THE PATTON COURIEkK P c "ler { flight. When all others doubted, he %% INS 0 P | os tesimiesioded lesfesgesgustestestostestesdiafestone fosdonterenteortesdententerforteiteniurondesd eeieniniedend oe atton ouricer } out his money on the table—asking | | i ] Published very Thursday. help towards a fund with which to R RA Y i 0 N D D. B U ( K I oe @ i | THOS. A. OWENS, Kditor & Proprietor purchase an airplane for the history IES BANKS AND [ i - making f t J [5 “ Entered in the Post Office at Patton, Pa. i . : ew : a4 fi Ha [ ve J oi pom Class Mail Matter. That Lindbergh now finds himself J Fu na haa | 5 nny , in position to pay the tax—many | & oe Subse ription Rates $2.00 per year in Ad- . in ts o oo vance. Single Copies 5 Cents, times over a point beyond thi id & — . —=———= | discussion. Could anything be more Yor INTRA NT | of i " > AE 2 1 Notic 1.50 per . . iv y . J}, \ / £ oe " I fa ton of, for 3 in SS ier fitti n addition to all medals, ti- ALL HAVE A FINAN(C IAL o Card of Than oss Lot us 100 tles and honors that can be hung on NII STAKE IN “POWER & per line; business Lu year, x 2 / . Ls Tox oo . oe Display adver ; Full him by the government—than that Phone: Office and Hesidence Nets 4 =m w w a wa & position 25 pet im Charse |. shall have his first $25,000 prize SECURITIES” | i Bt > . o $1.00. Cash must 0 n . : x KX foreign advertising, A intact—his nation rejoicing with him 3 oe must reach th Tet Ta rant ora of tre Yooor be PATTON, PA. Financial men look with favor |: ’ a 5 fo insure {nse EK : : wont oh he aphorl upon the secuirties of electric Wn 5 dence w © yrought us; happy that he upheld the ry srry yy Li Ly 1 . mm ow 3 bp. 7 77 2 Aight and Power Companies. The | de p— — — ditions of a brave ople; and / III) Z 70 22 A 2 o ow { cs | irndgions of a Dave peophe; end 1) J ‘ 4 ‘ reasons are easy to understand. | A a a | LINDBERGH AND howing by its act that modesty, | sesm————r a sibs re ————— eT —— LE i" | | de i | THE PRIZE TAX. Sonat eg ti a ¢ h loin} . rid must show the way, as did Columbus | anan, says we are ignorant about hea- Rceptiona Safe Ly. - | Now that every red bl may always rightfully expect its re-|,.,.;, oats, {ven and our uncertainty is a blessed| 2- An attractive return. 8 Tn 5 | at y Te wand in Fol “4 OV SPION ¢ ‘ . . 9 a ican cit yelled ware m full from its government. a | thing. It gives something to hope and 3 Easily converted into cash. nN | 5 Sih C Write. your congressman pies Spencer, 70 years old, rode to work for. . Tax Free. { 3 : . X what you think m : ip : The Rev. Dr. Mi : s+ Und oe , - Hh * , jindbergh fo New ’ work at the Treasury Department and I'he Rev. Dr. Minot Simons, Unitar- | 3 5 Lindbe: : Sr ’ a Tain save a Dividends Paid Since Date| 3 od air hop, they can contribute mater-|yup BEST AD MEDIUM back on a bicycle, saved and made ian, says we must look for our “com- of I t &. i . 1 31 J Mi MM. »” . “ . x |v . iallye-and Show Just how tuch eV ia. syxvneN UR ATLANTIC more than $100,000. She leaves small HI in this life. Old ideas of [OF *SU€. ; 5 IE N x think of ind how deeply runs oy I REI ho " A Ic, ums to relatives and the balance’ [heaven and hell are now inadequate 6. Modern life wil not do with- 3 { o their national pride in ‘this great | guvy cK SAM IN POST OFFICE, |$100000 for a tombstone. Relatives |and futile. out electricity. : ( 5 achievement, When Uncle Sam advertises, he AD] °Pject- The court is asked to decide. | he Rev. Dr.Straton says Mrs. Sny-| 7. Industry solves big prob-': = Vhen icle Sam advertises, he AD- Mel yea . a . : : S & } It is generally agreed that there i VERTISES The. troashrs D et der, convicted of helping to murder {lems with electric power. : | 2 a o h ? 3 : 5 Gan oD. he rfeasury announce ha olish waste a} d be forbid-| > . oy . TH Wao . ~ ® | an exception to every rule. Seeming-! nt recalling $1.650,000.000 of the I'he fo ish wa Le hould 3¢ Yorhid. her husband, is an atheis t. She could] 8 For service rendered, Elec- : o lv Uncle San “hot Ia 4 INEHL TCCRLUNG Si, 00H ) 1] den. But it is interesting to think of not have committed the crime had she |iyiaiéer 3 : ‘ 3 ly Uncle Sam does not know this.|q . 4 Tibertv Loan four : ; : : joey : tricity is economical. \ The fair hai hero of the hoar had|’ econd Liberty Loan four and one-|iy.t old Treasury elerk pushing her | believed in God. . q RK oi rate sf An EE marter Wr ce v1 3 - . or fe gd ' i ay ‘ . Theo ym € Pp «APIO Ve } fick vet awikensd from: the ten Nour quark Pe Po nt bonds will be pub bicycle back and forth, mediating on [f that is so there have been athists | 9. The demand for the service oh | axhastive sleep. followin those 33 lished in fifteen thousand American|in, opand figure she would cut iniin high places throughout history. [18 constantly growing. o TEN Ru vspapers, daily and weekly. . ih Hier 3 she, wh : x : : [ ut hours in the air, when Uncle Sam’s iy Mellon: shows. ood Tedoumnt death with her $100,000 tomb, she, who Rexabli CE : 10. The business is almost en- |: . ; = revenue officers were admitting t} Aer one lon: shows good judg b lin life had been only a $1,300 a year| Republicans and Democrats are plan-f45.01 01 4 cash basis. fo After ten years of manufacturing experience Fri- HAVE to collect S1° . putting the advertising in thousands spinster clerk. Happiness is largely |ning a 1928 campaign in which the i {i oe 1 AVE tc le $1,2 . “a 1 . d 3m ty r pnw . b * . . : op . ro : +B 2% .E & f { 35.000 pei nev whit of country weeklies, and small dailies.) {1 oination wet and dry question will be shelved, We are offering an issue gidaire is free from the difficulties of experiment and the ut rom ne <2, UV )£1Ze money ncn . . . . S . . . Te : Lind © paty : : he +1. | In proportion to their circulation, they {- i forootten. Preferred Shares, $5.00 Ser ies, | ; bei I 1 account of enormous produ {ion I Andberg 1S to g making ne m ~ 1s ois ? 1 soe. . = 8 ‘Ice peng wer on ace us Foauct I oe flit t. “It i : C ’ ot b are THE best mediums. It is suggested, unofficially that Mr. Some wets say “If you do, we shall [dividends pe ud quar ter ly , at $75 > price peng. Jower « > : ow light. is le anno e 5 y Liar 3 : 31 13 ! a » . 5 m . Ra 33 wr dodged,” e department an Hughes, formerly chief justice of the start a third party, dripping wet. per share, either for cash or on| ),000 Frigidaires a month, The wisest thing to do is to & lodgeqa, the re me depart nt an- dal ri ATA YE Mitehe ye { a ” i ud > . oo nounc \ Before General Mitchell was put | supreme court, will be chosen by Gov.| That would no thurt the feelings of [the savings pl: in. Interest at the! E: 3UY FRI JAIRE NOW. Don’t i t with untried % ounced apo & PF qv r flvino W allino = y { 3 { . 13 er 3 7 inirie s 1 I HAR? Are out of army flying, for telling un-!pyjer of Massachusetts as head of a|Republicans, who have decided the |annual rate of 6 per cent will be: BUY FRIGIDAIRE on’t experiment with untrie # ao¢ 1nK J 4 2 loa cs 44 < . ny yay xr a . : a 1 . ky = vou in favor in lul . De asant truth y he had under way commission to investigate the »aACCOo~ Democrats may have the wet issue. allowed on savings 2 | models oe | VO n favor ndulg- SY ay oie Min ws haols Oh y . . . 5 ie oe ; : / vos | plans for a giant flier, with wheels 20) vanzetti case. If, as seems likely, a wet Democrat] See anv emplovee or inquire!% = | ing in such methods? ip ot hich that could take a running : ip . : s - : oee any employed quire, g » ye a 2s a : 1 Wo do iol Lindbe eet high, that could take a running; Quch a choice would be satisfactory |is nominated, the wets wii lknow his|at our offices Id "at "ut "a n wt “ { > do ot. JAndabe a1 rap Nea Ff roo , °c: 3 ee v i « De oe foul ; ro cont of thi start over fences and tree trunks. | to the country and the decision conclu-| wetness and vote for him. A seperate| wr, 1, ve over 7.000 satistied OF GENERAL Rigo ow should iV evel ent ol at Ay soak . > A hee | . € 3 > Se S ) 2 o he ; : : her Rete And this week, Prof. Rumpler, head | qive. It is more important by far than |wet pdrty would get as fe wvotes as Dahon tl = Sam U—and pernaps another nur 2 . Y Aevvis a vc)e . ro. : Lio . : g are Ss, . : his BOVeERIoNE of a German airplane company, an- executing any two men, to make sure|a separate Prohibition party did in £ 5 } Q housand ( his govern 1 Ye ATE: on he. Ya tl . Poin . sgh , y oe Be Ti fant he nounced plans for a plane , Many times {here was no mistake in conviction. |the old wet days. PENN CENTRAL LIGHT AND|% - TOF SUCH DOI e. by his Teal hel{he size of any ever built, to carry] Sis POWER COMPANY [ oie ish nas co] ? bt the nation|many engines and cross the Atlantic| The views of the clergymen each Congressman William W. Cohen 41% S shi | a “& J 4 then 3 x iy able to id in sixteen hours, carrying 170 pas-| Sunday present interesting co 1s, | says the government's treatment of Patton, Pa. [3% EL ECTRIC G3 = REFRIGER AT ON : him. Hes with $2.00 of his own 1ard| sengers. such as would have been unsafe for ajl etter c: wriers and mail clerks is a iA ( Aho wy—was tl aroes ; i AE : i : i | — HT - — : carne d money—wa the largest in- Transatlantic flight will soon be, clergyman one hundred years ago while is accurate. Mail & : . : . = : 5 dividual contributor to the proposed | commonplace, but the little machine! The Rev. Dr. Walter Duncan Buch. workers are underpaid as regulars,|and shamefully treated as substitutes. | > i = 5 - ree - r— i — g For the government to compel men, yg 4 — : perhaps with children, to waste an|. Cd o ge ow PF ire d vaitine Tor one. por RE yy ix / ( : O i D T | | entire lay waiting for one or two ® ® ay Ok 3 68 wll BS hours’ work, and for the richest coun- |< 3 | v1 he world to ay its | a 4 . A use, the electric washing machine and >» I ery eC 0, ' 50 there starting system—famous the | their tenants with cold vacuum cleaner are also wonderful The COACH may be fransportation for world over for its excellence. | that keeps”. labor-saving devices. But with all the the family while “he” drives It is easy to stop because of | electrical sppliances, ientioned and $ 7 away to work. powerful, over-size brakes. | unmentioned, the field was not com- . tive si 1 { If you want a surprise just pletely covered until the advent of And the family car has such And tT Is easy i drive and i Lovely t hese electric refrigeration —the greatest an infinite degree of useful- par ecause of a modern : y season. | inting these blue- boon to the householder of them all. The Totiring $595 ness! Downtown shopping, three - speed transmission, chiffon : signs on your I have had a Kelvinator in service in or Roadster - - taking the children toschool, smooth-acting disc clutch, and darl my residence . . . with most satisfac- Qe %625 afternoon calls, meeting and a semi-reversible steer- OUNe 299s trains and the many addi- ing gear that gives finger-tip Tisd Door $695 tional trips that must be steering. Soden #2 « made to and from the | g ade to and from the house Tras . : Theron i $215 as a part of every dav's Visit our showroom and see The 8 routine, the Most Beautiful Chev- Lodi ss. 45 rolet. Note the wide variety The Imperial § No other car is so admirably of body types. Mark their Linda +» £50 suited to a woman’s require- sweeping lines and carefully Ye Ton Truck .- - 8305 ments as the Most Beautiful executed details. And then - ® (Chassis Only) Chevrolet. sk s t We 1 : h . 1Ton Truck oe $495 \ ask us to explain the easy Bom one Ve With striking new bodies by terms on which a Chevrolet Reh ont Ve Fisher, and finished in pleas may be purchased—terms : Check Chevrolet ing colors of lustrous, lasting that include the lowest com- ’ g "—— Delivered Prices Duco, it provides in abund- bination of handling and oy Include the lowest ant measure the comfort, financing charges available ndling and financing Ao aN ITY at (O)O T" | CHRISTOFF MOTOR Sales fashion ¢ aown own some tory results.”” (Name on Request.) LATES The fi and a m be just duced fic Oost ai Electric Ro): igeration ates ! PATTON, PENNA. Q U A'L1TY AT LOW YX'OsT