Chronle rvice, L. Ely, at 500 LANsas, thous 8 who m the ng tore y come y says: kidney e Civil asfonal devel- chronie use a . My besides ing re. nS. ) using ut the ¢ been a box. Y. ole life physio- now a or con- nay, as Chirur- is man rib and ere un- d were nt was Satur- Je was re told ~Phila~ ~ A md om Mi- ugh for OW 8ev+ >m bad so bad I bad inally as lai d ankld Darl y places thought leaving you can , simply od this months, able to . Some [he con- tke Cu- ds, who t I gave ond de~ the Cue diately, ra Soap | I took After s healed my foot seen it e thir wbungh, LIC. eneral’'s al. get be- ) which f years, Wash- r. The yainting le Gen- arriage, is neck of Gen- motner. h Mrs. as the rizes it tor the /asted. rge RR. L Tach- ailroads w loco- 300, to- ars and ast fiz- relative freight he rail | ordars 8. rs, and he rail- rile of as been Towa, ant of , \ facilis alone eat has ant of ntal and er food us dys- 180, SO ntirely. men of of out- months red that e pleas- so that usiness, edit my ‘deal of diet en- er vigor the feel used to r—1 can without 0 weary, Grape- um Co. ne little in pkgs. ‘ & vy um / | | J [- [Cl if r A UNIQUE CUSHION. Though her actual cash outlay was only $3, the cushion a clever girl made for Ler brother in college was so odd and so charming that some of his chums have offered $25 for it. Of course, he scorns to part with his treasure. This girl found discarded Jace curtains in the attic, and, taking the best patterns, she stitched them gn a plece of dainty brocatelle. Then e outlined the design with iridescent scales and formed grotesque figures with the scales between the meshes. The border was of many shades of ribbon, overlaying one another and frilled all around with a peacock-blue background of satin. On the back were college and fraternity emblems, with the brother's initials in big, sprawling letters in the centre.—In- dianapolis News. } THE 1OWER OF ENJOYMENT. We lose our power of enjoyment early in life, sometimes through over- work. We are like children with so many toys that none pleases, or the or little creatures of the slums whose Drs are so heavy that the power to enjoy is paralyzed. On rare occa- sions we find men and women well along in years, but delightfully young at heart and always they are found to be persons who have so combined svork and play as to tire of neither. They have avoided ruts by following fancy and can never be made to under- stand the plight of those who have passed from living to mere existence. There is a very wide difference Dbe- tween the two. Without doubt we would be better in every way without many of the lux- uries we have come to regard as neces- sities. Steam heat has spoiled us by making us believe we can not be com- fortable in rooms below summer tem- perature. We use warn water instead of cold and commit the greatest piece of folly when we sleep in warm bed- rooms, The victim of insomnia would do well to look right there for the cause of wakeful nights and restless days. Every living creature needs fresh air and plenty of it. Human beings are the only ones that endeavor to get plong without it. The woman who set- tles down in her home becomes self- centered and, courts a train of petty evils. There is nothing like seeing new faces and new scenes to make one oblivious of little, troublesome cares. Did you ever try the experiment of putting away a puzzling piece of work for a day when you feel fresher? If $0, you know how easy is the solution after your mind has been cleared by af rest. More can be accomplished in this way.—Indianapolis News, A WOMAN EXPLORER. Mrs, French-Sheldon’s recent de- parture for Africa has been the signal for many reminiscent articles on her adventures. As a child, it is said, she was very delleate, and it was during years of enforced inactivity that the fdea of wandering through unknown countries seized upon her imagina- tion. She was brought up in the at- mosphere of intellectual activity. She is the daughter of the late Col. Joseph French, a great mathemati- cian, while her mother is quite cele- brated as one of the first women doc- tors in the United States. Men and women of light and learning were awont to frequent her parents’ home and she learnt much in her early years by listening to the brilliant talk that svent on around her. + She owes her regular education chiefly to Italy, where her love of music was fully indulged, and she at one time thought of making it her profession. Of recent years she has dropped it entirely, finding it too ex- acting a master for one of her wander- ing propensities. Mrs. Sheldon’s jour- neys through East Africa are now a matter of history. And so, indeed, is her expedition in the Congo. On her return from the latter she met avith a storm of rage and indignation, as she dared deny the stories of cruelty re- ported from the Congo. Her interest in humanity is intense, -.Indeed, the objects of her journeys are almost en- tirely ethnological, and the women of the countries in which she travels exact her chief interest. She has great sympathy with her sex as a whole; therefore, as a matter of course, ghe wins their sympathy and confi- dence. Mrs. Sheldon’s book on the Congo will be interesting reading. She will be back from West Africa in time to see it launched on the public. MEDDLESOME CHILDREN. Mothers should watch the inquisi- five fingers of their children and teach them to respect other people's belong- ings. If allowed to rumage in your drawers and wherever they like, they will be very apt to extend their in- vestigations into the affairs of your guests. Forbid the little ones to pry into bundles and packages, whether they belong to yourself or others, and do mot allow them to take liberties svith letters and papers. Suppress, in all ways, "the inordinate curiosity and inquisitiveness about other people's affairs which make of some otherwise lovable children such insufferable nuis- ances. Do not allow children to run te the pantry or sideboard, picking over and handling the fruit, or knick-knaciks, cutting and backing off chunks of pie T@ii] I NOI or cake to suit their appetites, thus ruining the appearance of your choices est viands., Very few guests like to eat of viands which the cleanest of children have picked over and hacked out of shape. Do not allow them to drink from the glass that is set out for use of the guest with the water pitcher. Do not allow your children to ex hibit undue curiosity as to the move- ments or affairs of your visitors, Some of their questions, aside from an ap- pearance of impertinence, may be very embarrassing, and even lead to very mortifying results. Do not allow the children to climb over or “loll” on the visitor; or to pick and handle the clothing of your guest. In some fam- ilies, these attentions from the chil dren are so disagreeable as to cause much discomfort, and often drive away your most valued friend. Do not make the wonderful smart- ness of your children too much the subject of your discourse with your friends, for some people may like to discuss other matters; they may even have smart children of their own. At any rate, they may not see the prodi- gies with your eyes.—The Commoner. HOW SHE KEEPS HER SERVANTS Here are a few rules given by a wom- an who enjoys a reputation for never having trouble with her numerous ser- vants and retaining them In her ser- vice for years. She pays good wages—that is, pays as liberally as she can afford is always punctual in payment. She allows her servants a reason- able share of all the daintics served the family and is liberal in the mat- ter of their food, maintaining that good work cannot be done on an empty stomach. She rarely criticizes, but when re- proof is needed gives it with firmness and without fear, but kindly. Praise is always given when due; she thinks it well to acknowledge good service to encourage. She allows each reasonable time for outings and to attend church, and she does not require service when a girl is taking her afternoon off. She allows her maids time to keep their clothes in order, and requires them to be meat, clean and orderly about their sleeping apartments. She is never familiar; only evinces a kindly interest in the general wel- fare without becoming in any way in- volved in the family affairs of any one of her servants. If a matter goes wrong, she takes time to investigate before reproving and never scolds or rebukes when an- ary. 1f necessary to dismiss a servant she never does so when in a temper, buf waits until she can control herself, so as to command respect, She will not allow her maids to gos- sip about her neighbors’ affairs nor to make remarks about member of the family to another. She will not allow her children to be rude or insolent to the servants, nor will she allow too great familiarity. And her servants remain with her decades and are devoted to her. she and oie All the new styles are designed for slender figures. The boleros of heavy Irish crochet are used most effectively in these gowns. Skirts are loaded with lace, frills, embroidery, and other decorations. Sleeves are also excessively ornate. A typical model in handkerchief linen was trimmed with many yards of half-inch real Valenciennes inser- tion. Skirt decorations are sold to match the boleros, and with their aid a most beautiful costume is possible at slight additional expense. The Empire gown does not admit of modification, and clever dressmakers will contrive to adapt the princess to nearly all passable figures. Another type of the princess Empire gown was seen in a pale blue soft net dinner gown. There was a foundation of radia silk, very soft and lustrous. The prevailing mode is Empire prin- cess, and all the new two-piece suits have short, jaunty coats warranted to make a stout woman look like a tub. If stout women would only rid them- selves of the delusion that they look their best in tight-fitting garments, the dressmakers would have their bur- dens lessened and the landscape would be greatly beautified. A string colored rajah silk afternoon gown made after an imported model was cut in a plain, tight-fitting prin- cess with a draped bolero added. The skirt was extremely wide at the hem and swept the ground in a wide train —a very short train, to be sure, Damp Walls and Pictures, . Pictures sometimes get spoiled by being hung on walls that are not thoroughly dry. To prevent this, says Home Notes, nail pieces of cork at the backs of the pictures, so that air comes betweer them and the wall. QUENTIN AND HIS JUMPERS, Persons who lunch with the Presi dent may catch a glimpse of blue over: alls on the veranda at the back of the house, if they happen to look out the windows; (he little boy in blue is prob- ably Quentin, very busy about his own affairs. He does not wear a “real lace” collar or a velvet doublet; he has on just the kind of “Jumpers” that thou- sands of little American boys wear when they make their 8aily mud-pies or play tag or ride their bicycles. — From Maurice Francis Egan's “The President and the Boys,” in St. Nich- olas. — THE ADVERB GAME, This is a simple little game, in which a player wins by noticing the manner in which the other players answer his questions. The players take seats in a row, and one is sent out of the room, lots having been drawn to see who this one will be, When he is gone the other players agree on an adverb, and when he is called back he must ask each player a question—no matter what—and the answers are to be given in a manner expressive of the adverb. Let us say that the adverb selected is “crossly;” then every question that the recalled player asks is answered in a cross or snappish manner. If “mildly” be the adverb, the answers are given accordingly. *“Laughingly,” “carelessly,” “quickly,” are other ad- verbs that might be used. The player scores a point when he guesses the adverb, and then some one goes out in his place. If he fails to score, he has to go out again, when another adverb is selected, and he comes back and tries a second time. He continues going out and coming back until he guesses the word.—Amer- ican Cultivator. WHEN NATURE CLEANS HOUSE. Just what Caracas would do without {ts rainy season I cannot imagine, for the city is far from being clean and sanitary. Garbage is thrown into the yards for the vultures to feed upon; dust and papers accumulate in the streets, and the visitor is about to pronounce the city the dirtiest he has ever seen, when nature suddenly de- cides to put things to rights. An ordinary rainfall would not suffice now: a thorough flushing is needed, and nothing short of a deluge will do it. But somewhere up in the mountain tops the deluge is forming, and pres- ently a great, black vapor overspreads the valley, It comes slowly at first, as if to warn the people to go indoors, but when it has acguired sufiicient density if falls. In a moment, almost the streets and courtyards are flooded, the fantastic waterspouts that over- hang the sidewalks pour out their streams like gigantic kettle spouts, and loud is the noise of the splashing and spattering. Half an hour later one tiptoes along the shiny pavements, as if over a newly scrubbed floor; above him is a sky of spotless blue, while the only clouds to be seen are insignificant patches of white along the mountain sides. Yet, in an incredibly short space of time the whole process may be repeated.—From George M. L. Brown's “Charming Caracas,” in St Nicholas. i MAMMA'S BUNNIES. Marjorie and Elliott had the mumps and their dear little faces were all puffed up. Mamma tied up their cheeks with some of papa's old soft handkerchiefs and the white ends, sticking up on top, looked like rab- bit's ears, so she called them her white bunnies. The first few days they played with their toys and mamma read them a greaf many stories, and so they had nice times, but when slid- ing began on their hill they wanted to go out of doors. Then they fell to watching Billy and ‘Trixie, the pretty kittens next door. “I wish we hac them over here to play with us,” said Marjorie. Just then Elliott left the room, and in a little while came k with a letter written on his Christmas paper, and this is what it said “Dear Billy and Trixie: Marjorie and I have the mumps. Would your mamma let you come over and play with us? We will give you lots of milk. Dg you catch mice? Do come. “ELLIOTT.” When Mrs. Gray read the letter she gaid: “The dear things, they shall have those kittens.” Half an hour later Elliott's doorbell rang and thsre stood Mrs. Gray's Mary Ann, with a broad smile on her face and a large Angora kitten under each arm. Billy and Trixie were dressed for the occasion. One wore a red bow and the other a blue one, and at the end of each ribbon was fastened a note for each of the chil- dren, asking them over to take tea with Mrs. Gray y-aen they were bet- ter. It was hard to tell which had the better time that afiernoon, the chil- dren or the kittens. Elliott let Billy sit on ome of the nice cushions and sharpen his claws, a thing he was never allowed to do at home, and Mar- jorie tied a string on a spool and Trixie had such a nice time chasing it all around the room. When supper time came the kittens rad their milk in the dining-room with the children, and it was a happy tittle time. After supper they all sat down on the fur rug in front of the fire and Elliett told Marjorie and the kittens stories. Forthe Younger Children... i “They can understand,” said Elliott, “and the way I know is because they purred very loud when I told them | about the old black cat we used to have.” l At bedtime papa carried Billy and | Trixie home and he said they purred | all the way. When mamma put the | children to bed she took the handker- | chiefs oft of their faces and “Now I haven't any little bunnies “But you have us,” said Elliott. “Yes, dearies,” said mamma, kiss ing them, “and if the sun shines to- morrow you can both go out and play for a little while,”"—Congregationalis | coax, bully or | ments for the program. DOLLY'S WISH, Once upon a time there was a little girl about five years old. She had blue eyes, and light hair cut straight round, | and a big black bow that dangled over one eye. Like some other little girls, when bedtime came she often said, “Oh, I don't want to go to bed!” Aud one night, when her mother called and said, “Bedtime, Dolly, dear!” she said, quite crossly: “1 wish I need never go to bed!” She was down-stairs curled up in a) big library chair. She sat quite still, trying to decide whether she would be naughty and run and hide or go upstairs like a good girl. She rather drowsy, but just then she thought she heard a little scratching sound in the chimney. and presently, puff! down came a pretty little old lady dressed all in gray, with a scarlet cloak, and in her hand she carried a long gold stick with a lovely silver star on the end of it. Dolly was too’ surprised to speak, but the little old lady said, pleasantiy: “Good evening, dear godmother, and I thought I heard you wishing for something. What was it?” “Oh,” said Dolly, “I wished I need never go to-bed, I hate it so!” “Why, my dear, that is a very easy wish for me to grant,” said the little old lady, and with that she touched Dolly gently with the end of her wand and said, “Now you will not have to go to bed at all.” Then she gave a little jump, and puff! she was gone up the chimney in a cloud of smoke. My, how pleased Dolly was! She called up tc her mother, “Mother, now 1 don’t ever have to go to bed!” “No. dear.” said mother, gently. “How nice that will be! Father and I are going out to dinner, so you can just play round and have a good time.” This sounded a little lo y Dol but she did not say anything. Down came mother and father, and oft they went in the car ». Out trotted Dolly to the kitchen, but Lydia and Bertha and Alice were all toc busy to pay any attention to her. Up to the nursery she went, and began te play with her dolls, but the time seemed very long. Somehow be- can to feel very tired, ul it was not as much fun playi pected. She thou sound asleep in his crib, cided it was time for the put to bed. Edith, Mary and Susy were all safely ing wistfully 1 sie it about brother, and she de- tucked up, and after iool out of the window for while—the stars looked very bright and cemed a great many of them—Doll began to wish that Alice or would come and tuck her up, But she was a proud little soul, and of course it would never do to ask to be put to bed. “Never mind.” she said, “I can just undress my own self, and no one will know anything about it.” Down she sat and began to untie her | shoes. What was the matter? She just could not get the knot undone. It was only a plain bowknot, too. “Well, I will leave them,” she decided, “and | take my dress oif.” The belt buckle was stuck: not unfas her necktie come off. The buttons flew into the bhuttonholes as fast as Dolly got them out, Oh, how tired she was! Anyway, she would just creep into bed wit] all Lier clothes on, pull up the blanket and cry herself to sleep. Up on the bed she clambered. How nice and soft her little pillow looked! Down went her sleepy head, when sud- denly the pillow gently slipped out from under it and rolled on the floor. fhe was too tired to pick it up, but started to pull up the soft blanket. Tug, tug—it did not come: instead it rolled off into one corner in a tight ball. Poor Dolly! She was pretty cold, but she was so sleepy she thought she could just curl up and sleep any way. What could be the matter? The bed began rocking slowly, then faster and faster, and presently Dolly was spilled gently on the floor! This was too much. Great tears rolling down her cheeks, she wailed: “Mother, mother, I want to go to bed! Please come!” “Why, sweetheart,” said mother, “what is the matter? You must have fallen sound asleep here in the big armchair.” AD, how glad she was to cuddle up in mother's lap! “Mother,” she said, solemnly, “I think I shall always be ready to go to bed.”—Margaret Dud- ley, in Youth’s Companion. The Evening=Up Process. Don’t get gay over the saving om coal from the mild winter. You will make up for it next summer when you pay your ice bill.—Kansas City Times. A woman takes on a look of aston- ishment when told that she has hurt the feelings of a mar felt | ! I"m your fairy | as she had ex-| dolls to be! there mother | it would | would not | THE "SOUVENIR" CRAFT CAME. An Evil That the Federation of Labo : Yas Been Fighting For Years, The trade will appreciate the force and truth of this editorial from the Boston Traveler: The “souvenir program” grafter re. celved a well merited and, it is to be hoped, a knockout blow at the conven. tion of the American Federation of Labor at Pittsburg. There is a species of petty larceny which has netted millions of dollars to {ts promoters from business and pro- fessional men, political candidates and the public generally. The scheme is worked in connection with the public gatherings, balls, pic. aids F nies, ete, of all sorts of organizations, m | but labor unions specially. The organization having the ball or picnic is approached and a lump sum paid for the privilege of printing the “official” program. Once this permis- gion is given, the “souvenir’ grafter, armed with his eredentials, proceeds to blackmail advertise: It is always represented that patronage implies the good will of the members of the par ticular organization in question, while " non-compliance implies proof of hostil- ity or unfriendliness which will be re- sented. It is true that there is occasionally a souvenir of this sort presented to the public about which there is no deceit. Religious, social and some of the labor organizations issue souvenir programs which are managed by the societies themselves, the contributions to which go into the societies’ treasuries, but the evil has come from a group of petty swindlers who have syndicated this business and turned a legitimate source of revenue to organization into a per- sonal graft game. The Federation of Labor has been fighting the ‘souvenir grafter” for years, and after the de- cided action just taken no person who reads the mewspapers will have any excuse if he is cheated by, these schemers in the future. WISE WORDS. Stand up bravely to afflictions, and quit thyself like a man—Thomas a Kempis. To-day is your day and mine, the only day we have, the day in which we play our part.—David Starr Jordan, There is a stingy caution which will do nothing for fear of doing wrong and does wrong all the time.—Phillips Brooks. Ten thousand of the in our neighbors ave quence to us than one in ourselves.—Whatley. Men travel far to climb high moun- tains, to observe the majesty of the cean, to trace the sources of rivers; but they neglect themselves.—Augus- | tine. God of joy and of grief, do with me what thou wilt: grief is good, and joy is good also. Thou art leading me now -through joy. 1 take it from thy hands, and I give thee thanks for it.—Amiel There are two good rules which ought to be writien on every heart: Never believe anything pad about any- body unless you positively know it is true; never tell even that, unless you | feel it is absolutely necessary, and that | God is listening while you tell it.— Henry van Dyke. I have come to think that courage | Is the great quality. It must rest on | faith, of course; for few of us could he courageous if we stood alone. It is fed by hope and it lives by love. | But somehow it is the fine flower in this troubled life of all these high | qualities.—Congregationalist, createst faults of conse- of the smallest logg ieSS | ———————————————— The Doctor Was Fooled. An eminent physician had cured a little child of a dangerous illness. The grateful mother turned her steps to- ward the house of her son's savior. “Doctor,” she said, “there are some things which cannot be repaid. I real ly don’t kmow how to express my gratitude. I thought you would, per- | haps, be so kind as to accept this purse, embroidered by my own hands.” “Madam,” replied the doctor coldly, “medicine is no trivial affair, and our visits are to be rewarded only in money. Small presents serve to sus- tain friendships, but they do not sus- tain our families.” “But, doctor,” said the lady, alarmed pnd wounded, “speak—tell me the fee.” “Two hundred dollars, madam.” The lady opened the embroidered purse, took out five banknotes of $100 each, gave two to the doctor, put the remaining three back in the purse, bowed coldly, and took her departure. —Lippincott’s Magazine. No Trouble With That One. The sporting editor, who was tem- porarily acting as information editor, opened a letter addressed to the latter's department and found this query there- in: “May Government lands occupied by settlers be fenced in?” Turning to his typewriting machine, he rattled off this answer: “Certainly; you can fence there or anywhere, except in a church. It isn’t like boxing. But what's the matter with a gymnasium?’—Chicago Tri- bune. The Editor on His Muscle. We thought that the citizens of Athens respected and desired freedom of the press. Apparently they do not. James B. Parker, whose wife is tak- ing the part of Juliet in the charity series, objected to our calling her skinny and waited for us at the theatre last night. Fortunately we caught him one on the eye, which destroyed some of the effect his objections might other- wise have borne. J. Parker is a dan- ger to the community. She is skinny, anyhow.—Athens (IXan.) Eagle, THE WASHDAY. It seems odd that most women choose Monday as washday, when Tuesday is preferable, from the fact that it gives the housewife a whole day to sort out the laundry, to remove stains that would become set in washs ing, and to mend and darn any rents and holes in linens and stockings. T0 BRIGHTEN GILT FRAMES, Take sufficient flour of sulphur te give a golden tinge to one and one half pints of water and in tnis boil four ov five Lruised onions. Strain off the liquid, and with it, when cold, wash, with a soft brush, any gilding which requires restoring; and when dry it will shine as bright as new. USEFUL UTENSILS. Some simple utensils, which are al ways useful in any family, are marble slabs for pastry, sink strainers, salad washers, dish drainers, tiny pastry brushes, egg pcachers, cake and pie tins with bottoms on sides, that can be removed, of all of which there § endless numbers of styles and sizes. ——c— #1! SCISSORS IN THE KITCHEN. % A kitchen convenience which is not present in every household is a pair of sharp scissors. Scissors are used to trim lampwicks—which is a wrong— and to cut papers and string; but sel: dom for trimming bacon and ham rinds, skinning parts of fowls which need skinning, and trimming salads. These are proper jses for scissors, and the use of them saves much labor. SOILED BOBBINET CURTAINS. Soiled bobbinet curtains do not need to go into the washtub if the dirt on them is only the accumulation of every day grime. Corn meal cleanses them without half the bother of washing and ironing. Place the half of a cur- tain in a large paper bag, sprinkle a pint of the meal through if, then shi the bag in every direction hard for ten minutes. Then beat out the meal and hang the curtain in the air, If the curtain does not look a good color after one bath of meal, give it a second. Curtains treated in this way do not coarsen and mill up as when they are wet, — CLEANING FEATHERS. Many feathers beside those of geese and ducks can be made available by the farm family, if properly deodor- ized and cared for. The old plan was to bake them, but a thrifty sister sends me the following: “Every time you kill a chicken, try this: The fowl should be a grown one, with few or no pin feathers. Pick dry, if you choose, or scald before picking. Save all fine, soft, quilless feathers; or, if vou choose, strip the quills and throw; the bony part away. Scald the feath- ers. and let cool enough to wash them well with the hands; wash until clean, if it takes a dozen waters; then pour on boiling water again, and let stand un- til cool enough to wring out by hand, wringing and squeezing them as’ dry as possible; then, if the sun is shining (and I hope it is), put them ouf, thinly. : spread, to dry on any clean place; if the sun is not shining, put them into a large dripping pan, a panful at a time, and dry in a quite hot oven (being watchful so they will not scorch or burn, as this ruins them), stirring yery, often. dried, put them in a stout bag and beat them well, so as to make them fluffy. If they are cleaned thoroughly, in this manner, using a good soap suds to clean them, and rinsing them thor oughly, all substance tending to de: composition will be eradicated, and the feathers will smell sweet and clean. Maple Sugar Rolls—Make a crust by mixing two cups of flour, one-half tea- spoonful of salt, two teaspoonfuls of baking powder, three tablespoonfuls of butter and a cup of milk. Roll ta an inch in thickness, spread with butler, then cover with a mixture made”of chopped citron, chopped walnuts and a cup of maple sugar. Roll up jelly- roll fashion, cut into inch slices and bake in a moderate oven. Orange Cream Pie—First cut two oranges into thin slices and sprinkle thickly with sugar, allowing them to stand for three or four hours. Make a rich, flaky pie-crust and line a deep pie-pan with it, and after baking set away to become cold. Now place a layer of the sliced oranges over the bottom, cover with thick whipped cream in which a little gelatine had been dissolved and a little sugar added, then another layer ©“ oranges, and so on with the whipped cream on top. This makes a delicious dessert. Veal Ioaf—This is a savory dish at picnics and simple country suppers. Mince three pounds of raw, lean veal and a quarter of a pound of the best fat pork. Sprinkle through the meat half an onion grated fine, half a tea- spoonful of powdered thyme, a scant saltspoonful of powdered sweet mar- joram, the same amount of summer) half a teaspoonful of pepper. When he meat is minced and the seasoning pdded, mix in about two-thirds of a cup of cracker crumbs, half a cup of fait = one tablespoonful of salt and Veal gravy, the yolk of an egg and the whites of two eggs well beaten to- gether. After they are all washed and
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers