i ¥ PTE THE PATTON COURIEK, SE MBER 1, 1905 1 a ri NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. We at an guriey. Notice is hereby given that sealed ; Pal mms rem— . memmeemenes | bids Will be received by the undersign- S * » M S h { O . RN TTI rod Serio her Oh tarting onday, ept. 4th, for One Week. res Lg RE 1905, for the purpose of curbing, grad- INTER ing and paving Magee avenue in Pat- . R no. 93. : TABLISHED las ton borough, beginning at Fifth ave- A GR © A I E F —Sept TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. nue and extending west to bridge E 9 — DD ~Oys crossing Little Chest creek. ~The ge copy, une year, in advance, - - = $100 sis : - Advertising rates made known upon ap-| A certified check in the sum of one i O 4 5 AND R Did * plication. hundred dollars must accompany all » Pp . J day ? A@~No papers discontinued until all arrear-| hidg, Plans and specifications may be ’ are pnid, unless at the option of the examined in the office of the borough A —Alm I Bn the Postoffice at Patton as second engineer, A Ri dd f Sh ° i Jow Jess he Postoffiee at ation as se o \ - —-— Toadies 22 The burgess and town council re iddance o ort Lots at Short Prices. bo Sam——— , | serve the right to reject any or all bids. legal ho ADVERTISING RATES. THOMAS J. SEAHAM, ; ar Regal motices $i por fnch for three insertions, | pote po A ray J We have gone over our stock with a crumb tray, so to speall, and brushed up various “Dr Card of thanks 5¢ per line. dy dx Hey ’ ‘ . . . i — BD ke Scaled bids will be received by ‘the small lots of odds and ends of these lines left from month to month, which now will be seat visi Poetry 5e per line, : undersigned up until 8 o’clock Septem- turned into A GREAT ODD AND END SALE regardless of profit. REMEMBER, thi —Mist Business locals se per line, ber 6th, 1905, for tk f con . ‘3s . ’ 15 j Display ads 10c per inch flat. er 6th, 1005, for the purpose of con- sale contains the many lines of our worthy merchandise. friends | Foreign advertising must be paid for invar- | structing 335 feet eight-inch and 1,975 —Phil jably in advance. No commission paid to | feet of fifteen-inch terra cotta sewer on in Altoc advertising agents, Magee avenue, and in bed of Little EN —————— er Her Xness are "pest rates—no others go. Chest creek, in the borough of Patton, ODD OTS REF MN 8 - ho Ol L . RE LVR IN/ S. 1 UNDER THE HAMMER. A certified check in the sum of fifty 5.x Properties iu This Section to be Sold by dollars must accompany all bids. Plans 49c Belts at 15c¢. One lot assorted remnats worth up to New Yo the Shentt, and SpeciAsetions may be Sees au ex- 25¢ Ladies’ Collars and Turnovers 75c, at 19c¢. =The amined in the office o e borough en- . , . . open fo The following properties in this end | gjpeer. 2 g 10c¢ each. ; . 6¢c Outing 4%c | Many are after it at this sity . of the county willbe sold by Sheriff ~ qe yrgess and town council re- 75¢ Military Suits 55c. 10c¢ “ 7V2¢ | price, so come early. this wee Renhart at the county seat Monday at| a.ve the right to reject any or all bids. 49c J . S37c. 10 and 15¢ Fancy Lawns 5c. —Chal 1o’clock p. m.: . THOMAS J. GRAHAM, $1.25 Children’s White Dresses, 1, 2, 3 8c “ “ 3c izhts of All the right, title and interest of Borough Engineer. 89 7¢ Unbl hed . sighs 0 \, William T. Robinson in six pieces of Patton, Pa., August 23rd, 1905 years, ©: 1 o Childs - Ey uslin 5c. Inand i . 3 . ’ c * ’ . » 1 —Mr. ground and ten dwelling houses in Sealed bids will be received by the 25 and 30c Corset Covers 19¢, made of ) eo regs Ginghams 4 fac. a visit w Patton borough. Taken in execution 4 : y p y 39 to 49¢ Silk Embroidered Organdi t suit of Ebensburg. Buildi 4 | undersigned up until 8 o’clock Septem- fine Nainsools, full French style, bach and : . : 2 minion. ab suit of Ebensburg. Building and |, ‘coos for the purpose of con- ; . : y a beautiful fabric for evening dress, at 28c¢. Ab Loan association. Js 0s er front of pretty lace insertion, ribbon and ’ —Abo : x : structing 275 feet eight-inch terra cot- . the exct All the right, title and interest of J. ta sewer on Fifth avenue. 225 feeb ter edging. oO 1 f M » s E. Kuhns in three parcels of land and |, oy cota sewer on Park avenue he Me en's French Balbriggan Jog Sab three dwelling houses in Reade town- 1710 foot ton-irbh ewer on Mellon ve, One lot of Corsets at 50c, because, while Underwear, regular 50c value at 39c¢. A —Mis: ship. Taken in execution at suit of : the style i d it is to be di = A —————————————— Shoe, is Ebensb Buildi dL . | nue and 540 feet fifteen-inch terra cotta e style 1s a goo one, 11 1s to e iscon . . H. Sand E nsburg Building and Loan associa-| = © © Toon of Park and tnved. _ One odd lot of slightly soiled Lace Cur- yan B : 3 : Mellon avenue sewer to Chest creek. tains, 1 to 3 pair to a style, at a reduction of hide All the right, title and interest of . . . 2 Tippery Robert W. Hollen, Jr., in piece of land | A certified check in the sum of fifty Black Taffetta Silk, 36 inches wide, fine 5 per cent. Atlantic and plank house in Reade township, |dollars must accompany all bids. rustling quality, a brilliant jet black, actual ; —Mr. ken in execution at suit ot Ebens-| Plans and specifications may be seen $1.25 value 98c. Also $1.75 value at $1.39. $1.19 value Crochet Quilt, Marseilles liamspo! burg Building and Loan association. and examined in the office of the bor- aren pattern, heavy, full size, at 98c. ton this All the right, title and interest of ough BOE ager 4s d One lot 27-inch Dominique Mottled Flan- ———— sme —The ob Yeager and Milton Kirkpatrick © burgess ana own counci re- 3 i i 0 patel of land and ellis a serve the right to reject any or all bids. nels in blue, brown, red and gray, 12l2c 50 One, lot Washable Shirtwaists, actual Soupty -_ > ? '¢ 3 another ~and small frame building in Eider THOMAS J. GRAHAM, value at 9c. Th Ji Fo os 5 oroughly good materials, abi * township. Taken in execution at suit Borough Engineer. . . orougnly we made, 33c. : of Job: Boes. Patton, Pa., August 23rd, 1905. A full yard wide Cambric reduced from children All the right, title and interest of| Sealed bids will be received until 8 12%¢ to Je. tat th betag d % th One lot Spb urst Silk Lining, useful for ih Amos A. Grumbling in lot of ground |gclock p. m. September 6, 1905, for the ink how that will bring down the cost of the petticoats and for ruffling as well as linin iy and dwelling house and store room | furnishing of all labor ey! waterind for many necessary things thu San be made of it, 28c. g g i Fires x combined in Barnesboro. Taken in ex-|the construction of side walks and One lot of School House Plaid Dres . | found h ecution at suit of William H. Sandford. | crossings in the borough of Patton, G 4 . h hi § h 1 Ss One lot Boys’ 78: Custom Made Sweats —Qui All the right, title and interest of|Pa. oods, just the thing for schoo dresses, ers, extra qualit all si 45 are atte Amos A. Grambling in three lots of| For further information call on or at 10c. > 9 Fp Sizes, id ig f at Punx ground and carpenter shop in Barnes- | address, . SE : ul —The boro. Taken in execution at suit of THOMAS J. GRAHAM, 75 and 98c Infants’ Lace Caps at 19¢. One lot $1.25 full width and length, this yea Philip N. Noon. Borough Engineer, Somewhat worse for handling, but one launder- tucked vole and gathered flounce Wrap- day and All the right, title and interest of Patton, Pa. ing will make everyone as good as new. pers at 8c. —Mor Howard M. Purdy in piece of ground| August 23, 1905. . : 1 | hc and dwelling house in Reade township. dE ER One lot Ladies’ Plain and Lace 19c¢ One lot Children’s Ribbed School Hos- wal not Taken in execution at suit of Ebens- Ordinance No. 8o. Hose at 15c. iery, regular 25c value at 15¢. —Mr * burg Building and Loan association. . All the right, title and interest of Ape srien to Rinendment of i = :’ Seas Annie Glass and A. G. Glass in lot of |dinance granting the consent of the - i i re 1 i 1 Tia : : ot ground and dwelling house in Reade |Porough of Patton to the Northern The look-ahead policy of this store is what makes it useful to its buying public. All through the last York. ~ Sownship. Taken in execution at suit of | CAMbIia Sesest Bellesd company, to months has the careful selecting of Fall and Winter Merchandise been going on. The freshest, the best, just loft in bensb Buildi d Lo i, | OCCUPY certaln streets an 1ghways oO: 1 1 ts . be urg ng an an associa- | PIP a an what you want, just what you will buy for now are here and waiting for you. You may rest assured that here you Washin, BH the: Fight, vile and interset isk nd to operate is road thereon, i may find not only the most exclusive fabrics, residenc Mrs. Kirkpatrick and Milton Kirkpat: getion 1. Be It enacted anc ordain. S-T'he rick in parcel of land and frame dwell: 0 by the burgess and ova Soiadl of BUT THAT YOU WILL PAY LESS FOR THEM in Jot ~ ing house in Elder township. Taken |’0© Porough of tatton, ta. and 10 18 THAN OTHER P P ground |. . in execution at suit of John Boes. hereby diy ote 2 Hie in ity of fe EOPLE ASR YOU <@ 2 loss of | : : 3 same: That Section i : : All the right, title and interest of na write san eudin — HN 3 o and a more complete stock is hard to find. —The F. M. Cronauer in lot ground and dwell- oan sit of the borough of Patton to vertiser “ing house in Ashville borough. Taken | uo oon ba” Street Railwa THE BON TON STORE, - - - - - - PATTON, PENN'A Teunan in execution at suit of James Douglass. | , oTapany to 0GoHpy certain stredts va > . next. | All the right, title and interest of| highways of the said borough and to S 1 S M ~The George C. Divers in Tour loses of ins me moe wnt. coma fe done ale Starts Monday, September with th round and hotel building, livery stable | thereon,” be amended to read as fol- Olearfle ing, etc, in Bakerton village. | ows: 4 190 5 I O W Kk will pla Taken in execution at suit of A. W.| Beginning on Beach avenue at Fourth . ’ ’ asts ne €e Only. day. Buck, trustee. : avenue, thence on Fourth avenue to —~Wn All the right, title and interest of| Magee avenue, thence on Magee ave- Jack L Eliza Jones in piece of ground and nye to Fifth avenue, thence on Fifth Gi > TE — been to dwelling house in Carroll township. | avenue to Beech avenue, thence on three n Taken in execution at suit of D. A. | Beach avenue to Sixth avenue, thence BEW RARE OF SUMMER GERMS day. aother, Jr. obi. ith 3 Tntotst on Sixth avenue to Palmer avenue, ~The - © right, title and interest of|thence on Palmer avenue in a wester] en 2 rented Qatherine Baker, John Baker and An-| girection to borough line. y = PRIZER’S Miller | drew Sheflett in piece of ground and| Track shall be in center of sai i i ; date sl Bett : aid ate sh BIRR DHIIINE I GArrol) towns, [stam oxo oo ts ox roof Will Cause Sickness Unless Stomach is GRAND RANGES 16th. Tagen by execution at suit of D. A. Sitests so named may by Bae bos Strengthened With Mi-o-na Will prove a friend to the thrifty in snot ols : . ough engineer and street committee be 5 wi i : —Pat All the right, title and interest of|deemed necessary for a turnout, and If the stomach is weak so that food | stroyed. house Wile who fries fo save Wiiere from pr Elizabeth Anna Hall and Robert Hall |also excepting on Palmer avenue rom does not readily digest in it, the food | Just one small tablet out of a 50-cent ° a Wass, ioe iy -/ Saturd: in three lots of ground and dwelling | Seventh avenue to western borough will become a sour, slimy, fermenting | box of Mi-o-na before eating, and you fi ey Joes work wits fhe leash lent tre house in Barnesboro. Taken in execu- | Jine the center of the track shall be | Mass in the digestive organs, the ideal will have no headaches, back-ache, Pe any Semone He dinsrene place. tion at suit of 8. E. Hannan. laid twelve feet from the northern | condition for germs to cause bowel poor appetite, distress after eating, romical he wastelal and the eco: Bellefor : “All the right, title and interest of|line of said street. trouble, diarrhoea, or other summer heart-burn, farred tongue, sleepless- ’ Ch «John Ryan in two lots of ground and| Read and approved at the meeting of illness. ness, or general debility. It will tone GOOD BAKERS-— toh dwelling house in Hastings. the town council on the 16th day of The well known Mi-o-na will make | up the digestive system and give per- PERFECT ROASTERS iy a WAY 30 TREAT HAY FEVER August, 1905. the whole digestive system so healthy, | fect health and strength. : ’ i eS . . H. S. LINGLE, clean and sweet that food cannot fer-| Take Mi-o-na now, and O. F. Wolf Come in and let us tell you about h ois No Stomach Dosing, Just Breath Hyomei— President of Council, |ment, and any disease germs which | will guarantee to refund the money if $hom, Dar y Stop Sneezing and Smarting. Attest: — may enter the stomach will be de-|it does not cure. The risk is all his. BI NDER & STARR i ent. 0. F. Wolf is recommending to his ED 8. MOORE, ; ETT, 4 — Mi customers as a cure for hay fever, Hy- i Soeteuary of Borough Council. | — ; pi Patton, Pa. ™ = her pos roved this 24th d hy | I —— \ puel. claimed for this remedy that it oy ay of August, | C E NTRAL STATE | 0 U R N E RVES Parnell ¥ i : | | 5 the BA InSBRBE of the hes i stops the spasmodic paroxysms, the Ww. J. DonNELLY, N 0 R MA L SCH O0L, Are the sal i gol the human system. or he sneezing, the smarting and running of oi Chief Burgess. | LOCK HAVEN, PA | rE STOMA 3 wn 51000 ! vemm—— INT LE TR AL CUR RE CO ment 4 the eyes and Hose, and other acute Buggies, Carriages, Etc ! J. R. FLICKINGE Non [] els and Ben dr © he Liver, Bow: 0) rT dent of Eh tees R y PATTIAgES, ” | J. R. FLICKINGER, Principal. | § and impure matter a 7: 1 ki 7 i v ! supe symptotns of this disease. which have style and durability are | I / Ai i f 7 R Many persons have been cured of always fouod ip n By vy i Fall term of 15 weeks begins Sep- | Wilt these organise Yoriing natural we i ome \ § eq I Qadl I! S i a [0D al Co | . 3 in our repository. e | ti ber 11th. The facilities ¢ his im- enjoy good health, but if, 7 become § VELA, WA ‘4 | oy ay fover by Hyomei, and the discov- pave the largest assortment. wn this| portant school for doing Hrstelas || Sisitied weakeried or tmpnired, dis { Sgr oo] OF FATION, strays Ha Sra Jeiely profesees to Sf able | sountry to select from. Our prices | Work, proessional and Aegdemio, wore || phos important functions and organs || INO €libalmed business in Patton, Cambria Co., Pa. ents, I revent bo e occurrence of the | never better than now. Its graduates |? can be kept strong, activeand natural and §| -q We deal etfvictlv 3 — | i attack and to stop the progress are lower than others charge for the | are required to do a full years work To dirbed, wekonol or a er i ane jours. W e deal strictly IM CAPITAL PAID UP $100,000.00 gves Bf of the disease,even in the most chronic same grades. Every vehicle guaran- | the training school. Its faculty has the || fhon be, made normal, active and well by §| meat killed at our slaughter FURPLUS, $25,000.00. : Plomer sy teed—not by outsiders but by ourselves | best American and European training. |§ wonderful restoritive remedy ie 1 se Fvervthi I Ree | t of O wm : $3,500. forms. 0. F. Wolf’s offer to refund the —and vod will al . Buildings modern. College preparatory de. | 9 | house. YWerytning 111 seasoll, | Aeconris of Corporations, Firms, individu 1 oe : h y always find us here to | partment. Location unexcelled, Fine gym. | D G ’ N { al- an? Banks received upon the most favoras =A money if Hyomei does not do all that | make good. nasium. Bxpeuses moderate. Eree tuition to | r. treeng s Nervura. ! ' ¥ | be iy ronsistent With Safes] conservative filed at : aa ip s ro tet ark. 7 a Ramil i ~ anking. at is claimed for it, is the strongest proof CLARK & KINNEY, pros Pective fe Address for illustrated | S—n—— | Lit 1 le Bros | "Steamship tickets for sale for all the leadin; Ee shat can be given as to the confidence Hastings, Pa. | ae Drs. F. A & J i 2 lines, Foreign Dinils payable inthe principal Brnes he has in Hyomei’s power to cure hay TE SEE an : | Butchers and Dealers in All Kinds of | All correspondence will haveour promptand favor o ; 1 Wanted—A man to sell tea, coffee A Greene | Fresh and Smoked Meats. personal attention, Philade feyer. The complete outfit costs but 4 a, y ; . | Interest paid on time deposits, $1, for 50 cents baking powder, spices, extracts and Plant an Ad in | Can be codsulted without charge by | PATTON, PA ’ B : $165,00 *1 Ens soap to the consumer on commission | mail or in person at Lo ne Wu. x SANDERD, 7. Z Seon, transfe t : : > 101 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW Y ; resicent, ashier. ~—Will Patton have a foot ball team | Address, Grand Union Tea Co., Du-| THE COURIER Write for LY Bor. NEW YORE. | when you need anything in the compas this year worthy of the name ? Bois, Pa. | y | printing line come here. Is this your paper ? festiany beg mentio :
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers