The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, June 02, 1927, Image 4

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P c "ler { flight. When all others doubted, he %% INS 0 P | os tesimiesioded lesfesgesgustestestostestesdiafestone fosdonterenteortesdententerforteiteniurondesd eeieniniedend oe
atton ouricer } out his money on the table—asking | | i ]
Published very Thursday. help towards a fund with which to R RA Y i 0 N D D. B U ( K I oe @ i |
THOS. A. OWENS, Kditor & Proprietor purchase an airplane for the history IES BANKS AND [ i
- making f t J [5 “
Entered in the Post Office at Patton, Pa. i . : ew : a4 fi Ha [ ve J
oi pom Class Mail Matter. That Lindbergh now finds himself J Fu na haa | 5
nny , in position to pay the tax—many | & oe
Subse ription Rates $2.00 per year in Ad- . in ts o oo
vance. Single Copies 5 Cents, times over a point beyond thi id &
— . —=———= | discussion. Could anything be more Yor INTRA NT | of i "
> AE 2 1 Notic 1.50 per . . iv y . J}, \ / £ oe "
I fa ton of, for 3 in SS ier fitti n addition to all medals, ti- ALL HAVE A FINAN(C IAL o
Card of Than oss Lot us 100 tles and honors that can be hung on NII STAKE IN “POWER &
per line; business Lu year, x 2 / . Ls Tox oo . oe
Display adver ; Full him by the government—than that Phone: Office and Hesidence Nets 4 =m w w a wa &
position 25 pet im Charse |. shall have his first $25,000 prize SECURITIES” | i Bt > . o
$1.00. Cash must 0 n . : x KX
foreign advertising, A intact—his nation rejoicing with him 3 oe
must reach th Tet Ta rant ora of tre Yooor be PATTON, PA. Financial men look with favor |: ’ a 5
fo insure {nse EK : : wont oh he aphorl upon the secuirties of electric Wn 5
dence w © yrought us; happy that he upheld the ry srry yy Li Ly 1 . mm ow 3
bp. 7 77 2 Aight and Power Companies. The | de
p— — — ditions of a brave ople; and / III) Z 70 22 A 2 o ow {
cs | irndgions of a Dave peophe; end 1) J ‘ 4 ‘ reasons are easy to understand. | A a a |
LINDBERGH AND howing by its act that modesty, | sesm————r a sibs re ————— eT —— LE i" | | de i |
THE PRIZE TAX. Sonat eg ti a ¢ h loin} . rid must show the way, as did Columbus | anan, says we are ignorant about hea- Rceptiona Safe Ly. - |
Now that every red bl may always rightfully expect its re-|,.,.;, oats, {ven and our uncertainty is a blessed| 2- An attractive return. 8 Tn 5 |
at y Te wand in Fol “4 OV SPION ¢ ‘ . . 9 a
ican cit yelled ware m full from its government. a | thing. It gives something to hope and 3 Easily converted into cash. nN | 5
Sih C Write. your congressman pies Spencer, 70 years old, rode to work for. . Tax Free. { 3
: . X what you think m : ip : The Rev. Dr. Mi : s+ Und oe , - Hh * ,
jindbergh fo New ’ work at the Treasury Department and I'he Rev. Dr. Minot Simons, Unitar- | 3 5
Lindbe: : Sr ’ a Tain save a Dividends Paid Since Date| 3 od
air hop, they can contribute mater-|yup BEST AD MEDIUM back on a bicycle, saved and made ian, says we must look for our “com- of I t &.
i . 1 31 J Mi MM. »” . “ . x |v .
iallye-and Show Just how tuch eV ia. syxvneN UR ATLANTIC more than $100,000. She leaves small HI in this life. Old ideas of [OF *SU€. ; 5 IE N x
think of ind how deeply runs oy I REI ho " A Ic, ums to relatives and the balance’ [heaven and hell are now inadequate 6. Modern life wil not do with- 3 { o
their national pride in ‘this great | guvy cK SAM IN POST OFFICE, |$100000 for a tombstone. Relatives |and futile. out electricity. : ( 5
achievement, When Uncle Sam advertises, he AD] °Pject- The court is asked to decide. | he Rev. Dr.Straton says Mrs. Sny-| 7. Industry solves big prob-': =
Vhen icle Sam advertises, he AD- Mel yea . a . : : S & }
It is generally agreed that there i VERTISES The. troashrs D et der, convicted of helping to murder {lems with electric power. : |
2 a o h ? 3 : 5 Gan oD. he rfeasury announce ha olish waste a} d be forbid-| > . oy . TH Wao . ~ ® |
an exception to every rule. Seeming-! nt recalling $1.650,000.000 of the I'he fo ish wa Le hould 3¢ Yorhid. her husband, is an atheis t. She could] 8 For service rendered, Elec- : o
lv Uncle San “hot Ia 4 INEHL TCCRLUNG Si, 00H ) 1] den. But it is interesting to think of not have committed the crime had she |iyiaiéer 3 : ‘ 3
ly Uncle Sam does not know this.|q . 4 Tibertv Loan four : ; : : joey : tricity is economical. \
The fair hai hero of the hoar had|’ econd Liberty Loan four and one-|iy.t old Treasury elerk pushing her | believed in God. . q RK
oi rate sf An EE marter Wr ce v1 3 - . or fe gd ' i ay ‘ . Theo ym € Pp «APIO Ve }
fick vet awikensd from: the ten Nour quark Pe Po nt bonds will be pub bicycle back and forth, mediating on [f that is so there have been athists | 9. The demand for the service oh |
axhastive sleep. followin those 33 lished in fifteen thousand American|in, opand figure she would cut iniin high places throughout history. [18 constantly growing. o
TEN Ru vspapers, daily and weekly. . ih Hier 3 she, wh : x : : [ ut
hours in the air, when Uncle Sam’s iy Mellon: shows. ood Tedoumnt death with her $100,000 tomb, she, who Rexabli CE : 10. The business is almost en- |: . ; =
revenue officers were admitting t} Aer one lon: shows good judg b lin life had been only a $1,300 a year| Republicans and Democrats are plan-f45.01 01 4 cash basis. fo After ten years of manufacturing experience Fri-
HAVE to collect S1° . putting the advertising in thousands spinster clerk. Happiness is largely |ning a 1928 campaign in which the i {i oe
1 AVE tc le $1,2 . “a 1 . d 3m ty r pnw . b * . . : op . ro : +B 2% .E &
f { 35.000 pei nev whit of country weeklies, and small dailies.) {1 oination wet and dry question will be shelved, We are offering an issue gidaire is free from the difficulties of experiment and the ut
rom ne <2, UV )£1Ze money ncn . . . . S . . . Te :
Lind © paty : : he +1. | In proportion to their circulation, they {- i forootten. Preferred Shares, $5.00 Ser ies, | ; bei I 1 account of enormous produ {ion I
Andberg 1S to g making ne m ~ 1s ois ? 1 soe. . = 8 ‘Ice peng wer on ace us Foauct I oe
flit t. “It i : C ’ ot b are THE best mediums. It is suggested, unofficially that Mr. Some wets say “If you do, we shall [dividends pe ud quar ter ly , at $75 > price peng. Jower « > : ow
light. is le anno e 5 y Liar 3 : 31 13 ! a » . 5 m . Ra 33 wr
dodged,” e department an Hughes, formerly chief justice of the start a third party, dripping wet. per share, either for cash or on| ),000 Frigidaires a month, The wisest thing to do is to &
lodgeqa, the re me depart nt an- dal ri ATA YE Mitehe ye { a ” i ud > . oo
nounc \ Before General Mitchell was put | supreme court, will be chosen by Gov.| That would no thurt the feelings of [the savings pl: in. Interest at the! E: 3UY FRI JAIRE NOW. Don’t i t with untried %
ounced apo & PF qv r flvino W allino = y { 3 { . 13 er 3 7 inirie s
1 I HAR? Are out of army flying, for telling un-!pyjer of Massachusetts as head of a|Republicans, who have decided the |annual rate of 6 per cent will be: BUY FRIGIDAIRE on’t experiment with untrie #
ao¢ 1nK J 4 2 loa cs 44 < . ny yay xr a . : a 1 . ky =
vou in favor in lul . De asant truth y he had under way commission to investigate the »aACCOo~ Democrats may have the wet issue. allowed on savings 2 | models oe |
VO n favor ndulg- SY ay oie Min ws haols Oh y . . . 5 ie oe
; : / vos | plans for a giant flier, with wheels 20) vanzetti case. If, as seems likely, a wet Democrat] See anv emplovee or inquire!% = |
ing in such methods? ip ot hich that could take a running : ip . : s - : oee any employed quire, g » ye a 2s a : 1
Wo do iol Lindbe eet high, that could take a running; Quch a choice would be satisfactory |is nominated, the wets wii lknow his|at our offices Id "at "ut "a n wt “ {
> do ot. JAndabe a1 rap Nea Ff roo , °c: 3 ee v i « De oe
foul ; ro cont of thi start over fences and tree trunks. | to the country and the decision conclu-| wetness and vote for him. A seperate| wr, 1, ve over 7.000 satistied OF GENERAL Rigo ow
should iV evel ent ol at Ay soak . > A hee | . € 3 > Se S ) 2 o
he ; : : her Rete And this week, Prof. Rumpler, head | qive. It is more important by far than |wet pdrty would get as fe wvotes as Dahon tl = Sam
U—and pernaps another nur 2 . Y Aevvis a vc)e . ro. : Lio . : g are Ss,
. : his BOVeERIoNE of a German airplane company, an- executing any two men, to make sure|a separate Prohibition party did in £ 5 } Q
housand ( his govern 1 Ye ATE: on he. Ya tl . Poin . sgh , y oe
Be Ti fant he nounced plans for a plane , Many times {here was no mistake in conviction. |the old wet days. PENN CENTRAL LIGHT AND|% -
TOF SUCH DOI e. by his Teal hel{he size of any ever built, to carry] Sis POWER COMPANY [ oie ish
nas co] ? bt the nation|many engines and cross the Atlantic| The views of the clergymen each Congressman William W. Cohen 41% S shi | a “& J 4
then 3 x iy able to id in sixteen hours, carrying 170 pas-| Sunday present interesting co 1s, | says the government's treatment of Patton, Pa. [3% EL ECTRIC G3 = REFRIGER AT ON :
him. Hes with $2.00 of his own 1ard| sengers. such as would have been unsafe for ajl etter c: wriers and mail clerks is a iA (
Aho wy—was tl aroes ; i AE : i : i | — HT - — :
carne d money—wa the largest in- Transatlantic flight will soon be, clergyman one hundred years ago while is accurate. Mail & : . : . = : 5
dividual contributor to the proposed | commonplace, but the little machine! The Rev. Dr. Walter Duncan Buch. workers are underpaid as regulars,|and shamefully treated as substitutes. | > i = 5
- ree - r— i — g For the government to compel men, yg 4 — :
perhaps with children, to waste an|. Cd o ge ow
PF ire d vaitine Tor one. por RE yy ix /
( : O i D T | | entire lay waiting for one or two ® ® ay Ok 3 68 wll BS
hours’ work, and for the richest coun- |< 3 |
v1 he world to ay its <t ff. 1 18: \ ARTO TYT ‘ A pe
try in the world to pay its post off-|% Bey phone 183-M. EBENSBURG, PA. &
ice force as miserably as ours arel3} Be
paid ,is unworthy.
become serious un-;g
The who ’s talking morning. Then, stop in
Talking electric re- and see the beautiful Kel-
frigeration, and that means vinator line at our display
they’re thinking Kelvin- rooms. Let us explain how
ator. Proof of thatisin the you can get one, on our
number of Kelvinator convenient payment plan.
installation signs you see One of our experts will call
every day. if you wish. If you already
have a good refrigerator
he can show you how we
change it to a Kelvinator in
just a few hours by install
ing the freezing unit.
for new
smart st
most de
terials al
go into
lection o
by us ai
I'hey ar
wear all
Lovely 1
sual desi
pleats, 1
other im
they are
have eve
We are putting in Kelvin-
ators all over town. Practi-
cally every new home-
owner has shown us that
he does not believe his
home modern without a Call us today. Mark your
home with the sign of progress.
\ A car for hex
C aluvinnatar A . .
Kelvinator. And apart- Ia thousands of average women admire in a motor
me eW IDK are i ; merican homes there are car. It is eas cause
ments, new an d old, are “The electric iron introduced the real y ’ ‘ mobile ‘“, . Y to start because
: rodu ; now two automobiles—*“a of its Delco-Remy electri |
daily ¢ -alling on us to please value of electric service for domestic car for her, too,” so the ' > |
a 4 . A use, the electric washing machine and >» I ery eC 0, ' 50 there starting system—famous the |
their tenants with cold vacuum cleaner are also wonderful The COACH may be fransportation for world over for its excellence. |
that keeps”. labor-saving devices. But with all the the family while “he” drives It is easy to stop because of |
electrical sppliances, ientioned and $ 7 away to work. powerful, over-size brakes. |
unmentioned, the field was not com- . tive si 1 {
If you want a surprise just pletely covered until the advent of And the family car has such And tT Is easy i drive and i Lovely
t hese electric refrigeration —the greatest an infinite degree of useful- par ecause of a modern : y season. |
inting these blue- boon to the householder of them all. The Totiring $595 ness! Downtown shopping, three - speed transmission, chiffon :
signs on your I have had a Kelvinator in service in or Roadster - - taking the children toschool, smooth-acting disc clutch, and darl
my residence . . . with most satisfac- Qe %625 afternoon calls, meeting and a semi-reversible steer-
OUNe 299s trains and the many addi- ing gear that gives finger-tip
Tisd Door $695 tional trips that must be steering.
Soden #2 « made to and from the |
g ade to and from the house Tras . :
Theron i $215 as a part of every dav's Visit our showroom and see
The 8 routine, the Most Beautiful Chev-
Lodi ss. 45 rolet. Note the wide variety
The Imperial § No other car is so admirably of body types. Mark their
Linda +» £50 suited to a woman’s require- sweeping lines and carefully
Ye Ton Truck .- - 8305 ments as the Most Beautiful executed details. And then
- ® (Chassis Only) Chevrolet. sk s t We 1 : h .
1Ton Truck oe $495 \ ask us to explain the easy
Bom one Ve With striking new bodies by terms on which a Chevrolet
Reh ont Ve Fisher, and finished in pleas may be purchased—terms
: Check Chevrolet ing colors of lustrous, lasting that include the lowest com-
’ g "—— Delivered Prices Duco, it provides in abund- bination of handling and
oy Include the lowest ant measure the comfort, financing charges available
ndling and financing
fashion ¢
aown own some tory results.”” (Name on Request.)
The fi
and a m
be just
duced fic
Oost ai Electric Ro): igeration ates ! PATTON, PENNA.