The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, November 15, 1900, Image 1

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: and There by
* Reporter.
be that | of got | la
hon time. With ~ DEATHS RECORDED
The Grive Bespwr Again Reaches Ont His
: Fuvids,
¢ the middle of the ude
ving for the com.
reciires ons train crew
and two sections of a
hah in one section.
s much time in requited in
highly re
of Paton, at her
| hotne in thee west end of town Friday
Cab 30 o'oloek aged 32 years, after an
finesse of several wenke of typhoid
fever. Funeral servibis were cobs
dined Tuesday at 10 o ‘elosk in the
Baptist chureh by Bey. Duaver,
Psehich boris wax made in Fairview
s Eo Mes Emigh was a daaghbter of Mr,
: informed upon goot ‘and Mm Thos Cartwright, of this
W..P McBride, formely “place, and beshdes her parents bn aur
un Patton, is engaged vivid by a Dasband, an adopted daugh
y orchestra of 16 pleces ter snd severdd brothers gind stators,
of Music, ane of the The pall bisrers were members of Pate
Sh of Atlantic City. Lon Towdge No ae 1 O.0 F
ansician, and while [Deommscd was a loving wife
many friends who will | feiondiy neighbor, slwiays willing to do
more than ber share of work where
ie fires and death overtook a faratiy,
ed Erinn. and Ber demise wili nnle bw
¥ of Patton carne hy Ber reintive ow hat by the
es Morris Emigh,
apevted fad died
Mrs. Fmvaa Heilop.
b ; Mrs. Erma Helle died o
ri ow sh Poof her mother, Mrs Bun
Innes Whe tea Rvense Ratarday after
oh Tel
wi nf Mads
cou ; g Tarkey And, {of sever; xi Feria
$e Li
Fajey Aap
cand tery, of
Dy Ee
: Were Fiore Sah
Toenday RIL ROO
want ralwe SIRIBON,
ail at FH Kin
Fin i
he Wenig Changs. k
give a $1006 bill to
& made in the Patton
might snd only re
in herby no
Lil 1 Naerisiw
Mis Lillian VV. dang ghter of Me amd
Mm. John Tigton,
Ceonmnty, died In a
Neowristorwn Pa. Monday
pn rs. Miss ho Had spidle Bor home
| with hor deter. Mra J Fubem Parnvil
HE of
bewpital al
#4 0 oluduek
Yon Dave
spa Tue ahont
a td ©
whieh :
: hove
Be ation HET Ws
‘her. She was Hl about
when death called her from this world,
{The semmaing wore talon from Norrie
Lpawn to Dtahville, Clearfield county,
{ ees fanetal services ware held. yes
Mise 1 Hari ¥ Suiits was aged 2
yemrs, and survived by her parents
Land seven sisters. She was a model
young Jady, and while making ber
i home in Patton gained a large circle
{of friends Owing to the wo vers illness
of ber huashand, Mrs. Farnell was
yimable to dftend the bad sed rites
Fv Awipataied,
1 Fravk Sonafeit, a wellknown Fond
{dent of Galiitgin,
Altoona hospital Monday sight to re-
ceive treatment fbr serious injuries
| repeived ab the station of the Pennasyl
winia Railramd company thers teed for
eastbound trafic. It is not known
whether he wan frying to get on or off
No. 10 but he was picked op minus a
leg shortly after the train left Gallitzin,
The member was horribly crushed and
claims bis home Ww Detroit, says
that he saw the accident aad that Bon-
Pafeit was ip inser while try ing to board
ofthe tenis. He fainted in the Gallitain
tunnel, and the train crew had some
{ trouble bringing him to. Mr, Sonafeit
rented well at the Altoona Hospital
Tuesday. He ls aboot 50 years of age,
qu has been in the employ of the
| Pennsy fvanin railroad thers for a nom.
ber of year.
in Patios.
amt Men 0
who i pow
Otto, men of Mr.
— of near his place,
Llceated at Phitadeiphin, visited at
home and among tends in Patton th
xsl two weeks, (Otto's face 5 badly
jr from the resull of a gasoline
iy which oooursl on 4 Lda
"wre boat in that eity. HL sevans
ji lage gasoline tank had jus) been
cand In so doing some of ow
Otto started fo pal sore bilise
boat, it wi
IRs Ten
«1 wk Tl aralit
11 line of General aa dark in She Dott
had a lgleed haters,
which he phi shed wo £3tto pal see 9
“he was doing. That instant a tertioe
explosion resulted, setting fire to Mr
(Ana's clo hes He jumped ube
river thos saving his life.
| happened the 17th of September and
the injured man savs he is Tee ling fait
i tor now than be bas for severe’ “a,
1 He depsried for Philade!
Tew somites BE ui tt wt th
Catholic ehioreh colsbrated the
“Brand, a popalar young Inman
‘and Mey. John
ce ediek
‘of many handsome
Ling whes typhoid fever hid hold of
three works
wood Stock company,
wax admitted to the
A van named West, who
Risv Fatbor Bdwin, of 86
of Pat.
ton, and Miss Eva, daughter of Mr.
of Clearfield
Paesday morning ar 7
The attendants were Ame
brose Noel a brother of the bride and
Minn Tillie Noel, of Conipart,
The vooang couple repaired
home of the bride where a wedding
dinger was served. About thirty oe
cited guests were in attendance. Tha
bride and groom were the recipients
presents. Thay
expe to take pp the duties of honse
keeping in Patton in a fow week
mass, which nnited for life
Spanier Rll
John W. Spangie and Miss Felivitus,
daughter of Mr and Mrs. Enoch Shia!
ware quietly united in marriage Tans.
day morning at 8 o’elock. The attend.
ante wers Jacob Koontz amd Miss Mut.
bids hort a sister bride Both
young people are in Puts
ton and have a large circle of frends
wha wish them bon yovage theongh
af the
Pooh Sha < ) 4 rE
thelr married die A wedillag dinner
was served at the bome of tie bride,
atid the conteacting parties were
friends of many bavdsoms pease
Mr and Mr Spangle expect to take
up the doties of housekeeping in Pat
ton in oa few weeks
Another Contral Ofedal Hesligns
Nov 12 sontaios the following:
Bogut department of
waning divieon of the New York
fein Joracy hore dialed
T Ha
of apodber Fhe
sind aio of the pon
Bla year ans, st {ise
of { 3
fpr pepirent
z J $i 2
dat nied pl
¢ Barilding depart
spel FER TEN hig artisan. Ain
waver be roade Bie iad
matueday, bo
decision Fiftewn years agra Me, Dray
Edam bo Blas plac i fron Mlarris
; tion of maeiey
Cote Dosw roel railway
Hilin Ha
Wi A
ot Be Bias sine
hms 8 Wik in ai
pretaining to tow building and repair
big of tars of all description, arg was
» ¢
SX prion
wall liked by the men of that depart
JQ Bimeax, of Corning, for
meriy of this place, will auecesd Mr
Prravenstads and will have chuege of
the mechanic) part of the wo pi con
ipectedd with position. The
shop offer affairs will be managed by
f hares Poi Me Simookx has beep jo
Lhe RT
the smploy of the company for a nun
2, ber of years, and was located hore une
til the merging of the Fall Brook and
Beweh Creek. Sines that ane he has
Hed shurge of the repairing of passen.
ger coaches and the building of engine
cabs at the Corning shops.
Ar the Masings Oper Hose,
The coming attraction at the Hast.
ings Opera House is the famous Er.
which Opens &
three nights’ sugagement commencing
Nov. 18. On
night the comedy <drama, “Master and
Man,” will be prodoced together with
high-class speciaition between the acta
seamon, surrounded himself with an
exenlient company of fifteen people
and comes to Hastings with the
‘strongest dramatic company be has
esur organize] Monday evening
ladles will be admitted for te pro-
viding they secure their seals before 7
o’elovk off the first night's performance
at Dun Remer's restaurant. The prices
during the threes nights are 10
ami 36¢. The advance sale opens
Friday morning and it wosld ale
viable to serie your seals in advarioe
Providing Eloy Bell
Bishop Foss, presiding b 0
fot hinting
? Pert Saha
is. os |
Lo sneered Lin
for thie ruwilion
oi 1 Be anak i
abbareer, dud the
with approval
Tie Peel
ork enteral rear mid is
bes! at Je THE
of the
& faite LH parsant
boadesl vars have
Sum pany
ssw Ehe intention
put in wahre tracks and in a few davs
an additional switch engine will be pat
ta the
calls My
the pening
dimoaversd (hat any man,
Murriage Toes
ay L K.P Hall 1s Alleged
Have Been Elected,
COhrntbig Was Paar They Say that the
Preparals Ban Things In FI% Caudly in
a Manne:
That Wonid Shame Sothern
Philadelphia, Nov. 0 The
ington correspondent of the “Proes'
Cwives that © A. A. Ulearwaler,
Hidgway, will probably be (he next
congressman from the Twenty-sighth
district of Pepmyivanin. While J. K
Hall bas, on the foe of the rétarns,
a narrow majority,
diabtedly take tognizinoe of the means
by which this majority wis secared.
The basis for this predietion is infor
mation that hae just come to hand fresh
campaign committee's work this year
from the Twenty eighth district,
af the features of jhe
weak ita seeret service in districts where
it hadtovesd fend op intimidation would:
be practiced by the Demorrals
af the regions in which te operations
Twenty eigth
looted was the
ania, awd the particalar part
aadar snpvatiiibnoe was
K.P Hal and
stow Kaul are
of the bistrot
Kik connty where J
hia partoer, Jodge Ao
the peditioal Ringe
The detectives who
gaged in this work are beghaiing to
rebinpa te Whshingman with
aw well as sim thrillingly inter
pweran nal ox PrenDe
have heen
fate wh
esting feeitaln of
oy ¥
# peril
sar aront Wan in
thee detprtinve work
wwnaty, amd while
Ep fend it Bala
gx appeal Ray josh
the prediction al the
Suis gioning ¢ G fade ran
The tli whose ronl aame is of
bast. who, for
ter pariaiuiuy moment,
this parrative muy
Wilitams, about
davs prior to the election in Bik county.
another dee
work ai
Ha was
He a9 estan in
tg Mary's
Th oth HY LET IEA Ta
Fk anid one of the adjioent conntios
ape alii
sor pans by
fealiye hae
fiasco Ware
Sehr poriino
af lias
deat bored
where there are large ood
Mr. Willlasns is a professional
tive, who has seen a great dead
political side of his profession,
pesny employed in other dampaigus by
the Cotninilien
which will subsequently,
af Lhe
fare, of cre
be subjected to the test of © Xaminaiion
ander oath, tan be accepted ax Hects,
until they are disproven,
a tribunal whose sction will be final;
srovided, in the meantime, that Penn.
sylvania bs net deserted by those who
have heen ipstrpmental in perpetrat.
ing these frauds
We talk about corrupt elections in
the south, but they are nut in iv with
the Democrats ran the
the way
election for congressman in
Hall's county,’
{ams biantly this afternven. “The
‘Democrats of the South are not a hit
worse than some the Democrats of
: Elk
Manager Erwood has, this, the eighth
county. 1 was in the Twenty.
eighth district for about a week, and |
no ointter
who he was, could vote if he wanted
to, the only proviso being thal
should vate fur J. K. PP. Hall for con
gress. Elk county is bossed by Mr
Hall lust as New York is bossed by
Mr. roker.
vote me amd my partier al St
aithoagh we wers strangers
not vote because ty doing so wa would
Whiskey and
as Wier
made 0
arrangements were
Beenme law bhreaiiers,
ivy ble abreast
cant were
Beal pen
asl seh
Shitd van get gone five belore vou
viitend fie vilers wore
HRY aula, as BERRY
£ tor
wast Lgl
the mssing
wa the
wipty pagers at bh
Frese iu] sa
Liat 34d
sos Tse Ee
sienbies ERA
Beookton of
work wi
7 i HERE
Shar 1bowas al
most remarkable dire,
Brockton is {he lor the
three mining towns of Shawmut, Cart
right and Brockton, Each one of
these towns is controlled by a personal
C1 in his business to ses
with Bquire William A
copgross will one
guage, and voted them
helpless as children,
these re
i Fak
He was extremly
wieranees he disslossd BAYS aut orders for L400 freight oa
ard Shas
ad has
Hig statements them.
smi before
suid Decective Wille |
We did
representative of Congressman Hall,
and they do fost what they ate hidden
to do thers are enongh Iraudalent voles
[ honestly believe cast st this place
alone 1o give Mr. Clearwater his elec.
tion without going outside,
“The superintendent and gdneral
foreman of the Commercial company
at Shawmut is ostensibly a Republican, ¢
but is the confidential adeiser of Hall
that the voles
of Shuwmut are cast for Halll At
Brockton BR. A. Oartright in the boss
Met oy am his
“MoaCoy is judge of the election at
Brockton, and as shrewd a gentieman
as vou will meet in any county. It
was at Brockton that part of the Ital
jan contingant was voll. The work
ers ray men Hp to the polls who could
pot speak a word of English, and who
paald not read or write their own lan-
They were as
Same of these
mon, possihhy most of them, had nat.
uralisation papers, which they had se
pured in court at Ridgway. Not (me in
five of them vas entithsd to these japers
and their pataralizgation was obisipned
through frapd. Few of the entire
crowd had been in the conntry over
LW Vers
Wa were pepeatediy told
Bad to be sleited. 16 did pot
Firralie any
difference wha the man was or where
he came from, just so He voted fore Hall :
for congress and Kanl for jod
found some very good people ig
mut bat they were afraid of thei lives
It wis not safe in some of the Ble
wimitesl g/
arotnd at phrht wl Hall hntton
on If we Britian
were all right.)
Towns we far a fellow to
ithont a
si owes wo Hall
Filave i¥dere Foor TA Cars
Philadelphin, Nov. 14 The
syivanis Ralroad company Tuesday
whieh bua 400 sonteaeted Tor i ower
Toaesday a onder was distrtboted as fol
Levan: Go pondoln cars of 80 poands
faspaity fer the AHean Manofactaey
hie, 90
somipany, Philwleiphin: S80
ier to the Puliman company
Box ears of HED godnds eae
Burnes, & Bmith eompany, 1
sid To sdmiiar cars to the
bilida for
Car and Eagul pment compaiay,
Orders jor © 000 Ak caps, The
which have already been reiwived,
have not ve heen placed Last
the company placed fur 1,0¥
pressed stew! hopper coal cars of 11,0000
poands capacity with the Hehoen
Prossid Steal Car company, Pitlsinng.
Arn arier HH
AX clean towel fr sach onstainer at
Garfield's shop below Central Hotel
Call and see bing
section and
worked in the moar
ing to haunt saad whe
rap wing
Cte meas who wees Libel in
tow nnhiip. Gf
Swidey Seguros S000 Aeien
Secatae Hegtio,
5 frase
Fan il Mmvain Ms ites
The mabulacturs of fire bridk prom-
fwpe to be the leading industry in this
several big deals in fire
clay lands are sald to be in progress,
Clinton connty has within ts boarders
clay which will be
future and the
prohabijihy that several new fire
brick works will be erected soon either
in Liem HY or at Bosoh Uraeit
The Phi & Prose one morning
inst week the following
LM. Patterson, of this city, has
sap hme from the Tagaseootae Valley
Loni Lani Association, of Philadelphia,
its smitten Property, consisting of 5,000
acres. The land is located in the Cen
tre of the Clinton county fireclay and
coal bemin. Ao extensive fire hriek
operation will be cornmaenvesd ut ones.’
Mr Patterson is in Philadelphia, and
of aotives, contd not be seen 0 either
sr deny the port.
Fron. however, the
Foxgeeas Lorin negotiations
fap lithe land mssitionsl have been in
progress, and Mr Pallerson has no
doubt tide the porch ae stated,
immense beds of
Eiri wiped
REET a ed ch
A aruing.
Phret toute men named respective
sly, Motipsd, Dale and Hookaian, went
ont to Lick Huo last Friday to hunt
and ait went well until after they bad
were starts
F HicRainsn's gun
was aeditent : while Me.
i pangs The ball entered
! pansibg
secidental shapts
passed. © Thin
i taal to be
Rial Hw
satay the nan laanh avied
Cag Whe
vended 5 venile
ing nak ido
andthe Lorna waren
Lo i ok
Tay gt
Sw Mis Xi
Neen shes hat on
The Cin
mire i
Hip, in Sling
ii GE nels
woitind werd
haler aad
atiempting to
i breaking
Pig at
hey, do
doit, li :
andy. He wae festing
Alege 5355
inne y
Task cane oil fo
is 8
3 oil aE
TE Junie 00
says if
Big ara flee Hpasl
matupday in
geaves of
1795 in an
The graves
Sb rable wise overdeag oh
Cat (biiiy Lo mark he
Thos Van Doras and Jasob
srs nter With faeiians
of the hudian Brlders am in
We are showing
Woolen Underwear,
Flannel! Shirts,
Heavy Ca Ps,
ry . 5
This we can
Lome and see voursed if
Rubber Boots,
Felts and Rubbers,
Ean E
No Baa xp
vist DAY
aot pecans
: %
% Al: 3G
Reig (TONL.
The Keystone Clothiers
Directly Opposite the 5
& Shoe Dealers.