Dhiis ; 0 me © HAPPENINGS ER ns hed several big gob © “ + LaRue Winslow, of Henesetic. : = relatives in town. Ci x | R Cornotion and © two SOT | ves and trends ar Cie rie ied te : : CHontedale nddons Ee of this place has | send to $12 ner es Mastin 5 sadly, of Pittabmry, zt Pagar, 8 he Panter and decorator, | loa is painting Ronst Samervillé's pn i hove this week and ala repainting : IH. Hobbard’s residence, He recently | : { dH a hasidsome job of lettering at the | Pradential insorance Co's oie. Patton Five ('6. No. 1 seared abont {0 an the realy of the plonie held an { Firemen's Park of Joly 4 and 5 Thera E was roost mnsic for dandy : at vi borall ly | proper tools. i sew .t and at prices as low as i 3 A , lowest. When the garden is a completed gins Does Your Neighbor Keep. | Chickens? some of ig A 2nd keep them gar Special Wa are, Best on Barth and Pally Guaranteed x Sient 37 seme i £5 nist bed [Hunter & Mitohet 7 fr ¥ 8 Tiger free te Re Shes jE Bodin bs alah Ray i WA ¥ fea to pos be tween pike syed and the Pat riong by & score of Je Chr rysoline J ohn STR Temi A Gyan eit at the sedan of EW. the ee with Fagan, the painter, Hast rl totais a $ | "need of anything ix bis line. Somervile embirtiinid the | (few dsye and about $550 has been | raised for the purpose of erecting a : jgrand stand and putting the groucds = will be held some evening next week. ‘as (line will be operated as a part of the h Beech Creek district and will be known as the river Hine. Coal and freight | trains will be ran through between var Clearfield and Oak Grove, vin Keating | « A0d Renovo, using the Philadeiphin 5 "Jana Bele raread bocwas Reming 1nd ol so yder's + | News Depot. . Pecelpte and note books at Kinkend's i Hews Depot. day | tyre avenue will be sold heap. = oe quire of Ges. Boone. Es D0 fle dur. tam pm a; rubber stamps 4 at Kinkead’s News De- Best Quality ELECTRIC LIGHT GLOBES. be Tound | ¢ Jo an terior town in the sorppetent drogeist of kouwa robity snd His goods are al ow and | Don't forget Gunn when in ~The base ball pro jet has received | | | considerable impelus daring the lust “Sterling Special.” 312 pooper shape. There is no longer one and you will never use y donbt aboot the success of the ‘any other. tae Subscriptions are still being. A complete line of Ander. received and a meeting to elect oficirs son buggies—none better, few goed, prices right. . Champion Road Machines, i Deering Mowers, Binders, ‘Reapers and Rakes, Conklin | Wagons and Syracuse Plows. Tin, Copper and ron Work. ~The New York Central began run. tog trains over the New West Branch | Valley railroad on July 1. The new : nerexeeivG INDENTATIONS, Seimei Hot, hotter, hottest. Have your watch repaired Yea can do better at the White | Tablets, ink and pens at Kinkesd's Wanted - Ex; oy {arom Fagan, rr Duquesne beer in goed. ~ Ep A Memiiow. Duquesne best on tap at all first Ep A Mion. A young’ man can lemen painting A nics line Of pocket ledgers, raoqrde, Fourth Ave, For Sale--Two properties on Mots. a paid. Call oo or “address. Wan. Yeek- Dealer in i Groceries, F lour, Feed and Provis- ions. - For Sale Good lot on West Ma- jos avenue: Wil bu sid chasp fox, cap, pencils, 1 i Duods, Give me a call. a want fine laundry work, | = 5 a : = laundry with The Keystone | mm! manager snd general agent of this *¥ (county by the Fidelity Life Insarance oy pops od is recommended by pays her A B- | cians every where as the purest beer on the market. 3 of {that it is the best and purest extant, 0 From $5 to $19 each of terested gn olan further informa. - { Patton Pa. | commissions to right oan. © with references, F. M. Wheaton, 11: N, | Westover Pa, four ® Food work tems ag Day Magee avenue, tw agent | heer is made from pare ‘the hot weather ¢ you will want En A. Merion to lay aside Leave sour order for & case & : on . or Keg your coat and vest. Spm Sahat: Y ou will then need a For Sale. ~(Glengine thorough bred nob by pair Seotoh oollies. All of them registeied. | Any person in- of Trousers. ‘We have a beautiful assortment in all » Little or Wm. Melon, | Wanted: An up-to-date man for shades. Also a full ine of Suit- ings in black and » blue. Call and see. iyio| Dinsmore Bros., company of Philadelphia. Salary and Addresn 2} Broad 8, Philadelphia, Pa I have for sale at my stablew at Try. co pe 2 Ce Stock and New| the newest stripes and can furnish from cellar V1 now in order and to do it propetly you must have the We have them the the real trouble be 1 WORDS te inform von that we handle! : a complete line of imported our and domestic wines. brandies and liquors at moderate prices. Purity and age gnaranteed Give me a trial and be cone vineed. Mere are a few of sur brands: SEUBEKA® CLARETS, direct from the vinevanis, per bottle. from 40s tes $1.06. FRENCH CLARETS from Marie Pere & Ule, por bottle, from 80c to $1.50. RAINE WINER, imported and Oak fornias. from 50c to $1.50, PORT & SHERRY, direct from the | California vineyards, per quart, from 50c ap. : PURE CALIFORNIA BRANDY, quart, 7S¢ ap. MONONGAHELA PURE BYR per quart, 75. TIPPECANOR PURE RYE, por qua, | $1.00 WELLE OF DA UPHIN PURE AVE per quart, $1.00. Le “OLD PUT" RYE, 10 Yenrs oid, i i ED. A. MELLON, Magee Ave, Patton, Pa You will find the largest, cheapest and best line of furniture, carpets, lin-| ‘oleum, mattings, din-|, ing room chairs, cup-| ‘boards, kitchen chairs, | ‘sideboards, sinks, ex-| tension tables, couches from $4.50 to $18.00, etc. etc. SPECIALTY. | | Paints, glass, putty, sash! ‘and doors, plows, wheelbar-| ‘tows, iron and wood pumps, etc, ete. The finest line of ranges, | ‘Red Cross and Summits, all. guaranteed. We also give the rebate | stamps. Give us a call and see fo yourself Anyone starting in garret. ; Yours respecttully, J. E. KIRK'S HDW. & FU RT. STORE. adorn your feet until Father Time young : opps wt = TRL life we 0 for that pair of Olords’ ? We have a pair waiting for you that will comfort and - has cut a (great big hale in the coming summer, The new Shoes and for le Everything that's pew and and styles. here's 4 knack im maki ing nigh shown for peopie-—p HOU AR shapely Bn ose for the pl ey Ek BL an i vet burlt to stand harder wear, L Oxfords fhe 1 folks sre in. desirable i the way of shapes t Xs EE elders. oy gae a makers that £03 SOE Inte eC oy 2 Ae veo oH Coe ir Tradl a 183 [ngs in WE RNGTeH 8 Max, nt we good Shoes for Children are here. 2 ts » WHR is prt these / have cone it Thous ands of all silk. fresh. clean, crisp vibbune of desirable sorts and colorings ha we come to us. There are the . popular corded taffeta ribbons, satin faced ribbons, sash ribbons, velvet ribbons. We share the feast with you. Itisa per time of all times to provide ribbons. Fash- on puts no limitation to their manifold uses. is our Flour - Department. Just unloaded two solid cars of Hour. Ben Hur America's Best and Perfection. There is a supreme satisfaction in using flour that is always good: that always bakes the same. We gunrantee all our flour to give ithe best of satisfaction. Hot weather will be orcad company’ now for several months, and of course you know every one has to prepare for company. It's that vou will Serge suitivery® light—$6, $3, $10. Flannel trousers $2 up. ] trousers, crash trousers, linen trousers. alpaca coats, white and fancy vests. Negligee shirts begin at soc. Thin Underwear starts at 25¢. Bicycle hose, belts of every right kind; new neckwear. STRAW HATS for everybody. All sorts of caps. All kinds of headwear. You are cordially invited to call and inspeet the New Pharmacy John A. Gunn has opened m the Goldstein Block, Patton, Pa. He will carry 4 at all times a eompiete line of drugs, chemicals, totlet “5 pr #hh 5 a il WHER ATG eve : & Dey dss Urs & Everything new, fresh and cl rake a speciaity of soda water with crushed frit favors. A complete line of stati High Huyler § Sadie AE a b Hab § accurately compounded. Call and see us whether vou want to buy or net. and so
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers