9 0000 [Efoosssosensvossououce EES : COO00VV OOOVVVVVVVVVOVVVVVVOVVVVOVVVVVVOC OOOO YOOOO0OOOOOVVVOVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVOOOICIOO. Hunting Coats .......... $1.98 § recting. You'll see the Mack Sennett a . ] = ! bathing girls this time and Alice Faye he Jmnion of those who have al- ® ° 0. 2 Huntine Caps ......i... 39c | is one. Once again Buster Keaton, Y63dY viewed the reissue. olice Oil ac I S 4 cans 2be : Ben Turpin, Chester Conklin and the : = RE ’ Hunting Boots .......-.. $1.98 | Keystone Cops are seen in hilarious SPORTSMEN OF CAMBRIA A : . scenes form the past. Once again, Al TNF QR TD z Hunting Vests ............ 69¢] Jolson sings the song in which he el- ( OY vom JOSEPH 9 12 OZ. i ; ectrifies the world in “The Jazz Sing- SI tVE F FISHING JOB A orne ee C : 8 N | Hunting Pants .......... $1.49 er’ and youll see Hollywood as itf = = -——— rmour S 9 i : was and as it is, in a three ring cir-| Joseph Shreve, Johnstown, secretary ’ High Top Shoes ..... passes $2.98 cus of entertainment. of the Johnstown Sportsmen's Asso- 9 In Tomato 16 OZ . 3 okies The 20th Century Fox film is due | ciation, and for many years active in IBB S POR d BEANS 2 ’ a Hunting Shirts ...... 98e ll he rand Theatre, Patton next SPortsmen’s circles, has received the G K an oy Sauce Tins Cc | Sunday and Monday. indorsement of the Cambria County . ] ] a Sportsmen’s Association and the Sou- | 24 LB. | . bo YoU KNOW: awesern pisric of ne renova HAPPY BAKER FAMILY FLOUR, “«.. 63¢ Thursday, November 2nd, 193¢ 1940 FARM PROGRAM COMMITTEES TO BE ELECTED IN COUNTY ings follows: weed containing iodine, have long been READ! 5+ SO. x 3 ba} Font . . losi At : ¢ . v Ebensbure community.--Court Hou collected by inhabitants of the West | BUY! Closing At a series of community meetings Lbensburg c( unity rt Ho Coast ~ : Siren td ini ! ; . . ~ : ; oast of South America and sold in : se, Nov. 3, at 8 P. M,, C. E. Hill, chair-| 7 3 yn | SAVE! Nov. 4,1939 scheduled throughout the county, Cam- bria county farmers will elect commu- usual, be deducted from payment earned by farmers of the county whe take part in the program, The schedule for the county meet: man. THE UNION PRESS-COURIER. are ignorance, obstinancy, and credu: | lous belief in quacks and patent med- | | dried sticks of sea- icines.” “Goiter sticks"— the highlands where goiter is common Centuries ago waters from certain | nity committeemen for the 1940 Agri- Hastings community, Cross Roads springs in South America were given cultural Conservation Program. At the | Grange, Nov. 8, at 8 p. m. Edwin J. | to; goiter patients. These waters con- same time delegates will be elected to select the County Agricultural Conser vation Committee for 1940, according to an announcement by the Cambria County Agricultural Conservation Committee. Also, at these meetings the main points of next year's program will be discussed,, both from its national as- pect and its local application. Every farmer who signs a register indicating that he is entitled to share in the 1940 proceeds of a farm in his community and that he intends to par- ticipate in the 1940 Agricultural Con- servation program is eligible to vote at these meetings. In each community a chairman and two other members of a community committee will be elected, together | with two alternate members of the | committee. The farmers also will elect | a delegate to the county convention which will choose the County Agri- cultural Conservation Committee for next year. These county and community com- mittees this year, as in the past, will handle local administration of the farm program. Expenses for administration of the program in the county will, as JOE'S CUT-RATE STORE Barnesboro’s Low Price Leaders BARNESBORD . . . PENNA. RRR Westrick, chairman. Geistown community: Geistown High School, Nov. 8 at 8 p. m. E. L Bloom, chairman. Patton community, Concord Grange Hall, Nov. 10, at 8 p. m., P. C. Stritt- matter, chairman. Johnstown community, Stutzmar School, Benshoff Hill, Hov. 10, at 8 F. M., Albert Lehman, chairman. Loretto community, Loretto church hall, Nov. 14th, 8 p. m.,, P. R. Law- son. Wilmore Community — Wilmore High School, Nov .15, at 8 p. m., Jacob Holsopple. ‘HOLLYWOOD CAVALCADE’ AT GRAND THATRE NEXT SUNDAY AND MONDAY Movie fans here's a picture for you! It's Darryl F. Zanuck’s produc- tion of “Hollywood Cavalcade,” star- ring Alice Faye and Don Ameche, and filmed in technicolor. It re-enacts and photographs anew the romance of Hollywood from bathing beauties to world premieres; tells the great human story of Mike, who wanted to make movies, and Molly, who wanted only to be loved by Mike, who instead won greatness on the screen. It tells the drama of the men and women like them who conquered the enter- tainment world in the romantic, fa- bulous zany years of Hollywood’s rise. Staged again with great stars of today years of Hollywood's rise. Stage again, with great stars of to- day and great personalities of yes- terday,, You'll see slapstick and custard pie comedy, with Don Ameche di- Quoting Dr. Roger I. Lee of Boston: “I will agree that some people who need medical attention do not receive it, but the reasons are nect largely, if at all, due to the inability to pay but Re i tained iodine. BANNED SCENES ARE RESTORED TO NEW UN- CENSORED WAR FILM With Europe in the thick of ano- | ther titanic war, “All Quiet on the | Western Front,” recognized as the | greatest war film ever made, has been released in its original uncensored | form for the first time. { The histoy making film, winner of | five international awards, will be the | attraction along with another feature, | at the Grand theatre, Patton on Fri- day and Saturday of this week with | many dramatic scenes that could not be shown during its original release. Truth, shining through all censor- ship efforts, distinguishes the picturi- zation of Erich Maria Remarque’s | world famous novel. Foreign coun- | tries sensitive to anything which | might reflect on their victories or de- | feats on the field of battle, have hith- | erto cast a halting hand on producers | in Hollywood. Even though opposed to weakening the dramatic appeal of | their stories, the picture makers were | | nevertheless obiedient to the foreign | protests. But today, recognized as an international medium for the spread of good will, the motion picture, and particularly “All Quiet” is presented as is. Restoration of the censored scenes, ample de-editing and modern- ization of the film, accomplished by Universal experts only last week have resulted in the new production of a film which will strike as the h ts of men. women dren everywhere as did the original “All Quiet” almost a decade ago, in nia Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs for the position of fish commissioner. M. J. Farabaugh, of Carrolltown, the secretary of the county association, at | a meeting held last Thursday night in | the court house at Ebensburg, was in- | structed by the organization to send a | | letter to Governor Arthur H. James | {notifying him of the indorsements giv- | en Mr. Shreve and recommending that he make the appointment as soon as PAGE THREE. Until Effective Prices GOOD BUILDING, Magee Avenue, PATTON Save the MOST on the BEST Choose A Brand and Size That Suits Your Par- ticular Needs From Our Large Displays of Finest Qual- ity Merchandise .". Priced Extra Low! APRICOTS or PEACHES 1 9 C STOCK UP NOW! Dozen Cans: $1.40 sald 25¢ Fine No. 2 Quality cans 2bc Fine Quality Sauerkraut, 3 Ige. cans, 25¢ Choice California Fine Quality Large No.2 1-2 can | Red Kidney Beans, GOLDEN BANTAM CORN, CRANBERRY SAUCE, P&G Brand, 2 17 ounce cans ; 23c Quality Tomato Sauce, 3 large btls., 25¢ Salted Soda CRACKERS, 2 1b. pkg. 13c JELL—O or ROYAL Desserts, 3 pkgs. 14c Fresh Qual. Peanut BUTTER, Ib. jar., 13¢ FANCY FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES! SNOWY WHITE CAULIFLOWER, ™ 10c ited possible. | Fancy per M. L. Banker, Huntingdon, president | GOl DEN RIPI 4 BANANAS > . Fruit, 1b. bc Seda y of the South Central District of the | be- f Pennsylvania Federation of Sports- | EATING OR COOKING be men’s Clubs, was principal speaker ai | TENDER GREEN SPINACH, 1b., 5¢ ger the meeting. He outlined the activities A P LV i F S fei of the Federation and pointed out how | F id GR E RU T 64 size, ex- 5 I ot op sportsmen may gain more recognition | Poldwin. S keh lori a AP F i 9 tra juicy ea. | by operating in conjunction with the | Bardwin, Smonchouss, The Cambria County de administration. the depression. bonds. stant economy and the savin ing your taxes TWENTY-FI In addition to the abov Tax lars and the County ($1.60) Cents. duction, this tax was Sixty ( To the Voters of Cambria County TWO MILLION ($2,000,000.00) DOLLARS during our Please remember that this was during This saves ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND ($100,- 000.00) DOLLARS a year in interest and State tax on This saving, together with the practice of con- Goodrick Act has justified your Commissioners in reduc- 1938 from EIGHT (8) MILLS to SIX (6) MILLS. PER CENT reduction in taxes, practically all occupation assessments have been reduced. assessment for “Laborer” was Two Hundred ($200.) Dol- In 1934, this assesment was cut to ONE HUNDRED (100.) DOLLARS and the County Tax re- duced to Eighty ($.80) Cents. In 1938, after the tax re- Sixty-two and one-half (62% %) Per Cent, Dollar and Sixty Cents ($1.60) in 1933 to Sixty ($.60) bt has been reduced over g to the County due to the VE (25%) PER CENT in e, TWENTY-FIVE (25%) In 1933 the occupation was One Dollar and Sixty $.60) Cents, a reduction of from One federation. It also was recommnded that the an. Dennis L. Westrick Elder Township Fresh Florida ORANGES, 2 doz., 29¢ “ 19¢c | ONIONS . . . 10 1bs., 15¢ SPANISH ONIONS LB. 10c FRESH CELERY “Sie 2 Sak 15¢ Jonathan, Winter Banana, or Rome Be: 8 Pounds . . Stalk FINE QUALITY FRESH and SMOKED MEATS! I Sirloin or Club Steaks, 25¢c I FOUNTAIN HAMS, small size, whole or shank half, pound 25¢ SMOKED SHOULDERS, Picnic Style, pound, ]8¢ SLICED BACON. Extra Special Sugar Cured, 15 Ib. pkg., 10¢ PURE PORK SAUSAGE, pound .. 17¢ From Quality Steer Beef, Ib. FANCY HEN TURKEYS Small Seize, 29¢ Pound Cooked PORK LOINS, Sliced, i Fancy Cherry Peppers, quart jar, 19¢ Fresh Stewing OYSTERS, pint, 23c¢ alb, Be Codfish STEAKS, Fine Eating, pound, 15¢ Fancy Salmon STEAKS, pound, 25¢ Fancy Qual. Sea SCALLOPS, pound, 23c Extra Fine HALIBUT STEAKS, Ib., 25¢ mual meeting of the Pennsylvania Fed- | rent program which is just getting | eration in February be made a two day | under way. These bridges will be re- | affair instead of one day. Imcrease in| placed with more modern structures | activities necessitates a two «day mee- ting Banker told sportsmen. Members also voted to dispense with | the November meeting because of the | three o fthese old wooden structures | hunting season. During the winter the | slated for replacement. There are one | association will meet Sunday after: | each in Snyder, Union, Northumber- | noons instead of Thursday evenings. | land and Northampton counties. Sportsmen representing 17 associa- | PROTECT YOUR CAR | capable of carrying an increased traf- | { fie load. Columbia county leads the list with | LGR anti-freeze that’s sealed in | ““Five Star” Retardant Checks | Evaporation! Heavy un | tions in the county, discussed the ring. | SAVE TIMBER LANDS, neck propagation projects undertaken fe CIO REQUESES THE U. S. | by a number of organizations in the | — | county. It was reported that approxi- A national program of “efficient and | mately 800 ringneck pheasants were | adequate reforestation” to protect the | raised by clubs in southern Cambria | country’s great natural resources, was | ( ( ll { I ( ller county last year. demanded at the recent CIO conven- Sportsmen also voted to purchase | tion in San Francisco. A resolution A 500 placards to be placed in the woods | predicted that “virgin commercial tim- of the county, warning hunters to | ber will have disappeared in from 30 respect farmers’ land and to exercise |to 50 years” unless steps are immedia- every precaution while using firearms. [ tely taken to reforest the timber coun- | try. Harold Pritchett, president of the International Woodworkers of Amer- broken line shows how un- f———————1 broken film, produced by [—————————] the exclusive dual retardant in DuPont “Five Star” [1 Anti-Freeze, holds evapora- tion to a minimum. Cents in 1938. Jy confinuing to reduce the debt and by continuing the practice of constant economy, further reductions can be made in your taxes. There are four candidates for County Commissioner. The three receiving the highest vote will be elected. You can vote for two only. Very few taxing bodies have reduced taxes, so I am asking you for a great big generous vote to show your approval. “Five Star” protects 5 ways against: 1. Freezing 3. Rust-clogged radiators 2. Corrosion 4. Overheating of engine AND...S. Its exclusive dual retardant, develop. ed by DuPont, holds evaporation to a minimum, ‘While “Five Star” is not offered as a perma- tures nent anti-freeze, its unique patented fea make it render long and efhcient service, QUPIND QUALIFIED AND EXPERIENCED HIGHWAY TRAFFIC DOOMS I thank you. JOHN THOMAS, Jr. A Lifelong Record of Dependable and Courteous Service. STATE'S OLD BRIDGES Harrisburg.—Seven historic covered wooden bridges are scheduled for re- ica, took the convention floor to speak in behalf of the resolution and to warn of the dangers, not only to the men in his union, but to the nation as a whole | unless a thorough going conservation FIVE STAR { ANTI-FREEZE Your Support Is Resi ully placement under the state highway de- A | Solicited. partment’s $2,000,000 bridge improve-| policy is adopted.
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