PAGE TWO asst a— pus. sama rte oon me : Thousands of Miles {| of Pleasure in These || Sterling Value Cars! Following is a partial list of our Used Cars and Trucks. We have many other models and types to choose from at Terms to Suit Your Purse. BUY NOW! present car may make the down payment and with the Your GMAC Payment Plan you may start the low monthly payments June 27th or later. 1937 Chev. Master DeLuxe 4-Door Spt. Sedan 3525 Complete Dual Equipment, Low Mileage 1936 Chev. Master DeLuxe Town Sedan $375 THE UNION PRESS-COURIER, CARROLLTOWN BARBER, { E. Pattison, whose term was from 1890 to 1894. The other was Governor Dan- iel H. Hastings who succeeded Patti son. Governor Hastings was the mar RECORD IN PROFESSION | | | 81, CELEBRATES LONG | Johnstown Tribune of last Friday ev- | | ening, is self-explanatory: Carrolltown.—Otto Glasser, er of Glasser until his death. Carr- | though he spent a great deal of time in olltown’s first and only barber, today ' New York and Washington he often observed his 81st birthday anniver- | Téturned to Carrolltown and while | sary by putting in another day's work | here would stop for a hair cut. at his shop, which is perhaps the; In fact Otto Glasser has cut so many most curious in Pennsylvania. ] Instead of having one modern clock | floor beside the barber chair three in his barber shop, Otto Glasser has | times. He jokes a great deal about | fourteen antique models, all of which | this and laughingly remarks that su- | he keeps in working order. Collecting | 88r maple is much better than hem- and repairing old clocks is his hobby , 10¢k for its wearing quality. and he has an ancient model in a back | room which is 200 years old. from Pittsburgh in 1876 with a watch- | town, and they have one maker named Alec Dink. His father, Clara. : ; Christ Glasser, had been a barber in! All his Ife Mr. Glasser has retain- Pittsburgh for many years, and it was ©d his interest in clocks. His collection in this shop on Carson street that includes several rare models. One of young Glasser started learning the bar- | them is more than 20p years old. It ber trade at the age of nine. By the | Was believed to have been imported time he was 17 he was a full fledged | from Germany. Other models include barber in his father’s shop. But Alec 01d weight clocks, early cuckoo clocks, Dink interested him in watchmaking Some of the world’s first spring mo- and offered to teach him the trade if dels and a few of the first alarm he would go to Carrolltown with him, | ¢0lcks. The town didn't have any barber,| Fourteen of these Glasser keeps in | Dink told him, and he could cut hair | the barber shop. The most highly pri- while he was learning to repair bro- | 26d, however ,are in the back room ken watches and clocks. And so the | Where he takes only those he really kair came to Carrolltown and Glasser | Pelieves to be interested. All of these opened his barber shop. i clocks are in working order. If they Those were the days when a shave | Were broken when he got them, he ose were the days when a shave repaired them, and hair cut were really “two-bits.” | “1 made them all von” he exclaims (Hair cuts 15c, and shaves a dime) and! __ in Pun, Sxpauns y Ai ay ) : proudly. His collection is as good or when barbers did such other things better than those OF Most Muses. be as extract teeth, treat infected wounds : e > 3 museums, he who opened the coal fields at the town The following story, taken from the ' ©f Hastings and for whom the town i | named. Hastings was a steady custom- | Even | | ; heads of hair that he has worn out the | | I | On May 16, 1892, he married Cath- | erine Blum, daughter of Henry and! Glasser first came to Carrolltown Barbara (Schroth) Blum of Carroll- | daughter, | PRICED FOR 1931 Chevrolet 6-Wheel 1933 Chevrolet Sedan, a bargain at this price 1936 Ford “85” Coupe, a bargain at 1936 Ford DeLyxe 2-Deor, with built-in trunk. BLACK PAINT — LOW MILEAGE 1936 Chev. Master DeLuxe Town Sedan Frost Green Paint, Fender Streamliners — An Excellent Buy! 1936 Pontiac “6” Four Door Sport Sedan GOOD TIRES — PAINT — LOW MILEAGE $365 $465 $125 $325 $325 QUICK SALE!!! Coupe, bargain... $95 1934 Plymouth 4-Door Sedan, this popular model priced for this 1937 FORD PICKUP TRUCK — 1936 Chev. 157 in. W. B. U License, Chassis Good Condition... and Cab, week only at... $250 $295 $350 Main Street Garage CARROLLTOWN, PA. Phones 2181 or 2841 Open Evenings. and conduct a sort of dispensary. Glasser’s first week in Carrolltown netted him only $1.50, which wasn’t enough to pay for his room and board. However he was the only barber in the little town of 400 inhabitants and they induced him to stay. The second week he made $2.50 and this time de- cided definitely to leave. However, a customer named Billy Noel offered to board Glasser for $4.00 a month if he would build four stove fires, feed and milk the cow, tend the horse and do other chores of the farm, By accepting the offer he cast the die that kept him as a Carrolltown bar- ber for the rest of his life. Some time later another customer, Dr. Oatman, told him to do the same chores at his | home and he would not have to pay any board. To keep the peace young Glasser did the work for both men. He was especially popular in these early days because he played the gui- tar and the violin and he was heavily in demand for barn dances. Other odd jobs included paper hanging and jobs | in breweries. Oddly enough the first Carrolltown “man whose hair he cut was named Glass and the second Beer. Years la- i ter an Altoona writer composed a po- | em based on this unusual coincidence, Otto Glasser believes he is Penn- sylvania’s oldest and longest practic- | ing barber. He has worked continu- ADMINISTRATRIX’'S NOTICE. Estate of Ella Mansfield, late of the Borough of Chest Springs, Cambria County. Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters of administration on said estate have been granted to the under- | signed, all persons indebted thereto | are requested to make immediate pay- ment, and those having claims, or de- mands against the same, will present them without delay for settlement to the undersigned, residing at No. 1208 | 18th Street, Altoona Pa. ADA J. GRIMES, Admiristratrix | C. J. McCullough, Attorney, Myres Bldg. Altoona, Pa. 61 Executor’s Notice. In the Estate of Isaac Strayer, late of Patton Bororugh, Cambria County, Pennsylvania, deceased. Notice is hereby given that Letters Testamentary in the Estate of the said 1 decedent have been granted to the un- | dersigned. All persons indebted to said | Estate are requested to make payment { and those having claims or demands | against the same will make them known without delay to: : Harry J. Nehrig, Executor. | Patton, Pa. | | Reucl Somerville, Attorney, Patton, Pa. Wins Writer Award. First prize for editorial writing in | a high school publication was award- ed recently to Ezer Davis, chief edi- torial writer of the Barnesboro paper. The award was made by Sigma Delta Chi, national professional fraternity, | in a contest conducted by State Col- | lege. Each year the fraternity pre- | sents awards to high school students | for outstanding work jn journalism. | | | | | | | § DOOOOOACNONNNAARANNNNOOONNONNNNANBANNNNNNONNONNNNL ww) LIKE ESS.-* GHEERN You get them all in Berk- twist* Stockings! These famous crepes by Berkshire ‘have clear, glowing sheer- ness . . . because a special patented processhas twisted ,and countertwisted the silk jthreads to remove fuzzy, {loose ends. They have an elastic durability. . . because (this same method strength- lens the fibres, too. They're j smoothly-fitted; harmoniously colored; sturdily reinforced, Choose Berktwists !* FANNIE C. WETZEL, CARROLLTOWN, PA. Good re BERKSHIRE STOCKINGS, The Sheerer Crepe Stocking by BERKSHIRE cusly at the trade for 63 years. Some of his customers have been coming to his shop for more than 50 years. One of these was Tine Luther who came to ! Glasser's shop for a shave and hair cut August 15, 1930, on his fiftieth wedding anniversary. Glasser had done the same job for Luther fifty years earlier on the day he was married. He | also had played the guitar at Luther's wedding dance, and he repeated in 1930 by playing at the anniversary. He served two state governors in his time. The first was Gov. Robert believes. Time after time he has been offered tidy sums for his clocks but thus far he has turned down all of- fers. | Otto Glasser is 81 tod ly, but he doesn’t lok it. His hand is : as ever and he doesn't need TENTING AREAS MADE AVAILABLE IN STATE PARKS Harrisburg. — The Bureau of Parks in the Department of Forests and Wa- ters announces that tenting areas will | be available in Pennsylvania’s recre- | ational areas and in designated areas within the state forests. In fourteen of the large recreational areas a fee of $1.50 per week will be charged. Proportionate charges will be made for portions of a week. In all other recreational areas the fee will be $1 per week after the first 48 hours. jin these areas no permits will be is- ! sued for fractional parts of a week. For camping places other that es- | tablished recreational areas, a flat fee [ of $2.50 for a permit is charged. This | permit will cover up to 10 persons for a period of three weeks. If there are | ore than five in the party the fee is 50 cents per person. When more than ten are in the party a fee of 25 cents for each additional person will be charged. No charge will be made for a permit for a camping stay of forty- eight hours or less. A seasonal permit for camping at anyone of the recreational areas with- in the state forests may be obtained from the Harrisburg office of the De- partment of Forests and Waters for a charge of $10. This permit is valid from May 30 to September 15 and may not be transferred, nor may the tent- | ing site be sub-let. The fee includes the use of one tent- | Ing site, approximately 40x40 feet, with Thursday, May 11, 1939. t a No Extra Charge for the Fun... URE, this big, flashing silver bullet of a car LOOKS like fun—but you don’t know the half of it! A new kind of engine, 99 h.p., lets you own the road—an amazing Fourth Speed Forward* feels like “*wings’’. A **Weather Eye’’* frees travel from dust, dirt, chilling drafts. Special soundproofing, 117-inch wheel base keep you rested. At night you sleep in Nash's big Convertible Bed. All this extra fun costs no more in a Nash. Look at the price! | | | \ i | (Optional Equipment~Stight Extra Cost) 5 CH thar nw NASH THE CAR EVERYBODY LIKES | This Big 6-Passenger Victoria Sedan | $864 DELIVERED HERE Standard Equipment and Federal Taxes Included (White Sidewall Tires and Rear Wheelshields®) We want you to drive it. Your Nash dealer has one ready, with the engine running. Get in and go! Dietrick Motor Sales Lang Avegue Patton, Pa. | the use of park facilities such as ta-' parks, locations and accessibility, write i bles, benches. water. toilets firenlaces, | the Department of Forests and Waters | | | at Harrisburg for a recreational map. Vos : | firewood, etc. where available. Charg | are payable in advance. But that i they should not be paid too far in ad- The greatest cepressicn in Death vance as a refund cannot be made. Valley, California, is 280 feet below For a descrintion of the various sea-level. LOWER PRICES . Foe romium Ofer == on McCOKKON Double Action ANIMAL FLY SPRAY for barn and milk house McCONNON FLY NOCKER Both absolutely guaranteed to do everything any other sprays on the market will do! HORN FLY STARIF FIV Order Your Requirements. Use up to one quart of D. A. Animal Fly Spray, one pint of Fly Nocker. If not delighted with results return balance. The trial will cost you nothing.. Sold only i GIARTH 410 McIntyre Ave. through as ka PATTON, PA. A *Reproduced from certified NEW FOODAEEPING MIRACLE..VOW AT OUR STORE A 4, unretouched photographs of identical foods, refrigerated, uncovered, at comparable temperatures. ge "BOTH 7 DAYS OLD*... but look at the amazing difference in these Baked Beans! iv 1939 Frigidaire. World's First Cold-Wall Refrigerator! Hi s— 1/11 i [=e 3m SE. | es —— i gli robbing air circulation. Only Frigidaire gives you this revolutionary advancement. And puts you years abead in every way... with elegant new modern styling. MEAT TENDER for fresh meats... new SUPER- MOIST HYDRATORS for freshening vegetables... Genuine QUICKUBE TRAYS for releasing cubes instantly . .. Yet it costs no more than ordinary “first line” refrigerators! Convince yourself in 5 CONVENIENT TERMS AS LOW AS 25c A DAY MADE ONLY BY GENERAL MOTORS Bunr ow aw ENmireLy New PewcipLe ® Come in. See how the new “Cold-Wall” Prin- ciple preserves even highly perishable foods days longer than ever before. Prolongs their original freshness—tetains rich nutritional values—saves peak fresh flavor. Food is not dried out by moisture- minutes. Don’t buy till you see our Demonstra tion. Come in today. SEE A DEMONSTRATION NOW?! ONLY FRIGIDAIRE has the METER - MISET CUTS CURRENT COST TO THE BONE—for it’s the Simplest Refrigera- ting Mechanism Ever Built. ..and when parts aren't there, they just can’t use current or wear. Unseen, trouble-free, completely sealed in a permanent bath of oil. Comes to you with 5-Year Protection Plan backed by General Motors. es Barnesboro Wolf Furniture Company ligen think are | a ste the | the 1 tion mins temb Warr “Y'. lows: To why ple ,i As time, a pe alcoh me t the n blank nor d fun » whate after time. times put tc 1h Just ¢ out & liven were life a suppl. cess ( most course new GOOI haps liquor they | ber.).. The a gro able, will t. tell m is rea pleasa had b may, | (Nor believ time drooli Con pi WR! We
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers