Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, January 25, 1951, Image 3

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    Seek Teen-Age Clad
DE SAT Tn Pia wae] ye
principal a op nals or at the x
dHnner- ng Northern
dria Kiwand) at the Cotnmer-
cial Hotel Ih Patton Inst Thurs
day evening.
Robert Coffman, manager of
McCrory's fore herve, ‘way chair
man of the program, which dealt
with hain stores
Se AN 500 3 EAA
ning to Enter
Three Patton boys, under the Mr. Callalian, in his talk, gave |ing
training sng management of Pete | Ot Francis Trips a brief ory of the A&P con
i ; THR : This mt was em
Plantone of Vi and R fe oR a0 | [oern. He stited that the concern | . mphastsed
of ton. Baive May Texas Wesleyan | ; oN i 1 Bo wis started on a seal selde in skit, entitled. “Do You W
St. Francis Red Flash return
New York tate by the Hartford | Be A Nurse” presented by
the Dapper, Dan poxing tourns- brothers. It stendily unti) | Senior nurses of the Mi
ment to bt held on Jan. 31 andied to the win column Monday
, | Iniwith a 866i win over Texas!
at one time thers were 18.000 pe- | Pita . Miss Norms
| tail stoves ‘This number sow has | And Miss Ruth Mehal on
Wesleyan. : | .
The game, which was scheduled | mee, have been Utking
{been reductd and supennarkets | 05 (his week, presented the s
all She odin We Bigne Beitr arsing
: ht many smaller naighborhood! out. | Xr interest n .
for the Cambria County eta. Following his address. 4 Ns | They told the high school
cassion period was held. with s | dents the requirements for nurs
nimber of questions and snawers. ing and mentioned that the girly
B : : | ' Northern Cambria Kiwanii hes | should be getting their
in Dayle Roomy. Ramente before a | a = received 3 request to spongor ations in now, to whick ever school
pacity crow 150 ; teen-age chib in Patton. Prest- | they wish to enter in the fall
| The win marked the ninth vie-| : ident Clair (Gill appointed George: Girls who enroll in nursing ve- |
{cry for the Fiash, p , ‘Hoppe! Sr, Jesse W. Cogley Jr.| ceive a three year scientific edu |
The Frankies were set afire by : (and Pat Marquette as a conimit- | cation of dignity snd
ae to Sonal jet further the advise | through a humanitarian service, |
| 20 SCy of mich a step. absolately essential to the -
: - ® | Mr. Coghyy, chairman of the y __-
the Mife of a co-worker, : | program committee, made the
ec lineman, has recelved : following announcements:
Electric Institute Award artifeial . At this «vening's meeting. to
wis postponed do
in schedule, was played!
great career”
“It includes
| gintion Felgh was able to restore be held in the Commercial Hotel,
: .
Moderator will
Evening Sessions At PRR WN
Loening ons At St. Francis [sori 05 Viensions
Fred Arble and Mrs. B. ¥.
ors in charge of entertainment,
ing of spring semester at St | Pennsylvania history, economic nt Hl
Francis College in Loreto, will geography, curvey of civilization. L :
next week. Bunday at Meeting of the Galftzin Lions| fessor of ofucation, said the | ing. principals of sccounting, fed-| Mrs Dan Quigley danghters. |
30 p. m. they meet Bt Peters Clud Monday Ta . Seuiifiay |
w min. (unable to atiend reguls g \ ; t tN £4 i
y Rutmtnates 1 "Main speaker at the dinner |ihmbe to on gular day eral office practice and botany. [at the Charles Strolimisr horce in
3 coun- | day night's summary:
Kupels | 4 Franti a T Yer Wes, (
breathing after the intter oume in there will le an open forum on
tact with a high volinge wire Inst August the subject “Juvenile Deiin-
party will be held om Feb
» * : with Mrs. Plummer Harvey, Mrs
jo any ria Workers Sow. |
A meet of ¢
Evening sessions for the open- | ing, logic, United Btates and! girectors po ot he hoard of
| Detection and treatment of | :
be host to two | . begin cn Feb. 5. mental fone, techalgues of |
of the nation's leading college 'Ubercuiosis was discuksed at &| John W. Pewers, assistant pro- | teaching. pron Bsns. temch- |
: gvening in the{clnsses, launched in October, are sral income tax, Pennsylvania |Jjoar, snd Patricia, of Washing.
of New Jersey in Doyle Hall and | /iorseshoe Trail Tavers in Gullit: | designed to help students who are state taxes, labor problems, gen- ton, D. C. spent the week po 7
imeeting was Dr. Harry J. Treah-| The enrollment is expected to! igistration for an cotmses wii Roon
(ler, chisl of stall of the Craaaanl ae tars Jonchers pacted 32 be confucted from 6.30 to 8:30] Mm. J J ey ami son. Pat
ter 1
i ia : 3. : : : . lof Washing'lon, D C mt two |
: Cresson Rotary Club. Hi waa Uk | panning la Seach, siong WIth | Ce rar's th ccth 2 nin. weeks with the nays parents. |
Bb aay ’ BS AF nurses, secretaries, bookkeepers | T (8h a | M d Mts. Charl |
"9 : : . | tration building. Mr will | Mr. and Mis. Charles Strohmier
g Sated id RAymond. Aptis, Ryo {and others preparing for advanc | of Mr regist tion of Loretto R. D. They returned
department in showing slid yan Doitiims |All classes will be conducted ig|bome Sundisy with Mr. Rooney,
falarhent Jn Showing oes { Special classes will be held fori. oo isnce hall i who had viited at the Strohmier
Dy Freshler dhe rived Lhe me- | persons interested in taxation, : ws J igi : 7 F heane over the week end i
4 thods of treatment end the suc: | Gordon Mortina, college inatruc- ny sn esa Mr. and Mrs AR Philpe of
4 cess in Sen on. Jo Mg ap | toe in economics, hay announced. | RECEIVE GIFTS OF MONEY | pojiadeionia visited over (he past
ening Of & surgery unil si Lres<! Federal income tax and Penn- | Sher \ : i ' -
| son. Patients requiring chest sur- | t and Pean-| Bethi hem (PNS) Last year week end with the lafy's moth
le Nd
gy 0 60 Be
O00 wt bids Daw
a Ld an 2 5
Bo onveamwad
onnee Xd
Total - — [Sylvania tax courses have been Lohigh Uriversity recelved $827 ler. Mrs, (Glenn Litths of this
1% 1 "36-08. hospitals Tiy were sent lo other outlined for the evening classes. (214 in bequests and gifts Ac | place. They attended the wedding |
43 OM ee Cresson Banatorium otticials| ap, Sutaey oitersd in the ov cording to University Treasurer | of Mrs. Philps’ brother. last Sat-
Referson-—Bolte and Mabalic | have been giving lectures and dis- | _ hE ade ne pabie Speak- | John 1 Kirxbatrick vrday
v * cussing TH symptoms befors |
variois clubs of making the pub- |
ie TB-conscionus :
“If people feel tired, show lous |
of sppetite, loans of weight and if!
a cough persists more than three
weeks they should have a check. |
op” Dr. Treahler pointed out. |
¢ said he Is gratified by ithe
mobile tuberculosis unit on its
i about the sounty despite the
Following : the talk, Dr Tresh
dler and Dr. G. H. Mills of Gallit-
gin answered Guestions from the
The next mesling of the club
will be held on :
The story of a fa
that paid off
. 3
i oe
i ar
to build a new $10,000 mortgage free
home for every family in San Francisco
—and Sacramento—and Sait Lake
1 » i =
ment has helped produce bamper crops
and prosperous years. Everywhere in
America, man’s urge to get into busi-
ness for himeel{ has become a bright
reality. So has the ambition of loving and
ROBABLY YOU'VE mever thought of
§ Lanse Shame mite Drain
But you are. And here is how you, as
a citizen of the United States, are
creating the greatest success in all
Remember back in 1941 when the
Defense Bonds you were buying sud-
denly had to become War Bonds? How
you and your neighbors pitched in to
buy them in ever-increasing numbers,
to back our fighting men and to help
achieve the victory of World War H?
After V-] Day, when those bonds
became Savings Bonds, you comtinued
to buy them because you had learned
bow regular saving could build seco-
rity and contentment for yourself and
those you love. :
The face of the land has undergone
some dramatic changes in those years
since V-J Day. Now the landscape is
Bonds built. Thousands upen thow-
sands of new smtomobiles trsvel the
On the farms, Bond purchased aquip-
parents to send their children through
college. Time snd time again, Saving:
Bonds have made those dreams and
many others come true. |
You KNOW they've come true, be-
couse it's happened i you or to
some of your own friends.
And this is only the beginning of the
story. Even afier accomplishing wo
still enjoy the financial security of
owning more than fifty billion dollary—
fifty thousand million dollars in
Savings Bonds, More than at the peak
of wartime Bond holdings!
How much money is that? I's enough
Cincinnati—and Pitsburgh—and
of Texas! :
And every week, everywhere in Amer
ica, mew millions of dollars are
added to the total-—as crisp new
pame on them,
Kind of a kingsise: success story, im’t
it? Your success story becausg you
and the =illions of your neighbors are
living it right now. Your own faith in
warmth of family security and in»
dependence—have made the story