sEvsaTonAL move. PemTvENT PARAGRAPHS. ee 4 ® Rett, he Weil Anny: Wi Hater] Pieny; Podnted Penarth ings Pastalaings to : Mun Furnished & Big Obs. ; : People and Plas i eo nl sisi : a = : Ig The following press dispatch taken | Anthony Shudber, 4 Huoagarinn The Regular Meeting of it from: the Pittsburg Times is of Joeal | who reals in that section of town | Del ibe . Body interest: Geo. M. Schell was formerly known as Robinsonville, 1s now Inne 1 rate xy proprietor of the Lafayette Hotel at Rw ing in the county bastile at Ebe! Hastings, while his wife fs Teen near enshury awaiting Ixinl for lareeny, in 3 Bt Boniface: | defanit of $300 bail. It is alleged that a | Windber, Pa, July iA snsation be was sxnght breaking into u bots ati And Took » Look ar the Tramaeript. Valy? Wis sprang up here to-night, when it: Firemen's Park by a boy early Sundiy | was announced that George Sehell, | morning, and the latter immediately i proprietor of the Wilmore hotel, the ‘notified BE Jones. Mr. Jones caught | leading hostlery of the town, had made | the Hon red handed and took from | : owley ant various bare of Inte Slothing sigarnact vated. | President lly Se oH «~The plone at Highland Grove on Land Connclimen Ardell, Prindible : Joty 4 and 5 wan the most success! of i Probert and MoCormick. any held onder the aaspices of $t. | The resignation of Roy E. Decker . Mary's R C. church. Rev. Paste A member of the Board of Health wan i haed to achieve this result and they Probert sugested thie name of Dr. 8 a were eminently successful. The gross W. Worrell and Prindibie moved that proveeds excoeded $1250, and ax the ex- he be elected by acclamation, whicl Se penises Were loss than ever before it is was done. nn expectad that over a thoussud dollsirs The transe bor bi . i will be netted : { been: pressated and showed that them i ~Two barglars tried to affect an was taxable property in the fret ward Lentrance into the residence of George to the amount of $239,730 and in the Homphrey on Weat Mages avenns second ward of $1568, 400. The question | Sunday night by prying open a win- of millage canse up next and the con dow. The noise awakened My Hum. census of opinion was that it was i ! i pheey'a mother and abe gavetbaalarm possible to redues the amount thik = pany ae ns as. BY the time Grorgs securad his shoot. 3 rear and on motion of Prindible, » . hr La ing iron they were gone. He hunted onded by Ardell, it was carried that Y the outcome of the affair will be is not np Chiefof Pollee Gill and the two be mude ten mills, the same an before : men made a search for the miscreants, divided as follows: 5 mills for boroug but without result. purposes, three for light and water | +-Miss Corabel Suiter, who was 1. | anid two for interest and debt. : the fact that elated one of the teachers for the Pat. Chairman Donnelly stated that pfabiration in Paston this ton barough schools for the saminge was absolutely neon worry that same. “ then, with the prom. your, an nnmenally large crowd from term, has notified tha school hosed of thing be done in regard to the bridge on : cirealar ont of town wos here on the Fourth bey pon oon-aore bance of the prwition and Lang avenue. The old one has ou about our Annual Summer Cleaning Up Sale of Men’ s and Boy's | Suits TX you are ticking v wait! You always get t bem here. Remember LL the last one, The Keystone Cl ’ a of fou * Oays of July and the streets presentind Anan Miss Klin M. Potter, of Barnrsboro, lik {ived ite asefolness and it is imperative | that roll wonld be asked to mated appearance all day. There hei elected fo HIT the vacancy. Mise that a pew one be built at onee. Noth. mion atl You ré< wore no distarhnnoes to speak of, and Potter is the danghter of Rav, 5 BoA ing had wen hosrd from the count aside from few facipient jap, the be Potter, the Episcopal clergynan, commissioners in regard to the matter « wan commend. | There is no longer any doubt bat and action has been postponed aotil able. There wan the twaal amount of what Patton wil have nn new usion they have been heard from, Si nowy patriotism ‘but so accidents of stating, an uiiioed ina previous fesse Chairman Prindible, of the fAnanos | ind worn reported. The Catholic cof the Court. The plant have been commities, made & report and wn ighland Grove wae well approved by the oficial and work 09 | gested baving an ordisance drawn fo stronised and the new ¥ esart pom | thw tractors will Begin as soon a piw- 4 bond insu to be determined at the ne 3 ible. It Is expected to have the build. | , Novembur election, which will be pre. remen’s sek aino fornished ing ready for seeupancy by the first of sented at the next meeting for = amusement for gaits s number of Pot ‘the year. i proval. The outstanding bonds, whieh pla and, i. 4 were run to both places The Raskaull Lumber Co; operst- are drawing six per cent interest amd a ing near here, have manufactured ito pan be redeemed at the option of the a = lumber a poplar tree which sealed 480 - barough,oan be called in and new oten Sune Wedding. : fost and was purchased by D. A. enbetituted it being the opinion th ll rae RNR FL Mr. Charles Heist and Mise Margaret Ligther, of Carrolitown. The tree was i Patrick were married st 2:30 o'cloek CU 08 the furm of Joba Ot. on Thursday afternoon at the home of John R. Anderson, of Bakerton, | : the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs Wil- Was a pleasant caller at this office on | mony was performed by the Rev. J Dew coal town is booming, contracts DD. Horning, of the M. E. church, and having been lot recently for the ereo- | mwas very quiet. The bride was at. Wom of sixty new houses. {tended by ber sister Jessie, and John ~Jobn W. Maude, of South Fork, Cf Reman of Bakerton, wis bast man [has aneepted the position as manager Prot. Smith, of Barnesbors, played the | | of the new Patton Industrial Cooper sled g march, After the ceremony | tive Association and it in expected that | « they left for Patton where they will the store will be ready for business in t make their future home. Cur best shout tivo week: Ls wishes go with them. Hastings News. —The Uncle Tom's Cabin Co. which | wan hors Yam week is said by those TERRIBLE DISANTER, ‘who wers aofortunate enough to at. A disaster, second only to. that of bend to be composed of about as rank et | the great flood of 1889, happened at jan aggregation of hamfitlers as iti in in Johnstown this (Thursday | afternoon, Possible to find, | when s gas siosk rred in the «Misa Mamie Jones, one of the Nam Patrick, of this place. ‘The ceve- Monday. Mr. Anderson says that the | with the present condition of the! TH R N money market the new issue can be ba floated at 4 per cent at par or a little Ri IN jo | G : above: oe ings and engagements H. 8. Buek, Sepecunstisg himanlt anid a ad oars, wanted a permit. to bail» jb ve had a : pustiality for each oa rman which it woul | ory of man ronneth not to built. Prindible was of the opinion | : ei that the borough, should have a right | the contrary. If you want to tap ail private sewers for surface to see a handsome display of bor gt ough wo pay for tho privilege. | visi We | are prepared to The following bills were ordered Meet you, not only with Rings, paid: A. F. Prown $382, Victor Laver but a complete line of $13.42, Howard Woomer $13.60, Martin’ J EWELRY, SILVERWARE, Thomas $11.25, Geo. Bush $3.50, Pater) ¢ Harriogton $3.50, Wm. Loeas 40, A thony Good $1.75, Wm, Sammetvilis Clocks, Watches, Etc., at prices that are as pleasing as the $1.75, Robert Girabam 8%, J. M. Gilliece | articles themselves. graduates of the Patton high school, #5, Patton Water Co. $0, Dr. B. F ie Br shatighter ous near % | cond mine of the Combria Steel Co. | clans of ° '02, has been elected a teacher lars are meager, but it in in the Barnesboro school and will have ( thought that from 100 to 500 men have ‘charge of the second Intermediite , (been killed. At this writing no one 09% oe has been able to enter the mine and no | —H. O. Winslow has purchased the ' one has come cut. There Is # report 4 also that the mire lv un fire There for $000. Dr. Murray recently puar- were 850 mon employed there. chased the property of Vincent Reig, Fity Restanrant Sold. | ~~£k Ix Holes has purchased the New The weil-kaows City Ressanrant Washington House at Glen Hope, Pa. n | on Fifth avenne has been punibased of and has taken p Semin of the sane. . The pext regular] ‘HLT. Peters by Ed Hunter and Alex [0 Moved bis family and household | held the second Tuo Mighell and they have taken posession : gods ta that place Inst week. reson. (of the same, Both of the young men ~The formal opesing of Joba A. (ars popular Sia : the pulilic, anid de. Suna’s # har Sndsnt HOw “pt rarmacy will mrve atl umiln iy will di a large OES PAs 133 and a cordia 4% 2 ¥ Wi Sinnghic Howse Buraed toe busines. They will conduc a fest. 09 He to everybody to arant th ews FY Way Sng ae that will be a credit to the town, brie al ek Uhest Spriggs, an totally dosiroy ad | Base v ¥ . ednesday night. - Tl A meting of : A rit attendance is aged and desired. Any one > wishing fo work : Rox OW oan do 0. The sn hse are still open. cont opub this wily from the Loodon Lancet, apd hand ib to the smal boy, | opus an Coming. | who will ne doubt appreciate ssd be ¥ greatly moved by i: “Too muoh bath. | : e ing is harmful, as B tends to macern- ken out of the | peciatis will beat the. Free sore of C. | tion of the superficial part of the epi-: | W. Hodgkins to examine eyis snd a sronis, and occasions probably too r| glassor Calt for circular for full ex rapid a profiferation of the cells of | the Mapighian inyer.” {lot on Beech avenue adjoining his Pew. idence property of Dr. V. A, Murgsy | ae a candidate fir the gy Be padlroad officials have beep Loki} : Bak ring hvadaraiiot vation Tor mene of Enis a “ op FETAL shitldren Irom averse he wt the werimsming Role. may ; at the syimming hole, may congestion on the Cambria and | of the Penosyivauin i Shires #4, Geo. 8. Good Electric Light wiLL BE ABANDONED. SI pes ve To Cimrate Co. $78.50, W. P. Jackson $14, W. J. i Ging, J. D. Blair $3, Casper Wolf $5. WE HAVE A FINE LINE OF SPRCTACLES. Eyes tested by the celebrated '* Retinoscopie Test’ and glasses correctly ‘fitted. Lenses changed), free of charge, at any Hie, in spectacles sold by me that cost $2.00 and over. J. C. SN! YDER, 5 He Cambria County Baibrasd a ton Ex. It is said that the Cambria county! railrond, which extends from Patton to Spangler, in to be abandoned, and that all the coal mined ab the Task |named place will be holed over ai! extension of the Spangler branch which will be built this sammer to Cash Creek Junetion, where it will sore | sect with both the New York Centesd Ex and Peonsyivassia railroads, thos ol Vint a meceaniiy of ollmbing the Chevy Bil betwee bere and So Enown far pote abit Tor the wi the Cambeln Jeweler and Optician, Patton, Pa. Our $10.00 and $12.00 Are Money Saving Offerings. a + + pn x Men wha «1 Eh w MAL 3H sls Ww hen EES then il de ml frp Yes ei lea ati fp 1 freesrtate EL begs SAR 15k a TT! ACY ¥ £84 £1 Liial Wi 1 hold MoE Sih i bE. ae Sup Ui CE [3 ok thelr own apamet any & nit cf the same price 19 Patforn now vo PA vi ‘ 5 1 fsa § Ae . ro $y Frigogmiy. vi x jae 3: ko L2% bs titi 8 3 Ei RT % Cinta many Heavy SEVER gid myo Bhan © fg arrolitow ih. hie pilin 18 ais SX pe todd bo peliann ratios. A San tis: pew extension is bail it ie not expected that Patton will) ibe the hendagnarters for as many train 5 1 LOTOWS a farm: gil The Episcopat Sunday schon will! eet wail further potice at 9 a nm. | lnstead of in the afternoon, 13 varied and complete. Were Twentieth Century Hat Srore. Cue af the prsdomionot features of this large wore i hat wa take pare of | s and Bovey beads Thre are Ho Hate mude that 8% en ; ell Af i) 2k aa dressy, SH OI John 8. Stetson Hale, Feit Mats, SLT i Hake an 19 e Hate, 300, $1, B15, $1.50 4 X58. Seal Brand Sh rte. ! i They are sur to wash and always ft tight. More Shan Oty siyies to | seleot from, MIRKIN & KUSN ER, Good Building.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers