ER EI rh ne RAIL INJUNCTION SOUGHT BY U.S A ana 1 | Attorney General Daugharty First Gets Restraining Order Against Shopmen “Mothers of the World" to life whe | Dr 18 OPEN SHOP MUST REMAIN oi of dying | Sm 8 mast die st all ; Boar that desith : | | Domination af American Peogiy By | from old Hil gk a natures! death. BY ! : BE | Labor Unions (Must ibe. Prevent There's & Go that will bear the BE BE cd Most Desstic Sten Hvar At ! W ; i Jt can easily be EE death ie quite pe : : Le RI cosets sma » Troan SEE ; ii operations of 1 Chiraga Taking conn of the reoet | sh somsmasion is TRI consent ame Na ! dhe is left to her draatic steps ever attimpted tn «1 . a —— i own dev a 8 writer In the Haple Le ; tempted in Strike Bitustion, Heit On to co on sem sirike situation the inited States | f oY government obtained & IRMDOrary i SHH Announcement of an s ” » . ; wary | id have made ant of an agresment fn federal order restraining striking rafl | fort we Tavis Johnny Shell, the appointment of » commission to rond shobm their officers anil at Lon tele fe whee 4 Bettie the amount of claim if Rte wd haa “he "1 Retitucky's | freak. whos dled . Mou : of [enme a8 the climai to » series “ Sinan ey weno ey a a te three incendiary fires which Cowdlr y] Skutel. Ta rh - Maes attributed 19 & forme! patient. ips EIS and whose | ju I! paid lu the fighting which followed many niitied | Carrie Wasn't ingle Long. | persons ware woutided Many of Man” Old {| New Philadelphia, O--Mre. Carrie those in the mob marched from Ber Ahn whe | Hines, Urichaville, restored to ler ln, 37 miles from Ebirswside ald wlion ! maiden mame, { ‘arrie Wright, whan PA SR of Arundel {granted a divorce from Grant Hines. Deaths Caused By Wind Storm. | walked from the common pleas cote: los Angeles Reports of & heavy De. fac to the probate : indge'y office bn wind storm st Neadles. (Pal, i the : r | sasters part of San Bornirdine conn ty, that was said 0 have caused ithe : - | marry. This took PH in 10 min. death of several people lind to hsive dont Bad ates. blown down a number of lioness, were doy. | Twe Mexican Rebel | saders Exsouteq "T00IVed here a : At the wadding Here wire thras | Mexico City ~Francisco Losnss ¥ Oo Sui ih: 11 Must ’ H- : hl ‘and San Jose Pinuls, leaders of the rain Stellan iy han The father, who pasted the cost ‘robot force in Guatetoals, have bean Dediaoapolis Eleven porsony were | of one deughter to a perfect stranger. captured and exsentod, according to ‘BRR when & Bip Four passenger | The preacher's wife, who got the 8 Guetamals dispatch to the “Heng '78I8 van through ail open switch and | wedding foe. de” Two Spaitsh subjects, Jorge PIOWed into the rem end of a freight | The best man, who: Bul hee reject. and Cacios Bogoerin, were killed by tain on & siding near Hiswasburg 4 oe the inst time hy brides Mi ib ThweeDispate unionists troops. g ; | Plane Scares Moree: Driver Killed. : : ie 2 Srothernood Offers Ousted, | Carmichael, Pad tesin of horses For Physical Rdunition, | ot owe generul chatttaan, three loys i sn sirplane. and ha drier, Hersey gnninations devoted ta athietien, phy Vetteans' | | shainmen and tight offfcers of Wb | yw Thompson, aged 41, 0 farmer of | W081 education, beaith snd wincation og | er an 11 Brotherhuad of nest Bers. was thrown under the L . Rallway Trainmen ji Californis sod | wheels of the bewey wagon and killed. | ty to nek his support mening ui © Arisona, a & result of the recent | i He versal Shien adam on + : | Actress Drinks Poison in Wings, | "ebooks country, Ali no I New Yorko-Lillm Ow amed 19, ‘new legislation was uriied, tse need | soubreite Ha a buriesgun company, for strong federal interes was brought YY | ended hor fe in the witgw of the | OL. At present enly omptentli of the : : mthool children of the United Staves mame PRR Ralivay Biildgs Dynamitid | Olssharge of GIF Sir Wathe Banned | | The Next Question. Wilmington, Del.—(5ty police, Sided | Wisi =a Senate tas Yom | ‘They've just returned. from thelr b trip” by state authorities, are : FL - Hingure part of a he, the chilinge i rue 2 4 ny tn spur track ou the Punnayivanis Raih = wig nite aavigable wae aly rang fhe hatte Iw, mR