Thawsacrions wn ReaLTY. Eo Tob Hd Ww hen County That hp Hands Beeontiy. Lottie 3 Murray. “% vir to W.C Ee ax to Anns Kesrow | i Sider De on Harry E. Patterson ot al to Evans in » Barr township, soma. Van wi Reade township, 9%, Morgan ot ux to Hares | E Pat F Abie, of : Sohifliing, Barr township, basmm, Burr fownaht ip. §200. t Renstx ot ux to Ingres Mar E £2 Dillon to Bartholomes Hobert, | daie fewnship, #1, B00. POMONS SRANGE hme : Cmty a1 Larelin. i The next quarterly meeting of the So Guinbiria, eonnty Pomons CGreoge will “be held in the Parochial Hall st Loretto i on Monday, Oct. 15th, The bllowing : oF officers ie comin term of ition 3 and other routine trasinem of the | es Hd of oa t- he most pratt from? HM, Gooder- Garrett and T. | Mistaken Souls Who Drew if Eitss. 3. | Marriage licenses have beet granted | - {to north of the county poople this | , | week as follows: wo! Joh Nagle and Addie Zolner, both {of Patton. ; ; ephine Gutwald of Patton. 1 Alois Zacagk and Annie Cllisr, both n | of Spangler. VJ, Bolts of Carrolliows and Lacy | i Merrell Sunborn of Cherry Tree and a. Agnes Noel of White township. : Alinged Thiet Captured, John O'Brien, who claivss Bagles i Mere as his home, was arrested Mon- Thoms Kennedy. + the lock-up, when it is alleged that . fore Justice-of the-Peace Foooe and court. Constable Jackson took him to the coutty hastile Tuesday morning: that he may make cur hourts brave, | one Sah Wraps the y draphry of . [meh about Nim snd Vien down we express oar sorrow and that we ell Chime = Willian. 4. = Doaneily on at to : Joke - ‘ Peasayivasia & lines west [Tne Few @raricely Mating for Cambria ni has b for the supervisors snd section mein. OF: Lom n now owt the inspection takes ¥ will be engaged in putting their divie Por waned to marry Mis Witliame, but | would bn sears the si seyioos of the New the Evening a 730 Songby oy Orme $I reason why the Peaneylvania wore Ww. Frank C. Ackerman nd Dv Lelia X.. 3 day charged with stealing $9 from The latter was en- « joying a quiet siesta in an alley near O'Brien went through his pockets and abstracted simoleons to the amount , named. He was given a hearing be {committed to jail at Ebenstarg in de + fault of $300 bail for his appearance at RESOLUTIONS © oe conpoLence : of Bil Bark Yeite ex Bas, IO. RM. Patton brother, Past Snchinen Ses « Chapronn. Warkras The great father and so. preme raler of the aniverse bas in hin Hisfinite wisdom called to the happy | | bunting grounds onr beloved brother, Anse Chapman, Therefore be it : Reschved, That while we bow in | homble reverence and submission to Criminai Operation Tell Confissed bo te Him who dosth si] thiogs well, yet the Saw of ®. | uddes removal of such a life jesven x vacanoy among os that will be deeply Albert hed, 3 former P atton young realized by all the members of this man, : Resclved, That we recognize in the who sed in — er Saat our brother to the sonnei *70 9 | fire above the hand of the great spirit, Mrs. Taibitaer at New Castle 08 Sep THE CORON Rw of Wiss Sanat Wiliams, 5 Vhetiva - 4 3 ¥ “that wp wander not in the trail of the oeoup | evil spirit and try to Jive #0 that when | ‘bur summon’s Goones to join that to inte the death of Mia 3 Mable Wilk nn : evidence of Mim Belle Healt, John 4 TT ith deep sympathy i= Wiiaros, Dr. F. jor dr, and Dr with the bereaved widow and friends, iy an came be arts aw the re. drape our charter snd that the broth. ‘ers wear mourning for the period of thier snus in memory of onr departed brother. Resolved, That & page of our recivds : 3 : TN iy ? B oki be deslicated to Uw memory of Lhe Ge of fs crime w Sue thre hue wr oe sol nd wee od theses remolnli | ouand i of thw en. thas ie Singraced C- Banke of 168 Webster avefne, ‘burg, knew of : 5 : RS emptied to 3, A ecoty sant ey the widate of H PEL aw Ld ; | tha Aeensanr. » Aber Breit, or. n apr Mrs T itm cand (ther parson ar persons $0 © ery sinknown ; | Mak Wiliams Sefire Le commission 2. HL. an TaN Wis Ex Bram real msrecTon. she Omeinie Shes Wm Web dar a Fy, The annual railroad inspection of the knot a Mise Williams for ve years . a rern will bb saci pt her at the Pennsylvania sation in October 13 The first izspection will Jobatows the morning she started fou take two weeks The find week the Pittsburg. 1 wee walling for &® train oat,” whux lines east of Pittsburg and Erle willbe "1 is inapected, and the following week sie said. “Mabel said sbe was going 10 Pittaborg sod showed me her tieked. The officals of We comme ms The obi ct of ber vie, any See getting in readloes for (his had ma ee ¥ pay ih She sinid that she axpec add ty Cmepection, ss it is 10 be's thorotigh cried et Al one and will take in not only the main | bers freil in Pittabarg. She alu ike lines, bat all of the other division | of joing to New Castie She bad The inspection is looked forward to 153 at that time and seid that fel at ‘not only by the officials, bat by the RIVA ber $30 of that [bad a lette from ber on Monday, September Say Prizes are awarded for the best plece (of truck, aod in some instances the . the road of the place, eh company | whole affair. He sshd that be fons in the best posible shape. she reftsed. York division pear New York was the pub me,” ro. Hanlon said, “be successful sae, het recenitly other di ; a railroad tracks are kept in such good | | valeyraphied Eel. When be arrived at condition is on account of the company offering prizes to the best pieces of of the 36 Pittsbas The first prize is $500, and in cas the | “hen Miss Williams told me ber winning section js much better than pisos I begged and with her the dection capturing the second prize, 10 abandon them. 1 offered to tell ber the first prise is increased by propor parents of her troable, but she told me enality on the part of the companys. John L. Williams, father of the dead an inducement for the supervisors and irl alo told of Itel's confession to the section foremen to do everything bim. This took place after the funeral. | in their power to have the line under The remains were secretly exhamed | their supervision as good as is pomdbie at the Catholic cemetery at Wilmore es Nagle of Hastings and Jes to make it. on Sauday night by Coroner Miller and | | Governunest Topographer pat This Place in the victim of a criminal operation. A warrant wis ssned for Ttell's ar ing condacted by the United States juclogionl Survey in = operation the state, appears from a recent report | by H.W. Wilson, geographer in churge of the work, to the Hou Joseph N. Pew, chairman of the Peanaylvania. Survey Committee. Two parties were in the Seid, on- (gaged in mapping six districts of the brews were closed Wednesday al sanset state. One large party, under Prank an will not open until § o'clock this Sutton, topographer, assisted by Moms. oyening on account of the Jewish Phillips, Dangerfield and Foster, Seid Now Year. A number of the Patten assistants, was engaged in work OP Hebrews spent the time in Altoona, is assured that surety will be forthoom- ing. as he does not wish to spend the. time in jail astil Court. The Hebrew New Year sections to be known when mapped 38 that being the nearest place cottalning i the Patton, Barnesboro, Corwensvilie, 4 gynagogue. The first ten duys of the Osceola and Pauxsatawney qnad- your are days of increased devotion, earnest self-examination and pew ef: | In twenty seven days 37 square niles forts to lead a good, virtuous and were mapped, 318 miles of spirit levels ony life 3 rangies. -marks and 1,020 aseful vievations were other The first day is the most ime e 3 portant and most solemn of ail the baly miles of rod traverse, ococupied stallions gave in the Jewish faith and erected signals. established. The party alsa ran fasting, praying and reposting. confess. sion of wns sod supplication fo Ged This office makes a speciaity of fine o forgiveness. " tember 18th Teall fea drug clerk by | he following afiersoon and bad judgment ‘years of that he had given orders for He hip every Jewelry in our establishment. |» post mortam beld, which revealnd the fact that the unfortunate girl was | young an amert, however, that lee | BT with | Probably trying to arrange to pet bail L : Ey Thee business places of the focal He. it is costomary on the New | were run, and 12 permanent bench Your to greet and rongratulate ane wes 1tis a day of Fmptiones Bia Win a Ornery ie Death 1 I you do, come here. Starting one for $3.00 yo can go as high as $18.00 he best. Intermediate jirices are $5.00, $7.00, O00, $1 2.005, $14 oo, $16.00. The range suits any pocketbook. $1.00 suit ¢ brings Bosest. warm, well arin; eced or ribbe Cotton. | $1.00 buys all wool $310 ys fine tool here. W speak of the suit, not each. Suits ot | ats, Shirts aad GC Hoves a we at your serviced Pricesg® Union goals, Come he ere to get the > best or the t at a far price. og that abe got very sick on the IF Hanlon sid that since thedeats. 1X '} “of Miss Williams she had taliood to Ttell “and that the latter made a clean breast for your own needs or one ‘to present to a friend, we respectfully saggest ‘that vou Took Over Onur assorte iment of tine pieces. We hive ‘used the utmost care, aided by ‘gained through experience in jewelry business in selecting watch or Article of Call in and see the largest amd mest complete lime of watches, rings, laides’ and gents’ chains and brooches ever tion 10 ita saperior condition. This lib. | that if 1 did so she would kill herself" shown ; m the town. 5 WE HAVE A FINE LINE OF SPECTACLES Eyes tested by the celebrated + Retinoscopie Test” and glasses corveetly fitted. Basset shang fee of shire, 3 487 Hes in Spectucien mid by me { that cost $200 and over, : If you have all the clothing and hats and cool yirts and half hose that you could possibly use, you've a good excuse for not being interested-—for not seizing the op port mmities of this Grand Finale of Our Summer Sale. If you havent you haven't. sh And our hint to vou is that if we were you we would get here as soon as possi ible—the cream of the sale's offerings may be skimmed if you wait too long. We’ EE Appresiate a visit from you Whetlier you buy or not. Subecribe for al advertise in this, | | commercial job printing. Prices and “The Great Family Mora Educator, 4 { workmanship are all right, joo. . Read your awn Cornu.
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