and roll cal Louis Martha : McCormick and ; e O'Connor Handed, Down Many Decisions. Tt is now a Question as to. What Company What figs Been Transpirin at the Connty § Seat. FRYCKLUND. REFUSE D.. WILL BUILD THE ROAD. VIEWERS g The Well-Known Miners Boat Hotel was - 2 Avtarnsy iknnrat Juba Bly Has Tost A Number of New Road Views Ordered thy List: of Unfortumates—Patton war Mave - Whatesate Liauor Store for the | Firat Time tn ite History. : Se : O'Connor has been handing | thi Oun Warrinte Procosdings Against | | the Northern Cumbria Stree Peiirand Co. § Is Show Lanse d ngs have been i ris Quo WAFPANLO Process | ¥ 3 3 Padme Petitions Granted Application Made fur 5 New Tring in the ThamasBurkhar Cane Powis A sproved, ssa Court convened at Phonsburg on quar Hieenss deeigtony this institated by the © ‘ommanweaith of Monday with Judge he nie on the os of the COURIER will : » departure an lin tha nT: Cambria ace Rail: way Co, to show cause why it bolds a Leharter and certain franchises The i= case will be tried before Judge Weiss in the Dauphin softy Court on the. . 3 15h inet. Affidavits in the case filed by the ate iprothonotary’a office of Dauphin (county set forth that on July Sista ou | charter was granted by the state de. w partment to the Northern Cambria Brest Railway Co. and later develop: | ii ments showed that the persons recely. ing the charter had made application win the same name as another corpora. 11 | tion which had filed He application Ww ng of of teres applion i conse i Bxed for r. before the Best Toss | j ote. must be fied one ary, and all ast be flied February, , Pini and Magee | i F CARROLLTOWN, dl Edward A MeConvills, Main sont, 3 L.J. Burk ronson 6 Gallitzin borough, i Main street, retail. i GRANTED, corer Fifth and Lang avenae, Cen-. w i Weakland and M. I Ryan, Ma. Bee avenue, wholesale. © HASTINGS, : John resco, Commeraial Noted, retail g | Grier tile, New Central, retail. 2d Sesoud + avenue, retail. deli h Beaver stroet, retail. ‘ner Joleman street and Fourth ave ah CARROLL TOWNSHIP, George Cc. - Divers, Bakerton, retail. BARNESBORG ¥ : form d. Bongher and EJ Bearer. Caro- | N eakland, Philadelphia avenue red aver ge, : soqUEANNA TowstmIr. CONTINUED ¢ ox PAGE Sh 7 ¥ some weeks previously. gt that the fest company coviplied with counter petitions, ; before the | 2 feneral it Is not entitied, state department, who will be obliged Ito explain how the error coonrred, .{W. H. Denlinger, of Patton; F. Lantz Boyder, of Kylertown, J E Heading | | Palmer, of Corning, N. Y.; Fred G. (was given as §18.000, divided into 380 jd with 30 shares i Barnesboro. In is stated the law in every Pea 2, paid ite bons 3 of $509 in cash, and that thee mpplica. tion was signed by the permins thea seven comprising the emp ivy. The second company received the! charter, but seonrding to atbirney Gen- eral Kikin's statement had not fully complied with the law. That the Restos fn the application wore written | by the same person and the ten per tof the capital stock required by | law wis not paid In cash as required. | By reason of these irregularities the | And franchises and has a charter to Cwihicn io the opinion of the sitomey | The cae will take into Cotter a pom (connty, slong with the clerks of the | At the state department the records show that two charters were | granted, and that the franchises differ an © the streets and suburban routes, but are ¥ ee | sill in name. The application for L | the charter which was granted on July ¢, | Blat. referred to in the afdavic filed, | : was signed by the following: W. H. Sandford, BE C. Brown and of Morrisdale, A. E. Patton of Cur. , | wenmville, Hon. Jan Kerr of Clearfield, | 14. A. Sweigard of Philadelphia, A. G. Harder, of Harrisburg, Hon. Frank OG. Harris, of Clearfield, and T. Stewart at Saltsburg. Capitalization shares, each incorporator being ered]. The first application was sde July | 24 by the Northern Cambria Street Railway Co. and the Incorporstors named were Floventine H. Barker and George | M. Wentz of Ebensbarg, W.H 8 i | Denlinger, of Patton, H. F. Bigler and | IP G. Bentz, of Clearfield; Rembrandt |B. Pealof Lock Haven, J. H Allport,of | Hastings, and Thomas Barnes, of The capital stock was $128,000, divided into 2.520 shares at (850 ench. The company proposed to run its trolly Une from Patton to Hast ings to Spangler, to Carrolllown and back to Patton, a circuit of 20 miles, As far as the residents of this section are concerned the result of the soit is a ‘want is for the line to be built, and ; Shat a8 soon as possible. Rev. Radelire haan Resigned. A congregational meeting was held in | the Baptist church on Monday evening to consider the advisability of accept | Ing the resignation of Bev. John BE | Radeliffe as pastor of the church. Me | . Badaliffe bas been in ii health for sone | time and felt that he was gnable to per- | the pastoral duties any longer. it bad been Boped that he would be ‘able to continge, but when the fact | Wis patent that this was impossible his resignation was reloctently soe eepied. Rev. Radelitfe is beid in the highest esteem by the people of 41 de | mominations and his resignation and the cansts leading to it wre sioeepuly regretted. A new pastor will be culled iin the near fatare, —Deo you want five peintiog at the inion os Then let the Pat- ton Counter do your job work. Best and Shenpet, = : ; 4 was alleged be cot the Hoe en corner second company is enjoying the rights conned, lato of Sasquehanna township, 3 for an order to sell the real satate, Ores bor of prominent residents of Cambria et al, Susquehanna township, $1,500 ahi were to tolerate no sambling in he respective bailiwioky and that dice bo es and the nickle in the slot machin, "in the bar rooms were to be ding © with at once. “A kick is as good as a wink to : | torn, Reveral’s department in the blind male, "and the hotel men prompt. : ¥e p Iv removed the offenwive parapher and the corner on five-cent pices hs [been broken, In a cass of maliclons ‘isch Brought by Lous Burkhart against ‘Jacob Thomas for cutting Hie treo, the Jory found the defendant gail: e e Price will be 4 or 9 Dollars fess than the tai home-made suits, customers. “he Prices will range from $13.00 to $20.00. Hoth reside in Elder township. Thomas Bought the timber on a tect of la owned by Burkhart and in felling roa marking the division lane of oth ewes. Appliention Wik made for ov tind, Petition far appoltment of viewers w view and lay out a public rosd lead ing from Mitchell's mines to St Bonde fects in Eider township: James Camp. ihell, Anthony Miritbmatior and Jose ‘A. Gray appointed. Petition of Henry J. Litainger, ad J ministeutor of Mary Elizabeth ~ late of Clearfield township, deceased, for discharge; granted, Petition of heirs of Henry Miler, ds jder of sale granted to Augustine Mil ler, exesutor; bond in the sum of $1 000 approved and filed. 3 Petition of James J. Thooias, exe suitor of John Schabacker, AO _ Bond of M. 3 . Haney, goin] _ Report of viewers appointed to view | site for publie road in Clearfield town" ship. Petition of Jennie M. Notley fora role on (i. W. Lioyd et al., heirs of (3. W. Lloyd, deceased, late of Snsqoe. | “hanna township, to bring an action of jectment for certain land in Susque- hanna township. Same on part of I. BE Nutley. : Petition of citizens of the borough of Hastings and the township of Elder for appointment of viewers to view and lay out a road from the borough of Hastings to a point in the township | i of Eider, on road leading from Mitch. | eit's Mines to Se. Boniface. ; TRANSACTIONS " mary a Properiies is This Eod of the County That {Uheageit Hands Recently, Nicholas Nagle et ux to Uriah Lloyd i William F. Biter et ux to James Biter, Loretto borough, §1. Mary Tessame ef al to Hortense : ck, Spangler street secondary consideration: what they Papon, Carroll township, $200. = be E. Will Greene et ux to Joseph E.| Parnell et al, Patton borough, $400, : Frank Sebo et nx to Philip Bender, | ' Barnesboro, £55. Spangler Improvement company to: Michael Mahalick, Spangler, $30. Thomas Baroes ot al to Joseph Bes. lise, Baraesboro, $50. ¥. 8. Barker of al to John C chensburg, $550. W. C, Bell ot ux to Margaret Burns, | Blandburg. £25 i Thomas Barnes ef al to Joh Hub chi “son, Barnesboro, $50, Thomas Barnes ef ux to Harry Henry, North Barnesboro, $50. M. OC. Westover ef ux to Frank Baker, Susquehanna township, $2.00 Svivester Eekenrode ef ux et al oe Angustine Stritimatter, Carroll town. ip $700 Sandeline Gutwalt eof ux to Jue ob! Keffer, Carroll township, $18.60 Charles Huber to Frank lospart, Hastings, #2 Cea Jones, AI amas Whose Cours a are you roading? la promised future. “fake” Seringe: attend a si Fr Ba a oN DN SR EE ane ¢ have our SPRING HATS, SHIRTS, and of ay “ON TC PY $350 Shoe is $5 00 worth. All the new styles aml leathers. OR THE LATEST AND BEST C HERE. CASH-0 NE HE are charming 83 mbols of The love- {lest hoops that ever served as prophecies: of marriages are shown in our assortment of rings. We are prepared to meet every engagement mag- nificiently, as we have organ- ized a nrg that will not be broken. There is nothing in Rings not here, and nothing ‘either in F. ASHIONA BLE JEWELRY for that matter, or clocks, or w atches, or silverware. wi HAVE A FINE LINE OF SPECTACLES. Eyes eu tested by the: celebrated * Retinoscopl: Test” and glasses correctly | fitted. Lenses changed, froe of charge, at any time, in spectacles sold by me | that cost $2.00 and over. Teweler and Optician, Potion Pa. Bviinguish elentricity nor will “wind” make a sale successful. You can't make a successful sale from a lot of You've got to make it worth folks’ while to le before they'll attend it. The success our Sale of Odds and Ends In Men's and Boys Clothing is meeting with, sught to be enough proof of the wisdom ot taking advantage of it. Prices on Boys's Long pants suits have dwindled down to $3.98 and $s. a8. On furnishings we are giving special offerings. NEW SPRING STYLES in Hats and Shirts arrived ‘ahead of time-—but that don't say higher prices. Make your selection witile the stock is fresh. MIRKIN & KUSNER, Good Building.
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