# THE VOURIER, SEPTEMBER 14 1906 Patton Gourier. Roy Eaton Decker, —————— 1898, ESTABLISHED - TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One copy, one year, in advance, - « « §L.00 &=No papers discontinued until all arrear- ages are paid, unless at the option of the publisher, Entered at the Postoffice at Patton as second. class mail matter. ADVERTISING RATES, ’ Legal notices §1 per inch for three insertions, Card of thanks 5¢ per line, Resolutions 5¢ per line, Poetry be per line, Business locals be per line, Display ads 10¢ per inch flat, Foreign advertising must be paid for invar- {ably in advance. No commission paid to advertising agents, These are “best” rates—no others go. -— AN ARISTOCRATIC BEGGAR, The Pennsylvania Railroad company is a cheap aristocrat and a rich beggar. Neither attitude is warranted nor dig- nified. Economy in any business is commendable when conducted on con- sistent principles, but when the offi- cers of the Pennsylvania Railroad com- pany cut off the free (?) passes they gloated over their foresightedness and wisdom in encompassing a most clever ‘plece of financiering, says the Greens- burg Democrat. Then the same great corporation,one of the wealthiest in the world, began the beggary of the ‘‘cheapest’’ and “lowest possible” rates for its adver- tising in the newspapers, cringing worse than the most craven mendicant for the meanest pittance. Like a Shylock it specifies its adver- tising space to the fraction of an inch, ‘and limits the number of lines the read- ing notices shall make—just as though a publisher could get 10 lines of 6-point . copy in 10 lines of 8-point type. The climax was reached a few days ago when the mighty Pennsylvania Railroad company, like the cheapest of sforeign advertisers,” groveled in the dust and asked for the gratuitous in- gertion of half-column articles, which it gent out broadcast “as news items.” The Pennsylvania Railroad company will reform of its greed by enforced legislation. The stockholders will not receive one cent of benefit, but the controlling powers in that great corpo- ration fully realize that they must make a pretense of economizing for the only purpose of conciliating outraged stockholders. But the work has been started and the popular demand will cause the iron- wheeled tyrant bow’ in the dust of humiliation. The voice of the people cannot be stifled and the menial aristo- erat in the form of the P. R. R. is look- ing this unwelcome fact in the face right now. RELIGION IN THE SCHOOLS. The COURIER has never had the least sympathy with the.idea that unless the public schools, teach their pupils relig- jon the whole country will go to the dogs. The schools were established and ought to be conducted for the spe- cific purpose of giving their pupils an insight into the beginnings of secular * knowledge. It is not their province to meddle with the religious training of the children. ' It is true the influence of the school room should be of an elevating charac- ter. The pupils should have high and ennobling ideas set before them. They should be taught to love the truth and hate a lie. They should be taught to "believe that it is the sum of human life to héar and obey the voice of duty. But the home and the church should undertake the religious instruction of the rising generation. They should not ask the school to do their work. If it has come to such a pass that the church and the home between them ‘cannot take care of the spiritual in- terest of the children the outlook for national well-being and stability is re- markably poor. It is the duty of every citizen to obey the law. If a measure is obnox- © ious, work for its repeal, but as long as Establishment in Patton and am prepared to do all work in woRTHY or ¢ EMULATION, Here is a hint to dog cursed Patton: Residents of East Washington borough have circulated and signed the follow- ing petition: The undersigned residents of East Washington realize that men have rights as well as dogs. We believe that dogs are a public nuisance; that they are great distributors of disease, par- ticularly measles, scarlet and other fevers; that they are destroyers of lawns, gardens and flowers; that they disturb the rest and sleep of their own- er’s neighbors by howling and barking. Therefore we pledge ourselves in the interest of a good neighborhood and good health to the extermination of this nuisance. We pledge ourselves to keep no dogs and to use all legitimate, honorable and lawful means to in- fluence our neighbors to keep none, and shall insist that in every case where a neighbor persists in keeping a dog he must keep it away from our homes; that if discovered trespassing upon our lawns, whether accompanied by its owner or not, it may be shot or otherwise destroyed, and we hereby agree to lend each other all moral sup- port to this end. To this we pledge ourselves. WILL ASSEMBLE AT ASHVILLE. Annual Meeting of County Hibernians to be Held There Next Tuesday. The annual meeting of the Ancient Order of Hiberniangs of Cambria county will be held at Ashville next Tuesday, to be presided over by P. M. Kinney, of Hastings, the county presi- dent. John J. Kearns, of Johnstown, is vice president; Richard Rinn, of Spangler, recording secretary; Joseph Riley, of Moxham, financial secretary; James O’Farrell; of Ehrenfeld, treas- urer and the Rev. Father J. J. Ludden, of Clinton county, chaplain. county, located at the following places: Johnstown, Ashville, Spangler, Barnes- boro, Ehrenfeld, Lilly, Gallitzin, Hast- ings, Patton, Carrolltown, Bakerton, Beaverdale and Dunlo, and each will be entitled to send five delegates. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received by the undersigned for the grading, carb- ing and paving of Fifth avenue in the in the borough of Patton, Pa., extend- ing from Lang avenue south to bridge crossing Little Chest Creek until Mon- day evening, Sept. 24, at 7:30 o’clock p. m, Certified check for $200 must accom- pany each bid. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of the borough engineer, who will furnish blank proposals upon which all bids must be made. The right to reject any or all bids is reserved by the town council. H. C. YERGER, Borough Engineer. Patton, Pa., Sept. 5, 1906. THE piece of Silver- ware which you received on Christmas wiil lose its lustre and turn to a brown color if you do not keep it wrap- ped in tissue paper. away from the light You will not care to do that so you had better get a jar of SILUER (REAM, the finest silver polish made. 25c at TOZER’S, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Ko- dacks and Supplies. - Ha. P. WELTY, Sanitary Plumbing and Heating. I have opened a Plumbing town, September 18 to 21, the Pennsyl- vapia Railroad company will sell spec- ial excursion tickets to Johnstown from Altoona, Greensburg and inter- mediate stations; from Patton, Ebens- burg and intermediate stations on the Qambria & Clearfield diyisions, and from stations on the South Fork branch (minimum rate, 25 cents.) Tickets will "be sold September 18 to 21, good to re- my line, give me a call at shop in room next to North Star Steam Laundry, Kerr Pride ¥ Fifth Ave. Furnished. If in need of anything in ~ There are thirteen divisions in the |. and designs and at the mini- mum of price. Doctor of Optics at Room 7, Good building, on Tuesdays of each week. = Old papers’ for sale at this office—| = GOING, MOaT GONE! Sale Diamonds, Silverware Auction of Watches, The Big Clocks, night, Sept. 15, 1906. All goods MUST be sold at whatever price they will bring. This 1s an opportunity of a life time to save money on standard goods. Be sure and attend this sale every even- ing at 7:30 o'clock. Private sale every day from 8 a. m. to 7:30 p. m. Lukenberg Jewelry Co., NEW BANK BUILDING, Next to Patton Hotel, Patton, Pa. I \ 8 That successful buying is the result of careful judgment? In selecting the kitchen Stove, care should be exercised to get the best. FERIZER STOVES vSc RANGES Bay e stood the test—and are e used and tecom- 3 cooking appliance that so closely meets every want of the household. Your money back if not satisfied. Sold by BINDER & STARRETT, Patton, Pa. I —_ . . . — NEW BIG LINE OF WALL PAPER JUST RECEIVED. All the latest patterns 0p Yr igh treme Put on File a few memorandums about our goods and prices if not ready to take ad- vantage of these offerings now. At some future time when tempted to buy Stationery | elsewhere it will pay you to ask our { prices. It will be seen that the pro- ducts of the paper makers, the pen and ink makers and all other material for use in home, school, library and office can be purchased here at lowest prices. | KINKEAD'’S STATIONERY Picture frames, room mould- ing, ete. JOS. FLICK, aiton, Pa. it is in force obey it implicitly or you . ae ~ Te a are pot 5 good citizen. By, line expeditiously and is the Question STORE. Johnstown Inter-State Fair. : es : Which can be settled b 5. 3 ! For the Inter-State Fair at Johns- Estimates Cheerfully seeing y T.R.MORRISON Dentist, PATTON, PA. H. A. HUNTER, Office in Brady Building. The best business men use the best stationery and get it at the best office that does the best printing. Of course ‘01d papers for sale at this office for GOING, and Jewelry of all kinds will positively close Saturday Northern Cambria Street Railway Company Schedule of ‘Cars. RUNNING ON A FORTY-MINUTE HEADWAY, First car leaves power house for Barneshoro at., 00 a, m, Second ear leaves Carrolltown Junetion (or Barong Sha, m, This ear makes connees ton with ©, it. Lotradn nt Spangler for Cresson, First car leaves Barnesboro for Patton nnd Carrolltown at 5:20 a, m. Second ear " “ “ “ 0200, m,, and every 40 mins, there after until 11 p,m, The 11:40 p. m, car to Power House only, First ear leaves Patton for Asheroft at 6:00 a, m, “ “ sud “ Barnesboro and Carrolltown at f:20 a, my, and every 40 mins, theres after und! 1H00 p,m, The 1140 p. mn, car to Power House only, First car leaves power house for Carrolltown at 520 a, m. This ear remains on the Branch and conneets with atl Main Line cars at Carrolitown Junction, First ear leaves Carrolitown for Patton and Bar Nesbora; at iba. m, Second ¢ " “ 6:25 00 my, and every 40 mins. theres after anti) 11:05 p.m, First car leaves Vie tor No, § tor Barneshoro ib 54 am, Second * 006 fa. mL and every 40 mins. thereafter until 11:26 p. m, First ear leaves Bry wmdon Hote I for Barne shoro at 5:10 a, m, Second W 6:10 0. my, and every 40 mins, thereafter until 1:50 p.m. First car leaves Bry indon Hotel for Patton ¢ at S “ econd u , and every 40 mins, thereafter until First car leaves Victor No, § for P; ton al 53a, m, Second “ i “ 5 + and every {0 mins.thereafter until 11:11 p.m, First car leaves power house for Patton at ; Second “ i " « mand every 10 mins. thereafter until 11:16 p.m, First ear leaves St, Beoediet for Patton at 5:40 a. m. Second “ “ “" 6:10 a. m., and every 10 mins,thereafte runtil 11:20 pan, First car leaves Carr olltown Jnnetion ! for Patton at 5:44 a. m, Second “ G44 a. m,, and every 40 mins, thereafter until 1:e4 a, m. First car leaves Bruker X Roads for Patton at 5:45 a. m S “ ‘ econd . * Lm, and every 40 minutes thereafter until t 5:48 a. m. «mm, and every 40 mivos, thereafter until 11:28 p.m a.m, 8 6:50 a. m1, and every 40 ming, thereafter until 11:30 p.m, First car leaves Asheroft for Patton a Second * " “ First car{leaves Colunbia for Patton at hi Second " “ First car leaves Patton for Asheroft at Second “ i " , and every 0 mins, threafter until 11:40 p. m First ear leaves Patton for Barneshoro at “ “ 11:00 p. m “ « Asheroft “ “ “ “ 1111 p.m. “ “ Baker X Roads “ “ “ 11:15 p. m. 4 Car'ltown Jet, “ Second i #* 0:36 * 8 11:16 p. m, First “ St. Benedict “ 6:00 ¢ Second * At G40 © i" 44 i 11:20 p. m. First car leaving Barnesboro at 5:26 a, m1. will connect with the N. Y. ( leaving Patton at 6:10 a. m. for Mahs fiey, Clearfield, Philipsbarg Baggage and packages carried on all cars, Special cars ean be arranged for. July 23rd, 1906. L& Ho RR. R, and Williamsport. train J. L. MeN ELIS, Supt, WM. H. SANDFORD, President. A. G. PALMER, Vice-President. T. J. SCHOLL Cashier. First National Bank OF PATTON, PA. Organized October 10, 1893. Capital—fully paid - - $100,000 00 Surplus - - - - 40,000 00 Stockholders’ Habifity - - - 100,000 00 Total Assets =e 850,000 00 DIRECTORS. Geo. 8. Good, James Kerr, A. G. Palmer, E. C. Brown, Chas. Anna, H. J. Patton, W. C. Lingle, Geo. E. Prindible, Wm. H. Sandford. A general Banking Business transacted. Interest paid on time depesits. Banking by mails a specialty. We pay four per cent per anngm on deposits in our Savings Department, compounded semi-annually. Why send your money to institutions in dis- tant cities, strangers to you, when you can do fully as well at home? Call or write for full information. You should have one or more »f our Savings Banks in your home. It will teach practical lessons in economy. Saved wages become wage earners for the saver. “Not what you get, but what you hold, Eases life’s burdens when you're old.” I TR RP LY PSH TES 33.2 SA TNY 07 FI A A TN TO eR A Lucas Paint (Tinted Gloss) is ready for use. Mixed by modern machinery more uniformly than you can ever mix by hand. This saves your time and energy, and makes a , more uniform and permanent coat than anything else you could buy or mix. An easy and quick job. John Lucas & €o Sixty years of paint-making New York Philadelphia Chicago koa’ LT Ty TT { ation, Da. For Sale by Binder & Sinviett, CREE 8 TL RR era NYRR RT The Acme of | ..PATTON SEER Warranted absoluicly pur: zrd iree from all deleteriol's substances. v fection, TRY IT! TRY IT! FOR SALY AT ALL THE LEADIVYG BARS IN THE COUNTY. PATTON BEER IS UNION MADE. PHONES: | Bell THD PATTON BREWING CO, { Local PATTON, PA. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. } Notice is hereby given that the co-! partnership xisting bs i F. R. tween E. T., W. A. and PF. C, Little, under the firm name of Little Bros. | has been dissolved by mutual cons The business will be continued by B. T. | cee MELLON, Dentist. formerly heretofore Officd® in Good Building, upied by H. A. Seitz. and W. A. Little, who will pay all on ¥ Tice hours:—8 to 12m. debts and to whom all bills must be ive hows: Ie » Sb. m. paid. t 7p. m. to8 p. m. _ Patton, Pa., August 1, 1906. | turn until September 22, inclusive. only 5c a bundle, 5c a bundle. that’s the COURIER. Advertise in the COURIER. +! Read your cwn COURIER. i INT) -~H in tow -M was vi ~ ball w Eu two gi Y., on -M ola, is Mrs. J —A store i ment i —8a was a Rouns —Di erectic West | -M tenede at Joh —A were i cure q —Tl new a ing the —Mi ys. Miss E dence Sandfc —Dr meetin Medic: this we —M: len ant town, matric place. —Th Bank ¥ It is an the she busine: —Wi candid The las was de of loca —Ta eight g club pr tra inn lost fou —Th Fox fo been’ot time. and rai —Re known town, ¢ just aft First B Sunday —At council tract fi Beech awarde compar —W. membe of the ent Tel nual c Wednes —J. blacksn for cong the citi: ing to b 20, at 8 —Wil gecretal Worker nomina teenth ponent liamspo —The distingt packer, ing com invitati tion of in Octol —The at Olea «day and and Ol Wednes gers wil and Sab —Unc made th compan tial incr operato: mean a $70,000 1 scale. —Far their lar must po A piece Hunting not a le; can get notices : —Blai William: and Cha same nil team an the bala . report h of these strength
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers