Seek Teen-Age Clad DE SAT Tn Pia wae] ye principal a op nals or at the x dHnner- ng Northern dria Kiwand) at the Cotnmer- cial Hotel Ih Patton Inst Thurs day evening. Robert Coffman, manager of McCrory's fore herve, ‘way chair man of the program, which dealt with hain stores Se AN 500 3 EAA ning to Enter Tournament Three Patton boys, under the Mr. Callalian, in his talk, gave |ing training sng management of Pete | Ot Francis Trips a brief ory of the A&P con i ; THR : This mt was em Plantone of Vi and R fe oR a0 | [oern. He stited that the concern | . mphastsed of ton. Baive May Texas Wesleyan | ; oN i 1 Bo wis started on a seal selde in skit, entitled. “Do You W St. Francis Red Flash return New York tate by the Hartford | Be A Nurse” presented by the Dapper, Dan poxing tourns- brothers. It stendily unti) | Senior nurses of the Mi ment to bt held on Jan. 31 andied to the win column Monday , | Iniwith a 866i win over Texas! at one time thers were 18.000 pe- | Pita . Miss Norms | tail stoves ‘This number sow has | And Miss Ruth Mehal on Wesleyan. : | . The game, which was scheduled | mee, have been Utking {been reductd and supennarkets | 05 (his week, presented the s all She odin We Bigne Beitr arsing : ht many smaller naighborhood! out. | Xr interest n . for the Cambria County eta. Following his address. 4 Ns | They told the high school cassion period was held. with s | dents the requirements for nurs nimber of questions and snawers. ing and mentioned that the girly B : : | ' Northern Cambria Kiwanii hes | should be getting their in Dayle Roomy. Ramente before a | a = received 3 request to spongor ations in now, to whick ever school pacity crow 150 ; teen-age chib in Patton. Prest- | they wish to enter in the fall | The win marked the ninth vie-| : ident Clair (Gill appointed George: Girls who enroll in nursing ve- | {cry for the Fiash, p , ‘Hoppe! Sr, Jesse W. Cogley Jr.| ceive a three year scientific edu | The Frankies were set afire by : (and Pat Marquette as a conimit- | cation of dignity snd ae to Sonal jet further the advise | through a humanitarian service, | | 20 SCy of mich a step. absolately essential to the - : - ® | Mr. Coghyy, chairman of the y __- the Mife of a co-worker, : | program committee, made the ec lineman, has recelved : following announcements: Electric Institute Award artifeial . At this «vening's meeting. to wis postponed do in schedule, was played! great career” “It includes fun.” oe SEE EYRL ails; 1eif | gintion Felgh was able to restore be held in the Commercial Hotel, : . Moderator will Evening Sessions At PRR WN Loening ons At St. Francis [sori 05 Viensions Fred Arble and Mrs. B. ¥. ors in charge of entertainment, ing of spring semester at St | Pennsylvania history, economic nt Hl Francis College in Loreto, will geography, curvey of civilization. L : next week. Bunday at Meeting of the Galftzin Lions| fessor of ofucation, said the | ing. principals of sccounting, fed-| Mrs Dan Quigley danghters. | 30 p. m. they meet Bt Peters Clud Monday Ta . Seuiifiay | w min. (unable to atiend reguls g \ ; t tN £4 i y Rutmtnates 1 "Main speaker at the dinner |ihmbe to on gular day eral office practice and botany. [at the Charles Strolimisr horce in 3 coun- | day night's summary: Kupels | 4 Franti a T Yer Wes, ( breathing after the intter oume in there will le an open forum on tact with a high volinge wire Inst August the subject “Juvenile Deiin- party will be held om Feb » * : with Mrs. Plummer Harvey, Mrs jo any ria Workers Sow. | A meet of ¢ Evening sessions for the open- | ing, logic, United Btates and! girectors po ot he hoard of | Detection and treatment of | : be host to two | . begin cn Feb. 5. mental fone, techalgues of | of the nation's leading college 'Ubercuiosis was discuksed at &| John W. Pewers, assistant pro- | teaching. pron Bsns. temch- | : gvening in the{clnsses, launched in October, are sral income tax, Pennsylvania |Jjoar, snd Patricia, of Washing. of New Jersey in Doyle Hall and | /iorseshoe Trail Tavers in Gullit: | designed to help students who are state taxes, labor problems, gen- ton, D. C. spent the week po 7 imeeting was Dr. Harry J. Treah-| The enrollment is expected to! igistration for an cotmses wii Roon (ler, chisl of stall of the Craaaanl ae tars Jonchers pacted 32 be confucted from 6.30 to 8:30] Mm. J J ey ami son. Pat ter 1 » i ia : 3. : : : . lof Washing'lon, D C mt two | : Cresson Rotary Club. Hi waa Uk | panning la Seach, siong WIth | Ce rar's th ccth 2 nin. weeks with the nays parents. | Bb aay ’ BS AF nurses, secretaries, bookkeepers | T (8h a | M d Mts. Charl | "9 : : . | tration building. Mr will | Mr. and Mis. Charles Strohmier g Sated id RAymond. Aptis, Ryo {and others preparing for advanc | of Mr regist tion of Loretto R. D. They returned department in showing slid yan Doitiims |All classes will be conducted ig|bome Sundisy with Mr. Rooney, falarhent Jn Showing oes { Special classes will be held fori. oo isnce hall i who had viited at the Strohmier Dy Freshler dhe rived Lhe me- | persons interested in taxation, : ws J igi : 7 F heane over the week end i 4 thods of treatment end the suc: | Gordon Mortina, college inatruc- ny sn esa Mr. and Mrs AR Philpe of 4 cess in Sen on. Jo Mg ap | toe in economics, hay announced. | RECEIVE GIFTS OF MONEY | pojiadeionia visited over (he past ening Of & surgery unil si Lres