The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, September 08, 1922, Image 6

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EI rh
A ana 1
| Attorney General Daugharty
First Gets Restraining Order
Against Shopmen
“Mothers of
the World"
to life whe | Dr 18 OPEN SHOP MUST REMAIN
oi of dying | Sm 8
mast die st all ;
Boar that desith : | | Domination af American Peogiy By |
from old Hil gk a natures! death. BY ! : BE | Labor Unions (Must ibe. Prevent
There's & Go that will bear the BE BE cd Most Desstic Sten Hvar At
! W ; i Jt can easily be EE
death ie quite pe : : Le RI cosets sma
» Troan SEE ; ii operations of 1 Chiraga Taking conn of the reoet | sh somsmasion is TRI consent
ame Na ! dhe is left to her draatic steps ever attimpted tn «1 . a —— i
own dev a 8 writer In the Haple Le ;
tempted in Strike Bitustion, Heit On to co on sem
sirike situation the inited States |
f oY government obtained & IRMDOrary i
SHH Announcement of an s ” » . ; wary |
id have made ant of an agresment fn federal order restraining striking rafl |
fort we Tavis Johnny Shell, the appointment of » commission to rond shobm their officers anil at
Lon tele fe whee 4 Bettie the amount of claim if Rte wd haa “he "1
Retitucky's | freak. whos dled . Mou : of <a 8 of the filiated bod ey ; throashomt ihe country |
the othe reputed age of United States against Germany slue from interfiring In any way whatever |
1% iA Ny 4 ih eliing oid men's brought the SRnountement that Presi with the operation of thee rativcads : i
c hans LA relnglel SEEN. to say nothing Jet Harding had elected Associste ailroads
ited bin of the ¢ Ha who sometimes Justice Day of the United States Su
exploited ok : “oldest man on PremMe Court as umpire with authority
. oF : : § # $34 4 I Slew i
‘ | arth, I protect him from . guide fglly upon questions. on Wilkerson upon the petition of "nis. |
“irk sci girtent of hovines Ein a ; ; 4 Sn Bet mec A wh igl i two commissioner may : : a 1
Miss C. Hagrigan of the Department of Agriculture co mplating a new map In colors showing the extent of bovine Bo of Injury or - oly he oun Bm hs . ye odd
i *n IR - i . gs hin ‘a issgree This is » new portrait o
Tadereuionts in Ihe United States. Bach color represents the parentage from i to ID _ | wares ; Me overtake the a Ba Haugherty, who came hers from |
- worn-out | . ERY species oe ay. Washingion to argue for the actions
; I Na o N ; sg ited ty Dime IL LA A LA AER I ae Tha order enticing dite a J
| u. S. ‘Building at the Brazilian Exposition Ee eduons on oe SOLDIER BONUS BILL mx on raiivay eipiores. attorneys
The reeulrainineg cpa a Ban ud i
ie wRiraining ras’, Hearing on :
which wus set for September 11. was |
ssid by Federal Judge James H
Stes Attorney Central Harry M
Low, Comfortable, Seylish. Like
ation allity. Wild ant ; , persons acting In ald or In contunm all Triangle Colinre it ha Guar.
minis d : & i of ald a gv They IS PASSED BY SENAT E tion. wit? 5 from iH any miannher : antee attached for youw protection,
don’t : EF #8 doddering de nterfering with, hindering or ob. | 6 OUF Haberdasher bus, or can gn
renin a a y Kent: Wweky Meth mrueiing BIAWRY companies, thelr :
z . ; ! . $ REenia, servants ar am Moves in the |
re ma | sur. YOUO iS 47 to 20; Party Lines JRun Servants or em) |
} slephant or ; reipective rail
vent. ROREEMBSE cod b Ge Are Dropped When Final | mir and systems of iranaportation |
erg. feelully to 8 soll y we igi . ¥ # : we paniie |
tary | i Band maathesin Baliot is Taken guties and ahi uigs in the treanspor
; as With ite failing iat — on of pam "Fe and property in |
Fees to death tas oy 0 B08. |p re commerte and the carriage |
mign ner
stage” fhasta by the disso servants. agents, assocliEtes and sf |
Aum am
Yar snpueed
! i hires and sas
: oh pe fs, locomotives oiirs and coh :
Me considersd by i ; is ind other |
1 The vole was 47 to wit rey Wig id fe fron atismint ing te |
than the pro _——
; Ji Sin I PRE ty Fel ge #4 y PRE rim (resly anter
BY years
ary #toigl to
beaowshoen 5
fH panies
Bibles on the
Then some. ‘1% Dhssage - % » cite’ miliimsmpiion
Mar BE Wolo $ A BOY esiiava B ie S40 pitdE BIsOIDey
ba will sit i Bosweves i ! hig nregmer
od . ‘6 Thai we pits malas IH rast ie the survival and
od one more than & twothints malo 4
Here in the government building of the United States at the Brazilian Centennial expoiition In Bin, whieh opens | i fe or en ty of those preseiit and voting in PUPFEmACY of the ge Fiamma :
Bepiembor 7. The phetograph is made from the shetth by the architect, Frank IL. Packsrd of Columbus, O. After ] Puy ny Seni : nt Caited States Declarts that Sis |
¥ f FE husigi s ; fie, bear, trou, favor of the bili request was of almed at anion labo
ibe lexpasition hay hie hilding wi wi be he United Stat es Smibaney. : ; TONLE. Wah hon adned al un oi
aioe . ip an : Immediately after the
: a —————— ia . onan | 4 . es or mivovow ? oy : : the attorney general suid the step |
T : . eva he me re. the Senate &) teed that
i . 3 | dnt Ar ko of the Beas re, 4 SCBEREEY ti |e sfvaarvation of
*“YOL JING TEDDY TALKS §F eS : 5 § v raed to the House with gz "08 B RAATY 0 Lhe primservation «
Look Out for the Valise Crook | | willow! ; tosmos to he 1! De returned to the J wn | (he unions (hemseives. AL the same
a a | arte bog dlemnr noune Faquent fr 8 confdrence. Reprenmm.' semprted (hat thy government
: ge tative Mondell of Wyoming, the Re- expected to use it authority to yre
publican leador, said the House wold | oo" Co smlons toss destroy
| me ths open shop raitwmy Iswyer tells of a maling
"When the usioiie olsied ise sige | eer who Sally got tate & reed wreck,
| [to dlotate to the Hoverninent and to He was as how dtu 1h av w-
| pe oo : mers | domi the ri _— oe ade j
sed, but just “befor the vols cule .auuities of 1a’ he wired. “(hen
both the Senate clamber and the government ho Hestroy the &
“the galleries filled quickly With the unions, for the governisent of the | “What is this pigce™
| danouncement of (he result there was United Ristes 8 ouprenie and must “Yon have” the honse »oPFreon ane
Eppinuse from one section of the gal | sndure * i adds, “heen badly lured in io
Lerten where there were a number of NS So | seeldent on 8 street car, but you wi
[esi rvice men No effort was made Americin Liner Busy Amucik, | revover.™
to prevent this demony ration Buenos Alves iin Arjlentine gue | “Recover | =i the: man hractug
Government cxpers estimate Ihe pone was sak and five ther vessels | 9 "Recover! How much !™-Pirtse
total cost of the botius at $3680. | pupuned snd badly dimiged by the
481 on Va hess of 76 per Sant of the sunson lHser American Legion, which
Yotarans: electing the certificate plan, | became unmanageable in the Barbor
{ 33% per cont the fw'm and home nid Bore when about to leaves for New
180d Th per cont vorational URINE. | York Four perstos wire faired.
: " o i a) including officers of the (unboat Aso
Bomb Txpioded ie Sanitarium. pards, which went to tha bolton im.
Onkisnd, Cal -—One of the swe he MAE 4
| Buildings: comprising the Georss Cow medintaly after tha American vessel
i Sal no § PE LeeOorEe Ld i
: ; a fal i runing amuck.
‘dry Bunitarfem her was destroyed triad ye ————
i by fire followiog a Bomb axplosion. Food Rists in German City.
- Cowdry, his wife. Dro surses aid a y Bloody fuod wo
patient, occupying the building wire Bertin ay od pits ars on.
: Bio ha a curring at Ebervywalde. Flangry mobs
rescued by policemet). The explosion . Bed: sb tod 4 1 >
[enme a8 the climai to » series “ Sinan ey weno ey a a te
three incendiary fires which Cowdlr y] Skutel. Ta rh - Maes
attributed 19 & forme! patient. ips EIS
and whose | ju I! paid lu the fighting which followed many
niitied | Carrie Wasn't ingle Long. | persons ware woutided Many of
Man” Old {| New Philadelphia, O--Mre. Carrie those in the mob marched from Ber
Ahn whe | Hines, Urichaville, restored to ler ln, 37 miles from Ebirswside
ald wlion ! maiden mame, { ‘arrie Wright, whan PA SR
of Arundel {granted a divorce from Grant Hines. Deaths Caused By Wind Storm.
| walked from the common pleas cote: los Angeles Reports of & heavy
De. fac to the probate : indge'y office bn wind storm st Neadles. (Pal, i the
: r | sasters part of San Bornirdine conn
ty, that was said 0 have caused ithe
: - | marry. This took PH in 10 min. death of several people lind to hsive
dont Bad ates. blown down a number of lioness, were
| Twe Mexican Rebel | saders Exsouteq "T00IVed here a : At the wadding Here wire thras
| Mexico City ~Francisco Losnss ¥ Oo Sui ih: 11 Must ’ H- : hl
‘and San Jose Pinuls, leaders of the rain Stellan iy han The father, who pasted the cost
‘robot force in Guatetoals, have bean Dediaoapolis Eleven porsony were | of one deughter to a perfect stranger.
captured and exsentod, according to ‘BRR when & Bip Four passenger | The preacher's wife, who got the
8 Guetamals dispatch to the “Heng '78I8 van through ail open switch and | wedding foe.
de” Two Spaitsh subjects, Jorge PIOWed into the rem end of a freight | The best man, who: Bul hee reject.
and Cacios Bogoerin, were killed by tain on & siding near Hiswasburg 4 oe the inst time hy brides
Mi ib ThweeDispate
unionists troops. g ;
| Plane Scares Moree: Driver Killed. : : ie
2 Srothernood Offers Ousted, | Carmichael, Pad tesin of horses For Physical Rdunition,
| ot owe generul chatttaan, three loys i sn sirplane. and ha drier, Hersey gnninations devoted ta athietien, phy
Vetteans' | | shainmen and tight offfcers of Wb | yw Thompson, aged 41, 0 farmer of | W081 education, beaith snd wincation
og | er an 11 Brotherhuad of nest Bers. was thrown under the
L . Rallway Trainmen ji Californis sod | wheels of the bewey wagon and killed. | ty to nek his support mening ui
© Arisona, a & result of the recent | i He versal Shien adam on +
: | Actress Drinks Poison in Wings, | "ebooks country, Ali no
I New Yorko-Lillm Ow amed 19, ‘new legislation was uriied, tse need
| soubreite Ha a buriesgun company, for strong federal interes was brought
YY | ended hor fe in the witgw of the | OL. At present enly omptentli of the
: : mthool children of the United Staves
PRR Ralivay Biildgs Dynamitid | Olssharge of GIF Sir Wathe Banned | | The Next Question.
Wilmington, Del.—(5ty police, Sided | Wisi =a Senate tas Yom | ‘They've just returned. from thelr
b trip”
by state authorities, are : FL - Hingure
part of a he, the chilinge i rue 2 4 ny tn
spur track ou the Punnayivanis Raih = wig nite aavigable wae
aly rang fhe hatte Iw,