PAGE TWO. PINE TWP. NOTES (CORONER HIS GOAL HEILWOOD, MENTCLE, ALVERDA, | AND VICINITY, FROM PEN OF | MISS MONA FRYE. Mr. H. M. Henry of Alverda attend- ed the First Aid meet held in the In- diana Fair Grounds last Saturday. Mr. Henry acted as Judge for the teams Walter McCloskey, Tony Landi and Joe Wayda of Mentcle were. business callers in Indiana on Monday. | Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ganoe of Heil- THE UNION PRESS-COURIER. LEGAL NOTICE COURT PROCLAMATION. Whereas, the Honorable John H. Mc- Cann, President Judge of the Court of Comman Pleas of the Forty-Seventh Judicial District, consisting of the County of Cambria, has issued his pre- | cept bearing date the 20th day of July, to me directed for holding a COURT OF OYER AND TERMINER and GEN- ERAL JAIL DELIVERY; AND QUAR- TER SESSIONS OF THE PEACE, in Ebensburg, for the County of Cambria, and to commence on the first Tuesday of September next, being the fifth day of said month of the year 1939 and to | matum recently to 6,500 employees in 30 hospitals, penal and correctional in- stitutions that delinquent taxes be paid to avoid “another expedient.” It was understood that those who failed | to meet obligations to the state or in dicate desire to do so as soon as pos- sible, would be dismissed. Sweeney said he would not dis- close names of delinquents or the amount of money involved, to avoid embarrassment. He pointed out that the tax delin- auent state employees set “a bad mor- al example” adding that they should be the “first to return the taxpayers’ “Inherently, men are honest and are willing to pay their debts as indicated by responses to my request,” Sween- Thursday, August 10, 1939. the desired action.” Newspapers and radio stations in communities hard pressed for delin- ey said. “Most of the delinquencies | quent assessments have urged their were the result of neglect. It required | own public officials to follow Sween- merely a logical reminder to obtain| ey's idea, it was understood. IAA IA ill Ii You Show Good Taste When You Ask For — Tm wood, were social callers in Cresson money " and Windber on Sunday. { | continue for two weeks. | = I Mr. Sam Maddenberg of Alverda Notice is hereby given to the Coro- | s=~ betv motored to Pittsburgh early Sunday | ner, Justices of the Peace, Aldermen Ol D grea morning on a combined business and and the Constables of said County of REUEL SOMERVILLE into pleasure trip, and while there witnes Cambria, that they be then and there gem ed the double header ball game at in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock in ATTORNEY-AT-LAW phys Forbes Field. { the forenoon of said day, with their : : . cial Mr. and Mrs. Patsy Celenza and fa- records, inquisitions, examinations, and ! Office in Goud Blde., Patin lear: mily of Mentcle spent the week end in | their other remembrances, to do those The: Commodore with friends. things which to their offices appertain er i inwa Miss Laverne Adams visited friends to be done and tosthose who are bound Ll i ? bodi in Nanty-Glo 1 A in recognizances to prosecute against tran, Joe McLaughl Johnny Sut- Paul J. Wills the prisoners that are or shall be in 1939 OR hell, liffe of Patton were social callers in aul J. is, the Jail of Cambria County, that they Wall Pa er the town on Sunday. retto, Pa, has be then and there to prosecute against P Si Mr. and Mrs. Albert Contruci, for Coroner them as shall be just. Ss B k! envi motored to Pittsburgh over the week 1 . Given under my hand at Ebens- ample 00 ® cura end. Mr. Wills attended St. Francis Prep | burg the 7th day of August, in the year Contains 60 Different Papers the Miss Vi Berringer of Alverda attend- | and St. Frar ge, where he pur-| of our Lord one thousand nine hun- : 25 Hl EI HHA Er estra ed the Stuli reunion at the Indian While in dred and thirty-nine, and the one hun- priced from Sc to 9c Der NAA and Springs Park near Indiana on Sat § reg and Shui Yeo! of the inde- Single Roll away Ly | and athlete. pendence of the United States, r : “OTT ny At : Mi s Billy Giles of Hillsdale was a | : t is President of the Loretto CYRUS W. DAVIS, sheritt. || WRITE FOR YOUR FREE And you get good taste, for Old Monarch and New Ni recent guest at the H. M. Henry home | District Republican Club with a mem- Sheriff's Office, Ebensburg, Pa. 4t. BOOK TODAY! Life Beer is known for its exceptional wholesomeness selfi; in Alverda 5 nd has been Republi=« 0 Cr a > We pav the postage on all : s . a . : Be estra The Ladies’ Aid held a reception at nan for the past twelve SWEENY REPORTS oul No har for —not thin or rich, but just that true, full bodied taste a 3 roe indsay or . wavs bee an. setive | . > +r Me = gE 3 : : y n ., . . : Ge 5 may Sn Hoan been 8n fetive STATE EMPLOYEES trimming. that is so much enjoyed by persons who prefer beer. in larewel ) VATS. | ¢ paigner for the Republican party Fe ’ Exes . . . . Heilwood. The all over Cambria county. PAYING UP TAXES BUCK'S Old Monarch and New Life is good all the way through were present: Mrs. | ie is 2 Tife resident of the conn: Harrisburg—Welfare department in- Jails Shs a y . : Te 5 rs Lamrara| on 2 EO Tah aus can | stitution employees are paying up de- WALL PAPER & PAINT . . . you'll enjoy a good cold bottle any time. How ab Orange, guest of honor; Mrs. Andrew | jain 1 Lit] de altar r. | linquent taxes or making arrange- , 7 3 5 out a case todav? | BY. 3 ldine L. Li daughter of Mr & Q ha Qtr ul d $ y. | Lindsay, Mrs. Raymond Lockhart, Mrs. | and Mrs. W.'F. Litzincer rr bovetc ments to clean up arrears, Welfare 334 Ww ashington Sti eet ith Samuel Low, Mrs. Miles Davis, MIS. |. 4 pave oof do onter. Joan Marie, | Secretary E. Arthur Sweeney says. { JOHNSTOWN, PENNA. trang L. U. Learn, Mrs. W. A. Dinsmore and | Tht is the result of Sweeney's ulti- — BUY OLD MONARCH OR NEW LIFE BEER—THE irs. H. M. He . A” delicious lunch | UY euiss airs Te, . in S 3 - is : Lo ree SR seried My: Oraras was preseated | Sotber Draws Fivst Place BEST IN THE LAND—OUR BEER GUARANTEED rl VE erve 8 I | anyw with a beautiful gift. as Shay ines wh rere Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Keefer of Ak-| The State Elections Bureau at Har- TO PLEASE OR YOUR MONEY BACK. geme ‘on. Ohio, visited at the home of Andy | risburg has announced that Attorney hE an ee the week end. | FH: E. Sorber, Johnstown, drew first | ED W STEVENS i z © Mr. and Mrs. George Shahean of | Place on the Republican primary bal- Je . x v . BEER---A BEVERAGE OF MODERATION oH aide Ne wenn airenle Gr & | lot for Judge of the Cambria County ' oE Mentcle are the proud parents of a ba- | se : , TN LCT Ih by girl born on Monday morning. | Conmen Pleas Court, the second place | k UNERAL DIRECT IR UNION MADE AND DELIVERED. Mrs. John Huff of Glen Campbell | 8018 to Attorney Harry E. Englehart. | DErso and Mrs. Lloyd Cessna of Gypsy Visit- | Judge Ivan J. McKenrick is unop- | rol 4 colitives In M e on Weanesday posed for the Democratic nomination. | hovel é s in M { oe 1 ev and Thursday of last week. - KNO W N BY SERVICE 7 O been Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lunn and family — bount of Heilwood were recent social callers 3 e se-vie in Indiana. = . OHANS TOWN, PA. Cross Miss Jean Henry of Alverda is visit- PHONE SERVICE, Day 3651, Night 2651 2 That ing relatives in Indiana this week. eR Miss Helen Louise Grumbling of { - RR EE A TT mii 44h = arms ; : ; : RE HATS s Heilwood spent Sunday at Ligonier | pa |S Ee every Valley Beach. ES : . : they Miss Patty McCloskey of Mentcle a is for visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. «0 Peter Kowalskie in Gallitzin recently. prithe Mrs. Sam McNulty and family of New Carrolltown spent Thursday at the to. ihe Carl Frye home in Mentcle. 4 Bihe Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Johnson and ie family were recent social callers in » Poiloe: Patton. : sudde Glenn Straw of Belsano was a caller fn n" & ® ® aight in town on Sunday. Thi Mr. and Mrs. George Lunn and fa- nu the at mily of Gallitzin were visiting rela- $s 30 tives in Heilwood over the week end. oi ig Mrs. Dean Hauk of Carrolitown was : c a visitor at the ; Gaston Lome m | & ® i bin Ey Wit i é eter | = A surprise | ™ i ] one home of Mr. 211i | 1Ser it so Lio Ti : & peace, on sunday nig u- | 1 1 { never ghter, Syliv tn birthaay. = : i ness Gs nd a delicious | ’ £4 1] . thin Nas wer ry ans a THE WORLD'S FIRST “COLD-WALL” REFRIGERATOR! Built on an with were § a and Leona Central, Eva | - - - y . - Bs and Clara Chappell, Tony and Varia entirely New Principle that saves food's vital freshness from drying out ony, Rizzo, Lena and Amedia Gamberoni : 2 : 1 Junior Mutz, Elnora and Mike Celenza, | For the first time, you can now store even highly perishable foods — any i Mario Bastetti, Delores Badia, Theresa | and prolong their original freshness, retain their nourishing richness and [ap Pina, and Irene Paretti; Mrs. Ross and peak fresh flavor. . . days longer than ever before! Come in. Convince CONVENIENT === 2h Mrs. Talli, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tluui, Dr. ourself in 5 Minutes. See how this new Frigidaire puts you years ahead Within : a : 4 8 puts you y. TERMS the in Gatti and Lena Ross of Indiana. in every way—in beauty, usability, economy as well as food-preserva- eI J. Moorehead of Indiana was a re- tion. Yet costs no more than ordinary “first-line” refrigerators! : cent caller at the Fred Ganoe home iu n 8 AS LGW AS The Heilwood. 3 at Se Betty and Ray Joiner and Muriel a center a Smith of Alverda left Sunday night im the fo for Camp Jorai, where they will spend ® 9 ® To s this week. | ay wif The Gibson reunion was held at the 27 Jack Gibson home in Griesmore on | materi Sunday last. secular Mrs. N. Henry of Smithport visited the rel at the Gail Henry home in Alverda | 6 /, 4 s / 7)" Ir recently. | —= betwee Vera Jenkins of Washington, D. C., | - The and be visited at the home of Mr. i Mend Super - Freezer NOW, FOR THE FIRST TIME Twen ’ Frank Trinkley over the week end. | freezes Ics “ i roug) While here Miss Jenkins, Mrs. Trinkley | and makes 1. a SEaesa moniot and Kenneth Trinkley visited her | BRAND NEW cold hers... S 3S PARTITION — DIVIDES Jones. grandmother in Patton. | as osual THE CABINET INTO 2 COMPARTMENTS. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Russell and Mr. | 1939 MODEL, ’ avid ; and Mrs. Jack Gibson were Indiana | ONLY 2 2 THE LOWER COMPARTMENT IS RE- | rd callers on Saturday night. ; ® FRIGERATED DIRECTLY THROUGH of Patt Richard Williams of Gresmore an ot Gi THE WALLS BY CONCEALED : 3 ves = REFRIGER- Pennsy Will Williams of Nedo attended the | Big, roomy, full 6 Cuble Je sire) Cras I ORs in Salem Welsh Calvinistic =~ Methodist | ame Simplest y : : Givareh 0 North Ebensburg on Sunday | 1% the & same Miser, same one- © This provides all 3 essentials for keeping Testam last. | ece steel construction and same General foods vitally fresh longer than ever before— 1. dersigr 0 tors 5-year Protection Plan as Frigid- Uniform Low Temperatures. 2. High Humid- Esiale WAR ON RELIF CHISLERS i models costing up to $100 more. ity. 3.No Moisture-Robbing Air Circulation. and th NETS NEARLY $500,000 ses ot a Super-Value price! | All without adding a single moving part! against Harrisburg.—Pennsylvania’s war on Q iy AND ONLY FRIGIDAIRE HAS IT! known relief Chislen Ha Rete the Depart f l (332) ment of Public Assistance nearly re LI rs ol ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF FRIGIDAIRE AIR CONDITIONING — BEER COOLING — MILK COOLING AND HO- Reuel | in the arrest of of aj ximate Q T ’ « rE I T in the arrest of of approximately 600) TEL, RESTAURANT AND MEAT MARKET COOLING EQUIPMENT, : Patton, percons during 1939, the claim settle- | ment division reports. ' Division agents, the figures show, | CARROLLTOWN ADMI have everaged 4,500 investigations per | = 3 month since January. | ® la 2 The division was set up on a oivil | . pi service basis during the Earle adminis- | tration ot handle the claims of the de-| CHARLSON’S STORE mies Barnesboro COMMONS’ HARDWARE ........ Nanty-Glo BARNES STORE CO. —..—.___ Bakerton of 31% partment against persons receiving ge i LR eed sis mbit in South Fork HUGHES STORE CO Lilly BAKERTON SUPPLY CO. —.—.._.. Elmora the unc sista gally. ! |= : ; Lh resson BC EAA of : Dr. atiug Totus, chint of the Jifie- SHETTIG HARDWARE ______ Ebensburg BARNES & TUCKER STORE te SS ion, estimated that more ,U00,- | T . Je : an | N. W. MOORE HARDWARE _____ Portage COMPANY ___ —_ Barneshoro STORE _._____ Hastings emer lief organization in the form of res- | : titutions and property claims by the end of the year. ERT, Reuel S Patton,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers