A woman may — wealth on | told, she may have the kindest of | j hearts and the brightest of minds, but unless she has absolute control of her | : there will be some timo in ber career an hostess that she will display | te | BNDOYABe or furry, and the contagion, | lor | SPreading to her guests, will die out in yj 20 undisgnised failors, : 1 A model hostess must to all sppear tances be made of stops so far aa disagreeible happenings are concerned Even though & guest or careless waiter | ‘a reply hreaks a bit of china | which tan never be replaced. she | mast smilie as though the Joss of the whole set would but emphasize the 1 pleasure of the evening. Her well-bred : calm inspires ber guests with a feeling | ee, and, though in ber heart % she may be. very doblous about cer a | tain important details of her dinner oe | OF dance, if she does not show ber everything will pass off fo a A ‘Married ‘hostess or nervous host 4 —- countenance but badly conceals | toi 1De worry felt can do more toward | making the guests uncomfortable than if the soup were served stone cold, | and if the salad dressing was ruined i! { by a too bountitdl quantity of vinegar | the making of a model hostess, Be | _ | ¢ure thise. by hook or erook, and you > | heed never foar for the success of any in . of your entertainments. ‘Washington (ois 0 BH : Beauty and Brenthing. | Correct breathing is the fired art to | enltivate im the pursuit of beanty, just | {28 K fs the first step toward improve | itaent In health. As a woman breathes | . 196 she is: for the poise of the chest is the Keynote to the whole Sgure | {When the chest is in proper position, the fine points sf artistic wearing | iitle frills of | { spparel and all the | fashion are seen to bem advantage. EE cer. tain elegance hitherto unknown. Haut itis exrried badly, the fgure droops | and falls into ugly sngles Nothing | ; sets will: no garment seems right. ‘11s always wrong to make the rx \ structure do most of the work in keep 18g the body upright The muscles “| should hold it in position. otherwise grace ig out of the question and good 1 besith giffienit. To bresthe correctly Bi {keep the chest up. out, forward, as it yd | PUlied up Ly & buttdh. Keep the chin, | the lps, the chest, on a line. Hold the shoulders on a Jine with the hips | expen. The observance of those directions will tasure to golf skirts and rainy- day costuties 8 res! dignity and ple taresque effect. Breathe ppward and | bout to fy, drawing In | 1 wit] deep breaths and a | letting it out gently. This conselons { times intervals during the day tends | to expa; he chest permanently, to Eh t classic poise and style. Re | peated forty times, it is sald to be a re for worry. Dr. L. F. Brysos, In | Bazar i : ain sik a inery and dress Peron 8 fancy thst | J pleases many Women just now, A daluty evening beaddress is com. posed of very small ostrich feathers, ws bright silver frosting decorating | the tips st the eXtreme end. i t of an Oriental effect in sven to a ‘musiin which has stripes of black In a conventional pattern, not solid, and between these other conven. | tional designs in many colors. One of the most attractive of the beavy cotton materials is the embiroid. ered polks dot canvas of a very fine { mesh. This is seen in shades of blue | and in tan, with large black dots. | Most conspicuous among stockings bis a pair of a violeot Same red, having 1a large plain medallion of black over the instep, and spon this embroidered a few red flowers, s little less brilliant thay the body of the stocking. An elaborate and showy stocking | _|bas 4 long insert of lace extending from the toe well up above the instep, the . baring & plume-like effect. Un | der several of the leaves of this de. |sign are set pieces of violet silk, The new importations of stockings, | Hike all other accessories of undercioth- | ing, are elaborate. Embroidered stock- ings are now deemed a trifle more mod- ish than the open work variety. Blaek | and white eflects are very fashion able, : Slowly but surely the coiffure is shifting its position from the top of the head to a point anywhere between the crown of the head and the nape of ! the neck. This tendency to lower the jkoot is especially noticeable at the | | fashionable dancing parties and wher. ever Tol evening ¢ dress prevails An imperturbadle calm and a resdy | place an tact are the two important factors in , athing repeated ten or twenty RE I RETR Ry T+ Economize Soap. To economize moap in me Isundry 8 little pipe clay nay be vend for Articies, of soup will be required. The Indispenanbie Conch. A big. roomy chair is a mediom of the dotich-a ponninely comfortable artichs of fursiture, pot 2 delusion and spare—betier satisfies the average woman when she feels the need of a brief rest, and the home which Goss not boast ar least one low, broad matter Low woch furniture and bric alirac it may posses No womans hae failed to admire the Japanese are famous stunt them by removing the roots be in distapve. To make a capital miniatore plant youlig seed into orange skin from which he top has ‘been cut and the pulp removed se that the shape of the skin Is flo changed. As fast ax the roots posh through the orabge skin they should be cut off with sharp scissors. The plat sonst be given plenty of moisture amd kept in Decushary wa old orange a wit open and the plant 5 med tuto 8 pew one. A Banging basket made of wire should be molded to hold the skin vase and its fairy. like plani.—~Washington star, Pantry Conveniences. made conviniencds that are products of our owas luventive genius: at least tributor fo Good Housekeeping. most pasily reached; sometines It is a Jong one under a broad, high shelf, space between window-casing and wall. Its purpose Is to hold such articles ss baking powder can, salt, tin boxes. The shell is narrow, #0 60 possibility of being crowded be hind anything else. A row of small beaded wire nails driven into a strip of wood fastened fo the wail. in easy comfort. These nails are three or four inches apart and project an fnel or & trifle over. Everyibing hangable ~SPOORN, CANters. egg beaters, eto each nail. A second row, higher wp, when the lower pails are in danger of being crowded. oH Corn Bread ~Bea together one cup milk, one cup four, one cup corn weal, two tiasptoonfuls baking powder Add been melted In baking pan, plach of salt, one besten egg and two table spoonfuls sugar. Stir thoroughly. Bake twenty five minutes Cheese Custard—Grate three or four ounces of American cheese: beat 8 cream; beat two eggs; mix the in a quick oven. Woved. Serve as soon as re cunful of well washed rice in three : grain ia dissolved and the water re | placed! with a thick paste of rice: stir one lemon and a little salt; beat balf a cupful of cream to a stiff froth snd cuplul of preserve juice or jelly, which should be a bright moulds and stand turns out and Cream. kerve with whipped cabluge. the centre, leaviog a cabbage shell Bet In oa cool place. Sbrad the cab wood salad dressing. Just before sery ing 81 the cold cabbage shell with | the salad. Put en a plute garnished lh and ried oysters. The cabbage fea dag. kitchen cioths and other much soiled It bas a very cleansing of | fect, and if a little be dissolved in the ’ I water only about half the usu] amount comfort and rest to many & map, but | ; tion of a couch 1s not completely furnished no | : | energizing a portion of the colis at a tinse. Thin is seeomplished by passing dwarfed plants for whose culture the The gardeners | fore they lave spread beyond a cer acorn or some similar hardy ¢ the earth fa an; the sunshine When skin may in fhe varth My panfry bas two or three Bamn sometimes & set of short ones in a! pepper and various seasonings that Bave thelr howe In bottles or small | pRIVES MacTFERY ix enabled to transmit the rotary mo aryund the periphery, with means for the electric current from a generator through the upper spring contact arm | Inte the two or three colls immediately below. and allowing it to pass ont through the lower avym. Io this way a | strong pull is exerted on the projecting the side toward the energized colds. with abso Intely po attraction after the centre is | passed. The tendency is for the mag. spikes of the larger wheel on pets and attracted spokes to conting. ally approach each other, and as fresh mignets and spokes are constantly toning onder the drawing power the | wiles! continges fo revolve as long as the energizing current ia supplied, ED eR 5 RE SN SERA BS a i New England Woman's Tavention. A rafiway suow plow is rather a strange thing for & woman to favent, but the one shown here {8 not only A wiman’s device, Lot has & number of practical advantages which recom. i miend its use by railways and street tar Hoes. The chin? feature of the ap- piratus Is that it will cut through a #14f¢ of crust or packed snow abont as | siisy as an ordinary plow removes a Hight drife. This Is accomplished by | frst disintegrating the ice and snow we never find them in a rented pantry | : ——— : until we put thet thers, says a con © One | | = & narrow shelf, not mere than three | Inches wide, placed where it can be that everything may be in front. with reach of the hand, makes my second | finds n place there, a siagle article on holds the less frequently used things | obs tshiespoonful botter, which has | three level tablespoonfuls of butter to cheese and butter together: then add | the beaten eggs and oue tablespoon | ful of milk; beat these all thoroughly; pour into a buttered dish and bake | Rice Mouliled—-Wash and boil ope pars of Dolling water until every | ; ; > fare on laml. The principal feature 's a ta it ono cupful of sugar. rind of stir into the rice; then mix fa half al red; put into! in a cool place; Cahlage Salad—Seleet a firm white With a silver knife cut out) with walls about balf an inch thick } bage fret removed. Pour over it any with parsley and apple rings or pars ia a cool place, may be| | znd ug tor a Yegenalie ; with the revolving pry eared fn the month of the plow, when It 1s an | duxy matter to disposy of the small sec. rfons. A motor Is provided to revolve | the knives, and the same DOWer runs | the endless elevator which projects up. ‘ward from the centre of the car. Di- rectly beneath the upper etd of this elevator the roof takes the shape of the etter A, with the lower ends project. ing over either side of the car. In se tion the flaring mouth of the plow scoops in the spow, while the revoly- {ug knives mince it fine and drive it back to the elevator. Here it is lifted and falls on the sides of the slanting a Tool, passing thence to the ground on | either side of the track. A turret above the knives affords a bousing for the controlling motors and the operator wio hax charge of the machine. The { inventor fs Katharine C. Munson. of Massachusetts, mg pe Avnther Marcont Patent. A patent bas been reesutly granted | tn England to William Marcon, cover ing his fnvention of 4 portable signal ing apparatus designed for nee in war WIRELESS TELEGRAPHING AUTOMOBILE. tiloscoping tower, which ix intended for use in transmitting signals and cols Lapsed when the vehicle Is on the move. The accompanying diagram is from the Fagiish patent and shows the construction and the mode of opera- tion, Const Ellguette Preserved. Charles the Secoml cnee granted an atdience to the courtly Quaker Will fim Penn, who as was his custom entered the royal presence with his hat on. The hmmorous sovereign quietly laid aside his own, which covasioned Penn's inquiry: “Friend Charles, why dost thon remove thy Bat?” “lt ix the custom.” he repibed, “in this place for | ong person only tu remain covered, —- The Argapaul Metal wna iy still largely imported 3 driving wheel to a driven | wiwel without actual contact and with. out any mechanical wear and tear or poise resulting while the machinery ls in motion. The driving wheel is pro | vided with magnetic coils arranged | be long | Can you makes as great a : taned tramumitters and recsivers re sponding onlvr to one and anciler as | : + Kis cup. and. noticing the wate of Yale loeks can his cup. 4a tielnn n. ‘their proper Keys?” vet say how great the range is. Sat it independent of wll the others “Nn ¥ Russia fram Germany, though the | United Cratey fs pevrme « sieag com TION TO BE IN GPERATION —— vr | Wiretem Telography Facts Obtained fn Faterseting Intmrvivw With tne rile Hant Youag Inventor — Messswes May = even Sepang the Be Trawsmitted from Oceans te Ocean. | Garrett P. Serviss the write: on {sclentific subjects. had an interview with Mr. Marcon! and made doubly | | clear the conviction (hat he was not {deceived about those signals trans mitted from “So thers iv no question sbout the | result of the ments Esgland to Newfound. Newfoundland expert -y Neg 2 TANG we may axpect to ses your sys tem of transatlantic sigoalling in com mercial operation soon?’ °f hone sa I am going to England to arrange fur i machinery fy employing magnetic Tines of force. The inventor states that he it as won ps | TAR Bel away 7 “Can you say how long a time will . elapan Before attunl messages may be transmitted across the ocsan? Bot exactly, rangements.” Where will placed 7” Cod. on this side; in England and Brobably in Belgium. on the other gids “How abhont transmitting such mes : SAEYS from and oy points at a distance fromm 1h seacoast: do you think that | “1 think so. but more | can be done?” SXperiments puist first he trial We Go not yet know ail the duta of the problem. But [ think eventually it can be done” Nou mean that when the system is perfected a message might be sent for lnstance. from St. Petersburg or some point in the heart of Europe 44 rect through the air to New York without ‘being interrupted and with | out the nse of suv relays” “Neos 1 think it possibly that that may be dome : “How about the transcontinental business? Do von intend fo rey to send | meskes uxy from New York to Qan Francisco?” ito that We have not yer gone far But ©} think ft might be dope: I do mot see any hmtposstbility in it” “Bo you think you could send = | wirrlosy message from the Atlantie to | the Pacific? “Yes But it would re | quire more Dower an over the ocean “Ch I cannot say yet as snoigh with our experiments —just how much mors I am not pre pared to say.” ; “There {5 ne difenlty thes ax to messages aorosy the widest povans. or joven all around the earth!” “Yo. the | | range of energy needed fs with'n casy | | practical reach. {100 times as much sumergy to sigoal | Beross the Atlantic as ft taken to run & single are light” It took, I think, abont “When your signals were sent { across the Athentic. did they go in the air or through the earth, or how?” "Thuy went through the sther “The other is sipposed {o interpens trate all substances as well as to A all space. But, practically aro there | not roasistances, ote. which would | make the waves chonge some particu. lar path in preference to others®™ "Yes, and | think the waves followed the curvature of the arth” : “In regard to the very important question of making the messages ox elusive, #0 that anybody might not pick them up and read them in their flight, what fs to be said? “They can | be made perfectly exclukive™ he re. plied. “hy having the traismitters and | receivers Wned In unison. Then only the properly tuned receiver van take the messages. and ail other reocsivers would get nothing.” disposal In taning the instruments? & manufacturer sour stations be “In Nova Scotia and st Cape | ron MARCONSS MARVELOUS INVENS | sorbing shell in the be sot . this alr above our od : the earth to some other | the moon? “Well. that a | axperiipenty so far made soem rate. but we cannot yet be sitogeth wure.” | obtaining the requisite wnergy to send | make of locks that will aspen nnly to “Well, T cannot warnid seam to ha very great. heosuse wa have milllona of wibratiors to choase fram, and even If it ware nee leet from, thousands of sich sets. such be made. had ten million vibraliops available thousand to diferent instramonts dependent sets of fnstruments Will you abandon thet uae of hitew | tell the time of day by winding in your later experiments “You, wa wha! use masta” A RAS “How high will the masts hava to be in sending messages between Cape . Cod ami England™ “About 150 feet i Messages hava from an elevation of anly two feet Deen gent 20 miles The distance increase as the square of the height of the masts. There i probably a slight absorption of the eg ergy in the atmoupbere, and it is nee. essary to make allowanee for that” “But, of course the height of the masts has nothing to do with the eur ature of the eaith, ting over intervening not at all” “And you messages aoross North America wita obstacles? AR rac. Sk Ad 4 oe AE | wa then wa couli make ten thousand in. o A% Bogitih Naturstier Tatuks Ne ) #tundy the Gubblor's Orton | Nelwin Wood, an English selesith hag mude a jifelong study of the nn | gumigs of birds and be thinks Belcan nee only understand what many of t fenthered craatures are saying, also express things to them “No. | they understand. He hay many But probably it will pot | It may take three or four | months to make the preliminary ar- esting things to tell sbout the | Mat hag met The ervatures of (he air. so he i talk Die least; turkeys, chickens and sich feathered crestures, as tl : nie dy very much talk the most. explanation of this ls satarsl The birds that do not fiy = ways in more danger and they many notes of warning. Ia among them, of course. as hisve bean with primitive man a3 expression of the simple Danger. hunger, warning. 3 one mud stich sensations are the first | tina expressed, ; To Ulmstrate the varions cally a turkey has, Mr. Wood oites a for overhead danger, another | . danger on the ground a third hawk ip the distance another plaint when being driven » call in open meadow from 1 bushes, a special signal at | well au 4 speetat Xing of note © ardinary conversation ; Chicketis BAve sven more mods expression. A ben has three Jisth Aongs, one when seeking her | smother for calling her mate oi | third for crooning to herself or § (ae hearvh for food. The pooster Bas several ites and Mr Wood says that those the ordinary person 4 wervos There is one. 8 low fine Hee whicl the rooster uses Li an a dark day when going © but when the rooster really 2 FRrTY on an extensive cone when lie mets another ¢ battle. It ranges all the way from a at chuckle which Hvites the ¢ feminine £roon a. means 1 ny a desive to retire. Perbiaps of all birds the } the most intelligent. People been aconstomed to think of | rot ax simply s mimic, but Mr. pretends to have known many actually understood the words K ware saying. One of his parrot fr always snluted him with “Good n ing” early in the day and night” in the evening The abiilty of crows to smell | powder a long distance off has always | heen spectel for them amd those who 2 + have studied the birds to any eft easily recognize varying caws | : ing fear, warning or affection, a he : case mmy be That birds are able wo expresy pleasure every one kopws The cheerful Hit of the songete nin only ine way in which they ; their joy of living in such s world i this OM ESE Fr A A How a Blind Man Can Tell ¥ Perhaps many people have he ; . that the lind man who plays the Me How grea: a range Ix there at your | sav afier day st Grandavimue | : i bridge Ess a watch in his pocket. | He variety of hy : bas & watch, and can tell time, | Yesterday a man dropped a | i in him for the time It was & gacer gue tion to ask, but he saw the watch lan wanted to know whether the hitod wis shinpiy pretending to be sight) YI think 1 can tell” said the Win man. He held it ap close to hislear and skiwily turoed the steme-wind anmary to have one thousand vibra ¥ tions covering the fel of each set of { seven, eight.” fnstroments. yet with millions to se | said: | up the watch tightly at 3 o'clock could | Suppose, for instance, we | utes past 4. i nea: CRs > afd we alltel them ly nets of one | ar 1 came to 1 two, three four, ve, six, he counted, and ¢ he “That means 72 minutes. [| wound “Tne, 30 the tirae ought fo he about 13 hin Here, look and see hoy His questioner looked, and the fi 415. He was only six minht “Do you mean to say that you css ap i your watch?’ “Not exactly, but I can come might oear i: usually within ten nm Lon, and {t's very easy, too. All you Have ty know is how long one click ia wi ing up will run the wate. I'll explain. Suppoase that at 3 o'clock | wind uplmy watch apkil it is Ueght as we say; {ha 8. until another turn of the er world apparently break a spring | At 5 o'clock | wind the watch again find that the winder clicks 12 tine | before the wateh is wound up tothe teh tha wap | Place where it sticks. Then I or with the get that 12 KRhOw clicks will run the wateh [120 ; minutes, ami that one click repress bhalinwe von coall sen) ; ent regard to such obstacles as the | Roeky Mountainw which rise 1% oe or 14080 feet alkive sea level? I think it can be done. er is requiredd over land than over You, pon, because thure is more absorption of anergy ™ "You will not stop with establishing : communication across the Atlantic? oh, no. Xk Bope not. © hope to gee g all over the world.” i the Int more pow. | 19 mingtes of time” tinel Milwaukee J AOR ans Sr ne ihe ini ena of the Birch. The cine should never be used anditary instrament of sch punishmmnt. A cane may p sitily “» ud i bring abemt irreparable Age, ) i caning on the hands is the most sels i aginable less and eruel form of punishment! im The birch is the best id | plement of punishment for small bi Firstly It hurts: secondly, if apn - in reason it does no harm. ~— y } Lancet.
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