— — Patton Courier. br Roy Naton Decker, FSTABLISHED - - 1863, ——— TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One copy, une year, in advance, « - * $1.00 Agr Advertising rates made Known upon ap plication, . #@No papers discontinued until nll arrear- ages are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. Entered at the Postoffice at Patton as second: class mail matter, — ADVERTISING RATES, Legal notices $1 per inch for three insertions, Card of thanks 5¢ per line, Resolutions sc per line, Poetry be per line. Business locals 5c per line, Display ads 10¢ per inch flat. Foreign advertising must be paid for invar- {ably in advance, No commission paid to advertising agents, These are “best” rates—no others go. CARROLLTOWN POST OFFICE ROBBED. Safe Blown Open and Money and Stamps to Considerable Amount Taken, Early Monday morning burglars gained an entrance to the Carrolitown post office, where they blew open the safe and made off with §110 in cash and about §300 worth of stamps. The ‘report of the explosion awakened the entire town and a posse immediately _ . started a man hunt for the robbers, but at this writing they have not been _ apprehended. The Cambria county ' bloodhounds were taken to the scene, but they failed to pick up the trail of the bandits. : The post office is located in the Stoltz ~ building and the postmaster is Frank M. Donahue, who also conducts a store. Mrs. Margaret Stoltz occupies the liv- apartments oyer the store and a section of the first floor in the rear. The robbers gained an entrance to Mrs. Stoltz’s home through a rear window and stole $10 from a sideboard. They then vacated the house and entered the post office by way of the front door with a skeleton key and attacked the safe. Mrs. Stolz was awakened and looking out of a window saw a man standing in front of the office. He : warned her to make no outery and get to bed or he would “drill” her with . cold lead. $ Shortly afterwards there was a ter- - rific explosion which awakened the entire populace of the town and lights ‘goon flashed in the houses in the im- mediate vicinity and this caused the robbers to hastily grab what they could and flee. Mrs. Stoltz sounded an alarm and soon Postmaster Donahue, United States Revenue Officer Strayer, who was a guest at the Central hotel, and others arrived at the building. The safe was a wreck, having been blown by nitro-glycerine, and the front of the building was shattered. A posse of men was immediately ‘formed and a hunt for the robbers was begun. The county authorities were ‘potified and Warden McMullen with the county bloodhounds was sent to the scene. The crowd had so trampled around the building that the hounds were unable to strike a scent and it was decided to try them out in the open country along the roads by which the robbers might have taken to effect an escape. The robbery is supposed to have been committed by three or four men who had been in attendance at the . recent fair held at Carrolltown and at that time obtained all the information they desired for the robbery. Satur- day was pay day at the town and the "robbers undoubtedly expected to make 8 good haul. Postmaster Donahue for- tunately had placed the principal part of the funds of the office, $300 in cash and about $400 worth of stamps, to- gether with private funds, in the Car- rolltown bank for safety and saved himself and the government from a TO CATARRH SUFFERERS. Hyomei Guaranteed to Cure by O. F. Wolf or Money Refunded. The popularity and increase in the sales of Hyomei are unique in the an- nals of medicine. Such astonishing oures have been made by this remedy that the proprietors have authorized O. ~_F. Wolf to sell every package of Hyo- mei under an absolute guarantee that it will cure catarrh. If it does not, the purchaser can have his money refunded by O. F. Wolf. The complete Hyomei outfit costs but $1.00 and consists of an inhaler that can | pe carried in the vest pocket, a medi- eine dropper, and a bottle of Hyomei. The inhaler lasts a life time, and if one Ordinance Passed for the Construction ot Another Sewer. . Very little business of importance was transacted at the regular meeting of the borough council held Monday evening. Those in attendance were President Lingle, Secretary Moore and Councilman Berkey, Anstatt and Emigh. adopted: ORDINANCE NO. 81. An ordinance authorizing the con- struction of a sewer on Fourth avenue in thie borough of Patton and provid- * | ing for the cost of the same: Be it enacted and ordained by the burgess and town council of the bor- ough of Patton,and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same. That, whereas two-thirds of the property owners in interest and number on Fourth avenue have petitioned for a public sewer on said street, it is therefore enacted and ordained that a public sewer be con- structed on said street, beginning at the north-east corner of land of Cole Brothers and extending south and in- tersecting with Palmer avenue sewer at Flannagan run. That the same be constructed of eight-inch terra cotta pipe, and that the cost of constructing the same be taxed to the property own- ers adjacent to the same according to the foot front rule according to law. Enacted and ordained this, the 18th day of September, A. D. 1905. H. 8S. LINGLE, President of Council. Attest: — Ep S. MOORE, Secretary of Council. Approved by the burgess of Patton borough this 22nd day of September, A. D. 1905. W. J. DONNELLY, Burgess. A special meeting was held Wednes- day night for the purpose of awarding contracts for building sidewalks,sewers and paving. All of the members were present. No bids had been received for paving or building sidewalks and but two bids for the sewers. For constructing 335 feet eight-inch and 1,975 feet of fifteen-inch terra cotta sewer on Magee avenue and in bed of Little Chest creek, Anstatt & Co., of Altoona, wanted $2,763.25, exclusive of specials, and Geo. S. Good §2,769.50, a difference of $6.25, in fayor of the for- mer. For constructing 275 feet eight-inch terra cotta sewer on Fifth avenue, 225 feet ten-inch terra cotta sewer on Park avenue, 1,710 feet ten-inch sewer on Mellon ayenue and 540 feet fifteen-inch terra cotta sewer from intersection of Park and Mellon avenue sewer to Chest Creek, Geo. S. Good bid $2,390.88, exclusive of specials, and Anstatt & Co. $3,046.55, a difference of $6565.75 in favor of the first named. Mr. Good’s bids for the two contracts were $649.50 lower than the other and he was awarded the work at the fig- ures named. Towns Get Rebate From State. Many boroughs throughout Penn- sylvania are taking advantage of a law passed by the last legislature author- izing boroughs to construct brick or macadam roads, and upon petitioning the state highway department to re- ceive three-fourths of the cost from the Commonwealth. Among the bor- oughs that have taken advantage of this law is Saltsburg, Indiana county, which has under construction one mile of brick pavement. The borough of Ligonier, Westmoreland county, is also paving its streets with macadam under this act. REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVENTION. The Republican voters of Cambria county are requested to meet at their usual places of holding elections on Saturday, September 23rd, 1905, be- tween the hours of 3 and 7 o’clock p. m. for the purpose of electing dele- gates to a county convention to be held in Ebensburg on Monday,Septem- ber 25th, 1905, at 1 o’clock p.m. to nominate a county ticket and transact such other business as may properly come before the eonvention. Emory H. Davis, Chairman. Ebensburg, Pa., Aug. 21, 1905. Buggies, Carriages, Etc, which have style and durability are always found in our repository. We have the largest assortment in this country to select from. Our prices are lower than others charge for the same grades. Every vehicle guaran- teed—not by outsiders but by ourselves —and you will always find us here to make good. JLARK & KINNEY, Hastings, Pa. bottle does not cure, an extra bottle of Hyomei can be obtained for 50 cents. It is the most economical of all reme- dies advertised for the cure of catarrh,’| and is the only one that follows Nature | in Ler methods of treating diseases of | the respiratory organs. { Breathe through the inhaler for a few minutes four times a day, and your | catarrh is cured. That’s all. | If not cured, O. F. Wolf will refund your money. i The COURIER is better prepared ‘than ever to do first class job printing at right prices. Competent workmen and superior stock are the things we prag of. Send or bring in your work. | Advertised Letters, The following letters remain uncalled for in the Patton post office for the two weeks ending Saturday, Sept. 16, 1905: Joe Batters, Miss Iva Daugherty, Miss Florene Nagle, Howard Byers, Mrs. Elsie Johnson, Davia J. Wagner. eign: Mijh Dranycsak, James Reardon. Persons calling for the above letters will please say that they are ‘‘Adver- tised.”’ E. WiLL GREENE, Postmaster. The best business men use the best stationery and get it at the best office that does the best printing. Of course hat’s the COURIER. The following ordinance was | For- | lof suffering that trouble in the future, unless the dy- Engines Boilers, Shafting and and Pulleys. In fact about wine oc mill will be i : h) ) found in our fnimense stocks. | If asvcden break in your mas Se pter | oer 20, chinery develops, write, tele- . > . i ) plot or telegraph and we will | $8,000.00 nn I remiums. be ready for you. ‘ OUR SPECIA is in supply immediate wants | of mine and mill owners. A line to us will bring you results. JOHNSTOWN SOPrLY LTY. HOUSE, Johnstown, Pa. everything necded HIGHEST PREMIUMS GREAT Inter=State Fair of pennsylvania | To be Held at ROXBURY PARK, JOHNSTOWN, PA,, | | | VALUABLE PURSES 27, 28, 29, 1905. $4,800.00 in Purses. $2,000.00 in Free Attractions. Fifty thousand dollars expende during the past year improving and beautifying this State Fair Association to the fair patrons. 6 o’clock p. m, Friday, September 29th, 1905. | | J K. LOVE, President. great pleasure and amusement park at which the fair will be held. A $500 prize bull, with a pedigree, will be given away absolutely free by the Inter A ticket entitling the holder to a chance on this valuable animal will be given free with every full fare admission to the fair grounds during the day. The drawing of this grand prize will take place ow at Write for Premium List. H. B. DUFF, Secretary. PRIZER’S AIR TIGHT We invite your inspection of PRIZER'S AIR-TIGHT as we believe we can please in quality, appearance and price. BINDER & STARRETT, Patton, Pa. BINDER & STARRETT, DouBLE HEATER Appeals to the housewife who tries to save where others waste. BURNS THE CHEAPEST GRADE OF SOFT COAL OR SLACK WITH THE SAME SUCCESSFUL RE- SULTS THAT OTHER STOVES DO THE BEST QUALITY OF FUEL. Prevents cold floors, and establishes an even temperature in all parts of the rooms to be heated. A continuous fire can be maintained throughout the winter, and the amount of heat can be regulated requirements of the household. SAVES ONE-FOURTH THE COAL LESS ASHES—NO DIRT. WE PRIZER’S GRAND RANGES Will prove a friend to the thrifty ,, house-wife who tries to save where others waste. They do the work with the least fuel, and demonstrate the difference between the wasteful and the eco- nomical. GOOD BAKERS— PERFECT ROASTERS. Come in and let us tell you about them. Patton, Pa. PATTON’S PURE PRODUCT. BOCK BEER After April 1st at all First-Class Bars or delivered at Your Home. PHONES: ( Bell 1 Local THE PATTON BREWING CO., PATTON, PA. INSIDE INFORMATION. Courier Readers’ Chance for Profit-=-Everyone Ought to Grasp This Opportunity. To have even a simple case of indi- gestion is to have ‘‘inside information?’ gestive system is strengthened. Every reader of the COURIER shouid warns of stomach and perfect health. | When there are pains or distress | g after eating, headaches, belching of | gasses, a sour taste in the mouth, diz | ziness, heart burn, specks before the | eyes, furred tongue, sleeplessness, | nervousness, or backache, the stomach | serious IBIS EEE5.558855 8888088. oHOED! sis! «cee. We have for Ladies the . famous Sorosis and E. P. Reed Shoe, which are the two best lines of shoes in the market. and controlled to meet the actual { Co rm e p=] NM d See Our Stock. STILL HAVE A FEW ODDS AND ENDS in Furnishings which we are of- fering at at half price. This stuff must be sold as we are going in the shoe business exclusively. HOEN BAG, Patton, Pa. NT! The Lugenberg Jewelry Co. are going to occupy the Room being the Goldstein (Clothing vacated by Department Store with a complete line of Diamond, Watches, Jewelry, Silverware and Clocks. grasp the opportunity offered by O» F. Wolf to try Mi-o na at his risk. Just one little tablet out of a 50 cent box of this remedy before each meal for a few days, and you will soon have a strong needs the help of Mi-o-na. | Ask O. F. Wolf to show you the | guarantee under which he sells Mi-o-na. This valuable remedy ad you nothing unless it restores health. LUXENBERG JEWELRY CO. “Go nsk The you He also Sohou —Je week —M wisitin —Bc Altoor —Tl ing firc phia. —Bc eratic evenir —H isa gu C. Lin —Jil Buckn Wedn —W as mix Green —H: bal! at noon | —0c of Ebe lookin —T rented now u —A Hall T -orches music. -—TI pbone new e: of nin =A the fa will be in Cur —Q attend Bob W house —M Curwe icatior Metho —A grante and M Henry —Gn North Patto: Golde! —Fi mick 1 noon | kins © avenu —Fi at the day fc the | maste —W and M were groon Jenki evenir —A the P: in the evenir for the liams] liamsj Demo —Tl nail ¢ ‘‘Hver is dire the fal corne! paper icine | that n home. —W death early | deeceas school and fo peace soldier soldier vived Ross, Kane, Hads,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers