PAGE SIX HAL KEMP ATTRACTION AT SUNSET | | filmdom’s will Hal Kemp, radio’s and genial southern personality, bring his orchestra and corps of enter- tainers to Sunset, the world's most unique ball room, on Wednesday, Au- gust 2nd. Headlining the Kemp en-| tertainment bill of fare will be all the stars of his “Time to Shine” radio re- vue heard over the CBS network ev- ery Tuesday at 10 P. M. (EDST), in- cluding the Smoothies—Babs, Charlie, and Little; Van Wynn, winsome song stylist; Bob Allen, romantic baritone; Jack Lemaire, rhythm satirist in “Jit- ters,” Eddie Kusby, trombone soloist; Harry Wiliford, scat singer and the “Golden Trumpet,” of Clayton Cash. America’s premier style band, the Hal Kemp combination is noted for its distinctive lilting rhythm, typified by “Telegraphic Trumpet,” subtone clarinet, glissinac saxaphone and dou- ble octave piano effects. A new ventilating system has been installed in the spacious ball room, as- suring all patrons and dancers of a cool, comfortable evening. Dancing continues every Friday, fe- aturing road bands coming from all | parts of the country. Jack McLean and | his orchestra, better known to radio fans as “Down Melody Lane. With Jack McLean” wil play on Friday, | July 28th. PINE TWP. NOTES HEILWOOD, MENTCLE, ALVERDA, AND VICINTY, FROM PEN OF MISS MONA FRYE. Mr. and Mrs. Pa family of Mentcle sp able week-end at Mrs.: Joe Sani, ¢ Mr. and M Cassandra and Pittsburgh wer Ella : Luce spend: a ¢« w his g Mrs. Ma Gloria of J« week at the Landi. Mrs. Rhoda Houk y Celenza and it a yery-enjoy- home of Mr. and n Cor y Fr 10dore. Phil Morel s Landing several days at the Mr. and Caston and Mrs. Bln Bennett, Al r was held at home of Mr. 1 Mrs. Winterine in Nicktown on July 23 for Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Winterine, Games were play- lunch was served followed by dancing. ed and in the latter evening A lovely time was which attended. Mr.- and M. verda attended the funeral mer Lydick in Indiana on July 18th. Miss Louise Grumbling of Heilwood spent an enjoyable week camping in Apollo. Mr. family guests tele. Mr. and Mrs. Clar land, Ohio H homes and of Mr. the the 55 guests Henry of Al- f Mr. El- Tuesday, and Mrs. H. S. McNulty and of Carrolltown were Su at the Carl Frye home in y of Cle are e home of Henry rank Powell of Jersey Shore at the home of Mr. and Mrs. | Frank Trinkley. Mr. and Mrs. Ellie Thomas and fam- are leaving for New York on Tues- | y morning. They will return to Men- | tcle on Thursday before'leaving to stay. Miss Thelma Lucas returned to her | late Friday night from New ery pleasant ily d PLANS FOR CAMBRIA COUNTY FAIR ARE NOW | PROGRESSING RAPIDLY | \ od was | | { | oe the e history t will op- nds, September hout the v on 4th howings of ustrial and mercan- ceived for farm, lives tile exhibits. A ‘ogram of four day pared by James A. Wilkinson, the Association. be racing during Fair week Wednesday, Thursday and with purses totalling $4,800 offered. racing has Saturday neing While every effort is being made to the highest class exhibits, the sement side of the fi has not been neglected. Featured 11 be Flash Williams, internationally known mo- t star and his fifteen the ta thers, Willic e than 165 mov d up an estimated 1,200 au- 2 dian Provincial Ex- asked Flash Will and 1 when ap- AMAZING ONE-DAY too | and | THE UNION PRESS-COURIER. HOLD THAT TIGER! NEW YORK (Special)—Here ; that’s never overcrowded. Captain Proske is literally putting his head in the | one way to make a living in a profession | tiger’s mouth at Frank Buck’s Jungleland at the New York World's Fair. The beast with the meal on the tip of her tongue is Lily, aged seven. His troupe who risk death in every one of fifteen events on the program to appear before the King and Queen of England on their visit to this con- tinent and Williams started his regular season earlier in order to make this | personal appearance. Flash has many new stunts for 1939. ! He makes them up as he goes, dis- carding old tricks but keeping a bal- anced program. In conjunction with his Thrill Day Program he also presents a safety demonstration which is de- signed to show motorists how not to drive. This consists of putting his car into every conceivable skid, turn, bank, etc. and then rectifying the condition. He sm— said that when he crashes into cars in front of the grandstand, it demonstra- tes forcefully what would happen ir a motorist park his car too far from the curb or shoulder and another car strike it. While Williams insists his program is scientific and that he sees how near he can come to breaking his neck without actually dong so, he has been injured on some occasions. It is virtu- ally impossible to turn over his auto- mobile end to end and then sideways three times and not have something go wrong occasionally. Much depends on the track, or the weather, or both. The attraction every night in the ar- ena will be the “Cheer Up Revue,” [ with fifty singers, comedians and be- | | autiful girls. This attraction is known | one of its kind and has won great ap- plause wherever it has appeared. The | show will be staged in the arena so as to assure fair patrons of witnessing it in comfort regardless of weather con- ditions. Every afternoon in front of the grandstand a myriad of vaudeville acts will be presented; these will include the Great Billettis, a bicycle troupe, who perform amazing stunts; the Em- erald Sisters, two girls, who are am- cng the nation’s leading acrobats; the Three Hollywood Chimpanzees, who provide monkey business in trick bi- cycle riding and wire walking and the Four Dobas, father and mother and | two daughters, high class gymnasts. EXECUTOR’'S NOTICE, In the estate of Sarah Jane Lodge, | late of Patton Borough, Cambria coun~ | ty, Pennsylvania, deceased. | Notice is hereby given that Letters | Testamentary upon the Estate of the | above named decedent have been granted to the undersigned. All per- | sons indebted to said Estate are re- quested to make payment, and those having claims or demands against the | same will make them known without delay to | | { Patton, Pa. Reuel Somerville, Attorney, | Patton, Pa. JOHN GEORGE WILSON, Executor, | Thursday, July 27th, 1939. Executor’s Notice, In the Estate of Isaac Strayer, late of Patton Bororugh, Cambria County, | Pennsylvania, deceased. throughout the country as the leading | y Notice is hereby given that Letters Testamentary in the Estate of the said decedent have been granted to the un- dersigned. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make payment and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known without delay to: Harry J. Nehrig, Executor. Patton, Pa. Reuel Somerville, Attorney, Patton, Pa, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE In the Estate of Onuter Sciranko, late of Elder Township, Cambria Coun- ey, Pennsylvania, deceased. Notice is hereby given that Letters of administration in the estate of the said decedent have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted tc said estate are requested to make payment and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known without delay to RAYMOND D. BUCK, Administrator, Patton, Pa. Reuel Somerville, Attorney, Patton, Pa. FORMER BARNESBORO MINISTER SUCCUMBS Rev. Walter R. Clyde, 59, formerly pastor of the Presbyterian church at Barnesboro, died on July 16th, at his home in Early, Ia. The Clyde family left Barnesboro in 1927. et. Look for this Display wherever Beer is Served PENNSYLVANIA STATE BREWERS ASSOCIATION CARRY FIVE SPARES? When you equip your car with modern TWO-TREAD Seiberling five spare treads because each tire has TWO TREADS instead of one. tires you actually are carrying This patented tire will double safe mileage and cut your tire cost. No other tire in the world is like it. Protected by rigid Seiberling Pat- ents it is the safest and most ecos nomical tire money can buy! At Far Below The Price You'd Expect! See us today. We make liberal trade-in allowances on your old tires and guarantee to cut your tire cost. Two Treads, one underlying the other. When the first tread wears off, the second tread a s. Keeps you safe to ft miter Jou YEAR GUARANTEE W Internationally fa- mous cleaner with powerful, straight suction type motor and two row de- tachable brush . . Completely mod- ernized and factory reconstructed to newness by Re-New Sweeper Co. and fully guaranteed for one year. PORTAGE MERC. CO. woe POTSage, Pa. J. E. HOUCK ...... niet eps ——— .. Hastings, Pa. MODERN AUTO SERVICE North Spangler, Pa. BARNES & TUCKER Barnesboro, Pa. REVLOC SUPPLY C0. ..oeemeremseemssnn Revioc, Pa. CAMBRIA MERC. CO. Marstellar, Pa. WIDBER GARAGE ocean - Windber, Pa. GOLDY’S GARAGE ... Colver, Pa. HOLTZ AUTO CO... reser. HASEINGS, Pa, BARNES STORE CO. ...—e....._..._.. Bakerton, Pa. WOLF FURNITURE C0. Barnesboro, Pa.
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