wo know not where; But, led by an unseen hand, We shall rest one day In the twilight's gray, On the shores of that fair, far land. —[May Lennox, in Boston Transcript. HERO OF SALTHAM PIT BY AMELIA E. MARK. Everyone that knows anything about coal mines knows that the groat Saltham vit lies just on the edge of the city of Whitehaven, uud extends thouce far under the sea. In the summer of 18 —two ladies came to Whitehaven for the purpose of es tablishing their right to shares in this pit—a right which they hud recently dis covered. They wore a mother and her daughter, both of them beautiful and cultured women, and as they had brought letters of introduetiou to the reotor they were soon recognized as be longing to ono of tha most desirable "sets ' of that old, aristocratic city. Indeed, Mary Allonby was a universal i favorite, and before the first winter was , over it was genoraily understood that , she was tho promised wife of the hand- ( some Gerald Peel, a young man of very , good family and of great promise, lie was the head "Viewer'' of the Saltham pit, and knew well tho richness and ex cellence of its coal seams. Now, tho Viewer of a largo English cool mine is a gentleman; u man of great courage, forethought and lino engineering skill. He has a large salary, lives in good ■tyle, and exorcises a great power, not only over tho under-viewers, but also in the ontire management of the pit. 1 he mairiage had been fixed for June, and tho preparations were all made. Mrs. Allonby was so certain of her rights being settled by that date, that she had , instructed her lawyor to mako over a cor- < tain portion of them to her daughter as a | wedding present. One evening Gerald was taking tea with them, and from the pleasant room happy laughter and happy voices went floating outward iuto tho shady deptliß of tho shrubbory. Among this shrubbery a man was lurking—a man with ' dirty, ragged clothing and a face passion-smitten and every way evil; and whonevor Mrs. Al lonby s voice or Mary's laugh caught his ear, its expression was almost terrible. "I am nothing to them now!" ho mut tered. "But, wo shall boo! We shall boo!" Ho lingered in the thick shrubbory un til tho moon rose, and ho saw Gerald wrap Mary in her little white hood and cloak, and take her into tho garden. Then he crept nearer the house and watched Mrs. Allonby lift a candle and go up stairs into a room that fronted two ways, one of thorn toward a gable which was thickly matted with an old ivy vine. Tho windows were open on thut side.and he cautiously ascended. When he reached the uppor floors Mrs. Alloubv was seated before an old-fashioned sec retary, tying up some papers. Ho put his hand upon her shoulder, forced her to sit still, and uttered but one word: "Louisa!" She did uot faint, nor scream, nor oven attempt to rise; but gathoring together all her senses and energies, she lookod tho man earnestly in the faco, and said, in a voice where tenderness and anger strove for the mastery; "Kichard Allonby!" es, madam. Lock your door and shut your windows. 1 have something to say to you." "Not hero, Kichard! Not here, for Mary's sake!" "Why not? Am I not your husband? Ah, ah! You can't got over that, you •ee" * "God help mo! No." Sho rose mechanically, locked the door, shut out the sweet evening air, pulled down the bl.uds, and then, motioning toward a sofa, sat down. "Oh no, my lady. I won't put you 1 to thut degradation. You are a lady you know," and then in a lower voice': "And now I want you to givo me those I baltham papers. 1 know all about thorn." Kichard, you havo robbed mo ot - my I own fortuno, and of the peace and love of my youth. } ou killed my father with the shame you brought on him. You ba\e torced mo to leave the place where my family havo dwelt for centuries, and to come a stranger to this strange north country. Do have pity now on me and on your own child. For heaven s sake • paro her the disgraoc und misery of knowing you." You never told hor, then?" '' N "' no! She thinks you dead— and oh, Kichard! she is going to bo mar ned. I know that, too. Givo me the papers. Ihuve been long enough here." "Kichard! Kichard! kill me, if you like, but do Mary no further wrong." like you well enough to wish to look at you occasionally. Give mo the papers, or 1 shall ring the bell und order my sup per. You know I'm master here, it 1 suv to. Seo, I'll give you five minutes to decide. I don't want you to say I forced them from you." In great emergencies the mind acts rapidly. Mrs. Allonby rovicwed her whole position, and made her decision. She walked back to the secretary, and taking from a drawer a bundle of papers and u little gold chain holding a pearl cross and a couple of rings, came toward her husband. " I his is to be our last meeting, Kich ard, and you must promise it upon that chain and those rings; you know them— they were your mother's." Kichard Allonby put then aside ner vously. If there was any memory that made his soul shiver und sob, it wus thut of the gentle mother whose heart he had broken. "I won't touch those things," he suid; "give me the papers." "Not unless you do whut I say." Kichard saw his wife's courage rising, aud he knew well that when timid women ure angered to a point of resistance, such anger is not to be defied; so he said sullenly: *•1 will do as you wish." lie took the papers, and immediately departed, lie had another interview on hand that night. He waited until he saw Herald enter his own handsome dwelling; then he scaled the great brick walls, and watched his further movements. Ho went, as Kichard expected, to his office, looked over the reports of the under viewers, and then lit a soger and sat down to smoke. There was a low, open window, opening on a stone balcony, and when Gerald rose for something he wanted, Kichard boldly entered the room, and was standing before his chair when he turned to it. Gerald's first thought was: ''There is something wrong at the pit,'' and lie said, impatiently: "Now, my man, what's wrong ? " "I am not your man, Gerald Peel. I propose, indeed, to be your father-in law." Then Gerald knew that he had either to deal with a lunatic or a great sorrow, and he closed the window, and said: "Sit down, sir, and say what you have jot to say." Kichard did not spare himself, lie •Id all: How he had killed his mother with sorrow, and ruined his wife, forged his friend's uaine, and boen forgiven, and then robbed a bank and been trans ported for fourteen years for it. He said he had come hack to England eighteen months ago, but hud only just found his wife. Didn't want to make trouble, "especially as Mary was going to marry so well, and thought Gerald had better give him some money and let him go to America. " Gerald heard all in silence: then tak ing out his purse, countod out twenty pounds. "Will that pay pou to hold your tongue?" "Make it fifty." Gerald made it fifty, and said: "Now go. If you really go to i America, you may write every year for | the same; but don't annoy your wife ad 1 daughter. Lot mo stand between them and you.'' The calm unselfishness and the air of authority which was partly natural to Gerald and partly acquired by the neces- j sity of his position, quite cowed the wretchod man. He slunk out into the , darkness; and Gerald thought out the | new aspect of his position. He must hurry forward his marriage. : Mary was not to blame; but if his family ' knew, there would be no end of trouble. j And these poor women! Surely they needed .his protection, with this villain dogging their footsteps. The noxt morning he received another j heavy blow. Mrs. Allonby told him that i her secretary had been robbed of her | Salthnm papers and somo jewelry, and that the police had been notified. He saw at once how the affair lay. Ho knew who was the thief, and he suspected Mrs. Allonby know also. Hut he had deter mined not to blaine her too much. He estimated the horror of her positiou, and boldly faced the disappointment that had fallen on all the glory of his love. Hut, I at any rate, Mary was the same, and it was Mary he was going to marry. Ho mude some excuse for hurrying forward matters, and in spite of the suggestions of his friends that the missing papers ought to be found first, ho murried Mary Allonby oarly in June. Perhaps no wife was ever happier. As the years wont by, and lovely boys and girls began to patter about the halls and gardens of l'eel Place, and us she herself grew in wifely grace, and in her hus band's love, she acknowledged contin ually the blessing of her lot. Only one thing troubled her—hor mother's health. Though in the prime of life, she was gradually sinking under a nervous com plaint that defied medical skill. Gerald, who guessod the cause, tried often to win her confidence, but sho ropolied all his advances. Thus more than five years passed away. One night, about New Year's, the rector was sitting among his house hold, full of the joy and spirit of the time. Suddenly he was called away from them, and found waiting for him a lady in the wildest terror and distress, whom ho easily recognized as Mrs. Al lonby. "Oh, sir!" she cried; "there is no time for words—come with me instantly to Saltham pit! 1 will explatn all as we go." There is something so compelling in a great sorrow, that lie cloaked himself silently und followed her into a waiting carriago. As it drove through the nar row, black streets, sho told him the out lines of her sad story. "And this villain, who has been tor turing you to death for five years, is you say " "is my husband, and he is lying, dy ing, in the pit. A largo mass of coal fell on him this afternoon, and he can't be moved. What could I do?" she cried, pitifully. "How could I tell Gerald and Mary of the horror of such a connection? Oh, my friend, some one must speak to him—some one must pray with him -and 1 must see the end of him, but I dare not go alone." Indeed, even the rector turned sick and giddy when he saw the road tliey must take. The shaft of Saltham is close to the sea, absolutely in the shinglo, and nearly nine hundred feet deep. The banksman expressed no surprise at Buch visitors, and, us they refused to change their clothing, gave them each a large overall, and putting them into the huge basket, let thein down." The night re lays were coming up, and a basketof five men, their candies gleuming in the dark übyss, passed them on the way. In a few minutes they touched the I ground, and a craggy, dark, uneven de scent led them to tbe interior of the pit. The path was high enough to allow them to ftllow their guide in an upright pos ition. After going one thousand yards in a straight line under the sea they came to a little opening, where the dying man lay. The space was nurrow and hot,and dimly lit by a bit of candle stuck aguinst the coal wall in u piece of clay; und there were some men yet at work about him lie was almost dead, but his eyes gleamed gratefully upon the miserable, weeping wife, who had at last braved all to come and close his eyes. And, in credible as it may seem, at this hour Louisa Allonby forgot all else but her early love for this wreck of humanity, I and wiped the death-dump from his brow with loving hands, and whispered words of forgiveness and tenderness. Uichard was gentle enough now. In those few hours of agony he learned more than all his wild life hud taught him. Humble and penitent he listened eagerly to tho last prayer he was ever to hear, and then whispered: "Wife—wife, forgive me—don't tell Mary--the papers nr.- in mv breast." What more he said was between God and his own soul, and death gradually composed the once hundsome face into such solemn curves and such sharp-cut lines as if they were to last forever. At length poor Louisa rose, und the rector w ;s about to lead her away, when owe of the men who had been busy try ing to the last to relieve the poor ininsvii ■topped forward and said gently: •'Mother, I a<u here too. '' Yes, it was Gerald Peel; he had been notified ut once of the accident, and none had worked harder for the relief of the sufferer. But ho went home with the rector and Mrs. Allonby now, and the tulk ho had with her did her what no physician could have done. She learnt now that Gerald hud not only married Mary with a full knowledge of all, but that he hud been bribing the man and watching continually his movements, in order to prevent his annoying Mary or : her mother. "It has been a dreadful watch," he ! soid, wearily and solemnly; "but a little 1 confidence on your part, mother, might j have saved us both much suffering." And for answer she put the Saltham ' papers in his hands, and suid: "They are well yours. I never want ! to see them again, Gerald. You have been very good to me." Those men were heroes who stormed the Malakoff and lit their cigars in the trenches before Vicksburg, but private life has heroes quite us great, and I think that Gerald Peel's five-years' patience, prudence and unselfish burden-bearing may muke him the brother-knight even of the peerless Bayard.—[The Ledger. Counterfeit Milk. A dairyman called at the office of Dr. J. E. Sullivan, City Milk Inspector, yesterday, und informed him thut a certain individual was going about umong the dairymen offering to sell a recipe or prescription by which a good articlo of milk could be utude artificially by the use of various drugs,chemicals, etc. Dr. Sullivan suys that the idea of makiug milk in this way is not a new one, as several prescriptions for the purpose have been known to chemists for years, but none have been able to produce an article that could not be readily detected us bogus milk, eveu bv amateur milk drinkers. So far as known, the enter prising inventor has not been able to make a sale to any St. Louis dairyman, and it is evident that some of them know too well how to produce an inferior articlo of milk without patronizing any inventor in that line. Dr. Sullivan states that the milk supply is rather short now on account of the protracted cold weather and the high price of feed. On occasions of a short supply the | dairymen resort to water and coloring to keep up the quantity for their trade, and the quality of the milk is running quite low. One of the worst features the Milk Inspector has to contend with is that of colored milk. "The people," says Dr. Sullivan, "are in some measure re sponsible for this, as they demand milk of a rich yellow color. This color is naturally produced only by grass, and as no cows feed upon grass at this season of the year its absence is excusable, but the dairyman in order to please his cus tomers colors the milk to suit their tastes. When vegetable coloring is used the effect is not injurious, but some of the dairymen use diamond dyes and other substances which are injurious." —[St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Nicknames of Great Men. Great men's nicknames all remind us, we might be well known to fame und departing leave behind us proofs that wo were "in the game." The following are some of the terms of affection given to a fow of the more prominent leaders: Black Dan—Daniel Webster, Black Jack—John A. Logan. Little Phil—Philip Sheridan. The Silent Man —11. S. Grant. Old Hickory—Andrew Jackson. The Honest Man -James Monroe. Poor liichard- Benjamin Franklin. The Railsplittor —Abraham Lincoln. The Little Giant —Stephen A. Doug- Wizard of the North—Sir Walter Scott. I Old Rough and Ready—Zachary Taylor. Father of Greenbacks —Salmon P. Chase. Old Man Eloquent—John Quincy Adams. Goldsmith of America—Washington Irving. Silver Tongued Orator—Weiidoll Phil j lips. j Grand Old Man —William Ewart Glad j stone. The Poet of Nature—William Cullen Bryant. Schoolmaster of our Republic—Noab Webster.—[Mail and Express. The Grizzly Will Run. The average grizzly, says Mr. Koosevolt in the New York Sun, has hut i one idea when he sees a man, and that i is to get away; it will run as quickly as a rabbit. Even when wounded a great ; many bears absolutely refuse to light, I seeking refuge only in flight. Never | theless, there are plenty of grizzlies that will tight when cornered, and there aro 1 a very few which will take the offensive ; themselves without any particular pro vocation. Personally 1 have never been charged but once, and this was by a grizzly which 1 had twice wounded and had approached to within forty yards of, late one evening when I had strolled away from camp more with the hope of | knocking oft* the head of a grouso than with the expectation of seeing any larger ' game. This hear came at me most resolutely, although one of my shots | nicked the point of his heart and although one of four bullets which I put into him would have ultimately proved mortal. | All of the other bears I have killed j started to run, or fell at the first fire, so that they hud no chance of showing 1 fight. It is, however, very unsafe for n man to generalize in uny kind of ( shooting, and particularly in bear shoot ' ing, merely from his own experience. I Thus, I know one gentleman, an officer of the I'nited States army, who hus killed six grizzlies, three of them charging him before they were wounded or even fired ut. The incidents of the three charges were curiously alike; that is, he stumbled on the bear in each case at tolerably close quarters, at from ten to twenty yards away from him, and each time the instant the animal saw him it galloped toward him like a loco motive, only to be rolled over by a well-placed rifle ball. | The grizzly is very tenacious of life, j and so great are his vitality and i pugnacity that a fighting bear will con tinue charging when its body is fairly riddled with bullets. A shot in the brain or spice will of course bring one down in its tracks, but even a bullet through the heart will not prevent an enraged grizzly from making good its charge at close quarters. Brocaded silk for a party dress is very stylish. THE JOKER'S BUDGET JESTS AND TARNS BY FUNNY MEN OF THE PRESS. Nothing Mean About Her—Let By gones be Bygones—A Misconcep tion—He tSingeth Not, Etc., Etc. NOTHING MEAN ABOUT HER. A Maine woman sent to the house of her nearest neighbor and requested the loan of a new pair of scissors. The neighbor was using them, and sent back word accordingly. The would-be bor rower was not to be rebuffed so easily, and presently her little girl appeared the second time to say: "Mother wants to know if you will lend her a quarter to buy a pair of scis sors with?" LET BYGONES BR BYGONES. Guest (at restaurant) —Hello, Bingley, I never expected to see you following this business. The last time I mot you, Bingley, you had just begun the publica tion of "The Guide to Wealth" hadn't you? Dignified Waiter (with a dreamy, far awoy gaze)— Roast beef hamandeggsroast pork short ribs beef calves liver an d fried chicken.—[Chicago Tribune. A MIBCONOEPTJON. Haughty Lady (who has purchased a stamp)— Must I put it on myself? Stamp Clerk—Not necessarily. It will probably accomplish more if you j put it on the letter. LIKELY TO WIN. Tom—You say you expect to win Miss Fortune, but haven't begun to make love to her yet ? Jack—Yes; keep your mind easy; I'm running as a dark horse. TIIEY COULDN'T UNDERSTAND IT. Mr. Tyrer—Horde never visits us now. Mrs. Tyrer—No; it is rather singular, j Mr. Tyrer—lt is. The last time he ; was here I did my best to entertain him. ! Bat with him two solid hours relating to j him tho smart sayings of our children and you helped to entertain him, too. Mrs. Tyrer—Yes, I showed him the baby and told all about her cute ways, and oven tried to get her to talk to him. Mr. Tyrer—l can't understand why he keeps away.—[New York Press. A PLEA FOR ENGAGEMENTS. Old Henpeck—Nonsense! The idea of j talking about marriage! You and my daughter haven't been engaged over six months. Young Mau—Do you believe in long engagements, sir? Ola Henpeck—Certainly, my young friend, certainly. The longer the en gagement the shorter tho marriage.— [New York Weekly. THEY HAVE THEIR DISADVANTAGES. "I don't know about these silver wed dings," said Mr. Easy, doubtfully. "What's the matter with them?" "We had ours lust week, un*d now my wife is out every day tramping around the stores finding out what the presents cost." —[Now York Press. NO ONE TO BORROW FROM. Lipsley—You know those cigars Miss Beacon sent me for Christmas? Lapsley—Yes. Lipsley Well, I gave a lot to my friends, and now 1 haven't any left. Lapsley—What, cigars? I Lipsley—No, friends.—[Harvard Lam poon. SLIGHTLY. "I never withhold anything from my wife. I tell her every night all that I have done during tho day." "And do you tell her every day what you have done during the night? " "Well, that's different."—[New York Sun. HE STAYED AT HOME. Aunty—Why don't you stay at home some times and play with your sis ter? Little Boy—Oh, I do—often. "When?" "Wen some boy wants t' lick me."— [Good News. A SILVER LINING. She (sobbing)— Poor little F— F—Fido is d—d—dead. He (calmly)— Well, my dear, lhat dog never did like mo. 1 can't say that lam altogether sorry. She—N—no, neither am I. I've got you left, and besides, black is awfully becoming to me. SHE FORGAVE HIM. Wife—You've beon drinking again. Husband—Can't help it, m'dear—make mo alio happy, m'dear. "Huh! Makes you happy, eh? I'd like to kuow why." "Be(hic)cause I she two of you, in' dear."—[New York Weekly. HOW TO TEI.L. He—You can always tell when a woman has told all she knows about u piece of neighborhood gossip. Sho—llow? He—She concludes with: "i should be glad to tell you ull about it, but my lips are sealed." FATAL TO DOLLS. Aunty—Where is that pretty doll you hud when I wus here lust ? Little Girl —It s gone—died of the grip. "1 he grip, eh ! ' "Yes'm—Baby's grip." MIGHT BE WORSE. Mother (wearily)—lt's perfectly abom inable! With all my watching 1 can't keep Tommy clean. He's the dirtiest boy alive. Father (proudly)— That's so. He's no dude.—[Good News. READY FOR ANY EMERGENCY. "I can't afford the money to buy you a sealskin sacque." "Then give mo some to buy a plush one." "I won't have my wife going around in an imitation sacque." HE BINGETH NOT. I cannot sing the old songs I sang a while ago, For if 1 do tho other guests Quickly get up and go. IN LUCK. She married a poet, And proudly I say, As her pa's worth a million, She has three meals a day. WITH JUNO AT TIIE GATE. Sho—Did a wicked man tour your clothes that way, George, dear? He—No, dearest, it was the wicket gate we were leaning on last night. THE PROVERB. Teacher—What does the proverb say about those who live in glass houses ? Small Boy—Pull down the blinds. REDUCING F.XPENBEB. Bingle—Well, old boy, how are you getting along ? Business improving any? Jingle (struggling merchant) —A little. I've succeeded in reducing expenses about fifteen dollars a week. "That's encouraging. How did you do it? "Married my typewriter." OF THE WORLD WORLDLY. "There go the Spicer Wilcoxes, Mamma! I'm told they're dying to know us. Hadn't we better call? " "Certainly not, dear. If they're dying to know us they're not worth knowing. The only people worth our knowing are tho people who don't want to know us?" —[Punch. A TENDER-HEARTED BOY. Mamma—Willie what are you doing with that thermometer? Willie—l'm bringing it into the house. It's too cold a place for it out here. TANTALIZING. She (gazing upward at the old familiar orb) —How provoking it is! He—Who, what? "That I can never, never see the other side of that moon."—[Boston Herald. Popular Doctoring in Russia. Slovo of Kiev reports some curious in stances of popular doctoring in south Russia. The rural dentist places his patient upon u little stool and examines him. If ail upper tooth is to be pulled he performs tho operation with a simple pair of tongs like that used by cobblers. But if a lower tooth is to be extracted the operation is more complicated. The tooth is tied very skilfully with a violin string. The other end of the string is fastened to a hook in tho ceiling. Then tho stool is removed with a jerk from be neath the patient, who falls, his tooth re maining on tho string, sometimes with the flesh around it. Intermittent fever is cured either by live frogß or by fright. When tho sick ness breaks out the patient is mude to carry about him as many live frogs as cuu be put in his clothes. I fthat treat ment does not help the patient his fellow villagers try to frighten him. The most popular method of doing that is known by the name of Likaniyo. A crowd of men and women come into the house and raise a quarrel with the putient. They treat him to tho loudeßt and most offen sive terms of reproach. That naturally irritutes him, and he answers in similar term". Tho crowd takes offence at his rude expressions and resolves to lynch him. A rope is put around his nook and he is dragged about until he is insensible on account of fright. Lovugc for the Gfip. "That's a had cold you've got," said a benevolent-looking old gentleman to a young fellow he had mot casually. "Worst I ever had," answered the young man. "Try a pinch of this," urged tho other, fishing in his vest pockot for a little box. There was a lino powder in it, and he offered it invitingly. "It is no 'kill-or cure' thing. See how it goes." The young man snuffed a tiny pinch up his nose. In five minutes he felt relieved. "That's wonderful," he said. "If you've got a monopoly of that it's tho sumo as a fortune to you." The old man smiled indulgently. "This is one of tho commonest of herbs," said he. "It is so cheap that it can be bought by tho ton if you want that much. It cured me of tho grip, and I believe it is tho best thing going." "What do you call it?" "German lovage. All the druggists have it. For a dime you can a box of it powdered, large enough to cure a whole tamily of the grip. It is so common that its value has been overlooked. You try it and you tell all your friends. German lovago is a sure cure for the grip."— New York Times. Cloves Are Flowers. Cloves are the unopened flower of a small evergreen tree that re.sorables in appearance the laurel or the bay. It is a native of the Malacca or Spice Islands, but has been curried to all the warmer parts of the world, and it is now culti vated in tho tropical regions of America. The flowers are small in size and grow in large numbers in clusters to tho very end of tho brunches. The cloves we use are the flowers gathered before they are open and while they are still green. After being gathered they are smoked by a wood tire and then dried in the sun. Each clove consists of two parts of a round head, which are the four petals or leaves of the flower rolled up, inclosing u number of smull stalks or fllaments; the other part of the clove is terminated with four points, and is, in fact, the flow er cup of tho unripe seed vessel. All these parts may bo distinctly seen if a few cloves are soaked for a short time in hot water, when the leaves of the flow ers soften and unroll. - [Boston Commer cial. Adulterating Tea. Teas are not udulteruted by inter mingling the leaves of other plants, as the leaves of the tea plant itself, if quality is not considered, can be gathered in unlimited quantities. Nor are leaves that have been already stooped ever mixed with fresh tea to be sold again, it being cheaper to pick tho fresh loaves. Adulterants aro only used to give color, in order to please the eye of the con sumer, and their use is a practice that ail connected with tho business would wil lingly discontinue. The Japanese, some years since, sent over large consignments of sun dried leaves, free from coloring matter and of very good quality, but they proved to be unsalable until they were colored, which was reluctantly done by the inerchuuts here.—[New Orleans Picayune. Huge Stones From the Moon. In a catalogue of Mexican meteoriter prepared by M. Antonio del Custillo one mass is mentioned which exploded in the air and fell in widely dispersed frag ments, portions of it being found in three plac s at the angles of a triangle whose two longer sides were somo fifty-five and thirty-five miles in length. In one of these places two plates of stone were discovered, lying about 250 yards apart, which had evidently once formed one huge block. Measurements and esti mations place tho combined weight of the two blocks at eighty tons. In this one shower of "moon stones," according to M. del Castillo's paper, not loss than 3,000 tons of rocks fell.—[St. Louis Re ; public. THE LAND OF THIRST. A Feature of the Great American Desert in California. The most fatally famous part of the Great American Desert is Death Valley, in California. There is on all the globe no other spot more forbidding, more desolate, more deadly. It is a concen tration of the horrors of that whole hideous area: and it lias a bitter history. One of the most interesting and graphic stories I ever listened to was that related to me, several years ago, by one of the survivors of the fumous Death Valley party of 1849—the Rev. J. W. Brier, an aged Methodist clergyman now living in California. A party of five hundred emigrants started ou the last duy of September, 1849, from the southern end of Utah to cross the desert to the, then new, mines of California. There were one huudred and five canvas-topped wagons, drawn by sturdy oxen, beside which trudged the shaggy men, rifle in hand, while under the canvas awnings rode the women and children. In a short time there was division of opinion as to the proper route across that pathless waste in front; and next day five wagons and their people went east to reach Santa Fe (whence there were dim Mexican trails to Los An geles), and the rest plunged boldly into the desert. The party which went by way of Sante Fe reuo'jed California in December, after vast sufferings. The larger company traveled in comfort for a few days until they reached about where Pioche now is. Then they entered the Land of Thirst; and for more than throe months wandered lost in that realm of horror. It was ulmost impossible to get wagons through a country furrowed with canons; so they soon abandoned their vehicles, packing what thoy could upon the bucks of the oxen. They struggled on to glittering lakos, only to find them deadly poison, or but a mirage on barren sands. Now and then a wee spring in the mountains gave them new life. One by one the oxen dropped, day by day the scanty flour ran lower. Nine voung men who separated from the rest, being stalwart and unencumbered with families, reached Death Valley uhead of the others, and were lost. Their bones were found many years later by Govern or Blaisdell and his surveyors, who gave Death Valley its name. The valley lies in Inyo County, and is about one hundred and fifty miles long. In width it tapers from three inilos at its southern end to thirty at the northern. It is over two hundred feet below the level of the sea. The main party crossed it at about the middle, where it is but a few miles wide, but suf fered frightfully there. Day by day some of their number sank upon the burning sands never to rise. The sur vivors were too weak to help the fallen. The strongest of the whole party was nervous, little Mrs. Brier, who hud come to Colorado an invalid, and who shared with her boys of four, seven and nine years of ago that indescribable tramp of nine hundred miles. For the last three weeks she had to lift her athletic husband from the grouud every morning and steady him for a few moments before he could stund. She gave help to wasted giants any one of whom, a tew months before, could have lifted her with one hand. At last the few survivors crossed the range which shuts off that most dreadful of deserts from the garden of the world, and were tenderly nursed to health at tho hacienda, or runch house, of a court ly Spaniard. Mr. Brier had lost one hundred pounds in weight, and the others were thin in proportion. When I suw him last ho was a hale man of seventy five, cheerful and active, but with strange furrows in his face to tell of those by gone sufferings. Ilis heroic little wife was still living, und tho boys who had such a bitter experience as perhaps no other boys over survived, are now stal wart'men.—[St. Nicholas. The Irrepressible Oyster. A new growth of oysters has been dis covered oil llackett's I'oint, Chesapeake Bay. Recently one of the crew of a State police-boat, for tho sake of an ex periment, threw a dredge overbourd on a spot where it was supposed no oysters had been for fifteen years. On with drawing the dredge it contained a num ber of shells, and attached to each was a healthy-looking oyster an inch or more in size. It is said the location, known as llackett's Point Sand, was onco a thriv ing oyster bed, but was destroyed about fifteen years ago to supply vessels which came hero to buy for planting purposes. Tho bed had not boon disturbed for several years, and it is said that if other oyster grounds in the Chesapeake Bay aro let alone for a similar period, the same favorable results will follow.— [Baltimore Sun. A Beautiful Island Plantation. Joseph Jefferson's plantation in New Iberia, Louisiana, where Mr. Cleveland recently passed a brief outing, is, from all accounts, one of tho most charming winter homes in the South. The planta tion lies on an islund, where ton thousand orange-trees grow, and where the air is scented with tho fragrance of every variety of tropical flower, while wild fowl abound and the waters are alive with fish. Tho residence is an old manor house romodellod in the style of an Ital ian villa and furnished in great luxury. It commands a superb view from the hill ou which it is situated, over the shining lake below and the broad expanse of the Gulf beyond.—[Harper's Weekly. "Accordingto Gunter." The phrase "According to Gunter" re mains in our language as a perpetual memory of Gunter, the English mathe matician, who was horn in 1581 and died in 10*20. Almost to tho present time the works of Gunter were considered stan dard. lie was tho inventor of the sur veyor's chain; of tho logarithmic line; of the quadrant; of tho scale bearing bis nuine, und anything in mathematics to be right must ho "according to Gunter." —[St. Louis Globe-Democrat. In Case of Croup. While waiting for the doctor, in oases of croup, quickly apply several sponges, squeezed out iittho hottest water, to the child's neck for übout twenty minutes and place him in a hot blanket. If the cbila is choking, give a toaspoouful of ipecacuanha wine every five minutes until violent sickness tukes place. It is a good thing for the child to breathe over steam. Four boiling water into a basin or on a hot brick or flat iron, and let him inhale the vapor. —[St. Louis lie public. Spangled cloth is used as a trimming for huts. THERE 18 HUMOR IN GRAVE STONES. ■ A F#W Novel InitMMi at Uu(habl Pt- Mor torn Dtrotlaa. The tombstone literature of the world Is sometimes amusing reading. In a little country churchyard, not far from New York, is a tombstone erected over a girl who died at the age of 19. It bears the inscription: "Educated to be a wife." Fancy the curriculum of the educational institu tion she attended! In a Baltimore cemetery is a lot with three graves. The stone at the rlgnt has an inscrip tion testifying to the fafit that a wo man lies beneath and a hand sculp tured below the inscription points to the center grave with the signiflcant ' sentence: "He was mine." The j grave at the left likewise has an in scription testifying to the fact that a woman lies there, and here again is a carved had pointing to the center grave with the legend: "He was mine also." In the middle grave is buried the husband of the these two women and on his tombstone are carved two hands joined at the wrist, one pointing to the right and the other to the left. Then there is the inscription: "They were both mine." Every one who has visited Holly wood Cemetery in Richmond, \'a., will remember the burial lot of a cer tain gentleman who laid away decor ously and tearfully in this grassy plot three wives. The tombstone erected over this trio of unhappy women are exactly alike, and on each one is sculptured a beautiful hand pointing upward, a delicate method of signify ing that the souls of these women are now soaring in realms of heavenly * bliss. It is related that the husband of these wives, upon recovering from his third bereavement, paid court to Miss Mattie Ould, who was the belle of Richmond, and who, although many years, is still quoted by Vir ginians as the wittiest, most fascinat ing, and delightful of all the charm ing women who have claimed the Old Dominion as their birthplace. Upon one occasion Miss Ould accompanied this gentleman to the cemetery, and standing beside these monuments she said positively: "If 1 ever should marry you, Mr. Steele, and I should die before you, would you mind having the hand on my tombstone point down? Just byway of variety, vou know."—New York Recorder. Umbrellas made of paper are used in Paris. If afflicted with sore eyee use Ur.leaac Thomp son's Eye-water.ilruitKisU seU at 2&0.p.r bottle The bicycle is destined to play aa import ant part in warfare. Mine Etta Hubert Ib the daughter of Edward Hllbert, of 183 Broadway, Lawrence, Mann., who send* ua the following: "Ten yeara ago our child waa born. Having h* tlx children we were naturully anxious aa to tba health of this one. What was our dUiuay and or row to find that she was apparently doomed to the same fate as the others. She had little strength as a baby, aud did not Improve an she grew older. When about 2 1-2 years old she began to have Fainting Spells, dropping wherever she happened to he. At these times she would turu black aud appeared at U> point of death. Doctors told us she was In a very bad way from Heart Trouble Nothing that we gpve her did her any good until, In utter desperation'.*/e began giving her Hood's Sar- B&parllla. Hhe gradually began to Improve,the faint ing Ata became less aud less frequent and Anally ceased entirely. Her general health Improved until at the end of a year, having taken seven bottles, we stopped giving it to her. At this time she was 4 years old, and. although anxious lest the troubles might return, we ceased to worry, sho seemed so well. Kh Is now iu years old aud Is as Healthy and Rugged a child as you will And anywhere and has never shown any indication of a return of the heart diffi culty. During the past yearn perhaps she has taken 3 bottles lu all, we ouly giving It to her Irregularly at times when she bus complained of feeling tired In the spring and early summer. We feel that we owe a great deal to Hood's barsaparilla and cannot say too much iu favor of It." Ed- A ward Hilhert, Lawrence, Mans. Hood'a Pills cur. Liver Ilia A Fine Blooded Cattle, Shocp, Hogs, Poul try. Sporting Dogs Tor Sale. Catalogue*, with 1%0 engravings,free. N. P. Boyer.Oiateavllle.Fa. /•ws- Every lover and breeder of . -TLvN Game Fowls should subscribe foi 'The Game Bird, a monthly Journal of sixteen pages, SI.OO per year. If yoo /£9fse have fowls for sale advertise In the same. A. P. WOUL, Publisher, York, Ps, ■ Plso's Remedy for Catarrh Is the Best. Fas lest to Use, and Cheapest. ■ Sold by druggists or sent by mall. 60c. El T. Hazeltinu, Warren, Pa. H tVERGREEMS7^"'r^"i!{:.'. ,T F^ EVEBGBEEN N(JB36RIE3, Evergreen, Wis (inrr Illustrated Publications, wffl nthf ÜBS | AND CHEAP ■ a B |fn A 1 NORTHERN I ALlft V * PACIFIC R. R. LfllHlJ Bast Agricultural lug and Timber Lands now open to settlers. Hailed FREE. Addrea* CHAR. B. LAkUOU, La*4 teas. M. F. >. 8., Si. Baal. IMb. Z purify the blood, are safe and ef-Z 1 fectuuJ. The best general familyZ a /W T I medicine known for Biliousness.a iLaMrtuvV Breath, ftcodache.l CTSn.iSi: of Ajmolit• Mentul Depression.* • Painful Digestion, Pimples, Saßowf • Complexion, Tired Feeling, and* f every symptom or dvseaso resulting from impure* •blood, or a failure by tho stomach, liver or intestines* sto perform their proper functions, tor 2 over-eating are benefited by tak i rig a T A B I'LL after? JdresVTHK HIPA k S IT KM lOA 2? o" .WSpro^St.'jLY.! • AgenU Wantedi EIGHTY per cent profit. X Hesess—eet—sssese*s>MMSSSi^ mm tfonl wt*h to look well dressed. Ogfft MB N yoo don't want the best, then KKgk MO don't want the Lace Back fffl Y&CT B Suspender. Your dealer has it if Ml WW M he is alive. If he Isn't he shouldn't gfl VjJ ■ be your dealer. We will mail an H pair on receipt of sl-00. None H Pi genuine without the stamp aa HJw toLm Lace Rack Suspender Co., JBL JrL 67 Prince Ptreet, N. Y. ; pi* V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers